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Crossing fingers. Gestures around the world

The human body obeys certain biological laws, so speech and gestures are closely related. When communicating key role It is not the words that play, but the movements that accompany this or that phrase. Sometimes they are so predictable that one voice is enough to determine facial expressions and accompanying movements. This fact became known only towards the end of the twentieth century, when studies by behavioral scientists were published.

Currently, interest in sign language has increased significantly. Meanwhile, beginners often make a serious mistake - they single out one gesture and immediately draw conclusions, forgetting about hundreds of other things.

Nations differ from each other not only in culture and verbal language, but also by understanding the non-verbal. For different nations, the same gesture takes on several meanings, sometimes even opposite ones. Consider the well-known “Okay” gesture or circle, which is formed using the fingers. It emerged in the 19th century with the help of the American press, which promoted shortening titles by first letter.

There is no consensus on the history of this gesture. Some believe that it was formed as a contrast from the word knockout (English K.O.). Others say it's short for the state of Old Kinderhook, where American President Martin Van Buren was born.

In English-speaking circles, it is customary to perceive a circle of fingers as meaning “everything is fine.” However, if you show "OK" to the French, they will mistake it for the number zero; the Japanese will think about money; in Tunisia will be interpreted as a threat to life; and Brazilians will see a hint of homosexuality.

Thumb, which is raised up, also has several meanings. For example, in America and England, this is how it is customary to stop a taxi, and in Greece this position of the fingers means “Shut up.” So while preparing for your travels, don’t forget to learn common gestures to avoid awkward situations.

Other reasons influencing nonverbal signals

To understand sign language, you need to remember that individual gestures cannot be read. They can be compared to pieces of a mosaic - only the assembled pieces will show the picture. For example, scratching the back of the head means lying, but it is possible that the person is simply hot, restless or awkward.

Or in winter a man walks down the street with his head down and his arms crossed. This will be a sign that he is cold, not his critical attitude. On the other hand, if you see such a person in negotiations or an interview, then the first meaning will be correct. Accurate result gives environment, analysis of facial expressions and external signs vegetative nervous system, that is, all the pieces of the mosaic. Let's take a closer look at the gestures most often found in conversation:

  • palm movement;
  • pin-shaped position of the hands;
  • putting your hands behind your back;
  • handshake;
  • clasped fingers;
  • arms crossed on the chest.

Also, some of these gestures are exceptions and can be considered as an independent element.

Palm movement

Gesticulation with palms is a hidden and complex signal nonverbal communication, which can be analyzed separately from other gestures. When a person is frank, he unconsciously opens his palms partially or completely. This phenomenon only lasts a couple of seconds, so you need to carefully watch your hands. And, on the contrary, if he lies, he hides his hands or crosses them on his chest to feel more confident. If you deliberately open your palms and at the same time deceive, the body will react to the discrepancy between words and gestures - sweating will begin, the eyes will drop down and the lips will close tightly.

In addition to truth and lies, they are able to convey another meaning. When you are asked for something, look at the person's palms. Relaxed fingers and palm in an open position indicate goodwill and trust.

On the contrary, a lowered palm with outstretched fingers signals that a person feels his authority and puts himself in the role of a boss. However, you can not only observe your palms, but also use their properties to your advantage - in a normal conversation, gesture more with open palms, they will evoke a feeling of sincerity and will win over your interlocutors.

Spiral hand position

This gesture is often used by self-confident individuals and people in leadership positions. You can clearly see this by looking at photos of politicians on the Internet. There are two types of spire position: spire up and spire down.

  • The first version of the gesture is used when expressing an opinion or voicing ideas.
  • The second option shows that the person is listening carefully.

But in both cases, this gesture speaks of subordination and an “omniscient” position. It's interesting that successful women They use the second option in gestures, and both men. In itself, the spire-like position of the hands is considered a positive gesture, but if it is followed by a chain of negative gestures (crossing the arms on the chest or crossing one leg over the other leg), then it also becomes negative.

Putting your hands behind your back

Refers to the gestures of a confident person. When a person places his hands behind his back, he unconsciously exposes vulnerable parts of the body such as the neck, heart and stomach. This pose is usually taken by police officers, high ranks and bosses. You can benefit from this gesture: placing your hands behind your back in times of stress will help you feel confident and calm.

However, in a pose where the hands are placed behind the back, an additional gesture may appear that completely changes the picture. If a person wraps his fingers around his wrist and squeezes them tightly, then he feels angry or disappointed. The higher the area where the fingers wrap around the wrist, the more he experiences negative feelings and also loses control of himself.


When people greet through a handshake, they convey information about their character and predetermine the outcome of their meeting. There are three types of handshakes:

  • Superiority: During this handshake, the other person's hand is higher than yours and slightly turned palm down. At the same time, he tightly clasps your hand with his fingers. Such a greeting communicates that he is in control of the situation and feels his dominance. In 80% of handshakes, it is the people in power who extend their hand first.
  • Submission: differs from the first handshake in that your hand is now on top and his palm is in an open position. In this case, the other person unknowingly puts himself in the background, and you get the leading position.
  • Equality: with this handshake, there is a struggle between two leaders - both hands are in the same position, which evokes a feeling of respect and understanding.

However, you should not draw conclusions about a person until you take the circumstances into account. For example, musicians, actors, artists and other creative individuals do not like to shake hands tightly, since their hands help them earn a living. Perhaps, when meeting you, they will touch your hand with their fingertips and that will be enough for them. There are situations when a person has arthritis, then he is physically forced to lightly shake hands.

Fingers clasped

At first glance, it seems that this is a trusting and prepossessing gesture. But no, if you see someone’s hands with their fingers clasped, the person is feeling disappointed and angry. The closer your hands are to your face, the more negative emotions a person feels. In this state, he does not want to listen to anyone, and any contact will cause aggression.

Here you can use a little trick. For example, give him some object to hold (a piece of paper, a pen, a phone) so that he can unclench it. Then emotions will not be confirmed by gestures and the person will become more relaxed.

Arms crossed on chest

A universal gesture, something like a “defensive” pose that protects from the outside world. You can see him quite often in crowded places: at a bus stop, in a queue, on the metro or on a bus. A sense of personal security and an uncomfortable situation are the reasons for crossing your arms. In addition, a person crosses his arms over his chest when he disagrees with something.

If they nod in response to you, but keep “defense” with their hands, it means that the interlocutor is actually against what you are talking about.

In this case, you should find out the reason for his disagreement and win the person over with an open palms gesture.

Gesture imitation It is almost impossible to fake the signals that the body sends along with speech. For experienced liars, this takes years of practice, assuming they lie every day. Then their ability to harmonize with the body is dulled, and the body lives separately from words. A common person

He will immediately give away his lie through his movements.

If he comes forward with open palms and a charming smile, while experiencing negativity, his smile will turn into an asymmetrical one and his eyebrows will rise mockingly.

Highly paid fashion models are trained in the same way, because no program can change a photo with a stony face into a welcoming and lively one. Despite special training and practice, signals human body cannot diverge from words for long. Therefore, even professionals are not able to imitate gestures for more than a few minutes. So success awaits any person if he begins to learn to read body language and apply this knowledge to his advantage.

Superstitious people often cross their fingers in hopes of luck - before a difficult exam, an important interview or a fateful meeting. They use this gesture when they make a promise, even knowing that they will not keep it. Or when they lie, but want to somehow justify themselves.

The tradition of crossing fingers dates back to early Christianity and was used to help fugitive believers recognize each other during times of persecution. Later, a superstition arose that crossing one's fingers (an allusion to the Christian cross) would certainly save one from hell. In the 16th century, Londoners began using this gesture to ward off evil spirits. The British also crossed their fingers when someone coughed or sneezed.

A new study by scientists from University College in London proves that not all superstitions are unscientific. Turns out, Christian tradition helps confuse the brain and reduce pain. British researchers advise:

The next time you hit your fingers with a hammer, simply cross them.

The researchers believe their discovery will help patients suffering from chronic pain. According to Patrick Haggard, the work's leader, " painful sensations can be manipulated by moving some parts of the body in relation to others.”

The experiment was based on the famous trick of the Swedish doctor Thunberg. More than a hundred years ago, Thorsten Thunberg invented an illusion that causes a phantom sensation of pain. The trick was subsequently called the “grill illusion” and became extremely popular among young people.

The illusion is as follows: you need to take two containers - with warm and cold water, ask the participant to blindfold the eyes and lower his index and ring fingers into a warm liquid, and the middle one into a cold liquid.

After some time, the person will begin to feel a burning pain with his middle finger.

The same experiment can be repeated with sausages: you need to take cold and hot meat products and, alternating them with each other, carefully place them on the table. Then ask the participant to put his hand on the sausages and wait until he screams from sharp and unpleasant pain.

We feel the same pain when we put our hand in a snowdrift or expose our limbs, numb in the cold, to cool water. Painful sensations arise because the brain is deceived by the difference in temperature signals.

Scientists attached special equipment to the fingers of the experiment participants, creating a feeling of heat and cold. The principle of operation completely repeated the “illusion of the grill.” According to most participants, they experienced painful sensations. “This pain has nothing to do with tissue damage,” says Angela Marotta, one of the organizers of the experiment. “Pain is a perception that is only general outline associated with actual sensations,” says Giandomenico Yanneti, professor.

Researchers found that when participants crossed their middle finger with their ring or index finger, the sensation of pain disappeared.

Painful sensations returned only if the study authors cooled the subjects' ring and index fingers.

According to the authors of the study, human brain does not just receive temperature data. He, processing signals from each finger, uses their position in space, and not their location on the hand. Scientists believe that crossing your fingers will relieve not only phantom pain, but also real pain.

According to Patrick Haggard, more early studies found that in the sensation of pain important role plays into how the human brain imagines the body. An example is illusory pain that occurs in amputated limbs after surgery and goes away over time as the brain changes its image of the body.

Self improvement

What do crossed fingers mean?

June 19, 2016

Each of us wants luck to be his constant companion. There is an opinion that crossed fingers is one of the techniques to attract her into your life.

Good luck symbol

The question about the nature of this gesture and its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two fingers crossed is a guarantee of achieving their goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even feeling some moral satisfaction and peace of mind from the ritual.

An apt remark is that in this way luck will certainly not slip through your fingers. Still, a small obstacle has been created for her. Fingers crossed will keep her at bay. But it’s still interesting where such a unique tradition came from and what caused it.

Many rituals have long become habits and are used unconsciously. It is curious that from childhood many people begin to cross their fingers.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you involuntarily ask the question “Why and why am I doing this?” There is enough information in this topic to give a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is very ancient. Of course, a direct connection can be traced here with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, the same one on whom Jesus was crucified. Since the sign of the cross has been used since ancient times as protective symbol, it was also believed that crossed fingers could be equated to a wooden or metal crucifix, with the help of which demons, devils, all kinds of ailments and bad thoughts were warded off. First of all, it is a security symbol.

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This was especially true when Christianity was still developing, and wearing special signs on the neck was not so common. Also, since adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who were pursuing them, the crossed middle and ring fingers were a kind of password and a sign that a like-minded person was nearby.

They did not forget about this technique during the Middle Ages, when they also believed that with its help one could drive away demons and unholy spirits. In our time, when, in principle, many areas of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among other things, no longer carries with it the background of faith. If any are implied supernatural powers, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today, crossed fingers are believed to be a magnet for good luck and an enemy of the evil eye.


It is known that customs in different countries can vary greatly. The same applies to this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person’s words.

Having visited Vietnam, you can find out that in this way the residents of this country can make money serious problems, because the symbol is considered indecent and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female reproductive system. Once in Turkey or Greece, you can find out that this is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. For Icelanders, this is a way of remembering something forgotten. Residents of Denmark use this combination when they swear to something. There is a metaphor here that a promise is tied with a knot.

Of course, figuring out what crossed fingers mean in reality Western world, most often you can encounter meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in this case all plans should go smoothly. Who knows, maybe this is just a placebo effect that allows people to believe not so much in magical power gesture, as much as in one’s own strength, backed by some guarantees of the highest order.

The right combination

What should you do to ensure that luck does not run away from you, and that your dreams certainly turn into reality? You also need to be able to cross your fingers for luck correctly. Attracting positive energies is not such an easy task. Many, imbued with this issue, begin to be interested in which of the fingers should lie on top, and other similar details, which are given truly sacred meaning.

Again, if we go back to the original source, that is, Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who comes from Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is “ last supper", which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and his immediate circle.

His palm forms exactly the combination in question. Christ's index finger lies above the middle. It is believed that this arrangement is correct.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the one who uses such a maneuver. Here we're talking about about those situations when a person lies. In this way, he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, who supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers mean in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite far from human concepts. Where people are closer to their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistically as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations. P. Haggard says that a person can control his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. For this purpose, the movement of pulses must be initiated.

T. Thunberg, who devoted quite a lot of time to studying phantom pains, somewhat different from those that we feel during a blow or similar situations, also studied this issue in detail. Fundamental work was carried out, during which it was proven that with negative physical sensations You can cross your fingers and experience a significant improvement in your well-being. Thus, it becomes clear that this gesture is given a much more serious meaning than just a magnet for good luck.

It is used as a symbol of the national lottery in the UK, as well as in Ireland, Oregon, and Virginia (this sign is very common in other US states).

As they say, our life is in our hands, so all goals are realistic and achievable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who frequently come into contact with children may have noticed that children often unconsciously use this symbol. It immediately becomes interesting why and why the child crosses his fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if this is a pathology, if it means something bad. Child psychologists most often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. You should rather be happy for your child, because from a young age he has been practicing mudra number 20, practically doing yoga on his fingers. One can even conclude that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take in order to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are broken, and a person’s ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Children's wisdom

So in the situation described above, adults should rather learn from their children than wean them from a habit that many mistakenly begin to consider harmful, looking for a negative connotation in it. Sometimes children have more natural wisdom than us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and bright energy. It is worth following him on the path of contact with nature, while he follows you, learning all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to mudra number 20, you can get rid of a lot of harmful diseases. It is also useful in for preventive purposes for a cold. It is used at a time when complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, respiratory tract(at the top). Children cross their fingers quite often when they get a cold.

Worldwide distribution

This one sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, the success so desired by every person, good luck that brings necessary cards into the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors unknown to us also have a significant influence on the course of things.

It's important to come to right time to the right place, but first it is necessary that such a point exists at all. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation to your advantage. In any case, even if it does not have real power to influence circumstances, the confidence that a person feels is worth a lot; I understand that I have already made some contribution to my own business, in a certain way I have secured myself, putting an end to all empty doubts and uncertainty in to yourself. Moreover, it cannot be a coincidence that the sign was given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since ancient times.

Such similarities, as a rule, concern only those things and facts that have a real and material background.

Surprisingly, but true: superstitions and omens come true. Especially those in which a person believes or wants to believe.

This is how everyone wants to attract changeable luck into their lives and keep it around them for as long as possible. Luck is attracted by a horseshoe, coin, clover and other amulets.

Crossed fingers will also help you achieve what you want.

Crossed fingers are strong amulet. The history of this gesture dates back to early Christianity. Even then it had protective properties.

Celtic, Greek, solar, inverted, Orthodox, Lithuanian, St. Andrew's, red... The list could take a long time, but do you immediately understand that these are all varieties of the cross? This is what the crossed fingers symbolize.

The cross existed long before our era. His images were found during Stone Age excavations. And almost immediately it became a sacred sign. Already the ancient Egyptians used a mysterious and mystical sign in religion. Interesting: Egyptian god The sun was often depicted with rays-arms, each of which had a cross.

The sign has many meanings. The cross as a symbol of a man with outstretched arms, as a symbol of the four cardinal directions, the center of the universe. Today it is a symbol of Christianity and God's protection. Sign of the Cross sanctifies, protects from evil spirits.

Does luck keep slipping out of your hands? You can hold it by crossing your index and middle fingers. What do crossed fingers mean? - you ask.

Are crossed fingers a symbol of the cross?

Since ancient times, crossed fingers have symbolized the cross on which Christ was crucified. IN early period During the development of Christianity, this gesture was used as protection from evil. During the persecution of the Romans, the cross made of fingers was a kind of password for Christians; their co-religionists were recognized by it. In the Middle Ages, the gesture served as a talisman against evil spirits. Currently, the meaning of the gesture is not related to religion. Crossed fingers are used when you want to attract good luck and protect yourself from the evil eye.

Different meanings

But not everywhere. IN different countries this gesture is interpreted in different ways. “I’m not lying,” this sign said in Russia quite recently. In Vietnam, if you show your fingers crossed to another person, you will get into trouble. Here this gesture is offensive because it symbolizes the female genital organs. In Turkey and Greece, if the interlocutor shows crossed fingers, he wants to end friendly communication with him. Icelanders use this gesture when they have forgotten something and want to remember. In Denmark - when they take an oath. Crossing their fingers is like tying a promise in a knot.

The most common meaning of this gesture in the West is to attract good luck. Cross your fingers and everything works out.

How to attract good luck

How can you be sure not to let luck slip out of your hands? After all, fingers can be crossed in different ways. Middle finger can be located both above and below the index finger. As mentioned above, the history of the gesture goes back to the origins of Christianity. So in the painting of the Spanish artist Francisco Ribalt “The Last Supper” (1606) Jesus Christ is depicted. He raised his hand with his fingers crossed, his index finger positioned above his middle. This position of the fingers will attract good luck.

Fingers crossed behind your back

Another variation of the gesture, which also came to us from the West, is crossing the fingers behind the back. It is used when telling lies. By deceiving someone, a person protects himself from evil spirits. The cross will save you from punishment for lying.

Fingers crossed against pain

English scientists have proven that a gesture can protect not only from evil spirits, but also relieve severe pain. Research leader Patrick Haggard says pain can be controlled by moving one part in relation to another. Thorsten Thunberg's works, which explore phantom pain rather than real pain, have become the basis for research. Scientists have proven that crossing fingers relieves acute pain.

Good luck symbol

Over time, the gesture of crossed fingers has become not just a symbol of good luck, but a symbol of attracting it. This gesture is used for the logo of the National Lottery of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as for the Oregon Lottery and Virginia Lottery in the United States of America.

So fingers crossed for good luck will help you achieve what you want. After all, everything is in our hands.

We all have called luck to our side at least once in our lives. And they each did it using their own proven method. But since childhood we know that for good results you need to keep your luck close to you for a while. And how to do it? And again, from somewhere in my childhood memories comes the knowledge that I have to cross my fingers. Just cross two fingers: middle and index. It seemed that with this gesture we were holding luck by the tail.

So where did this gesture come from? And why does it symbolize the message of good luck and luck? It turns out that this was precisely the gesture - with two crossed fingers - that believers greeted each other during persecution. It was these crossed fingers that showed that they belonged here, there was nothing to be afraid of. This gesture symbolizes the cross, faith in God and his protection. Now we come to the most important thing... protection.

Remember how, when seeing you off on your journey, your mother always tried to cross you. Those. she placed you mentally, but sincerely, with maternal care, under HIS protection. She herself would happily protect you, but what if she’s not around?

With this simple gesture, with crossed fingers, we mentally protect ourselves. Protection from adversity and trouble. But this is already luck. And even in pagan times, people believed that where the cross appears, the spirit awakens. Whether he was good or evil is not so important; this spirit was called to help the one who put up the cross.

Now let's remember how children cross two fingers behind their backs when they lie. This is already the influence of watching American films, but this also happens in our lives. Why is the gesture of protection moved behind the back? It is believed that in this way the human image is turned over, i.e. at the same time, you can do things that you wouldn’t usually do. The spirit won't recognize you anyway. That's why he won't punish you for lying. Those. This is permission for yourself to behave incorrectly.

Remember how sometimes people try to cross the place where the black cat passed? Backward forward. So the crossed fingers behind the back have the same meaning.

One day, a friend of mine told me that her little son was crossing his fingers. She was then very surprised at this skill of his. And the doctor, a woman about 50 years old, said that children are very wise creatures. They heal themselves, protect themselves, protect themselves. They just do it the way their subconscious tells them - they make mudras with their fingers. Remember, this is yoga for the fingers. But in mudras, every gesture speaks, every gesture carries a certain protection. Some even heal.

So, no matter what happens in this world, everything makes sense. And very often this meaning is a little different from what we are used to thinking. And if crossed fingers help you keep your luck, don’t get lost, everything is in your hands.

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