Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The phone does not charge - Ways to solve the problem. The Android phone is not charging, what should I do? It shows that charging is in progress.

The phone does not charge - Ways to solve the problem. The Android phone is not charging, what should I do? It shows that charging is in progress.

Tablet PC, by virtue of design features and compact dimensions, does not have a powerful reserve autonomous power supply. Actively surfing the Internet or playing your favorite game can drain your battery in less than one day.

It can be difficult to break away from your usual activities, and therefore many tablet owners continue to use the device by simply connecting it to a power outlet. Some models of gadgets can replenish energy reserves in parallel with work, while other tablets can only charge when turned off.

Of course, not all device owners are happy with this. We hasten to reassure those who planned to demand a replacement under warranty or contact service center. This is not a defect or serious damage. Rather, the fact that the tablet only charges when turned off is a feature of a specific model or the current firmware version.

Sometimes, the tablet only charges when it is turned off. This happens for a number of reasons:

1. Unofficial (custom) OS firmware installed
OS firmware that is created not by the official developer, but by third-party amateur programmers, is called custom or unofficial. In some cases, such tablet firmware can (and most often does) cause a conflict with the charger and the tablet only starts charging when it is turned off. Try changing it to the official one yourself or contact any service center for help.

2. Power supply failure
It is not difficult to calculate this breakdown. Try charging the gadget via a USB cable from a PC or laptop without disconnecting it. If charging starts, it means the problem is in the power supply. If charging has not started, do not rush to get upset. The USB port may not be powerful enough to charge other devices. Or completely broken. It happens that the charging function via USB cable is disabled on the tablet itself.
When the network voltage is low (less than 220 V), the tablet also does not charge when turned on.

3. Charger from another manufacturer
Some so-called "universal" chargers may be weaker than necessary to charge the battery and keep the tablet running at the same time. This is especially true for models from Chinese manufacturers, designed for mass use. If possible, charge your tablet with your original device. If the problem appears only when using third-party chargers, the problem is not with the tablet, but with them.

4. Contacts are clogged
If the previous methods did not help, and the tablet still charges only when it is turned off, try wiping the contacts on the tablet and the charger with alcohol. Perhaps it's just them. This method It also helps when the tablet stops charging completely.

5. Other faults
There are breakdowns that are extremely difficult to calculate on your own. For example, there may be a malfunction in the power circuit. Or a micro-break inside the cable.

If you cannot determine the cause yourself, it’s time to turn to specialists.

Who hasn't encountered a problem when the phone refuses to charge properly? Yes, you can quickly order a new electrical adapter for your smartphone or replace the battery - but first it’s better to try to “repair” the smartphone yourself. Bayon looked at the most common electrical problems with phones and tablets, and most importantly, found ways to quickly solve some of them.

Before starting the “repair”, you should test this adapter/cable on another device. If another gadget is charging, then the reason lies in the smartphone, and not in the charger.

What is the problem with recharging?

The first step in “treating” smartphone charging is diagnosing the problem. The cause may only come from some nodes. Main question- how exactly does it not charge? mobile device: Does it not store electricity at all, or is the charging process extremely slow? So much so that connecting to a power source barely covers the current battery drain? This also happens - and quite often.

DIY repair USB ports

A quick, simple, and often the most successful solution is a small do-it-yourself repair"gland". Common reason lack of charge of the smartphone battery - poor contacts of metal parts inside the USB or microUSB ports. This happens either due to a manufacturing defect or due to frequent (dis)connection of the cable.

Everything you need to repair your smartphone yourself:

  • Turn off device
  • Remove the battery (if so provided by the design)
  • Using a small object (like a toothpick), try to “lift” the small fastener inside USB port on a smartphone or tablet. This should be done with utmost care and precision
  • After this procedure, you need to reinsert the battery and turn on the gadget again. The method works 9 times out of 10

Cable replacement

The thinnest (and therefore fragile) part of the charger is the wire, not the adapter that plugs into the outlet. If there are problems with charging the battery even after a previous repair and “surgical” operation, the second most likely cause of the problem is a faulty wire. Before running to a nearby store to replace the entire adapter, try replacing the “dead” wire with a cable from another donor device. An electrical cable is a truly delicate substance, and yet it is twisted, pulled, and abused in other ways several times a day.

If the problem is not in the wire, then you should look at the adapter that is inserted into the socket: breakdowns can also occur inside it. The proprietary iPhone charging interface, the Lightning port, is especially famous for its tendency to fail.

Bayon offers a huge number of different USB cables: tasty prices and free delivery in the shortest possible time!

Cleaning contacts

There is no need to delete friends from the address book - we are talking about metal contacts through which electric current passes inside the phone. The cause of poor contact may be debris, pellets from pocket fabric, or fragments of some parts stuck inside the ports. Dust and other debris like to accumulate in such nooks and crannies. Cleaning the contacts inside the port sometimes helps to return the smartphone to a working state and “feed” it a portion of charge.

By the way, let’s take a break from repair worries. There is a wise rule of prevention: never charge your phone near a water source, or in a particularly humid or hot environment. You should also not “overfeed” your smartphone with excess charge: as a rule, charging only takes 2–3 hours. If you leave the device connected to the outlet for too long (for example, at night while sleeping), there is a risk of damage to the battery and even explosion. Overheating of delicate metal contacts and their fusion with the plastic base also occur. Of course, phones have mechanisms to protect against short circuits and other near-electric troubles, but sometimes they don’t work. It's better to play it safe than to be sorry. And even more so than “frying” your favorite gadget.

Unpleasant breakdown. The cause of combustion may be a manufacturing defect, too long a charging process, unnoticeable debris inside the port, or an aggressive environment.

Battery replacement

When a device is older, it becomes more and more difficult for its battery to hold a charge. New battery It works for about two years, then it needs to be replaced. However, this period seriously depends on the number of discharge cycles. But if the moment comes too early, when the battery seems empty even after a long charge, you should look at the manufacturer’s warranty: a free battery replacement is quite possible.

There are also initially defective batteries. Open the back cover and look (or better yet, feel) the surface of the battery. If any deformation or swelling is detected, the battery must be replaced immediately, otherwise corrosion cannot be avoided. In the case of a non-removable battery, there is another, fun way to check for defects. Put your phone on flat surface table and try to twist it around its axis. A phone with a problem battery will spin due to swelling. The method is not suitable for devices whose surface is specially curved for design purposes.

If a damaged battery is found, replace it with one recommended by the manufacturer. Third-party batteries, judging by Bayon’s experience, cost less, but they cause significantly more problems and do not pay for themselves.

Bayona's selection of smartphones with a powerful battery:

Put your phone against the wall!

No, not for shooting an unruly gadget. The point is that charging devices from regular wall outlets is a more efficient process than from a computer or laptop. Plugging into a wall outlet can in some cases supply twice as much electricity to your phone as a computer USB port.

Another reason for insufficient current supply is the use of a non-native adapter and/or wire, i.e. from a third-party manufacturer. In such cases, it is possible that the phone really does not have enough power or current to charge properly. No computer or laptop can charge your phone as quickly as a good old wall outlet.

On the Bayon store window there is a large collection of “chargers” for a variety of gadgets:

Update or rollback software to solve charging problems

Application updates or even fresh ones can play a cruel joke on the battery. Android firmware. This happens especially often with older devices when upgrading to a more advanced one. new version OS. New gadgets are better optimized for more modern versions of the OS: they are equipped with more capacious batteries, and the software is better suited for their “hardware” component. While even a two-year-old smartphone may not be able to cope with the increased load on it.

If a sharp decline in energy efficiency occurred as a result of an OS update, then you should roll back to the previous one Android version. Please note that rollback to old version- a somewhat risky operation, especially from a data security point of view.

But it also happens the other way around, when new software versions discourage phones and tablets from having an exorbitant appetite for battery resources. Among the recent famous examples of this nature - " smart watch» Moto 360. After the release of the latest firmware for this gadget, users noticed that the operating time increased by almost 1.5–2 times.

Turn off your phone

If resource-intensive applications (or services) are running on the phone while charging, the process can take several times. Especially famous increased appetite games, VoIP programs like Skype in video/voice mode, turning up brightness settings to maximum, intensive browser work, connecting to Wi-Fi networks and 4G. For fast charging Such networks should be completely disabled. Even better, switch your phone to airplane mode. But no way to speed up phone charging will help as dramatically as completely turning off the device.

Battery calibration

Smartphones - “smart” phones and their batteries consider themselves “smart”, sometimes completely unjustifiably. It happens that the battery erroneously sends a signal to the operating system that there is less charge left in it than it actually is. As a result, situations are quite possible when the phone turns off, being sure that it has no more than 2-3% charge left, although in reality there is much more electricity.

Calibrating batteries in Android devices is the topic of a separate large article. In some cases, this “training” of the battery in its own capabilities can solve the problem of early discharge of the phone. Try this before replacing the battery with a new one.


The favorite and first question of the manufacturer's technical support employees: are you sure that there is current in the outlet? This question sounds strange - we agree. But in practice, it very, very often happens that in the outlet (or USB port of a computer) to which it is connected Charger smartphone, there really is no voltage.

If none of the methods help (and this is a rare situation!), then the smartphone charger should be replaced with a working one.

Tablets and laptops with a powerful battery, which you can purchase in our online store:

You should only buy new batteries and accumulators from time-tested sellers. Our counter of batteries and chargers for phones and tablets - a selection of quality accessories

If Android is not charging, then the cause of the problem should be looked for in the power source, battery status and operating system (OS). Depending on the conditions in which the Android does not charge to 100%, the troubleshooting methods will change.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Android won't charge due to problem with power supplies

The first thing to do if your Android is not charging is to make sure that the charger and power source are working properly. If current is supplied to the battery from the outlet, check that it is working properly. If you connected your phone to USB, make sure the port is connected and functional.

When charging through a computer or laptop, a completely discharged phone may not turn on. This is due to a lack of current power. Sometimes it even happens that the device does not charge, but discharges, because it spends more energy than it receives.

Lack of power may be due to the characteristics of the motherboard, system port settings, or a faulty cable. To avoid guessing, buy an adapter and charge your phone from a known-good outlet. Mains power - the most The right way charge the battery completely.

External battery and wireless charging

If the phone does not charge from an external battery, then the first thing you should do is make sure that it is the PowerBank that is to blame, and not the phone or a damaged cable. Problems with an external battery can be different:

  • The battery is filling, but not completely.
  • Charging is slow.
  • The device does not charge at all.

If the battery starts to charge, but suddenly charging is interrupted, then it is quite possible that the PowerBank has a capacity less than stated. Low-quality Chinese batteries can generally work like a capacitor: with the same mass, they accumulate tens of times less energy.

It is necessary to use an external battery, the volume of which is actually 2 times larger than the battery capacity of a smartphone or tablet.

When charging slowly, you should pay attention to the output current (a modern smartphone or tablet requires a minimum of 1.5A), as well as the thickness of the cable. A cable that is too thin will reduce the current and voltage, so it is recommended to use original accessories for the phone/tablet rather than the cables included in the kit.

The charging speed is also affected by running “heavy” applications. If you connect several devices to the PowerBank at the same time, the charging speed will drop noticeably. Therefore, charge your gadgets one at a time. In addition, when charging is slow, it would be useful to calibrate the external battery and the phone battery.

If your Android phone does not charge at all from an external battery, then you should make sure that the equipment is compatible. If Power Bank accumulates energy, flashes, shows that charging is in progress, but does not charge the phone, connect another device to it. If it starts charging, then you should buy another external battery for your phone.

Doesn't charge wirelessly

If problems occur when using wireless charging, then first make sure that your phone supports this technology. Besides:

  • Reboot your device. The problem may be due to a minor system glitch or a bug in an application.
  • Boot into safe mode and see if it's charging.
  • Remove protective covers and other accessories that may be in the way.
  • Replace the cable of the charger itself with a thicker and shorter one.

Use only original accessories that are exactly compatible with specific model phone or tablet.

Hardware and software problems

If everything is in order with the power supplies, and other devices are charging normally from them, then proceed to diagnosing the smartphone/tablet. But first, check the charger again. It should be:

  • Original, that is, fully compatible.
  • In good working order: no creases or damage.

Then you can begin an external inspection of the device. Make sure that the charging socket is not loose, but is tightly connected to the smartphone board. Check the condition of the contacts. If they are dirty or show signs of oxidation, clean the contacts using a can of compressed air, alcohol and a fine needle or toothpick. You must be careful not to damage your smartphone.

If traces of mechanical stress are visible on the case, the phone has been exposed to extreme temperatures or has been in liquid, traces of which remain inside, then it is recommended not to try to fix the problem yourself, but to immediately contact a service center.

If nothing bad happened to the device, try rebooting it or resetting it to its factory state, after doing backup copy. If the phone charges only after a reboot, and this problem appeared after flashing the firmware, then you should reflash the device from scratch. Installing non-original firmware or errors during flashing may result in the device not charging, even if the battery is working.

Battery calibration on Android

What should I do if my phone doesn't fully charge when it's turned on? The screen flashes that the device is fully charged, but within a few minutes after disconnecting from the network, the charge level drops by 10-15%? Such problems do not happen with a new battery, but if you have been using a smartphone for a long time, then this is a fairly common situation. To perform a manual calibration:

Instead of manual calibration, you can use special applications- for example, Battery Callibration. To perform calibration.

There are various reasons why the phone only charges when it is turned off. And this is a problem, because a modern gadget requires large stock battery, consumes a lot of energy, and sometimes you have to charge it while using it, watching a movie, playing a game, etc. It is extremely inconvenient to do this only when it is turned off, because in this way the device most time is simply unavailable.

And in general, it’s unusual to charge the phone only when it’s turned off. But it is worth noting that for some models of tablets and smartphones this is the norm, which is provided by the developer. Although this is stupid, it is true. But most often, if it charges only when turned off (this also applies to other brands, but on forums people often refer specifically to Meizu smartphones), then this is a software or hardware problem. Let's figure out why this happens.

The phone only charges when turned off due to the firmware

The very first and most common version is firmware. This is especially common in Chinese smartphones: ZTE, Meizu, Xiaomi, etc. These phones are sold based on the Chinese shell, and there is no native localization for it. Therefore, users often install third-party software - unofficial firmware.

It is logical that such firmware, developed by amateur programmers and installed by a user without such skills, can slow down. Moreover, the problems can be very diverse: weak brightness adjustment range, strong heating when passive mode operation, rapid battery discharge, conflict with the charger. It is worth noting that it is precisely because of poor firmware and software problems that something like this most often happens. This can also be related to the hardware, but it is extremely rare.

You can fix the firmware problem. To do this, you just need to return to the official version. The phones have the corresponding functionality. If not, the service center will help. But you can even try to install new unofficial firmware, which, judging by the reviews, works well and does not crash. It is quite possible that your current global firmware is not working well and is causing a conflict between the charger and the gadget itself. In this case, you don’t have to wonder why the phone only charges when it’s turned off.

Defective power supply or battery

It is logical to look for the cause in the power supply - it can also be the cause. It's easy to check if the power supply is working properly. To do this, you need to try using it to charge another tablet or smartphone. If everything is successful, then the problem is not in the power supply. You can also try charging the problematic smartphone using a laptop or computer by connecting it via USB. If the charging process is activated when the phone is turned on, then you should look for a problem in the power supply.

There is also another rare reason - low voltage in the network. If it drops below 220 V, then some phones and tablets may not charge when turned on. Sometimes the power supply is so weak that it simply does not have time to recharge the phone when it is working. This applies to third-party universal chargers, so it is best to charge your phone with “native” devices.

It is possible that the problem may be in the battery itself. To check it, you need to find the same one and try to charge the phone with it. If it works, then the problem is clearly in the battery, which means it needs to be changed.

Oxidation or contamination on contacts

Contacts may also be the reason why the phone only charges when turned off. We recommend rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton wool over the contacts on the phone and charger. This may be the problem with them. Unfortunately, this method helps very rarely, but there is always hope.

Other problems

Sometimes it is impossible to find out why the phone only charges when it is turned off. Even experts cannot always give an answer. The reasons could be anywhere. For example, a microcrack could occur in the power supply circuit when dropped. Also, some kind of micro-rupture could have occurred inside the cable. It is impossible to determine all this at home, and sometimes it is not possible even in workshops.

But if you can’t charge, then don’t be upset. In itself it is insignificant. The main thing is that the smartphone works normally and performs its functions. Still, most users charge their phones only in the evening, when they go to bed. And there is no particular need to charge it during the day. So sometimes you just have to accept it and not pay attention to such little things.

Which phones are at risk?

This problem is not uncommon. Many users experience such situations. Chinese cheap smartphones work more often than others In a similar way. However, on the forums you can find messages that Russian Explay phones are charged only when turned off, but this does not apply to the entire line of the manufacturer and not even all models. This just happens, and not only with cheap Chinese budget phones, but also with expensive flagships.

The battery capacity of most Android smartphones and tablets allows you to actively use the device without recharging for 12–24 hours. The charging time of the device is two to three hours. But sometimes the gadget suddenly drops its charge level, quickly discharges, loses battery charge when connected to an outlet, or completely stops responding to the charger being connected. If your smartphone has stopped charging, check possible reasons and solutions to this situation.

What to do if your Android phone or tablet is not charging. Possible reasons

Common reasons for lack of charging are a breakdown of the power supply or MicroUSB connector, battery wear, or software failures. When you realize that your smartphone or tablet is not charging, first check the voltage at the contacts of the battery and charger. If everything is fine, use other methods to restore your smartphone or tablet.

Shows that charging is in progress, but is not charging from the mains

If, when connected to an outlet, the indicator shows the charging process, and when you disconnect the cable, the smartphone or tablet turns off, the charge level controllers are probably shorted. A short circuit occurs as a result of water getting inside the case or a broken connector.

Try testing the device with a different cable and battery - if the result is the same, take your smartphone or tablet to a service center. Specialists will detect and replace the faulty element.

The charging percentage does not change via USB from the computer

Users often charge smartphones and tablets from a laptop rather than from a wall outlet. Reasons why a smartphone, with a working battery, does not receive power from the computer:

  • broken or insufficient cable thickness;
  • insufficient current for charging;
  • connection is blocked operating system PC;
  • The “USB charging” function is disabled in the device menu.

If you find a break in the wire, connect the two broken ends together and rewind with electrical tape. If the current supplied to the USB port is not sufficient to charge, try connecting the device to a different port.

The Ubuntu operating system blocks charging more often than others. To bypass the blocking, blacklist your smartphone at /etc/default/tpl.

Completely discharged and won't charge

Smartphones and tablets do not respond to connecting a charger when the battery is deeply discharged. If the gadget was discharged more than a day ago and shows no signs of life, connect it to an outlet and leave it turned off. After 10 minutes, check if the charge indicator lights up. If yes, you can turn on the device.

If the indicator does not light up, clean the contacts of the Micro USB connector and plug on the charger cable. Take a thick needle and use the opposite end to remove small dust particles and pellets. Insert the plug into the connector and leave the smartphone or tablet for another 10 minutes.

A common situation when users suspect charging problems is a broken display. At the same time, the gadget is charging, but you don’t see it - the screen remains dark. To check whether charging is in progress or not, use the light indicator on the case. If there is no indicator, turn on the device. If the display breaks down, you will hear a characteristic system startup sound, and if the charging connector does not work, the gadget simply will not turn on.

Stopped charging from the cigarette lighter

When charging your smartphone in a car, you may encounter the problem of a lack of charging from the cigarette lighter. First, try connecting another device and check the fuse box in the car. Perhaps the one responsible for supplying current to the cigarette lighter socket has burned out. If the fuse is OK, disassemble the charger plug and check the condition of the fuse.

If the battery indicator is displayed on the screen, but the charge level does not increase and even decreases, it means that the cigarette lighter is supplied with a low current that is insufficient to power the smartphone or tablet.

The device blinks but does not charge

Smartphones and tablets equipped with a color indicator blink while charging. If your indicator blinks unusually when charging (for example, it was always blue, but now blinks green and red alternately), and the device is discharged, the problem may be that the processor is overheating. In this case, restart your tablet or smartphone in Recovery mode and try charging. If the situation does not return to normal, clean the connector and plug contacts and reconnect the cable. Continued flashing means it is time to replace the battery with a new one.

Video - What to do if your smartphone does not charge

Problems charging a smartphone or tablet

The problems of modern gadgets are associated not only with the lack of charging when the cable is connected. It happens that a tablet or smartphone is charging, but then the charge level drops sharply, or the device turns off when the battery level is 90% and stops turning on. The recommendations below will help you cope with the problem.

Charges only when turned off

After a fall or software failure, the smartphone can only accept charging when it is turned off. Options to solve the problem:

  • reset settings to factory settings;
  • reflashing the device.

If software methods do not help, perhaps the problem is that the Micro USB connector is damaged, and assistance from service center specialists is required.

Charging, but not fully charged

If the power indicator is displayed, but the smartphone does not show a 100% charge level, battery calibration is necessary. The second reason is insufficient current for a full charge. Check the charger for cable integrity and, if necessary, change to a two-amp model with a thicker cord.

If the suggested methods do not help, replace the battery with a new one.

Doesn't charge more than 1%

In a situation where the charge percentage does not rise above 1%, check chargers with other gadgets and try charging your smartphone or tablet from a computer. If that doesn't help, replace the battery with a new one.

Doesn't charge until rebooted

Incorrect charging of gadgets is often associated with software. If your smartphone does not charge without restarting or restarts while charging, follow these steps:

  • remove unnecessary programs from the system that may affect the charging process;
  • roll back to standard settings;
  • connect another cable;
  • reflash the device.

The device discharges when turned off

It is normal for a working battery to gradually decrease its charge level even when the smartphone or tablet is turned off - by about 1% per week. But if you turned off the device at night with a 100% charge level, and turned it on in the morning and saw a reading of 50%, the battery most likely needs to be replaced. If the replacement does not produce results, the problem is in the processor - take the device to a service center.

The device is charging but shows an incorrect charge value

When the charge indicator displays an incorrect value - for example, it shows 50%, and after a minute it turns off and displays 0–5% the next time it is turned on, calibrating the battery helps. To calibrate the battery:

  1. Discharge your smartphone or tablet. When it turns off, turn it back on and wait until it turns off. Do this until the device begins to turn off after a second of active mode.
  2. Remove the battery for five minutes and install it back.
  3. Connect the charging cable to the gadget. Charge it without turning it on.
  4. Remove the battery again for 5 minutes without turning on the device.
  5. Install the battery and turn on the smartphone/tablet.

If manual calibration does not help, try downloading a calibrator app.

Why does my Android phone or tablet run out quickly?

Android gadgets maintain their charge level throughout the day. If the device discharges faster and you need to extend the operating time of the device, use the recommendations below.

What processes contribute to battery discharge?

The charge level is affected by the brightness of the screen and communication modules. You can optimize battery consumption by making a number of settings. Go to your device settings and disable the following features:

  • 4G connection - 4G networks do not work in all regions, and when the option is connected, the smartphone is in constant network search mode;
  • bluetooth - connect only to transfer files;
  • wi-fi - increases charge consumption by 15%;
  • GPS - required only for navigation and location determination;
  • auto-rotate display - the function uses the accelerometer and gyroscope, consuming energy;
  • vibration response to touch.

Close applications running in background. If you are using a launcher and themes, disable them. Also turn off automatic sync and app updates.

The device charges quickly and discharges quickly

If your smartphone discharges quickly and charges just as quickly, the problem lies in the battery. Try charging your phone to 100%, then discharging it until it turns off, and so on several times. If the battery does not charge better, replace it with a new one.

The device takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly

The charging time for a smartphone or tablet depends on the power source. It is not recommended to use universal cables to power the device - the current may not be sufficient and charging will occur slowly.

If you are using an original charger, but the battery level is growing slowly, try charging the device while it is turned off. If 2-3 hours after turning off the phone the charge indicator shows 100%, look for problems with software. If charging a switched-off gadget takes longer, the problem is in the hardware.

Charging a cold battery is slower, so do not connect the cable to the phone immediately after returning from the cold. Wait until the device warms up to room temperature.

The gadget quickly discharges in standby mode

In standby mode, the accelerometer and gyroscope consume the battery. They are designed to control the movements of the device relative to the ground and the human body. To make the level drop more slowly, turn off the sensors. Also close background applications. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, select “Applications” and on the “Running” tab, stop unnecessary ones.

If actions with the software do not help, there may be damage to the motherboard. In this case, the smartphone or tablet requires repair.

Battery charge drops sharply

Changes in charge level values ​​do not give the user the opportunity to determine how long a smartphone or tablet will last without recharging. If you're concerned about battery level fluctuations, try calibrating your battery manually or using the Battery Calibrator app.

When calibration does not help, connect a light bulb directly to the battery contacts and wait until it stops shining. Then install the battery in the smartphone and charge it to 100%. After repeating the procedure three times, the charge level will be displayed more evenly.

The charge began to drain quickly after the update

Software updates require more energy from smartphones and tablets, which means they drain their charge faster. If after the update your gadget begins to discharge faster, reset the settings to factory settings, first saving important information.

Another common reason is a virus that got into the phone with the update. Find the virus program and remove it. To do this, use an antivirus - Kaspersky, McAfee or Dr. Web.

How to check the battery status

Exist various ways checking the battery condition.

Name of the technique


Digital Team · In dialing mode, enter the combination *#*#4636#*#* and select “Battery Information”.

· use the Battery application - it displays information about the battery status: voltage, temperature and other parameters.

External inspection (if the battery is removable) · Disconnect the battery and inspect for any bulges. If the battery is swollen, it means it is faulty and requires replacement.

· If there are no visible irregularities, place the battery on a table and twist it. A working battery will make a couple of revolutions and stop, but a worn battery will spin for a long time.

During charging, you may see a question mark on the battery icon - it appears when the battery is worn out, indicating the need for replacement, or in cases where the plug contact comes off.

How to charge an Android device with a broken connector

Charging problems are often associated with a broken Micro USB connector. If it fails and you need to extend the operating time of your gadget, use a wireless charger. Attach the receiver to the battery and turn it on. In an hour the battery will be charged.

In extreme cases, the battery can be charged directly from the power cable. To do this, just cut off the plug, connect the wires to the contacts and plug the power supply into the outlet. Do not use this method if you are not confident in your knowledge of electrical engineering, and if you use it, constantly monitor the charging process.

How to properly charge Android devices

To extend the life of your battery, charge it properly. The charging method depends on the material from which the battery is made. Lithium-ion batteries charge to 100% and discharge completely, and recharge lithium-polymer as needed. Other rules for charging smartphones and tablets:

  • Do not leave a charged gadget connected to the cable. Once the battery is 100% saturated, turn off the power.
  • Use original power supplies from the manufacturers.
  • Do not charge the device after returning from the cold.

Users usually experience charging problems a year or two after purchasing a smartphone or tablet. If you notice a problem since purchasing the device, before repairing it yourself, contact a service center where the gadget will be repaired or replaced under warranty.

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