Home Flowers Yadrintsev, Nikolai Mikhailovich. The meaning of Nikolay Mikhailovich Yadrintsev in a brief biographical encyclopedia

Yadrintsev, Nikolai Mikhailovich. The meaning of Nikolay Mikhailovich Yadrintsev in a brief biographical encyclopedia

“... There is no other publicist who would be in such
degree fused with all fibers with Siberia,
he could rightly say about himself - “Siberia is me”
G. N. Potanin

Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich (1842-1894)

Related documents: Yadrintsev N.M. (bibliography)

A well-known publicist and public figure, one of the main theorists of Siberian regionalism.

The son of the merchant M.Ya. Yadrintsev and the former serf Fevronia Vasilievna. Nikolai Mikhailovich's father was familiar with the Decembrists A.I. Annenkov, P.N. Svistunov, friendly with V.I. Shteingel, was interested in sciences, fiction.

Early childhood N.M. Yadrintsev was held in Tobolsk and Tyumen. In 1851 the family moved to Tomsk. For three years he was brought up in a private boarding school, then, from 1854, in the Tomsk gymnasium, where he became friends with Nikolai Naumov.

In 1859, Nikolai Mikhailovich met Nikolai Shchukin, who had arrived from St. Petersburg and settled in an apartment with the Yadrintsevs. According to Yadrintsev’s memoirs, school friends from Shchukin “learned for the first time what Russia was going through ... For the first time we heard about progress, about human brotherhood, about the best aspirations of man ... We were flooded with everything at once: European life, history and ideas that troubled Europe for half a century. Rousseau and Voltaire, Diderot and d'Alembert, Condorcet - everything was new for us... We learned that happiness is also available for Russia, that great work is foreseen in it, and we will also take part in it as future students and citizens. ..". Yadrintsev became a regular at the N.S. Shchukin literary circle. He met M.A., exiled to Tomsk. Bakunin.

Nikolai Mikhailovich left the 7th grade of the gymnasium in order to quickly start studying at St. Petersburg University. Shchukin gave him a letter of recommendation to G.N. Potanin.

In 1860, Yadrintsev entered St. Petersburg University as a volunteer. In September 1860, he met G.N. Potanin: “The idea of ​​conscious service to the region, at a time when self-consciousness was also awakening in European Russia, is the idea that formed the basis of our rapprochement,” wrote Yadrintsev.

As a student, Yadrintsev, together with G.N. Potanin, organized a fellowship of Siberian students, participated in the activities of the underground organization "Land and Freedom".

In St. Petersburg, Nikolai-Mikhailovich later recalled, “we dreamed of a happy future for a new virgin land, like America and Australia, we painted it in the future ... the queen of Asia.” He was greatly impressed by the lectures of N.I. Kostomarova, K.D. Kavelin, and then a close acquaintance with these scientists. “... I spoke with them about the fate of my homeland. Both were true friends of the regional revival, understanding in it the uplifting of the spiritual and civil forces of the whole people, ”recalled Yadrintsev. In September-October 1861, Yadrintsev took part in student unrest.

In 1862, he met members of the editorial board of the satirical weekly magazine Iskra. In the second issue of this magazine for 1863, Yadrintsev's essay "Our Love for the People" was published. In the summer of 1862, he made a trip with G.N. Potanin in the provinces of European Russia with an "ethnographic purpose".

In the first half of 1863 in St. Petersburg, Yadrintsev, together with S.S. Shashkov creates a proclamation "To the Siberian Patriots".

In November 1863, Yadrintsev returned to Omsk, where, together with Potanin, he began to engage in social activities: organizing evenings, lectures, meetings, where the ideas of the all-round development of the region and the need to open a university in Siberia were promoted. At a literary evening in December 1863, Yadrintsev said: “Without knowledge there is no rich country, without knowledge there is no free country, without knowledge there is no happy country. All this proves how necessary the university is...”.

According to A.V. Adrianov, in Omsk, Yadrintsev got a job as a home teacher to the son of the gendarmerie colonel Rykachev, an ardent serf-owner and conservative, with whom he repeatedly entered into disputes, defending the reforms of Alexander II and "discovering Siberian patriotic tendencies."

At the end of 1864, at the invitation of G.N. Potanin Nikolai Mikhailovich moved to Tomsk. He actively collaborated in the Tomsk Gubernskie Vedomosti. In 1865, Yadrintsev's article "Siberia on January 1, 1865" appeared, in which he writes: "... The time is coming when Siberia should think about its interests and its future. The time is coming when it must lay claim to its civilization, which has become the lot of all mankind, without climatic differences and restrictions. Let Siberian society unite from the Urals to the Eastern Ocean to create a new life for Siberia. He will begin to live a mental life and take care of his original all-round development ”(Tomsk provincial journals, unofficial part, 1865, January 18).

Yadrintsev participated in the activities of the Tomsk circle: secret meetings, reading illegal literature, raising funds in favor of fugitive exiles, trying to acquire lithographs for printing literature and proclamations, contacts with Polish exiles preparing an uprising, organizing legal lectures.

In May 1865, together with G.N. Potanin, Nikolai Mikhailovich was arrested in Tomsk in connection with the case of the Siberian Independence Society, as its main leader and drafter of the appeal to the Siberian Patriots. Imprisoned in the Omsk prison, later was under arrest in the guardhouse. In prison, he studied the issue of the Russian community. On February 20, 1868, Yadrintsev was sentenced to deprivation of all rights of property and to hard labor for 12 years, replaced on April 19 by exile under police supervision to a remote district of the Arkhangelsk province. In the autumn of 1868, he was delivered on a prison barge to Nizhny Novgorod, and from there to Shenkursk. In exile, Yadrintsev was engaged in literary activities, actively published in the capital's publications ("Delo", "Nedelya").

At the beginning of 1872, Yadrintsev began to collaborate in the Asiatic Bulletin magazine. In 1872, Yadrintsev's book "The Russian Community in Prison and Exile" was published in St. Petersburg, from which it follows that the regionals are included in the progressive movement for the economic, administrative and cultural development of Siberia, moving away from the political struggle. Since 1873 he has been published in the Kamsko-Volzhskaya gazeta. “We began to pursue the direction of decentralization and the idea of ​​a regional provincial revival,” Yadrintsev wrote about the essence of his publications.

In 1875, in Omsk, on behalf of the Governor-General of Western Siberia, N.G. Kaznakov, Yadrintsev compiled a report on the establishment of the Siberian University, in which it was planned to open four faculties: medical, physical and mathematical, historical and philological and legal to train their own specialists and study the natural resources of Siberia. A year later, N.G. Kaznakov invited Yadrintsev to permanent service in Omsk, in the Main Directorate of Western Siberia to study the economic conditions of life in the region. Nikolai Mikhailovich accepted this offer and began work on his main book, Siberia as a Colony.

In 1876, he wrote with satisfaction to N.K. Mikhailovsky: “The regional idea, or service to the people, moving and stimulating life from within, from the provinces, and not from one center, as it is now, finds more and more soil in the Zemstvo, regional writers and local residents.”

In 1877, Yadrintsev was one of the initiators of the creation in Omsk of the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. In 1878 and 1880 he made expeditions to the Altai, on the basis of which the work “Siberian foreigners: their life and current situation” was created (St. Petersburg, 1891). For travel he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 1881 Yadrintsev moved to St. Petersburg. From April 1, 1882, he published and edited the newspaper Vostochnoye Obozreniye. At the same time, "Yadrintsevsky Thursdays" began to be held - meetings of Siberians in the capital. In 1882, Yadrintsev's book "Siberia as a colony" was published in St. Petersburg - an encyclopedic work devoted to a comprehensive description of the region. Since 1886, "Siberian collections" - scientific and literary and journalistic supplements to the newspaper "Eastern Review" - began to be published regularly. In January 1888, the publication of the newspaper was transferred to Irkutsk.

In 1888, Yadrintsev made an expedition to the unexplored Asian steppes, to the upper reaches of the river. Orkhon, where he made a number of discoveries, including the ruins of the ancient capital of Genghis Khan - Karakorum. This discovery resonated around the world. In 1890, Yadrintsev made a report on this journey to the Paris Geographical Society. In 1891, the Academy of Sciences sent a second expedition to the ruins of Karakorum, which also included Yadrintsev. The event was the publication of his book "Siberian foreigners, their life and current situation" (St. Petersburg, 1891), as well as the second, supplemented, edition of the book "Siberia as a colony" (St. Petersburg, 1892).

In 1892, Yadrintsev led the first sanitary detachment of medical students in the Tobolsk province to fight hunger and disease among the migrant peasants.

In 1893 he visited the World's Fair in Chicago. On June 2, 1894, he arrived in Barnaul as head of the statistical bureau.

He died after taking a large dose of opium by mistake.

In 1900, at the grave of N.M. Yadrintsev, a monument was unveiled with the inscription "Siberians - a writer-publicist of Siberia." Funds for its installation were collected by subscription throughout Siberia.

Nikienko O.G.,
head ICO TOWNB them. A.S. Pushkin

Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev(October 18, Omsk, Tara district, Tobolsk province, Russian Empire - June 7, Barnaul, Barnaul district, Tomsk province, Russian Empire) - Siberian publicist, writer and public figure, researcher of Siberia and Central Asia, one of the founders of Siberian regionalism, discoverer of ancient Turkic monuments on the Orkhon River, the capital of Genghis Khan Karakorum and Ordu-Balyk - the capital of the Uyghur Khaganate in Mongolia.


In 1863, Yadrintsev returned to Omsk, worked as a teacher, and together with Potanin was the organizer of literary readings.

Following Potanin, in 1864 he moved to Tomsk, where he contributed to the newspaper Tomsk Gubernskie Vedomosti. Published there the articles "Siberia before the court of Russian literature", "Ethnological features of the Siberian population".

Arrest in the case of the Siberian Independence Society

In 1874 he received a pardon and moved to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as a secretary to V. A. Sollogub, chairman of the prison supervision commission. In 1876 he moved to Omsk, where he was public service until 1880.

Expeditions to Altai

In 1878 he made the first comprehensive expedition to the Altai as a member of the West Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society, studied the setting of the resettlement case, collected ethnographic and botanical materials. In 1880, as a result of his second expedition, geographic maps of Lake Teletskoye, the Chuya River and its tributaries were compiled, and many anthropological studies were carried out. In 1881 he was awarded the gold medal of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Yadrintsev visited almost all areas of Altai, including the central and high mountain regions. His articles “About deer breeding in Altai”, “A trip to Western Siberia and the Gorno-Altai district” and others are of scientific value even today.

In Petersburg

In 1881 he returned to St. Petersburg, where in 1882 Yadrintsev's most significant and relevant work, Siberia as a Colony, was published. On April 1, 1882, he founded the newspaper Vostochnoye Obozrenie in St. Petersburg. In 1888, due to financial difficulties, he moved the newspaper to Irkutsk. In literary writings, he gravitated toward lyrical and journalistic genres, in particular, to travel essays, which were often accusatory. He acted as a critic and literary critic: articles “The fate of Siberian poetry and ancient poets of Siberia”, “The beginning of printing in Siberia”, about the work of N. V. Gogol, I. S. Turgenev, N. I. Naumov, S. Ya. Elpatevsky and others

Expedition to the Minusinsk Territory

During expeditions (1886, 1889, 1891) to the Minusinsk region and to the upper reaches of the Orkhon, he discovered the ruins of Khara-Balgas and the ancient Mongolian capital of Karakorum, as well as monuments of ancient Turkic writing with duplication of the Turkic text in Chinese characters, which made it possible to decipher them by V. Thomsen.


In 1894, at his personal request, Yadrintsev was appointed head of the statistical department of the Administration of the Altai Mining District. Arriving in Barnaul, June 7 due to unrequited love being in a state of passion, he committed suicide - he took poison in the house of the merchant Sulin.


Streets in Omsk, Novosibirsk (Yadrintsevskaya St.), Irkutsk, Barnaul are named after Yadrintsev. The village of Uvalo-Yadrintsevo (Lyubinsky district, Omsk region) bears his name.


  • Yadrintsev N. M. Siberia before the court of Russian literature // Tomsk provincial journals. 1865. No. 9.
  • Yadrintsev N. M. Social life of our cities // Tomsk provincial journals. 1865. No. 19.
  • Yadrintsev N.M. Woman in Siberia in the 17th and 18th centuries. Historical essay // Women's Bulletin. 1867. No. 8. S. 104-123.
  • Yadrintsev N.M. Russian nationality in the east // Business. 1874. No. 11. S. 297-340.
  • Yadrintsev N. M. From travel letters about Siberia // Eastern Review. 1882. No. 2. S. 47-50.
  • Yadrintsev N. M. Cultural and industrial state Siberia. SPb., 1884.
  • Yadrintsev N. M. Works. T. 1. Siberia as a colony: The current situation of Siberia, its needs and requirements. Her past and future. Tyumen, 2000. 480 p.
  • Yadrintsev N. M. Siberia as a colony in geographical, ethnographic and historical terms / N. M. Yadrintsev. - Novosibirsk: Siberian Chronograph, 2003. - 560 p. - (History of Siberia. Primary sources). - 5,000 copies. - ISBN 5-87550-007-7.(in trans.)
  • Yadrintsev N. M.
  • Yadrintsev N. M.
  • Yadrintsev N.M.]
  • Yadrintsev N. M.
  • Yadrintsev N. M.
  • Yadrintsev N. M.

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  • Dubrovsky K. V. Glorious son of Siberia (N. M. Yadrintsev) / article from the book Born in the Country of Exile: [biographical essays]. - Petrograd, 1916
  • Korzhavin V.K. The problem of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in the works of N. M. Yadrintsev // Questions of the history of the socio-economic and cultural life of Siberia. Ch. I-1970. Novosibirsk, 1971, pp. 65-72.
  • Naumov N.I.
  • Parshukova N. P. N. M. Yadrintsev and G. N. Potanin about the cities of Siberia // Cities of Siberia in the 18th - early 20th centuries: Collection of scientific articles. Barnaul, 2001, pp. 147-152.
  • Rafienko L. S. Memorial monuments of N. M. Yadrintsev in Siberia // Cultural heritage Asian Russia: Materials of the I Siberian-Ural Historical Congress. (Tobolsk, November 25-27, 1997). Tobolsk, 1997. S. 53-54.
  • Sezeva N. I. Humor and satire in the works of Siberians by artist I. A. Kalganov and writer N. M. Yadrintsev // Yearbook of the Tyumen Regional Museum of Local Lore: 1999. Tyumen, 2000. P. 178-193.
  • Shilovsky M.V. Patriot of Siberia (On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the birth of N. M. Yadrintsev) // Siberian Historical Journal. 2002. No. 1. S. 100-104. - ISBN 5-88081-320-7
  • Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich //North-Kazakhstan region. Encyclopedia. Almaty, 2004, p. 604.
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Yanovsky N. N.// Brief literary encyclopedia. - M.: Sov. encycl., 1962-1978. - T. 9: Abbaszade - Yahutl. - 1978. - Stb. 801-802.
  • Yanovsky N. N. N. M. Yadrintsev // Literary Siberia / Comp. Trushkin V.P., Volkova V.G. - Irkutsk: Vost.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1986. - S. 124-129.
  • Journal editorial. N. M. Yadrintsev (obituary) // World illustration: journal. - 1894. - T. 51, No. 1325. - S. 416, 418.
  • Yadrintsev N. M.

An excerpt characterizing Yadrintsev, Nikolai Mikhailovich

On this clear August evening on the 25th, Prince Andrei was lying, leaning on his arm, in a broken shed in the village of Knyazkov, on the edge of his regiment. Through the hole in the broken wall, he looked at the strip of thirty-year-old birch trees with the lower branches cut off along the fence, at the arable land with smashed heaps of oats on it, and at the bushes, along which the smoke of fires - soldiers' kitchens - could be seen.
No matter how cramped and no one needs and no matter how heavy his life now seemed to Prince Andrei, he, just like seven years ago in Austerlitz on the eve of the battle, felt agitated and irritated.
Orders for tomorrow's battle were given and received by him. There was nothing more for him to do. But the simplest, clearest and therefore terrible thoughts did not leave him alone. He knew that tomorrow's battle was to be the most terrible of all those in which he participated, and the possibility of death for the first time in his life, without any regard for worldly, without considerations of how it would affect others, but only in relation to himself, to his soul, with liveliness, almost with certainty, simply and terribly, she presented herself to him. And from the height of this idea, everything that had previously tormented and occupied him was suddenly illuminated by a cold white light, without shadows, without perspective, without distinction of outlines. All life seemed to him like a magic lantern, into which he looked for a long time through glass and under artificial light. Now he suddenly saw, without glass, in bright daylight, these badly painted pictures. “Yes, yes, here they are, those false images that agitated and delighted and tormented me,” he said to himself, turning over in his imagination the main pictures of his magic lantern of life, now looking at them in this cold white daylight - a clear thought of death. - Here they are, these roughly painted figures, which seemed to be something beautiful and mysterious. Glory, public good, love for a woman, the fatherland itself - how great these pictures seemed to me, what deep meaning they seemed to be filled with! And it's all so simple, pale and crude in the cold white light of that morning that I feel is rising for me." The three main sorrows of his life in particular caught his attention. His love for a woman, the death of his father and the French invasion that captured half of Russia. “Love! .. This girl, who seemed to me full of mysterious powers. How I loved her! I made poetic plans about love, about happiness with her. O dear boy! he said out loud angrily. - How! I believed in some perfect love who was supposed to keep her faithful to me for a whole year of my absence! Like the gentle dove of a fable, she must have withered away from me. And all this is much simpler ... All this is terribly simple, disgusting!
My father also built in the Bald Mountains and thought that this was his place, his land, his air, his peasants; and Napoleon came and, not knowing about his existence, like a chip from the road, pushed him, and his Bald Mountains and his whole life fell apart. And Princess Marya says that this is a test sent from above. What is the test for, when it no longer exists and will not exist? never again! He is not! So who is this test for? Fatherland, death of Moscow! And tomorrow he will kill me - and not even a Frenchman, but his own, as yesterday a soldier emptied a gun near my ear, and the French will come, take me by the legs and by the head and throw me into a pit so that I don’t stink under their noses, and new conditions will develop lives that will also be familiar to others, and I will not know about them, and I will not be.
He looked at the strip of birch trees, with their motionless yellowness, greenery and white bark, shining in the sun. "To die so that they would kill me tomorrow, so that I would not be ... so that all this would be, but I would not be." He vividly imagined the absence of himself in this life. And these birches with their light and shadow, and these curly clouds, and this smoke of bonfires - everything around was transformed for him and seemed something terrible and threatening. Frost ran down his back. Rising quickly, he went out of the shed and began to walk.
Voices were heard behind the barn.
- Who's there? - called Prince Andrew.
The red-nosed Captain Timokhin, Dolokhov's former company commander, now, due to the loss of officers, the battalion commander, timidly entered the shed. Behind him entered the adjutant and treasurer of the regiment.
Prince Andrei hurriedly got up, listened to what the officers had to convey to him in the service, gave them some more orders and was about to let them go, when a familiar, whispering voice was heard from behind the barn.
– Que diable! [Damn it!] said the voice of a man who had bumped into something.
Prince Andrei, looking out of the barn, saw Pierre coming up to him, who stumbled on a lying pole and almost fell. It was generally unpleasant for Prince Andrei to see people from his own world, especially Pierre, who reminded him of all those difficult moments that he experienced on his last visit to Moscow.
- That's how! - he said. - What fates? That's not waiting.
While he was saying this, there was more than dryness in his eyes and the expression of his whole face - there was hostility, which Pierre immediately noticed. He approached the barn in the most lively state of mind, but, seeing the expression on Prince Andrei's face, he felt embarrassed and awkward.
“I arrived ... so ... you know ... I arrived ... I’m interested,” said Pierre, who had so many times that day meaninglessly repeated this word “interesting”. “I wanted to see the fight.
– Yes, yes, but what do the Masons brothers say about the war? How to prevent it? - said Prince Andrei mockingly. - What about Moscow? What are mine? Have you finally arrived in Moscow? he asked seriously.
- We've arrived. Julie Drubetskaya told me. I went to them and did not find. They left for the suburbs.

The officers wanted to take their leave, but Prince Andrei, as if not wanting to remain eye to eye with his friend, invited them to sit and drink tea. Benches and tea were served. The officers, not without surprise, looked at the fat, huge figure of Pierre and listened to his stories about Moscow and the disposition of our troops, which he managed to travel around. Prince Andrei was silent, and his face was so unpleasant that Pierre turned more to the good-natured battalion commander Timokhin than to Bolkonsky.
“So you understood the entire disposition of the troops?” Prince Andrew interrupted him.
- Yes, that is, how? Pierre said. - As a non-military person, I can’t say that it is completely, but still I understood the general arrangement.
- Eh bien, vous etes plus avance que qui cela soit, [Well, you know more than anyone else.] - said Prince Andrei.
– A! - said Pierre in bewilderment, looking through his glasses at Prince Andrei. - Well, what do you say about the appointment of Kutuzov? - he said.
“I was very pleased with this appointment, that’s all I know,” said Prince Andrei.
- Well, tell me, what is your opinion about Barclay de Tolly? In Moscow, God knows what they said about him. How do you judge him?
“Ask them here,” said Prince Andrei, pointing to the officers.
Pierre, with a condescendingly inquiring smile, with which everyone involuntarily turned to Timokhin, looked at him.
“They saw the light, your excellency, how the brightest acted,” said Timokhin, timidly and constantly looking back at his regimental commander.
- Why is it so? Pierre asked.
- Yes, at least about firewood or fodder, I will report to you. After all, we retreated from Sventsyan, don’t you dare touch the twigs, or the senets there, or something. After all, we're leaving, he gets it, isn't it, Your Excellency? - he turned to his prince, - but don't you dare. In our regiment, two officers were put on trial for such cases. Well, as the brightest did, it just became so about this. The world has been seen...
So why did he forbid it?
Timokhin looked around in embarrassment, not understanding how and what to answer such a question. Pierre turned to Prince Andrei with the same question.
“And in order not to ruin the land that we left to the enemy,” Prince Andrei said angrily and mockingly. – It is very thorough; it is impossible to allow to plunder the region and accustom the troops to looting. Well, in Smolensk, he also correctly judged that the French could get around us and that they had more forces. But he could not understand this, - Prince Andrei suddenly cried out in a thin voice, as if escaping, - but he could not understand that for the first time we fought there for the Russian land, that there was such a spirit in the troops that I had never seen, that we fought off the French for two days in a row, and that this success multiplied our strength tenfold. He ordered a retreat, and all the efforts and losses were in vain. He did not think about betrayal, he tried to do everything as best as possible, he thought everything over; but that doesn't make him any good. He is no good now precisely because he thinks everything over very thoroughly and carefully, as every German should. How can I tell you ... Well, your father has a German footman, and he is an excellent footman and will satisfy all his needs better than you, and let him serve; but if your father is ill at death, you will drive away the footman and with your unaccustomed, clumsy hands you will begin to follow your father and calm him better than a skilled, but a stranger. That's what they did with Barclay. While Russia was healthy, a stranger could serve her, and there was a wonderful minister, but as soon as she was in danger; need your own native person. And in your club they invented that he was a traitor! By being slandered as a traitor, they will only do what later, ashamed of their false reprimand, they will suddenly make a hero or a genius out of traitors, which will be even more unfair. He is an honest and very accurate German...
“However, they say he is a skilled commander,” said Pierre.
“I don’t understand what a skilled commander means,” Prince Andrei said with a sneer.
“A skillful commander,” said Pierre, “well, one who foresaw all accidents ... well, guessed the thoughts of the enemy.
“Yes, it’s impossible,” said Prince Andrei, as if about a long-decided matter.
Pierre looked at him in surprise.
“However,” he said, “they say war is like a game of chess.
“Yes,” said Prince Andrei, “with the only slight difference that in chess you can think as much as you like about each step, that you are there outside the conditions of time, and with the difference that a knight is always stronger than a pawn and two pawns are always stronger.” one, and in war one battalion is sometimes stronger than a division, and sometimes weaker than a company. The relative strength of the troops cannot be known to anyone. Believe me,” he said, “that if anything depended on the orders of the headquarters, then I would be there and make orders, but instead I have the honor to serve here in the regiment with these gentlemen, and I think that it’s really from us tomorrow will depend, and not on them ... Success has never depended and will not depend either on position, or on weapons, or even on numbers; and least of all from the position.
- And from what?
“From the feeling that is in me, in him,” he pointed to Timokhin, “in every soldier.

From 1878 to 1881, at the invitation of the Governor-General of Western Siberia, Nikolai Yadrintsev worked in Omsk, collecting ethnographic and statistical materials. In 1878 he made the first comprehensive expedition to the Altai (as a member of the West Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society), studied the setting of the resettlement case, collected ethnographic and botanical materials.

Yadrintsev associated the study of Siberia with the practical struggle to meet the needs of the local population.

From 1882 he published in St. Petersburg and edited the newspaper "" and its appendix "" - the first periodical on Siberian studies. In 1888 he translated the newspaper into . In literary writings, he gravitated toward lyrical and journalistic genres, in particular, to travel essays, which were often accusatory.

He acted as a critic and literary critic: articles "The fate of Siberian poetry and ancient poets of Siberia", "The beginning of printing in Siberia", about the work of N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, N.I. Naumova, S.Ya. Elpatevsky and others.

In 1894, Yadrintsev was appointed head of the statistical department of the Altai Mining District. Arriving in Barnaul, on June 7 he died suddenly.

Streets in Omsk, Novosibirsk and Barnaul are named after Yadrintsev.


You wanted the talents

I didn't bury mine.

Showed you the heat of the heart

Showed the courage of the spirit.

Adelaida Fedorovna grew up in the family of a gold miner. “Already at the time when Adelaida Fedorovna was the bride of N.M. Yadrintseva, - writes Vitaly Zelensky, researcher of the life path of Nikolai Yadrintsev, in his work “The Great Guardian of Siberia”, - they went with her to Nizhny Novgorod to arrange the affairs of the dying Kamsko-Volzhskaya newspaper and conceived a new edition of provincial collections. So, in Kazan, the collection "The First Step" was published with articles and poems by Yadrintsev. When he married, he was a poor writer who lived casually as an editor, but his girlfriend was not stopped by future poverty, she shared only the best goals and aspirations of her husband to benefit society and the homeland.

Nikolai Mikhailovich dedicated the poem "Karym" to his wife:

We dreamed of islands

Where, having completed the hard way,

In bright leaves and flowers

It will be nice to rest.

Maybe in another harbor

Happiness and peace awaits us ...

Why, however, the chest

So shrinking with longing?

... I tightly squeezed the steering wheel in my hands,

Looking into the future,

And with a prayer, a quiet look

Down on you.

Do you hear the whistle of the wind

Do you see how the shaft scurries?

Wipe, dear friend,

I have cold sweat on my forehead.

Yadrintsev - organizer of the provincial press

While still working in the Tomsk Gubernskie Vedomosti, Yadrintsev called the local literature "lantern". This is another extreme - to completely move away from universal problems to describe only one's own puddles in the streets, universal human issues should be reduced to the limits of local conditions. He emphasizes that the newspaper must comply with its topographical, ethnographic, economic features. Avoiding being categorical, the small press theorist writes:

« I am not saying that she should not devote herself to world and state issues at all, but she should occasionally make brief summaries of them, indicating the sources where they are developed, but at the same time, the main issue in the newspaper is regional. And the educational value of the provincial press is to point out the connection of a small community, village, town with the highest interests of mankind.».

By covering regional issues, the provincial press also provides information to the Russian government, this is a way to push it to solve urgent problems, a way of direct communication and publicity. An example of a regional press organ was the Kamsko-Volzhskaya Gazeta. It was she who managed to attract the attention of metropolitan journalism. Yadrintsev, speaking on its pages, argued on equal terms about the basic principles of the local press with metropolitan publicists, and in this debate he was the winner. The controversy outgrew the boundaries of journalism, and at the moment of discussion the question arose of the centralization of intellectual life in Russia.

N.M. Yadrintsev argued with the opinions of Moscow critics S.S. Shashkova, D.L. Mordovtsev, who believed that only in the center of the country can a person develop talent, and the population of the periphery is doomed to spiritual and economic slavery.

"Eastern View"

Remoteness from Central Russia gave rise to a real arbitrariness of censorship. Working in the first uncensored newspaper published in St. Petersburg for Siberia and the East - "Eastern Review", - N.M. Yadrintsev most showed his organizational skills, editorial skills. He created a developed network of correspondents throughout the country, managed to put into practice his ideas about the priority of local topics in a provincial newspaper, and they did not sound local, but were a reflection of urgent problems in Russia. The purpose of this publication was to consolidate the intelligentsia of the region, the formation of professional journalists.

Vostochnoye Obozreniye was aimed at reorganizing the economic way of life in Eastern Siberia. It expressed the views of various social groups on the problems of the economic structure of the region. And the second task is to shape the political moods of different segments of the population. Therefore, the imposition of arrests on numbers, the suspension of releases and other repressive measures were typical. What journalists did not come up with in order to defend the openness of the press. The publication of one Siberian province criticized the administration of another, thus circumventing the arbitrariness of the authorities in relation to print media. After the closure of Siberia, Vostochnoye Obozreniye was the leading organ of Siberian periodicals in 1887.

Vostochnoye Obozrenie is a literary and political newspaper published in St. Petersburg from April 1882 on a weekly basis. Her task was to give, as far as possible, a true picture of the life of the East in its diverse manifestations, to try to determine the role of the Russian nationality in the Asian East and its universal vocation, as well as to express the needs and requirements of Russian society on the outskirts".

The employees of the newspaper were: Professor V.P. Vasiliev, I.P. Minaev, V.V. Radlov, I.Ya. Foinitsky, D.N. Anuchin, S.V. Maksimov, D.I. Zavalishin, S.Ya. Kapustin, N.I. Naumov, M.S. Znamensky, S.S. Shashkov, M.V. Malakhov, O.K. Dumberg, M.V. Pevtsov, G.H. Potanin, A.V. Adrianov and others. The newspaper repeatedly suffered censorship: on October 27, 1882, it received its first warning; July 10, 1884 - the second for correspondence in No. 1 from Chita, in No. 5 from Ukyr and for the article in No. 11: "Congresses at the Irbit Fair"; September 19, 1885 - the third warning was given for the article in No. 35: "Amur Illusions and Disappointments", with a suspension for 2 weeks, and it was noted that the newspaper " tries to continue to portray in an extremely unseemly light the activities of the Siberian administration". On October 7, the newspaper was allowed with preliminary censorship. Finally, on October 12, 1885, the publisher was suing for publishing a number of articles in Nos. Tomsk head of Mr. Mikhailov, and was acquitted.

Since 1888, the publication has been transferred to Irkutsk. In 1885, the Literary Collection. A collection of scientific and literary articles about Siberia and the Asian East was published as an appendix to the newspaper, and since 1886 the Siberian Collection. A scientific and literary periodical has been attached, appearing 1-4 times a year. Since 1891 H.M. Yadrintsev becomes a publisher, and V.A. becomes an editor. Oshurkov.

“Having published several collections in the capital, we hoped that an increase in the circle of readers would facilitate the publication of supplements and allow us to increase issues. Unfortunately, the first experiments did not give the expected results, despite the price of 2 rubles, - admitted the publisher Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev. – Nevertheless, we were sad to part with the first attempts at journalism in Siberia. Believing and hoping that with the development of society itself, literary interest will rise, we did not stop before the difficulties.

N.M. Yadrintsev managed to raise the provincial newspaper to the level of the central one and make it competitive with the metropolitan publications that appeared in Siberia with a big delay. His newspaper was part of the general democratic movement, or rather, its specific form.

In a number of articles, united under the heading "Provincial Beauties", he formulates the tasks that, in his opinion, should face the local press organs. Of these, two are important. The first is to acquaint society and the local population with purely local issues and needs that life itself puts on the queue. The second is to be an intermediary between metropolitan publications and provincial readers. To be able to point out to him all the best that appears in the metropolitan press, communicating useful scientific knowledge in a popular form. But at the same time, there is no need to imitate the metropolitan press, to try to put everything in a “two-top newspaper”, to solve a “bunch of problems”. Yadrintsev proves that the small press does not need to compete with the capital. If the metropolitan newspaper covers government issues, it is more important for the provincial to pay attention to regional issues.

Soon Yadrintsev retired, and in 1894 he died. The circulation of "Eastern Review" has declined sharply. Perhaps the newspaper would have been closed, but at that time Ivan Popov, a political exile, a talented editor and journalist, became its editor-in-chief. Under Popov, the circulation steadily grew, in 1901 it reached 12 thousand copies, and in 1904 - 20 thousand. In 1905, in the light of revolutionary events, the newspaper was recognized as disloyal to the government and the publication was closed. Despite such an ending, Eastern Review is considered the most successful pre-revolutionary journalistic project.


Throughout his life, Yadrintsev continued to be interested in prison and exile; subsequently, he practically worked on the reorganization of the prison business in Russia in various commissions, at congresses. After the exile, after spending several years in St. Petersburg, where he repeatedly returned later, Yadrintsev left for Siberia and entered the civil service, working on the colonization of Siberia and the establishment of “foreigners”.

In 1878 he made his first trip to Altai as a member of the Russian Geographical Society (Yadrintsev was one of the founders of the West Siberian Department of the Society); the second trip to Altai took place in 1880. In addition to studying the conditions of the colonization of Altai (the main task), Yadrintsev observed the life of the indigenous population of Altai and Russian peasants and exiles, carried out archaeological work, anthropometric measurements, meteorological observations, collected samples of minerals, soils, and compiled a herbarium. Having crossed the Chuya squirrels, he gave a detailed description of the highest mountain Belukha, studied the Katun glaciers. Yadrintsev established that Lake Chany was drying up - this was a major scientific discovery.

From this trip he brought a lot of maps, plans, sketches. But the main subject of his interest has always been a man - the population of Siberia, both indigenous and alien. In his Altai trips and subsequent expeditions, as well as in his service activities, Yadrintsev collected a huge amount of material on the economy and life of the peoples of Siberia. He did not separate their ethnographic study from the constant struggle to meet the practical needs of the population of Siberia. Two of his most important works are devoted to these issues: “Siberia as a colony” (published in 1882 on the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the annexation of Siberia to Russia) and “Siberian foreigners, their way of life and current situation” (1891).

Describing the unattractive life of the indigenous peoples of Siberia based on his own observations and other statistical materials, Yadrintsev vividly paints their plight under the yoke of commercial capital and bureaucracy. At the same time, he raises general questions of the development of the culture of the peoples of Asia, tries to determine the place of nomadic economy and life in the history of human culture. Yadrintsev paid even more attention to the Russian population of Siberia. In his opinion, it represents a completely special regional type, which was formed due to the fact that Russian settlers mixed with the natives.

Yadrintsev attached great importance to the cultural role of the Russian people in Siberia. “It is not for nothing that the most energetic and enterprising part of the Russian people came to Siberia; it was not for nothing that these people made conquests, discoveries, and for almost three centuries worked in the forests and deserts of the new land... No! everything that the Russian people could do in Siberia, he did with extraordinary energy, and the result of his labors is worthy of astonishment in its immensity. Show me another nation in the history of the world, which in a century and a half would go through a space, greater than the space of all of Europe, and establish itself on it? No, you will not show me such a people!” Yadrintsev called for the use of huge reserves of valuable raw materials in Siberia: "Siberia is our golden chest"; he also draws attention to the Kuznetsk coal basin, to the development of "farming", to the possibility of "acclimatization of cherries and apples", etc.

In his writings, Yadrintsev connected scientific work with living social issues; he was interested in studying customary law, in particular the community, questions about the life of gold mining workers and measures against village "world-eaters". Altai expeditions, for which he was awarded gold medal of the Russian Geographical Society, his speeches in the capital's scientific societies and in the press nominated Yadrintsev to the ranks of leading Russian ethnographers and archaeologists. A long-term study of the peoples of Siberia aroused in him an interest in the monuments of their ancient history. This interest was reflected in his last expeditions.

In 1886, on behalf of the Russian Geographical Society, Yadrintsev undertook an expedition to the Minusinsk Territory, to the Angara and Baikal, and to the upper reaches of the Orkhon. The purpose of the expedition was twofold:

1) ethnographic observations of the nomadic life of the Mongols;

2) archaeological and historical studies - the direction of ancient colonization along the Orkhon, acquaintance with rune-like inscriptions on stones, which have been mentioned more than once in literature since the 18th century. (Stralenberg, Spassky, Castren and others).

Yadrintsev already then set himself the task of searching for Karakorum, the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire of the Chinggisids, the place of which world science tried in vain to establish. Upon his return from the search, he plunged into the study of medieval and modern literature on the issue of Karakoram in Eastern and European languages.

Only in 1889 did he manage to carry out an expedition to the upper reaches of the Orkhon, already specifically to search for the location of the Karakorum and, in connection with this, to study the history of the “Ugric-Altai” tribes of Siberia. The expedition discovered the ruins of ancient cities, including, 450 versts from Kyakhta in the Dalalkhyn-Tol valley, the ruins of Khara-Balgasun (later turned out to be the remains of the Uyghur Karakoram of the 8th century, southeast of Lake Ugey-Nor), the remains of a fortress wall and a tower (called Khara-Kherem by the locals) and traces of streets stretching for more than two miles, which Paderin had seen before. Monuments with "runic" inscriptions were found here, and one monument with a parallel inscription in Chinese, which soon made it possible to decipher the mysterious Siberian letters.

At 70 versts from the Uighur Karakorum, the ruins of another Karakorum, built by the Genghisids in the 13th century, were found near Lake Tsaidam in the vicinity of the Erdeni-Tzu monastery. and famous for visiting and describing it by European travelers. The remains of buildings, burial grounds, traces of irrigation, granite cisterns and gutters, huge monuments and obelisks with inscriptions and bas-reliefs, distinguished by the high technique of sculpture “stone women”, etc., were found here.

Yadrintsev was fully aware of the significance of his discoveries, but it is characteristic that he was not distracted by this from the pressing needs of the present; in a letter to G. N. Potanin about this expedition, he wrote: “It was not the fall of the barbarian empire that aroused regret and sadness, but the position of a savage man, which has not yet changed for the better. Unraveling the past of Mongolia, it was impossible not to think about the picture of the present. Further, he expresses the hope that the work of scientists will serve "...to alleviate the fate and the penetration of light into the alienated family of the peoples of Central Asia."

Upon his return to St. Petersburg, Yadrintsev made several reports on his discoveries in learned societies and press reports. It is characteristic that among the general choir of pan-Finnish scholars who proved the alien origin of "runic" writings in Siberia, only Yadrintsev proved their local Asian and even Turkic origin. It soon became clear that he was more right than his opponents.

In 1891, an expedition of the Academy of Sciences was sent to Orkhon with the participation of Yadrintsev under the command of the orientalist VV Radlov. The work of the expedition was planned for five years, but only one trip took place. Large archaeological excavations and reconnaissance were carried out and stampings were removed from all monuments with inscriptions. The results of the expedition were published in the "Collected Works of the Orkhon Expedition" (issue V, St. Petersburg, 1901) and in the "Atlas of Mongolian Antiquities" (St. Petersburg, 1893-1899).

Shortly thereafter, in 1893-1894. deciphering and translation of the found monuments was made (Thomsen, Radlov). The results of deciphering were amazing: it turned out that it was about the most ancient original writing in Central Asia, called "Orkhon" (later - "Orkhon-Yenisei"). This writing belonged to the people of the "Turks" (tugu), who created in the VI-VIII centuries. Huge empire (1) in Central Asia and South Siberia. The discovery of this ancient Turkic writing was the largest stage in the study of the history of the peoples of Asia. Thus, the finds of Yadrintsev's expedition acquired world-historical significance.

The name of Yadrintsev, as an archaeologist, has become famous in world science. However, the “discoverer of new cities,” as his Siberian employees began to call Yadrintsev, did not stop his vigorous social activity: in 1892 he led the sanitary detachments that worked in Siberia to combat hunger and typhus. He gave many cares to the Society for Assistance to Siberian Students founded by him.

Death of Yadrintsev

Yadrintsev died in Barnaul, poisoned by unhappy love (this is 52 years old). He arrived with big plans, but lived only 6 days and was buried in the highland cemetery of Barnaul.

Appendix. N. M. Yadrintsev in the encyclopedia

YADRINTSEV Nikolai Mikhailovich (October 30, 1842, Omsk - June 7, 1894, Barnaul), Russian. writer, scientist, traveler, society. figure. Genus. in a merchant family. In 1851 the parents moved to Tomsk. Yadrintsev studied at a private boarding school, and from 1854 at the Tomsk gymnasium. In 1860, without completing the course, he went to St. Petersburg, entered the natural sciences as a volunteer. f-t un-ta. He met with G. Potanin (see), together they created a sib. community. We got acquainted with the leaders of the “Land and Freedom” Society. In the journal "Iskra" in 1863 appeared the first feuilletons of Yadrintsev. Due to the fact that un-t after student. unrest long time was closed, Yadrintsev returned to b, worked in Omsk as a home teacher, lectured on the topic of societies. life of Siberia, propagated the need to open Sib. university The indignation of the local bourgeoisie with his sharp attacks makes Yadrintsev leave for Tomsk, where Potanin lived. Secret meetings, reading illegal literature, connections with Polish. exiles, light. lectures of a regional bias, the publication in the Tomsk Gubernskiye Vedomosti of several articles by Yadrintsev caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. In May 1865, Yadrintsev and Potanin were arrested and accused of trying to create an independent Siberia. The investigation in Omsk lasted three years. Yadrintsev was sentenced to an indefinite exile in the Arkhangelsk province. The arrest did not interfere with the creative work of Yadrintsev. In the Omsk prison, he keeps a diary, is published in a magazine. "Iskra", "Siberian Bulletin", "Women's Bulletin". In Shenkursk, Arkhangelsk Province. continues to collaborate with metropolitan magazines. In 1872, his book The Russian Community in Prison and Exile and the story On the Other Side were published. In 1874 Ya. was released and moved to St. Petersburg. He worked on the book "Siberia as a colony", began to publish private gas. "Eastern Review" (1882). In 1887, together with the newspaper, he moved to Irkutsk. He succeeded in many things in Irkutsk, writers gathered around the newspaper, watered. exiles. Yadrintsev himself wrote many feuilletons on the themes of local life, among his heroes is the symbolic Kondrat, "a type of Siberian bigwig, fantastically rich, fantastically rabid." In 1894 Yadrintsev conceived new book in order to carry out the plan, he moved to Barnaul, where he wrote memoirs, published memoirs about his friend S. S. Shashkov (see). However, the provincial atmosphere, the tragic situation in Russia and his homeland - Siberia, the hopelessness that settled in his soul, lead Yadrintsev to a spiritual drama. Being in an agitated state, he takes a large dose of opium.

Op.: Siberia as a colony. To the anniversary of the 300th anniversary: ​​Modern. position of Siberia. Her wants and needs. Her past and future. SPb., 1882; Siberian foreigners, their way of life and current situation. SPb., 1891; Letters from N. M. Yadrintsev to G. N. Potanin. Krasnoyarsk, 1919. Issue. one; Siberian literary memoirs. Krasnoyarsk, 1919; Artistic and journalistic works: Memories // Lit. legacy of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1979. Vol. 4; The same (continued). Novosibirsk, 1980. T. 5.

Lit .: Lemke M. N. M. Yadrintsev. St. Petersburg, 1904; Kandeeva A. G. N. M. Yadrintsev – feuilletonis t of the newspaper "Eastern Review" // Zap. Omsk. ped. in-ta. 1969. Issue. 40; Kondratiev N.I. Supplement to the newspaper "Eastern Review": Decree. content Irkutsk, 1974; Yanovsky N. N. M. Yadrintsev // Literary Siberia. Irkutsk, 1986. Issue. one.

Yadrintseva street

Few Irkutsk streets have retained their original titles. One of them is Yadrintsev Street, although its name has changed. In 1907, when the street was just beginning to be built up, it was called Yadrintsevskaya. At that time, military barracks were being built within the boundaries of Yadrintsevskaya and Mikheevskaya (Krasnoyarskaya) streets. Upon completion of all work, the complex was an autonomous military settlement, including all the facilities necessary to ensure life. These are the so-called "Red Barracks".

And G.N. Potanin wrote about him: “What he just wasn’t for his Siberia! He was a publisher, and a publicist, and a statistician, and a feuilletonist, and a storyteller, and a satirist, and an ethnographer, and an archaeologist. In memory of N.M. Irkutsk residents decided to name one of the new streets of the city after him.

Yadrintseva Street runs perpendicular to one of the main streets of the city of Irkutsk - Sovetskaya, it is short in length. At the intersection of these streets is the building of the Siberian Institute (now the Academy) of Law, Economics and Management (SAPEU).

One of the best hotels in the city, Zvezda, is located next to the SAPEU building (on Yadrintseva Street, 1g). On Yadrintseva Street there are residential buildings built in Soviet time. Underway housing construction and now.

Scientific articles by Yadrintsev

  1. The most important works of Yadrintsev

      "Siberia as a colony" (1882),

      "Siberian aliens, their way of life and current situation" (1891).

    Literature about N.M. Yadrintsevo

      Goldfarb S.N.M. Yadrintsev // All Irkutsk. Irkutsk. - 1992. - S.166-169.

      Goldfarb S.N.M. Yadrintsev // Irkutsk: From the past to the future. - Irkutsk, 1989.- S. 182 -187.

      Goldfarb S. "Eastern Review". 125 years since the release of the first issue // Angara region: years, events, people. - Irkutsk, 2006. - S. 103 - 108.

      Zelensky V. Great guardian of Siberia. Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev and his time // Siberian Lights. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 103 - 161; No. 2. P. 133 - 151; No. 3. - S. 135 - 156.

      Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev (150th birthday) // Angara region: years, events, people. - Irkutsk, 1992. - S. 42 - 46.

      Letters to G.N. Potanin: in 5. vol. - Irkutsk, 1987 - 1992. - See the name index. Yadrintsev N.M. (1842 - 1894) // Literary Siberia. Writers of Eastern Siberia / comp. V.P. Trushkin. - Irkutsk, 1971. - S.53 - 56.

      Yadrintsev N.M. (1842 - 1894) // Literary Siberia: Critical - bibliogr. dictionary of writers Vost. Siberia / comp.: V.P. Trushkin, V.G. Volkova - Irkutsk, 1986. - S. 124 - 128.

      Yadrintsev N.M. // Irkutsk chronicle, 1661 - 1940. / comp. Yu.P. Kolmakov - Irkutsk, 2003. - S. 73, 89, 102, 110, 149, 239, 264, 379, 382, ​​486.

      Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich // Oktyabrsky district 60 years old / comp. Mikheeva R.G. - Irkutsk, 2001. - S. 125 - 126.

      Korzhavin V.K. The problem of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in the works of N.M. Yadrintsev // Questions of the history of the socio-economic and cultural life of Siberia. Ch. I-1970. Novosibirsk, 1971, pp. 65-72.

      Parshukova N.P. N.M. Yadrintsev and G.N. Potanin about the cities of Siberia // Cities of Siberia in the 18th - early 20th centuries: Collection of scientific articles. Barnaul, 2001, pp. 147-152.

      Rafienko L.S. Memorial monuments of N. M. Yadrintsev in Siberia // Cultural heritage of Asian Russia: materials of the I Siberian-Ural historical congress. (Tobolsk, November 25-27, 1997). Tobolsk, 1997. S. 53-54.

      Sezeva N.I. Humor and satire in the works of Siberians by artist I. A. Kalganov and writer N. M. Yadrintsev // Yearbook of the Tyumen Regional Museum of Local Lore: 1999. Tyumen, 2000. P. 178-193.

      Shilovsky M.V. Patriot of Siberia (On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the birth of N.M. Yadrintsev) // Siberian Historical Journal. 2002. No. 1. S. 100-104. - ISBN 5-88081-320-7

      Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich //North-Kazakhstan region. Encyclopedia. Almaty, 2004, p. 604.

      [A note on the new edition - "Eastern Review" by N. M. Yadrintsev in St. Petersburg]: From rubr. “Bibliogr. news” // Perm provinces. statements. - 1882. - No. 33. - Signature: S. Literary process of the "Eastern Review" // Vost. review. - 1885. - No. 41.

      Regarding the transfer of the newspaper "Eastern Review" from St. Petersburg to Siberia // Vost. review. - 1887. - No. 47.

      “Eastern Review” in the provincial court // Vost. review. - 1890. - No. 22.

      Potanin G.N. Note on the discoveries of the city of Yadrintsev: (On the ruins of the Karakorum) // Vost. review. - 1890. - 7 Jan. (No. 2).

      About the discovery of N.M. Yadrintsev during an expedition to Mongolia in 1889, the ruins of the ancient city of Karakorum.

      Pypin A.N. Works of Yadrintsev // Pypin A.N. History of Russian ethnography / A.N.

      Pypin. - St. Petersburg, 1892. - T. 4: Belarus and Siberia, otp. 2: Siberia. - S. 373-377.

      Glinsky B. B. (ed.). Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: (Biogr. essay) / [Comp. B. Glinsky] // East. vestn. - 1894. - No. 8;

      Kennan D. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev // Vost. review. - 1894. - No. 120.

      Ker F. The first and last meeting with Yadrintsev: Per. with him. // East. review. -1894. - No. 90-91.

      Ostrogorsky V.P. In memory of N.M. Yadrintsev: [Ist. essay and memoirs] // Rus.Vedomosti. - 1894. - 5 Aug. (No. 214);

      Popov I.I. In memory of N.M. Yadrintsev and A.V. Potanina // Izv. East-Sib. IRGO department. -1894. - T. 25, No. 1. - S. 1-28;

      On the death of Yadrintsev and his wife G.N. Potanin. Potanin G. N. Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: Obituary // Ethnogr. review. -1894. - Prince. 23, No. 4. - S. 170-175.

      N. M. Yadrintsev: (Obituary) // Zhurn. M-va nar. enlightenment. - 1894. - No. 8, dep. 3. -S. 59-62. - Signature: A. O-v.

      N. M. Yadrintsev: [Obituary] // Niva. - 1894. - No. 30.

      N. M. Yadrintsev: Obituary // New time (St. Petersburg). - 1894. - No. 6565. - Signature: N. A.;

      Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: [obituary] // Vost. review. - 1894. - No. 67.

      Isaev A. A. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev, a friend of settlers: From a speech // Sev. vestn. -1895. - No. 4, dep. 1. - S. 183-190.

      Naumov N. I. N. M. Yadrintsev in the Tomsk gymnasium // Sib. collection. - 1895 (1896). -Issue. 4. - S. 1-16;

      Potanin G. N. [Faithful friend] // Glinsky B. (ed.). Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: (Biogr. essay). - SPb., 1895. - S. VII-XIII. - Without title;

      [Yakovleva K. A.]. Poems by N. M. Yadrintsev // World of God. - 1895. - No. 3. - S.49-52. - Signature: K. Ya-va C publ. poems by Yadrintsev.

      Golovachev P. M. Recollection of a friend of youth // Vost. review. - 1896. - No. 56-58;

      The same // Literary heritage of Siberia. - Novosibirsk, 1980. - T. 5. - S. 343-353.

      Ponikarovsky D. A. Memories of Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev // Sib.sbornik. - 1896. - Issue. 2. - S. 189-214. - Signature: D.P.;

      The same: [Depart. print] / D. P. Ponikarovsky. - Irkutsk: Tipolitogr. K. I. Vitkovskaya, 1896. - 26 p.;

      The same // Literary heritage of Siberia. - Novosibirsk, 1980. - T. 5. - S. 303-318. -Abbreviated from publ. poems by Yadrintsev dedicated to the author.

      N. M. Yadrintsev // Sib. trade-industrial and ref. calendar for 1896 (leap year). - Tomsk, 1896. - S. 388-391.

      The Fifteenth Anniversary of Vostochnoye Obozreniye in connection with a brief essay on the activities of its first editor and publisher N. M. Yadrintsev // Vol. sheet. - 1897. - No. 73.

      Sventitskaya M.A.F. Yadrintseva // Vost. review. - 1897. - No. 56.

      About the wife of Yadrintsev - Adelaide Fedorovna (nee Barkova), her close friend recalls.

      N. M. Yadrintsev in the Kamsko-Volzhskaya newspaper (1873) // Vost. review. - 1899. - No. 170, 172.

      Anuchin D.N. In memory of N.M. Yadrintsev // Rus. statements. - 1900. - No. 163;

      Biogr. Art., dedicated to the opening in Barnaul of a monument on the grave of Yadrintsev.

      Korinfsky A. A. Sadman of Siberia: A page in the archive about N. M. Yadrintsev // Monthly. essays. - 1900. - No. 8. - S. 297-299.

      Baitov G. B. A few words in memory of N. M. Yadrintsev // Sib. collection. - 1901. - Issue 1. - S. 1-11.

      The text of the note read at an emergency general meeting of members of the Society of Altai Exploration Lovers about the opening of a monument at Yadrintsev's grave in Barnaul.

      Memoirs of a participant in the “Yadrintsevsky Thursdays”, which he organized in St. Petersburg in the 1880s. N.M. Yadrintsev.

      Farafontova T. From the papers of a Siberian patriot: (Materials for the biography of N. M. Yadrintsev) // Vost. review. - 1902. - No. 131, 139, 148, 160, 172, 188, 237; 1903. - No. 128, 145, 184, 226. - Signed: T. Far.; 1904. - No. 54, 62, 72, 75, 77, 86, 94, 103, 114, 126, 130, 134, 140, 145, 152, 164, 168, 178, 197; 1905. - No. 8, 63, 75, 213. From publ. previously unpublished works.

      Farafontova T. M. N. M. Yadrintsev // Anniversary collection of the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. - Omsk, 1902. - S. II, 1-22 (page 4th): portrait;

      From the collection dedicated to 25th anniversary of the activity of the West Siberian Department of the IRGS.

      Zeiner M. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev: [Poem] // Zeiner M. Poems / Mikhail Zeiner. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - Tomsk, 1902. - S. 44-46.

      Baitov G. From the letters of N. M. Yadrintsev about Altai // Vost. review. - 1903. - No. 128.

      Golovachev A. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev // Sib. a life. - 1903. - June 8 (No. 121). - S. 1: portrait. - (Ill. adj.).

      Mikhailovich Adelaida Fedorovna Yadrintseva // Sib. a life. - 1903. - June 8 (No. 121). - P. 2: ill., portr. - (Ill. adj.).

      About Yadrintsev's wife. G. Vyatkin. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev: [Poem] // Sib. vestn. (Tomsk). - 1904. -July 8 (No. 121).

      Lemke M. K. Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: Biogr. essay: On the tenth anniversary of his death (7.VI.1894-1904) / M. Lemke; Introduction I. I. Popova. - St. Petersburg: Ed. gas. “Vost.obozrenie”, 1904. - XI, 219 p.: ill., portr. - Chronological list of works by N. M.

      Yadrintseva: p. 202-219. - List of pseudonyms of N. M. Yadrintsev: p. 202-203.

      Mikhailovsky N. On the characterization of N. M. Yadrintsev // On Siberian topics: Sat. in favor of Tomsk Sunday schools and the Gogol Nar. Houses. - St. Petersburg, 1905. - S. 57-61.

      An article by a well-known sociologist. Sobolev M.N. Preface [to the collection “On Siberian Themes”] // Ibid. predisl. M. N. Soboleva. - St. Petersburg, 1905. - S. V-VII.

      Yuzhakov S. N. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev // Ibid. - St. Petersburg, 1905. - S. 62-68.

      Golovachev P. M. The cultural role of women in Siberia // Sib. questions. - 1908. - 23 Dec. (No. 49/50/51/52). - S. 1-6. - Signature: L. Mentioned by A.F. Yadrintsev (p. 4) and A.V. Potanin (p. 5).

      Stozh M.E. Yadrintsev Nikol. Mikhail. // Stozh M.E. Dictionary: At 4 hours / M.E. Stozh. -Irkutsk, . - Part 1: Writers, poets and scientists. - S. 17, 32: portrait of Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: [Biography: From the department. “Gallery of Figures of Siberia”] // Sib. trade-industrial calendar for 1911 - Tomsk, 1911. - S. 7-9 (department 2): portr.

      Adrianov A. V. N. M. Yadrintsev: [From the “Tomsk antiquity”] // City of Tomsk: [Coll.]. - Tomsk, 1912. - S. 148-152: portrait;

      In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev: 1842 - 1912: [To the 70th anniversary of his birth] // UtroSibiri (Tomsk). - 1912. - 18 Oct. - S. 2-3.

      Responses of the Siberian press: (Adelaida Fedorovna Yadrintseva): [On the 25th anniversary of her death] // Sib. a life. - 1913. - July 26 (No. 163). - p. 3.

      About Yadrintsev's wife; based on the article by I.I. Popova, publ. into gas. "Siberia".

      Landarma [Kozmin N. N.]. G. N. Potanin and N. M. Yadrintsev in the Kamsko-Volzhskaya gazeta, 1873: [Series of essays] // Siberia (Irkutsk). - 1915. - Signature: Ladarma.

      The cycle was published in the newspaper throughout 1915. Ret: [Krutovsky V. M.]. Regional essays // Sib. notes. - 1916. - No. 1 (Jan.). - S. 152-159. - Signature: V. K. Dubrovsky K. Glorious son of Siberia // Dubrovsky K. Born in the country of exile. - Pg., 1916. - P. 106-123.

      Landarma [Kozmin N. N.]. Regarding the letters of N. M. Yadrintsev [to G. N. Potanin] // Sib. notes. - 1916. - No. 2 (April). - S. 71-78. - Signature: Landarma.

      Semchevskaya-Egorova E. Motherland: In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev: [Poem] // Sib.zapiski. - 1916. - No. 2 (April). - S. 58.

      Potanin G. N. In memory of Vasily Ivanovich Semevsky // Voice of the past. - 1917. - No. 1. - S. 223-226.

      IN AND. Semevsky (1848-1916), historian, assistant professor at St. Petersburg University, professor at the Alexander Lyceum, editor of the journal. “Voice of the Past”. Including about friendship and cooperation with Yadrintsev; the author points out that biogr. book by M.K. Lemkeo Yadrintsev was carried out on the initiative of Semevsky.

      Kazansky P. In memory of N. M. Yadrintsev: (June 7, 1914): [Poem] // Kazansky P. To his native land: Poems. - Barnaul, 1918. - S. 9-10. - (B-ka “Sib. Dawn”; No. 6). - Note. publishing house about N. M. Yadrintsev: p. 9. [Adrianov A. V.]. In memory of Yadrintsev: [To the 25th anniversary of his death] // Sib. a life. -1919. - 20 June. - P. 2. - Unsigned author Zhidilovsky S. Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev // Sib. dawn. - 1919. - No. 9.

      Kozmin N. N. Introductory article // Yadrintsev N. M. Collection of selected articles, poems and feuilletons. - Krasnoyarsk, 1919. - S. III-XIV.

      Krutovsky Vl. M. From the history of one friendship: N. M. Yadrintsev - G. N. Potanin: Essay // Sib. notes. - 1919. - No. 2. - S. 11-22.

      Krutovsky Vl. M. [On selected feuilletons and poems by N. M. Yadrintsev: Introduction. to the 2nd department of the book] // Yadrintsev NM Collection of selected articles, poems and feuilletons. - Krasnoyarsk, 1919. - S. 159-160. - Signature: V. K. Krutovsky Vl. M. Excerpts from the memoirs of Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev // Sib. notes. - 1919. - No. 2. - S. 36-45;

      Krutovsky Vl. M. Scientific works of Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev // Sib. notes. - 1919. - No. 2. - S. 65-70.

      Potanin G.N. Before Yadrintsev's speech // Sib. notes. - 1919. - No. 2. - S. 23-25. - Signature: P. Terentiev A. N. M. Yadrintsev // Sib. the lights. - 1934. - No. 6. - P. 132-143. The author notes that Yadrintsev “did not become a socialist”, but “acted like a typical reformist in the methods of solving major socio-economic problems”; the author finds a great similarity with the revolutionary democrats of Russia.

      Khudyakov M. G. Pre-revolutionary Siberian regionalism and archeology: (N. M. Yadrintsev, G. N. Potanin) // Probl. history of pre-capitalist societies. - 1934. - No. 9-10. - S. 135-143.

      Azadovsky M.K. Forgotten Siberian poet: (Poems by Matvey Alexandrov): [Introduction. essay for publication poems by M.A. Aleksandrov] // Izv. Irkut. scientific museum. -1938. - T. 2. - S. 17-35. - From publ. 9 poems by M. A. Alexandrov;

      About the life and work of M.A. Alexandrov and the study of his work by Yadrintsev. Zherebtsov B.I. Ancient Siberian satirical poetry: [Introduction. Art.] // Ancient Siberian satirical poetry: [Sat.] / Comp., intro. Art. and note. B. Zherebtsova. -Novosibirsk, 1938. - P. 3-26. The poetic work of Yadrintsev and other Siberian poets is considered.

      Zherebtsov B. I. Siberian poet and publicist N. M. Yadrintsev (1842-1894) // Zherebtsov B. Siberian literary calendar. - Irkutsk, 1940. - S. 85-91.1891

      Orkhon archaeological expedition acad. V. V. Radlova and acad. V. P. Vasilyeva // Materials for the history of expeditions of the Academy of Sciences in the XVIII and XIX centuries: Chronol. reviews and description arch. materials. - M.; L., 1940. - S. 252-252. - (Proceedings of the Archive; Issue 4.). - Bibliography: p. 252.Cut. information about the expedition of academicians Radlov and Vasiliev in 1891 to Mongolia, in which Yadrintsev took part; also about the expedition of Yadrintsev in 1889 to Mongolia and about the discovery by him of monuments with inscriptions of the 8th century. and the location of the ancient city of Karakorum.

      Gudoshnikov M. A. Socio-political views of N. M. Yadrintseva: Abstract of the thesis. for the competition scientist step. cand. ist. Sciences / M. A. Gudoshnikov. - Irkutsk: B. and., 1941.

      Yadrintsev N. M. // Bolshaya Sov. encycle. - 2nd ed. - M., 1957. - T. 49. - Stb. 485-486.

      Rappoport G.P. Publicist and poet // Rappoport G.P. Pages of the literary past of Altai: Lit.-local historian. Art. and essays. - Barnaul, 1958. - S. 31-39: ill. Skvortsova R. Writer-publicist: (Monument to N. M. Yadrintsev in Barnaul) // Alt.pravda. - 1963. - March 3.

      Atamanovskaya N.A. On the feuilletons of N.M. Yadrintsev // Uchen. app. Barnaul. ped. in-ta. - 1966. - V. 6, issue. 1. - S. 45-62.

      Koshelev Ya. R. New about N. M. Yadrintsev: [According to documents Vol. region local historian. Museum] // Koshelev Ya. R. From the history of Siberian culture. - Tomsk, 1966. - Issue. 1. - S. 65-94.

      About the last year of life and the circumstances of N.M. Yadrintseva. Palashenkov A. F. N. M. Yadrintsev // Palashenkov A. F. Monuments and memorable places of Omsk and Omsk region. - Omsk, 1967. - P. 207-209. From the section "Scientists, writers, artists in Omsk".

      About Yadrintsevo and the street in Omsk named after him. Sesyunina M. G. G. N. Potanin and N. M. Yadrintsev as ideologists of Siberian regionalism 2nd half of XIX in .: Author. dis. for the competition scientist step. cand. ist. Sciences /M. G. Sesyunin; Volume. state un-t. - Tomsk: B. i., 1967. - 24 p.

      History of Siberia: From ancient times to the present day: In 5 vols. Vol. 3: Siberia in the era of capitalism / Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy. - Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. department, 1968. - 529, p.: ill. About Yadrintsev, see names. decree. Kandeeva A. G. N. M. Yadrintsev - feuilletonist of the newspaper "Eastern Review" // Questions of Russian and foreign literature. - Omsk, 1969. - S. 50-67. - (Uchen. Zap. Omsk State Pedagogical Institute; Issue 40).

      Sesyunina M. G. N. M. Yadrintsev as a researcher of the aboriginal population of Siberia // The origin of the aborigines of Siberia and their languages: Proceedings of the interuniversity. Conf., Tomsk, May 11-13, 1969 - Tomsk, 1969. - S. 237-238.

      Khvalenskaya E. Yu. Feuilletons by N. M. Yadrintsev in the Siberian press of the 70-80s of the XIX century // Questions of language and literature: Tem. Sat. - Novosibirsk, 1969. - Issue. 3, part 1. - S. 144-152.

      Bespalova L. G. N. M. Yadrintsev // Bespalova L. G. Tyumen region and writers of the 19th century: Essays on political science. local history. - Sverdlovsk, 1970. - S. 58-61: portrait.

      1st part of the essay “Tyumen region in the works of travel writers and researchers”; about “Letters about Siberian life” by Yadrintsev, dedicated to. Tyumen region and publ. under the pseudonym "N. Semiluzhinsky" in the journal. "Case" (1868, No. 5).

      Mirzoev V. G. N. M. Yadrintsev // Mirzoev V. G. Historiography of Siberia: (Pre-Marxist period). - M., 1970. - S. 301-320. The first part of the chapter “Regional Direction (60-90s of the 19th century)”.

      Kandeeva A. G. Social and literary activity of N. M. Yadrintsev in the first half of the 60s of the XIX century. // Questions of Russian and Soviet Literature of Siberia: Materials for “History of Russian. lit. Siberia". - Novosibirsk, 1971. - S. 130-145.

      Korzhavin V. On the characteristics of Siberian regionalism / V. Korzhavin, N. Yanovsky, V. Mirzoev // Sib. the lights. - 1971. - No. 12. - S. 138-151.

      Apart from general characteristics regional studies, the biography and work of G.N. Potanin and N.M. Yadrintseva. Vandalkovskaya M. G. M. K. Lemke - historian of the Russian revolutionary movement / M. G. Vandalkovskaya. - M.: Nauka, 1972. - 217, p.: 1 p. portrait About the author of the book “Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: Biogr. essay” (St. Petersburg, 1904); about Yadrintsev, p.5,21,52,186.

      Korzhavin V.K.N.M. Yadrintsev and the problem of joining and settling Siberia // Izv. SO AN USSR. Ser. Societies. science. - 1972. - No. 11, issue. 3. - S. 69-77.

      Korzhavin V. K. Socio-political and historical views of N. M. Yadrintsev, (60-90s of the XIX century): Abstract of the thesis. dis. for the competition scientist step. cand. ist. Sciences / V.K. Korzhavin; Novosib. state un-t. - Novosibirsk: B. and., 1973. - 26 p.

      Korzhavin V.K.N.M. Yadrintsev as a researcher of the Siberian peasantry // Izv.Novosib. otd. Geogr. islands of the USSR. - 1973. - Issue. 6. - S. 159-166.

      Korzhavin V.K.N.M. Yadrintsev and the Siberian bourgeoisie: (On the characteristics of the regional movement) // Uchen. app. Kemerovo. ped. in-ta. - 1973. - Issue. 33. - S. 45-68.

      Kandeeva A. G. About the prose of N. M. Yadrintsev in the 70-80s of the XIX century // Folklore and Literature of Siberia. - Omsk, 1974. - Issue. 1. - S. 99-121.

      About feuilletons, essays and stories of Yadrintsev dedicated to Siberia. Sesyunina M. G. G. N. Potanin and N. M. Yadrintsev - the ideologists of Siberian regionalism: (On the question of the class essence of Siberian regionalism in the second half of the 19th century) / M. G. Sesyunina; [Foreword. I. M. Razgona]; Volume. polytechnic in-t. - Tomsk: Publishing House Vol. un-ta, 1974. - 138 p.

      Kandeeva A. G. Patriot of Siberia // Fates associated with Omsk: [Coll.]. - Omsk, 1976. - S. 65-92: portrait of Lipets R. S. Yadrintsev, Nikolai Mikhailovich // Sov. ist. encycle. - M., 1976. - T. 16. -Stb. 846.

      Kuklina E. A. Ideas for the transformation of Siberia in the poetic work of N. M. Yadrintsev // Kuklina E. A. Free poetry and Siberia: (Second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries). - Novosibirsk, 1977. - S. 52-62.

      3rd part of the chapter “Creativity of democratic poets and Siberia”; fragm. memoirs of G. N. Potanin about Yadrintsev, p. 53.

      Petrov I.F. Publicist, patriot, citizen // Petrov I.F. Traces on the ground: History of Siberia in monuments. - Novosibirsk, 1977. - S. 93-95: ill.;

      About the monument erected in 1900 in Barnaul on Yadrintsev's grave. Potanin G. N. [Letters to N. M. Yadrintsev] // Potanin G. N. Letters: In 4 volumes - Irkutsk, 1977. - V. 1. Numbers of letters: 27-35, 37-45, 47, 50 , 51, 53-54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 66.

      Korzhavin V.K.N.M. Yadrintsev on some issues of the all-Russian reality of the 2nd half of the 19th century: (From the history of social thought in Siberia) // Historical aspects of the economic, cultural and social development of Siberia: Sat. scientific Art. - Novosibirsk, 1978. - Part 1. - S. 40-49.

      Yanovsky N. N. Prose N. M. Yadrintsev: [Introduction. Art.] // Literary heritage of Siberia. - Novosibirsk, 1979. - T. 4. - S. 16-44.

      Memories of N. M. Yadrintsev / [Comp. N. N. Yanovsky] // Literary heritage of Siberia. - Novosibirsk, 1980. - T. 5. - S. 301-392.

      Postnov Yu. S. N. M. Yadrintsev - literary critic and critic: [Introduction. st.] // Ibid. - S. 7-18.

      Yanovsky N. N. Poetry N. M. Yadrintsev: [Art.] // Ibid. - S. 157-168.

      Kosenko P. Crossing of Fates: (Historical Chronicle) // Prostor. - 1980. - No. 8. - S. 84-112; 1981. - No. 1. - S. 81-115; No. 9. - S. 74-132;

      The book is dedicated to the 250th anniversary voluntary accession Kazakhstan to Russia. It tells about the figures of Russian culture associated with Kazakhstan. Most of the work is dedicated to Ch.Ch. Valikhanov and his friends F.M. Dostoevsky, G.N. Potanin and N.M. Yadrintsev.

      Krusser R. G. Political exile and “Eastern Review” of the 80s - early 90s of the XIX century. // From the history of the socio-political life of Siberia: [Interuniversity. topics. Sat. Art.]. - Tomsk, 1981. - S. 3-17. Including the work of Yadrintsev in gas. "Eastern View".

      Literary activity of N. M. Yadrintsev in the 80s // Essays on Russian literature of Siberia: In 2 volumes - Novosibirsk, 1982. - T. 1: Pre-revolutionary period. - S. 424-433: ill. N. M. Yadrintsev (1842-1894) // Ibid. - S. 378-384: portrait. Also see names. decree.

      Kuklina E. A. The ideological and aesthetic role of folklore in the poetry of N. M. Yadrintsev // Interaction of the literatures of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East: [Sb. Art.]. - Novosibirsk, 1983. - S. 263-270.

      Sesyunina M. G. Letters of G. N. Potanin and N. M. Yadrintsev as the most important source for studying their views on the relationship between the general and the special in historical development Siberia // Issues of methodology of history, historiography and source studies: [Interuniversity. topics. Sat.]. - Tomsk, 1984. - S. 134-135.

      Yanovsky N. N. Prose and poetry of N. M. Yadrintsev: [Art.] // Yanovsky N. N. Fidelity: Portraits, articles, memoirs. - Novosibirsk, 1984. - S. 13-62;

      Balzhiev V.N.M. Yadrintsev - educator // Baikal. - 1985. - No. 4. - S. 136-137. On the activities of Yadrintsev in introducing the small peoples of Siberia to the achievements of world culture.

      Chmykhalo B. A. N. M. Yadrintsev and G. N. Potanin as theorists of “Siberian literature” in the 70s. 19th century // Development of literary-critical thought in Siberia. - Novosibirsk, 1986. - S. 57-74.

      Shilovsky V. M. Works of N. M. Yadrintsev in the 70-80s. 19th century as a source for the study of the historical experience of the development of Siberia // historical experience development of Siberia: Proceedings. report All-Union. scientific-practical. conf. - Novosibirsk, 1986. - Issue. 1: The development of Siberia from ancient times to October 1917. - S. 128-130.

      Shilovsky M. V. On the authorship and time of writing the proclamations “To Siberian Patriots” and “Patriots of Siberia” // Socio-economic relations and class struggle in Siberia of the pre-October period. - Novosibirsk, 1987. - S. 98-110.

      On the handwritten proclamations of 1863, which served as the basis for the criminal prosecution of the Siberian regionals in 1865; according to Shilovsky, their author is S.S. Popov, and editors - S.S. Shashkov and N.M. Yadrintsev.

      Mednis N.E. Poetics of literary criticism of N.M. Yadrintseva // Literary criticism in Siberia: [Sb. Art.]. - Novosibirsk, 1988. - S. 130-138.

      Shilovsky M. V. N. M. Yadrintsev's assessment of the nature of the socio-economic development of Siberia in the 70s - the first half of the 90s. 19th century // Economic development of Siberia during the period of capitalism: Historiography of the problem: Sat. scientific tr. - Novosibirsk, 1988. - S. 190-202. [Goldfarb S.]. N. M. Yadrintsev (1842-1894): [Biogr. essay] // Irkutsk: from the past to the future: [Sat.]. - Irkutsk, 1990 (on tit. l. 1989). - S. 182-187.

      Kandeeva A. L. N. Tolstoy reads N. M. Yadrintsev // My Priirtyshe: Local History. Sat. - Omsk, 1990. - Issue. 2. - S. 216-230: ill. About the “Siberian” part of the L.N. Tolstoy, about his reading of Yadrintsev's book "The Russian Community in Prison and Exile" and its reflection in the writer's letters and diaries; also mentions the presence in his personal library of the work of P.A. Slovtsov “Historical review of Siberia”, p. 219.

      Shaposhnikov V.I. Literary criticism of the Eastern Review (1882-1894) // Criticism and criticism in the literary process of Siberia in the 19th-20th centuries: Sat. scientific tr. - Novosibirsk, 1990. - S. 55-75. Most of the article is dedicated to editorial and critical work of N.M. Yadrintsev in the newspaper "Eastern Review".

      Vsevolod Sibirsky (Dolgorukov V.A.). Dedicated to the memory of N. M. Yadrintsev: June 7, 1894: [Poem] // Oh, my cradle, Siberia ...: Poems [of poets associated with Tomsk: Sat. / Comp. V. M. Serdyuk]. - [Tomsk], 1991. - S. 78-79. The poem was written on the death of Yadrintsev.

      [Fedorov]-Omulevsky IV Between Tomsk and Irkutsk: Road sketch: [Poem] // Ibid. - S. 37-38.

      Poem, dedicated Yadrintsev. Vasiliev G. “... To the teacher of love for the Motherland” // Altai. - 1992. - No. 6. - S. 128-129.

      On the funeral of Yadrintsev in Barnaul in 1894 Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev: (Irkutsk, October 30, 1992): Proceedings. report and performance. / Administration of Irkut. region, Arch. otd.; State. Irkut archive. region; [Ed.: S. F. Koval (responsible ed.) and others]. - Irkutsk: B. i., 1992. - 45 p.

      Potanin G. N. [Letters to N. M. Yadrintsev] // Potanin G. N. Letters: In 5 volumes - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Irkutsk, 1992. - T. 1-4. See: Mailing List, p. 245.

      Tomilov N. Omsk conference in memory of N. M. Yadrintsev // Science in Siberia. - 1992. - No. 42/43. - S. 2.

      [Yazykov D. D.]. Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich: [From “Materials for the “Review of the Life and Works of Russian Writers and Women Writers”: (R-Ya) 1894, no. 14 / Pub. G. Yu. Drezgunova] // Russian archive: History of the Fatherland in evidence and documents of the 18th-20th centuries. - M., 1992. - T. 2-3. - S. 458-460. - Signature in the text: D. Ya. From publ. Obituary Yadrintsev from the gas. “New Time” (1894, No. 6565, signed: N. A.), p. 458-460.

      Dmitrienko N. Nikolay Yadrintsev in Tomsk: On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth // Sib. old. - 1993. - No. 2. - S. 8-9: ill. Elizarov Street - Yadrintsevskaya Street // Vol. vestn. - 1993. - 22 Dec. A note about the need, in Tomsk, to rename Elizarov Street to Yadrintsevskaya Street.

      Vibe P. P. Kandeeva Anastasia Grigorievna (b. 1921) // Vibe P. P. Omsk Dictionary of Local History / P. P. Vibe, A. P. Mikheev, N. M. Pugacheva. - M., 1994. - S. 102. Biography of a literary critic and local historian; in his work he develops the theme “N. M. Yadrintsev is a writer and critic.”

      Vibe P. P. Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich (1842-1894): [Ist. portrait] // Ibid. - S. 309-310: portrait. - Bibliography: p. 309-310.

      Shilovsky M. V. Who discovered Karakorum? // Science in Siberia. - 1994. - No. 5/6. - S. 9.

      Maloletko A. M. Toponymic study based on the work of N. M. Yadrintsev: [Based on the “Report on a trip on behalf of Zap.-Sib. department Imp. Rus. Geogr. islands to the Altai Mountains, to Lake Teletskoye and to the peaks of the Katun in 1880.” N. M. Yadrintseva] // Questions of the geography of Siberia: [Sat. Art.]. - Tomsk, 1995. - Issue. 21. - S. 136-139.

      Matkhanova N.P. Epistolary sources about the journal projects of the Siberian regionalists (60s of the XIX century): [According to the materials of the letters of G.N. Potanin and N.M. Yadrintsev] // Russian society and literature of late feudalism. - Novosibirsk, 1996. - S. 134-141.

      Mogilnitskaya K. I. “Siberian drummer” Nikolai Yadrintsev: [Essay] // Vol. vestn. - 1996. - March 14. - S. 6;

      Remnev A. V. Views of N. M. Yadrintsev and G. N. Potanin on administrative structure Siberia in the early 1870s. // Two hundred and eighty years of Omsk: History and modernity: (Thesis of reports and reports of scientific conference, Omsk). - Omsk, 1996. - S. 55-59.

      Sosnovskaya O. N. Problems of the relationship between the Russian and the indigenous population of Siberia in the works of N. M. Yadrintsev // Questions economic history Russia XVIII-XX centuries: [Tem. Sat. Art.]. - Tomsk, 1996. - S. 107-116.

      Sosnovskaya O. N. N. M. Yadrintsev on the nature of the economic development of Siberia // Questions of the economic history of Russia in the 18th-20th centuries: [Tem. Sat. Art.]. - Tomsk, 1996. - S. 215-220.

      Kandeeva A.G. Two fates. Two books: (“Notes from the House of the Dead” by F. M. Dostoevsky and “The Russian Community in Prison and Exile” by N. M. Yadrintsev) // F. M. Dostoevsky and Siberia: Proceedings. ledge. at the readings, dedicated 175th anniversary of the birth of F. M. Dostoevsky, Omsk, October 23-25. 1996 - Omsk, 1997. - S. 37-39.

      Mogilnitskaya K. I. “Vzvonisha veche, vystasha and idosha”: [Essay] // Mogilnitskaya K. I. Essays on the formation of higher education in Siberia: On the 120th anniversary of its founding Vol. un-ta, the 110th anniversary of its discovery and the 100th anniversary of economics. education in Siberia. - Tomsk, 1997. - S. 10-15: illustration, portrait. - (Tomsk University in faces). On the joint activities of G.N. Potanin and N.M. Yadrintsev on the implementation of the university idea in Siberia.

      Rafienko L. S. Memorial monuments of N. M. Yadrintsev in Siberia // Cultural heritage of Asian Russia: Materials of the 1st Sib.-Ural. ist. congress, (Tobolsk, November 25-27, 1997). - Tobolsk, 1997. - S. 53-54.

      Utrobina T. G. Yadrintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich / T. G. Utrobina, N. A. Yakovleva // Encyclopedia of the Altai Territory: In 2 volumes - Barnaul, 1997. - T. 2. - P. 423-424: portr. Kandeeva A. G. On the two facets of the heritage of N. M. Yadrintsev // The world of the historian: Ideals, traditions, creativity. - Omsk, 1999. - S. 179-198.

      Kandeeva A.G. The university issue in the heritage of N.M. Yadrintsev // Russian Question: History and Modernity: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian. scientific conf., (Omsk, December 17-18, 1996). - Omsk, 1998. - S. 74-78.

      Potanin G. N. Shashkov and Yadrintsev: [Memoirs: Based on the materials of Vol. state united historical architecture. Museum] / Publ. and comment. N. Serebrennikova // Sib. old. - 1999. - No. 16 (21). - S. 40-42: ill. [Loisha V.]. Nikolai Yadrintsev // Evening Tomsk. - 2001. - 13 Jan. From the cycle dedicated to Day Ros. print.

      // "Domestic economic geographers of the XVIII-XX centuries." Ed. N.N.Baransky, N.P.Nikitin, Yu.G.Saushkin. M., 1957

Famous explorer of Siberia; was born in Omsk in 1842. Ya. received his primary education at the Pozorovsky boarding school, teacher French at the Tomsk Gymnasium. Staying in this boarding house brought great benefits to Ya.: here he received a thorough acquaintance with the French language, which was of great importance for his future work. From the boarding school Pozorovsky Ya. entered the 2nd grade of the Tomsk provincial gymnasium, but full course he did not graduate from it and, having left the 6th grade, went to St. Petersburg, where he began to listen at the university, as a volunteer, to lectures at the Faculty of Law. After being a volunteer for three years, I., due to the closure of the university, was forced to return to Siberia. Here, he soon got into the well-known story of Siberian separatism, was arrested and sent to Omsk, having spent about 2 years in prison.

Being a true Siberian by birth and upbringing, Ya. devoted himself entirely to the needs and interests of Siberia, choosing in his youth as his goal a broad study of issues of Siberian history and modern economic, moral and social life. He owns very valuable works on the everyday study of Siberia, as well as on the detailed development of issues of the Siberian public life and the national economy. Ya. was at the same time an ardent patriot of Siberia, and its historian, ethnographer, economist, prominent figure in the national economy and education, its publicist and literary worker. At that time, Siberia was in the position of a forgotten and neglected outskirts. Ya. publicly spoke as a lecturer in Omsk with the question of the need for a university in Siberia. His ardent, persuasive speech and readiness to move from words to deeds made a great impression and at the same time caused a number of donations, which later reached a significant amount, which made it possible to arise Tomsk University. This public lecture was published in Tomsk Gubernskiye Vedomosti in 1864. At the same time, Ya. about Siberian life", under the pseudonym of Semiluzhansky, "Secret", "Community in the Russian prison", etc., and in the "Women's Bulletin" (article "Woman in Siberia in the 17th and 18th centuries"). From Omsk Ya. was sent into exile in the mountains. Shenkursk, Arkhangelsk province. However, the expulsion did not prevent him from working on the study of Siberia and writing in various journals. In 1872, a valuable study by Y. appeared in print under the title: "The Russian community in prison and exile." The author joined the ranks of the opponents of exile and argued its harmful influence on civil life Siberia. This work, presented with talent and knowledge of the matter, brought undoubted benefit to the special commission, which at that time dealt with the issue of transforming prisons and exile, and, of course, served as one of the foundations for those reforms that affected the prison business as early as the reign of Alexander II. With particular care, Ya. also developed the question of the Siberian administrative reform, the local gold industry, the railway, the needs of the working population, foreigners, colonization, resettlement, and others. Having received an amnesty in 1874, Ya. moved to live in St. Petersburg. Here, under the leadership of Sollogub, who was then the chief head of the prison department, Ya. took up the prison business, and especially about the Siberian prison exile. By the same time, his collaboration in St. Petersburg Vedomosti, Vestnik Evropy, Otechestvennye Zapiski and others periodicals , mainly on issues related to the needs of Siberia. In 1876, Mr.. Ya. was invited to serve by the Governor-General of Western Siberia, Kaznakov, who, among other things, was interested in the question of the Siberian University and wished to advance the cause of a serious study of Siberia. This service, which consisted mainly of statistical, economic and ethnographic research, allowed him to collect extensive and varied material. In the late 70s, the West Siberian Department of the Geographical Society was founded in Omsk, and Ya. took a very active part in it. Here he compiled a program for the study of a rural community in Siberia (on which extensive material was later collected) and a program for the study of Siberian aliens. In 1878, Mr.. Ya. undertook, as an officially seconded person, a trip to the Altai mining district to study the movement of settlers and their arrangement in new places. In 1880, he undertook a new trip to Altai to study the life of aliens, and explored Lake Teletskoye and penetrated to the upper reaches of the Katun, collecting information about nomadic aliens. In 1881, Mr.. Ya. again settled in St. Petersburg and began to work on the book, which was his main work, where he collected important material on Siberian ethnography and on various issues of contemporary Siberian life, folk and social. This book, which is one of the most remarkable works of all Siberian literature, was published in 1886 and went through two editions; in addition, it appeared in a German translation by prof. E. Yu. Petri. In 1882, when the tercentenary of Russian Siberia was celebrated, Ya. made a report to the Society for the Promotion of Industry and Trade on the cultural successes of Siberia over 300 years; another report was made by him in the Geographical Society on the situation of Siberian aliens and their extinction; in "Russian Thought" at the same time he published an article "Handicrafts in Siberia and their significance." In the same 1882, Mr.. Ya. founded in St. Petersburg a weekly publication "Eastern Review", since 1888 moved to Irkutsk. This publication was the most serious organ of the Siberian press in terms of the abundance of various information about the region; under him, separate books "Siberian Collection" were given as an appendix. In those same years, in the "Proceedings of the Moscow Archaeological Society" and "Siberian Collection" J. placed articles on some Siberian antiquities; in the volume of "Picturesque Russia", dedicated to Siberia, he wrote an article "The West Siberian Lowland". In 1886, Mr.. Ya. undertook a new trip to Siberia to Irkutsk and Baikal to inspect the Siberian museums, including Minusinsk, as well as for ethnographic observations of the Ostyaks and Sayan tribes in the Minusinsk district. Reports on the results of this trip were made by him in 1887 in the Geographical and Archaeological Societies in St. Petersburg. In 1891, Mr.. Ya. released his new major work "Siberian aliens, their way of life and the current situation", and in connection with this work, he submitted to the Geographical Society maps of the distribution of Siberian aliens by provinces that he had previously drawn up. In addition to studying modern Siberia and its folk life, Ya. has long been interested in the primitive history of the country, where he, of course, sought explanations for the alien elements of Siberia. By this impulse, among other things, in recent years he made a trip to northern Mongolia, where he discovered the ruins of the once famous Mongol capital Karokorum, lost by geographers and historians. The discovery of Y., made by him on a difficult journey with the most meager means, aroused the liveliest interest in the scientific world, and in the footsteps of Y., a scientific expedition from Helsingfors went to that area, and then, in the summer of 1891, a well-known expedition from the Imperial Academy of Sciences, which was entrusted to V. V. Radlov together with I. In general, the energy of Ya excited others. He undoubtedly has a great influence on the awakening of public and educational interests in the young stratum of Siberian society; new forces gathered around him, directed to a variety of work on the study of Siberia and finding from him not only moral support, but also valuable practical guide. So, on his penultimate trip to Western Siberia to study the resettlement movement, a sanitary detachment voluntarily joined him, then sent to this region at the expense of private charity and found in him a valuable leader.

Recently, Ya. went to the Altai district as head of the statistical department under the head of this district; the indefatigable researcher, with his characteristic energy, set to work entrusted to him, but a sudden death found him in the place of his new activity: he died in Barnaul on June 7, 1894, retaining an active love for his harsh homeland until the last day of his life. Russian journalism and literature lost in him one of the energetic workers, rich in vitality and initiative.

"Journal of the Ministry of Public Education", 1894, August, pp. 59-62. - "Bulletin of Europe", 1894, July, pp. 445-448. - "Week", 1894, No. 25, pp. 783-784. - "New Time", 1894, No. 6565. - "Siberian Bulletin", 1894, No. 66.

M. Kurdyumov.


Yadrintsev, Nikolai


The telegraph reported on the unexpected death of the famous Siberian explorer Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev.

He died in Barnaul on June 7th, retaining his extraordinary energy and active love for his harsh homeland until the last day of his life. A true Siberian by birth and upbringing, he devoted himself entirely to the needs and interests of Siberia, choosing as his goal in his youth a broad study of issues of Siberian history and modern economic, moral and social life. Very valuable works on the everyday study of Siberia, as well as on the detailed development of issues of Siberian social life and the national economy, belong to the deceased. He was at the same time an ardent patriot of Siberia and its historian, ethnographer, economist, prominent figure in the national economy and education, its publicist and literary worker. Studying Siberia, H. M. Yadrintsev made many dangerous journeys through the Siberian wilds and mountain heights. Altai had one of his best explorers in his person, in northern Mongolia he discovered the ruins of the famous and lost by historians Karakorum, and the last trips made by the deceased together with academician V. V. Radlov to Orkhont gave results that enriched historical geography and archeology with valuable research little known area.

The deceased was not a scientist in the strict sense of the word, but his works have always been, in addition to life-practical, scientific in nature. Back in 1863, when Siberia was in the position of a forgotten and neglected outskirts, N. M. Yadrintsev publicly spoke as a lecturer in Omsk with the question of the need for a university in Siberia. His ardent persuasive speech and readiness to move from words to deeds made a great impression and at the same time caused a number of donations, which later reached a huge amount, which made it possible for Tomsk University to emerge. In 1872, a valuable study of the deceased appeared in the press under the title: "The Russian community in prison and exile." The author joined the ranks of the opponents of the exile and proved its harmful influence on the civil life of Siberia. This work, presented with talent and knowledge of the matter, brought undoubted benefit to a special commission that at that time dealt with the question of the transformation of prisons and exile, and, of course, served as one of the foundations for those reforms that touched the prison business in the past reign. H. M. Yadrintsev also worked out with particular care questions about the Siberian administrative reform, about the local gold industry, the railway, the needs of the working population, about foreigners, colonization, resettlement, and others. His best literary work is the voluminous book "Siberia as a colony", which is one of the most remarkable works of all Siberian literature.

The activities of the deceased, as already indicated, were varied. Russian journalism and literature lost in him one of the energetic workers, rich in vitality and initiative. Living in Omsk in the 60s, HM took an active part, as an employee, in a local newspaper, in the Siberian Bulletin, then published by B. A. Milyutin in Irkutsk, and also in Delo, where his following articles were published : "Letters about Siberian life", under the pseudonym of Semiluzhansky, "Secret", "Community in the Russian prison", etc., and in the "Women's Bulletin" (article: "Woman in Siberia in the 17th and 18th centuries."). In the early 70s, the deceased, along with G. N. Potanin, fell into the number of disgraced, was exiled to Arkhangelsk, and only in 1874 received freedom and the opportunity to live in St. Petersburg. By this time, he collaborated in Golos, Nedelya, Birzhevye Vedomosti, St. Petersburg Vedomosti, Vestnik Evropy, Otechestvennye Zapiski and other periodicals, mainly on issues related to the needs of Siberia. In 1876, H. M. Yadrintsev was invited by the Governor-General of Western Siberia to serve. This service, which consisted mainly of statistical, economic and ethnographic research, allowed the deceased to collect extensive and varied material. At the end of the 70s, he founded the West Siberian Department of the Geographical Society in Omsk, made an official trip to the Altai mountain district to study the movement of immigrants and settle them in new places, developed a valuable program for the resettlement movement and colonization, collected information about foreigners, explored the Teletskoye lake and penetrates to the heights of the Katun. In 1881, H. M. again settled in St. Petersburg. Here he took up the processing of the collected material and all sorts of troubles in order to arouse interest in his abandoned homeland. He makes reports of significant seriousness in the Geographical and other societies, publishes articles in periodicals, since 1882 he founded his own weekly newspaper, Vostochnoye Obozreniye, which was moved to Irkutsk in 1888, and, in addition, edited the Siberian Collection, published in as an appendix to the newspaper and concluded a number of lengthy articles about Siberia. In the late 80s and early 90s, H. M. Yadrintsev undertook several trips to Siberia and little explored areas of Asia for ethnographic observations of foreigners (mainly Ostyaks and Sayan tribes) and for new geographical discoveries.

The deceased is the son of a merchant who moved to Siberia from the Perm province. He was born in Omsk in 1842, studied at the Tomsk gymnasium, then from 1860 to 1863 he attended St. Petersburg University as a volunteer. As a person, H. M. Yadrintsev enjoyed general sympathy for his tireless energy, true filial love for Siberia, and everlasting goodwill.

("New Time", 1894, No. 6565).


Attitude towards the poor and unfortunate among primitive peoples ("The World of God", 1894, book 7).

About him:

"Russian Vedomosti", 1894, No. 158, 159, 187, 214; 1900, No. 157.

"Earth Science", 1894, book. II.

"Northern Herald", 1894, book. 7, sec. II, p. 95-97.

"Bulletin of Europe", 1894, book. 7, p. 445-448.

"Russian Thought", 1894, book. 7, sec. II, p. 151-152; 1895, book. 1, sec. II, p. 29-37.

"New Time", 1894, No. 6565.

"News of the East Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society", Vol. XXV, Irkutsk, І894.

"Niva", 1894, No. 30.

Glinsky B. Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev (with a preface by V. Ostrogorsky and an appendix of the memoirs of G. Potanin). SPb., 1895, 63 p.

"Russian Wealth", 1894, book. 6, sec. II, p. 182-183.

"Northern Herald", 1895, book. 4, p. 183-190.

Naumov N. N. M. Yadrintsev in the Tomsk gymnasium ("Siberian Collection", 1896, issue IV).

"Observer", 1900, book. 9, dep. II, p. 42-43.

"Eastern Review", 1902, No. 131.

Lemke M. Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev. Biographical sketch for the tenth anniversary of his death (1894-7/Vl-1904), with eight illustrations. St. Petersburg, 1904, XVI + 219 p.

"Moscow Vedomosti", 1904, No. 152.

Yadrintsev, Nikolai

A well-known Siberian publicist, public figure and traveler-archaeologist. Genus. in Omsk, in 1842; without completing the course at the Tomsk gymnasium, he entered St. Petersburg as a volunteer. university and, having become close to G. N. Potanin (see) and other fellow countrymen, already then decided to serve the development of Siberia to the best of his ability and ability. He began his literary activity in 1862 at Iskra. In 1863 he returned to Omsk and until the spring of 1865 worked on arranging the first public lectures, being an ardent propagandist Siberian University . In May 1865, Ya., together with Potanin, S. S. Shashkov (see) and others, was arrested in the case of "Siberian separatism", called by the Siberian administration "the case of the separation of Siberia from Russia and the formation of a republic, like the United States ". Ya. had to spend 3 years in the Omsk jail and go to live in the city of Shenkursk. There he took up the development of the issue of the Siberian prison and exile, which resulted in a very hotly written book "The Russian Community in Prison and Exile" (St. for 1868-1871 Its main provisions: the prisoner requires complete humanity; solitary confinement is a harmful anachronism; extensive communication with comrades and the communal principle is destined to play a prominent role in the future. In 1873 Ya. intensively collaborated in the Kamsko-Volzhskaya Gazeta (see), declaring himself an orthodox regionalist, an ardent opponent of all kinds of centralists. In December 1873 he was reinstated and, having arrived in St. Petersburg, he acted as a house secretary to Count V. A. Sollogub, chairman of the commission for the arrangement of prisons (see). In the summer of 1874, Ya. married A.F. Barkova, who until her death (1888) was his faithful friend and assistant. Working hard and enthusiastically on the most diverse Siberian issues in Golos, Nedelya, Delo, Sibir and other publications, Ya. in 1876 was invited to serve in the administration of the West Siberian Governor-General Kaznakov and very energetically worked on peasant, foreign and other local issues. In 1876, Mr.. Ya. made an expedition to the Altai to study the colonization movement and ethnographic and economic research, and stated the drying up of Lake Chany. After the expedition (1880) to the foreigners of the Tomsk province, Ya. left public service forever. In 1882, on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the annexation of Siberia, I. published the capital work "Siberia as a colony", the very title of which shows the author's view of the role of his homeland. Here, the past and present of Siberia and all its pressing issues and needs found their place, the resolution and satisfaction of which was put in connection with the unconditional need to finally replace the primordial administrative guardianship with broad public initiative. On April 1 of the same year, the 1st issue of the newspaper Vostochnoye Obozreniye (Vostochnoe Obozreniye) founded by Ya., a quite competent Siberian organ, was published in St. Petersburg. Since 1886, Mr.. Ya. vigorously worked in the newly opened society to assist students in St. Petersburg Siberians, being a true friend of the youth. In 1889, Ya. went to the headwaters of the Orkhon River and finally established the place of the capital of the ancient Mongol Empire - Karakorum (see). In 1891, Mr.. Ya. published a book: "Siberian aliens, their way of life and current situation," indicating how important an immediate change in policy in this acute Siberian issue. Settling in St. Petersburg and not taking an active part in the "Eastern Review", Ya. in 1893-1894. he worked a lot in Russkaya Zhizn and Russkiye Vedomosti, paying special attention to the resettlement issue, which he solved through complete freedom of resettlement and broad assistance to those who resettled (see Resettlement); He also worked very energetically in society to help needy migrants. In 1894, Mr.. Ya. took the place of the head of the statistical office in the management of the Altai mining district, but, having arrived in Barnaul, he soon died. The Siberian intelligentsia rightly calls Ya. the best of their sons, who selflessly devoted his entire life to the service of his adored homeland.

See M. Lemke, "N. M. Yadrintsev" (St. Petersburg, 1904; ed. ed. "Eastern Review"; there is also a detailed list of Ya.'s works); Ya., "To my autobiography ("Russian Thought", 1904, VI); "Siberian Collection" (1895, III, IV and 1896, II).

M. Lemke.


Yadrintsev, Nikolai

(1842-1894) - a well-known Siberian regional public figure, a radical populist writer, publicist and traveler-archaeologist. In 1862 Ya. began his literary activity in "Iskra" and "Russian Word". In May 1865, he was arrested along with G. N. Potanin, S. S. Shashkov and others in the well-known case of "Siberian separatists", who were charged with the intention to separate Siberia and form a republic "like the USA." After a 3-year imprisonment in the Omsk prison, Ya. was exiled to Shenkursk; while here, he actively collaborated (under the pseudonym Semiluzhensky) in the "Case", "Notes of the Fatherland" and "Week" on issues of prison and exile. Upon restoration of his rights, I. in 1874 settled in St. Petersburg, collaborated in Golos and Delo. Otechestvennye zapiski, Nedelya, Sibir, etc., and the liberal foreign organ of A. Khristoforov Common Cause. Ya participated in numerous research expeditions. In 1882 in St. Petersburg Yadrintsev founded the newspaper "Eastern Review". Posthumously published "To my autobiography" ("Russian Thought", 1904, No. 6).

The most important scientific works Ya.: "Siberia as a colony", St. Petersburg, 1882; "Siberian foreigners, their way of life and current situation", St. Petersburg, 1891.

Lit .: Lemke M., N. M. Yadrintsev, St. Petersburg, 1904 (with a detailed bibliography of the works of Ya.); Dubrovsky K., Born in the country of exile, P., 1914.

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"Yadrintsev, Nikolai Mikhailovich" in books


From the book The Most Famous Travelers of Russia author Lubchenkova Tatyana Yurievna

NIKOLAY MIKHAILOVICH PRZHEVALSKY The ancestor of the Przhevalsky generation was considered to be a Zaporizhzhya Cossack named Parovalsky. This Cossack, Karnila Anisimovich, showed courage in the battles near Polotsk and Velikiye Luki, for which in 1581 he was granted a noblemanship.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book The Great Russian Tragedy. In 2 tons. author Khasbulatov Ruslan Imranovich

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich “... Vladimir adopted Svyatopolk .., but Svyatopolk had only the impudence of a villain: - he killed all the sons of Vladimir ... Tormented by longing, this monster fell into relaxation and could not sit on a horse ... Driven by heavenly anger, Svyatopolk in stupefaction

PEGOV Nikolay Mikhailovich


PEGOV Nikolai Mikhailovich (04/03/1905 - 04/19/1991). Candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 10/16/1952 to 03/05/1953 Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 10/16/1952 to 03/05/1953 Member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - CPSU in 1939 - 1986 Member of the CPSU 1930 Born in Moscow in the family of an employee. Russian. He began his career in 1919.

SHVERNIK Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book The Most Closed People. From Lenin to Gorbachev: Encyclopedia of Biographies author Zenkovich Nikolai Alexandrovich

SHVERNIK Nikolai Mikhailovich (05/19/1888 - 12/24/1970). Member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 10/16/1952 to 03/05/1953 and from 06/29/1957 to 03/29/1966 Candidate member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Party Central Committee from 03/22/1939 to 10/05/1952 and from 05.03.1953 to 29.06. 1957 Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks from 04/09/1926 to 04/16/1927 and from 07/13/1930 to 03/05/1946

Zverintsev Nikolay Mikhailovich

author Apollonova A. M.

Zverintsev Nikolai Mikhailovich Born in 1924 in the village of Monastyrshchina, Kimovsky District Tula region in the teacher's family. He lost his father at the age of seven and moved with his mother to the Ephraim district. After graduating from Nikolskaya incomplete secondary school, he worked as a secretary of Pozhilinsky

Lazkov Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the book of Tulyaki - Heroes Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Lazkov Nikolai Mikhailovich Born in 1924 in the village of Berezovka, Bogoroditsky District, Tula Region. He graduated from the 9th grade of the Kazan secondary school. In August 1942 he was called to Soviet Army. After a short military training, he participated in battles, with

Tregubov Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the book of Tulyaki - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Tregubov Nikolai Mikhailovich Born in 1919 in the town of Uzlovaya, Tula Region. After graduating from high school, he entered the Kachin Pilot School. He participated in the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on April 13, 1944.

Shokhin Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the author's book

SHOKHIN Nikolai Mikhailovich Nikolai Mikhailovich Shokhin was born in 1913 in the village of Luzino, Moskalevsky District, Omsk Region, into a peasant family. Russian by nationality. Member of the CPSU since 1946. After graduating from elementary school in 1925, he worked on his father's farm. In 1930

FOREGGER Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait Gallery of Cultural Heroes of the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries. Volume 3. S-Z author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

FOREGGER Nikolai Mikhailovich Nast fam. Greifenthurn; 6(18).4.1892 - 8.6.1939 Director, choreographer. In 1918, he organized the Four Masks Theater in Moscow, where he staged The Evening of French Farces with the participation of I. Ilyinsky and A. Ktorov. In 1920, he directed the workshop "Mastfor" ("Workshop

Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book The Fall of the Tsarist Regime. Volume 7 author Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich

Nikolai Mikhailovich NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH (1859-1918), general-adjutant, general-from-inf. according to Guards infantry, historian, senior. son of Gen.-Feldm. in. book. Mich. Nick. (1832-1909) and c. book. Olga Fed., ur. hertz. Badensky, grandson Nick. I, cousin uncle Nick. II. Vlad. them. "Grushevka" in 75 thousand dess., Nick. acad. gene. PCS. From 1875 in the life guards.

Golushko Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of national history). book 1 (from the KGB of the USSR to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

Golushko Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of national history). book 2 (from MB RF to FSK RF) author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

Golushko Nikolai Mikhailovich Biographical information: Nikolai Mikhailovich Golushko was born in 1937 in Kazakhstan. Higher education, in 1959 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Tomsk State University. He worked in the prosecution authorities, then in the authorities

Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (N-O) author Brockhaus F. A.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Nikolai Mikhailovich - Grand Duke, son led. book. Mikhail Nikolaevich, b. 14 Apr. 1859, Colonel, Commander of the 16th Grenadier Mingrelian Imp. Highness led. book. Dmitry Konstantinovich regiment, chief of the 3rd guard. artillery brigade and 82 infantry

Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NI) of the author TSB

N. M. Yadrintsev. Sharp poetry, music and prison creativity

From the book Songs of Hard Labor. author Garteveld Wilhelm Napoleonovich

N. M. Yadrintsev. Sharp poetry, music and prison creativity Misfortune has its own song; in exactly the same way, the prison created his own poetry, into which he put his feelings, his soul and longing ... One cannot look at a prison song only as an entertainment for prisoners: it expresses

Date of birth - October 30 - 1842 Date of death - June 19 - 1894 Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev (October 18 (30), 1842, Omsk - June 7 (19), 1894, Barnaul) - Siberian publicist and public figure, researcher of Siberia, one of the founders of Siberian regionalism. Nikolai Yadrintsev was born in Omsk, into a merchant family. In 1851 he moved with his parents to Tomsk. He studied from 1854 at the Tomsk Men's Gymnasium. At the age of 17, he left for St. Petersburg, where he became a student at the university. There he met G. N. Potanin and S.

S. Shashkov. He took an active part in the founding and activities of the community of Siberian students, among whom the ideas of Siberian patriotism were born. In 1863, Yadrintsev returned to Omsk, worked as a teacher, and together with Potanin was the organizer of literary readings. Following Potanin, in 1864 he moved to Tomsk, where he contributed to the newspaper Tomsk Gubernskiye Vedomosti.

Kolosov was arrested. 2 years spent in Omsk prison. While in prison, he did not stop literary work. Later he wrote the book "The Russian community in prison and exile." In 1868 he was found guilty of intending to separate Siberia from Russia and exiled to Shenkursk, Arkhangelsk province. In 1874 he received a pardon and moved to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as a secretary to the local chairman of the prison supervision commission. In 1876 he moved to Omsk, where he was in the civil service until 1880.

In 1878 he made the first complex expedition to the Altai as a member of the West Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society, studied the setting of the resettlement case, collected ethnographic and botanical materials. In 1880, as a result of his second expedition, geographic maps of Lake Teletskoye, the Chuya River and its tributaries were compiled, and many anthropological studies were carried out. He was awarded the gold medal of the IRGO. Yadrintsev visited almost all areas of Altai, including the center. highland area.

His articles “About deer breeding in Altai”, “A trip to Western Siberia and the Gorno-Altai region”, etc. are of scientific value even today.

During the expedition (1886, 1889, 1891) to the Minusinsk region and to the upper reaches of the Orkhon, he discovered the ruins of Khara-Balgas and the ancient Mongolian capital of Karakorum, as well as monuments of ancient Turkic writing - Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions. In 1881 he returned to St. Petersburg, where in 1882 Yadrintsev's most significant and relevant work, Siberia as a Colony, was published. April 1, 1882 founded the newspaper "Eastern Review" in St. Petersburg. In 1888 he moved the newspaper to Irkutsk.

In literary works, he gravitated toward the lyrical publicist. genres, in particular, to travel essays, which were often accusatory. He acted as a critic and literary critic: articles “The fate of Siberian poetry and ancient poets of Siberia”, “The beginning of printing in Siberia”, about the work of N.

V. Gogol, I.

S. Turgeneva, N. I. Naumova, S. Ya.

Elpatyevsky and others. In 1894, at his personal request, Yadrintsev was appointed head of the statistical department of the Altai Mining District. Arriving in Barnaul, on June 7, due to unrequited love, being in a state of passion, he committed suicide - he took poison in the house of the merchant Sulin.

The last days of the writer are reflected in the documentary story of our contemporary IP Kudinov "Six Days in July". He was buried at the Nagorny cemetery in Barnaul, the granite monument was made at the Kolyvan grinding factory according to the project of the architect Shulev.

Source - "ru. wikipedia.

org/wiki/%D0%AF%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%B2%2C_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA %D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0 %B8%D1%87"

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