Home Grape How to get rid of adware virus. Tired of advertising in the browser - delete and block it. Uninstall unknown, suspicious and unused programs

How to get rid of adware virus. Tired of advertising in the browser - delete and block it. Uninstall unknown, suspicious and unused programs

Users encounter a problem while working on a computer. Annoying advertisements pop up unnecessarily in the browser when opening websites. Numerous studies have been devoted to the study of the problem. scientific dissertations, groups are created among users to combat spam.
Numerous and flashy advertising banners not only distract, but also consume extra Internet traffic

After clicking anywhere on the site page, a window appears with an advertising offer of a dubious nature. The presence of this problem indicates the presence of a malicious AdWare application, unwanted extensions, and something else. In this instruction, we will figure out what to do when an advertisement pops up in your browser, how to remove it and enjoy surfing.

How to remove ads from your browser automatically

It is possible to block pop-up windows automatically without changing the internal settings of the computer, using special programs. By its nature, pop-up advertising is not a virus, so antivirus programs it is not detected. There are tools that remove these potentially dangerous applications. Before using methods to remove ads in your browser automatically, you first need to try AdwCleaner, which is distributed free of charge and can be easily installed on your computer device. This program will identify and remove unwanted software, clean the Windows registry and eliminate other junk that clogs your computer device.

How to remove ads using Hitman Pro and Malwarebytes Antimalware

Using Hitman Pro helps identify Trojans, rootkits, worms and remove this Chinese crap from your computer. This program is available on the English-language website - surfright.nl/en. When you launch the application, the commands are displayed in Russian. The application is free to use for thirty days, after which you will have to pay.

Hitman Pro - malware scanner

After launching the application, you only need to select the system scanning option once; you do not need to install this program on your computer device. The computer device will be automatically scanned for the presence of malicious elements. At the end of the process, viruses are identified and removed, thanks to which anti-advertising appears. After restarting the computer, you will see if the problem is resolved.

Another tool for cleaning your browser from viruses and advertising is Malwarebytes Antimalware - free program from advertising. It is used to clean browsers - Google browser, Mozilla, Opera.

Malwarebytes Antimalware - the program will help identify and remove malicious programs on your PC

This program is also used to remove advertising in the Yandex browser forever. To block ads, you need to launch the application to scan the system. Once threats are identified, they are removed. Then you need to restart the computer device, open the browser and check for the presence of harmful elements.

When, after removing advertising, a message appears in the browser that it cannot connect to the proxy server

If advertising has been blocked by the user, either manually or automatically, some sites may stop loading and an error message will appear in the browser. The following steps will help solve this problem:

  • Open Settings in Control Panel and select the display type - icons.
  • Then in the browser properties, in the connections section, open Network settings.
    Mark the items as in the picture
  • Check the line “Automatic detection...”.
  • Uncheck the bottom line “Use a proxy server...”

How to remove ads manually

  1. RSTUpdater.exe, Conduit,.
  2. CodecDefaultKernel.exe, Websocial, Awesomehp.
  3. Mobogenie, Babylon.
  4. Search Protect.
  5. Рirritdesktop.

If these elements are identified, they are subject to immediate destruction. If users then suspect the presence of other dangerous elements not listed in this list, the network is searched for new threats. They are then added to the list above.

Removing programs that cause advertising

To eliminate harmful elements, open the programs folder in the Control Panel. If you identify dangerous applications listed in the list, destroy them. Restart your computer.

Malware, in some cases, can be removed through the OS section Uninstalling or changing programs

If the list contains unknown names, you need to carefully study them and compare them with those indicated in the list. Eliminate identified suspicious elements.

There is no need to worry about damage to your computer due to this removal. To avoid accidentally deleting a text editor or browser, you must first sort applications by installation date. Recently installed programs should be at the top of the list. Determine the approximate date the malvertising appeared, add 3 days (before and after) to this range and select applications that fall within this date. Destroying harmful elements will not completely rid your computer of Adware.

The presence of malware can be detected by suspicious processes in the Program Manager

The following actions:

  • Enter Windows Task Manager.
  • In Windows 7, switch to Processes. In Windows 8 or 8.1 – Details.
  • Select - Display processes...users.
  • Find the names of dangerous extensions in the list.
  • If you identify a process of a dubious nature, click the mouse and finish. If the process starts again, the browser is checked for harmful advertising and an error message.
  • If the process cannot be completed, a click is performed and its location in the system opens, which must be remembered.
  • Click on Win and R, type msconfig and select OK.
  • After entering Download, select the mode – safe and click on OK.
    Sometimes malicious processes are disguised as system processes
  • Reboot your computer device.

In this mode, go to Settings located in the Control Panel and select display hidden files. Open the folder with the dangerous element and delete everything inside. Run msconfig and remove dubious items from startup. Eliminate startup in this mode and restart the computer. Check for extensions in your browser.

Sometimes running Windows processes (services) are checked. The registry contains a link to this process by name. If, after destroying dangerous applications, a proxy server error appears, you must follow the steps indicated above.

Removing browser extensions from Adware

Helper applications that are used in the browser to perform assigned tasks are called extensions. To block ads on the site, an extension is used that shows the degree of trust in the site. There are many extensions that are independently installed in the browser without the knowledge of users. This often happens during the installation of various programs. And when the browser starts, the extensions are activated.

Check your browser extensions often, malicious plugins are often installed without the user's knowledge

For this reason, most often, dangerous elements pop up in the browser, and not just because of the presence of viruses in the computer device. To check for extensions and block ads, you need to go to the list of extensions and turn off dubious elements. Tests are used to determine those installed extensions that cause dangerous advertising. They are removed. Sometimes extensions that were previously beneficial can begin to harm your computer. Extensions can be managed in different browsers as follows. Anti-advertising is removed by disabling extensions. For this:

  • Open the application and enter settings.
  • Then - additionally - tools - extensions.
  • Check the list and disable extensions.
  • After the advertisement has disappeared, the extension that was previously used is enabled.

You can disable it by logging into extensions through tools. The tools are in the settings.

You need to disable it by removing extensions in your browser. You need to open the settings menu. In the extension management section, disable everything except the antivirus.

IN Mozilla Firefox open the settings menu in the browser. Then select additional and extensions. Disable all extensions. Go into Plugins and disable everything except Shockwave Flash, Google Update, Java™ Platform, Java Deployment.

In Internet Explorer, pop-up blocking works differently. Service opens, then settings and a toolbar in which all identified extensions are disabled.

Changes in the hosts file that are introduced by the ad spoofing virus

Check the addresses in the host file

To correct changes, you must enter notepad. You must log into your computer using an administrator account. After that, enter the menu, find and open the file, specify the display of files. Then go to Windows/System32/drivers/ets/, and then open hosts. Delete the lines below the last line from the grid. Save this file.

Adblock to remove ads

The first action that users take after identifying a pop-up advertisement is to use the Adblock extension. This ad blocking program is not always able to help in the fight against pop-ups and Adware, since it often blocks regular site advertising instead of blocking malware. Adblock for Yandex browser helps block harmful advertising in this browser. The application works as an ad blocker in other browsers.

To install, it is better to install an extension with the exact name AdBlock or Adblock Plus, as there are many other extensions with a similar name that cause malicious windows to appear.

AdBlock is one of the best extensions for blocking online advertising

If the above methods helped, the ad block is completed and it does not appear. Only the start pages have changed. To correct this situation, the settings do not need to be changed. You need to remove the previous browser shortcuts that launch the browser and install new ones.


The above programs are relevant in the fight against anti-advertising when opening social network pages. Using these applications, you can remove advertising in Odnoklassniki, Facebook contacts and other sites where Vulcan Casino, Google ads and other malicious advertising constantly pop up. Users should exercise caution when downloading programs or extensions from the Internet. To download, you should use only official and trusted sites.

After reading the article, the problem when advertising pops up in the browser should go away. Ask questions to the experts.

: auto mode

Dr.Web CureIt! healing utility

A fairly well-known and good program aimed at problems of precisely this nature. Upon download and installation free version immediately warns that data about detected viruses is sent to the server, without sending it is possible only for money. Maybe that’s why it works well, because every day, in quantities of thousands, it sends reports to programmers, including “newly created” viruses.

The utility is intended for temporary use and is not located in active system files - it is downloaded and installed without installation. Download link from official website .

AdwCleaner utility.

This program is free and, like the previous one, is intended for temporary use and remains active on the computer.

  • By following the link AdwCleaner, download by clicking " Download Now" and run the download file.
  • Press the button " Scan" and then, after the program finds virus files, click " Clear«

Removing advertising using the Hitman Pro application

  • Quite an effective Hitman Pro utility. It is good at finding most unwanted virus programs and removing them. The program is supplied under a Shareware license, but the first 30 days of use are absolutely free, and this will be enough for you.

  • Download the Hitman Pro program from the official website of the manufacturer and run her. Select the option " I'm only going to scan the system once" In this case, the program will not be installed on HDD your computer and will automatically begin scanning your system for malware.

  • Once the scan is complete, you can remove detected viruses by causing the appearance advertising. Then restart your computer and make sure the problem is resolved.

Removing Pop-Up Ads Using Malwarebytes Antimalware

If Hitman Pro fails, try this option. This is another one free application to get rid of malware, including Adware, which initiates the launch of advertising windows in Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and other browsers.

Download the Malwarebytes Antimalware program from the official website - install the utility, scan the system and remove the programs found

Restart your computer and use your browser to see if the problem is resolved.

Getting rid of annoying ads manually

If you have reached these lines, it means that the above methods did not help rid you of advertising in your browser and we will try to do this manually. It should be immediately noted that when downloading files, for example from torrent trackers or other downloaders, a large number of programs are installed without warning.

The user may not even know that he has launched dangerous applications or extensions into his system, since they can leak onto the computer unnoticed along with the necessary programs Some of them are browsers and add-ons for them, applications for quick access to social networks and other unknown and dubious programs that can be tracked (not always):

  • To do this, go to “ Control Panel"(in the start menu) and then " Programs and components«.

  • Let's look latest installed programs , if the name of the program (often the creators of such viruses are disguised as useful ones, a downloader, a helper, etc.) and the installation date coincide with the date of occurrence of such a problem, then delete them, but usually such malicious add-ons manage to “inherit” a fair amount by launching processes on the computer (you don’t see them) or extensions in browsers and changing their temporary files.

Substitution of browser shortcuts

  • Right-click on the browser shortcut you are using and look where it leads.

  • If there are extraneous entries other than the storage location of the boot file, then delete them.

We are looking for the source of the problem through the task manager

The following processes may be causing your problem. Open task manager ( Alt+Ctrl+Delete). Then go to the " Processes" (Windows 7) or to the " tab Details"(Windows 8, 8.1). Click " Display processes of all users" Find the names listed above in the running processes. In the task manager, pay attention to the following process names:

  • pirritdesktop.exe (and other processes with the word pirrit);
  • search project (and other processes with the word search, except Windows services SearchIndexer – you can’t touch it);
  • awesomehp, conduit, babylon, webalta, websocial, CodecDefaultKernel.exe, mobogenie.

  • You can check them by right-clicking and opening the file location and the installation number of this file (which is a sign). These processes need to be terminated, and you should find out about the files that launched them on the Internet - probably other people have also encountered a similar problem, and you will find the right solution.
  • If you cannot delete some files, you can do this through safe mode. To do this, click on the buttons with the logo on the keyboard Win+R, enter msconfig and press " OK».

Put " Safe mode", click " OK" And reboot the system. After rebooting, it is worth checking active Windows services to detect links to a virus process.

Removing advertising adware browser extensions

  • In addition to viruses and programs on the hard drive, advertisements may pop up as a result of activity installed extensions. Open the list of extensions for the browser you are working in (below is an example for the Opera browser).

  • Disable dubious extensions that you did not install that cause advertisements.

Changes in the hosts file made by the virus

To fix the hosts file, go to the folder Windows\System32\drivers\etc\, open the file hosts - notepad. Erase all the lines below the last one, which starts with a hash. Save the file.

  • The first selected addresses, which begin with a hash in the line, are an example (not active) of how to enter the necessary default addresses, all the rest are changes made that need to be deleted (if you did not enter them). Here the IP addresses of pages, for example social networks or search engines, can be replaced, as a result of which you will be redirected to fake sites that are outwardly indistinguishable from the original ones, but with advertising or possibly even fraudulent activities.

Blocking viral ads and pop-ups with Adguard extension

A large number of positive feedback about this application, namely about its effectiveness in combating intrusive advertising and the speed of browsers with this program. Link to download Adguard from the official website and details of its functionality. After downloading - run the installation file.

Ad blocking with AdBlock extension

If you see unwanted advertisements, you can try installing the AdBlock extension. However, it does not always effectively help with pop-up windows, especially of this nature, but the creators this application constantly working to improve their capabilities.

  • Be careful while installing AdBlock. There are quite a few extensions for browsers with the same name, which “disguise” as a useful utility, but themselves cause pop-up windows. It is recommended to install AdBlock (from the official website).

Hello friends If you have noticed an advertising infection that can be in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, then today we will figure out how to remove it and get everything back. I’ll say right away that there are many such advertising viruses today, some are more similar in behavior to a virus, some less so, but they all have one task - advertising.

For example, Searchtds, Firstsputnik, Smartsputnik, and others are all virus programs; if you notice something like this on your computer, then it is quite possible that you have an adware virus. There are two news here, good and bad. The good thing is that this is an advertising virus, just an adware, and it is not as dangerous as ordinary viruses, that is, Trojans, worms. For example, a virus is much more dangerous than advertising viruses, since it simply encrypts files and often they cannot be returned

The guide is mainly for novice users, but my opinion is that everyone should know about the simplest mechanisms of how an ad virus works. In this guide you will learn:

  • how to completely remove ad viruses from browsers;
  • how to manually detect an adware virus infection;
  • what are the best utilities to use to remove adware viruses;

As you already understand, ad viruses advertise something. Recently they have become very active, do you know why? Look for yourself - a computer is a vacation, and people don’t think much about it, but on the contrary, they relax. Without thinking twice, fools (or just hackers) took advantage of this and churned out a bunch of viruses that introduce advertising.. And you know what’s most interesting? That the impudence has reached the point where they are pushing advertisements directly onto the desktop. That is, even if the browser is not running, you may still have ads. If it is not there today, then it is quite possible that tomorrow one ad virus will download another and it will appear

But before that, open the Control Panel (for example through Start) and there find the Programs and Features icon, then look to see if there are any suspicious programs in the list of installed ones. For example, these could be:

  • Application Extension is a program for changing the set of extensions in the browser, that is, if you find it, feel free to delete it;
  • GamesDesktop is just an adware infection, remove it too;
  • Software Updater or anything that contains the word Updater are useless programs that check for new version, often they just sit in processes and consume RAM; due to their uselessness, they can easily download other programs, including adware;
  • built-in panel in browsers;

How can I tell if I have an adware virus?

Basically, these are small or significant changes in the way the browser works, you may just notice strange additional advertisements, for example, even on the search engine start page (which was never there). Or it may come to the point that all links on sites will change to others, and in fact you will be using a different Internet altogether

Symptoms of infection:

  • when you open the browser, other sites can open at the same time, and the home page can also be changed; in order to change everything automatically or to prevent you from changing it, the virus installs a special extension;
  • Slightly strange advertisements appear on different sites that were not there before; at the same time, the browser may load the processor more;
  • some settings cannot be changed (rarely) or the effect of the change is zero, since they will still return to those set by the virus (often);
  • at the same time, your antivirus, no matter what it is, does not report any threats; some antiviruses begin to detect such a threat after a while;
  • passwords for mail, social network accounts and more, all of this is untouched and not hacked, which makes the user think that after all it is not a virus and, as a result, no removal measures are taken; many viruses are capable of installing code into the system, which will download new adware from time to time; in theory, this can only be helped by reinstalling the system;
  • the appearance of left folders in C:\Program Files; the appearance of left-handed processes, some may conduct strange activity - sometimes load the processor, sometimes not; Also, when the computer is idle, the virus often starts its work, this is noticeable by the CPU load;

How to remove it correctly?

To remove this evil spirits, as well as others malware destroy, you need to approach the matter comprehensively. Namely, first carry out a series of manual checks and, if possible, remove virus components, and then use the utilities. But, nevertheless, if you have no desire or no time to spend fiddling with browsers, you can safely go to the point of removing evil spirits using special utilities(at the end of the article).

Checking the Chrome browser

I'll start with Google Chrome, as the most popular browser. What do we do? First, check the shortcut with which you launch the browser. It should only look like this, especially pay attention to the place indicated by the arrow:

You see, at the end of the Object field the executable file of the program is indicated, that is, chrome.exe, what else could there be? After the closing quotation mark there may be an advertising site, usually starting with http://, in any case, everything after the closing quotation mark must be removed, if any.

A more dangerous option is when instead of chrome.exe there is another file, for example chrome.bat, what can you do? In general, it is better not to do anything if you are not sure. If you are an experienced user, you need to find where chrome.exe itself is located and copy it, and then do not paste it onto the desktop, but select insert a shortcut. This way you will create an original Chrome shortcut. In the folder where the original chrome.exe was found, delete all virus files, they may have names like chrome.bat, chrome.cmd, chrome.exe.exe or something similar.

The second step is checking extensions. In the Chrome browser, select Additional tools from the menu, and then Extensions:

Now look at what extensions you have and any suspicious ones - first disable them and then delete them. If you completely remove all extensions, there will be no tragedy, then you can install the necessary ones again if necessary. For example, here one extension is already suspicious - this is KMPlayer for Chrome, you can remove it:

Now check if the virus has changed home page in the browser, to do this, in the Settings section, look to see if the opening of a virus site is indicated when the browser starts. It’s better to either set the pages yourself (for example, the same search engine) or select the option to restore those tabs that were open before closing the browser:

On the same tab at the bottom, pay attention to the search settings - there may be a different one search system:

If there is a left search engine there, then click on Configure search engines, select the search engine that suits you and then delete the left one (click the cross):

Don't forget to click Finish. This completes the preliminary manual methods for removing adware from Chrome.

Checking the Opera browser

In the Opera browser everything is almost the same, only here initially there is a slightly different file, not opera.exe, but launcher.exe, what is it? This is a special Opera launcher, it’s just that some have regular Opera, while others have portable Opera. But that's not the point. Check carefully, you should also have exactly the same value as in the Object field in the picture below. If there is opera.exe, opera.bat, opera.cmd or something similar there, then something is wrong. Find the location of the launcher.exe file from Opera and create a shortcut from it on the desktop. And delete the file that is indicated in the Object field, that is, the dummy one.

I think that you understand, everything that comes after the closing quotation mark must be deleted, it all has nothing to do with launching the browser. If, for example, http://google.com appears at the end separated by a space (even if there is no http://), this means that no matter how you change the browser settings, the Google page will always open at startup.

Properties of the original shortcut:

In my case there are no extensions at all:

Why am I saying this? The same thing with Chrome - even if you remove all extensions, nothing bad will happen. Installing an extension takes a couple of seconds, just write the name of the extension and your browser in the search bar, then go to the official add-on store and install.

Open the main menu of the browser, select Settings. Check if there are any strange sites that are listed in the On startup item - the value Open a specific page may be selected there, and a viral site is indicated. If there is such a site, delete it and replace it with some useful site or simply select the Continue from the same place option:

Regarding the search, make sure that there is a normal search engine, the one you use. If it is viral, then change it here:

I don’t know why, but I didn’t find the option to remove the search engine from Opera, you can only specify another one:

Click Finish to save changes

Checking the Mozilla browser

With Mozilla Firefox, almost everything is the same, go to the shortcut properties and look at the Object field, pay attention to the folder where the browser is launched. All this should be original, as in this shortcut (only your folder can be just Program Files without x86):

Your working folder should be the same as here, everything that differs from firefox.exe in the Object field must be deleted. That is, find where the file is located, then delete pseudo-browser launchers there, this could be firefox.cmd, firefox.bat, firefox.exe.exe and the like. And from the original firefox.exe file, make a shortcut and put it in comfortable spot, for example Desktop.

Then go to the extensions section:

You can remove all extensions, and then, if possible, install only the necessary ones. I don't have any extensions at all:

Now in the browser menu, select Settings and go to the General tab, see if it is indicated that a website should open upon startup. If there is a virus site, delete it, replace it with some useful site, or even select the option Show windows and tabs opened last time:

On the Search tab, check what the search engine is and change it if necessary. Below, I also recommend removing all search engines that you don't need and leaving one or two:

Checking Yandex Browser

The situation is the same with Yandex Browser, although recently security improvements have been made (technology), so in practice it is a little less likely to become infected with advertising viruses. However, just like in the previous versions, we look at its label, here is the original and clean one:

But here, too, as you can see, the browser file is not yandex.exe or something similar, but browser.exe, so if there is something else there, then replace it with browser.exe, and then check the browser’s working folder and delete all fake launchers (you can click the file location in properties).

Then go to add-ons:

And analyze the installed extensions; by default, Yandex Browser already comes with some add-ons, you can disable them if you don’t need them:

If you need some kind of add-on, then downloading it on the Internet is very simple, in the same Yandex, type the name of the extension and the name of your browser, and immediately the official sources where you can safely download the extension will appear in the first positions in the results.

In Yandex Browser, select Settings in the main menu and see what is listed in search engines:

If there is a virus search engine, then click Configure search engines and remove the left search, but to do this it should not be selected by default:

Internet Explorer (IE) check

Perhaps Internet Explorer is the only browser whose settings are not so difficult to change, but few viruses do this. This is due to the fact that it is not very popular, everyone has it installed, but few use it

However, there may also be some jokes here. Go to the shortcut properties, if it is in the Start menu, then check anyway:

Now take a close look at this properties window:

It should be the same for you too. Approximately, because the folder may not be Program Files, but Program Files (x86), this is if you have a 32-bit system or use 32-bit Internet Explorer. The working folder should also be in this form.

No iexplore.bat, iexplore.cmd, etc., this all indicates viral changes in Windows.

Now open the Control Panel, there find the Internet Options icon and on the General tab, check if any site is installed in the home page field:

To have a blank window when Internet Explorer opens, set this value:

Usually only the home page is changed, less often, but nevertheless, toolbars (built-in panel) are also installed. This cannot be classified as a viral object, although it is true that they spread in a viral way. I have already written about one such thing, which is built not only into IE, but also into all other browsers

Internet Explorer extensions are even less popular than the browser itself, but they are still worth checking out. They are called Add-ons, to remove them or disable them, go to the Programs tab, there will be a Manage Add-ons button:

If there are suspicious elements there, then disable and delete them:

Removing malicious objects using special utilities

This is an option that may be better for you than manually checking browsers. But I think it will be useful for you to become familiar with this process.

Special utilities check your computer for viruses, modifications, check the boot region (MBR) and changes in it, browser extensions, services. In general, they check everything, but I must emphasize that I mean using a whole complex of utilities one by one. I was just convinced from my own experience that there are two good utilities, one found what the other didn’t find. Moreover, they are truly the best today.

List of utilities that I strongly recommend checking your computer:

  • — has established itself as an excellent tool for checking services, extensions and all areas where viruses may exist; free, you need an Internet connection to check, as signature databases will be downloaded first; requires a reboot, after which a report will be provided;
  • - also a super utility. Here is the first instrument and this one - this is, it seems to me, best utilities to combat ad viruses; HitmanPro will also check cookies, this is the data that sites leave on your computer; To remove viruses you need to register, but you can also enter a non-existent email address; detection and removal efficiency is excellent, tested on personal experience;
  • — also a good utility, and I also consider it one of the best, it can check browser extensions; I found a malicious extension in Chrome; I recommend checking it out too;
  • - also targets advertising viruses; daily updating of signature databases; intelligent heuristic analysis of files for suspicious changes; knows how to find even hidden threats that do not even affect system performance; Malwarebytes Chameleon technology is present to counter the behavior when the virus tries to block the work of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware;
  • in the last paragraph, I would like to recommend you two more utilities, but they already specialize in ordinary viruses, that is, Trojans, worms, rootkits and the like; this and , both already contain anti-virus databases that detect all dangerous viruses, Trojans, file-gluing programs (this is mainly used for hacking purposes), potential software that may contain viruses, such as game trainers, program activators (crackers);

If you familiarize yourself with all these programs, then I am sure that even if there are viruses on your computer, it will not be difficult for you to get rid of them now. A comprehensive scan for suspected viruses will help clean your computer as much as possible from malicious objects.

In general, I hope that I completed my mission and introduced you well to the plan of action when you suspect that a virus has settled on your computer, or even more than one. Good luck


It’s one thing when advertising on sites is from their owners: they personally place it on the pages (above, below, under blocks). But it’s another matter when this very advertisement in the browser is forcibly displayed by a virus that has penetrated the computer. Figuratively speaking, this is the first small problem for Internet users and the second - a bigger one. The browser virus displays banners, teasers, links where they should not be (for example, in search pages Google, Yandex, VKontakte). However, there are other dirty tricks that he is capable of.

Most common the following types of this malware:

Browser hijacker, or hijacker. Changes the home (start) page in browsers: writes a link to a promoted, viral or advertising site or a fake search engine - replaces the trusted systems used (Google, Yandex). Individual instances of hijackers automatically launch a browser with a given page. It pops up when starting/rebooting the PC.

Adware (advertising software). When loading web pages, it embeds its own script into them, displaying all kinds of banners. Sometimes it loads additional panels in online stores, review articles with recommendations for purchasing goods (in accordance with the posted content - phones, Appliances, TVs, etc.).

Note. To check whether your web browser is infected with viral advertising or not, visit similar sites from a tablet or other computer. If a pop-up panel with advertisements appears there, it means that this is content from the owners of the resource, and if not, the browser is most likely infected.

Automatic cleaning

Checking with antivirus software

1. Open a new tab in any browser. Download the page - https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/.

This is the official Adwcleaner scanner download page.

Note. This utility can also be downloaded from the website of the antivirus company Malwarebytes (https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/).

2. Once the download is complete, launch the distribution.

3. Click the “Scan” button to start the scan.

4. During the scan (its progress is displayed in the interface), Adwleaner shows the number of viruses found and potentially dangerous objects.

5. Click the “Clean” option to remove the adware virus.

6. Close all running applications. To close the “Closing programs” window, click “OK” in its panel.

7. Close the “Information” window in the same way.

8. Reboot your computer (click “OK” in the “Reboot” window) to allow Adwcleaner to finish cleaning the system from virus ads.

Additionally, check your computer with the Malwarebytes scanner:

1. On the website (https://www.malwarebytes.com/), in the top block, click the “Free download” link.

2. Install and run the utility.

3. In the section " Information panel» Click “Update Now” to update the Malwarebytes database.

4. Go to the “Verification” section. Set the scanning mode. The "Full Scan" option is recommended, but you can set the "Custom Scan" to manually mark the necessary system components and disk partitions that need cleaning.

5. Click “Start scan”.

6. After scanning, delete all detected objects (the scanning progress is displayed visually in the “Scanning” section).

Browser recovery

After you have managed to disable and neutralize the Adware modules that display ads, the browser hijacker that randomly opens web pages, you need to restore the previous browser settings. This operation can be performed using special programs:

1. On the page https://www.avast.ru/browser-cleanup of the Avast offsite, click the “Download for free” link (located in the block in the submenu).

2. Install the distribution in Windows, and then run it from the desktop (double-click the icon).

3. Click on the icon of the web browser whose settings you want to restore.

4. Click Reset Settings.

5. Select a search engine for the start page, start cleaning.

Chrome Cleanup Tool

Note. This program removes malicious settings only in Google Chrome.

1. Open the download page - google.ru/chrome/cleanup-tool/index.html.

2. Click the "Download" button.

3. In the “Download…” panel, under the list of conditions, click “Accept and download”.

4. Follow the instructions of the utility.

5. Upon completion of the check and cleaning, in the “Reset settings” window that appears, click “Reset”.

How to perform a reset without utilities?

Almost every web browser can be reset to its original settings:


1. Click the Menu icon.

2. At the bottom of the drop-down panel, click “question mark”.

3. In the submenu, click the “... to solve problems” item.

4. In a new tab, in the “Setup...” block, click “Clear...”.

Google Chrome

Open: Menu → Settings → Additional settings(link at the bottom of the page) → Reset settings

Internet Explorer

Menu (gear) → Internet Options → Advanced → Reset


1. Open the menu (Opera button). Go to the "About" section.

2. Remember or write down the path to the cache and profile. Usually they have this arrangement:

  • Profile: C → Users → ( Account) → Roaming → Opera Software → Opera Stable
  • Cache: From → Users → (account) → AppData → Local → Opera Software → Opera Stable

3. Close your browser. Delete all files in these directories.

4. Restart Opera.

Cleaning your computer

Make sure that your browsers work correctly: they do not contain virus banners, and the search engine is configured correctly.

IN for preventive purposes remove all unnecessary, unnecessary files from the system disk, and also correct errors in the registry branches using the CCleaner utility. Her free version can be downloaded from the offsite (piriform.com).

Is it possible to disable Adware without antivirus software?

Yes, the manual method of removing ad viruses can also be used. But you should remember that the chances of successful cleaning are comparatively less. It also requires the user to have a certain level of skill in setting up a PC and system. It is advisable to use it when antivirus utilities cannot detect malware or when there is no way to use them (download, install).

Diagnosis and removal of Adware comes down to the following steps:
1. If you installed any software the day before your PC was infected, be sure to uninstall it (it may be a source of infection). This can be done using the standard option: Start → Control Panel → Uninstall programs

2. Right-click on the infected browser’s shortcut. From the menu, select Properties.

3. On the “Shortcut” tab, do this:

  • if in the lines “Object”, “Working folder” a different directory is set (not the browser folder), remember or write down the path to it somewhere, and delete the shortcut.
  • if in the “Object” line the path to the executable file is specified correctly, but additional directives are placed after it (after ....exe"), in mandatory remove them.
  • if there are no obvious changes, proceed to the next step of the instructions.

4. Press “Ctrl + Alt + Del” together. From the menu, click "Task Manager".

5. On the Processes tab, review all active items. Suspicious ones with strange names and signatures, analyze and deactivate:

  • right-click → Properties → Path to object (also remember, write down);
  • right-click on the same object again → End process.

6. Check startup:

  • in the “Start” line, set - msconfig, press “Enter”;
  • On the “Startup” tab, uncheck the boxes next to suspicious elements ( Special attention pay attention to directives handling page request via command line- CMD.EXE…. http//…viral site);
  • also save the path to the elements (their location on disk);
  • click: Apply → OK.

7. Open all detected directories of suspicious files and folders one by one, and then delete them. If objects are not deleted, use the Unlocker utility or its analogues to unlock access.

8. In Start, run the directive - regedit.

9. In the editor that opens, press “Ctrl + F”. In the “Find” line, specify the name of the malicious process or the domain name of the advertising site that launches along with the browser. Click Find Next. Delete all entries that contain the names and addresses you provided. Continue scanning with the F3 key until the entire registry has been scanned.

10. Check the setting network connection:

Note. An analysis of the connection settings via a modem is provided.

  • in the tray, click: “display” icon → Control Center;
  • In the “View active networks” panel, click “Connect via local network»;
  • in the new window, click “Properties”;
  • in the “Marked components...” list, select “Protocol... version 4” or “... version 6” (depending on the IP address space used);
  • Click "Properties" again;
  • if the data is changed, perform a reset: enable the options “get IP... automatically” and “get... DNS.. automatically”.

Note. You can also specify a specific trusted DNS through the “Use the following” option DNS addresses... " For example, Google service- and

11. Open the HOSTS file and check its settings:

  • go to: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc;
  • right-click on the hosts file;
  • select “Open with...”;
  • specify the Notepad program;
  • view the content in the editor;
  • remove all entries (if any) after the line "# ::1 localhost".

Attention! Scroll the listing to the very bottom using the slider. Virus settings are often hidden behind empty lines: they are not visible in the window without scrolling.

12. Perform diagnostics and maintenance of browsers:

  • clear cache, history, cookies;
  • configure the start page (include a link to a trusted search engine).

13. As in the previous instructions, perform cleaning computer CCleaner or similar software.

14. Reboot the system.

Viruses have always been a scourge for computer users. Windows control, and the more actively the Internet developed, the more of them became. Nowadays, the most popular viruses are those of the Adware class, which infect a computer and display various types of advertising to the user against his will. These can be pop-up advertising pages, individual banners on websites, pop-up banners and many other types of advertisements. When a computer is infected with an Adware virus, advertisements pop up in all browsers without exception, and this is extremely dangerous for the user. The fact is that most often such advertising leads to sites infected with viruses that are more dangerous to the computer, including malware that can encrypt files or steal users’ personal data. There are several reliable ways to get rid of ad viruses on your computer, and they will be discussed below.

Please note: The instructions below will make reference to the Google Chrome browser from time to time. If your main browser is not this, but, for example, Opera or Yandex Browser, project the recommended actions onto it.

How to remove ads in your browser automatically

The first thing you should turn to if you have problems with a virus on your computer is antivirus applications. There are a huge number of them, both widespread and little-known. In this case, it is recommended to choose special programs to remove Adware and Malware threats, and below we will look at a couple of such applications.

Malwarebytes Antimalware

One of the most famous free antiviruses, which is capable of fighting ad viruses is Malwarebytes Antimalware. It helps deal with malware in all browsers installed on the computer.

Using Malwarebytes Antimalware is extremely easy. It must be downloaded to your computer, then installed and launched. Next, select the required scanning option and wait for the results. A quick antivirus scan takes no more than 20 minutes. Detected virus files must be quarantined or deleted.

Another one good program to combat Malware and Adware threats – this is Hitman Pro. The application is distributed for money, but the developers give users the opportunity to try its functionality for free for 30 days, which is more than enough to remove ads in the browser once.

After launching the Hitman Pro application, select the “I’m only going to scan the system once” option, which will begin the process of searching for and eliminating threats on your computer. Wait for it to complete and remove any dangerous programs found.

When your computer is scanned by antivirus software, restart it and try using the browser in standard mode. If the advertisement no longer bothers you, the threat can be considered eliminated. If the problem persists, proceed to the manual method of cleaning your computer from viruses.

How to remove pop-up ads in your browser manually

When antiviruses do not help cope with the manifestations of malicious applications on the computer, you need to try cleaning the system in manual mode. Follow the steps below in order to be sure to get rid of the adware virus.

Removing pop-up ads from task scheduler

Modern Adware viruses have learned an interesting trick - to write a command to launch a particular advertising page directly into the task scheduler. This leads to the fact that even when the browser is closed, pages with advertising begin to open. This problem is resolved as follows:

Close Task Scheduler and restart your computer. Check whether the advertising page will open in the browser under the previous system usage model. If not, we can assume that the problem is solved. If the ad still pops up, proceed to the next steps.


Very often, ad viruses make changes to the system Hosts file. If you are not particularly versed in the information that should be entered into Hosts, read the corresponding article on our website, where everything is outlined in detail.

To check the Hosts file, you need to go to the Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder on the system drive and open Hosts file using a notepad. Next, look at the lines added after the last line starting with hash. If there are such lines, remove them and save the file.

Please note: If you use unlicensed software, often when installing it, commands are written in Hosts that prohibit it from contacting the application server. Accordingly, after following the recommendation to delete all lines after the last hash, problems may arise with the operation of hacked applications on the computer.

Virus detection and removal

Viral processes often operate in background, which leads to their widespread appearance in the system and spontaneous launch of browsers with advertising pages. Naturally, viruses try to be encrypted under different names so that they are difficult to identify in the list of programs (if they exist there) and in the task manager. Here are a few names of the most common viruses that can work in the background and launch various advertisements in the browser: CodecDefaultKernel, Conduit, Search Protect, Browser Protect, Pirrit Suggestor, Mobogenie, Webalta. You should be guided by such names by following the steps described below.

The first step is to check the list installed applications for the presence of virus programs. To do this, through the “Control Panel”, launch the list of programs and components installed on the system and view it for the presence of suspicious applications. If any are found, try to find information about the program on the Internet. It is not difficult to determine that it is viral if there are a large number of complaints from users about it. Remove any suspicious programs and restart your computer.

If the problem persists after removing all the viruses that were found in the list of programs and components, you need to look for them using the Task Manager. To do this, launch the “Task Manager” (by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting the appropriate item), and then look for suspicious ones in the list of processes. As with programs, use the Internet to determine whether a suspicious process is a virus. If yes, then right-click on it in the “Task Manager” and “Open file storage location”.

Remember where the virus is located and reboot your computer safe mode. After this, go to the folder where the virus program was located and delete it. Next, download the normal one again Windows version and see if the problem persists. If yes, but this process no longer starts, look for other virus processes, and if they are not found, proceed to the next step in the instructions.

Disabling extensions

Often, browser extensions are the culprits of “extra” advertising, which can pop up on all sites in a row, including launching in new windows. Each user has a set of extensions that he completely trusts, but this does not mean that they cannot contain Adware threats.

To check extensions for “purity”, you need to disable them all. Next, see if the problem with viral advertising is still there. If not, then start turning on extensions in your browser one by one and monitor the reaction until the problem appears. Accordingly, in this way it will be possible to identify the infected extension and then remove it.

Please note: Many users trust the AdBlock extension, but the problem is that this extension has several clones with the same name, but completely different functionality. Most often, it is the presence of a viral AdBlock in the list of browser extensions that is the problem that leads to a large number advertising on website pages.

Clearing a shortcut from automatic redirection to the site

Even if you have already removed viruses following the tips given above, you should not forget about one more problem - “shortcut infection”. Simply put, in the properties of the shortcut in the “Object” line, the virus writes a page to which the user immediately lands after launching the browser. This is dangerous because this page may contain viruses that will be automatically downloaded to your computer. Make sure that the “Object” column of the browser shortcut properties is set to the direct path to the exe file.

What to do if after removing viruses

Often, after removing viruses from a computer, the user is faced with the problem that when going to any page in the browser, the error “Cannot connect to the proxy server” appears. This problem can be solved quite simply:

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