Home Fertilizers How interesting it is to keep a personal diary. Daily notes develop discipline. And what is a personal diary for?

How interesting it is to keep a personal diary. Daily notes develop discipline. And what is a personal diary for?

Diary- one of the most powerful famous instruments personal development. Although this is a simple tool, there is hardly anything to replace its impact. What gives keeping a diary we . And today we will consider the basic rules of its conduct.

There are only three rules and they are pretty simple.

1. Keep a diary regularly

Diaries are very different. And they turn them on for different purposes. But one condition is imperative for keeping any diary - to keep it. need regularly... Any communication with the Diary is an appeal to your Consciousness or Subconsciousness.

It can be difficult to get a path there at the beginning. But when a person constantly writes, it becomes easier for him and his path becomes more spacious and spacious. It's like a path in the forest. The more often and more they walk on it, the more comfortable and noticeable it is. But if you do not use it for a long time, then the path is overgrown and may disappear altogether.

Therefore, you need to set yourself a schedule and time for working with your Diary. How often you will refer to it is determined by the purposes for which you started your Diary.

It can be half an hour every evening. Then it is good to analyze the past day and make plans for tomorrow. It can be half an hour in the morning - then it is good to carry out introspection or work on technique. In addition, in the morning you can write down your dreams in the Diary if you use the method of active dreams. Or maybe you will only write in your Diary once a week. But even then it is important to do it regularly.

2. Keep mindful records

It makes no sense to simply keep a record and describe all the events that happened to you. Although there is a special type - that is very useful in a number of cases. But it is being conducted with a specific purpose. Maybe your descendants will be interested to know where you went, what you ate, but personally, this information will not give you anything.

The diary is kept for awareness and rethinking what happened to you. In other words, you retrieve your life experience, or rather, you crystallize all the most valuable that this day gave you, this or that event.

Rethinking allows you to understand yourself, your emotions, right and wrong reactions, to understand what needs to be done differently or better in the future.

But if at first it is difficult for you to comprehend what is happening so deeply, just start writing chronicles in order to develop the habit of writing regularly.

If you are planning with the Diary, then it is very important every evening. cross out ALL planned items: done and not done. It is imperative to do this - your day is over, you do not need to leave anything in the past.

Analyze those items that remained unfulfilled. If it was something important, reschedule them to another day. If the matter is not important, then cross it out without regret. Nothing in your life will change if you don't.

Just one such habit of daily planning will greatly increase the efficiency of your life.

3. Optimize your work

A diary is a tool that can greatly improve your progress in life and facilitate your path to success.

Therefore, try to use it as efficiently as possible. This will give you more powerful results.

  • Keep your diary in high-quality beautiful notebooks (notepads). The diary is a part of your I. And by choosing high-quality packaging, you show how much you respect and love yourself.
    • Number the pages and, if necessary, add content... Then it will be easy for you to find important things that will be useful to you later.
  • Important pieces highlight color, paragraph or something else. You can attach transparent bookmarks.
    • It is good to leave fields on which to make some notes, which will also make it easier for you to find the desired piece.
  • Sometimes a full spread of the notebook is allocated for each day. The current records are kept on the left side, Right side remains empty for now. After a month, you return to this day. Once again you look at the events that have taken place and see what has changed for you during this time, whether you have learned the necessary experience or have forgotten everything and again repeat the old mistakes. Return provides your rapid growth and deep analysis that allows you to see what is happening to you.
    • It is better to create separate sections for plans and goals. Your goals will remain unchanged for some time, but you will plan and cross out your plans every day (as mentioned above).
  • It is good to take stock for each week and month. To do this, you need to read what you wrote during this period and draw conclusions again.

Keeping a diary shows that you are serious about yourself and your life and are taking real steps to improve it. It can be difficult to explore your own life. But without this, you will not build your bright future. So be sure to take the time to keep your journal. Later we will consider what types of diaries are. But whatever you choose, you will still be amazed at the results you achieve.

Today, due to the development of technology, many do not remember that there used to be personal diaries that kept the secrets, secrets and desires of the owner.

Today, many people blog on the Internet, but everyone understands that the cherished little book with a personal one cannot be replaced even by a visited, in-demand blog.

Yes, personal diaries are a thing of the past for people. But there are people for whom keeping a personal diary is not a hobby or an interesting activity, but a way of life.

The most intimate is recorded in a personal diary, what you do not want to disclose to the public, what you want to keep forever in your memory and heart.

In keeping a diary, there are no boundaries, no rules. This is a display of the feelings, desires and souls of a person. Over the years, such a book reminds of the most important events life, preserves touching moments and experiences in memory.

In Western countries, psychologists are advised to start similar notebooks and books that absorb the mood of a person.

Keeping a journal helps you to understand your desires and aspirations, to better understand your own ego and to accept yourself as you are.

The Diary can be safely called an encyclopedia own life... By reading it, you will understand mistakes and omissions, learn to do the right thing and not make mistakes in the future.

In order for the book to cause such emotions in the future, it is worth keeping a personal diary correctly, reflecting in it the experiences, mood, details and subtleties of your life.

Note! The first step towards keeping a secret notebook is to choose the correct notebook. Beginners are better off starting with books with fewer pages.

Do not be afraid that you will not write them out. Life is diverse, joy gives way to sadness, and a smile to tears, so you will always have something to tell your paper friend.

Table: rules for maintaining a "paper friend"

Appearance To delight the book in the future, choose a beautiful notebook. It is worth paying attention to the density of the paper product.

The diary is intended to accompany you throughout your life, so it is better to buy a solid written book.

Registration You need to decorate the book with your own hands based on the hobbies and character of the person.
Information Write down all emotions and experiences in the book: from anger and unexpected outbursts of anger to unprecedented joy.

This will diversify the diary and make it thematically beautiful. Share your secret with him, because then this information will be needed for introspection.

Written visualization of emotions helps to find harmony, to correctly set priorities and goals in life.

Storage Keep the Paper Friend out of the reach of other family members. If you have a private room, it is best to place it under your pillow and refer to it as needed.
Frequency of reference Do not think that if you have such a notebook, you need to write something into it every day. The written information must come from the soul.

Leading is a desire to speak out and convey emotions, because many have no one to share either joy or sorrow with.

Therefore, for them, a personal notebook with experiences, fears and hobbies is just a godsend. Write down everything there, then you were amazed, conquered, delighted or worried.

It doesn't matter how often you write. The main thing is to pour out real emotions on paper, and not fiction about your life.

What to write You need to write down in a diary all the events that you want to keep in your memory. They are different for each person.

Many write about love stories, suffering and experiences. Others prefer to describe going to the theater, expressing their admiration for the world around them.

Confidentiality It is advisable to keep a diary alone. Only one-on-one with himself a person opens up and admits to himself that about which he was previously silent. You shouldn't tell anyone about keeping a book.

Ideas for a personal diary

What is the idea of ​​keeping a personal diary? This is the topic that this creation will be devoted to.

There are many ideas for doing such things, but most often girls start diaries for the following purposes:

  1. Imprinting important points in life.
  2. Writing down the goals you wish to achieve in the future.
  3. Description of desires.
  4. Recording the impressions of the watched theatrical scenes or movies.
  5. Capturing only joyful moments.
  6. Description of a love story.
  7. Writing down your favorite recipes.
  8. Description of emotions from travel.
  9. Writing inspirational quotes.

Important! More often than not, people create personal notebooks for the purpose of taking notes of their feelings, which do not show to other people.

Indeed, on the pages you can be weak and vulnerable, but in reality, not everyone can allow themselves to be like that.

Making a personal diary

As statistics show, girls are more inclined to trust their experiences with paper than boys. Therefore, in this article we will consider ideas for designing a personal diary for the fair sex.

First page. On home page display:

  • Desires.
  • Aspirations.
  • Description of the character.
  • Goals.
  • Portrait.
  • Temper.

Describe yourself, honestly admit to the diary what you want from life and write it on the main page so you never forget about it.

First page design:

  • If a notebook of secret desires is for a girl then draw with your own hands pictures in the form of cupids, hearts, butterflies or your favorite prints.

    You can cut out printouts from magazines or print pre-selected and favorite drawings on the printer.

    The design depends on the character and temperament of the girl. If he is calm, then arrange the book in soft pastel colors.

    If a girl has an explosive character, then in color range it does not hurt to add burgundy, red, gray or purple colors.

  • The book for girls is made out in a more tender, calm and a little childish style... It is recommended to draw sketches of your favorite cartoon characters or characters from a fairy tale or book.

    A personal diary for a little girl should be full of beautiful and bright drawings.

Cover. To make the diary cool, unique and beautiful, you need to make a cover for it.

Ideas for making a case:

  • Crochet the book cover with threads.
  • Wrap your notebook in heavy, multi-colored paper.
  • Sew the fabric cover. This is the most practical option, because it can always be removed and washed if necessary.

The design of other pages. The answer to what to write in a notebook cannot be answered unequivocally.

But what can be drawn depends on the theme and idea of ​​the conceived paper creation:

  • Edition for recording love experiences. Fill the pages with heart designs, love arrows, and wedding rings.
  • A book designed to be written happy events and travel, should be decorated brightly and naturally. Draw the sun, sea, shells, mountains, people's smiles, cheerful faces, various thematic drawings.

Ideas for decorating other pages:

  1. A page with a secret inside. Cut out a small piece of paper and glue it onto the pages just by one edge, simulating a door. V secret place write a secret or desire.
  2. The book is an organizer. Cut out the side of the notebook pages by date to resemble an alphabetical notebook. This way you can always find an event by the date you need.

You can fill in the diary with such design techniques as:

  1. Scrapbooking. This is a technology of decoration with craft paper, twine, lace, satin ribbons, etc.
  2. Applique is a cut-out element glued to the paper with glue.
  3. Dudling - detailed painting on the cells of the abstraction page.
  4. Photo collage. The book will preserve the written memories of youth and photography, where the owner of this diary looks at ease, young and happy.
  5. Quilling - decoration with thin paper strips.
  6. Bonding rhinestones, stickers.

Understand yourself, understand own desires and the analysis of errors allows the constant keeping of a diary. When a lot of thoughts are collected in your head, it is best to splash them out on paper. By writing down the events that occur during the day in a personal diary, there is a unique opportunity to carefully analyze the mistakes, actions and deeds committed. We can draw a conclusion about how right you acted under the circumstances. In general, solid pluses.

10 Key Messages on the Importance of a Personal Diary

So, in order to understand why keep a diary and write down all your thoughts, actions and plans there, you should explore the main benefits of this activity.

  1. A personal diary allows you to achieve your goals.

    All plans or desires should be detailed on paper. Over time, an unrecorded goal can be forgotten, distracted by other activities, relegated to the background due to circumstances. And the recorded goal will definitely be firmly fixed in consciousness, becoming a guideline for movement in life. The brain begins to search for everything on its own possible ways achievement of the outlined plans. Some scientists compare this behavior of the brain to the work of an autopilot on an airplane. If you ask people who could not get the desired result, was their final goal on paper, they will say no. Conversely, many people who get their plans always write down their thoughts in a personal diary. Ask them why they should keep a journal, and you will hear a whole string of reasons. Writing desires on paper in most cases guarantees success.

  2. Promotes a conscious life.

    Recording their thoughts, remarks or observations in a diary every day, people get the opportunity after a while to look at themselves from the outside. This allows you to think about your lifestyle, analyze its correctness and your purposefulness. We can forget a lot, this is human nature. The diary will tell you. Are you living the way you previously wanted? Are you doing what you planned? Or are you "mired" in everyday problems, difficulties at work and do not at all strive for what you really wanted?

  3. Personal diary will keep ideas

    From time to time all people are visited. But if they are not written down on paper, they are lost and forgotten. To prevent this from happening to you, enter all ingenious thoughts in your diary. Even those ideas that seem unrealizable today can “shoot” tomorrow. You don't want to forget about them tomorrow, do you?

  4. Personal diary disciplines

    If you write down in a diary all the things that you plan to do in the near future, then the probability of their completion increases significantly. It’s not just that you don’t forget about them. You can distribute the tasks written in the diary according to the degree of importance for you, in the same place - develop a plan for their implementation.

  5. The diary teaches you to express your thoughts correctly and clearly

    If you are disciplined, get along with ideas and achieving goals, and still do not understand why keep a diary, what exactly this activity will give you, then you should pay attention to this point. Keeping a personal journal is a kind of story about the life of one person. You become a writer who improves his skills every day. This way of presenting thoughts motivates you to make your story better and more interesting.

  6. Lets learn from your mistakes

    Looking at the events and actions described in the diary, you can look at them from the other side. In this sense, the diary is a powerful transformational tool. You should use your experience in the future to avoid similar mistakes.

  7. Builds self-confidence

    The question of why many people keep diaries is very relevant today. Many of them become more self-confident over time, analyzing the past, changing the future, and understanding themselves. To do this, it is enough to open the notes made several years ago and read the recorded thoughts. it effective method to understand how much you have grown in a particular area, how much your attitude to certain issues has changed. And the analysis of a children's personal diary can not only charge you with energy and positive emotions after reading touching "problems", but also find an absolutely non-comical solution critical situations adulthood.

  8. Increases the efficiency of actions

    To understand why other people keep journals, try writing down all the experiences of the day for a month. After reading these notes after a while, you will notice how much wiser and more experienced you have become. Emotions splashed out on paper, ideas written down, goals laid out in stages in a personal diary help to structure life and act more effectively.

  9. Eliminates negative emotions

    It is no secret that all the positive thoughts written in the diary acquire special power. Thus, keeping a personal journal can help you to get rid of sadness, envy, or anger. If during the day you have accumulated a lot of worries, you should not throw them out on your loved ones. You just need to keep a personal diary and write down your thoughts there. Share your experiences with your diary, this will help not only avoid scandals, but also understand the problem.

  10. Personal diary - self-study guide

    Answer all your questions. If you decide to keep a personal diary, then try to concentrate on what is really of great value to you in life. It's no secret that the beginning of a personal diary rarely coincides with its middle. Your thoughts and goals change, become clearer. You develop, allow yourself to look at your life from the outside. Try to get the results you deserve. Teach yourself to live, think and feel correctly.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that any beginning of a personal diary is a modest attempt to write down your actions and plans on paper. But over time, this behavior will become a habit and the notes will become more sensual and meaningful. From trivial descriptions of events, you will move on to an in-depth analysis of situations. This will help in completely unexpected life situations... Try it.

Life goes away quickly. Today we are young and energetic, and waking up one day, we understand that the former "charge" is gone. Most important things are our experiences caused by certain events taking place in our life.

Don't let your life just go by like a flood of experiences that you won't remember. It's never too late to stop to grasp their meaning. Keeping a journal can help you with this.

Diary now so as not to forget later

Because life moves so fast, it is important to record how it goes. There are so many little things that happen to us every day that shape us as a person. Accounting for these experiences, how they occur, can show us how we arrived at important decisions in later life.

A diary for processing the senses

Another fun journaling practice is to process your emotions to help you move on in life. For example, if there is someone close who offended you, or it even happened that someone died, and you did not have a chance to tell them what you wanted. Writing in a journal a “letter” addressed to them instead of keeping the feelings inside of you can be a great thing to do to process your emotions.

It is not at all necessary to store such works. Some people write them for the sake of transferring their feelings from their heads to paper, in order to burn or destroy.

Diary of your successes

Another great thing to write in your journal is all of your progress. In the event of setbacks, it is nice to go back in time with notes and see that you are not a complete failure and that you have something to offer humanity. We can be very hard on ourselves, especially if we fail at something, feel that we are not understood by others, or do not live up to our own expectations. Having a detailed account of our successes helps to get out of the negative rut and move forward in life.

Diary to understand your mistakes

Keeping a diary of failure is just as important as keeping a diary of success. First, we can learn from our failures. It is insane to do the same and hope for a different result. Writing down your failures and learning from them is extremely important. This will prevent us from going crazy and making the same mistakes over and over.

Secondly, it is important to understand that we cannot all be amazing and amazing every second of every day. Understanding what you can and can't keep you balanced and realistic. It also gives permission to make mistakes sometimes without being extremely hard on yourself.

How to keep a diary

Now that you know the benefits of journaling, here are some tips on how to keep a journal.

Write at least once a week. Ideal, of course, if you take notes on a daily basis. You can even take a few small notes throughout the day. But if you write once a week, every week, then that's great.

To take notes, you can use special programs Day One type, normal text file or just a pen and paper. The classic option, of course, is a diary in the form of a beautiful notebook. If you don't want to write, you can make audio or video recordings. The cost of storage is getting cheaper and cheaper, so keeping your life story in audio or visual form is now more doable than ever. There is something special about getting your thoughts out loud. It may seem crazy to talk to yourself, but before giving up the idea, please at least is worth a try, especially if you don't like to sit and “creak” over text.

You have listened to a verbose analysis of events for a long time days gone by? You know, when the older generation tries to sort things out on the shelves, explaining who, what they thought, what they did, what came of it. Weren't you surprised that over time the assessment of facts and emotions sometimes changes beyond recognition? This is especially evident if you yourself took part in the events being analyzed. The fact is that such is the nature of man. Opinions change under the influence of new information, thoughts are erased, disappearing into oblivion. In order not to miss the invaluable experience, to keep the data on events in their original form, the idea of ​​keeping a diary appeared and took root. This is when people write down their fresh impressions, thoughts, ideas. This is a useful matter, sometimes extremely important. But not everyone knows how to keep a personal diary. And the rules are simple. Let's get to know them.

We select the "physical medium"

It is now customary to write down your thoughts “for general use,” that is, on the Internet. Not everyone will like this, and technically it is not always convenient. If thoughts concern only fleeting events, then you can upload them to the social network. But why should the innermost be exposed for public viewing? If you are curious about how to keep a personal journal, then start with goal setting. Answer yourself to the question of what it is for, what do you expect from it, want? An ordinary notebook will help to save emotional experiences, priceless impressions, exciting sensations. Most often they take a total of ninety-six sheets. And even with a hard cover. The diary is often kept to a ripe old age. So, the carrier is needed so that it will survive the crossings, floods and other shocks, not crumble into pieces of paper after a few years. People with a penchant for drawing purchase albums with thick covers. Only it is inconvenient to write in them. The notebook is much more practical. Psychologists have noticed that people live exactly the way they keep a personal diary. Someone messily makes notes only from time to time, his path is winding and thorny. Others try to regularly leave their thoughts on paper, such are prone to thoughtful decisions, a stable strategy.

How to start keeping a personal journal

From the first entry, the personality of the author begins to manifest itself. Some, not knowing how to keep a personal diary, talk about themselves. Even meet official biographies... There is nothing wrong with that. This is individual creativity. The most interesting, it seems, would be to state the reason why this notebook appeared in your life. Maybe after many years, re-reading the entry, you will begin to wonder at your thoughts or experiences. Creative personalities can put into the "epigraph" favorite poem or a stanza. Sometimes they just paint what is on the soul. It is recommended to definitely date this significant event... Then you will be interested in the period in which such an interesting idea matured. Although some people start and stop taking notes. It's OK. If you want to know how to properly keep a personal diary, then understand that this is not an obligation, but a "command of the heart." There are no strict canons. There is something that you personally like.

And what should I write in it?

Here are some tips. Regularity of entries is a personal matter.

It is recommended to create content that is interesting and meaningful. Most likely, a person interested in how to keep a personal diary, until he was internally mature enough to write it. The soul is not yet “asking for a pen”. People ready for self-expression, take a notebook and begin to set out, not particularly interested in other people's advice. But the thought process is good for the ability to develop. The desire and ability to express oneself, to analyze events can be acquired in practice. Therefore, to begin with, write down vivid impressions, thoughts. Some people try to detail exciting events. This is useful for understanding them correctly. Especially when it comes to feelings, subtle moments, extraordinary events. Style will come later, in the process. It is quite possible to change it. You are not test gathered to write, and realize the dictates of their soul.

Start with goal setting. For example, your decision to keep a journal is based on the desire to record thoughts so that you can later understand them. So, state not only what comes to mind, but also the circumstances under which it happens, which influenced you at that moment. It is important to describe how you see people with whom these thoughts came to you, naturally, if they are associated with them. Still does not interfere with sharing on its pages overall impression from books read, films or programs watched. Almost everything that comes into our field of vision during the day can become the topic of a new "post". After practicing, you yourself will be surprised at how eventful and exciting life is. Novice writers are encouraged to present what touched, excited, emphasizing the reason for such a reaction. This will help you to better understand yourself and the people around you.

A little about needlework

Some people are interested in how beautiful it is to keep a personal diary. Philosophy and psychology can be boring for creative people. They leave the analysis to those who are in the clouds. And they are looking for an interesting job for themselves. Here are the cards in their hands.

The diary can be made a real work of art. Naturally, it is recommended to design it in a style that especially touches you. For example, lovers of embroidery create a set of frames for a notebook. Charming creative process and an amazing result. You can argue, but most of entries in such a diary will be devoted to the beautiful. Nowadays many girls are engaged in beading. Why not create a cover using miniature beads. Each page can be decorated with a "monogram" of them. It will be beautiful and original. This is just one topic. And there are many of them. Based on your preferences. Maybe you don't want to write, but make collages in your diary. So who's in the way? The main thing is then not to forget what they meant!

Secret or not?

There is such an extremely delicate question. There are few people who are so open that they are ready to throw out any feeling on others. And they are unlikely to keep a diary. Others want to keep their records confidential. Therefore, the question of where to keep a personal diary sometimes rises squarely. There is only one advice: if you want to have a secret, do not share it with anyone. What two people know is known to the whole world, so the wisdom of the people says.

It is worth making the next recording alone. Firstly, so that no one distracts from thought. Secondly, in order to hide information from immodest eyes. You know, the literature describes the cases of keeping diaries using ciphers. Unlikely to an ordinary person like this. First, give birth to a thought, then encrypt it with a special key, then write it down in a notebook. It is difficult, however. Therefore, it is advisable just not to loom with your secret in front of those from whom you want to hide it. Until they suspect, they will not reveal the secret.

Relationship to records

Diary as a strict controller

Sometimes the recordings are made with the aim of "pulling oneself into a tight iron". It comes to mind very much purposeful people... Believe me, the one who quits what he started is unlikely to control himself. What can you write there in this case? Start with what exactly you want to achieve. For example, lose weight. Write down any rules and restrictions. Now all that remains is to state how you adhere to them, when and why you violated them.

Keeping your own journal is a fun and extremely rewarding process. Try it, you won't regret it, as the famous anecdote says. Good luck!

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