Home Flowers How to properly call on your guardian angel and ask him for help. How angels help the Orthodox

How to properly call on your guardian angel and ask him for help. How angels help the Orthodox

How a Guardian Angel helps a person

The Guardian Angel is able to participate in all spheres of our lives; it is important for him that a person develops spiritually, and spiritual development can help improve the situation in all areas of human life. That is, the Angel’s task is not to directly make a person rich, healthy, successful, but to help him change so that he becomes rich, healthy and successful. Although he can also give direct advice like “go there, do this - and everything will be fine.” In any case, the Angel will not advise a person on anything that does not contribute to their common spiritual advancement. Any help from the Angel, even if it is related to purely material things, is intended to enrich inner world person. If a person needs material values ​​to improve, then the Angel will help acquire them. For example, in order to realize his inner potential, a person needs some tools that cost money. If the Angel is sure that, having received necessary tools, a person will begin to work, create, and thereby enrich his inner world, then he will tell the person how to get these tools. But often we strive for material benefits not in order to engage in creativity or fulfillment through them, but for sensual pleasure or even out of envy of wealthier acquaintances. And in this case, you should not expect help from the Angel.

An angel helps a person in many ways. For example, it can send signals that are felt by a person, like intuition, an inner voice. He can give instructions in a dream or through some people and circumstances. In each case, the Guardian Angel chooses the most convenient form of communication with a person. For some it is easier to communicate with a heavenly mentor through intuition, for others the advice of an Angel comes to them after much thought, as a result of communication with other people. You can unravel the Angel's messages by watching the developments of events around you. For example, you were going to the store, went out into the street, and you met a man with a torn bag, with a sad face, or, on the contrary, a joyful one, with a bouquet of flowers. If you learn to make predictions based on what surrounds you, who or what comes your way, then your Angel will be more active in instructing you in this way, directing people to meet you, silently telling you about your life.

Angels have countless ways to help a person. From the most famous – intuitive, to complete control over a person’s actions in moments of life-threatening situations. Although the Guardian Angel is always aware of what is happening with a person and is always ready to provide support, he still does not participate in our lives every minute. The angel only sets the direction for movement and helps a person at the most difficult stages of the path. If the Angel sees that a person copes with his tasks without his help, then he simply watches his ward.

People are accustomed to communicating with each other through sounds and gestures. This habit makes us inattentive to many other ways of communication. Often we expect that God will speak to us in words known to us, we expect that the Guardian Angel will convey to us God's will in some simple form familiar to us. But the Guardian Angel does not always act in this way. Not all people will believe their Angel if he simply tells them “change your profession and you will solve your problems,” “stop eating meat and you will become healthy.” It is important for an Angel that a person believes in the truth of his instructions, and the easiest thing for a person is to believe himself, his feelings, and trust his experience. Therefore, the Angel often gives him advice in such a way that he believes that he thought of it himself.

The person says: “I trust my intuition”, “An interesting thought came to my mind”, “I thought for a long time and decided...”, “My past experience tells me...”. If a person hears his Angel, that is, he intends to become better, it means that behind each of his phrases there is a Guardian Angel. Almost everything a person does, he does using the tips of his Angel. If a person believes in God and is ready to accept help from Above, then it is easier for his Guardian Angel to improve his life.

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To experience a miracle, you need the following:
You must know that you need him.
You must ask for it sincerely.
You must be ready to accept it.
And as soon as all this is observed, a miracle will appear.

Every person has a Guardian Angel, he is given to us at birth and accompanies us throughout our lives. The Guardian Angel drives away all misfortunes from us and in difficult moments calls on other angels to help us. He communicates with us every day, but for some reason we believe that this is our inner voice, intuition, instinct, etc. although in fact these are tips from the Guardian Angel.

How can you get your Guardian Angel to help you? Yes, very simple. It's enough just to ask him about it. The Guardian Angel is waiting for us to give him a task. They themselves never interfere in our affairs until we ourselves ask to do something.

Therefore, if you are in dire need of something or need help, ask the Guardian Angel for it, just remember, the Guardian Angel carries out only good deeds, he cannot harm or cause evil. Don’t expect that your wish will come true instantly, the Guardian Angel may have his own opinion on this matter and he himself decides when your wish should come true, be patient and your wish will definitely come true, unless, of course, you change your mind and wish that something the opposite.

Guardian Angels are endowed with limitless possibilities and if you want your Guardian Angel to become even stronger and help you as often as possible, for this you need to communicate with your Guardian Angel more often, thank him for his help, you don’t have to do it out loud, just contact to him mentally.
If you have something very important for you, turn to your Guardian Angel, ask him for help, ask him to be with you and guide you.
Take care of your Guardian Angel, they are gentle and vulnerable creatures. Angels don't like swear words, they generally don’t like it when they swear, don’t like tobacco smoke and can’t stand the smell of alcohol. They get sick from negative energy.

And of course, the Guardian Angel has a gender, if you are wondering what it is, your Guardian Angel, you can calculate it.

To determine the age of your Guardian Angel, you need to add the number of your birth + month, i.e., if my birthday is October 30, then my Guardian Angel is 40 years old and it will always be like that, angels do not age.

To determine the gender of your Guardian Angel you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth, for example, your date of birth is 10/30/1998, so we add 3+0+1+0+1+9+9+8=31 now we add the resulting numbers 3+1=4 If it works even number, that means your Guardian Angel is a boy, if the odd number is a girl, in our case it’s a boy, albeit forty years old.

The Guardian Angel, like you, has its own element. The element of your Guardian Angel is the second digit in your date of birth. That is, if the date of birth is the 30th, then the element number is 0, if it were just the 3rd number, then the number is 3. And then we look at the number we need below and use it to determine the element.

1 - Holiness. Beautiful face. Light halo. They say that the angels in most paintings were copied from them. Their invisible wings cover the whole world like a blanket. These are the kindest angels. They will never calmly watch how bad a person is. Be it their charges or other people. The “owners” of such angels are usually also very kind.

2 - Light. Light sunny angels with large white wings. If this angel kisses you on the cheek, then a freckle appears on that spot. Every freckle on your face is a kiss from a solar angel. He constantly wants to contact you: dream, appear in the mirror, send a sign.

3 - Air. An angel woven from air and wind, of vague outlines. The wings are large, but invisible. He is very carefree, often goes away, but if you ask him, he will smash himself into a cake to please the “master”!

4 - Wisdom. Angels of rare wisdom and intuition. This is often passed on to their owners. Typically, the “owners” of such angels succeed in their studies and careers. It is also important that these angels always manage to suggest the right decision or way out!

5 - Metal. Brave protective angels. Cold and strong wings. It usually comes when you're crying. The more tears you shed, the more painful it is for him, and the stronger he becomes. But this does not mean that he leaves you when you laugh, if you feel good, then he feels good too. Owners of such angels live a very long time.

6 - Rainbow. Bright angels with colorful wings like a butterfly. A real treasure. They play a wonderful flute and violin, dispelling any melancholy and boredom with their melody. Their students are bright, creative personalities.

7 - Energy. Change shapes and colors. The wings are the same. Clumps of energy depending on mood. Therefore, these are the most touchy angels. At the same time, they are loyal and always warn us through prophetic dreams.

8 - Man. No different in appearance from ordinary people. There are no wings. Usually, these angels are the souls of deceased relatives or acquaintances who loved you during life. Very caring angels. They follow their owner's heels and never leave them unattended.

9 - Warmth. Angels are optimists. Warm wings, fluffy and soft like a kitten's paw. These angels usually take the form of our friends or animals in order to be closer. They give their owners harmony and agreement.

0 - Fire. They are reborn like phoenixes, therefore invincible. Fire wings. They always want to help, in every little way. Nothing is impossible for them. The “owners” of such angels are always called lucky.

p.s. There is an opinion that

Firstly: angels are SPIRITUAL beings (everything around is material)

Secondly: they have no gender

Thirdly: they also have no age

Total: angels are created asexual serving spirits.

If you find it difficult to cope with difficulties on your own, turn to your Guardian Angel for help. He will definitely hear you if you do it right.

At birth, every person is protected higher powers. Guardian Angel, which is given to everyone at baptism, constantly protects and tries to protect and help. If a person does good and righteous deeds throughout his life, he may have not one, but several Guardian Angels.

Very often we have to struggle with problems that are difficult to solve on our own. If life has placed a lot of difficulties on you and it seems to you that troubles have attacked you, try turning to your heavenly patron. The site team has collected tips for you on how to correctly ask for help from the Guardian Angel so that your requests are heard and the answer is quick.

How to call upon your Guardian Angel and ask him for help

It is believed that during life a person can be under the protection of several heavenly mentors at once, and each of them plays a certain role. Therefore, you can call on your protector and ask him for help, but you need to know how to do it correctly.

To begin, take a piece of paper and write on it what you need. During illness, you can ask for health. If you are plagued by failures in life, ask for happiness and relief from troubles. If you are tormented by personal experiences, you can also describe your problem yourself, in your own words. You should not write a lot of text, describe only what really bothers you. After you have written down your request, close your eyes and say a short prayer:

“Because of grief and failure in life, I turn to you, my Guardian Angel. I ask you, hear about my request and help me. From birth you were given to me as my protector. Do not turn away from me in difficult times for me, come to me. Amen!".

After that, hide the piece of paper so that no one can see it. You should not expect an Angel to miraculously appear before you: his help will be unnoticeable, of course, if your words were sincere.

Talk to your Guardian Angel and he will help you

Your protector, sent from heaven, always hears your inner voice, knows your thoughts and everything you feel. Probably, every person in life has had a situation when there is no one to vent to and tell about their worries. Your Guardian Angel can not only help you, but also listen to you in Hard time.

In the evening, before going to bed, sit down, close your eyes and mentally imagine that your Angel is in front of you. After this say a prayer:

“My Guardian, given to me from birth, hear all my requests and experiences. Become my interlocutor, help me get rid of all troubles and misfortunes. The Lord God Himself sent you to me as my helper and protector, without violating his will, come to me in difficult times. Amen".

After these words, start talking about everything that worries you, or ask the heavenly messenger for help. Don't plan your speech in advance; it should be sincere.

Contact your Guardian Angel with miraculous prayer

Every believer knows what incredible power ordinary things can have. prayer appeal to the Saints. To make your heavenly protector hear your requests, try turning to him with strong prayer.

Take white tablecloth and cover the place where you are going to sit during prayer with it. Place a table nearby and place a picture of an Angel on it. Before saying your prayer, try to relax and take a few breaths. At this moment, you should imagine that you are in the place where you have always dreamed of being, and an Angel is approaching you. When you are next to him, say:

“Messenger of God and my protector. Help me, God’s servant (name), hear my requests and deliver me from life’s difficulties. I, a servant of God, have worshiped the Lord all my life, prayed to him and the Lady Mother of God. Now I turn to them and to you, sent to protect me. Always be by my side and help me in difficult times. Amen".

Say a prayer from a pure heart: you should feel that your Guardian is nearby and listening to you. After this, mentally begin to list everything you want to ask for, try to do it without rushing. Do not forget that only sincere appeals to the Saints can be heard.

From an early age, people have a close connection with their Guardian Angel. He protects us, helps us in difficult times, and sometimes even tells us what will happen to us in the future. If a lot of unusual things begin to happen in your life, do not be afraid: perhaps it is your protector who is giving you signs. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

If you find it difficult to cope with difficulties on your own, turn to your Guardian Angel for help. He will definitely hear you if you do it right.

At birth, every person is under the protection of higher powers. The Guardian Angel, which is given to everyone at baptism, constantly protects and tries to protect and help. If a person does good and righteous deeds throughout his life, he may have not one, but several Guardian Angels.

Very often we have to struggle with problems that are difficult to solve on our own. If life has placed a lot of difficulties on you and it seems to you that troubles have attacked you, try turning to your heavenly patron. We have collected tips for you on how to correctly ask for help from the Guardian Angel, so that your requests are heard and the answer is quick.

How to call upon your Guardian Angel and ask him for help

It is believed that during life a person can be under the protection of several heavenly mentors at once, and each of them plays a certain role. Therefore, you can call on your protector and ask him for help, but you need to know how to do it correctly.

To begin, take a piece of paper and write on it what you need. During illness, you can ask for health. If you are plagued by failures in life, ask for happiness and relief from troubles. If you are tormented by personal experiences, you can also describe your problem yourself, in your own words. You should not write a lot of text, describe only what really bothers you.

After you have written your request, close your eyes and say a short prayer:

“Because of grief and failure in life, I turn to you, my Guardian Angel. I ask you, hear about my request and help me. From birth you were given to me as my protector. Do not turn away from me in difficult times for me, come to me. Amen!".

After that, hide the piece of paper so that no one can see it. You should not expect an Angel to miraculously appear before you: his help will be unnoticeable, of course, if your words were sincere.

Talk to your Guardian Angel and he will help you

Your protector, sent from heaven, always hears your inner voice, knows your thoughts and everything you feel. Probably, every person in life has had a situation when there is no one to vent to and tell about their worries. Your Guardian Angel can not only help you, but also listen to you in difficult times.

In the evening, before going to bed, sit down, close your eyes and mentally imagine that your Angel is in front of you. After this say a prayer:

“My Guardian, given to me from birth, hear all my requests and experiences. Become my interlocutor, help me get rid of all troubles and misfortunes. The Lord God Himself sent you to me as my helper and protector, without violating his will, come to me in difficult times. Amen".

After these words, start talking about everything that worries you, or ask the heavenly messenger for help. Don't plan your speech in advance; it should be sincere.

Contact your Guardian Angel with miraculous prayer

Every believer knows what incredible power a simple prayerful appeal to the Saints can have. For your heavenly protector to hear your requests, try contacting him using strong prayer.

Take a white tablecloth and cover the place where you are going to sit during prayer. Place a table nearby and place a picture of an Angel on it. Before saying your prayer, try to relax and take a few breaths. At this moment, you should imagine that you are in the place where you have always dreamed of being, and an Angel is approaching you. When you are next to him, say:

“Messenger of God and my protector. Help me, God’s servant (name), hear my requests and deliver me from life’s difficulties. I, a servant of God, have worshiped the Lord all my life, prayed to him and the Lady Mother of God. Now I turn to them and to you, sent to protect me. Always be by my side and help me in difficult times. Amen".

Say a prayer from a pure heart: you should feel that your Guardian is nearby and listening to you. After this, mentally begin to list everything you want to ask for, try to do it without rushing. Do not forget that only sincere appeals to the Saints can be heard.

The Guardian Angel is able to participate in all areas of our lives; it is important for him that a person develops spiritually, and spiritual development can help improve the state of affairs in all areas of a person’s life. That is, the Angel’s task is not to directly make a person rich, healthy, successful, but to help him change so that he becomes rich, healthy and successful. Although he can also give direct advice like “go there, do this - and everything will be fine.” In any case, the Angel will not advise a person on anything that does not contribute to their overall spiritual advancement. Any help from the Angel, even if it is related to purely material things, has the goal of enriching a person’s inner world. If a person needs material values ​​to improve, then the Angel will help acquire them. For example, in order to realize his inner potential, a person needs some tools that cost money. If the Angel is sure that, having received the necessary tools, a person will begin to work, create, and thereby enrich his inner world, then he will tell the person how to get these tools. But often we strive for material wealth not in order to engage in creativity or fulfillment through them, but for sensual pleasure or even out of envy of wealthier acquaintances. And in this case, you should not expect help from the Angel.

An angel helps a person in many ways. For example, it can send signals that are felt by a person, like intuition, an inner voice. He can give instructions in a dream or through some people and circumstances. In each case, the Guardian Angel chooses the most convenient form of communication with a person. For some it is easier to communicate with a heavenly mentor through intuition, for others the advice of an Angel comes to them after much thought, as a result of communication with other people. You can unravel the Angel's messages by watching the developments of events around you. For example, you were going to the store, went out into the street, and you met a man with a torn bag, with a sad face, or, on the contrary, a joyful one, with a bouquet of flowers. If you learn to make predictions based on what surrounds you, who or what comes your way, then your Angel will be more active in instructing you in this way, directing people to meet you, silently telling you about your life.

Angels have countless ways to help a person. From the most famous – intuitive, to complete control over a person’s actions in moments of life-threatening situations. Although the Guardian Angel is always aware of what is happening with a person and is always ready to provide support, he still does not participate in our lives every minute. The angel only sets the direction for movement and helps a person at the most difficult stages of the path. If the Angel sees that a person copes with his tasks without his help, then he simply watches his ward.

People are accustomed to communicating with each other through sounds and gestures. This habit makes us inattentive to many other ways of communication. Often we expect that God will speak to us in words known to us, we expect that the Guardian Angel will convey to us God's will in some simple form familiar to us. But the Guardian Angel does not always act in this way. Not all people will believe their Angel if he simply tells them “change your profession and you will solve your problems,” “stop eating meat and you will become healthy.” It is important for an Angel that a person believes in the truth of his instructions, and the easiest thing for a person is to believe himself, his feelings, and trust his experience. Therefore, the Angel often gives him advice in such a way that he believes that he thought of it himself.

The person says: “I trust my intuition”, “An interesting thought came to my mind”, “I thought for a long time and decided...”, “My past experience tells me...”. If a person hears his Angel, that is, he intends to become better, it means that behind each of his phrases there is a Guardian Angel. Almost everything a person does, he does using the tips of his Angel. If a person believes in God and is ready to accept help from Above, then it is easier for his Guardian Angel to improve his life.

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