Home Fruit trees North-East Expressway. The current state of affairs. The northeastern expressway will pass through Bogorodskoe

North-East Expressway. The current state of affairs. The northeastern expressway will pass through Bogorodskoe

On October 2, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the construction progress of the North-Eastern Expressway section from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road. It is planned to complete this section in 2018.

Traffic light highway

The route of the North-Eastern Expressway section from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road, which will be built in 2018, will run from the existing Expressway section at the intersection with the Entuziastov Highway, then from the northern side of the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway to the exit to the ring road.

On this section, the highway will be traffic-free with three lanes in each direction thanks to five overpasses.

The new section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road in the future will allow redistributing traffic flows and reducing the load on outgoing highways - Ryazansky Prospect, Entuziastov Highway and Shchelkovskoye Highway, as well as on the eastern sectors of the Moscow Ring Road and TTK. In addition, the new highway will significantly improve the transport situation in the southeastern and eastern parts of the city, as well as simplify the entrance to Moscow for residents of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky and Nekrasovka districts and residents of Lyubertsy near Moscow.

In the future, the new section of the expressway will provide the entrance to Moscow for a backup of the Moscow-Kazan federal highway.

Pedestrian accessibility

A new underground passage will be built near the Vykhino metro station. It will be located under the North-East Expressway and will allow access to the subway from the Veshnyaki side. In addition to local residents, it will be used by those who come to the Vykhino station by ground transport.

In addition, during the construction of the expressway, two more existing underground crossings are being reconstructed - in the area of ​​the Plyushchevo and Veshnyaki railway platforms.

Eco chord

In order to local residents the sound of cars did not interfere; a three-meter soundproofing screen will be installed along the route. Of course, the cars will be heard, but not stronger than those driving through the streets of the district.

Photo: portal Moscow 24 / Alexander Avilov

The Kuskovsky forest park will be protected from the chord with noise protection screens.

Even during the design of the section of the expressway, the distance from the highway to the borders of the forest park was increased. This should protect the natural-historical object from possible impact construction. It is also planned to limit the speed of movement on this segment.

In addition, it is planned to plant more than 200 mature trees, 1800 shrubs next to the highway, arrange 134 thousand square meters of lawns and 500 square meters of flower beds.

From East to North in half an hour

The entire Northeast Expressway will be about 35 km long. It will run from the new M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya overpass - a junction at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect the major highways of the city: MKAD, Entuziastov highway, Izmailovskoe, Shchelkovskoe, Otkrytoe, Yaroslavskoe, Altufevskoe and Dmitrovskoe highways.

Thus, the Northeast Expressway will provide a diagonal connection between the north, east and southeast of the capital, reducing by about a quarter the traffic load on the center, TTK, MKAD and outbound routes. In fact, the Expressway will become a backup for the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring (TTK).

It is planned to open traffic on two sections of the North-East Expressway by the beginning of autumn. Over the next month, the initial section from Businovskaya interchange to Dmitrovskoye highway will go and by the beginning of autumn it is planned to launch traffic along the final section of the highway - from the Entuziastov highway to the Moscow Ring Road.

Read about the stage of readiness of the sections of the North-Eastern Expressway and when they are supposed to be opened in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.

From Businovskaya interchange to Dmitrovskoe highway

Now the road between Dmitrovskoye Highway, Festivalnaya Street and Businovskaya interchange is almost ready, the builders are finishing the construction of a two-hundred-meter section in the area of ​​the Khovrinskaya pumping station.

"Khovrinskaya got into the construction zone pumping station, which provided more than three and a half thousand consumers. We have built new station, but they were able to disconnect all systems from the previous one only on May 15 of this year, and they began to forcefully build a two-hundred-meter section. We expect to finish in September. We will strive to open traffic by the City Day, "said the first deputy head of the construction department, Petr Aksenov, to the Moscow 24 portal.

What is ready on the section from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Festivalnaya Street?

More than 11 kilometers of a four-lane main road, seven overpasses, two of which are one and a half kilometers each, and ramps are 300 to 500 meters long, have been built on the site. A new overpass was built across the Oktyabrskaya railway and a bridge over the Likhoborka river.

"At the same time, the construction of the overpass across the railroad proceeded without stopping the movement of trains," said the first deputy head of Depstroy.

We also took care of protection from high-speed lane noise. "We have replaced six thousand window blocks, and we will also build about two kilometers of noise protection screens," Aksyonov promised. According to him, trees will be planted along the road.

In October, a reversal overpass will be built on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, connecting the North-East Expressway with the North-West Expressway. "The flyover on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya is the first part of the connection of two chords. It makes it possible to turn around on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street and enter the North-Eastern Expressway without going to Dmitrovskoye Highway," Aksenov said.

From the Entuziastov highway to the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy interchange with the Moscow Ring Road

In September, it is planned to open traffic on one more section of the North-Eastern Expressway: from the Entuziastov highway to the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy interchange on the Moscow Ring Road. Here the stumbling block was the old traction substation Gorky direction Moscow railroad... According to Pyotr Aksenov, the Moscow government agreed with the Moscow Railway to demolish the substation and build a new one.

"They turned off the traction substation and switched to a new one, after that they began to finish building the road. in full traffic from the Entuziastov highway to the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy interchange with the Moscow Ring Road will open in early autumn, "he promised.

From Open to Shchelkovskoye Highway

By the end of the year, the city authorities plan to open traffic from Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoye highway. Overpasses of the main passage and side passages have been built here. And also a tunnel under the Shchelkovo highway, which is going to be opened in the coming months. According to Pyotr Aksenov, the construction of roads over eight kilometers long with the re-laying of engineering communications is in full swing.

"On the section of the first section, traffic is planned to open within the next month. The main work of the first stage of construction has been completed. It includes laying about 5.5 kilometers of roads, including the construction of three overpasses with a length of about 3.4 kilometers," the official said.

He also noted that thanks to the commissioning of a new section, traffic flows between Shchelkovskoye and Otkrytye highways will be redistributed. This will reduce the traffic load on Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, Stromynka, Krasnobogatyrskaya streets and Rusakovskaya embankment. In addition, the transport accessibility of the Golyanovo and Metrogorodok districts will increase.

From Dmitrovskoe highway to Yaroslavskoe highway

V next year construction of a section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Dmitrovskoe to Yaroslavskoe shosse may begin.

"The planning project has passed public hearings, finally received approval from the Moscow government, now the design is underway. The site is very difficult, there is a bunch of large industrial enterprises and great amount engineering networks... We are doing everything possible to start construction next year, "said the first deputy head of Depstroy.

He stressed that the design of the site and the release of the territory will be carried out at the expense of budget funds. "We are already starting to work: to demolish garages and interact with industrial enterprises that fall into the construction zone," said Aksenov.

At the same time, there is a proposal from investors to build a road from Dmitrovskoye to Yaroslavskoye shosse on a concession basis, but a final decision on this issue has not yet been made, he explained.

From Open to Yaroslavl highway

The only section of the North-Eastern Expressway on which no work has been carried out yet - from Otkrytoye to Yaroslavskoye shosse.

"The problem is that, presumably, the road must pass along national park"Losiny Ostrov", while there is no final decision on the routing of the site. The Moskomarkhitektury is engaged in the study, when the department completes its work, then we will start talking about the construction of the site, "Petr Aksenov summed up.

The North-East Expressway with a length of 26.6 km will connect the south-east and north of Moscow along the periphery. It began to be built as a continuation of the only already erected section of the Fourth Transport Ring in the Entuziastov highway area.

Khorda will run from the Moscow - St. Petersburg toll road on the western side of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to a new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect major highways in the northeastern part of Moscow: Izmailovskoe, Shchelkovskoe, Dmitrovskoe, Altufevskoe and Otkrytoye shosse.

I have somehow got used to the endless construction going on in the Entuziastov highway area. Overpasses are erected on top, something is opened or closed there. But I realized that such construction was developing there only when I saw it from above. Let's take a look at the section under construction (and partially operating) from the Entuziastov highway to the Shchelkovskoye highway.

1. General scheme chord tracing.

2. A junction under construction with Entuziastov highway.

3. And its scheme.

4. But you understand the scale of this only from above.

5. "Oh." This is what I said when I saw these frames on the screen.

6. A new junction is being built between the refinery, the fuel oil storage, and a bunch of railway tracks.

7. General view.

. :: clickable ::.

8. And what about the two railway tracks on the left that rise to the embankment?

9. Fantastic denouement.

10. Partially traffic on it was opened in September 2012.

11. On the site of the building complex there is a huge PDF with a diagram of this site. Beware, the file is very heavy and complex.

12. Surprisingly, the Moscow Electrode Plant was not touched. By the way, if you believe the map, then there is still a separate railway section on it. It is clear that it is not used, but it is clearly visible in the satellite image.

13. The section that was opened in 2012 rests on such a ridiculous exit to the Second Street of Izmailovsky Menagerie.

14. Quite nice new bridges of the ring railway.

15. Ahead - Shchelkovskoe highway.

16. And there is the Enthusiasts Highway.

17. Here, communications are being shifted to the full. Where it is free or has already been shifted, the construction of an overpass begins.

18. Pay attention to how many pits have been dug for communications.

19. The very beginning of the construction of the flyover.

20. It costs a hell of a lot of money to transfer all these communications :(

21. The district railway bridge and the station on it.

22. And finally, the future junction with the Shchelkovskoye highway.

23. I remember there was an industrial zone and garages here ...

24. General view.

. :: clickable ::.

25. Here the Shchelkovskoe highway will cross the chord in a tunnel.

26. Interestingly, did the designers of the stall take into account that there would be a tunnel here or now they had to puzzle over how to untie this knot?

27. The letter Zyu.

28. Here it is sad at rush hour. :(

30. Tolerate. Completion soon.

31. Former Cherkizon.

33. Former Central Stadium of the USSR. I. V. Stalin. It began to be built in 1932 according to the project of the architect N. Ya. Kolli. The project has been partially implemented. The stadium was supposed to accommodate 100 thousand spectators and was designed in such a way that military parades could take place there. It was assumed that the tanks would be able to freely enter and leave the stadium in columns. In connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War construction was frozen. According to legend, there is a tunnel from the stadium to the Partizanskaya metro station. As the degree of drinking increases, the tunnel turns from a pedestrian into a tank tunnel, which goes all the way to the Kremlin. To the question "why?" the storytellers were never able to answer.

North-East Expressway detailed map 2019 - the latest changes in the construction of the highway interchange in Perovo and Vykhino will invariably hook Veshnyaki and may endanger the existence of pedestrian and bicycle paths in transport hub"Botanical Garden". Last news the construction of the expressway is no longer full of headlines about protests and detainees - people have resigned themselves to deforestation in Kuskovo, the closure of the park and the threat of losing a number of cultural sites. In the same time, new project will allow to get rid of traffic jams and connect Izmailovskoe, Shchelkovskoe Altufevskoe and Dmitrovskoe highways, significantly improving the logistics of the city. The main confrontation is between pedestrian urban residents and business drivers. Given the large volume of budgetary funds and significant economic benefit, which Moscow will receive after the commissioning of the northeastern expressway, people who protect the environment and green spaces have practically no chance of influencing the situation.

So, residents of Anosov and Plyushchev streets, who complained about the felling of trees and filthy playgrounds, received advice from officials to completely leave Moscow if it is so important to them Fresh air... Indeed, many people want to live in these areas of the capital, even if they are offered to breathe instead of air exclusively with exhaust gases. This is the fate of most megacities, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Jungle stones are displacing green spaces - this trend can only be influenced by restricting access road transport to the capital. But that would mean losses and supply problems, which the authorities do not want.

On the Northeast Expressway detailed diagram 2019 shows that the road is really necessary in the existing transport situation. However, it is quite possible to understand the people, given that on a number of issues, public hearings were not even held with them. The changes that were made to the project are very minor, so there is no need to talk about reaching a compromise. Currently, activists continue to be on duty at the Kuskovo estate, everyone is waiting for the start of cutting down trees in the protected area. It is noteworthy that a very sad fate awaits the residents of nearby houses, because heavy vehicles will begin to walk through their area, the emissions of which are even difficult to imagine. Whether it will be possible to preserve the Kuskovo park is a big question, but there is no united front of activists on this issue, despite the petition and a large number of appeals. Even two police squads can disperse a small group.

After the Northeast Expressway was published a detailed scheme for 2019 and protests began, work on the controversial areas was suspended, but this hardly means a refusal to build. Rather, it is an attempt to lull the vigilance of the most active citizens and carry out a quick felling, after which it will be impossible to prove anything, and protests will lose their meaning.

The construction of a section of the North-Eastern Expressway, which will connect Entuziastov Highway and Izmailovskoye Highway, the city authorities intend to complete in a year ahead of time- by the end of the first half of 2016. This statement was made by the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin after visiting the construction site. The overpass, 4 km long, will consist of eight lanes - four in each direction, and traffic along it will be carried out in a traffic light mode.

The North-East Expressway itself should connect the M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highways under construction within the Moscow Ring Road and up to the new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway.

In this way, new road will connect major highways in the north-east of the city: Dmitrovskoe, Altufevskoe, Yaroslavskoe, Shchelkovskoe, Entuziastov highway and Otkrytoye highway. According to the project, the length of the expressway will be about 25 km. As conceived by the officials, the highway, which is not planned to be paid for, should reduce the traffic load on the Moscow Ring Road, TTK, outbound highways, as well as on the center of Moscow.

The capital's mayor noted that the construction of a section from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway is comparable in complexity and cost to the infamous Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel.

“At one time it was intended for the fourth transport ring, but the project would not even be technically feasible. And this huge volume of construction would have gone to waste. Therefore, we are trying today to integrate it into the North-East Expressway. We must leave the Entuziastov highway with these overpasses and so on by the end of the year, give full speed to the avenue, "Sobyanin said about the prospects. -

The construction of the site is being carried out ahead of schedule. Although we have 2017 under the contract, we still have to try to finish in 2016 ”.

The mayor's office believes that with the advent of this overpass, the transport accessibility of the Sokolinaya Gora, Izmailovo and Preobrazhenskoye districts, located in the east of the city, will improve. “As a result, we will have completed three sections of the North-East Expressway, and then the task will be to connect these sections with each other, giving an already integral new city highway,” added the mayor.

As a reminder, the construction of the first section of the North-East Expressway began in 2008. As of today, traffic is open on the Businovskaya interchange - Festivalnaya street section, at the Kosinskaya interchange and at the intersection of the expressway with the Entuziastov highway until the turn to the 2nd street of Izmailovsky Zverinets.

It should be noted that the construction of the expressway caused discontent among the residents of the districts through which it passes.

Among the main claims to officials - the location of the highway in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings (50-60 m), massive demolition of garages (about 2 thousand boxes), cutting down part of the territory (according to the land survey plan, about 10 hectares) of the historical estate of the Sheremetev family "Kuskovo", and also the risk of failure of the largest collector in Moscow, through which about 40% of all Wastewater in the town.

Experts say soil vibrations from machine traffic can damage the collector, resulting in environmental disaster for the city.

“We are by no means against the construction of the expressway. The area is choking with congestion, it needs good transport infrastructure, but it is necessary to take into account the interests of the residents during the construction, under whose windows the highway will pass, ”say the townspeople who signed the petition against the road construction project.

Expert Opinions on the Northeast Expressway

"Any construction site brings inconvenience to local citizens and causes discontent among residents, whether it is the construction of a major highway or the replacement of pipes in the courtyard of a residential building," Alexey Tuzov, First Vice President of AvtoSpecCentre Group of Companies, told Gazeta.Ru. - V in this case I believe that temporary inconveniences such as cutting down trees or demolishing garages are justified. In addition, after the end construction works it is planned to carry out the improvement of the territories adjacent to the expressway, including the planting of lawns, trees and shrubs and the creation of additional parking spaces. "

The head of the research and design department of transport and roads, Mikhail Krestmein, considers it correct that one of the first operating sections of the future expressway will be the overpass between Izmailovskoye Highway and Entuziastov Highway. “This is the most problematic place in the eastern sector of the city - there are practically no cross-links between highways and districts,” Crestmain told Gazeta.Ru.

The interlocutor noted that since there are many large parks in the east of Moscow, all residents of the city are interested in this section of the expressway.

“Of course, the city needs chords, even if there are traffic jams on them,” says Crestmain. - So we can say that the TTK was not worth building. But imagine what it would be like in Moscow now if all the cars from the Third Ring were lowered down. V last years we were mainly engaged in the reconstruction of highways - for example, Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye highways. Now, large-scale construction of new roads has finally begun, which have colossal performance indicators, as they cross-connect and are built bypassing the city center. ”

Oleg Skvortsov, president of the RODOS Association of Road Research Organizations, also supports the idea of ​​creating chord systems in Moscow. “We see that ring roads, which were built under Luzhkov, do not solve transport problems, - Skvortsov told Gazeta.Ru. -

Khorda, unlike the ring, has exits outside the city. In addition, if several chords are laid, then they can form the same ring as a result. Another advantage is that a conventionally straight road is shorter than a curve, which means it is cheaper to build. "

Northwest Expressway

The same number of disputes and disagreements causes building in Moscow and another expressway - North-West. One of its sections - the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel - drew criticism from experts and the discontent of local residents.

For the sake of building a tunnel only on the street People's Militia about 800 trees and almost 1.5 thousand shrubs were cut down. The volume of compensatory landscaping turned out to be several times less. At the same time, the area has not really gone anywhere yet.

“In 2014, compared to 2010 and 2011, there was a significant deterioration in the average speed of movement,” says the Traffic Jam report. - This deterioration following the opening of the Alabyano-Baltic tunnel in the direction from Alabyan Street to Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street can be explained by the redistribution of transport demand from bypass highways to the section of the North-West Expressway, noting the presence of a gross design error consisting in inadequately low throughput of the highway under construction. As a result of the designers' mistake since the commissioning, the new highway was overloaded with chronic congestion. "

In June of this year, a scandal flared up around the construction of a section of the expressway in the Shchukino area, connected with the decision of the authorities to close the through passage on the section of Narodniy Opolcheniya Street from the intersection with Marshal Vershinin Street to the intersection with Marshal Tukhachevsky Street. The so-called winchester tunnel will pass under the street of the People's Militia, where the oncoming traffic flows will not move in parallel, but one above the other.

In the first days after the closure, many kilometers of traffic jams formed in the area. Only residents of 13 houses, which are located directly on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street in the overlap zone, were given passes and allowed to move along this site. All other motorists are forced to make a detour, bypassing the construction site. According to Moscow officials, such a measure will shorten the construction time of the tunnel by one year.

It should be reminded that for the first time the authorities thought about the construction of the North-West Expressway back in 1971. However, the highway project was postponed, and officials returned to this idea only in 2011.

It is planned to complete the construction of the highway in 2017. The length of the entire chord will be approximately 29 km - it will stretch from Skolkovskoye to Yaroslavskoye highway. According to the project, two bridges, seven tunnels, 16 overpasses and 47 pedestrian crossings will be built along the entire road.

In addition to the two aforementioned high-speed highways, it is also planned to build the Southern Rockada in Moscow, which will run from Rublevskoye Highway to Borisovskie Prudy Street.

All these highways have become an alternative to the fourth transport ring, the construction of which city officials refused in December 2010 due to the prohibitive cost of the project - about 1 trillion rubles.

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