Home roses Imei keeps crashing. Repair IMEI on Android after flashing

Imei keeps crashing. Repair IMEI on Android after flashing

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) ​​is a unique identification number assigned during production to mobile phones and tablets. It is recorded in a special memory cell of the device and plays important role in its functioning. If the ID is erased for any reason, the gadget will not be able to make calls or connect to the Internet. The information below will help you understand how to repair IMEI on an Android device.

What is an IMEI?

The imei number consists of fifteen digits. It is necessary to uniquely identify the mobile device. Why is it needed at all and what functions does it perform?

IMEI identifier can be used for the following purposes:

  • Locating an electronic device in case of loss or theft.
  • Blocking a mobile phone by the operator at the request of the owner.
  • The use of an identifier for listening in the interests of the investigation of private conversations by intelligence agencies or the police.

It's important to know

The IMEI number is tied to the mobile device, not to the SIM card. It remains unchanged when changing the SIM and when returning the smartphone to factory settings.

How to find out the imei of your smartphone?

To restore imei on Android, you need to know it. Of course, if it is already deleted from the smartphone's memory, the task becomes more complicated. Where can you watch it? Let's look at all the options.

Through the menu of the mobile device

It is easy to find out through the settings menu (if it has not been erased yet). The procedure is as follows:

With service team

You can also view IMEI using . It is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

This and the previous methods are good when you want to write down the IMEI of the smartphone somewhere “just in case”. If it was not possible to do this, but the smartphone has already deleted, you will have to resort to other methods to determine the original device ID.

So, where else can you find the IMEI code? Let's figure it out.

Sticker on the package or under the removable battery

Fingerprint sensor for you important function in a smartphone?

Unless the smartphone is counterfeit, the unique number should always be on the box it comes in, among other information.

You can also find it on a sticker located under the battery of a mobile device. Unfortunately, this only applies to devices equipped with a removable battery.


In the case of a dual-symbol gadget, two IMEI codes are used for each radio module of the gadget. If there is one radio module and two SIMs, then the numbers will be the same.

Agreement with a mobile service provider

The identification number of the device is always indicated in the contract concluded with the mobile operator. If you need to restore your IMEI, you can always find out from the contract.

Will be useful

If for some reason you cannot find your copy of the contract, do not despair: you can contact the customer service center of your mobile provider with your personal passport to be given an IMEI identification number.

Repair IMEI on Android

Well, we found out how to find out the IMEI identifier. Now let's find out how to restore IMEI on Android, for example, after an unsuccessful one.

There are several methods by which you can restore imei on Android. Them detailed description below.

Method 1. Through a special engineering menu

Every mobile phone has a specialized service software module through which, with proper qualification, you can change various important parameters of the device. To restore the IMEI number through the service menu, you must perform the following manipulations:

Modern technical devices, which allow us to use communication services, access the Internet, store data, etc., are constantly being modified and acquired either additional features or identification data. This is done in order to store and secure your data, which allows you to restore lost information or find a lost or stolen device in time. But each development is created with good intentions and ordinary people, so avoiding various failures and errors is almost impossible. Today we will talk about how IMEI recovery goes, what is needed for this and why this function is needed at all. The severity of the problem is due to the fact that many users began to encounter a situation where their device stopped working normally and indicated an error that mentions IMEI. Therefore, in order to understand this problem, you should read this article, which contains all the necessary information that will not only be useful, but also serve as an excellent instruction for restoring your device.

What is IMEI?

But before talking about how IMEI recovery goes, it’s worth understanding what it is. The IMEI is your device's universal ID and is required for conditional registration and provision of various services. For example, it allows you to easily make phone calls and access the Internet, get support and install various applications. All in all, given function is the basis for the performance of your device. But is it really so? What is the main purpose of this identification number?

Why is this feature needed?

Oddly enough, but hidden meaning This feature is that operators can easily identify you and provide all the necessary information about your calls and correspondence, about Internet preferences and favorite applications. In general, this is your electronic passport, which allows you to find out about the user who uses it, almost everything that is needed. Can this be avoided? Yes, many hackers have managed to do this, however, you have to get used to the constant change of data, their complete formatting, etc. Therefore, it is better not to rack your brains and use the main purpose of this function.

How do you know which number you have? It is quite simple to do this, since almost everyone can check the IMEI. It is enough to dial the combination * # 06 # on the keyboard, and the device itself will give out your number, however, if it is activated for you. And it is from this moment that you can understand whether your device is broken, or you can continue to use all the available features without any problems. If an error occurs, and at the same time you notice that you cannot make calls, then you have problems in identification that need to be fixed urgently. What is causing this unfortunate situation? We will talk about this further.

Why does this problem occur?

So, you decided to check the IMEI, but the device does not give it out. Before that, have you noticed that you cannot make calls, write SMS and access the Internet, although you have completely updated the firmware of the device and re-downloaded all applications? This is where the problem lies, due to which this unpleasant situation occurs. Firmware is a process in which the software shell changes, that is, codes are updated, a new structure is created and some unnecessary processes. This procedure should be done by professionals so as not to damage the device and do everything on highest level. True, many users sometimes decide to personally do this and “crookedly” install this software element, which causes software failures and IMEI is lost. In fact, it does not change, it simply loses its registration force, which causes all the main functions of the device to be disabled.

This is not so critical, since everything can be restored either in special service, or with your own hands, using various convenient methods to ensure IMEI recovery on android. What methods exist and how to use them, you can find out below.

Ways to fix the error

After you saw the error, and all the symptoms of an unpleasant situation were confirmed, you should choose a method for solving this problem. Repair IMEI through the engineering menu, use various programs, downloading a file from the Internet, etc. - there are many ways, however, those listed are the most effective and effective among all. They allow you to access the internal settings of the device system with further editing and changing the structure. These actions allow you to amend and return the IMEI to working capacity. Each method is unique in its own way and has its own requirements that must be followed with special care so as not to aggravate an already unpleasant situation. If you are not afraid of innovations and are ready to take risks, then you can already prepare a notebook and a pencil, but if you suddenly have doubts about your abilities, then it is better to contact the service, as the specialists there will quickly correct the error, and in a couple of days you will be able to continue using your device .

But it should be borne in mind that this service, which allows you to restore IMEI, costs a certain amount of money, so consider in advance what exactly you should use. In the meantime, we will consider the easiest way to fix the error, which is to use a special program.

Recovery using programs

There are many different applications on the network that supposedly can automatic mode fix this problem. But is it worth believing simple descriptions? Therefore, in order not to be deceived, we recommend using only one application for the correction procedure. The IMEI repair program is called GScriptLite.apk. Essentially, this regular application, allowing authorization of the identification number through the operator's request. You need to download the application file to your device and install it. Then you should run the program and add to use a script called "needs su", which has standard IMEI number indicators. Once you have added the script, you need to change its data, where the numbers are indicated, by entering your IMEI (above there is a description of how to find out your identification number). Now it remains only to save the changes and activate the script. The device will ask for permission for superuser rights, which must be approved by clicking on "OK". It remains only to restart the device, and it will be ready for use.

But there is one nuance, which lies in the different structure of the software shell of devices, for example, restoring a deviation in instructions. This device does not give out data when dialing the *#06# command, so technically you will not be able to find out your ID number. But this problem is not so critical, since the number is written in a special instruction, which is provided along with the standard documentation, which it is desirable to keep. But if it was not possible to obtain this data, then you should pay attention to the possibility of manual

Manual recovery

Repair IMEI Lenovo, Fly, Alcatel, Acer, Huawei, THL, Zopo, Explay and other devices based on MTK processor has one nice feature that allows you to get rid of the error using manual editing. How is this possible? Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to know the basics of using the built-in menu of the device. Restoring IMEI through the engineering menu will require you to know special commands and menu features. But thanks to further instructions, you will be able to cope with these requirements and recover your identification number.

Recovery IMEI MTK begins with entering a command to call the internal menu. To do this, you need to type the command * # * # 3646633 # * # * on the keyboard, which will allow you to call additional function. In it, select the "Connectivity" item and the "CDS information" sub-item. After that, you need to go to "Radio Information", select "Phone" and after the inscription "AT +" enter "EGMR = 1.7,". Next, you should reboot the device and use the command * # 06 # to get your IMEI data. It remains only to repeat the described procedure, but after the inscription "AT + EGMR = 1.7," enter your identifier data. This will get rid of the error, and you can continue to use your device. In the event that these methods did not help or you are not confident in your abilities, all that remains is to contact the service, where professional assistance will be provided to the device.

Service maintenance

The problem that concerns the identification number is already long time found by many users of various devices, so do not think that it is completely new and has no solution. Yes, there are not many opportunities to fix it personally, but almost any service can help. It is enough to bring the device to professionals, and it will be restored within a few hours or days. The device is best carried with special documentation, which has various technical data necessary for exact definition the source of the problem, which may vary depending on the device model.

Model Features

Restoring IMEI is possible only when the processor of the device is determined. There are several varieties of these elements, which differ in their software shells. For example, the MTK processor has the largest line of devices mentioned above. But there are other processors - such giants as Samsung and Apple. Each of them has its own recovery methods, so it is worth remembering this nuance. All the methods that were presented in this article strictly apply to devices of the MTK family. Trying to use them for other devices is not recommended, as you can break the firmware, which will be difficult and expensive to restore. Therefore, you should be careful about the process of flashing and repairing IMEI, since any mistake can cause a breakdown. And errors can be very different, ranging from incorrectly entered data to the lack of necessary files.

Possible mistakes

Crashes, incorrect installation, data inconsistencies and much more... Errors can be very different and unpleasant. And, what is most interesting, they are all the basis main problem- incorrect firmware installation on the device. And this already becomes the reason for the deactivation of IMEI and the failure of the device to work correctly. Therefore, if you are definitely not sure that you can personally flash your device, or do not have the appropriate skills, then it is better to postpone this idea and leave the work to those people who are well versed in this. But you can generally avoid this if you do not want to face these kinds of problems.

How to avoid the problem

To do this, you should understand that you have to use licensed products and in no case fall for the trick of hackers. Firmware is an element of developers, but users who do not want to use paid services, prefer to personally find these files. Then they go to third-party sites and download firmware versions where the hackers have already made their changes, which later causes the device to break down. It is better if you use the products and programs that the developers themselves provide, and not third-party users. Moreover, the device is updated automatically if you are on the side of conscientious users. Therefore, do not put yourself and your device at risk. It is also worth noting that developers are aware of the problem of “pirated” firmware, and they often release special files to fix problems, but, unfortunately, not all manufacturers do this.

Internet using

The IMEI recovery file can be obtained from the official website of the manufacturer to which your device belongs. If it is available, it must be downloaded and saved, because in the event of an IMEI-related problem, simply downloading the file to your device will correct the error and show you how to use the licensed product well. Be conscientious and you will never run into embarrassing situations!

Articles and Lifehacks

How is it happening imei recovery on chinese phones? This question worries many users, because Chinese phones, as you know, are gaining popularity very quickly, and their imei crashes quite often. Of course, he doesn't do it on his own. This happens as a result of the illiterate use of the gadget, unsuccessful (as a rule, independent firmware) or formatting the device using a USB cable. Fortunately, in this case, you do not have to resort to.

You can find out that imei has failed quite simply. If the Chinese phone suddenly stops ringing, then it is recommended to dial a combination of numbers - # 06, which usually causes a unique digital code (imei) to appear on the phone screen. If the code does not appear on the screen, then there was a failure in the settings and it needs to be restored. Restore imei to Chinese phone possible in several ways.

The first way to restore imei on a Chinese phone

Imei recovery on Chinese phones should start by pulling the SIM card out of the phone, after which you will need to disassemble it and rewrite imei, which is written under the battery (if the phone cannot be disassembled, you can look at it on the box). After that, you need to assemble the phone again (without inserting a SIM card), turn it on and dial the combination of numbers * # 3646633 #, and then press the call button. This combination helps to go to the engineering menu, where you should dial the combination AT + EGMR = 1.7, "imei number" and press the confirmation button. Then imei will be restored. All that remains is to recharge the gadget with the help of a standard charger or with the help (if the user is on the road).

The second way to restore imei on a Chinese phone

In the second case, you will first need to download a special archive MTK65xx.zip. After downloading, the application should be removed, then the phone must be turned off and the SIM card removed from it. An application should be installed on a phone with an already extended SIM card, after which it will be able to read imei and download it to the phone. After all the manipulations done, you will need to exit the program and restart the phone.

In conclusion, it should be said that there are several more ways to help restore imei on a Chinese phone, but, as a rule, the above two are enough. If it is not possible to restore it at home, then it is recommended to contact any service center where a specialist can fix the problem, but first you need to try to do it yourself.

Friends, hello everyone! In this post I want to continue a little the topic that was touched upon in. If you remember, there we stitched quite popular among the people Lenovo smartphone A319.

So, after such a manipulation, IMEI can fly off, since the device is being formatted. What could be the consequences? Yes, just the mobile network will be unavailable. But it is not exactly! 😉

Of course, this is a mess, so let's understand the issue, how to repair imei on Android after firmware. And we will do this through the engineering menu. Although here I am a little cunning, because I myself did not perform such an operation, since the device worked well for me after returning to life and there were no problems.

But for the sake of completeness, one informative video was found on YouTube, which I propose to watch very carefully now. It will be very useful to those people who are faced with such a disaster. So, attention to the screen:

Some of the important points and codes. Look, the first step is to check if there are really no IMEIs in the system. To do this, type the following combination on the keyboard:

If the fears are confirmed, you need to write out the available numbers on a piece of paper so that they are in front of your eyes. Remember that for each SIM card, the IMEI value will be unique and inimitable.

In the reviewed Lenovo phone A319 you can find the necessary data on the label under the battery. So we take and quickly rewrite them:

Then you will need a code to enter the engineering menu. We type the following combination on the keyboard:

Then we follow the path "Information-Information about CDS":

In the next step, we poke on the item « Radio Information « :

Select the desired SIM card, for example, the first one:

Click on the line "AT +":

And we bring it to this form:

  • AT +EGMR=1.7, "12345678"

Only instead of the numbers in quotes, the IMEI rewritten from the label should be indicated, which must be restored. And before the "+" sign is required don't forget to put a space. At the end, click « SEND AT COMMAND « :

Everything, the serial number lost after the Android firmware on the first SIM card has been restored. To do this on the second card, you should repeat the command in the line " AT + ". But there will be some changes here. As they say, find the differences yourself:

  • AT+EGMR=1, 10 , "12345678"

After confirming the data entry, be sure to restart your smartphone and check using the combination known to us (* # 06 #) whether this instruction worked on how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing.

Well, on this we say thanks to the YouTube channel hard reset for the useful video and we will say goodbye. I really hope that this information will help you quickly bring your electronic pet named Lenovo to its original form. Bye everyone!

Any smartphone or tablet Android based has a unique radio module identifier (IMEI), consisting of 15 digits, which can be verified in several ways. But sometimes IMEI can fly off, and it may also be necessary to replace or restore it.

What is IMEI and how to find it on Android devices

IMEI - individual number of the radio module, which is available in each Android device or other operating system. IMEI is needed to authorize devices in mobile network operator. Without it, the user will not be able to make and receive calls, as well as SMS messages. If the gadget uses two SIM cards at once, then two IMEI codes will be displayed at once.

You can find out the IMEI of your device in several ways:

  • dial the combination *#06# in the dialing menu;
  • go to the settings menu of your smartphone or tablet in the information section "About the device";
  • find information on the back cover of the gadget, the SIM card tray or on the box from the device.

After that, a 15-digit code will be displayed on the screen - this is the IMEI.

How to restore IMEI if it disappeared or flew off

In rare cases, a system window with the inscription “Invalid IMEI” may appear on the device screen, due to which the smartphone is not authorized in the network of the mobile operator. When this error occurs, the user cannot work with the network, that is, make calls, receive calls and use the mobile Internet.

Mistake wrong IMEI can be solved by restoring it using programs or the engineering menu

There may be several reasons for the appearance of information about the loss of the IMEI identifier or the display of an empty window when checking using a USSD request. For example, due to failed attempt gadget firmware or hard-reset (reset to factory settings). It is worth noting that in case of problems with IMEI, all functions in the device work completely, in addition to those related to the radio module (network coverage).

If it suddenly happened that IMEI is not displayed on your device when requested, there are several ways to restore it.

Repair IMEI using the engineering menu

To call the engineering menu (Engineer Mode), you need to use a special combination, which may differ from different devices. You can find out which combination will help call the engineering menu from the instructions or documentation that comes with the device.

If for some reason the documentation is lost or not available nearby, try using the code *#3646633#. If it does not fit, you can try to choose a code from the options for different manufacturers.

Table: IMEI call commands for various smartphone models

After the engineering menu has been called, you need to do the following:

Video: how to restore IMEI after an unsuccessful firmware using Engineer Mode

How to repair IMEI using the IMEI&SN Writer app

One of the commonly used IMEI repair applications is IMEI&SN Writer. Since this program is quite simple to use and does not require root rights, each user can use it to restore the IMEI of their device. To restore the IMEI identifier, you will need Android device drivers, database files for the type of processor used by the gadget, and IMEI & SN Writer.

  1. Install the device drivers on the PC. Next, run the utility, select SMART PHONE in the PlatForm field, USB under it, fill in the IMEI_1 and IMEI_2 fields. Click the Select DB button.

    In the IMEI&SN Writer program that opens, select desired characteristics, click Select DB

  2. In the window that appears, first select the modem part database file. It usually starts with the characters BPLGU.

    Select the device database file that starts with BPLGU

  3. Then open the processor part file. In most cases, its name starts with APDB.

    Open the processor part file starting with APDB

  4. On the main window, click Start to start recovery.

    The last step to restore IMEI using the IMEI&SN Writer application is to press the START button

  5. After completing these steps, connect your Android device to your computer and wait until the recovery procedure is completed and a message appears that the IMEI was written successfully.
  6. Turn on your smartphone or tablet, enter the USSD request *#06# and make sure that IMEI is displayed.

If the user does not have the original factory firmware and there is no way to find it, you should try using the gadget's firmware with a similar processor model.

Video: Repair IMEI using IMEI&SN Writer

Change IMEI using apps

There may be several reasons for replacing the IMEI, for example, if you want to:

  • disable device tracking;
  • change the invalid IMEI code to a new one;
  • reset the device to factory settings or update the device.

To change the IMEI identifier, you can use special programs, but most of them require root access. These rights allow you to change the system settings of the Android device up to deletion system applications. Initially, the user does not have root rights and they need to be obtained. But it should be noted that upon receipt of them, the manufacturer's warranty of the gadget used becomes invalid, therefore, only experienced users are recommended to choose this method.

Device Id IMEI Changer Xposed

Using the Device Id IMEI Changer Xposed application, you can not only change the IMEI, but also the ID, MAC address and SSID of the network. Google Play market available both paid and free version, but in the paid one it is possible to return to the previous settings.

Video: How to change IMEI on Android using Device Id Changer Free


The Chamelephon app is also suitable for changing the IMEI, however, this requires root rights.

Video: replacing IMEI on Android with Chamelephon

How to use IMEI to find a stolen or lost device

It is worth noting that the chances of finding a lost or stolen gadget on your own are very small for two reasons:

  • No necessary equipment for searching by IMEI: in order to find a stolen or lost device, you must have access to special equipment, as well as databases of all mobile operators in the country where the loss or theft occurred. It is thanks to this that you can determine the location of the lost device and a new one. mobile number The that is used by the gadget. The problem is that only law enforcement officials have access to equipment and information;
  • there is no access to information about the location of the device: absolutely all online services that the user can find on the Internet, as well as applications and programs supposedly for searching smartphones by IMEI, are completely ineffective. Operator only cellular communication has the right to provide information about the location of devices at the request of the police, who accepted the statement from the owner about the theft. So do not turn to online services and various applications to find stolen or lost devices.

Only right option finding your gadget is to contact law enforcement to file a theft report. The police, in turn, file a request mobile operator to search for a device. Quite often, this method leads to finding smartphones and tablets.

Search process lost devices occurs using the IMEI identifier

Google service "Find my device"

Google provides a service that can be used to locate a device if it is authorized in account gmail.

In order to find your smartphone faster in case of loss, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  • Fill out a business card with contact details on your smartphone or tablet. This will help, in case of loss of the device, the finder to find the owner of the device to contact him;
  • install the TheftAlert application on the device, which is designed to send an SMS message when changing the SIM card to a pre-specified phone number;
  • if the device is lost, immediately use one of the services (for example, LoSToleN), which will allow you to add the gadget's IMEI to the database of stolen devices. Also, in many similar services, you can specify the amount of remuneration for the return.

Is it possible to remove IMEI

Since IMEI is a very important indicator for any device, there is no way to delete it purposefully.

But sometimes under the word " complete removal” also means the following:

  • force not to display IMEI on the screen by dialing *#06#, which is possible with certain knowledge in the field of programming;
  • put a ban on reading a memory cell or accessing it. But what is not read, for example, via the RS-232 channel (computer port), will be read by the USB-Jig device (used in service centers to restore "bricked" Android devices) or, in extreme cases, a programmer (a device designed to write and read information in ROM - a read-only memory device);
  • to force not to issue IMEI to the network on request is problematic, but possible. But in this case, there is a high probability that they will refuse service or the phone will never find the network.

Each operator has an IMEI base, a request for an individual radio module number is required when registering on the network, and if the network operator does not receive a 16-digit number upon request, it will not allow the phone to use the network. From all of the above, we can conclude that "complete removal of IMEI" is impossible.

Due to the fact that IMEI is really important in every Android device, it is recommended to check it on all gadgets, rewrite it and save it in a safe place. If you encounter any difficulties, you can use the methods of repairing or replacing IMEI.

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