Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Basic personality defense mechanisms. Mechanisms of psychological defenses. Reactive education: fighting instead of hugging

Basic personality defense mechanisms. Mechanisms of psychological defenses. Reactive education: fighting instead of hugging

During the years of so-called “stagnation”, by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in May 1982, structural unit At the USSR Academy of Sciences, under the auspices of the USSR Ministry of Defense, a Department was created Theoretical Problems USSR Academy of Sciences, as a research institute, with the Department of Spiritual Natural Sciences of Academician V.V. Danilov. The department was engaged in the study of the COMBAT use of esotericism, being, in terms of the range of problems studied, an analogue of the famous German Ahnenerbe - “Heritage of the Ancestors” - where, under the leadership of Academician Danilov, brilliant results were achieved in the field of applied use esoteric knowledge in the military field.

Soviet mystics and esotericists, on the basis of the knowledge gained and their practical application in combat conditions, inform and warn all those who, either by intent, or by ignorance or lack of knowledge, take risks and own life, and the lives of their loved ones and relatives, and if this is also public and politicians, then the lives of hundreds of thousands and millions of people. So, the published material is a SAFETY ALERT for those who intend to self-confidently “expand in the astral plane.”

Modern ufologists know very well how many people are “contactees”, i.e. have telepathic and sometimes visual contact with Cosmic entities. And any professional UFOlogist will warn about the dangers of such contacts.

Therefore, when this or that person, and sometimes even an half-witted politician, with a sense of his own exclusivity, God’s chosenness, declares that he is “connected”, that he is “led” by the forces of Heaven, he should know that ALL LIVING BEINGS are “ connected.” But with whom?

The material world is inhabited by many types of living beings who have subtle bodies that are invisible to our imperfect vision. In this form they easily use subtle energies material world. They easily resonate with vibrating substances, which are all objects and subjects of the material world without exception, and with the help of vibrations they actually control all processes occurring on Earth. Including our consciousness.

Of course, all subjects of the subtle material world (as well as the gross, visible world) have different shapes And varying degrees power. Their existence is ordered even more strictly than in human society. And everyone is assigned an area of ​​responsibility. In accordance with this, there is a hierarchy:

Omnipresent Supreme.

Gods of the (eternal) Beyond World.

Gods of the (temporary) material world.

Servants of the Gods.

Perfume, etc.

Anyone can become a contactor. Either by at will, or against your will. And he will receive information. But the level of contacts depends on the degree of purity and detachment from everything material. Even with the Sages, contact can only arise with Personalities whose qualities are much purer than those of the holy righteous people declared as such according to the HR-ist-an-canons.

Over the past five thousand years, only a few holy righteous people received information directly from the Gods of the material world. For, just as even a man who wants to give flowers to his beloved woman will not resort to the services of a plumber who has not washed his hands, so the Gods will not transmit Knowledge to us through a person like the Jew Blavatsky, prone to drunkenness, nicotine, and foul language. Such information is transmitted only through individuals who, with their entire lives, words and thoughts, have shown humanity an example of holiness.

There can be episodic contact with the Gods of the Beyond World, and even more so with the Supreme Personality Shepherd Lelem, usually not at their own request, and only among the rarest, holy Personalities, completely detached from everything material.

And not only different Gods of the material world, but even the Goddess Maya herself, who personifies illusory energy, can simply help a person by coming into contact with him. The Devil can also help. Representatives can also help alien civilizations, including demonic ones. Most often, “contactees” communicate only with spirits of the lowest level.


“... on the astral plane there are disembodied spirits that should not be transferred to our plane. Occult teaching warns against experiments in evoking and summoning these unwanted inhabitants of those planes. These evocations were made both in ancient and in the Middle Ages. It is a pity that some of the modern psychic researchers do not heed these warnings and risk serious consequences of your madness.

We strongly advise you not to indulge in such reckless experiments in the field of phenomena of the astral planes. One writer has aptly compared "Psychism" to big car, which, drawing a person into its cogwheel, will certainly destroy him. Stay away from the wheels!” (Mystical Christianity. Yogi Ramacharaka).

Every person has a destiny determined at the moment of birth. Including how long he can live in this body.

But fate can be corrected by the efforts made. For example: If a person drinks alcohol or uses drugs, and in this state freezes in the bushes, or drowns in the mud, i.e. left his body prematurely, contrary to his karma, he is punished by the Gods by becoming a spirit, i.e. does not receive a biological body until the end of the previously predetermined period.

Being in the astral plane, such a person, with the lowest consciousness, possesses enormous information and mystical abilities. And at the same time, all this is absolutely useless for the spirit, because every Living being wants to control a situation that has anything to do with him. But without a biological body, the spirit suffers from the inability to perform a basic action - change the TV channel, or even just turn it on, move a cup, etc. And all material desires remain and even increase significantly due to the increased level of awareness. But the spirit has another opportunity - to enter into astral contact with any person, and even with many at once, and in this way, misleading people who are not ready for this, to realize its own plans.

The spirit can pose as an alien, as a Great Sage, as a Teacher, as Jesus Christ, as the Mother of God, as a long-dead person historical figure, for a specific, long-dead relative. At the same time, he will speak in his voice. For authenticity, he reports not only very intimate information from the personal relationship of this deceased with a specific contactee, but also provides special information that seduces him specifically. To a scientist - dictates discoveries. Politicians are promised power and glory and actually help to achieve political career. For those thirsty for material wealth, it points to actually existing treasures, or helps to earn money.

To the contactor, who is by no means leading Divine image life, but thirsting for glory and power, the spirit inspires that he is an as yet unrecognized saint, dedicated, chosen, or even God, incarnated here to fulfill some special mission.

The spirit always presents itself as “light”. Warns that there are also “dark ones”. Often appears before the contactee in subtle body and opens his subtle vision for a while, showing the fool his unusually beautiful, luminous form. Promises him mystical power. Ultimately, he offers to teach him to independently enter the astral plane and become equal to the Gods.

But that's a lie. None of the contactees actually go to the astral plane. The spirits simply show him pictures. Only those who have several chakras open can enter the astral plane. But if a person opens at least a single, even the lowest chakra, he will be able to walk on water, pass through walls, fly through the air and possess many other sidhis. There are only a few such people. Others who “look into the astral plane” are idiots or scammers.

The goal of any spirit is the same: First, to involve a naive, ignorant, ambitious person into the game, who believes that she (he) has already become “clairvoyant”, “clairaudient”... A contactee caught in such bait becomes an obedient toy in the hands of a particular spirit. And one day, during the next exercises, the spirit will help the astral body of the contactee to leave the biological body. But this will only happen with the personal consent of a fool. These are the rules of the game in the astral plane.

And then an incident awaits him - instead of him in biological body a spirit instantly settles in, possessing comprehensive information about the deceived subject and behaving like him. And the contactee who has lost his body, having finally found himself in the astral plane, will suffer and now he himself will look for another simpleton.

Most of those who are carried away by such “contacts” and searches for teachers from the astral plane quickly become drunkards or drug addicts, or end up in mental asylum. Depending on who has taken over their body. If a fool plays, but does not give in completely, his spirit simply kills him. Those. V specific situation controls his behavior in such a way that he will certainly die.

These, although not uncommon, are special cases, and society does not pay attention to them. But when politicians begin to engage in such games, for humanity it ends with the Second World War, Chernobyl and other acts of the “Prince of this world.”

Everything we say here can protect reasonable people from the trap prepared for them by Maya. But it is useless for those who have already fallen into this trap. They read it and don't believe it. For they are under the influence of the strongest illusory energy of the Goddess Maya and God Siva. And they can’t do anything about it. Once you accept the rules of the game, it is impossible to refuse them. This is a contract.

Let's start with the terminology "astral".
"Astre" in Romanian means stars, "astral"- star world.
Thus, astral travel is travel to the stars subtle worlds.
Conventionally, such trips can be divided into:

  • conscious– when you purposefully search for an answer to a certain question and find yourself in worlds where you are given the opportunity to gain such experience;
  • unconscious- spontaneous, when consciousness turns off and you are carried away;
  • dreams- this is a separate conversation.

Unconscious-spontaneous travel

Let me give you a couple of examples from my own practice:

First experience

Happened in the mid-90s, during a session. During a break in preparation for exams, I passed out, felt that my body was left behind, and I was being carried upward, very high and far, and like tunnels were flying by. Suddenly it’s like a bright, huge space, where it’s very comfortable, light and joyful, everything is imbued with love and wisdom. At that time I didn’t smile very often, but here... whether you like it or not, the smile blooms... and everything became one big smile ...You are surrounded by light and love, everything is saturated with lightness, joy, kindness. Everyone is glowing and happy.

Peace, comfort, pleasant sensations... and a great desire to stay there.
But the excursion did not last long; it was time to learn other lessons.
Despite the fact that I already knew how to heal with my hands at that time, I was quite far from esotericism, and only later, when I studied with my mentor from the earthly level, did I learn that this was a journey to the “7th heaven.”

Earth Transition

In the summer of August 2007 or 2008, for a whole month, as soon as I closed my eyes, I saw how 9 Souls - Spiritual Mentors (three triplets) opened and fixed the tunnel for the transition, as they brought solar system etc. etc. Very bright and colorful, powerful impression...

This is not forgotten.
Awareness is gradual, increasingly deep level what I saw then comes with time.
Along with the unconscious ones there were also conscious ones:
Finding a Mentor

I was looking for a personal mentor on an earthly level. A person who could help me realize who I am, why I am here, what is my purpose. To prepare for meditation there was a period of silence, about 10 days (at the time it was the 1st month of the period of four meals a day - Tuesday, Thursday, weekend; vegetarianism; boiled food was also excluded from the diet).
All my aspirations and thoughts were focused on finding answers, and I managed to communicate for several days with one woman, a very bright soul.
The most interesting thing happened 8 months later, when I met this woman in real life and she became my spiritual mentor on the path of growth. Then, checking the dialogues, we were convinced that she, too, was communicating with me at that time.
The woman, as I later found out, has been teaching courses and trainings on spiritual growth since the early 90s.

The next stage was conscious meditation together, when they helped me establish a connection with my soul, then with the Higher Self. There is an article about how to find and receive a spiritual mentor from the subtle worlds in 10 lessons.

Dream– also a kind of journey into subtle worlds. In a dream, what worries our subconscious comes up and we receive lessons on those topics that oppress us.
Let's return to the astral plane and travel.

There were a lot of different trips. There were those that immediately became clear, and there were those that became clear after a certain period of time. Over time I began to notice that travel doesn't solve problems.
It is necessary to decide here and now in the Earthly world.
For some reason we incarnated, we came for a certain experience.
Going only to the astral plane is the path to saturation with subtle heavenly energy, and harmony can be achieved if you are evenly filled with both astral and earthly energy.
Minuses astral travel – a person becomes oversaturated with subtle energy, gets used to running there for a solution, forgetting that there is also a material component.
Very often in the lives of such people there are imbalances of subtle and light energies, and with the embodiment of ideas into the material world the situation is more complicated. As a result, they do not fulfill what they came to Earth for.
A very good counterbalance is grounding, when unity with the material energy of the Earth occurs.
But let's return to the astral plane again.

Yes, in the astral plane you learn a lot and learn interesting and useful things. But if you don’t implement it here and now, it will remain a dead weight.
Therefore, I gradually gave up conscious travel more and more, began to open myself, my chakras, and learned from life through lessons and situations that manifested themselves in real life.
In fact, the astral plane is a platform for learning, but, unlike the material world, lessons go much faster there.
All the fears or problems that exist in us immediately appear there in the form of lessons, situations with which the subtle world confronts us.
Subtle world– the world of creative creativity. Whatever we set our minds to is what we will get.
But let’s tune in not with our brains, but with our consciousness.
Of course, it’s optimal if a mentor takes you there, who will guide you and follow you. You can, of course, walk yourself, but to do this you need to know a few rules.
Safety precautions for any astral travel

  • Under no circumstances should you go into the astral plane under the influence of any drugs (alcohol, drugs, etc.), but only by letting go of your consciousness and relaxing your body. Since the results may be the opposite of what was expected - not discovery and working out, but, on the contrary, blocking and deepening the problem.
  • If your soul is restless, there are fears, there is no mood, it is not recommended to travel to the astral plane. First, calm down, fill yourself with light, warmth and a smile, and only then can you let yourself go on a journey.

The purpose of this article is to provide you with information about leaving your body and astral travel. Description of methods for entering the astral plane in a dream and an idea of ​​the astral world and its phenomena.

Techniques for astral exit from the body and the pre-astral state

Beginning astral travelers have many questions about exit techniques and special conditions when exiting to the astral becomes possible. The main task newbie is a test various techniques and choosing the one that allows you to get best results. About such pre-astral states, as well as about techniques for exiting the body into the astral plane.

There are a number of techniques - simple and very complex, requiring regular practice. Each technology has its advantages and disadvantages, suitable for practice first exit to the astral plane. But first, the elements of the pre-astral state that must be achieved to leave your body:

  • the body is so relaxed that it is almost not felt
  • a clear goal and intention to get into the astral plane
  • experiencing the moment “here and now”, stopping internal dialogue

If you have completely surrendered to out-of-body sensations, then you have reached a pre-astral state.

Simple techniques for entering the astral plane - for home use

  • Sudden awakening

If you were sleeping and suddenly woke up, seize the moment to make a direct exit to the astral plane. Do not open your eyes, do not make movements, remember the intention to leave the body. Rock on the waves of relaxation, turn around yourself, while remaining calm. Try touching yourself, then objects, then distant objects with your phantom hand. This shouldn't scare you, this is what you wanted. You are outside the body.

  • Targeted awakening as a technique for entering the astral plane

You need to wake up to an alarm set 2-3 hours earlier than your usual wake-up time. Do the exercise for 10-15 minutes: lying down, while inhaling, open your eyes, take a long breath in through your nose, then close your eyes and take a long breath out through your nose. As you inhale, visualize your body filling with pure energy. As you exhale, imagine that along with the air, negative, waste energy leaves the body, leaving the body clean. Pause, and again - in a circle. Feel the processes occurring in the body.

After 10-15 minutes of this breathing, close your eyes and plunge into relaxation and your sensations. Do what is described in the sudden awakening technique. Images may open to your inner gaze - follow them, but try, while learning how to enter the astral plane, to resist and not fall into sleep.

This technique for achieving the pre-astral state is good as real help exit from the body to the astral plane, because it does not require additional time for relaxation, and thoughts are concentrated on the intention to get into the astral world.

  • Metronome method for self-exit from the body to the astral plane

Close your eyes to the sound of the metronome and relax. Concentrate on the sound for 20-30 minutes, go completely into this rhythm, feel that you have reached a pre-astral state, and then try to leave the body.

Method of astral exit from the body through meditation music

There is a simple and effective method exit to the astral plane through meditation. Turn on music (it is better to listen with headphones) to develop the subconscious, meditation,... Lying still, listen to music, lose yourself in the sounds, and, feeling completely relaxed, try to do the same as with the sudden awakening technique.

  • This method of entering the astral plane before bed for beginners can be supplemented by deliberately inducing the feeling of falling from a height and soaring.

While lying in a relaxed state and listening to meditative music, focus on the feeling of falling from enormous height. Breathing is calm and deep, full concentration of inner vision on an imaginary point. The exercise will introduce you to the necessary state for leaving the body to the astral plane, will help you emerge from the physical body.

The advantage of the described techniques is their simplicity. They are perfect for the first acquaintance with astral practice, for learning how to enter the astral plane before going to bed. With their help, you can quickly achieve results, gain experience of astral exits and travel, but the downside is their energy consumption.

There is another drawback - due to their simplicity, these methods do not always work. In addition, they provide a short time stay in the astral plane. And yet, they are worth using.

Is there a difference between lucid dreaming and astral dreaming?

Being in an altered state, how can you distinguish a dream from the astral plane? There is certainly a difference. Lucid dreaming is essentially sleep control. In this state, a person can hear everything that happens in the room next to the physical body, but is only able to control himself, but not events.

Pay attention to the colors. In a dream they are bright, while the astral is devoid of color. B is separated etheric body, so-called ethereal double lucid dream you can see your hands, and more. A lucid dream is a movie that the dreamer himself creates and changes at will. Awareness is far from reality, while the astral is a parallel world, but with different laws.

What does it feel like to enter the astral plane in a dream?

Yes, the astral world is a parallel world with different laws. You can get into it using the direct exit of the spirit and consciousness from the body. Exit to the astral plane is accompanied by a hum in the ears, slight vibration and separation of the subtle astral bodies A. These are signs of entering the astral plane in a dream, and you are literally leaving the physical body.

The Astral represents a world as close as possible to the material, but differing in details. By engaging in the practice of entering the astral plane, creating, experimenting with the astral and physical body, a clear feeling comes that our world is an endlessly long dream.

Are there dangers of entering the astral plane?

You can often hear about the danger of entering the astral plane. But should we be afraid of this? The most common danger of the technique of awareness and astral travel is considered to be sleep paralysis. This phenomenon has been known since ancient times.

Sleep paralysis manifests itself as complete numbness of the body, pressure in the chest and helplessness.

Almost everyone experiences this state, whether they practice awareness or not. It goes by quickly. And if you don’t panic and relax, then it will be even faster. When entering the astral plane in a dream, sleep paralysis can occur due to a sharp return when consciousness has returned to normal, but the body has not yet reacted.

Another imaginary danger of astral travel is considered to be non-return to the physical body.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of this either, because it’s not the soul that travels, but the consciousness. A person who has recently begun astral practices only needs to think about his physical body, and he instantly finds himself in it. And getting into the astral world is much more difficult than returning.

The exit itself is interesting from the perspective of testing new sensations. So let's get out there and start exploring the astral planes! The most interesting experiences begin exactly after the exit!

Techniques for entering the astral plane are divided into three types. Each type has its own level of awareness. Indirect method, exit immediately after sleep. Not fully awakened, consciousness is in an intermediate state; if it is directed correctly, given the task, it can transfer to the astral body.

Method of awareness in a dream. Having realized that we are not sleeping, we can direct our consciousness in the direction we need.
Direct method of exit without sleep. In this case, the body should be as relaxed as possible and in a state of trance.
If anyone thinks that he has never entered the astral plane, he is deeply mistaken. During sleep, our consciousness very often passes into the astral body. Then we see how we fly, glide over the ground, rush at breakneck speed, see our room, and so on.
The following techniques can be performed for any type of exit.

Rocking technique.
We try to imagine how our body begins to sway, as if on a swing. The slightest feeling arose and continued to rock. Let's try for two or three minutes. When the sensations persist, we try to tear ourselves away from the body. Let's try to separate the physical and astral bodies. You can just try to get up, it often works. If it doesn’t work, let’s move on to the next one.

Rotation technique.
Try to imagine rotation in a horizontal plane in any direction. If you experience a real or even slight sensation of rotation, you need to focus on the technique and spin even more. As soon as this sensation becomes stable and real, you need to try to separate again, starting the separation movement with the rotational sensations obtained from the technique.

Observation of images.
Suitable for those who have no problems with visualization. We begin to peer into the emptiness before our eyes without opening them. If an image appears, peer at it until it becomes realistic, after which you should try to separate from the body. You need to look through the picture, which is why it will become realistic.

Creation of an astral double.
This is a separate technique.
You can start by visualizing your hands, try to see, squeeze your palms, feel them, move your fingers and stretch your hand up or forward to reach for them.
Imagine a small cloud above you. Start condensing it and making it look like you. After this, transfer your consciousness to the copy. You will be in a double, and the physical body will lie below.

Here's what one of the most famous astrologers, Richard Webster, says:
"One of the main obstacles in the path of students is fear. Many are afraid that they may die or that some harm may come to them during their journey. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Canterbury Institute, famous for its occult research, conducted an experiment with the release of the astral body, which involved more than 2000 people, none of them suffered from this, and later also no one encountered new problems.
Firstly, you should understand in advance that once you take this path, you cannot go back - if you manage to master astral projection, it will become a part of your life once and for all. Secondly, the best way out when meeting during experiments with strange things there will be a study of them. You will have to learn to control situations that arise in the astral world and control your fear.

The first thing you need to do is acknowledge the existence of fear and face it head on. Then, having defeated him, you will be able to feel like a master in the astral world and his manifestations will not have power over you."

So, the first thing you need to take care of when making an astral flight is overcoming your own fear, which can greatly harm a novice astroflyer. A person’s consciousness, and in particular his emotions, have the property of attracting events that are similar in structure to themselves. On the astral plane, this law operates more intensely than in the physical world, and negative emotions can “attract” the inhabitants of the astral plane who feed on these emotions. Therefore, the first thing you need to take care of when entering the astral plane is creating an installation that reflects the safety of departure. If leaving the body seems dangerous to you, you can use special rituals. These include prayer, calls to Divine beings capable of protecting you, such as guardian angels, Archangel Michael, etc., meditation on White light, pronunciation of various mantras - find your method.
This is recommended not only for protection, but also for the sake of raising your vibrations. Spiritual practices, mantras, prayers, the energy of Light and Love, books, images and/or music that enlighten the consciousness guarantee not only safety, but also falling into the most sublime interesting places astral

Before making trips to the Astral, we advise you to think about your own safety. If the body is roughly disturbed during sleep or astral wandering, a stressful situation. The physical body will immediately give a signal to the astral “I” - and it will immediately rush in, no matter how far away it is.

This fantastic speed turns the return into terrible power blow to nervous system. You will wake up in overwhelming fear and with your heart pounding. A sleeping person should not be awakened by a rude shout of “Get up!” You need to quietly call him by name several times, gently touch him, and shake him slightly. Warn your family about this.

Before the session, a skilled wanderer takes the most comfortable, relaxed position. Make sure that you do not hurt your arm or leg - otherwise, in the absence of the astral body for a long time, necrosis of one of the limbs may develop. Imagine the whole nightmare of your situation when, having returned to the physical shell, you discover that you have lost an arm or a leg!

There must be complete confidence that no one will think of changing your comfortable position. The fact is that this will disrupt the connection with the traveling astral body, which will complicate and slow down the subsequent reunion. The physical body must be protected from falling, say, from a bed.

If you have a cat or dog, make sure it is in another room and is quiet. If during astral travel a cat jumps on your stomach, it will not seem like much. Barking and gnashing of claws on the door of your room will also greatly interfere with astral flight, just like phone call and other unexpected noises.

In addition, astral adventures so captivate newcomers that they try to dissociate themselves from our physical world, withdraw into themselves, cut off contacts even with loved ones, and a simple reminder of everyday problems causes furious irritation, turning into depression.
- Who are these little people around? - the newly converted “astro-pilot” asks himself. - What do they understand about the great work that I am doing?
The fact of the matter is that “they” do not understand anything, including your suddenly acquired greatness. "Little people" are at first indignant at your strange behavior, and then they begin to look even more strangely: guy, is your “roof” firmly held?

Thoughts about astral experiences, if left uncontrolled, can completely distract your attention and lead to tragic consequences. Self-absorbed people fall into pits, get hit by cars, fall out of windows, and provoke hooligans.

The uncontrolled use of “power substances” is even more dangerous. Enthusiastic neophytes sometimes do not suspect that it is quite possible to do without hallucinogens. The teacher usually resorts to such a drug no more than once in order to demonstrate to the student a world inaccessible to the senses. The separation of the physical and astral bodies under the influence of hallucinogens is violent, and the experience gained as a result of this is very blurred due to the confusion of feelings and the blurring of the boundaries of the astral and physical planes.

Modern researchers consider exits to the Astral plane to be influenced by chemical compounds unclean. After several such sessions, the door to another dimension will remain slightly open. On the physical plane, the consequences will be headaches, dizziness, partial loss of memory, instant loss of consciousness and even paralysis. Continuation of such experiments will lead to “voices, visual and other hallucinations. The situation will end no better than for patients with delirium tremens.
Likewise, never try to "come out" while under the influence of alcohol. This drug promotes advancement into only one of the possible altered states of consciousness - into delirium tremens with all its spiders, rats, snakes and huge mutant cats.

If safety precautions are followed, then there is nothing to worry about. Every night, we unconsciously find ourselves in the astral plane, and we don’t even think about it. So be brave. Have fun flying!

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