Home Mushrooms Black Heart. Emotional statuses: how to put a heart

Black Heart. Emotional statuses: how to put a heart

Text: Guy Seregin
Illustrations: Vlad Lesnikov

The symbol is understandable and quick way express a long and confusing phenomenon. Why write "With too long contact with bare wires, your body may be somewhat damaged by a discharge into a fig cloud of volts", when you can stick a skull with a lightning bolt on a pole - and everyone understands everything without words.
In addition, a symbol is a way to reach out to the human imagination, which is capable of assimilating certain things better than what we presumptuously call reason. For example, it is very difficult for an ordinary man to understand what Jesus Christ wanted and why he allowed himself to be crucified. But if you tell him about a pelican that breaks open his chest to feed the chicks with his blood *, then the man in the street, impressed by this biological information, begins to feel something like that - like a vague understanding. Therefore, pelicans are adorned with religious treatises and stone pediments of churches: it seems to be just a cute bird, but at the same time a bright religious symbol. Crosses, crescents, stars, swastikas are just pictures, icons, a few strokes applied in a specific order. Nevertheless, in the name of these symbols, cisterns of blood have been shed throughout the ages. After all, a symbol is a tiny expression of a huge phenomenon. True, not every character. There are symbols for all sorts of trifles and trifles. In our concise encyclopedia we focused on them.

* - Note of the completely zoological warthog Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Pelicans do not do that, this is the nonsense of medieval short-sighted naturalists. Nevertheless, no one can reproach the pelicans for ignorance. To regurgitate already eaten and almost overcooked fish to be devoured by these spinogs, is also, you know, a very selfless act»

Look, with what appetite this snake is eating its tail. And not at all because it is tasty and healthy, but because if the reptile stops doing this, then time will stop and the universe will cease to exist, frozen in the great "Nowhere and Never". Ouroboros symbolizes the endless recurrence of time. It was invented by the ancient Greeks. At one time, mathematicians even wanted to use it as a sign denoting infinity, but then they decided that it would be easier to draw a horizontal eight.

The ancient Egyptian symbol, meaning that God sees everything, although he himself is invisible, is hidden in a pyramid. This oriental symbol seemed very mysterious and exotic - long time Freemasons used it as one of their main emblems. Now the all-seeing eye is most often seen on dollar bills.

Like his brother minus, he was born in 1490 - it was then that the book of the Czech mathematician Jan Widman "Fast and Beautiful Counting" was published, in which he proposed using these two symbols for addition and subtraction. Until then, mathematicians each in their own way tried to explain in words what to do with the numbers in their formulas. The multiplication and division signs appeared even later, and they are still a complete mess with them. Division is depicted with two dots, and a dot-dash-dot, and just an oblique line. As for the multiplication symbol, then both single dots and oblique crosses are used, and mathematicians do not use it at all.

Egyptian symbol eternal life... The Egyptians did not send a single deceased into the world without this symbol - it does not matter whether it was poured out of pure gold or hastily painted on the forehead with soot.

This tailed symbol of modernity is just getting younger - in fact, it is almost the same age as mammoths. In any case, it first appears in medieval Latin manuscripts of the XIV-XV centuries. The monks were then greedy to waste expensive parchment and invented all kinds of abbreviations for frequently encountered words. For example, for the preposition ad (na): they just merged a and d, and they ended up with a squiggle @. After that, the badge still managed to be an accounting symbol denoting the price of a product, and in 1972 an American specialist at BBN Technology Ray Tomlinson came up with the idea of ​​using it to indicate the address mailbox... By the way, he is called "dog" only in our country; v different languages he is nicknamed "imp", "kitten" "worm" and even "bun".

If you ask ten people where this symbol of pharmacies and medicine in general came from, nine will say that this is a reminder that many useful medicines are made from snake venom. And the tenth will answer correctly - what is it ancient symbol goddess Hikhiena, daughter of the god of medicine Asclepius (Aesculapius). It is known that Asclepius's companions were two serpents full of wisdom, whom Khikhiena fed with milk from a bowl.
- Hihi, did you feed the snakes?
- Yes, daddy. And she cleaned out the bowl. In the most giggly way!

Advertising symbol invented in the 60s by artist Harvey Ball
for a client firm, stolen by a hippie. With them he became secret sign, indicating that somewhere nearby you can buy drugs. When the police also learned to understand the meaning of Mister Ulyba, in spite of the police, they began to put the smiley on and draw everywhere: on poles, backpacks, cars and trees. To search more thoroughly. So the smiley has become a symbol of counterculture in general. Having migrated to the Internet, it lost its criminal meaning and began to mean just a smile, most often not supported by any chemical means.

It was invented in 1958 by British designer Gerald Holtom - and everyone loved the drawing. Everyone saw in him everything he wanted: a Christian cross, a dove of peace, a silhouette nuclear missile... Although in fact Holtom simply connected two letter signals from the semaphore alphabet - N and D - in his peace-loving circle, the abbreviation for the expression "nuclear disarmament" means "nuclear disarmament."

An uncomplicated symbol meaning that anarchy must rule the world, states must be abolished, megacities must be destroyed, everyone must move to countryside and live there in small communes-communities according to natural laws and common sense. In fact, in its original form, the idea of ​​anarchy is one of the most boring and respectable social devices you can think of. No wars, politics or television - everyone plows, reaps and dances in the evenings together.

A variety of ancient peoples, from Jews to Sumerians, claim the original authorship of this sign, but, in any case, the first documentary evidence of the use of the pentagram belongs to the Pythagorean Greeks. They considered the pentagram to be a symbol of the five elements (fire, earth, water, air and ether, enclosed in a circle representing the universe). The Arabs called the pentagram "the seal of David" and believed that it was the most powerful protection against evil spells. Therefore, before invoking evil spirits, mixing various magical substances such as sulfur and saltpeter in a jug, alchemists always drew pentagrams on the floor and doors. Alas, the pentagrams did not always work as they should, and evil spirits now and then they appeared from jugs in fire and flames, carrying the unlucky experimenters straight to the underworld *.

* - Note by Phacochoerus "a Funtika:
« Now, for these human-protective tasks, instead of a pentagram in the laboratories of alchemists, they draw the icon "Caution, radiation!" And it works with about the same efficiency»


It will be difficult now. Very oriental. So, Om (pronounced “omm”) is, according to Hindu teachings, the unnamed name of the creator, the initial vibration of the universe. Now the riddle: what does the unnamed name of the creator sound like if his name is Omm? The correct answer is - ask the Indians, the European consciousness is beyond the control of this. By at least without first meditating for ten years somewhere on a Goan beach.

Anarchy Aggressive

But this symbol means that true anarchy is not in a communal blissful existence, but in the complete freedom of each individual to do whatever he wants. First of all, burn, break and engage in other destruction, spitting on any laws and regulations, as befits a truly free individual. Such signs can most often be seen in Germany, where the societies of anarchist out-of-bounds were originally born.

This sign can often be found on the walls of houses in Europe. And it is drawn by fans of the militant matriarchy, members of numerous women's organizations proclaiming the superiority of women over men in everything. Experienced European men try to avoid clubs, cafes and apartments, on the doors of which there are such signs: the risk is too great that the warlike Amazons will take you prisoner and will torture you with stories about what all men are goats.

The astrological symbol of the planet Mars began to denote a man in general. There are no hints of male genitals here, any coincidences can be considered accidental. It is just a planet-ball with a spear - the symbol of a militant god. True, the spear is also a symbol of male genitals. But, on the other hand, is there anything in the world that is not a symbol of the genitals?

The Chinese were characterized by a dualistic vision of the world (not to be confused with the indifferent, although there is something in common). White yang meant for them fire, day, air, masculinity; dark yin - water, night, earth, feminine principle. And it was believed that the whole world consists of these two substances that do not have a clear border. Every yin always has some yang, and vice versa.

Astrological symbol of Venus and, accordingly, women. He is not portraying a victim terrible disease"Dropsy of the brain" (although it is similar), and an indispensable attribute of every woman is a mirror. Do not go where this sign hangs: in recent times The designers who are keen on astrology have got into the habit of decorating the doors of women's toilets with them.

If there are two Venus, then it is not necessary to look into the door with such a symbol. For twenty years now, as it designates a lesbian shelter, and in a club with such a sign you will most likely simply not be allowed.

When in the Latin text the author wanted to express joy and delight, he wrote the word "Io", which means something like "hurray." The life-loving Roman writers expressed their delight on a regular basis, so the medieval economical scribes, whom we have already mentioned, got the hang of cramming the "o" under the "I" and thus save a whole quarter of an inch of parchment. In the end, the "o" shrank to a point.

Hitler's PR group stole this solar sign from Indian symbols to once again emphasize their ancient Aryan (directly from India) origin. Most likely, the swastika turned out to be upside down because those who drew it did not remember exactly in which direction the tails were bent. (Then, when the mistake was found out, they already had to come up with versions about "new rethinking.") So the cheerful sun sign turned into one of the most disgusting symbols in the history of mankind: turning over, the swastika instead of "life" began to read as "death." Most European countries the use of the swastika anywhere other than books and films about the Second World War is strictly prohibited.

The fact that the symbol of the heart in love letters was used by the Greeks and Romans is well known. But the fact that they did not mean the heart by this symbol is less common information. In fact, this symbol was called the heart by Christians in the Middle Ages. And the Greeks and Romans, who were well acquainted with anatomy, knew for sure that the heart did not look at all like that. Therefore, many researchers believe that the popular symbol depicted the head of an erect penis - an object that certainly expresses a feeling of deep sympathy for the one to which it is addressed. Rumor has it that this fact is being carefully hushed up today so as not to disrupt sales of heart symbols on Valentine's Day.

An emoticon is a set of symbols, or an icon, that is a visual representation of a facial expression or body position to convey a mood, attitude, or emotion originally used in messages Email and text messages... The most famous is the smiley face, i.e. smile - :-) .

There is no clear and reliable evidence of who invented the smiley face. Of course, you can point to ancient excavations, finds of various inscriptions on the rocks, etc., but these will only be guesses of each of us.

Of course, to say for sure that a smiley is modern invention, a little wrong. The use of emoticons can be traced back to the 19th century. Examples of their use can be found in a copy of the American magazine "Puck" from 1881, see example:

Yes, there are a lot of such examples in history, but it is generally believed that the first digital form of a smiley was responsible for Researcher Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman. He suggested distinguishing serious messages from frivolous ones by means of using emoticons :-) and :-(. It was already September 19, 1982. This is especially useful when the mood of your message may be misinterpreted.



Nevertheless, emoticons did not become so popular, but revealed their potential after 14 years, thanks to a Frenchman who lived in London - Nicolas Laufrani... The idea arose even earlier, with Nicolas's father, Franklin Laufrani. It was he who, being a journalist in French newspaper France Soir, January 1, 1972, ran an article titled “Take Time to Smile!” Where he used emojis to highlight his article. Later he patented it as a trademark and created the production of some goods using a smiley. Then a company was created under the brand name Smiley, where Father Franklin Laufrani became president, and director general son of Nicolas Laufrani.

It was Nicolas who noticed the popularity of ASCII emoticons, which were very much used on mobile phones, and began developing directly animated emoticons that would correspond to ASCII emoticons consisting of simple characters, i.e. what we now use and used to call - smiley face... He created a catalog of emoticons, which he divided into categories "Emotions", "Holidays", "Food", etc. And in 1997, this catalog was registered with the US Copyright Office.

Around the same time in Japan, Shigetaka Kurita began designing emoticons for I-mode. But unfortunately, widespread use of this project, never happened. Maybe because in 2001 Laufrani's creation was licensed by Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and other manufacturers mobile phones who later started offering them to their users. After that, the world was simply inundated with various interpretations of emoticons and emoticons.

The following variations with greases and emoticons became the appearance stickers in 2011. They were created by the leading Internet company in Korea - Naver. The company has developed a messaging platform called - Line... The same messaging app as WhatsApp. LINE was developed in the months following the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Initially, LIne was created to find friends and relatives during and after natural disasters and in the first year, the number of users grew to 50 million. After, with the publication of games and stickers, it totaled more than 400 million, which later became one of the most popular apps in Japan, in particular among teenagers.

Emoticons, emoticons and stickers today, more than 30 years later, they began to take a place in everyday conversations and correspondence of people. According to studies conducted in the United States, it was found that 74 percent of people in the United States regularly use stickers, emoticons in their online communication, sending an average of 96 emoticons or stickers a day. The reason for this explosive use Emoji is that creative characters developed by various companies help to express our feelings, help to add humor, sadness, happiness, etc.

The emoticons in the tables will be gradually replenished, so go to the site and look for the meaning of the desired emoticons.

Emoticons are so firmly embedded in our lives that without them the alphabet looks incomplete, and messages seem dry and detached. But even in such a frivolous and childishly simple matter, like placing emoji, there are subtleties.

What do the different smilies mean?

With smiley objects, everything is simple: they mean what they represent. A ball is a ball, an alarm clock is an alarm clock, and there is nothing to think about. But with smiley faces, the task becomes more complicated. We do not always manage to correctly guess the emotions from the faces of living people, let alone the physiognomy of the koloboks. There are emoticons, the meaning of which is obvious:

Fun, laughter, joy, jubilation.

Sadness, sadness, longing, discontent.

Playful mood, teasing.

Surprise, amazement, shock, fear.

Anger, resentment, rage.

And a few more similar ones - all possible options families and romantic unions.

But there are some among the emoticons, the meaning of which can be interpreted ambiguously, or even bewildered:

This emoticon depicts a person sobbing at three - well, at two - streams, but in the version for Apple devices because of the raised eyebrows and the mouth that is not twisted from sobs, he is often perceived as laughing to tears. Be careful with him: you want to indicate grief to them, but they will misunderstand you.

This emoticon is intended to represent silence. Instead, he just scares to death.

If everything is more or less clear with the evil devil ("angry as devil"), then the cheerful devil is somewhat puzzling. Most likely, he is not only furious, but also anticipates how he will dance on your opponent's grave. And you, perhaps, just wanted to show originality and an unusual smile.

Despite the fact that the three wise monkeys did not see, did not hear and did not speak precisely because of their wisdom, these muzzles close their eyes, mouth and ears from shame, confusion and shock.

A set of feline emoticons for those who think that ordinary koloboks are not expressive enough and want to add sweetness to their emotions.

Instead of "hello" and "goodbye" you can wave your hand.

Hands raised, a gesture of joyful greeting or glee.

The applause is both sincere and sarcastic.

If in this picture you see hands folded in a prayer gesture, then for you emoji can mean "thank you" or "I beg you." Well, if you see the "high five!"

Raised up forefinger can emphasize the importance of the message or express a request to interrupt the interlocutor with a question, or it can simply point to the previous message in the chat.

Fingers crossed for good luck.

For some it is "stop", but for someone "high five!"

No, this is not a truffle. Not even a truffle at all.

Ogre and Japanese goblin. It seems that someone is missing the usual devils.

Lier. His nose grows like Pinocchio's every time he lies.

These are eyes wide open in amazement, and the shifting eyes of a rogue, and even a lustful look. If someone sends you such an emoticon in the comments to the photo, you can be sure that the photo is successful.

And this is just an eye, and it is watching you.

Young moon and full moon... It seems to be nothing special, but these smileys have their fans who appreciate them for their creepy facial expressions.

A very common girl in purple. Her gestures mean OK (hands over head), “no” (arms crossed), “hello” or “I know the answer” (hand up). This character has another pose that baffles many -. According to the official version, it symbolizes the help desk worker. Apparently, she shows with her hand how to get to the city library.

Do you also see two tense faces here, presumably unfriendly? But they didn't guess: according to Apple's tips, this is an embarrassed face and a stubborn face. Who would have thought!

By the way, tips for emoticons can be viewed in the message window on, if you open an emoji and hover the cursor over the emoticon you are interested in. Like this:

Another way to find out the meaning of an emoticon is to seek help from emojipedia.org. On it you will find not only detailed interpretations emoticons, but you can also see how the same emoticon looks on different platforms. Many unexpected discoveries await you.

Where are emoticons appropriate?

1. In informal friendly correspondence

Funny yellow faces are appropriate in a personal chat, where you share not so much information as your mood. With the help of emoticons, you will laugh at a joke, sympathize, make faces at each other. This is where emotions really belong.

2. When emotions are overflowing and words are not enough

Sometimes, when something very important happens in our life, feelings overwhelm us so much that we are about to burst. Then we write an emotional post on Facebook or post a dazzling photo on Instagram and decorate it with a generous scattering of emoticons. Someone, of course, will not like it, but what now, stifle all the vivid sensations in yourself? The main thing is not to abuse such a public manifestation of violent emotions: it will alienate subscribers and question your adequacy.

3. By agreement to highlight a message in work correspondence

This is a very easy and convenient way to make important messages that require urgent attention visible. For example, it is great for these purposes. But you need to agree in advance which cases in your company are considered urgent and which smiley you will use for this.

It is important not to overdo it: if you have one emoticon for messages about emergency situations, the second - for urgent issues, the third - for important news, then soon all working correspondence will turn into christmas garland that no one is looking at.

When is it better to do without emoticons

1. In business correspondence

Work is not a place for emotions. Here you are required to be calm, collected and professional. Even if you want to emphasize your benevolence or express concern about a situation, use emoticons for these purposes.

2. When dealing with foreigners

This is especially true for emoji gestures. For example, the one that you wanted to show approval will put an end to your good relationship with a person from Greece or Thailand. Still, because with this gesture you sent him to hell.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your deep knowledge of the features national culture your interlocutor, do not risk it.

3. Oddly enough, when you discuss feelings and emotions

Feelings are serious business. If you are not just chatting, but opening your soul or sharing something important, words will convey your feelings and experiences much more accurately than emoticons. “You are dearer to me than anyone else in the world” means much more than ten hearts in a row. In the end, you have only one heart, so give it.

Remember, emojis are a condiment, not a main ingredient. To give expressiveness to your message, you need very few of them.

Emoji language

Judging by the fact that today almost no personal correspondence is complete without emoticons, we can safely say that emoji have become an independent section of the language. Sometimes they even pretend to replace the language: you can write a whole message using only emoticons. The popular American TV show Ellen DeGeneres even has a special section in which guests are invited to read a phrase where part of the words are replaced with emoji:

And here is the encrypted name of the film, which we invite you to guess.

A long time ago, on the Internet, one could come across the question of how to put a heart in "Contact". Now it is asked less often, and for the most part only those who begin acquaintance with the social network. Let's see what it is.

What is it?

What do the hearts in "Contact" mean? Let's get to know this part social network closer. To do this, you need to understand what the heart symbolizes here.

By themselves, hearts are a manifestation of love or sympathy. So, hearts in social networks are so-called "likes". Translated from English, this means that in this way people leave tags on records and photos that they like. How to put a heart in "Contact"? In general, there are several ways. But first, let's see where these elements can appear on a page on a social network.

Everywhere and always

The world is constantly and actively developing. With it, new technologies are also developed. This is what made people a little lazy. Instead of emotions, emoticons are now used, and instead of approving words - "likes" and "hearts". But where can you see them?

If you take a closer look, you will notice that "hearts" are present on the social network in many places. After the user figure out how to put a heart in "Contact", he quite often starts to "like" files and records of other users.

So, you can see the image of a heart near posts on the wall, under photos, uploaded pictures, videos, in groups and communities, polls and notes. That is, almost any action in "Contact" can actually be approved. Sometimes this helps users quickly find a recording they like (for example, a recipe or a movie). So "likes" are pretty useful thing if you don't dwell on it, as most users do. Let's see how to put a heart in VKontakte.

We put hearts

So now let's see how you can "like". To do this, you need to show some attentiveness to what exactly you want to note.

The first thing you need to do is find the object that you would like to approve. After that, you need to find the image of the heart and just click on it with the mouse. Ultimately, of course, you will see the like mark change its color - becoming darker. This means that you have "liked" the post / photo / video. In addition, if you move the mouse cursor to this heart, you will notice that there will be an image of your account under the caption "People liked it."

True, it is worth noting: in order to understand how to put a heart in "Contact", you need to register there. Anonymous users do not have such rights. In addition, if you have an idea to "like" the entry and at the same time remain unnoticed, then this number will not work. You will not be able to leave your heart and make sure that no one knows about it - other users who have registered in "Contact" will also know about your sympathy.

There is another way that you can leave a mark on what you like. To do this, take a good look at the inscriptions located near the heart under the entry, picture, photo, video or note. There should be an inscription "I like". As a matter of fact, you just need to click on it - a heart will appear, which will change its color, and you will be included in the list of those who liked the post.

If you like someone's post by mistake, you can easily and easily remove the tag. To do this, you just need to click on the heart (or the corresponding inscription) again. That is, a second click can remove signs of your sympathy for a particular post. So now let's take a look at what gave rise to the so-called "likes" among users.

Disease "likes"

Today you can see a real nightmare that is happening because of the so-called hearts on social networks. The point is that in modern world their number has become a kind of indicator of coolness, importance and a standard of popularity.

Now, instead of actually showing that the person is truly praiseworthy, people in huge numbers post their photos and videos in the hope that they will be "liked" by visitors to the network. So, on the Internet it is generally accepted that the fewer "likes" a person has, the less popular he is. The same can be said about groups in this social network.

In the struggle for "hearts", various methods began to be used - honest and not so. For example, cheating hearts in "Contact". It can be carried out by means of programs that are prohibited in principle. This is an illegal and dishonest way. But there is also such a method in which "likes" are simply paid for by strangers. Also not entirely honest, but, nevertheless, it can still be called in a legal way promotion. True, "hearts" on a social network are not only a way to express your sympathy or approval. Let's see what else this image symbolizes.


Of course, you can't go anywhere without emoticons. Especially in virtual world... So in social networks there are different types"funny faces", which are designed to express different emotions.

This is where hearts meet. For example, you can put such a green heart in "Contact". In this case, it can be sent in a message to your interlocutor or set as a status in the profile. True, for the most part, under the "heart" in a social network, it is customary to accept exactly the so-called like, which we learned about today.

The heart is an eternal, never aging symbol of love and romance, it is the embodiment of all living things, vitality person. Courage, friendship, love, unity, the source of life, sometimes pain and suffering - all of this is also embodied in this ancient and popular symbol. The meaning of a heart tattoo is different for everyone, this is primarily due to the person wearing it and his attitude to such a tattoo. And, of course, it is connected with the way of depicting this symbol, decomposition and context in which the heart is drawn.

From the very deep antiquity in the cultures of many nations, people have come to the conclusion that the heart is not just an organ for pumping blood throughout the body. They noticed that feelings and emotions emanated from him. They love with their hearts, they hate them with their hearts, they rejoice and grieve in their hearts, they make the most courageous decisions.

Today in tattoo art, drawings of a heart with an inscription are often used. An inscription on the heart itself or on a ribbon wrapping around it often indicates the name of a loved one. A classic example is a tattoo with the inscription "IOM" which translates as "mom". Such tattoos were popular around the world among bikers and sailors in the second half of the twentieth century. And during the Great Patriotic War the heart tattoo reminded the employees of the loved ones they were fighting for.

The image of the heart is also present in some religions. Catholic Church annually celebrates the day of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Christ. And the heart with a crown of thorns became a symbol of the suffering and pain that Jesus experienced in atonement for human sins.

A heart with wings means flying over the whole earth in the name of your love. You can often see an image of a broken heart in a tattoo. It is a symbol of lost love, disappointment and suffering because of it. Crammed into the memory of a loved one who cannot be forgotten. Such a tattoo reminds us that there is only one step from life to death and from love to hate.

If a heart is drawn in combination with a sword or arrows, this is undoubtedly a sign of courage and bravery. The tattoo of a noble and brave heart is imbued with motives of the Middle Ages, the time of Christ's campaigns and knightly exploits.

A heart pierced with a dagger in a tattoo means treason. A heart pierced by an arrow means a painfully pleasant, bittersweet bite of love. The arrow illustrates a directed flow of active energy.

The heart of gold is a symbol of God, a symbol of his awareness as the source of life. A black heart tends to illustrate "darkness of the soul" or great grief. Since 1999, the white heart has become an international symbol of nursing.

As you can see, the meaning of a heart tattoo depends on many factors, primarily on the context and decomposition of the picture, as well as on the color, and, of course, on the reason for its application by a person and the attitude of the wearer himself to such a tattoo.

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