Home Flowers How to make an oscilloscope out of a computer. How to make an oscilloscope from a laptop with your own hands. Self powered option

How to make an oscilloscope out of a computer. How to make an oscilloscope from a laptop with your own hands. Self powered option

When translated into gas fuel the algorithm of the car engine is seriously rebuilt. With the development of each subsequent generation of gas-balloon equipment, a complete set of smart devices is provided, which exclude moments of incorrect engine operation.

For the same purposes, the 2nd generation HBO injector emulator is installed on cars with injection internal combustion engines. How important is this addition and is it really possible to make an HBO injector emulator with your own hands?

What is the function of an emulator?

The injector emulator is a smart electronic design that can fool the regular the electronic unit engine control.

After the forced disconnection of the petrol injectors from the fuel system, the ECU determines this as a malfunction. There is logic in this, since the "brains" of the block "do not know" that the gas-cylinder installation is being launched. The situation is perceived by standard electronics as a break in the main power supply to the gasoline injectors. The warning “check engine” is displayed on the electronic scoreboard. Engine operation is automatically switched to emergency mode. This negatively affects the functioning of all components of the power unit.

To avoid such stressful situation, a diagram for connecting the emulator of HBO injectors of the 2nd generation is introduced. The device imitates the functions of petrol injectors. But the fuel does not pass through the device, its task is to send the appropriate signal to the standard ECU.

The emulation starts from the moment the corresponding signal is received from the fuel switch. The 2nd generation HBO emulator contributes to the correct operation of the fuel system using alternative fuel.

A similar scheme is used only on injection vehicles when installing HBO of the 2nd generation (for example, on the VAZ 2112). For carburetor systems He's not needed. Subsequent gas equipment is produced with already built-in emulators.

With the help of the device, a certain time interval is set for the delay in the transition from gasoline fuel to gas-air mixture and vice versa. This period is different for each car model, but no more than 5 seconds. A smooth change of fuel prevents unstable operation of the system, the engine does not stall.

How to connect?

It will help you figure out how to connect the injector emulator circuit with detailed description. However, the injector electronics of the car is quite “delicate”, therefore, you should connect and configure the emulator yourself only if you have experience and knowledge. Otherwise, there is a danger that the electrical part of the vehicle will not work adequately.

To properly connect the HBO emulator, you should know that:

  • most petrol injectors have a resistance of 100 ohms, you need to make sure that specifications devices allow it to be used;
  • the connector of the device must match the model of the machine;
  • the number of cylinders that the device supports must correspond to the vehicle;
  • in order to connect the 2nd generation HBO injector emulator, you should study the diagram that is attached to the device kit;
  • connect the device with two cables, usually blue goes to "plus", black - to "minus";
  • the device is connected between the petrol injectors and the machine's ECU.

Installation and adjustment of the injector emulator for HBO 2nd generation are carried out simultaneously, otherwise there is a possibility of malfunctions.

Typical ones are as follows:

  • the ignition system does not work correctly;
  • the supply of gas fuel is stopped;
  • unstable operation of the engine idling with active HBO;
  • dips while driving or idling.

To avoid such problems, you need to contact specialists who know how to check the 2nd generation HBO injector emulator.

Which emulator is right for you?

The choice of device depends on the number of cylinders and the model of the car. In the general classification devices are divided into two groups: for European and Japanese brands. Cars have different connectors. The following example will show how to correctly understand the markings on the devices so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

The designation Stag 2-E4 stands for:

  • Stag - the name of the manufacturer (in this example, Polish);
  • 2 - for HBO 2nd generation;
  • E - for European cars;
  • 04 - the number of cylinders for which the injector emulator is designed.

If instead of "E" is "J", then the emulator is installed on Japanese cars. For European cars, the connector that comes with the device will not work.

As for the issue of homemade designs. There are home craftsmen who understand electronics and can solder the devices themselves according to the scheme. We need relays, diodes, a load resistance of 100 ohms, wires with connectors. Is it worth it to make life difficult? Ready-made devices are affordable, it is not difficult to find the right model. It is enough for the store manager to name the make and model of the car on gas.

If you do not equip the injector emulator with an injector emulator vehicle With gas equipment 2nd generation, you can miss a serious breakdown due to the constant ignoring of the “check engine” signal. You will have to check the car at the stand to find a malfunction or subsequently spend money on expensive repairs. AT this case savings won't work.

The operation of gas-cylinder equipment is only effective when all elements power plant are working properly. This can only provide a professional approach to business.

An oscilloscope is one of the key instruments in any radio engineering laboratory for industrial use, as well as in an ordinary radio workshop. This device can be used to diagnose faults. electronic circuits, as well as to debug their work when designing new devices. However, the price of such devices is very high, and not every radio amateur can afford to purchase such a thing. This article is devoted to the question of how to make There are many ways to manufacture such a device, but the basis is the same everywhere: a PC sound card serves as a board that will receive pulses, and a special adapter is attached to it. It serves to match the levels of the measured signals and the input of the computer's audio board.

Oscilloscope on a computer: software

One of the main elements of the mentioned device is a program that visualizes the measured pulses on the monitor. There is a huge selection of such software, but not all utilities work stably. Especially popular among radio amateurs is the Osci oscilloscope program, from the AudioTester kit. It has an interface that looks like a standard analog device, there is a grid on the screen that will allow you to measure the duration and amplitude of the signal. It is easy to use and has a number of additional features, which programs do not have this type. But each radio amateur will be able to choose the software that he likes best for work.

Technical details

So, in order to make an oscilloscope from a computer, you need to assemble a special attenuator (voltage divider) that can cover the widest possible range of the measured voltage. The second function of such an adapter is to protect the input port of the sound card from damage that can be caused by high level voltage. Most audio cards limit the input voltage to 1-2 volts. The oscilloscope from the computer has handicapped sound board. For budget cards, it ranges from 0.1Hz to 20kHz (sinusoidal signal). The lower voltage limit that can be measured is limited by the level of background and noise and is 1mV, and the upper limit is limited by the adapter parameters and can be several hundred volts.

Voltage divider device

An oscilloscope from a computer is very simple electric circuit. It contains only two zener diodes and three depends on the scale of the virtual oscilloscope used. This divider is designed for three different scales, with ratios of 1:1, 1:20 and 1:100. Accordingly, the device will have three inputs, each of which is connected to a resistor. The nominal resistance of the direct input resistor is 1MΩ. The common wire is connected through the reverse connection of two zener diodes. They are designed to protect sound card against overvoltage when the switch is in the "direct input" position. Capacitors can be connected in parallel with the resistors, they will equalize the amplitude-frequency component of the device.


Such a computer oscilloscope is not elegant, but a simple circuit design will allow you to achieve a wide range of measured voltage. The mentioned device will help in the repair of audio equipment or can be used as a training measuring device.

Quite often in recent times instead of making, for example, an oscilloscope from a computer, many people prefer to simply buy a digital USB oscilloscope. However, looking at the market, you can understand that in fact the cost of budget oscilloscopes starts at about $ 250. And more serious equipment does have a price several times higher.

It is for those people who are not satisfied with such a cost that it is more relevant to make an oscilloscope from a computer, especially since it allows you to solve a large number of tasks.

What should be used?

One of the best options is the Osci program, which has an interface similar to a standard oscilloscope: there is a standard grid on the screen, with which you can independently measure the duration, or the amplitude.

Among the shortcomings of this utility, it can be noted that it works somewhat unstable. In the course of its work, the program may sometimes freeze, and in order to reset it later, you will need to use a specialized Task Manager. However, all this is offset by the fact that the utility has a familiar interface, is quite convenient to use, and also differs quite a lot. large quantity functions that allow you to make a full-fledged oscilloscope from a computer.

On a note

It should be noted right away that these programs include a specialized low-frequency generator, but its use is highly discouraged, as it tries to completely independently regulate the operation of the audio card driver, which can cause irreversible sound muting. If you try to use it, make sure that you have your own restore point or the ability to make a backup operating system. Most the best option How to make an oscilloscope out of a computer with your own hands is to download a normal generator, which is located in the "Additional Materials".


Avangard is a domestic utility that does not have a standard and familiar measuring grid, and also has a screen that is too large for taking screenshots, but at the same time provides the ability to use the built-in amplitude voltmeter, as well as a frequency counter. This allows you to partially compensate for the disadvantages that were mentioned above.

Having made such an oscilloscope from a computer with your own hands, you may encounter the following: at low signal levels, both the frequency counter and the voltmeter can greatly distort the results, however, for beginner radio amateurs who are not used to perceiving diagrams in volts or milliseconds per division, this utility will quite acceptable. Her other useful feature is that it is possible to carry out a completely independent calibration of the two already existing scales of the built-in voltmeter.

How will it be used?

Since the input circuits of the audio card have a specialized coupling capacitor, the computer can only be used as an oscilloscope with a closed input. That is, only the variable component of the signal will be observed on the screen, however, with some skill, using these utilities, it will also be possible to measure the level of the constant component. This is quite relevant if, for example, the countdown time of the multimeter does not make it possible to fix a certain amplitude value of the voltage across the capacitor, which is charged through a large resistor.

The lower voltage limit is limited by the noise and background levels and is approximately 1 mV. The upper limit is limited only by the parameters of the divider and can even reach several hundred volts. The frequency range is directly limited by the capabilities of the audio card itself and for budget devices is approximately from 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz.

Of course, in this case, a relatively primitive device is considered. But if you do not have the opportunity, for example, to use a USB oscilloscope (prefix to a computer), then in this case its use is quite optimal.

Such a device can help you repair various audio equipment, and can also be used exclusively in educational purposes, especially if you add it virtual generator LF. In addition, the oscilloscope program for a computer will allow you to save a plot to illustrate certain material or for the purpose of posting it on the Internet.

Wiring diagram

If you need a prefix to a computer (an oscilloscope), then making it will be a little more difficult. On the this moment on the Internet you can find a fairly large number of different schemes for such devices, and to build, for example, a two-channel oscilloscope, you will need to duplicate them. The use of the second channel is often relevant if you need to compare two signals or if a set-top box to a computer (oscilloscope) will also be used with an external synchronization connection.

In the vast majority of cases, the circuits are extremely simple, but in this way you can independently provide a fairly wide range of voltages available for measurement, while using minimal amount radio components. In this case, the attenuator, which is built according to the classical scheme, would require you to use specialized high-megaohm resistors, and its input resistance would constantly change in the event of a range switch. For this reason, you would experience certain limitations in using standard oscilloscope cables, which are rated for an input impedance of no more than 1 mΩ.

We provide security

In order for the line input of the audio card to be protected from the possibility of accidental high voltage, specialized zener diodes can be installed in parallel.

With the help of resistors, you can limit the current of the zener diodes. For example, if you are going to use your computer oscilloscope (generator) to measure a voltage of about 1000 volts, then in this case you can use two one-watt or one two-watt resistor as a resistor. They differ among themselves not only in their power, but also in what voltage in them is the maximum allowable. It is also worth noting the fact that in this case you will also need a capacitor, the maximum allowable value for which is 1000 volts.


It is often necessary to initially look at the variable component of a relatively small amplitude, which, in this case, may differ in a rather large constant component. In this case, on the screen of an oscilloscope with a closed input, there may be a situation where you will not see anything but the variable component of the voltage.

Choosing voltage divider resistors

Due to the fact that quite often modern radio amateurs experience certain difficulties in order to find precision resistors, it often happens that you have to use standard devices wide application, which will need to be adjusted with maximum accuracy, since otherwise it will not work to make an oscilloscope from a computer.

High-precision resistors in the vast majority of cases are several times more expensive than conventional ones. At the same time, today they are most often sold at once in 100 pieces, and therefore their acquisition cannot always be called expedient.


In this case, each divider arm is made up of two resistors, one of which is constant, while the second is trimmer. The disadvantage of this option is its bulkiness, however, the accuracy is limited only by what available parameters the measuring device has.

We select resistors

The second option to make a computer in the role of an oscilloscope is to pick up pairs of resistors. Accuracy in this case is ensured due to the fact that pairs of resistors from two sets with a sufficiently large spread are used. The important thing here is to first make a careful measurement of all devices, and then choose pairs whose sum of resistances is the most suitable for the circuit you are performing.

It should be noted that this method was used in industrial scale in order to customize the divider resistors for the legendary TL-4 device. Before you make an oscilloscope from a computer with your own hands, you need to study the possible disadvantages of such a device. First of all, we can note the complexity, as well as the need to use a large number resistors. After all, the longer the list of devices you use, the higher the final accuracy of the measurements will be.

Resistor Fitting

It is worth noting that fitting resistors by removing part of the film is sometimes used today even in modern industry, that is, an oscilloscope is often made from a computer (USB or some other) in this way.

However, it should be noted right away that if you are going to adjust high-resistance resistors, then in this case the resistive film should in no case be cut through. The thing is that in such devices it is applied to a cylindrical surface in the form of a spiral, therefore, it is necessary to make a cut with extreme caution in order to exclude the possibility of breaking the chain.

If you make an oscilloscope from a computer with your own hands, then in order to adjust the resistors at home, you just need to use the simplest sandpaper "zero".

  1. Initially, the resistor, which has a known lower resistance, must be carefully removed protective layer paints.
  2. After that, you should solder the resistor to the ends, which will be glued to the multimeter. By performing careful movements with sandpaper, the resistance values ​​\u200b\u200bof the resistor are brought to a normal value.
  3. Now that the resistor has been finally adjusted, the cut must be covered with an additional layer of specialized protective varnish or glue.

At the moment, this method can be called the simplest and fastest, but at the same time it allows you to get good results, which makes it optimal for work at home.

What should be taken into account?

There are a few rules that you need to follow in any case if you are going to carry out such work:

  • The computer you are using without fail must be properly grounded.
  • Under no circumstances should you plug a ground wire into the outlet. It connects through a specialized line-in connector housing to the housing system block. In this case, regardless of whether you fall into zero or into phase, you will not have a short circuit.

In other words, only a wire connected to a resistor, which is located in the adapter circuit and has a rating of 1 megohm, can be plugged into the outlet. If you try to plug in the cable that connects to the case, then in almost all cases this leads to the most unpleasant consequences.

If you will use the Avangard oscilloscope, then in this case, during the calibration process, you should select the scale of the voltmeter "12.5". After you see the mains voltage on your screen, you will need to enter the value 311 into the calibration window. It is worth noting that the voltmeter should then show you a result in the form of 311 mV or close to it.

Among other things, do not forget that the voltage shape in modern electrical networks is different from sinusoidal, since today electrical appliances are produced with switching power supplies. It is for this reason that you will need to focus not just on the visible curve, but also on its sinusoidal continuation.

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