Home Fruit trees Instructive stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. A young man from Yemen. Who is a prophet

Instructive stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. A young man from Yemen. Who is a prophet

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and All-Merciful!

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was best example. This includes his attitude towards his wives. Everything about him was wonderful: his patience with them, his mercy, his condescension towards their morals, his nobility and generosity in dealing with them. They did not have mountains of gold and luxurious homes, but they were rich because they had what even kings do not get - sincere love, strong relationships, support and support from each other.

The most beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (after Khadija) was Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her. It is about their relationship that more hadiths have come down to us (compared to the hadiths concerning his relationships with other wives), and it is the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that is called the first love in Islam. Various stories from their lives confirm the depth, strength and reliability of their mutual love and affection for each other.

When they were quarreling...

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “Truly, I know when you are angry with me and when you are pleased with me.” She asked: “How?” He replied: “When you are pleased with me, you say: “No, by the Lord of Muhammad!” And when you get angry, you say: “No, I swear by the Lord Ibrahim!” She said, "You're right, I don't use (in anger) your name"(Bukhari, Muslim).

When she wanted some rest...

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “Once the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, invited me with him [when the Abyssinians were playing with spears on the prayer ground]. [It was a holiday]. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked me: “Hey, humairah! Do you want to look at them? I answered: “I want.” [Then he put me behind him] and tilted his shoulder so that I could see. [I put my head on his shoulder, leaning my face against his cheek], and just looked, looking over his shoulder (in another hadith: resting my head on his shoulder).

And he kept saying: “Be careful, my dears!” Then he asked me several times: “Aisha! Well, did you look?” And I answered him: “Not yet.” And in this position, standing behind him, I continued to look until I satisfied my curiosity.”

And further: “And people asked from time to time: “Abul-Qasim! So good?" In one of the hadith transmissions: “And so I stood until I got bored. Finally, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked me: “Well, is that enough?” And I answered: “Yes.” And then he told me: “Go ahead.”

In another hadith transmission: “And I answered: “A little more.” And he continued to stand for me for some time, and then asked again: “Well, is that enough?” And I answered: “A little more.” [At the same time, I noticed how he shifted from foot to foot]. And further: “I’ve long been tired of looking at the Abyssinians, but I wanted all the women to know how he stood like that just for me alone, and how very close to him I was [then just a girl].

[Judge for yourself how much the girl – [very young], little – wanted to see something funny].” Aisha also said: “On that day, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “And let the Jews know that in our religion there is a place for rest” (Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasai, Ahmad).

When she asked if he loved her...

It is said that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, having married the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, do you love me?” “Yes, Aisha, of course I do!” - answered the Prophet, may Allah bless him and greet him. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, wanted to know more - how does he love her?

And the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, answered: “Strong and strong, like a knot of rope (in another version, “like a dead knot”).” And then Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, often asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the condition of the dead knot?” And the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, always answered: “The same as on the first day!”

When she was jealous...

From Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, it is reported that one day she brought the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions food on her plate. Then Aisha brought a small hard stone and broke the plate with it. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, collected what was between the two fragments of the plate and said to his companions: “Eat, eat, your mother was just jealous, your mother was jealous.” Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took Aisha’s plate and handed it to Umm Salama, and broken plate Umm Salama gave it to Aisha.

When they drank from the same vessel...

It is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “It often happened that during my menstruation I drank, and then passed (the cup) to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and he touched his lips to the place that he touched. my lips, and drank. And it often happened that during my menstruation I would bite off a piece of meat that was on a bone, and then give (the bone) to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he would touch with his lips the place that my lips touched.” (Sahih Muslim).

When he read the Koran...

It is reported that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than once laid his head on my lap and began to read the Quran when I had my period.” (Sahih Muslim).

When he played with her...

Once Aisha accompanied the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, on one of his campaigns. She was just a girl then. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, says: “I was thin, I didn’t weigh much. Suddenly, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded his companions: “Go forward,” [and they went forward], and he said to me: “Come on, let’s run - whoever is faster!”

I ran a race with him and got ahead of him. A few years later, when I went on a hike again with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he commanded his companions, as before:

“Go ahead,” and he turned to me: “Come on, let’s run, whoever is faster!” By this time I had forgotten about that first incident, I had matured and become heavier. I said: “O Messenger of Allah! And how can I, like this, run a race with you?”

And he’s all for his own thing: “Well, come on, come on.” I ran and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, of course, got ahead of me. “Then [he laughed and] said: This is for you for the time you beat me to it.”

History of liberation from slavery

Luqman al-Hakim is a Quranic character; an entire sura is named after him in the Holy Scriptures. He was a black Nubian slave. Allah Almighty gifted him with great wisdom. In one of the instructions addressed to his son, Luqman al-Hakim says: “Truly, wisdom does ten things: it gives life to a dead heart; sits down with the poor; exalts to the level of kings; makes the ignorant revered; frees slaves; gives shelter to strangers; enriches those in need; increases nobility for nobles and dominance for gentlemen.”

Ibn al-Jawziyya in his book Al-Azkiya cites the story conveyed by Makhul about how the sage Luqman al-Hakim was freed from slavery thanks to his wisdom and insight.

A certain man from the tribe of Banu Israel bought Luqman for a certain sum, after which he had to serve him.

The owner was an avid backgammon player. Once he played with the condition that the loser would drink all the water in the river that flows near his house, or pay off with something else. And Mr. Luqmana lost, and the winner demanded:

- Drink all the water in the river or pay off!

When asked how to pay him off, the owner heard:

“I will gouge out your eyes or take away everything you own.”

The loser asked for a day's delay. He spent the whole night in sadness and sadness. And in the morning Lukman appeared in front of him, bringing a bundle of brushwood. Having greeted the owner, the servant put the load on the ground and addressed him (he, when he saw Lukman, often made fun of him, but the wisdom of the slave’s words always amazed him):

- Why are you sad and sad?

But the gentleman turned away. Lukman repeated the question twice, but the owner turned away each time.

“Tell me what happened, maybe I can help you.”

And only then did the gentleman tell about what had happened.

– Don’t worry, I know how to solve this issue.

The owner became interested, and the servant suggested:

- When that person says: “Drink all the water in the river,” then ask: “Should I drink what is between the banks, or what is available along the river?” He will say: “Drink what is between the banks.” Then you suggest: “In that case, hold back the water that is along the river until I drink that between the banks.” Indeed, he will not be able to hold the water available along the river, and you will be freed from what you promised.

The owner liked Lukman's idea and perked up.

The next morning his opponent in the game came to him and asked:

- So will you fulfill the condition?

The owner replied:

– Yes, but clarify: should I drink what’s between the banks, or what’s along the river?

- Drink the water that is between the banks.

“In that case, hold back the water that flows along the river.”

- How can I do this?! – the opponent was surprised.

So the master disputed his loss, and Luqman al-Hakim, thanks to his wisdom, received freedom.

The bravest of men

Once Ali ibn Abu Talib, while delivering a sermon, asked:

- O people, who is the bravest man?

Those present responded:

- You, O Lord of the Believers!

Ali continued:

– As for me, then, indeed, no matter who I entered into a duel with, I always won. However, the most courageous is Abu Bakr. Once we made a tent for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and asked those present: “Who will remain to guard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) so that the pagans do not dare to attack him?” I swear by Allah, no one approached him except Abu Bakr, who, drawing his sword, stood at the head of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Whoever tried to approach him, Abu Bakr rushed towards him. He is the bravest of people.

Ali further said that when the Quraish began to be at enmity with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), accusing him of turning many gods into one single God, no one except Abu Bakr dared to speak out in defense of the Prophet (yes Allah bless him and greet him). Defending him, he fought selflessly, reproaching them: “Woe to you, you want to kill a man just because he says: “My Lord is Allah”?!”

Having finished the story, righteous caliph Ali ibn Abu Talib lifted the cape that covered his face: tears flowed from his eyes so abundantly that even his beard was wet.

“So let’s hurry to the wedding!”

Ibn Qudama narrated a story transmitted from Ibn Abbas.

During the reign of Abu Bakr there was a severe drought. Residents came to him with the words: “The rains are not falling, the soil is not sprouting, and the population is in poverty.” Abu Bakr had no choice but to invite them to be patient and trust in the Almighty that he would relieve them of their hardships.

Uthman was a very rich man, so the next person they went to for help was him.

Hearing a knock at the gate, Uthman came out with his entourage and asked what was the matter. They explained to him that due to drought and crop failure, many in the country are starving:

“We learned that you have provisions, so sell it to us so that we can distribute it to the poor Muslims,” asked the Meccan merchants.

Usman politely suggested:

- Come in and buy.

Traders found in the house a large number of provisions purchased in Sham. Usman asked how much his profit from this product would be. The merchants offered a good amount, but Uthman said that there was One who would give him more. The merchants added more, but Usman insisted on his own. Then they told him:

- O Abu Amr, there are no other merchants left in Medina, so who will give you more?!

Usman replied:

“Allah Almighty gives me ten for every dirham.” Is there anyone among you who will give more?

The traders exclaimed: “Oh our Allah, no!

Uthman then continued:

“I make Allah Almighty a witness that I am giving this food as a voluntary donation for the benefit of needy Muslims.

Further, Ibn Abbas said that that same night in a dream he saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) riding on a black and white argamak, in a robe and sandals made of nur, hurrying somewhere. Ibn Abbas asked him:

- O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I really missed you and your speech, where are you in a hurry?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied:

- O Ibn Abbas, Uthman made a voluntary donation, and Allah accepted him, and as a reward married him to a girl in Paradise. So let's hurry to his wedding!

Testament from Ali bin Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him)

When the errant Ibn Muljam inflicted a mortal wound on our master Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him), and he was lying on his deathbed, his son Hassan came to him, he wept bitterly. Our master Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) asked him:

- Oh son, why are you so upset?

Hasan replied:

- How can I not grieve when you spend your last moments in this world and enter another world?..

The loving father said:

- O son, keep four and four more covenants from me. If you follow them, then nothing you do will harm you.

Hasan asked:

- What kind, father?

Ali continued:

– The best wealth is intelligence.

The greatest poverty is stupidity.

The greatest loneliness is pride, vanity (for a person’s pride and arrogance causes hostility and anger in people, as a result of which they move away from him).

The best nobility and dignity is good character.

Hassan asked:

- O my father, these are four testaments, so tell me about the other four...

- Beware of friendship with a fool. Indeed, while wanting to benefit you, he will harm you.

Beware of friendship with a liar. Truly, he is like a mirage: he will make distant things seem close to you, and close things distant.

Beware of friendship with a miser. Truly, he will abandon you at the most necessary moment.

Beware of friendship with the wicked. Verily, he will sell you for nothing.

Reviving the Dead

They say that the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) could revive people with the permission of Allah Almighty. Not everyone believed him and therefore suggested:

– You revive those who died recently, maybe they didn’t even die, revive someone who died a long time ago.

“Then choose for yourself,” the prophet agreed.

– Revive Sam, the son of the prophet Nuh (peace be upon him).

Isa (peace be upon him) approached his grave, prayed two rakats of prayer, and then asked Allah Almighty to revive Himself. Allah revived the son of Nuh (peace be upon him), while his hair and beard turned out to be gray. People were surprised:

- How can this be, since there were no gray hairs in your time?

“I heard the call and thought that the Day of Judgment had come, and my hair turned gray with fear,” Sam answered.

- How long ago did you die? - they asked him.

“I died four thousand years ago, and the bitterness of death has not yet left me.

"Tanbihu l-gafilin"

About seven things

From Abu Ubaidallah Kurshiya it is reported that a certain man traveled seven hundred farsakhs to ask the scientist about seven things. Having come to him, he said: “Truly, I came to you because of the knowledge that Allah has endowed you with. Tell me about the heavens and what is heavier than them; about this earth and about what is wider than it; about the stone and what is tougher than it; about fire and what is hotter than it; about cold and what is colder than it; about the sea and what is richer than it; about the orphan and the one who is weaker than him.”

The sage replied: “Slander against a pure person is heavier than heaven; truth is wider than the earth; the heart of one who is content with little is richer than the sea; greed in the body is hotter than fire; need to to a loved one when one does not dare, it is colder than cold; The heart of an infidel is harder than a stone, and an exposed gossip is weaker than an orphan, since he becomes humiliated.”

"Tanbih l-Gafilin"

Paralyzed hand

It is reported from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him) that one day a girl approached her, her hand was hidden in her sleeve.

– What’s wrong with you, why are you hiding your hand? - asked Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him).

“Don’t ask, O mother of the faithful,” answered the girl.

“You must tell me everything,” insisted Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him).

Then the girl said:

- O mother of the faithful, I had parents, and my father loved to give alms, but my mother, on the contrary, did not like it, I did not see her giving anything other than a piece of fat or worn-out clothes. When my parents died, I saw in a dream that Judgment Day had arrived. And I saw my mother among the people, she was wearing worn-out clothes, and in her hand was a piece of fat, which she licked and shouted: “Oh, thirst!” And I saw my father at the edge of the reservoir, he was giving people water to drink, and for him there was no favorite charity than giving people water to drink. I took the cup and gave it to my mother to drink, then I heard a voice: “Whoever gives this woman drink will have his hand withered,” and when I woke up, my hand was already paralyzed.

"Tanbihu l-Gafilin"

Devout Brother

One righteous man had a devout brother who visited him once a year. And here he is Once again came to visit my brother, knocked on the door, my daughter-in-law asked:

- Who's there?

– Your husband’s brother in faith has come to visit him.

“He went to get firewood, may Allah not bring him back!” – the wife answered and began to strongly scold and call her husband names.

At this time the husband returned, his bale of firewood was carried by the lion, and he himself walked in front. Coming closer, he greeted and greeted his brother, then he lowered the wood from the lion's back and said to him:

- Go, may Allah grant you grace.

Then he took his brother into the house, and his wife continued to swear, but he did not answer her. Then, having fed his brother, he saw him off and said goodbye. The guest was very surprised how patiently his closest relative tolerated his wife’s ugly behavior.

He visited him again on next year. I knocked on the door and my daughter-in-law asked:

- Who's there?

“Your husband’s brother came to visit him,” the man answered.

“Welcome,” came the friendly answer. Then she began to praise her husband and guest, suggesting they wait.

The husband returned, this time he carried firewood on his back. Taking his brother home, he fed him, and his wife continued to praise them both.

When they decided to say goodbye, the brother asked about what he saw this and last time: how it happened that the lion carried firewood on himself when he had a bad wife with a bad tongue, and that he carried firewood on himself, when he has a kind wife, praising him, righteous? The husband replied:

- O my brother, that evil wife died, and yet I endured all her scolding and reproaches, and Allah, because of my patience, subjugated to me the lion that you saw carrying firewood on his back. And then I married righteous woman and I am at peace with her, the lion has left me, and I am forced to carry firewood on myself, because of the peace that I received from the righteous wife.


Dear brothers, by talking about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we try to awaken and teach Muslims to love the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Although, in fact, even if non-Muslims hear about these stories, about episodes from the life of our Prophet (PBUH), then not a single heart will probably be able to remain indifferent and not react to this or that episode from the life of the Prophet ( sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

And it often happened that non-Muslims, having heard some story from the life of the Prophet (PBUH), accepted Islam, they were so amazed by the high morality of the Prophet (PBUH), who himself said:

"إِنَّمَا بُعِثْتُ لِأُتَمِّمَ مَكَارِمَ الْأَخْلَاقِ"

(رواه البيهقي عن أبي هريرة)

"Verily, I was sent to perfect morality".

The Prophet (PBUH) was very attentive and very caring towards everyone equally.

This story I want to tell is about a delegation from Yemen. When the Prophet (PBUH) moved from Mecca to Medina, and when Islam had already gained strength, various Arab tribes began to send delegations to him to announce that they were accepting Islam.

Also, a delegation of 13 people came from Yemen and brought cattle with them as zakat. When the Yemenis arrived, the Prophet (PBUH) was very happy with them, showed respect, and they said: “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), we brought what we are supposed to give before the Almighty - this is zakat from our property.” The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Return your zakat to your own poor!” And they say: “We have already brought what was unnecessary,” i.e. We have already distributed it to our poor, and what was left we brought here. And the Prophet (PBUH) was very surprised by them, Abubakr was also surprised and said: “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), like this delegation, no delegation has ever come to us!” Their visit, and what they came with, and how they came, made both the companions and the Prophet (PBUH) very happy. The Prophet (PBUH), admiringly, said: “Truly, guidance is in the hands of Allah and whoever He wishes good for, He opens his heart to faith.” And then they began to ask the Prophet (PBUH) about different things: about the Koran, about the Sunnah... and received answers. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) ordered Bilal to show the places where they would spend the night. Having stayed there for several days and having satisfied their needs, having received answers to their questions, they began to say goodbye to the Prophet (PBUH), and Muhammad (PBUH) ordered that they all be given gifts. The Prophet (PBUH) asks them: “Why are you in a hurry, why are you leaving so early?” They say: “We want to quickly return to our tribes, tell about what we saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), about our conversation with you, and about how you answered us. We are in a hurry to tell you about all this.” And the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Is there any of you left whom I have not seen, who did not receive gifts?” - and they answer: “We left a young man, the youngest among us, he looks after our camels, he has not come here yet.” And the Prophet (PBUH) says: “Tell him to come to me.” It would seem that he was a simple young man; one could not have noticed him; he was guarding the camels. But the Prophet (PBUH) takes care of him too and tells him to come to him. When they came to the camels, his companions said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) orders you to go to him, he answered our questions and satisfied our needs. Go and ask him to fulfill your request, tell him what you want to tell him.” And the young man went to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and, having met him, greeted him and said: “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), I am a young man from the tribe of Banu Abwa, one of those people who just left you, you fulfilled all their needs, all their requests. I ask that you fulfill my request too.” The Prophet (PBUH) says: “What is your request?” He says: “My request is not like the request of those with whom I came, my comrades. They came wanting to accept Islam and brought what they brought. And I swear by Allah, O Messenger of Allah (PBUH)! - I was brought here by only one request, one desire: I want you to ask the Almighty for forgiveness for me, to show me mercy, and for him to make my wealth - in my heart,” i.e. so that he is satisfied with what I have. And the Prophet (PBUH) raised his hands to the sky and said:

"اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَهُ وَارْحَمْهُ وَاجْعَلْ غِنَاهُ فِي قَلْبِهِ"

“O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, and place his wealth in his heart!”, i.e. make him content with what You send him. And then the Prophet (PBUH) ordered to give him the same gifts that were given to his comrades.

In the 10th year of Hijra, the Prophet (pbuh) met with these people during the Hajj period. When he performed Hajj, the Prophet (PBUH) recognized them and they recognized him, and they said: “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), we are the delegation that came to you that year,” and the Prophet (PBUH) ) says: “How is that young man who was with you that year?” They replied: “There is no one like him among us. He's detached from it earthly world(dunya), he is content with what he has. Even if all people divided this world (dunya), he would not pay any attention to those people.” And the Prophet (PBUH) made a dua for him, once again turned to the Almighty with a request that he die completely - but they did not understand the expression of the Prophet (PBUH) and one of them said: “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH) , how can a person “die entirely”?”

A man in pursuit of his passions, desires, with greed, hundreds of desires that share him, wants this and that, constantly lives with some desires, pursues some goals... About a man who finds himself in one of these gorges of his desires , and at this time Allah takes his soul in such a state - the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) says that “I would like him to die in that state in which he pursues one goal - the pleasure of the Almighty.”

When the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) died and many people began to leave religion, from Islam, became apostates, this young man was one of those who, like Abubakr, began to call among the inhabitants of Medina to worship Allah, what if and The Prophet (PBUH) died, then Allah whom you worship has not died and will not die, He is forever alive! This young man also began to remind them of the Almighty, of Islam and the Prophet (PBUH). His words had great success and many people in the place where he lived in Yemen returned to Islam following his example.

And Abubakr, being the caliph, also admired this man and ordered that special care be shown to him, he gave such an order to Ziyad bn Labib. Again, this is an example of how the Prophet (PBUH) at one time paid attention to everyone, realizing that perhaps that young man was the best among them, most beloved by the Almighty, and it was possible that he would be of such great benefit for Islam!

Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca. His family was not rich, but quite noble; it belonged to the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe. Muhammad's father Abdallah died during a trading trip shortly before his birth, and the boy found himself under the care of his grandfather Shayb ibn Hashim al-Qurashi (also known as Abd al-Mutallib), head of the Hashim clan. The climate of Mecca was considered unfavorable for small children, and at the age of six months, Muhammad was given to be raised by a wet nurse in a nomadic family. Muhammad's mother Amina died when the boy was six years old, and two years later the Prophet Muhammad experienced another major grief - the death of his grandfather and guardian Abd al-Mutallib. The boy's guardian was Abu Talib, the son of Abd al-Mutallib, uncle of Muhammad and new chapter Hashim clan. Abu Talib was a fairly large merchant of that time, he led caravans and often took Muhammad with him on business trips.

Around the age of twenty, the Prophet Muhammad began to lead an independent life, without formal guardianship from his uncle. By that time, he was already quite knowledgeable in trade, knew how to drive caravans, but did not have enough funds to conduct business on his own. Therefore, the young man was forced to hire out to more prosperous merchants. In 595, Muhammad began to manage the affairs of the wealthy Meccan widow Khadija bint Khuwaylid, who was so captivated by his character, intelligence and honesty that he offered to marry her. Khadija was 40 years old at that time, Muhammad was 25. Khadija gave birth to Muhammad several sons, who died in infancy, and four daughters: Ruqayu, Umm Kulthum, Zainab and Fatima. While Khadija was alive (she died in 619), Muhammad had no other wives.

The Prophet Muhammad was prone to solitary, pious reflections and often spent several days alone, and once a year, a whole month, in a cave on the slope of Mount Hira, at the foot of which Mecca lies. According to legend, in 610, when Muhammad was about 40 years old, he had a vision in a dream, and he heard a call addressed to him: “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created - created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord, the most generous, who taught with kalam, taught man what he did not know” (96:1-5). This marked the beginning of a series of revelations that continued until Muhammad's death in 632. Around 650, these revelations were written down and compiled into the Muslim holy book, the Koran.

Initially, the Prophet Muhammad was frightened by the revelations that had begun and doubted their origin, thinking that the jinn had taken possession of him ( evil spirits), however, Muhammad's wife Khadija helped her husband overcome his doubts and convinced him that the nameless ghost was the angel Jibrael (Gabriel), and his visions came from God. Muhammad became convinced that he was chosen by God as a messenger (rasul Allah) and prophet (nabi) to bring his word to people. The first revelations proclaimed the greatness of the one and only god Allah, rejected the polytheism widespread in Arabia, convinced of the inevitability of the Day of Judgment, warned of the coming resurrection of the dead and the punishment in hell of all who do not believe in Allah.

At first, his fellow tribesmen perceived the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad with ridicule, but gradually a permanent group of supporters formed around him, recognizing him as a prophet and listening attentively to his revelations. The Meccan elite felt the danger of these sermons, which threatened to destroy one of the foundations of Meccan trade - the cult of Arabian deities, and began to oppress the followers of the Prophet Muhammad - Muslims. Muhammad himself was under the protection of his clan and its head, his uncle Abu Talib, who, although he did not convert to Islam, considered it his duty to protect a member of his clan. Around 619, Muhammad's wife Khadija and Abu Talib died, and Abu Lahab became the head of the Khashim clan, who refused Muhammad protection.

The Prophet Muhammad began to look for supporters outside of Mecca. He preached to merchants who came to the city on business, tried to preach in other cities and became more and more famous. Around 621, a group of residents of the large oasis of Yathrib, located about 400 km north of Mecca, invited Muhammad to act as an arbitrator in their protracted and complicated inter-clan conflict. They agreed to call Muhammad as the prophet of Allah and transfer control of their city into his hands. First, most Meccan Muslims moved to Yathrib, and Muhammad himself arrived there in 622. From the first month (Muharram) of this year to lunar calendar Muslims began to count down the years new era according to the hijri (relocation), that is, according to the year of the Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Yathrib, which became known as Madinat an-nabi (City of the Prophet), or simply al-Madina (Medina) - the City.

The Prophet Muhammad gradually transformed from a simple preacher into a political leader of the community (ummah). His main support was the Muslims who came with him from Mecca - the Muhajirs and the Medina Muslims - the Ansars. In Medina, the house of Muhammad was built, the first mosque was erected near it, the foundations of Muslim ritual were established - the rules of prayer, ablution, fasting, etc. In the revelations that visited the Prophet Muhammad, the rules of community life were explained in detail: the principles of inheritance, division of property, marriage , prohibitions on usury were proclaimed, gambling, wine, eating pork.

The Prophet Muhammad initially hoped to find support from the Jews of Medina and even pointedly chose Jerusalem as the qiblah (the direction to be followed when praying), but they refused to recognize Muhammad as a prophet and even came into contact with the Meccans - the enemies of Muhammad. The response to this was a gradual break. The Prophet Muhammad began to speak more and more clearly about the special role of Islam and its independence as a separate religion. Jews and Christians are condemned as bad believers, Islam is declared to be the correction of their distortions of the will of Allah. In contrast to Saturday, a special Muslim day for general prayer is established - Friday; the Meccan Kaaba is proclaimed the main shrine of Islam, which becomes the qibla. The Kaaba is a stone building 15 m high. A “black stone” (melted meteorite) is embedded in the eastern corner of the building - the main object of worship in al-Kaaba. According to Muslim legends, the “black stone” is a white yacht from paradise, given by Allah to Adam when he, dropped on, reached Mecca. The stone later became black because of the sins and depravity of people, so that they would not see paradise, which could be seen in the depths of the stone (whoever sees paradise must go there after death).

One of the main religious and political tasks of Muhammad was the liberation of Mecca from the rule of polytheists and the cleansing of the Kaaba from pagan idols and rituals. The Prophet Muhammad began to prepare for the fight against the unbelieving Meccans from the very beginning of his life in Medina. In 623, Muslim attacks began on Meccan trade caravans (gazavat - mi. ch. from ghazwa - raid). In 624, at Badr, a small Muslim detachment led by Muhammad defeated the Meccan militia, despite the numerical superiority of the Meccans. This victory was taken as proof that Allah was on the side of the Muslims. In response, the Meccans approached Medina in 625, and a battle took place near Mount Uhud, in which the Muslims suffered heavy losses, but the Meccans did not build on their success and retreated. Military defeat was also associated with internal difficulties in the Muslim camp. Some of the people of Medina, who initially willingly converted to Islam, were dissatisfied with the autocracy of the Prophet Muhammad and maintained close ties with the Meccans. This internal Medina opposition is repeatedly condemned in the Qur'an under the name of "hypocrites" (munafikun).

For several years, the Prophet Muhammad gathered forces for a decisive struggle against Mecca, strengthening his position in Medina and securing the support of many nomadic tribes. In 628, a large army moved towards Mecca and stopped nearby - in a place called Hudaibiya. Negotiations between Meccans and Muslims ended with the conclusion of a truce agreement, according to which Muhammad pledged to stop the offensive and abandon hostilities against Mecca. For this, the Meccans gave Muslims the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba. Exactly one year later, Muhammad and his companions performed the minor pilgrimage (umrah) in accordance with the agreement.

Meanwhile, the strength of the Medina community grew stronger. Rich oases lying north of Medina were conquered, and more and more nomadic tribes became allies of the Prophet Muhammad. Under these conditions, secret negotiations between Muhammad and the Meccans continued, many of whom openly or secretly accepted Islam. At the beginning of 630, the Muslim army entered Mecca unhindered. Muhammad granted forgiveness to many former enemies, worshiped the Kaaba and cleansed it of pagan idols.

However, the Prophet Muhammad did not return to live in Mecca and only once, in 632, made one pilgrimage to Mecca. The victory over Mecca further strengthened Muhammad's self-confidence and raised his religious and political authority in Arabia. The leaders of various clans and petty rulers came to Mecca to negotiate an alliance; many of them expressed their readiness to convert to Islam. In 631-632 a significant part of the Arabian Peninsula in greater or less to a lesser extent turns out to be included in political education led by Muhammad.

IN last years life of the Prophet Muhammad prepared military expedition against Syria with the aim of spreading the power of Islam to the north. In 632, Muhammad died unexpectedly after a short illness (there is a legend that he was poisoned). He was buried in the main mosque of Medina (the Prophet's Mosque).

1. Prophet Muhammad was an orphan

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, was left an orphan at the age of 6 when his mother died. His father left this world while he was still in his mother's womb.

2. He lived with his first wife for 24 years, and if she had not died, he would not have married again.

When he married Khadija, she was 40 years old, he was 25, and if she had not died, he would no longer have wives. The Prophet Muhammad himself reported this. They were married for 24 years. All subsequent marriages were concluded with a personal motivation to help and provide social protection women. In addition, Muhammad only fathered children with Khadija.

3. He only became a prophet at age 40

Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, really became a prophet only at the age of 40. The archangel Jibril brought him revelations when he was in the cave of Hira on Mount Nur.

4. One of the miracles of the prophet was the splitting of the moon into two parts

The splitting of the Moon was one of the greatest miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him. When he was 52 years old, the leaders of the disbelievers from the tribe of Quraish came to him and said:

“If you are a prophet, then split the moon into two parts. Prophet Muhammad wanted the people of his tribe, especially his close friends and relatives, to convert to Islam. He prayed, raising his hands up, and the moon split into two equal halves. Each part of the moon could be seen from different mountains. The disbelievers said: “Muhammad performed a miracle.”

5. Prophet Muhammad had certain qualities that others did not possess

Interestingly, the smell of his sweat was like perfume. And this is without exaggeration. Everyone who communicated with him reported this. Also, his saliva was medicinal. And his voice was so loud that during his last sermon The Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, could easily be heard by 124,000 pilgrims.

6. His prophetic mission lasted 23 years

His prophetic mission lasted 23 years - 13 of them in Mecca and 10 in Medina. Throughout this time, verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to him.

7. The main evidence of his prophetic mission is the Koran

He reported this himself. The main proof of it prophetic mission is Holy Quran. Until now, no one has managed to create a single surah or verse like the Koran. And some verses that were revealed over 14 centuries ago are only beginning to acquire meaning and scientific validity.

8. He is the last prophet to people

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, is the last messenger and prophet from God. After him there will be no prophets on earth, and the religion of Islam is the last from God. The Koran is the last Holy book to people.

9. The Prophet had a great character

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, had the best character. This is stated in the Koran. This was necessary so that people would perceive the truth of religion, since rigidity and excessiveness repel a person.

10. Prophet Muhammad had seven children

The prophet had seven children - 3 boys and 4 girls. The boys died in childhood, and the girls all got married.

11. Prophet Muhammad had 4 names

The prophet had 4 names - Muhammad, Mahmud, Ahmad and Mustafa

12. The Prophet's greatest fear was hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is one of the most condemned human qualities in Islam. The Koran says that hypocrites will be at the very bottom of Hell. The Prophet's hadith says: "Indeed, the greatest thing I fear about you after I am gone is hypocrisy."

13. Muhammad was both a prophet and a messenger

In Islam, a person who has been chosen by Allah and to whom He has given the scripture is called a messenger (rasul). And the person who is chosen by Allah, and to whom the scripture was not given, is a prophet (nabi). Allah Almighty inspires revelations to both messengers and prophets. However, receiving revelation does not mean that one becomes a messenger. However, the prophets who receive Holy Bible by revelation, are messengers. Therefore, Muhammad was both a prophet and a messenger.

14. His favorite food

His favorite food was barley stew, dates, honey, vinegar, olive oil And traditional food Quraish tribe - Tirit lamb dish

15. At the time of his death, he instructed his companions about two things: about prayer and about slaves.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, when he was on his deathbed, instructed his companions not to abandon prayers - five times a prayer and treats female slaves well. He said: “Prayer, prayer and what your right hands have acquired.” He strongly desired that there should be no slavery on earth at all, and encouraged his companions to free slaves. This is evidenced by his numerous sayings.

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