Home Flowers How to make a silicone doll at home. Making a silicone articulated doll on a frame

How to make a silicone doll at home. Making a silicone articulated doll on a frame

Modern children do not choose ordinary toys. Traditional barbies and tin soldiers no longer delight the current generation. The most popular silicone reborn that every girl dreams of owning. They appeared in the late 80s in a large company called Dolls by Berengeur. Many adults collect entire collections of these dolls, which look like life. The expression "reborn" in translation from English means "born again". You can even order a doll-copy of a real child. Eminent masters are able to carry out this process simply by looking at a photograph of a baby.

What are reborn dolls made of?

Upon closer inspection, one would like to know what these amazing baby dolls are made of. Silicone reborns are made from special materials:

  • eyes: blank glass, acrylic;
  • hair: mohair (Canadian or American premium);
  • eyelashes: mohair;
  • body and head: glass or plastic granulate.

Necessary tools for creating a silicone baby

Reboarding is the science of making realistic dolls. To create a toy, the master must have:

  • Mold. This is a blank of the face and body of the doll. The silicone reborn contains parts that must be ordered from abroad.
  • Acrylic and oil paints. They draw small details. Talented creators can give the maximum real view doll by drawing on the baby's body an image of a rash, wrinkles and bruises.
  • Solvent.
  • Gel, sponges and brushes.

design work

One silicone reborn cannot be similar to another. Even the products of one author are individual. The creators of "live" toys are exclusively women. Probably, men are not able to withstand such intense and painstaking work. If you think about why there is a desire to have or create such realistic babies, then you can find several opinions on this matter. Perhaps this is a desire to give childless couples the opportunity to have a baby doll, or the loss own child. For a special feeling of the presence of the baby, designers flavor their products with a special composition with a smell. baby soap. The fact is obvious: the peculiar happiness of people is reborn dolls. Boys, silicone girls, twins - it doesn't matter. They look realistic, smell like real babies and give you the feeling of motherhood.

What can reborn do?

You can answer this question in one word: to please your master. His body parts are identical to human, nails are made of gel, lips and tongue look as natural as possible. This baby is perfect, he is not naughty, and if you get tired of playing with him, you can just leave him unattended. You need to buy him nice clothes and enjoy the game. It looks so realistic strangers may seriously take him for a real child. But it is important to remember that, despite all the advantages, this is just a doll that can never replace a real baby.

How much does a reborn baby cost?

It takes to create a doll a large number of time and lots of expensive materials. For this reason, the price ranges from $700 to $1,000 per infant. If a person is willing to pay such an amount of money, then he will receive a doll highest quality. Some people buy reborns as a family member and order them from famous artists for thousands of dollars.

Silicone reborn in recent times is attacked by underground craftsmen who make an analogue of the original brand from cheap materials. Naturally, fakes have significant differences, but they also have a democratic price.

Silicone dolls, which are produced at the Dreamdoll factory in France, cost from 5 to 11 thousand euros and are sold mainly in the European market. The customer of such a specific product, who pays a very decent amount, has the opportunity to choose the color of the skin, hair and eyes, as well as the size of the bust of the surrogate woman. See how adult toys are made at the silicone "women" factory.


1. “Our sex doll compared to a similar mass-produced product is like a Mercedes compared to a toy car,” the manufacturer’s website says. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
2. The manufacturer on the official website wrote that "offers a choice of ladies in the entire" range female beauty". The company also says that while the dolls are intended for intimate relationships, they can also be used as very realistic mannequins. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
3. Making a doll takes about a week. The basis of each silicone "lady" is an aluminum frame that weighs about 40 kilograms. The dolls are equipped with a special internal system heating. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
4. Dolls are cast in special molds, and then they are carefully checked for defects. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
5. In the photo, one of the company employees carefully removes the doll from the mold, then he will remove the protective layer and check its quality. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
6. The Dreamdoll company employs only three people: the owner - Thierry Reverdy, as well as Eric and Raphael. In the photo: Raphael does makeup on the faces of the dolls. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
7. The eyes of dolls are usually made of glass. Clients can choose eye color from the available palette. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
8. What a beauty! Silicone dolls wrapped in film are delivered to customers in special containers. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
9. After installing the eyes, Dreamdoll employees make sure they are at the same level. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).
10. The ears of silicone beauties are made separately, and then glued to the head. (Photo: VINCENT KESLER/REUTERS).

Somewhere in Southern California, nine people spend their days meticulously sculpting faces, pouring silicone into molds, and manufacturing artificial yet very lifelike nipples, making luxury sex dolls. Each RealDoll has a flexible skeleton and takes about 80 hours of work from scratch to finish. However, special requests, which may include multiple heads or elven ears, take extra time.

(Total 10 photos)

Photographer Robert Benson captures the surreal world of Abyss Creations' factory in suburban San Diego, where featureless bodies hang from the ceiling and dildos line the shelves. Benson compared the factory to any other workplace, saying, “Everyone is very passionate about what they are doing and take their work seriously. I think the excitement wears off after the first week and it becomes like any other job."

Artist Matthew McMullen, who founded Abyss Creations, says it was a fluke. In 1994, he worked in the production of Halloween masks and sculpted female figure for a personal art project, and she "seemed to take on a life of her own." He came up with the idea to create a realistic mannequin. Due to public demand, the project soon grew into the world's first silicone sex doll capable of certain positions.

Sex dolls have been made in Japan since the 1980s, but they were made of plastic. McMullen's RealDolls are made from high quality silicone which retains heat and gives a more realistic feel along with greater elasticity, as stated on the company's website.

Thanks to the doll's flexible skeleton, customers can bend it however they like. Persons to be replaced along with a high degree personalization add realism to the dolls.

Cost of standard dolls with 18 types female bodies and two types of men's starts from 6.5 thousand dollars, and more complex orders will cost from 12 thousand dollars. Each doll has the correct anatomy and the genitals, like everything else, can be made according to the client's preference. Dolls are equipped with a movable jaw with soft and elastic lips, very soft tongue and soft silicone teeth.

McMullen is not content with the success he has already achieved. Now the company is developing a model that will respond to its owner and simulate human emotions during sexual intercourse. Final goal- be able to simulate the feeling of love with a silicone doll.

I present to your attention dolls with an internal hinged frame. Dolls are made of silicone platinum compounds from Smooth-On (USA) by casting into plaster molds at home. Scale 1/6 (up to 29 cm).

The framework looks like this:

I apologize for the quality of the photo and the condition of the details: they have already been used twice in plasticine and will be used again. When I make new frames, every time I decide to take a picture of them as a keepsake, while they are clean and beautiful, but every time, of course, I forget)))
The idea of ​​the frame design is not mine, of course, steel articulated frames are widely used for puppet animation. In Moscow, master classes on them are conducted by Soyuzmultfilm artist Igor Khilov. One of his students showed me the results of her training, when I tried to repeat it, it turned out that I did not remember well what was explained to me. When fate brought me personally to Igor, he was very surprised that these fruits of my gouging still work quite well.
Personally, mine in all this is only the construction of a small skeleton of the hands. Previously, of course, I managed with thin copper wire, but then I wanted the fingers of the dolls to bend only in the right direction and not tied in a knot. I make looped connections from steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm.
As hinges, shells for pneumatic weapons and crossbows of different diameters are used, mounted on pins made of steel wire. I can also consider the method of manufacturing a steel hinged frame as my personal invention without the use of exotic equipment like milling and drilling machines. Drill, vise and pliers - only what was stored in the closet of her husband)))
The master model for removing molds is made of plasticine:

For forms, for some time now, on the advice of the same Igor, I have been using Fuji-Rock dental plaster. It gives a very clear picture of the relief and a good edge that does not break off when castings are removed. Ordinary gypsum deteriorates for the second or third time, and by the sixth the form simply breaks.
Eye blanks made of jewelry epoxy are cast into a silicone mold, after which a pupil is made in them using beads and acrylic dust for nail art. The purchased ones are not suitable, because I make dolls with closing eyes. In exactly the same way as they are made on children's dolls, that is, the eyelid is drawn on the eyeball, eyelashes are inserted into it. There are no mechanisms for closing the eyes, silicone holds the eyes well, they are closed only manually.
Hair - natural silk Padiko (Japan), I buy at Kuklobaz. I tried rayon, it is also good, and it shines better. There are some doubts about natural hair or wool. natural hair, as it seems to me, it can stick badly to silicone, however, these are only suspicions, in fact I have not tried it.
Silicone, unlike some other elastomers, such as latex, is a strong and durable material. So far, it is relatively rarely used in handmade, but, in my opinion, only because this material is relatively new. Play dolls made of silicone are produced by this moment only one firm, "Tokyo-dollar", which is not surprising: the Japanese are generally quickly oriented in new products.
According to my personal feelings, silicone is a very promising material for artistic creativity. Extremely sensitive and capricious, but if you find him mutual language its possibilities are almost limitless. Although, of course, if we talk about dolls, they also have disadvantages: for example, if you bend the doll strongly and leave it like that for a couple of days, a wrinkle forms at the bend, which is not very beautiful. Therefore, they should be stored in boxes or on stands, although not at attention, but, in any case, not in three deaths. Surface gloss is actually easily removed by dusting with baby powder, which I just didn't do at this photo shoot.
But silicone dolls can be bathed. Many of my friends are happy to be able to wash Professor Snape's hair with their own hands))).
Summing up, I want to say that I have worked with two-component silicones for only nine months and, without a doubt, I cannot yet be considered a great expert, just like my dolls do not yet draw the title of a great work of art. But for starters, I think it's pretty good.
And a few more photos. All photos are processed for the Web, so the weight is negligible.

On the stand, the dolls are fixed by the thigh; they cannot stand without a stand: they have soft feet.

Boys are well suited for clothes taken from Barbie's boyfriend:

I like to work with them in Photoshop, because I practically can’t draw with my hands, but beautiful pictures sometimes you want

That's all, I hope I didn't abuse your patience too much. If you have any questions, I will gladly answer them. Thank you for your attention

I present to your attention dolls with an internal hinged frame. Dolls are made of silicone platinum compounds from Smooth-On (USA) by casting into plaster molds at home. Scale 1/6 (up to 29 cm).
The framework looks like this:

I apologize for the quality of the photo and the condition of the details: they have already been used twice in plasticine and will be used again. When I make new frames, every time I decide to take a picture of them as a keepsake, while they are clean and beautiful, but every time, of course, I forget)))
The idea of ​​the frame design is not mine, of course, steel articulated frames are widely used for puppet animation. In Moscow, master classes on them are conducted by Soyuzmultfilm artist Igor Khilov. One of his students showed me the results of her training, when I tried to repeat it, it turned out that I did not remember well what was explained to me. When fate brought me personally to Igor, he was very surprised that these fruits of my gouging still work quite well.
Personally, mine in all this is only the construction of a small skeleton of the hands. Previously, of course, I managed with thin copper wire, and then I wanted the fingers of the dolls to bend only in the right direction, and not to be tied in a knot. I make looped connections from steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm.
As hinges, shells for pneumatic weapons and crossbows of different diameters are used, mounted on pins made of steel wire. I can also consider the method of manufacturing a steel hinged frame as my personal invention without the use of exotic equipment like milling and drilling machines. Drill, vise and pliers - only what was stored in the closet of her husband)))
The master model for removing molds is made of plasticine:

For forms, for some time now, on the advice of the same Igor, I have been using Fuji-Rock dental plaster. It gives a very clear picture of the relief and a good edge that does not break off when castings are removed. Ordinary gypsum deteriorates for the second or third time, and by the sixth the form simply breaks.
Eye blanks made of jewelry epoxy are cast into a silicone mold, after which a pupil is made in them using beads and acrylic dust for nail art. The purchased ones are not suitable, because I make dolls with closing eyes. In exactly the same way as they are made on children's dolls, that is, the eyelid is drawn on the eyeball, eyelashes are inserted into it. There are no mechanisms for closing the eyes, silicone holds the eyes well, they are closed only manually.
Hair - natural silk Padiko (Japan), I buy at Kuklobaz. I tried rayon, it is also good, and it shines better. There are some doubts about natural hair or wool. Natural hair, it seems to me, can stick poorly to silicone, however, these are only suspicions, in fact I have not tried it.
Silicone, unlike some other elastomers, such as latex, is a strong and durable material. So far, it is relatively rarely used in handmade, but, in my opinion, only because this material is relatively new. Play dolls made of silicone are currently being produced by only one company, Tokyo-Dollar, which is not surprising: the Japanese are generally quick to orient themselves in new products.
According to my personal feelings, silicone is a very promising material for artistic creation. Extremely sensitive and capricious, but if you find a common language with him, then his possibilities are almost limitless. Although, of course, if we talk about dolls, they also have disadvantages: for example, if you bend the doll strongly and leave it like that for a couple of days, a wrinkle forms at the bend, which is not very beautiful. Therefore, they should be stored in boxes or on stands, although not at attention, but, in any case, not in three deaths. Surface gloss is actually easily removed by dusting with baby powder, which I just didn't do at this photo shoot.
But silicone dolls can be bathed. Many of my friends are happy to be able to wash Professor Snape's hair with their own hands))).
Summing up, I want to say that I have worked with two-component silicones for only nine months and, without a doubt, I cannot yet be considered a great expert, just like my dolls do not yet draw the title of a great work of art. But for starters, I think it's pretty good.
And a few more photos. All photos are processed for the Web, so the weight is negligible.

On the stand, the dolls are fixed by the thigh; they cannot stand without a stand: they have soft feet.

Boys are well suited for clothes taken from Barbie's boyfriend:

I like to work with them in Photoshop, because I practically don’t know how to draw with my hands, but sometimes I want beautiful pictures)))

That's all, I hope I didn't abuse your patience too much. If you have any questions, I will gladly answer them. Thank you for your attention

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