Home Perennial flowers Own cherry growing business. Growing garlic as a business: business plan, methods and technology features. Growing garlic on an industrial scale

Own cherry growing business. Growing garlic as a business: business plan, methods and technology features. Growing garlic on an industrial scale

In this article, we will consider growing garlic as a business: what are the benefits, how much you can earn, reviews successful entrepreneurs in this area and much more that will help a beginner to organize their plans.

What is it?

How does garlic cultivation differ from other farming directions? It is a great addition to sauces and meats.

Growing plants in itself is not difficult, but laborious only because you have to constantly monitor the object of production. Most often, it is advised to grow garlic in fairly small areas. This will better recoup the costs, both financial and physical, than the development of large territories.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Really small capital at the start.
  2. No need for specialized expensive equipment.
  3. The possibility of developing small areas.
  4. Simplicity in the technology of growing garlic.
  5. Little competition.
  6. The popularity of the plant among the population.
  • It is quite difficult to find a really responsible and high-quality supplier of sevka.
  • It is important to spend a lot of time monitoring soil conditions.
  • In addition, you will need to purchase the correct sandy loam soil, if one is not available.
  • Sometimes it is possible to overfulfill the plan, thereby getting problems with selling the surplus.
  • Big money you can't make money here.

A business project may not become the main option for earning money, but it will bring tangible financial assistance. In addition, it will be possible to leave surplus products for their own family.

Choosing a material for planting

When drawing up a business plan for self-cultivation of garlic, you first need to decide on the planting material. In modern farming, three types of material are distinguished, regardless of the growing conditions (greenhouse or in open ground):

  1. Garlic arrow- it has not very good indicators in terms of the timing of the yield - it will be possible to get the harvest only in two years. It has an extremely low cost, while it has a really small air bulb inside, which makes it possible to purchase this material less than any other.
  2. Sevok is an onion with one clove. From of this material later, large heads with several teeth appear.
  3. Clove - grows a head for the harvest.

The modern organization of the garlic business uses mainly the latter two materials, leaving the former as a reserve for future harvests. The purchase of cloves and sets is quite expensive, therefore materials from the PRC are often purchased, which are cheaper. If you do not want to lose quality at a low price, please land domestic materials.

We select the best grade

You may already be in the know, but the varieties of many plants for farming are divided into winter and ardent ones. Garlic is no exception. The former are needed for autumn plantings (around October), the latter for spring plantings (in April). Let's find best grade garlic for business, considering the most popular varieties for the Russian Federation and neighboring countries:

  • Lyubasha - boasts excellent frost tolerance, and is also not afraid of a lack of moisture. That is why it is often used in southern regions... Shelf life is 9 months. Differs in a truly high yield.
  • Gribovsky Jubilee is a variant of a winter variety that produces an average of 9-10 cloves. It is mid-season.
  • Ukrainian Violet and Ukrainian White - both varieties are suitable for both types. Although he doesn't give shooters, boasts big amount cloves. The mass of one clove sometimes reaches ten grams.
  • Komsomolets is a variety rich in pungency and richness of taste. It is also mid-season, gives arrows, comes out to grow a large onion of ten cloves.
  • Spas - the bulb is small here, but the variety itself is excellently resistant to various kinds of diseases such as nematodes and others.
  • Gulliver - refers to the late. Has a white flesh with a dense texture, it really has rich taste... The shelf life is about 7.5 months.
  • Sofievsky is another winter variety. Is different purple bulbs. Like Spas, he is not afraid of diseases like a nematode.


As a standard, the future entrepreneur chooses one of the legal forms for business registration: LLC, individual entrepreneur or peasant farm (peasant farm).

The latter organizations usually pay taxes on a specific agricultural single tax, for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, a tamed tax scheme is provided. When registering, do not forget to indicate the OKVED code. 01.13 - "Production of vegetables, fruits, crops for the production of drinks and spices" will suit you best.

We are establishing the technology of planting

Few budding farmers know how to properly plant garlic. You need to start breeding a plant with soil preparation. Typically, farmers use humus or compost to fertilize the land, however, remember that fresh manure is unacceptable.

After that, you need to sort the materials for planting. The head is divided into separate teeth. Those, in turn, are divided into different sized fractions. These fractions remain to be planted at a specific size-to-size distance from each other. The most advantageous location: small fractions - by 5 centimeters, medium - by 10 and large by 15 centimeters.

To increase profitability, it is worth using various herbicides and other auxiliary preparations that help protect plants from weeds.

We buy equipment

As mentioned earlier, do not really plant big sizes territory. Any growing of garlic in the open field or in a greenhouse will bring tangible income on 15-20 acres, besides, it is easier to process such territories with your own hands. In addition, small territories do not require the purchase of special equipment, but the inventory will still have to be purchased.

  1. Buder.
  2. Shovels.
  3. Rake.
  4. Hoes.
  5. Containers.
  6. Gloves and other little things.

Already with an increase in profits, it will be possible to rent and develop large plots of land. Only then is it worth spending money on agricultural machinery so that you no longer have to work manually. All you need is a tractor (preferably diesel), a seeder and a harvester on a trailer.

We establish sales channels

How much you can earn on selling garlic products depends on how well the distribution channels are established. It is more correct and profitable to sell goods directly to the client, and not to wholesalers-resellers.

The cost of a kilo of garlic will be sold at a price of about 100-150 rubles. But for this it is important to find your own place in the sales market, and this is difficult to do. Undoubtedly, there is a benefit in the case of sale to intermediaries between the manufacturer and the buyer, but it is much less.

Grocery stores, for example, buy a kilo of this product at a price of about 50-60 rubles, the difference is noticeable. Of course, it makes sense to walk around various points in search of a profitable option, listening to the feedback of other entrepreneurs. There is also an option to earn money by selling large supplies in bulk. Such things are often done by canneries and their purchase prices are even lower.

As a sample, you can download the ready-made one for free.

Profitability and start-up capital

As an example, let's take a fairly large plot of one hectare with a preliminary lease of agricultural machinery and the hiring of workers. Naturally, investments for less extensive areas look much less. The table for this business plan looks like this:

Expense line Cost amount, thousand rubles
1 Initial land lease 5
2 Agricultural equipment rental 75
3 Purchase of small inventory 30
4 Purchase of materials for sowing 380
5 Paperwork 10
6 Wage workers 40
7 Fertilizer purchase 10
8 Tax 10
9 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 570

It is easy to make sure that even using more expensive technology in your work, renting special equipment and by hiring workers, the owner gets the value start-up capital of this project, which is several times lower than the same cost for most other projects. After making sure of the ease of start, it is worth making sure whether it is profitable to open this enterprise at all.

From the above example, the owner gets a fairly large harvest. Depending on the type of materials, the correct care of the soil and other conditions, the yield figure jumps from 10 to 50 tons. Even selling goods to wholesalers, the entrepreneur will make a profit of about a million rubles, which will fully recoup all the start-up costs of the project. The profitability comes after the sale of the crop, that is, about 2-3 months after the start.

Video: growing garlic - profitable business.

A detailed manual for entrepreneurs who decide to start a garlic growing business. Important points- from registration to sales of products - and the secrets of the success of the future enterprise, which will help to earn about 600,000 rubles. from 1 hectare of land.

Growing garlic is one of the best ideas for small businesses. Such a culture is unpretentious, requires a minimum of attention and investment.

You can grow garlic even on a small personal plot and at the same time collect good harvest.

This business does not provide for the purchase of expensive agricultural machinery and the hiring of workers. All the work of planting, growing, collecting and storing garlic can be done independently.

From the information below, you can find out what advantages and disadvantages the described business has, how to choose planting material, a land plot, which variety of garlic is best for growing, when and how to harvest it, as well as how to properly store and sell the crop.

Pros and cons of growing garlic

To begin with, it is worth finding out what advantages and disadvantages the described business is fraught with.


  • Minimum start-up capital.
  • No agricultural machinery required.
  • You can grow garlic on 20 acres of land.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Small.
  • Good demand for garlic from the population.

One of the main advantages of such a business is that anyone who has a summer residence or Vacation home, - from school student to pensioner.


  • At the initial stage, a lot of time is spent looking for a reliable supplier of quality sets.
  • Like any crop, garlic requires soil fertilization, so you have to spend money on them.
  • When growing winter garlic sandy loam soil is required.
  • With high yields and the absence of regular customers, sales problems arise.

The disadvantages are insignificant, but they should still be taken into account when drawing up a business plan and further implementing the business.

Business investment

Despite all the simplicity and affordability of growing garlic, financial costs at the start are inevitable. However, they are minimal when compared to others.

As an example, conditional numbers will be taken.

So, the processing of the site will take about 6,000 rubles. This includes plowing and harrowing the land and preparing the seedling beds.

Sowing material for 20 acres will cost approximately 30,000 - 40,000 rubles. (200 kg at a price of up to 100 rubles per 1 kg.).

20 acres of land will require 8 tons of fertilizer - humus and peat. The cost of this will be at least 25,000 rubles. However, you must understand that this applies to growing crops on an industrial scale. For the same 20 acres, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced several times - the yield and quality will not suffer from this.

As for the storage location of the garlic, there can be two options:

  1. Organize it in an existing building on a suburban area.
  2. Build or prepare a crop storage facility.

In the latter case, the costs can be in the order of 30,000 rubles.

As a result, business costs, if we take the given figures, are 91,000 rubles.

However, 30,000 rubles can be subtracted from the result obtained. (if there is already a ready-made warehouse) and about 15,000 rubles. (if there is no need for a large number fertilizers). Accordingly, the sum is reduced to 46,000 rubles.

It is worth recalling that the figures were taken conditional. To get more exact result, it is necessary to analyze all financial parties, starting from the cost of seeding and fertilizers, ending with the arrangement of the warehouse.

How to register a business?

Since the garlic will be grown for further sale, such activities are subject to mandatory registration.

You can register as individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. The best option- SP.

To register, just go to tax office, submit an application and register yourself as an individual entrepreneur by 01.13.4. Taxation system STS 6%.

There are no special permits for this business. However, at the time of registration, it will be useful to additionally consult the SES, since the legislation is constantly changing.

Advice: You can start preparing land, buying and planting seedlings before registering a business with the tax office.

What kind of garlic to grow?

There are two main varieties of garlic: winter and spring.

Winter garlic

This variety is ideal for the described business. This garlic is very resistant to frost, has a high yield, large cloves and good taste. It is planted between September and October.

The highest yielding varieties of winter garlic are:

  • Lyubasha.
  • Ryazhsky.
  • Polessky.
  • Messidor (Dutch garlic).
  • Healer.
  • Autumn.
  • Pluto.
  • Gribovsky.
  • Garqua.
  • Saved.
  • Scythian.


This variety of garlic grows well only in the southern regions of Russia, as it has a negative attitude towards cold, snow and frost. Appropriately planted seedlings do not always give the expected yield. It is better to grow it for yourself and in the country.

The highest-yielding varieties of spring garlic:

  • Yelenovsky.
  • Kledor.
  • Flavor.

From the above, we can conclude that preference should be given to winter varieties of garlic, since they are best suited for growing for sale.

How not to miscalculate with planting material?

There are several types of garlic planting material:

  • Sevok or one-tooth is an onion with one clove. Differs in good productivity and a large number of cloves.
  • Aerial bulbs are arrow bulbs. It is grown as a planting material for the next year.
  • The clove of the head of a mature bulb is the first reproduction, or part of the head of garlic. One of the best seed materials.

When choosing a planting material, you need to pay attention to the head of garlic. If there are more than 4 cloves on it, including large ones, then the garlic is degenerate and will give a weak harvest.

Good planting material can be obtained from an air bulb. Sevok is grown from it, which sits again. The result will be good yields.

Regarding the first reproduction (the clove of the head of a mature bulb), it can be noted that this is also an excellent planting material. However, it is quite difficult to buy and is prone to various diseases reducing the final yield.

The best option for a business is the purchase of sevka. From it you can get not only a good harvest, but also seed for the next year.

Choice of land

The planting site should be well-drained and fertile, and well lit.

It is better to grow garlic in a greenhouse, as this will protect it from various harmful weather conditions. It will also make it possible to achieve good yields.

It is advisable not to lease land, as it is costly. Ideal if the suburban area is owned. Accordingly, such a business is suitable for those who live in a private house or who have a summer cottage.

Do you need agricultural machinery?

Agricultural machinery is not necessary for such a business. However, manual processing of a land plot often requires a lot of effort and time.

If the garlic is grown on an industrial scale, then the technology will certainly be needed. This is about:

  • cultivator;
  • mini tractor;
  • conveyors;
  • watering machine;
  • garlic picking machine.

All of the above equipment will cost at least 5,000,000 rubles. Not everyone will be able to allocate such an amount to launch such a business. Therefore, it is better to confine yourself to improvised inventory, which in total will cost about 20,000 rubles.

Garlic growing technology

Since it has already been mentioned above that the best variety of garlic for business is winter, then on its example the technology of growing from planting to collection and storage will be considered.

It is necessary to plant winter garlic 40 days before the first frost - that is, in late September or early October.

As planting material, medium and large bulbs are used, previously divided into cloves. If the bulb has 2-3 cloves, then it is not suitable for planting.

Advice: Every 3 years, the seed needs to be renewed, since using only cloves for propagation of garlic leads to serious illnesses reducing yields.

In the process of selecting the planting material, care must be taken to ensure that the top dry scales are not accidentally removed from the clove. If this happens, then the clove must be postponed, since planting it there is a risk of disease.

Preparing the soil is an obligatory step. The land for planting should preferably be located at a neutral level, be fertile and fertilized in advance. You can not plant garlic in a lowland, as water will constantly accumulate in it, and on a hill, since the winter wind will lead to freezing of the planted sets.

The beds are prepared 1 week before planting. The soil is dug up - the optimal depth is 25 cm. All possible weeds are removed from the site. After that, you need to add about 5 kg. humus. This includes 30 grams of superphosphate per 1 sq. m. and 20 g of potassium salt. At this stage, in no case should fresh manure be used.

The day before planting, ammonium nitrate must be added to the beds - 10 grams per 1 sq. m.

The ground is watered, and the bed is covered with a film.

You can only plant garlic after measuring the soil temperature. It should have an indicator of 13-15 ° C at a depth of 5 cm. The beds are leveled and there should be a distance of at least 20 cm between them. The garlic itself is planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Instillation depth of garlic:

  • Large denticles - 8-9 cm.
  • Medium teeth - 6-7 cm.

The planted garlic beds are sprinkled with a 5-centimeter layer of humus, sawdust and peat.

After planting, garlic should be weeded and fed regularly. How to do it correctly, you can learn from specialized literature.

You can harvest the finished crop in mid-August or the first half of September.

Before sending the garlic for storage, it must be thoroughly dried and cut. Best heads are postponed for the next planting, the rest are sent for storage and further sale.

To get more detailed information for growing garlic, we recommend contacting thematic forums or seek help from gardening literature.

Sales market

You can sell grown garlic in the following ways:

It is only the entrepreneur himself who decides how to sell the garlic. Since everything here depends on the scale of the business.

Profitability, or how much can you earn?

The calculations are pretty straightforward.

From 1 hectare and subject to all agricultural technologies of cultivation, you can get about 13 tons of garlic. Considering its cost in the region of 50 rubles / 1 kg. net profit will be approximately 600,000 rubles. This is an excellent indicator for such a business.

Naturally, with smaller areas, the amount will be much lower. Still, for a family business, this is a good result. Moreover, together with garlic, you can grow onions, carrots, herbs, vegetables and other crops for subsequent sale.

Agriculture, largely "thanks" to the crisis, began to develop actively. Already many entrepreneurs, realizing the promising direction, have launched their own business. Some areas will require an impressive cash infusion. But there are those that bring high profits with a minimum investment, take as an example at least the cultivation of garlic as a business.

Knowing the secrets of cultivating garlic, you can go to high level sales.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - from 5000 rubles.

Market saturation is medium.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

The garlic growing business is profitable for the following reasons:

  • You can even organize your own "plantation" at home.
  • Sales are stable as garlic is in demand in both summer and winter.
  • The competition is not high, as few farmers in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are engaged in growing garlic for sale.
  • Almost complete absence of investments in business, if you have your own land plot.
  • Planting maintenance is not difficult.

There is no shortage of garlic on the market, but wholesalers and private traders are always looking for reliable suppliers offering quality product at a lower price.

Growing garlic on an industrial scale will be profitable only if it becomes a kind of "addition" to an existing farm! But selling garlic alone will not make much money. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, be sure to calculate the yield of the crop and think over what other vegetables you can plant on the site.

Legal side of the issue

If you have planned to grow garlic at home for sale to friends and relatives, then it hardly makes sense to register your "business" in tax authorities- the wrong sales volumes. But in the case of an industrial agrarian enterprise, you cannot do without paperwork - this will allow you to cooperate with legal entities in the future. By law, growing garlic outdoors will not be considered a business if less than 1 hectare of land is involved!

When registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, write down the OKVED code 01.13.4 Root crops and tubers, vegetables, vegetable bulbous crops.

For private farmers, special "privileges" are provided - a reduced tax. There is a chance to get government subsidy to start a business. In order to register the industrial cultivation of garlic for sale in accordance with all the rules and obtain permission from the supervisory authorities to conduct business, it will take at least 1 month.

Search for a suitable land plot

The profitability of the business will increase significantly if the cultivation of garlic in the greenhouse takes place on its own land plot - significant savings in rent.

The rental price will depend on the specific region. V middle lane, for example, this amount is about 5000 / year for 1 hectare of land.

When choosing areas, the agricultural technology, methods and features of its planting are taken into account. The soil here should be fertile, well-drained. Almost all varieties of garlic show excellent growth results in a well-lit area.

Garlic growing technology

When drawing up a business plan for growing garlic, first determine what type of crop you will grow:

  • Winter garlic. The best way for entrepreneurs - varieties resistant to frost, high yield, large slices, taste qualities excellent. Planting takes place from late September to late October. Growing winter garlic is more common among agro-industrial enterprises. High-yielding varieties - Doctor, Lyubasha, Polessky, Autumn, Garkua, Skif, Pluto.
  • Spring garlic. The culture is suitable for cultivation only in the southern regions, where the snow completely melts by the beginning of April. In a temperate climate, the ground is still cold at this time - the planting material will not germinate. Growing spring garlic is more suitable for small backyards. High-yielding varieties - Kledor, Flavor, Yelenovsky.

The technology for growing garlic will depend on the chosen planting material. The culture does not grow from seeds. Cloves and bulbs are used as them. In this regard, winter crops are "universal" - any planting material will do. Spring garlic can only be grown by cloves.

Whichever method of cultivation is chosen, the technique is as follows:

  • Select only high-quality teeth or bulbs. There should be no traces of disease damage on the planting material.
  • The planting material is buried 6-7 cm in the ground with the roots down. The distance between specimens is up to 10 cm, and between rows - at least 20 cm.

The specific growing conditions may vary depending on the selected variety of garlic. But in general, the culture is undemanding. All you need is to regularly water the beds, cut off the resulting arrows, remove weeds, loosen the soil, fertilize the site.

The technology of growing winter garlic involves harvesting 100-120 days after the emergence of seedlings above the ground. The next step is to ensure the storage of the harvested garlic. And what is good about winter garlic - it can be stored for a long time under proper conditions. If the weather outside is damp, the garlic is dried indoors.

Do you need special equipment?

Growing winter garlic, speaking of home business, does not require the mandatory availability of mechanized equipment. But experienced gardeners will confirm how difficult it is to handle large land... Therefore, for the whole agricultural complex, it will be necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment.

Garlic digger

These include:

  • mini tractor,
  • cultivator,
  • watering machine,
  • harvest sorting conveyors.

Growing garlic as a business is one lucrative option. This is an easy undertaking for the village and will bring you additional income. Over time, the cultivation of garlic for sale can be expanded to a production scale for regular wholesale distribution, even export.

Planting and growing garlic is a fairly simple exercise. Many people plant it for personal use. With the right choice of variety and the study of all the nuances, the cultivation process can be made efficient and profitable. Find out how!

We start with registration

The garlic business needs to be registered, especially when grown commercially.

For newbie entrepreneurs - register a business as a peasant farm (KFH) - up to 1 hectare of land or as an individual entrepreneur (IE).

Pay taxes:

  • KFH - you are subject to the unified agricultural tax - Unified agricultural tax;
  • IP - simplified taxation system (STS).

The tax rate is the same for both forms of registration.

For registration, use the code of the classifier OKPD 2 01.13.4 Root crops and tubers, vegetables, vegetable bulbous crops.

Registration period is 1 month.

Registration cost without intermediaries - 20,000 rubles.

Choosing a variety

Growing winter garlic is first and foremost right choice varieties suitable for our climate.

Garlic happens:

  • spring (April – May), sandy loam soils are suitable for it;
  • winter (end of September – October), light loamy soil is suitable.

There are several varieties of varieties:


  • advantages - frost resistance, dry resistance, long shelf life (up to 10 months);
  • color - white with purple streaks;
  • stem height - 0.9–1.2 m;
  • number of cloves - 4–7 pieces;
  • onion weight - 80-120 g.

Saved- variety of winter garlic:

  • advantages - high keeping quality, high yield (up to 20 t / 1 ha);
  • number of cloves - 7-9 pcs .;
  • onion weight - 60-100 g.

Gulliver- mid-late grade:

  • advantages - sharp taste, keeping quality (up to 8 months), yield (0.98 kg / 1 sq. m);
  • number of cloves - 3-5 pcs .;
  • onion weight - 90-120 g;
  • the shape of the bulb is round-flat, dense.

Red duke- a rare variety of winter garlic:

  • onion weight - 70-120 g;
  • number of cloves - 5-8 pcs.;
  • color - purple.

Benefit- a new Romanian variety:

  • advantages - frost resistance, high yield, adaptability to climate, unpretentiousness, high keeping quality (up to 12 months), disease resistance;
  • planted before winter;
  • stem height - from 1 m;
  • number of cloves - 4–7 pieces;
  • onion weight - 85-170 g.

Harnas- a new Polish variety:

  • advantages - large heads, high productivity.

Land requirements

Growing garlic as a business requires a fair amount of land. Start a business from 20 sq. m., but with the possibility of further expanding the garden.

Opt for black soil that provides plants essential vitamins and minerals.

Rental price (Moscow region) - 2,500 rubles / 1 sq. M.

20 sq.m. = RUB 50,000

Provide constant access to water for irrigation.

Planting and growing

Land preparation

The cultivation of winter garlic involves the use of sandy loam soil.

It is important to choose the right place for landing. If this land was previously used for other crops, consider:

  • good: plant after cabbage, legumes, pumpkin seeds and greens;
  • bad: plant after potatoes, tomatoes, onions; their diseases can turn to garlic.

The vegetable garden should be uniform, without the bottom (in spring water accumulates in them) and hills (in winter the wind blows off the snow, the crop freezes).

Prepare the land and beds in rows in 2 weeks.

Seed selection

Select the largest, healthy bulbs. Just before planting, peel the onion and disassemble it into chives. Planting depth: between the soil surface and the top of the clove - up to 5 cm. If less - it will freeze, more - will rot.

There are 3 types of seed:

  1. A bulb from an arrow (air bulb) - a single-tooth bulb grows from it, which also sits down, a full-fledged garlic grows from it;
  2. One-tooth bulb or set - allows you to get heads of garlic;
  3. One tooth of the head.

Use one of the last 2 types, as the air bulb will only be harvested after 2 years.
The amount of planting material depends on the planting density and variety, but is in the range of 600-1,500 kg / ha.

Fertilizers for cultivation

  1. Phosphate-potassium fertilizers - apply during tillage;
  2. A mixture of micronutrients - process the planting material;
  3. Humic fertilizer - soak the seed in it, this increases the yield by at least 20%;
  4. Nitrogen dressing - apply in the spring when the garlic rises.

Boarding time depends on the geography of your region:

  • south, west - 3rd decade of October;
  • north, east - 2nd decade of September;
  • center - 3rd decade of September – early October.

During planting, the soil should be at a temperature of 10–12 ° C.


Harvest after all the leaves turn yellow, only in dry weather. To provide long-term storage, dry the fruits in the sun, shorten the stems, cut the roots, carefully sort the spoiled fruits.

Growing garlic as a business video


The business plan for growing garlic includes an item: the purchase of equipment. It will be difficult to plow without his help. large territory for landing.

The minimum list of equipment for the industrial cultivation of garlic:

EquipmentAppointmentAverage cost, rub.
Motoblock with plow, cultivatorAssistance in weeding, planting, digging and other agricultural work30 000
Garden sprayerSpraying chemicals, fertilizers3 000
Water tanksWater storage for irrigation1 000
Tools for manual soil cultivationLoosening the soil, hilling, weeding, planting10 000
Total- 44 000

This list of equipment is optional. It will only help you make your work easier. The main thing is to have a minimum set of tools for cultivating the land.


Starting a business from 20 sq.m. you can do everything yourself necessary work... If the area is larger, consider hired workers.

The average salary is 30,000 rubles / month or 360,000 rubles / year.

The best option for a business is to attract people in need of seasonal part-time work, if necessary.

If you lack knowledge in this area, seek advice on growing from an agronomist.

Competition and business prospects

Today, garlic is in high demand, and in Russia this type of business is just beginning to reach the industrial level. Domestic cultivation is not enough for all needs, therefore it is exported from other countries:

  • India;
  • China;
  • Egypt.

Growing in the world is 10 million tons per year.

65% of the world harvest of garlic comes from China, but its quality is much lower.

Why should you settle for a garlic business idea?

  1. The plant does not require special attention, it is enough to adhere to the usual landing rules;
  2. High productivity;
  3. Stable and fairly high cost;
  4. Long storage of the crop;
  5. Demand all year round, increased demand in September;
  6. Little competition.

Be careful!

You cannot plant a plant in the same place more than 1 time in 3 years.

Harvest marketing

Main distribution channels:

  • food market: wholesale or retail sales;
  • grocery stores;
  • restaurants and other similar establishments with cuisine;
  • factories producing canned food or sausages;
  • pharmaceutical companies;
  • selling to dealers is the most convenient method, although the price will be lower, but you do not need to look for buyers and draw up contracts.

Large, beautiful heads are best bought. Therefore, choose the appropriate varieties for growing garlic for sale.

The retail price of garlic is 150 rubles. per 1 kg., sometimes all 200 rubles.

Wholesale cost - 80 rubles. for 1 kg.

Business expenses and profits

As with any business, growing garlic requires investment.

Land lease price, rubles / ha per year:

  • northern regions (barren land) - about 500;
  • southwestern (black earth) - 3,500;
  • central regions - 2,000.

Fertilizer price - from 5,000 rubles. per 1 hectare.

Plot of 1 hectare

Planting material (clove) - 1,700-2,000 kg.

The cost of planting material is 60 rubles / kg = 102,000–120,000 rubles.

The average harvest is 35 tons.

Revenue - 2,800,000–5,250,000 rubles. for 1 harvest.

Plot of 20 sq.m.

Planting material (clove) - 200 kg.

The cost of planting material is 60 rubles / kg = 12,000 rubles.

The average harvest is 7,000 kg.

Revenue - 560,000–1,050,000 rubles. for 1 harvest.

Consider that the cost of planting winter garlic is higher than spring garlic, but the yield is also higher. Spring garlic is easier to clean.

Business payback- 1 season. From the second year, the profit will be higher, since the equipment costs are needed only in the first year.

Profitability (wholesale) - 70%

Profitability(retail) - up to 150%

Other lucrative ideas for the village

Most of the Russian population plants this vegetable for personal consumption. But this can be a profitable business. Investments in small business - only 150,000 rubles.

The most popular vegetable that can be grown all year round. Greenhouse cultivation will bring you good profit, especially in winter period when product prices are very high. Investments amount to 1,600,000 rubles. You can start with a lower amount.

The raspberry business is a small, possibly family-owned business, growing and selling delicious and useful berries... With sufficient funds start immediately with planting a large area, for example, 1 hectare.

For those who do not know much about agriculture, but decided to build his own business on it, we recommend paying attention to the cultivation of garlic as a business. This unpretentious agricultural crop requires minimal investment, produces a good harvest and is in great demand. Therefore, it is quite possible to build your own business with garlic.

Legal Issues

If you have never entrepreneurial activity were not engaged, growing garlic as a business must be legalized. You do not need to delve into various legislative nuances and work as a sole proprietor or entity... But for those who work in the agricultural sector, a separate form of business organization is provided - a peasant farm (PFH). The only difference between them is that farmers who have registered peasant farms pay taxes according to the unified agricultural tax, and an individual entrepreneur or legal entity can work under a simplified system. But the rates there are about the same.

When registering a garlic growing business, you must indicate the activity code. It is recommended to choose OKPD 2 01.13.4 Root and tubers, vegetables, bulbous vegetable crops.

Total financial plan should provide for about 20 thousand rubles. to register an enterprise. It will take about a month. You can leave this issue to specialized firms, but then the amount of expenses will increase slightly.

We are looking for land for landing

It is best to start a garlic growing business as an addition to an existing farm. It fits perfectly into the crop plan of your agricultural structures. In one area, garlic can be grown for several years, then sown in another.

Please note that you can plant garlic in the soil where cabbage, legumes, siderates, pumpkin seeds (except for cucumber) previously grew. The soil on which plants of the same family were previously grown - onions, and even carrots - is completely unsuitable.

At the initial stage, it is recommended to sow about a hectare of garlic. So you can process it yourself without the involvement of technology and at the same time choose a suitable variety, study the features of growing a crop on your site. From it, you can remove from 5 tons of harvest. If you plan to grow on an industrial scale, it is cost effective to take an area of ​​at least 5 hectares.

If you don't have your own land, you can rent it. The rental price depends on the region, because different regions it is fertile. So, in the northern regions, where little grows on the soil, the rent will be from 500 rubles, and in the fertile southwestern regions - from 3,500 rubles. per hectare. According to average indicators, about 10 thousand rubles should be allocated for land lease every year.

Seed material

In order to implement the sowing plan, you need to purchase a seed (small cloves of garlic) or a bulb ( small kidneys that grow on flower heads). Depending on the variety, the purchase price can range from 30 to 200 rubles / kg. Most often, winter or spring varieties are used. Winter crops are more capricious in terms of care and planting, they require sandy loam soils. Spring is more resistant, grows on loamy soils. But with it you can not always count on a high-quality and rich harvest.

  • Lyubasha is frost-resistant, well preserved for at least 10 months. Average weight onions - 100 g.
  • Ukrainian white and purple - no arrows, bulb weight up to 140 g, yield - from 15 tons per hectare.
  • Spas - the indicators are similar to the previous one, moreover, it is resistant to nematodes and fusarium.
  • Purple Kharkov - resistant to diseases, bulb weight up to 60 g, yield - up to 12 tons.
  • Sofievsky - resistant to nematodes, bulb weight up to 120 g, has a light purple skin.
  • Messidor is a Dutch variety that produces up to 25 tons per hectare.

The sowing plan is calculated on the basis that about 1.5 tons of seed or 20 kg of bulb is needed per hectare. Seeds cost about 150 rubles / kg on average. The cloves cost about 70 rubles / kg. Therefore, they are taken only knowingly productive varieties... Then at industrial production 75 tons of garlic can be removed from five hectares by selling it in bulk at 70 rubles / kg. Thus, you can gain 250 thousand rubles. and fully recoup the cost of purchasing special equipment.


If you already have your own farm, your plan for equipment costs will be significantly less than purchasing from scratch. For work you need a tractor with a plow, for a small area - a mini tractor with a cultivator. In any case, the cost plan should include the purchase of a special seeder, which is configured for desired parameters sowing garlic. Its cost is about 100 thousand rubles. For harvesting, you need to buy a special harvester. It will cost another 3 million rubles. You can optimize your cost plan if you rent or lease equipment. But the harvester works on a multifunctional basis, so after harvesting the garlic, you will receive an already sorted crop.

If funds permit, you can purchase a special line for processing garlic. Then you can prepare the garlic for sale as much as possible, which significantly increases it purchase price... By opening a production facility near the village, or right in it, you will also receive cheap labor.

The nuances of marketing the grown crop

It is most profitable to sell garlic not to intermediaries, but directly to the consumer. In this case, it can be sold for about 100-150 rubles / kg. True, in this case, you need to take care of the place where it can be sold. More often than not, this is a point in the market. If there is no desire and opportunity to sell the crop on your own, you can take it to stores for 50 rubles / kg. But in this case, it is important to be able to negotiate in order to be able to sell it at the most favorable price.

Alternatively, if you have large volumes of garlic, you can sell the crop to large dealers. With them, you can conclude contracts for the future harvest and its delivery. Such cooperation guarantees you the sale of products and eliminates the need to waste time looking for buyers. But in terms of price, as a rule, you win little. Alternatively, it is worth trying to conclude contracts for the supply of garlic to canneries, catering establishments, etc.

Financial side

The expenditure part of the business will consist of the following expenses:

  • registration of an enterprise - 20 thousand rubles;
  • land lease - an average of 2 thousand rubles. per hectare;
  • purchase of seed - about 100 thousand rubles. (at the cost of cloves at 70 rubles / kg);
  • purchase of fertilizers - 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - about 3 million rubles;
  • purchase of inventory and other related expenses.

The profitable part will be the sale of garlic. If on average it is offered for about 50 rubles / kg, then the income can be about 200 thousand rubles. The payback period depends on the area on which you started growing the crop, whether you purchased equipment or did it with manual labor.

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