Home Berries Diet of proper nutrition: menu for weight loss. Proper (healthy) nutrition (PP)

Diet of proper nutrition: menu for weight loss. Proper (healthy) nutrition (PP)

Increasingly, you can find the mysterious and short abbreviation PP. And even more often - in combination with the word "diet". What do these notorious two letters mean?

PP is proper nutrition. Diet PP- This is a technique based on the normalization of the diet and bringing it to the "correct" one. On this diet, you do not have to starve, eat only buckwheat or eat only liquid food. All you need is just to bring daily diet to the rules below.

PP is not only vegetables and fruits, but also meat products.

PP diet menu

There can be no clear menu in this technique, since you must make it yourself, focusing on your taste habits and preferences. Instead of ready recipe menu, we present you with a few rules, using which you can make your own diet:

  • You need to eliminate all fast food and junk food from your diet. Junk food includes: crackers, alcohol, sweet soda, bars, chocolates, etc.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits should make up at least 20% of your diet.
  • All carbohydrates that you consume should be slow. Slow carbohydrates include: cereals, wholemeal bread, durum varieties wheat, unsweetened vegetables.
  • At least 1 gram of animal protein per kilogram of body weight should be consumed per day. Animal protein is found in meat, cheese, dairy products, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, poultry. Vegetable protein has an inferior amino acid composition, so it will not work as a replacement for an animal.
  • 20% of your diet should be fat. Moreover, the lion's share of them should fall on unsaturated fatty acid. Products: nuts, linseed and olive oils, trout.
  • Drink at least two liters per day clean water. Water helps to remove harmful substances from the body and speeds up the metabolism.
  • For the evening and at night you need to eat only protein foods. Leave carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch.
  • Eat from small plates: often, but in small portions. Fractional nutrition will help unload the stomach and increase the digestibility of food.

Using these simple rules, you can easily organize your proper nutrition. The PP diet allows you to normalize metabolism, reduce fatigue and get rid of 5-6 extra pounds per month.

Adherents of proper nutrition have done an incredible thing! They made everyone who wants to lose weight give up unhealthy diets and seriously think about the issue of healthy and proper weight loss! Diet P P for weight loss - what is it and how to achieve excellent results without exhausting your body?

How is PP different from a diet?

Most people don't see the difference between PP and diet, and that's often what leads to frustration with PP when people just don't get the results they dreamed of. What is the main difference between pp and diet, and can pp be used for weight loss?

  1. What distinguishes pp from a diet is its purpose! the main objective any diet is to reset excess weight. The diet itself implies cutting back on your diet, the exclusion of a number of foods, restrictions on food and drink, in order to lose weight. Depending on the diet, a number of restrictions also change: some diets completely eliminate carbohydrates, others severely limit calories and are based almost on proteins alone. There are also mono-diets that help you quickly lose weight in an extremely short time. Whatever the diet is, the main task of such nutrition will be rapid weight loss. The main goal of PP is to maintain a healthy life of the body! Your goal is not to lose weight, but to improve your diet, eat healthy and wholesome food, and bring your medical indicators back to normal.
  2. Another huge difference is the diet! PP differs from the diet in its rich variety. There are no strict restrictions and cardinal changes in the paragraphs. Your diet is balanced and varied, and you completely plan and think through your menu. The diet also includes cereals, meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products. If you want to eat dessert, you can safely add it to your diet, the same goes for other goodies that you can treat yourself to on p. In this regard, the diet cannot boast of such a variety of tables. Most diets are presented with a ready-made diet or menu that must be strictly followed in order to achieve the desired result.
  3. Important difference pp from diet is a state of our health. How often during the diet did you notice a deterioration physical condition? Reduced immunity, weakness, depression, hair loss and brittle nails, pale complexion - all these are companions of diets. Strict dietary restrictions and the exclusion of many foods from the menu inevitably leads to shortages. nutrients, necessary vitamins and minerals, and this cannot but affect our health. By the way, it is precisely because of such shortages that our body cannot stand it, and we break off the diet without getting the desired result. PP differs from the diet also in that our health improves markedly, we experience less stress, we note positive changes in appearance. The difference between PP and diet is very clearly visible on the example of the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet is often accompanied by pain in the stomach, cramps, increased gas formation and constipation. While the work of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes on the PP, the processes of digestion improve.
  4. Time frames are another significant difference between pp and diets. PP is a lifestyle, the formation of new good habits, lifestyle change. There are no short-term stages and frameworks here, you are not limited in time. PP is something you can practice all your life and not feel disadvantaged. At the same time, the diet always has a strict time frame. On average, diets are calculated from one week to several months, and it is absolutely impossible to abuse them.

If there are so many differences, then why is pp for weight loss practiced by many people? The answer is very simple. The diet of an ordinary average person who does not watch his diet is so replete with harmful and fatty foods with empty calories, that with the transition to PP, his body slowly returns to normal and gets rid of extra pounds.

Imagine that you ate at McDonald's all the time and one day decided to replace this ready-made lunch with a cooked one: buckwheat with veal, fresh salad. Your body has received the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, you are not hungry, but at the same time you have consumed much fewer calories. What happens to us after unhealthy food? Our body receives “empty calories” high in fat and sugar, and due to a lack of nutrients, we feel hungry again after an hour.

In a sense, pp is a diet, but it is a diet that does not drive you into a rigid framework and allows you to lose weight without compromising your health.

PP rules for weight loss

The basic principles of pp for weight loss have much in common with the rules of pp, but there are some subtleties and nuances that you must take into account if you want to lose weight.

  • We monitor calories. The weight loss regimen involves calorie restriction. If on pp we can safely eat our daily calorie intake and maintain constant weight, then pp for weight loss involves creating a calorie deficit for weight loss. The daily calorie intake for women is approximately 2,000 calories per day. It is enough to reduce your diet by 10% -20% to already feel the results.
  • We count absolutely all calories! The pp system for weight loss is based on counting absolutely all calories. Too many people make the mistake of counting only the main meals, overlooking snacks, tea, coffee and juices. Remember - absolutely all dishes contain calories, so you need to take into account everything that you ate and drank!
  • We follow the BJU. The principles of PP for weight loss are also based on BJU. However, if on pp percentage BJU looks like this - proteins - 25% -35%; fats - 25% -35%; carbohydrates - 30% -50%, then for weight loss you need to slightly adjust these numbers by reducing the intake of carbohydrates and fats and increasing the intake of protein. Losing weight on pp should look something like this: proteins - 40% -50%, fats - 15% -20%; carbohydrates - 30%. At the same time, it is good to eat carbohydrates in the morning, but leave proteins for dinner, as they are slowly digested by the body.
  • Replace fast carbohydrates with slow ones. The PP Diet also recommends limiting fast carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates include white bread, buns, pastries, cakes, different varieties vermicelli. Fortunately, you will not experience a lack of carbohydrates, because there are many useful substitutes. Slow carbohydrates are found in cereals, legumes, hard vegetables and fruits.
  • The basics of pp for weight loss are necessarily based on fractional nutrition. At least 5 meals and skipping them is strongly not recommended. Since your calorie intake will be limited, you may experience light feeling hunger, but if you also skip a meal, you can easily overeat or break loose.
  • Make the right snacks. Most people don't realize that they get the bulk of their calories from junk snacks and not from main meals. The principle of pp for weight loss is healthy snacks! No chips, crackers, cookies with tea, buns with coffee. Only healthy and high-quality food that can really satisfy your hunger. It is good to use fruits, nuts, cottage cheese as snacks, natural yogurt.
  • Replace fast food. The PP diet also implies the exclusion of fast food. However, you can always try making your own healthy burgers. Remember that even if you want something forbidden, it is better to cook it yourself and calculate kbzha in order to stay within your limits. Of course, in some institutions you can provide nutritional value already ready meal, but at the same time you receive a minimum of nutrients.
  • Avoid foods that stimulate your appetite. In order to make it easier to transfer changes in the diet, it is better to give up foods and dishes that cause appetite. First of all, these are products with a flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate. It is found in almost all ready-made store products and semi-finished products. Also carefully use spices, seasonings, spices, as they stimulate the production of gastric juice. Do not forget that overly salty foods also cause appetite, especially pickled vegetables.

How to start pp for weight loss

So, if you are new to weight loss, then probably the most difficult thing for you is to start weight loss programs. However, not everything is as confusing as it might seem at first glance. Here simple tips, which will help you quickly start pp for weight loss.

  • Where to start pp for weight loss? First of all, you must determine how many calories you consume per day. You can calculate this using applications, the main thing is to take into account the level of your activity! Once you know how many calories you spend per day, you will already look at many things differently. So, for example, a piece of cake weighing 150 grams and a calorie content of 600 calories will not seem so tasty and necessary to you if it takes up almost a third of your diet! Be sure that even without strict control, you will already want to change your bad habits and try to avoid high-calorie and unhealthy foods.
  • Where to start pp for weight loss? From your fridge! Do an audit and get rid of various processed foods, sauces, canned food and other unhealthy foods!
  • Get in the habit of driving food diary. Even if you don't count calories, you will be able to see how many empty calories you are taking in throughout the day without noticing it. Write down not only food, but also how you feel.
  • Avoid fried foods. Have not yet learned how to accurately count calories, then an exception fried dishes will already significantly reduce your daily calorie intake. Instead of fried cutlets you can cook steam, meat can not be fried, but boiled or baked.
  • Limit flour products. Try to eat less bread and other flour products, and if you already really want to, then do it before lunch, so the chances of spending the calories received will increase.
  • Drink more pure water. Our bodies often mistake thirst for hunger. Make it a rule to drink about 2 liters of water a day.
  • Do not do it sharp restrictions. If you start weight loss programs too quickly and limit yourself to the maximum, then you are more likely to break loose.

Most people are concerned about the question - how much can you lose weight on PP. The results, of course, primarily depend on your goals and your starting weight. So, people with more weight lose weight much faster.
Assuming that you reduce your diet by 20%, then a woman with a daily calorie intake of about 2000 will lose about 400 grams per week. Thus, in a month you can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight and still feel good. With this calculation, in 6 months you can lose 12 kilograms of excess weight and at the same time not harm your health.

pp diet for fast weight loss

Is there a pp diet for fast weight loss, which will relieve excess weight and preserve your health? Unfortunately no. Proper nutrition and fast weight loss are absolutely incompatible things. How to distinguish an unhealthy diet from a pp diet?

  • Short-term diets for fast weight loss limit calorie intake to 800-1000 calories. Although the critical minimum of calories should not fall below 1200 per day.
  • Unhealthy diets Completely eliminate salt from your diet. Thus, a person loses weight due to the loss of water.
  • Fast diets often based on mono-nutrition: 3 days of kefir, 3 days of rice, and so on.
  • Unhealthy diets are based on a huge protein content and almost completely exclude fats and carbohydrates, which undoubtedly leads to constant constipation and pain in the digestive tract.

The fastest pp diets that are often suggested actually have nothing to do with proper nutrition, so such diets should be categorically avoided.

Approximate diet for weight loss

Many, of course, are concerned about the question - what can you eat on a diet for weight loss? Fortunately, you will not have any problems with the diet, because it is quite rich and varied.

Diet pp for weight loss:

  • Lean meats: veal, beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit.
  • Legumes: all types of beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, starter cultures, all kinds of cheeses. The main thing is to avoid completely low-fat dairy products, as they contain harmful trans fats.
  • Cereals: all types of cereals, especially pay attention to buckwheat, quinoa, unpeeled or Brown rice, wholemeal oatmeal or even oats.
  • Whole wheat bread. Choose bread with coarse grinding, it contains slow carbohydrates.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat only.
  • Fresh vegetables and herbs: try to consume all kinds of vegetables and herbs fresh, not cooked.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Fast food, semi-finished products, canned food
  • Chocolate bars, crackers, chips and other "junk food"
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices.
  • Ready-made breakfast cereals
  • Store bought sauces and seasonings
  • White bread and muffin
  • Cakes, cakes and other sweets

Sample pp menu for weight loss for a week

So that you can get an approximate idea of ​​​​how to drink on pp, we offer you an approximate pp menu for weight loss for a week.

The first day
Breakfast: muesli with milk, one piece of fruit.
Lunch: baked tuna, fresh herb and vegetable salad dressed with natural yogurt, a slice of whole grain bread.
Dinner: spinach fritata, bean salad, a slice of whole grain bread, some natural yogurt with berries for dessert.

Second day
Breakfast: cottage cheese, whole grain toast, some honey and a banana.
Lunch: salmon with spinach and corn, green leaf salad, slice of whole grain bread.
Dinner: Baked chicken fillet, chickpea salad, natural yogurt with fruit.

Day three
Breakfast: cereals with milk, one fruit
Lunch: Baked vegetables, boiled veal
Dinner: Salmon with boiled chickpeas, vegetable salad dressed with natural yogurt.

Day four
Breakfast: banana smoothie, two fruit toasts.
Lunch: Baked pumpkin, boiled chickpeas with vegetables.
Dinner: durum wheat pasta, salad fresh vegetables, natural yoghurt with fruits.

Day five
Breakfast: Muesli with milk, one banana
Lunch: Sushi rolls (with salmon, tuna and avocado).
Dinner: Lean steak, steamed vegetables, slice of cheese, some fruit.

Day six
Breakfast: Bruschetta with avocado and tomatoes, fruit.
Dinner: boiled beef, a salad of fresh vegetables, chicken whole grain bread, a glass of kefir.
Dinner: boiled chicken, Fresh Vegetable Salad With Arugula.

Day seven
Breakfast: Whole-wheat toast with avocado, one egg and a tomato.
Lunch: Chicken Sandwich and green salad, natural yoghurt.
Dinner: Durum wheat pasta, tofu and fresh herb salad, banana smoothie with skim milk.

Snack on pp for weight loss: this menu provides two snacks per day. You can choose according to your taste.

  • 2 boiled eggs
  • natural yogurt
  • 20 raw almonds
  • 8 dried apricots
  • 250 ml skimmed milk
  • One seasonal fruit to choose from
  • Bread with hummus
  • ¾ cup chickpeas, sprinkled olive oil
  • 1 cup vegetable sticks(carrot, celery, cucumber)
  • 2 cups of popcorn

The number of calories per day of such a diet is 1500-1600 calories. You can modify this sample menu for weight loss for a week at your own discretion and in accordance with your preferences.

How to make your pp menu for weight loss

Making your own weight loss menu is not so difficult. For this you need:

  • Calculate what daily allowance calories you will consume per day
  • Keep a calorie diary or use the app
  • Prepare a list of products that can be consumed on pp for weight loss.

When these points are completed, you can create your weight loss menu using a simple scheme:

Breakfast: Slow carbs + fruit or vegetables/Protein + fruit or vegetables
Dinner: Protein + green vegetables + legumes + fruit / Slow carbohydrates + vegetables + dairy products
Dinner: Protein + fresh vegetables + fruit / Slow carbohydrates + vegetables + dairy products.

For each meal you have 2 options. For breakfast, you can choose slow carbohydrates - oatmeal with fruits or whole grain toast with vegetables, or protein - cottage cheese, protein omelet with vegetables. The same goes for lunch and dinner: slow carbohydrates - buckwheat with vegetables, natural yogurt, or protein - lean meat or fish, fresh salad.

The most asked questions on PP for weight loss

  1. Why did the weight rise on the PP?
    Very often one hears complaints that weight does not go away on pp. Most likely, you consume exactly as many calories as you spend, that is, you do not have any calorie deficit. Review your diet and carefully calculate its calorie content.
  2. Why get fat from PP?
    Another problem that people who practice PP face is why the weight has increased on PP. Everything is simple here! PP does not mean that you can eat healthy and proper food without Borders. Any, even the most healthy dish has its own calorie content. You just overeat corny and exceed your daily calorie intake!
  3. How long does it take to lose weight on PP?
    Remember that you do not need to expect lightning-fast results from PP, since this technique is designed for healthy weight loss. Why does weight go slowly on pp? Precisely because you create your body as much as possible comfortable conditions in order to drop overweight. Already at the end of the first month, you will see the first results.
  4. Who lost weight on PP?
    Everything here is very individual. Usually overweight people lose weight much faster. But you should not focus on others, since all organisms are different and everyone has their own rate of weight loss.
  5. Is it possible to lose weight on PP without sports?
    Successful weight loss is 70% diet + 30% exercise. Thus, the main load falls on the adjustment of your diet. Of course, you can lose weight on pp without training, but it is better to add physical activity to keep your muscles in good shape.

As you can see, the principles of pp for weight loss are not so complicated, and if desired, anyone can understand them. Be sure to take into account our tips and recommendations when compiling your diet, so you will quickly achieve the desired results.

If you already follow weight loss programs, share your diet and, of course, your results! Let's lose weight together!

A healthy diet is useful, but it will only contribute to weight loss if it is based on a healthy diet. It already implies not only valuable food for the body, but also certain restrictions that will provoke weight loss and a decrease in body fat. How are the ground rules healthy eating for this purpose?

What is proper nutrition for weight loss

Classical healthy diet- this is the predominance of natural food over the factory, i.e. reducing the number of products that have a multi-component chemical composition, on the menu. The basis of proper nutrition is food that is of natural origin, and therefore does not harm the body: vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, nuts, greens. If you eat meat, then not processed to the state of sausage. This principle is found in all therapeutic diets. However, if a person decides to lose weight, you need a proper nutrition diet that has adjustments to help you lose weight.

Fundamentals of PP

Refusal of factory products is not enough measure to start fighting against excess fat. At overweight such nutrition will help to lose kilograms, but not for long: after that you will have to add a few more amendments to the diet, since even on plant foods you can get better. If you are thinking about how to lose weight on PP, you should remember a few nuances:

  • The diet should lead to a change in your eating habits, that's why correct mode nutrition - frequent meals and small portions. You need to learn not to overeat so that the stomach gradually shrinks and you stop being tormented by endless hunger.
  • When losing weight, you need to monitor the fat content of foods: the PP diet involves the use of dietary meats (beef, lamb), the most low-fat dairy products.
  • A large number of pure water (before meals and between them) is one of the foundations of PP, especially if you are concerned about losing weight: with a lack of fluid, fats will not be broken down.
  • Frying is the method of heat treatment that you need to forget about on a diet. Any product can be steamed, baked, stewed - it will not lose its taste, but retain its benefits.

Proper nutrition scheme

Filling the refrigerator with natural products is not enough, especially if you are trying to lose weight. A diet based on proper nutrition requires a competent use of the resource, i.e. make a reasonable schedule for eating. To do this, you need to calculate the daily calorie intake (but do not fall below 1200 kcal), find out how much BJU the PP diet allows you to eat. However, before making calculations, it is necessary to study classic example ideal diet, which correctly affects the figure and health:

  • Breakfast: complex carbohydrates + light protein or fruit (if needed).
  • Snack: cereal / dairy group.
  • Dinner: animal protein+ complex carbohydrates + vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable food.
  • Dinner: light protein + vegetables.

healthy eating

diet this system becomes only after the introduction of a number of restrictions, and in addition to the points listed above, the following become relevant:

  • a rational approach to calorie intake - with the creation of a deficit of 15% of the norm;
  • the protein group should be predominantly vegetable;
  • it is advisable to consume carbohydrates in breakfast and lunch;
  • drink 1.5 liters of water (drinks: tea, coffee, juice, are considered separately).

What can you eat with PP

The list of available products is longer than you might imagine, and even if you plan budget menu, you will find what to make up a PP diet for weight loss. The only expensive items are fish and seafood, especially if you buy salmon, mussels, etc. However, nutrition will not cease to be correct if you limit yourself to pollock, flounder, chum, squid. Buy Exotic fruits or several types of greens are also not necessary: ​​inexpensive apples, pears, dill and parsley are no less useful.

List of prohibited products

Taboo with a diet of proper nutrition, as mentioned above, is all food that has a factory nature. Those. these are products created by man: any sweets, pastries, cakes, even taking into account the presence of natural ingredients in them (cocoa beans, butter etc.) are a secondary product, devoid of useful properties. Proper Diet for weight loss denies their use, as the introduction to the menu denies:

  • fatty meat (load on the pancreas and high calorie content);
  • smoked products;
  • white flour products (secondary "empty" product);
  • alcohol.

How to make a menu for weight loss

To form a diet that will help you gain beautiful figure, you need to remember what the ideal PP circuit looks like, i.e. food breakdowns. Additionally, it is worth relying on the classic rule about the frequency of use of each product group. This way you can make a plan that is right for you. The basic points are as follows:

  • stick to the schedule - sit down at the table "by the clock";
  • do not allow breaks between meals for more than 3 hours - so you will not feel hungry during the diet;
  • try to drink a glass of water or green tea before meals.

Diet PP - menu for the week

If PP is perceived as a system for weight loss, the weekly diet will be stricter than if there is no focus on weight loss. morning reception food becomes fixed - this is porridge, which can be sweetened with honey, fruits or nuts as part of the daily calorie intake (breakfast - 300 kcal). Further menu can be made according to your tastes. Approximate option excluding snack (any fruit) is:


afternoon tea


Day 1

Vegetable soup with potatoes.

Cereal bread, hard cheese.

Cottage cheese casserole with egg white.

Day 2

Black rice with mussels.

Baked pear with ricotta.

Steam salmon with greens.

Day 3

Pasta with zucchini and tomatoes.

Hard cheese, orange.

2 boiled eggs with cucumber.

Day 4

Stewed chicken breast with an orange.

Vegetable salad.

Bean salad with pepper.

Day 5

Chicken broth, vegetable salad.

A handful of nuts.

Curd with cinnamon.

Day 6

Buckwheat with green beans.


Boiled squid with tomatoes.

Day 7

Stewed chickpeas with vegetables.

A couple of apples.

Baked pollock with asparagus.

Grocery list for the week

There are more recipes for healthy meals than you think: they differ from “harmful” only in the absence of fatty sauces, fried ingredients and “empty” foods. The basis of a diet based on healthy food, very diverse, so for a week you can not repeat yourself in food. The PP weekly program should include:

  • porridge (excluding semolina);
  • soups with vegetable or chicken broth(meat without cereals and potatoes);
  • pasta;
  • vegetables (without potatoes, and only fresh carrots and beets; emphasis on cabbage);
  • fruits (emphasis on citrus fruits, green apples);
  • seeds, nuts (without peanuts);
  • hard cheeses;
  • yogurt, kefir (no additives);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • chicken meat;
  • fish, seafood;
  • greens;
  • eggs;
  • bran.

Healthy food table for every day

line up correct menu The food pyramid also helps, which clearly demonstrates the essence of a healthy diet with reasonable restrictions. This table is useful for making individual diet, or remember how to maintain the health of the body without denying yourself delicious food. It looks like this:


Daily amount

Percentage of daily food intake

Cereals (cereals, whole wheat bread, bread), pasta

Up to 6 slices of bread, or up to 180 g of dry cereal, or up to 100 g of pasta

Vegetables (excluding starchy ones), greens

Up to 500 g vegetables, 1/2 cup greens.

Meat, fish, poultry

Up to 210 g (in several meals).

Dairy group (lactose-free, low fat)

Up to 3 glasses of milk or fermented milk drinks, or up to 120 g of cheese, or up to 300 g of cottage cheese.

Nuts, seeds


Users of the World Wide Web incredibly often use a variety of abbreviations in their written speech. Sometimes this manner penetrates into oral conversations. Despite the obvious convenience of using abbreviations (you can convey your idea to the interlocutor faster and significantly reduce the time of working with the keyboard), numerous abbreviations remain incomprehensible to the majority. The topic of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is no exception. general trend, and more and more often on the forums they ask the same question: "What is PP in weight loss?"

foundation of the foundations

PP is a healthy diet. Unfortunately, not all losing weight women (and men) really know the meaning of this simple phrase. At first glance, it seems that the right products mean any healthy food, and above all fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. The benefits of these products really do not make sense to deny, however, proper nutrition is a much more complex system, based not so much on the choice of specific dishes, but on the distribution of nutrients and meals throughout the day.

To lose weight, you need to eat

This is one of the basic principles of PP. What is diet and fasting? This is an effective way to quickly get rid of kilograms. But at the same time, any diet is also a direct way to gain weight and gain an additional 2-5 extra kilos. Why? If you understand the principles of work human body, all the complex becomes obvious.

Losing calories and nutrients, the body automatically reduces the metabolic rate. He decides that hard times have come and begins to accumulate any excess calories. This process continues non-stop throughout the diet. While you deny yourself your favorite treats and habitual amounts of food, the body really burns the accumulated fat reserves, but very slowly. This is the nature of body fat: they quickly accumulate and slowly disappear. But if you go even a little over the portion or add a small spoonful of sugar to green tea, as excess carbohydrates, from which the body has already weaned, will instantly replenish subcutaneous fat reserves. After all, hungry times have come, and any crumb should be put off for later.

That is why, at the end of any diet, kilograms return sooner or later. Well, if they do not bring "comrades" with them: bad skin, cellulite, digestive problems, rare stools, hair loss.

Why does PP work?

But what is PP anyway? In a diet, the basic principle is to limit fats, carbohydrates and calories in general. In proper nutrition, the essence is simple: you need to eat - albeit not very much, but often enough. Ideal Schema for every day it looks like this: breakfast, second breakfast (snack), lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. In addition, before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea or a glass of kefir. If you are actively involved in sports, kefir can be replaced without any remorse with low-fat cottage cheese.

Getting enough nutrients (provided that you keep track of the variety of your menu) and not being afraid of hunger strikes, the body speeds up the metabolism. This means that any food consumed in record time breaks down into basic components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Since you're not limiting yourself, your body doesn't have to store every extra calorie. As a result, you get a healthy digestive system, perfectly functioning intestines, strong hair and nails, clean skin. And if you connect sports, then excess weight will begin to melt by leaps and bounds.


In no case should you skip the first breakfast if you have switched to PP. What is proper nutrition without the main meal that starts the metabolism for the whole day? For breakfast, they eat primarily porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, barley, wheat, multi-cereal. Semolina porridge has not been held in high esteem lately, but there is nothing harmful in it. If you have just begun to comprehend what PP is, sports and healthy lifestyle life, semolina will give your body the energy it needs to effective workout and maintaining tone.

In addition to porridge, you need to eat at least one medium-sized fruit or several small ones. So, oatmeal goes perfectly with fresh apples. When consumed at the same time useful material from both products are absorbed to the maximum.

It is advisable to diversify breakfast by adding proteins. It can be hard boiled egg or a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese.


A snack, or second breakfast, consists of any dishes rich in simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as fats of both vegetable and animal origin. This is the time when you can fearlessly eat your favorite sweets, even if you strictly adhere to the rules of PP. What are sweets within the system? This is bitter chocolate, any marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits, halva, Turkish delight and other sweet oriental delicacies. The portion should be small, but satisfying.


The basis of the system begins with lunch, namely the indispensable combination of proteins and vegetables, characteristic only for PP. What is a protein? This is the base material from which it is built. muscle, as well as most other biostructures. Some diets are based on consumption large volumes squirrel. This is wrong and even harmful to the body, as toxins are formed during the breakdown of proteins. If you do not remove the breakdown products of protein from the body, you can suffer from serious poisoning. The removal of toxins just the same contribute to vegetables, so always serve with meat and fish vegetable garnish. Pasta, potatoes and cereals for lunch are also not prohibited.

Afternoon and dinner

Everything is simple here: for an afternoon snack and dinner, they eat the same foods as for lunch, but without complex carbohydrates (that is, only proteins and vegetables). For those who have just begun to comprehend what PP is, eating according to the regimen can seem like torture. After all, this is not a diet at all, but a real way of life. Remember: you just have to try it, and you will get a taste of it very soon. Unlike diets, proper nutrition gives a person health and joy of life.

If you have been thinking more and more lately about how to lose weight on proper nutrition, as well as about the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss, then it's time to study the issue in more depth. PP adherents know that proper nutrition for weight loss is ideal. Adhering to the established regimen once and for all, you can lose weight by pp in a month up to 5 kg! Moreover, this will happen by itself - without restrictions, monotony in the diet, indefatigable appetite and the desire to quit everything. For example, many can lose weight at a calorie rate of 1400-1500 kcal (and this is a lot - you can cook a lot of delicious things), there is even

Briefly about the basic rules of PP

The basics of proper nutrition is a topic for a separate article. But before moving on to losing weight with this lifestyle, remember on what the PP itself is generally based. There are only 3 main rules:

  • dietary diversity;
  • control of calories and balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates ();
  • compliance with the regime.

It is obvious why a wide variety of products should be present in the daily menu - this is how the body receives important substances. And getting everything we need, our body will not send signals to the brain “eat candy” or “how to live without chocolate”.

The easiest way is to think over the diet in advance, making a list of products for proper nutrition, and make supplies for at least a week.

However, even with right food you can gain weight if you exceed your calorie intake or miscalculate the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Here it is clear why any diet plan for weight loss should start with points about calorie control.

At first, you can not do without a calorie calculator, keeping a food diary.

And most importantly - without constant weighing of finished food and products.

But after a couple of months or even weeks of constant practice, you will be able to evaluate the menu “by eye”.

Remember right away: daily calorie content cannot be less than 1200: dangerous for both health and weight loss.

The pp mode, in short, looks like this: small portions 5-6 times a day, the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. Be sure to drink clean water! This will eliminate the appearance of a feeling of hunger, that is, the body will not turn on the “stock up for a rainy day” mode. And most importantly, metabolism accelerates, that is, our energy and need for calories increase.

The principles of proper nutrition for weight loss

And now let's move on to the details of losing weight on paragraphs.

We drink a lot of water every day. If you do not have problems with the kidneys and urinary system, then the minimum you need to drink is 1.7 liters. This speeds up all metabolic processes, removes various decay products. Sometimes modern man confuses hunger and thirst.

If 2 hours have not passed since the last meal, and you want to eat again, drink a glass of water - most likely this is how the body asks to drink, not eat. If you don’t have the habit of drinking pure water, be sure to develop it - this is 50% success in losing weight! Special reminder programs on a smartphone, small bottles of clean water in a bag, backpack, on the desktop - only a week or two and you yourself will not notice how you got involved.

We keep the balance of kbzhu. And proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates should be in the diet. Focus on non-fat foods, berries, vegetables, whole grains.

We don't starve! Avoid long breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Be sure to enter 2-3 snacks.

We gradually reduce the volume of the stomach. Even if you eat only cabbage salads, but in bowls, and drink low-fat kefir or even the most healthy drink in liters, you can forget about losing weight. The volume of food at a time should not exceed 400 ml. Get yourself a 220 ml cup and a small plate. Such a trick is also suitable - always eat only with a teaspoon. At first, you will have to show willpower, but this takes 3 days - then the stomach itself will get used to such portions.

We buy products and plan our own menu. This way you will know exactly what you are eating.

Don't go shopping hungry. Everyone knows this banal rule, but we often forget about it, especially when we go to the supermarket after work - there is a very high danger of gaining too much. If this cannot be ruled out in any way, remember the list of allowed products! Write it down on your phone or carry a printout with you. And never buy anything that is not on this list.

We cook, stew, bake. Any recipe can be adapted to pp - I have long understood this. And even where it seems impossible to do without frying, you can fully adhere to the principles of paragraph 1: buy a good frying pan with non-stick coating or bake in the oven under the grill. The taste is not worse, but the effect is what we need.

We don't wait quick result . Many go to become slim on pp tomorrow. This is often the mistake of beginners, especially those who used to be fond of diets. Proper nutrition is not a diet, it is a lifestyle where weight loss is a secondary goal, even most likely. side effect. The main thing is a full, energetic and healthy life. The optimal weight loss rate is 0.5 kg per week! Such figures give a guarantee that fat is leaving, and it is gone forever.

We eat with pleasure! Do not get distracted while eating, do not chew on the go - organize your meal so that you have the opportunity to enjoy every bite!

Don't forget about sports- even the most minimal physical activity, combined with proper nutrition, will give excellent results: energy levels will increase, metabolism will speed up, muscles, if they don’t grow, will certainly come in tone, even mood will improve - after all, everyone enjoys watching how the body changes, becomes more strong, fit! It is not necessary to immediately rush to the gym (although I like this approach and preferably with the purchase of a subscription for six months))) - you can go dancing, download exercises from the Internet, just get into the habit of walking.03

How to make a menu for weight loss according to the principles of pp

Making a menu even for experienced people is difficult, so a little later I will definitely share detailed examples menu for the day, for the week (updated! available for 1200 kcal, but for 1500) In the meantime, I will give general recommendations for each meal:

  • breakfast should be complex carbohydrates and squirrel. Examples: cereals with water or milk with water (1:1) with the addition of berries and cottage cheese; whole grain pasta with grated cheese (choose one with less fat content); omelet with vegetables. So popular these days, it's perfect. Tea, natural coffee without sugar - you can also;
  • snack (not earlier than after 2 hours)- some complex carbohydrates, fats. For example: apples, a handful of nuts;
  • during lunch, you can and should eat proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Most importantly, control portion sizes;
  • the next snack is better to make protein- cottage cheese with berries, a cocktail of kefir, cinnamon and even a small piece of banana; coffee or tea with some curd dessert;
  • dinner is planned so that it consists of more from protein products. The most ideal option is a fresh vegetable salad seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil and a piece of boiled or baked sea fish.

It’s easier to think over the menu in advance, stock up on food and cook according to the plan. Then there are fewer options for disruption. We compose this menu in such a way that the balance of KBJU is perfectly observed.

The benefits of proper nutrition for losing weight

  1. no hunger, because we eat a lot, often, and most importantly - delicious;
  2. there is no need to give up sweets - there are hundreds of excellent low-calorie desserts, the recipes of which are also on our website. However, almost all your favorite foods can be prepared more healthy;
  3. with such weight loss, not only the figure decreases and cellulite disappears - hair, skin and nails heal, you even start to look younger;
  4. there is a real budget savings, because proper nutrition for weight loss, the principles of which we are considering, are simple, available products. Many, until they move on to practice, are afraid that PP products are something special from the VIP departments of expensive supermarkets. Then they realize how wrong they were, but because of this prejudice, I personally postponed for several months healthy life in a slim body.

How much weight can you lose on pp in a month

And now to the most important thing - what results can be expected by adhering to the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss. I wrote above that ideal result - minus half a kilo per week, that is, 2-3 kg per month. Therefore, if somewhere they tell you how to lose weight on proper nutrition by 10 kg, then this is either pure quackery, or you misunderstood something and we are talking much longer than a month.

Once again, understand: it is impossible to lose weight quickly on pp! But qualitatively (losing only fat) and forever - very real.

In the first 1-2 months, the weight loss can reach 5-6 kg more quickly - this also leaves water.

In general, I, like many, recommend focusing on measurements, and even better on a photo, and not on weights.

Especially if, in addition to pp, you also went in for sports.

So, strength exercises in combination with an abundance of protein in the diet, they can even give you a plus on the scales, although it will feel like you have lost weight.

It is possible to lose weight without sports at all, but at least minimal loads are recommended - the body will look more beautiful, toned. In addition, sports and building have exactly muscle mass one significant advantage that I, as a lover of food, cannot help but like - the more muscles we have, the more body need calories! That is, the more you can have all sorts of tasty treats. I agree, this is a bit of a dubious advantage, but it warms the soul during squats with a barbell or leg press))).

If you not only read all this, but also put it into practice, be sure that high-quality weight loss without any restrictions is guaranteed!

Useful video about proper weight loss

This video briefly talks about the basic rules for successful weight loss on pp:

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