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The icon of Archangel Michael is a very strong protection. Prayer to Archangel Michael - strong protection

Prayers to Archangel Michael

“Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them, like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly forces of the Cherubim and Seraphim, wake us an assistant in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, and calling your name Holy. Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us with the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius , and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the saints Heavenly Forces.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from a coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from a flattering enemy, from a tormented storm, from the evil one, deliver us always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Archangel Michael of God, with Your lightning sword, banish from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen."

This is very rare prayer, which is written on the porch of the Church of the Archangel Michael the Miracle Monastery (Kremlin, 1906.)

Write on a piece of paper the names of all your loved ones (children, parents, husband, wife) and name them all where (name) is written.

But 2 times a year - from September 18 to 19 (the feast of the Archangel Michael) and from November 20 to 21 (Mikhail Day) you need to pray for the dead - calling everyone by name (and at the same time add the phrase "and all relatives according to the flesh up to Adam's tribe". This is done at 12 o'clock at night. Thus, the sins of your kind are forgiven.
A rare prayer to the Archangel Michael.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

O Lord God the Great, King Without Beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help your servant (name), remove me from my enemies, visible and invisible! O Lord Archangel Michael, pour out the myrrh of moisture on your servant (name). O Lord Michael the Archangel, destroyer of demons! Forbid all the enemies Fighting with me, make them like sheep and crush them like dust before the face of the wind. Oh Lord great michael Archangel, six-winged first prince and governor of weightless forces, Cherubim and Seraphim! O Lord, pleasing Michael the Archangel! Help me in everything: in insults, in sorrows, in sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and on the seas, a quiet haven! Deliver, Michael the Archangel, from all the charms of the devil, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling on your holy name, speed up my help, and hear my prayer, O Great Archangel Michael! Lead all those who oppose me with the power of the honest life-giving cross Lord, prayers Holy Mother of God and the Holy Apostles, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Andrew the Holy Fool and the Holy Prophet of God Elijah, and the Holy Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, the Reverend Father of all saints and martyr and all the holy powers of heaven. Amen.

Oh, Great Michael the Archangel, help me your sinful servant (name), deliver me from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword and a flattering enemy, from a storm, from invasion and from the evil one. Deliver me, your servant (name), the great Archangel Michael, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

With this strong prayer you can turn to the powerful Archangel Michael, who will help get rid of trouble and evil. Read this prayer and you yourself will feel the power and strength that it prevails.

“I appeal to the King of Heaven, to Our Father, to the Great Creator! God, send Your Heavenly Warrior, the demons of the Crusher, the Servant of the blue and the first ray, Archangel Michael to (your name or the names of loved ones), so that He saves us from the unclean power, protects us from visible and invisible enemies, and He sows Your Holy love into everyone's soul .

Oh Lord Great! I know that Your Power is limitless, I know that there is nothing that can resist You and the Host of Heaven. I have always believed in You, Lord, and now I continue to believe, and therefore I dare to pray to You to help me in (describe the situation or name the people who are at enmity with you). Send Your Heavenly Angel, Archangel Michael, to help me resist all evil on Earth and deliver us from everything unclean and evil.

Mighty Archangel Michael, I appeal to you with a request that You help me in life so that no one can harm me, I pray You also help my loved ones in order to avoid troubles, troubles and grief. Deliver us from the temptations of the devil, as well as from demons and all damned evil spirits.

I believe in You Archangel Michael, I believe that You will help me, I believe that You will not leave me in trouble. I beg you, hear my prayer and help me. I really hope for You and Your help. Thank you Lord the Great and Archangel Michael. Amen."

Prayer to Archangel Michael
Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before Doomsday weaken, repent of my sins, from the net that catches, deliver my soul and bring me to the God who created it, who sits on the Cherubim, and pray for her diligently, but by your intercession I will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the Heavenly Forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, praying to you for help and your intercession, in this world and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

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Saint Archangel Michael is revered by the Orthodox Church as a very strong protector. Also in Old Testament he is mentioned as the supreme angel, who led the struggle between the forces of light and the dark, and cast the devil into hell. For this and various miracles associated with his intercession, Archangel Michael is prayed for protection from demons, witchcraft, conspiracies. Protects Michael from quite earthly enemies: evil people, thieves, rapists, malefactors. A protective prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is recommended to be read before leaving the house and in case of perceived or real danger. In addition to the usual daily ones, there is also a very rare very strong protective prayer Archangel Michael, which was written on the porch of the Miracle Monastery in the Kremlin.

What saints can still read protective prayers?

In addition to the Archangel Michael, protective prayers can be read to many more Orthodox saints. It is important to determine what exactly you need protection from. Despite the fact that you can pray to God, the Mother of God and the saints in any need, there are still saints to whom God for their deeds granted the grace to protect and protect us. So, they pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for protection from girlish dishonor, misfortunes along the way. The Holy Martyrs Cyprian and Justinia are asked to be protected from sorcerers, magicians, corruption, demonic obsessions.

Do not forget to pray for protection from evil to your Guardian Angel - he is your first and closest intercessor and guardian, who is always there and ready to help at the first call. Strong protective prayers are also prayers to the Living God in the help of the Most High and May God rise again and scatter against him.

Listen to the video protective prayer to the Archangel Michael

In addition to reading protective prayers, in order to protect yourself from troubles, it is necessary to live a church life.

The Holy Orthodox Church does not tire of warning us against using various security conspiracies. What can be prayers to God, who alone controls our lives? Therefore, one should not perceive defensive prayers as something magical and generally remember prayer only when we need something from God.

The most best protection is our sincere faith in God when we commit our lives into His hands. In addition, it is necessary to go to church, attend divine services, participate in church sacraments - confession, communion. Thus, we will always be under the protection of God and the Guardian Angel. And the daily prayer rule includes the 90th psalm, and many other protective prayers, so those who pray in the morning and evening do not need to read them additionally, except perhaps in some special emergency cases.

Orthodox text of a strong prayer to the Archangel Michael for protection from dark forces

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, from the net that catches, save my soul and bring me to the God who created it, who settles on the cherubim, and pray for her diligently, but with your intercession she will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the heavenly forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. O all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying for your help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

Another protective prayer to the holy Archangel Michael is a very strong defense against enemies

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Thy Archangel Michael to help Thy servants ( name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius , and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

The strongest prayer for protection from evil and ailments is a prayer to the Archangel Michael. Read the text of the prayer to Archangel Michael for very strong protection for free with us!

O Lord God the Great, King Without Beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help your servant (name), remove me from my enemies, visible and invisible! O Lord Archangel Michael, pour out the myrrh of moisture on your servant (name). O Lord Michael the Archangel, destroyer of demons! Forbid all the enemies Fighting with me, make them like sheep and crush them like dust before the face of the wind. O Lord, the great Michael the Archangel, the six-winged first prince and governor of weightless forces, Cherubim and Seraphim! O Lord, pleasing Michael the Archangel! Help me in everything: in insults, in sorrows, in sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and on the seas, a quiet haven! Deliver, Michael the Archangel, from all the charms of the devil, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling on your holy name, speed up my help, and hear my prayer, O Great Archangel Michael! Lead all those who oppose me with the power of the honest life-giving cross of the Lord, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Apostles, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Andrew the Holy Fool and the Holy Prophet of God Elijah, and the Holy Great Martyr Nikita and Eustace, the Reverend Father of all saints and martyr and all the holy powers of heaven. Amen. Oh, Great Michael the Archangel, help me your sinful servant (name), deliver me from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword and a flattering enemy, from a storm, from invasion and from the evil one. Deliver me, your servant (name), the great Archangel Michael, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Every day new people appear in our lives, quarrels and reconciliations occur, previously close people move away, and strangers become relatives. Over the course of life, there are positive points, and negative, which are fraught with anger, resentment, deceit and envy.

It happens that friends become sworn enemies wishing each other all sorts of troubles and hardships. And sometimes, in extreme cases, offended people bring the matter to different kind sorcerers for the purpose of harming another person. In order to protect yourself from this kind of adverse influences, you need to turn to God.

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Prayer for very strong protection to Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is one of the strongest protectors human body and spirit. No wonder he is so revered by the Orthodox Church. According to the scriptures, he is the leader of the army of God and the supreme angel. It was under the leadership of Archangel Michael that the angels fought against the devil.

On some icons, the angel is depicted with long sword in the hand, cutting off human anxieties and fears. Archangel Michael helps not only to get rid of weaknesses and temptations, but also to protect oneself from external evil.

There is a prayer for very strong protection against:

  • temptations;
  • evil;
  • witchcraft;
  • robbery and assault;
  • evil eye;
  • ill-wishers;
  • tragic events.

This prayer, written on the porch of the Church of the Archangel Michael. According to the tragic events of the October Revolution, it was blown up. If you apply this prayer to the archangel every day, you can get protection from earthly torment not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

In some places of the prayer, the word "Name" is written in brackets. To read a prayer, write down on a piece of paper the names of your relatives for whom you intend to pray, and read the list in all the missing places.

You can listen to the audio recording of the prayer:

Prayer for every day

Absolutely any person can turn to Archangel Michael with a prayer, regardless of his age, race, gender, nationality and place of residence. The archangel will patronize even the most staunch atheist if his prayer comes from a pure heart.

It is worth praying to Michael if:

  • You have lost your way in life and lost your purpose;
  • You are preparing for a long trip, a flight;
  • Your heart is restless. Anxiety, fears torment;
  • You lack the patience and internal forces to overcome difficulties;

Daily prayer will help protect yourself from the evil eye, all sorts of adversities and misfortunes. As soon as you feel the influence of negative forces, you should immediately turn to the Archangel with the following words:

The holy and great Archangel of God Michael, the inscrutable and all-important Trinity, the first in the Angels to the primate, the kind of human guardian and guardian, crushing from his army the head of the proud Dennitsa in heaven and confounding his malice and deceit on earth! We resort to you with faith and we pray to you with love: wake the shield indestructible and take it firmly Holy Church and our Orthodox Fatherland, protecting them with your lightning sword from all enemies, visible and invisible. Do not leave, O Archangel of God, with your help and intercession, and us, glorifying today holy name yours: behold, if we are many sinners, both of us do not want to perish in our iniquities, but to turn to the Lord and be quickened from Him for good deeds. Illuminate our mind with the light of the face of God, and I will bring it out to shine on your lightning-like forehead, so that we can understand what is the will of God for us, good and perfect, and lead everything that is befitting for us to do and even despise and leave. Strengthen by the grace of the Lord our weak will and our feeble will, yes, having established ourselves in the law of the Lord, we will stop the rest of the earthly thoughts and lusts of the flesh, being carried away in the likeness of senseless children by the soon-perishing beauties of this world, as if for the sake of the perishable and earthly it is insane to forget the eternal and heavenly. Above all of these, ask us from above for the spirit of true repentance, unhypocritical sadness according to Bose and contrition for our sins, but the number of days of our temporary belly remaining for us is dependent not in pleasing our feelings and working with our passion, but in eradicating the evils committed by us, with tears of faith and contrition of the heart, feats of purity and holy deeds of mercy. When the hour of our end approaches, liberation from the bonds of this mortal body, do not leave us. Archangel of God, defenseless against the spirits of malice in the heavenly places, who used to block the soul of mankind from ascending to the mountain, yes, guarding you, we will without fail reach these glorious villages of paradise, where there is sadness, no sighing, but life is endless, and, being able to see the bright face of the All-good Lord and Master ours, falling with tears at His feet, in joy and tenderness we exclaim: glory to Thee, our dear Redeemer, even for Thy great love for us, the unworthy, deigned to send Thy Angels to serve our salvation! Amen.

Below is a video of this prayer to the Archangel:

If suddenly the text of the prayer was not nearby, you can turn to the saint for patronage in your own words, the main thing is that it be from a pure heart.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces

It is worth noting that in Russia there are many churches named after the Archangel, in every shop his icons are sold. Throughout the country there is no house of God, where his face would not be imprinted on icons, frescoes, icons. Remember that wherever you are, you can always turn to Archangel Michael for help and protection from evil forces.

Many believe that prayer to the archangel is a kind of spell or amulet. This is an erroneous opinion, inherent in many people who pray unconsciously. Prayer does not have its own power, it is an appeal to God through a saint, in this case through Archangel Michael. We pray to the saint that he turns to the Lord, so that he, in turn, pays attention to sinners.

There are no strong and weak prayers, there are no strong and weak saints, you should not think that one prayer can help better than another. The most important thing in prayer is your sincerity and desire to open your soul before God, who will patronize you and help you in the conversion of the saints.

With these words they turn to the supreme angel in order to protect themselves from evil forces and diseases:

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, the servants of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen us from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil and make us shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but make us worthy there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for the dead

Holy Archangel of God Michael, if my relatives (the names of the deceased ... and relatives in the flesh up to Adam's knee) are in the lake of fire, then take them out of eternal flame with your blessed wing and bring them to the Throne of God and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive them their sins. Amen.

Prayer from negative impact

Since the Archangel is the head of the heavenly army, they turn to him for protection from enemies, ailments, pray for the return of the soldiers home, the integrity and strength of the Fatherland in turbulent times. Also, with the help of prayer, they turn to Michael when building a new house or buying an apartment in order to protect it from uninvited guests, thieves and other troubles.

Fall on me with the grace of your Archangel Michael, help me expel the devilish power that cannot resist the light that descended from the heavens of Your daylight. I beg you to extinguish the arrows of evil with your breath. Holy Archangel Michael and all Heavenly Powers, pray for me, who is suffering and asking. May the Lord take away from me the destructive thoughts that haunt and torment me. Save me Lord from despair, doubts in faith and bodily fatigue. Terrible and Great Guardian of the Lord, Archangel Michael, cut off with your fiery sword those who wish to destroy me and wish me evil. Stand guard over my house, protect all who live in it and my property. Amen

Let all adversity bypass you. God bless you!

Archangel Michael is repeatedly found on the pages of Holy Scripture. He appeared to Joshua and the prophet Daniel, in the book of Revelation he is the main fighter against the devil. IN Orthodox Church Archangel Michael is considered the defender of the faith and a fighter against false teachings and various evils. According to legend, the Archangel will determine the fate of souls during the Last Judgment.

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It is believed that the heavenly intercessor will certainly help everyone who turns to him with faith and hope.

    When do they contact Michael?

    IN Holy Scripture Archangel Michael is called "the leader of the army of the Lord."

    They pray to the heavenly warrior in all difficult situations, but they especially often turn to the Archangel in the following cases:

    • in troubles and temptations;
    • for protection from evil forces;
    • from enemies;
    • to heal diseases.

      Since Michael leads the heavenly host, they pray to him:

      • about protection from enemies in wartime;
      • about the safe return of military personnel home.

      The so-called "evil eyes" are not dangerous for a believer who has such an intercessor before evil forces.

      The heart of a person who reads prayers to the Archangel Michael will not be tempted by the machinations of the evil one.

      The strongest prayer to the Archangel, uttered sincerely and with faith in the heart, will help in cases where it seems that there is no more hope.

      There are several prayers both in Church Slavonic and in Russian.

      Pray to Archangel Michael if the son or daughter cannot choose the right one life path. They also ask about travelers - if the children have a long trip, they should definitely turn to the Archangel for help.

      If there is no text of prayers at hand, and someone close needs help, you can ask the Archangel for heavenly protection in ordinary words.

      The shortest but effective prayer messenger: "Archangel Michael, pray to God for us."

      prayer service

      If someone close is in the field of hostilities or there is a danger to his life, you should visit Orthodox church and order a prayer service to Archangel Michael. In a note, you can name not only these people, but also all relatives and relatives. When the priest reads a prayer service, it is advisable for the applicant to personally attend the temple and participate in the service, since Orthodox prayers These are not spells that need only be subtracted.

      The text can be found in full Orthodox prayer books, or published as a separate book. If you have time and a hearty disposition, you can read prayers on your own. It is advisable to ask the priest how often to read a prayer service, it depends on each individual case.

      Protective Prayer

      If someone took up arms against a person, he experiences difficulties in the team, envious people wish evil - you should ask the Angel for intercession before God, this will be a prayer shield of a person.

      The text of the protective prayer:

      “O Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, the servant of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen us from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil and make us shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but make us worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever.

      The strongest protection against enemies and temptations is given by a rare prayer, which was found on the porch of the Temple of the Archangel Michael in the Kremlin.

      daily prayer

      If an unforeseen danger arose - even short prayer will bring salvation. The proposed text can also be included in daily morning and evening prayers.

The Holy Archangel Michael, whose name means: the one who is equal to God, is revered not only by the Orthodox. He is revered in almost all religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. It is believed that this is the most important angel, fighting against evil forces, helping and protecting a person from them.

Therefore, on icons, the Archangel is depicted with a long, sharp sword in his hand. With this weapon he wins evil forces, cuts off human fears, anxieties. He saves people from evil, deceit, removes temptations.

Exists daily prayer Archangel Michael - very strong protection on every day. Its text can be found in this article. But first, let's find out who and in what cases should seek help from the Chief Angel:

Who can apply for help?

Every person can turn to Archangel Michael, regardless of gender, age, race, nationality. Even a convinced atheist can ask for help and support at any time. The saint patronizes and helps everyone who turns to him.

The Chief Angel will help those who are confused in the current situation, cannot find a way out of it, or cannot choose a goal in life. Confused people turn to prayer, seeking help or protection from evil. Daily miraculous prayer Archangel Michael will protect from tragic incidents, from war, natural disasters, death. Protect from enemies, thieves, dashing people, protect from trouble and sorrow.

How to apply?

The Orthodox Church celebrates the day of St. Michael the Archangel on September 19. On this day, believers turn to him with ancient prayers, ask for help in specific situations. Daily is recommended to read every day, regardless of the date.

Turning to the Archangel, people ask to give them strength, courage on the way to achieving their goal. They turn about the gift of endurance, patience, about getting rid of fears, anxieties that torment, torment human soul. The saint will definitely help, point out the way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

When a person asks for help sincerely, from the bottom of his heart, the Archangel will definitely help. In general, everything is very simple, even if you do not remember the words of the prayer. You can turn to him simply with the words: “Archangel Michael, please help me!” This is enough for him to come to the rescue.

In addition, you can apply with any specific request to help in solving a specific problem. Read the prayer, then from the bottom of your heart ask the Archangel to help solve it. You will be surprised how soon you will receive help from the most unexpected sources.

daily prayer Archangel Michael

This prayer is a very strong protection for every day for every person. It is pronounced to protect yourself, your family and friends from any evil. Read daily, anytime.

The text of the prayer is:

“Lord, Great God, King without beginning!

Send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible.

Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael!

Archangel, six-winged first prince, governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim and all the saints.

O Pleasing Michael the Archangel!

Keeper inexpressible, wake us a great helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and on the seas, a quiet haven.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael!

Deliver us from all the charms of the evil devil, when you hear us, sinners (name), praying to You, calling on Your Holy name, hasten to help us and hear our prayer.

O Great Archangel Michael!

Conquer everything that opposes us, by the power of the Honorable and Life-giving Heavenly Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels and holy apostles, the holy prophet of God Elijah, the holy great Nicholas, the archbishop of Mir Lycian miracle worker, St. , reverend father and holy hierarchs and martyrs and all the holy powers of heaven.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael!

Help us, Thy sinful servants (name), deliver us from a coward, a flood, from fire and a sword, from vain death, from all evil and from a flattering enemy, and from a storm that is reproached, and from the evil one deliver us, great Michael the Archangel of the Lord, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Michael the Archangel for every day is miraculous and will protect you from enemies, evil people, unexpected tragic events. Prevent attack, robbery, protect you and your home from thieves. Believers know many wonderful facts when this prayer really saved a person's life. IN right time turn to Archangel Michael for help, and he will definitely come to the rescue!

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