Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Symbols on the air conditioner display. What modes and functions does the air conditioner have? Setting the current time

Symbols on the air conditioner display. What modes and functions does the air conditioner have? Setting the current time

And now it has come, that happy day when you got an air conditioner installed. All you have to do is turn it on, and the device will surround you with its coolness. But don't think that using an air conditioner is easy.

Operating Basics

We approach this matter with all responsibility, and the first thing we do after installing the device is study the operating instructions. Each air conditioner needs its own manual, and the LG brand will never fit the instructions from Ballu.

User Guide

In this small book you can find all the information you need: how to turn the device on and off, how to set the desired operating mode, how to properly care for your new assistant in the house.

Turn the device on and off using the remote control or without

In order to operate the device, manufacturers strongly recommend using only the remote control remote control. As for window air conditioners, it all depends on the model and location in the window. If the device is located at the bottom of the window, you can control it using the buttons on the panel. Is the block assigned a place at the top of the frame? Then to configure its operation you need a remote control.

Attention! You cannot turn the air conditioner on/off by inserting/unplugging the plug from the socket.

On the remote control we find the power button, it is designated “On/Off”, after pressing which the device will start or stop working. But there are situations when the remote control is broken, lost, or the battery is dead and there is no spare. Then we find a control panel on our air conditioner, almost always hidden from view. It is located on the indoor unit under the curtains. There is always a button for such an emergency activation; it is often illuminated in green or red. Depending on the manufacturer, it may be designated as “on/off” or “operation”. You need to press on it and hold it in this state for a few seconds, after which the air conditioner will turn on with a characteristic sound and begin to cool the room. If you need to set the device to heating mode, press the power button again. To complete the work, we proceed in the same order - press and hold for a couple of seconds. This completes the functionality of the control panel; changes can only be made using the remote control.

We set the operating mode of the air conditioner (heating/cooling). Explanation of icons

You can set the air conditioner to the desired operating mode, of which there are quite a few, using the control panel. For example, for heating the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Find the button on the remote control labeled “HEAT” and press it.
  2. If there is no such inscription, then we find the “MODE” icon; using it, the modes indicated by a snowflake, sun, fan and droplet are switched. We scroll through until we find what we are looking for - the sun, because we need heating.
  3. You can set the desired temperature using the “+” and “–” buttons.
  4. The device will not start heating the air immediately, it should take about 5–10 minutes.

The cooling temperature can be adjusted in the same way.

Controlling the air conditioner using the remote control

In addition to the buttons described, there are many others on the remote control. For some, even after several years of operation, they remain a mystery, but we will decipher them now.

  • HEAT (or “sun” icon) – heating mode,
  • COOL (or snowflake icon) – cooling mode,
  • DRY (or “drop” icon) is an air dehumidification mode when the air conditioner removes excess moisture from the room.
  • FAN (or “fan” icon) is a ventilation mode that determines the blowing speed. An air conditioner distributes air throughout a room without heating or cooling it.
  • TURBO - enhanced fan operation mode,
  • SLEEP (or “star” icon) is a sleep mode during which the fan begins to rotate more slowly, which ensures the absence of noise. The device also regulates the temperature itself, making it comfortable for sleeping.
  • SWING - using this button you can change the direction of the curtains,
  • TIMER (or “clock” icon) – a timer that allows you to set the temperature parameters in advance and configure the unit to turn on/off independently.
  • CLOCK - time setting,
  • LOCK - lock the remote control,
  • LED - remote control backlight.

Operating conditions: at what temperatures does it work, how to prepare for winter

Almost all modern air conditioners are capable of not only cooling the air in the room, but also operating in heating mode, which is very convenient between seasons when the heating is turned off. However, there are certain conditions, at which the device can operate.

So, the temperature outside should not be higher than +40°C and lower than -10°C. Experts insist that it is impossible to use air conditioners in winter at all, since the oil that is added to the refrigerant thickens. The consequence of this may be premature wear of parts, including the compressor.

But there are some device models that can operate even at a temperature of -25°C (outdoors). These are the Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin brands. How do you know if your air conditioner can work in winter? To do this, you need to carefully study the manual, and especially pay attention to the operating temperature range. The maximum numbers at which the device can be turned on will be indicated there.

The operating temperature of inverter air conditioners in the “cooling” mode is from -10 to +45, in the “heating” mode - from -15 to +24. Not inverter units will function for “cooling” - from +21 to +43, for “heating” - from -5 to +24. As for window models, then permissible temperature for “cooling” - from +18 to +45, “heating” - from -3 to +24 (outdoor temperature is indicated). It is recommended to turn on the “drying” mode at temperatures from +11 to + 43.

What other problems may arise when using the air conditioner in heating mode at temperatures below 0°C? This is glaciation of the outer block. This occurs due to the release of condensation, which begins to freeze directly on the device outside. If, with similar low temperatures turn on the device for cooling, then you can expect a decrease in the performance of the device, complete freezing of the external part and breakdown of the compressor.

Icing of the external block of the split system

Experts also advise that in hot weather, set the cooling mode within 21–23°C. This will help protect the compressor and your health due to the small temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

Prevention and Maintenance

Air conditioner maintenance involves regular cleaning of the indoor and outdoor units, disinfection and refilling/refilling with refrigerant if necessary. Experts advise doing this at least once a year.

Besides, preventive examination carried out in order to notice malfunctions in time, replace parts, lubricate the mechanism, check equipment for leaks, and more. You can read more about this in the article “Do-it-yourself air conditioner maintenance.”

If the device is not planned to be used in winter, then it needs to be “mothballed” and prepared for cold weather:

  1. Turn on the air conditioner to the “Ventilation” mode and leave it running for at least 2 hours. This will remove all moisture from the radiator.
  2. We clean all filters.
  3. We close the external unit of the device tightly with waterproof material.

For window air conditioners, it will be enough to cover the part located on the street with film or other material designed to cover things from external influences. But sometimes even after the manipulations done, the device still receives cold air indoors, then the block is removed for the winter.

Do you plan to operate a split system in winter? In this case, we purchase an additional “winter kit”. It consists of three important elements: a fan speed controller, drain tube heaters and a compressor. They prevent the blocks and the system from freezing, and also regulate the pressure in it. But it’s worth warning - under these conditions the device will only operate in cooling mode! This is true in stores and catering establishments.

Split system service life

Air conditioning in the house

How long a split system will last depends not on luck, but on certain factors. The average lifespan is 5–10 years, but this may vary due to:

  • Quality and reliability of the air conditioner. Of course, an ultra-high reliability device from the MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC brand (made in Japan) will last much longer than a device from the Delonghi brand (China).
  • Installation quality. In the summer season, when the issue of cooling is very pressing, many fly-by-night companies open, offering inexpensive installation of air conditioning. Very often it turns out that the installation was carried out poorly, and this leads to premature failure of the device itself.
  • Operating conditions. If your air conditioner is running at full capacity 24/7, this can shorten its lifespan.
  • High-quality and timely service. Regular cleaning of the device and replacement of the refrigerant will extend the life of the device.

If you follow the basics of operation, the air conditioner will definitely meet the owner’s expectations and will work flawlessly throughout its entire service life.

On hot and stuffy summer nights, after a stressful working day a person needs complete rest and silence. If the air temperature is high and the air circulation is strong or not at all, then falling asleep will be problematic. However, today this problem has been solved, and this has become possible thanks to the night mode of the air conditioner. At night, the fan operates at low speeds, reducing noise levels to a minimum while significantly reducing energy consumption. One of the objectives of operating an air conditioner in night mode is to save energy.

How does night mode work on an air conditioner?

When turning on the air conditioner in night sleep mode, it is necessary to take into account that the temperature of the operating air conditioner increases in one hour when cooling, and decreases when heating. Thus, the temperature during the night can fluctuate from 16 to 32 degrees. The fan speed is also reduced to medium. Everyone knows that during sleep a person’s vital processes slow down, he moves less, so the temperature environment should be slightly lower than the daily value. When the air conditioner is turned on in night mode, the pressure strong flow the air drops, it becomes only a weak breeze, the air conditioner brings the temperature to a comfortable state and turns off, but at this time sleep is already embracing you.

What does night mode mean in an air conditioner?

In this mode, the rotation speed of the fan blades significantly slows down, therefore, the noise level is reduced. The temperature rises by 1-3 degrees, working in this mode is optimal for normal sleep. The air conditioner, switched to night mode, after working in this mode for seven hours, turns off automatically.

How to turn on the air conditioner for night mode

The machine is turned on by setting the timer to on/off. Thus, turning on/off the air conditioner can be programmed to certain time, for example, before returning from service. Another option for turning on sleep mode is to use the remote control. Features available:

  • choose required functions(MODE);
  • install the necessary temperature regime air supply;
  • select parameters for good sleep(SLEEP);
  • select the required level of blade speed (FAN);
  • select the required timer response time (TIMER);
  • adjust the damper position (SWING).

Control panel with window air conditioner mode

Using the remote control or the built-in LCD display, which controls the normal operation of the system, the available status settings are displayed.

How to turn off the night touch display on the air conditioner panel, you can program the necessary indicators comfortable mode, and “sleep mode” too. You can remove the algorithm for starting this mode by reprogramming the system on the remote control.

By purchasing an air conditioner with night mode, you free yourself from the need to turn off the air conditioner at night due to fear of colds and strong noise.

Rational savings

People mistakenly compare the power consumed by the air conditioning system with the cooling power indicator. In fact, this is an indicator of the power spent on cooling. Thus, if a 2.5 kW unit consumes about 800 W, then this is less than the consumption of an electric kettle or iron. Consequently, air conditioners with a power of up to 4 kW can be plugged into a regular household outlet without fear of broken plugs. And this is not surprising, because the air conditioner is not a refrigerator that “produces” cold, but simply “takes” it from outside and transfers it into the room.

In air conditioners that cool air, the main working element is freon. His physical properties(by evaporating, it accumulates heat in order to later release it during condensation) allow you to cool the premises to the required temperatures. In this case, direct cooling of the air occurs throughout the entire space. Freon is not a dangerous compound, and its use does not have any impact harmful effects on pets and humans.

In fact, it is impossible to explain in a nutshell what night mode in an air conditioner means, because each model of such an air conditioner requires individual settings. In order to clarify all the nuances, contact us by phone 495 971-43-96. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Today, with diversity brands and air conditioner models, it can be difficult to immediately find the one that suits you. Sellers praise their goods. Their split systems are, of course, the best. Manufacturers highlight their brands in every possible way by adding new functions and modes. And for the buyer, the operating modes of the air conditioner that he will use are important.

How is knowledge of modes useful?

The article does not give advice on how to calculate the power of the air conditioner for your room, where to install a split system, or how to check the correct installation. This is not an instruction manual for the air conditioner. The instructions are written for each air conditioner individually and describe the functions of only one model. Here are clear descriptions of the main functions of air conditioners. They are very convenient to compare equipment (even from different price groups) and choose what you need, rather than overpay for unnecessary options.

A household air conditioner is, first of all, equipment that maintains the desired temperature in a room. Air conditioners are controlled by remote controls, which can be remote or stationary (wall-mounted, for example). The purpose of all remote control buttons is described in detail in the operating instructions for the air conditioner. But it can be understood intuitively by the icons and inscriptions near the remote control buttons.

Mode switch button

For different air conditioners, the sets of keys on the front panel of the remote control may vary greatly. But everyone has one button. Button - MODE. Pressing it successively turns on the main air conditioner modes in turn: “Cooling”, “Heating”, “Auto”, “Drying”, “Ventilation”.

Features of the main modes

  • "Cooling". Main function air conditioner When it is turned on in the room, a sensor is installed in the indoor unit of the air conditioner that monitors temperature changes and sends a signal to the air conditioner when it changes. When working for cooling, by successively pressing the FAN button, you can change the fan performance, and therefore the cooling intensity.
  • "Heating". The task is to heat the air in the room. Since the air conditioner is a heat pump, when operating in this mode it will consume three times less energy than an electric heater. In this mode of operation of the air conditioner, you can also change the intensity of heating the room by changing the performance of the indoor unit fan by successively pressing the FAN button.
  • "Ventilation". The room air is forced through the indoor unit of the air conditioner without changing the temperature and is filtered. In this mode of operation of the air conditioner, air is recirculated. There is no entry or deletion here.
  • "Draining". In this operating mode of the air conditioner, the icon on the remote control will look like a drop. In the drying mode, excess moisture is removed. First, the air conditioner dries the air for ten minutes, then it does not work for 2 minutes, and finally it works for 5 minutes in intensive blowing mode. In dehumidification mode, by switching the fan speed, you can select the dehumidification speed.
  • In the "Auto" mode, the temperature and fan speed are automatically set to 22 degrees. The air conditioner itself selects between the “Cooling” and “Heating” modes. It supports the specified conditions. It is not possible to change any settings within the "Auto" mode.
  • SWING mode. Control of horizontal (in some models and vertical) blinds of the indoor unit.

Table of main operating modes

The table shows short description operating modes. This is like a cheat sheet on how to use the air conditioner in basic modes.

Additional modes

All air conditioners have the main modes shown in the table. They provide minimal comfort.

Now we’ll talk about the options that make each air conditioner unique in its own way, and how to use the air conditioner in additional modes.

Choose the ones you like, and the climate control store consultant will suggest the appropriate split model.

  • "Ionization". Enabling the mode implies saturating the room with negatively charged ions (anions). On average, an air conditioner produces up to 20,000 of them per square centimeter. This amount of anions is found only in environmentally friendly places. Anions have an antibacterial effect. The ionization function can be considered as an additional fine filter.

  • "Self-cleaning" When using this function, mold will never form in the air conditioner. The process lasts about half an hour: the blinds close and the indoor unit is purged, all moisture is removed, the heat exchanger is heated, dried, and the air conditioner switches to FAN mode(“Ventilation”), and the air entering the air conditioner takes everything with it unpleasant odors.
  • Enrichment of air with oxygen, based on the uneven passage of gases through a polymer membrane.
  • "Additional filtering mode". Many models have additional filtration systems. For example, on Russian market LG brought a plasma filter, Samsung company- biological purification filter. Almost every brand has models with multi-stage filtration. A very useful option.
  • "Innings fresh air"The function in systems with wall units is rather advertising. The cross-section of the tube through which air must enter the room is very small. If this function is available, then it is used in air conditioners with multi-stage filters.
  • "Night The air conditioner switches to the optimal mode for sleep. The fan turns on in low noise mode. That is, its rotation speed decreases. In addition, when the air conditioner operates in cooling mode, the temperature rises by 1-3 degrees for several hours. And when operating in heating mode - goes down within a few hours.

  • "Timer". Allows you to turn on the air conditioner at a certain time(for example, by the time you arrive at work) and turn it off by a certain time.
  • "Forced cooling or heating." In some models the mode may be called TURBO, in others - JET COOL. The essence is the same - for half an hour (after pressing the corresponding button), the air conditioner operates at the minimum temperature at the maximum possible fan speed. Used for rapid cooling of the room.
  • I FEEL. In this mode, the temperature is measured not by the indoor unit sensor, but by the remote control sensor. Maximum comfortable conditions are created in the place where the remote control is located, i.e. next to the person.
  • "Clever Eye" I SEE - volumetric temperature scanning sensor. Monitors temperature and humidity throughout the room. The air conditioner, receiving information, adjusts the temperature by zone. I SEE prevents sudden temperature changes by synchronizing the operation of the fan and blinds.

Protection systems

Additional functions increase comfort. In addition, manufacturers install protection and control systems on air conditioners.

  • "Defrosting (defrosting) the outdoor unit." The function turns on automatically when ice freezes on the outdoor unit. The split system starts heating the outdoor unit. Unfortunately, not all air conditioners have it. If the air conditioner you choose does not have it, then you can melt the ice on the outdoor unit by briefly turning on the cooling mode.
  • "Auto restart". The function of the air conditioner is to restore settings after power is restored during a power outage.
  • "Warm start" Protection against cold air flow when switching to heating mode. The indoor fan will not turn on until the refrigerant has warmed up. With this option, cold air cannot reach a person.
  • "Compressor protection".
  • "Self-diagnosis function". Failures are diagnosed by a microcircuit built into the indoor unit of the air conditioner. The type of malfunction can be determined by the error code or by the blinking indicator lights.
  • "Working at low temperatures." Air conditioners operate stably during the off-season (temperatures up to -7 degrees). If you want to be heated by air conditioning in winter, then it is worth purchasing an inverter. Many inverter models can operate for heating at an outside temperature of -15 degrees without loss of power. Air conditioners with an additional set for low temperatures can operate at temperatures below -60 degrees. But the price of heat pump systems is several times higher than that of conventional air conditioners.

If the remote control is lost. Turning on the air conditioner without using the remote control

There's another one interesting feature at wall splits. They can be turned on in test mode, even if the remote control is lost. Under the front panel with right side, covered with a plastic cover, there is an OPERATION or ON/OFF button. By pressing it, you can start the air conditioner without the remote control.

There is only one "but". When you press this button, some models turn on in the "Auto" mode, but most turn on in the mode in which they were working before turning off.

All modern air conditioners (from any price segment) have a complex and often overlapping set of functions: “Cooling”, “Heating”, “Drying”, “Ventilation”, “Timer on/off”, various filters... The difference between high-end models and simpler models - the percentage of defects in a batch of equipment and the service life guaranteed by the manufacturer. The choice of brand is also important. But that's a completely different story.

A modern air conditioner can do more than just cool the air in a room. It still has a lot of features that make it a multi-functional device rather than a simple one. household appliance, capable of only bringing in cool air. In particular, we are now talking about the Heat and Dry functions.

Heat function in air conditioner

It is appropriate when the room is cold. By turning on Heat, the user activates the heating mode, and if the room temperature drops below the user-set temperature, the air conditioner starts heating the air. But there's one here important point: V technical specifications air conditioner is always written minimum value outdoor air temperature at which it is permissible to turn on the air conditioner at all. Most models can work as long as it is -5 C outside the window, and if the device is activated at a temperature of -10 C, for example, then there is a high probability of it breaking.

Some expensive air conditioners (for example, Mitsubishi) can operate at lower temperatures, so if the main goal is to heat the room in winter, then you need to look at models that can operate at -20 C.

Also, air conditioners (including inexpensive ones) can be equipped with a special winter kit, thanks to which the device can also operate for heating in winter.

Dry function

Everything is much simpler here. Dry involves dehumidifying the air in the room. If you feel a lot of moisture in the room, then just activate this mode. The air conditioner will begin to draw in humid air, extract moisture from it and turn it into condensation on the heat exchanger. Excess moisture is then removed through the water drainage tube.

This is the simple operation of these functions; we will also look at the rest in detail, but a little later.

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June 20, 2014

Hello. I’m reading your answers about the TEMP button and I don’t understand your answers. I'll say this. 1. I set the temperature to, for example, 26 degrees. 2. after some time, pressing the TEMP button, the house appears, nothing changes either on the screen or in the operation of the split system at all. 3. I press the temp button again, a thermometer icon appears in the house and the room temperature of 27 degrees appears on the WB of the split. after 5 seconds it disappears and the set 26 degrees appears on the split’s WB. 4. I press temp again and the thermometer sign appears outside the house, but no changes occur either on the remote control or on the WB split. question: why does just a house appear on the first press? What does this mean, why on the second press there is a house with a thermometer icon inside, and the temperature in the room is shown for 5 seconds on the WB of the split. And why then another press where is the house with a remote thermometer? it also does not change or change any information, just like when you first press a button with a simply drawn house. What kind of function do the extra clicks of the picture have? For example, the set tempo is visible on the WB of the split and even on the remote control itself. Why this empty house and the house with the thermometer inserted? Why does the tempo in the room disappear after the second press after 5 seconds? How in general? see the temp in the room again? again in a circle, poke this temp button 3 times? How crazy is the way this function is designed. And one more question: what is the maximum outside temperature at which the split can operate?

/ Eugene /



In order to understand the TEMP button, let's look at the translation of the instructions:

When turned on, the default is to display the set temperature (according to the customer’s request to show the temperature; if such a request is not received, the icon will not be shown on the control panel). Press this button (when showing "house empty") and the preset temperature will be shown; (when showing “House with a thermometer inside”) the room temperature for the ambient air will be shown; “House with a thermometer outside” - the current display status does not change. If the current display shows room temperature for ambient air, then, upon receiving another signal from remote control, the preset temperature will be displayed, and after 5 seconds the ambient temperature will be displayed.

In short, the TEMP button allows you to view the set and actual temperature in the room at any time.

Not all air conditioner models have the ability to read the temperature outside the room, so there is no change when the house icon with a remote thermometer appears.

The maximum air temperature at which the outdoor unit of the air conditioner can operate is +43...+45 degrees C.

Dantex Technical Specialist

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