Home Mushrooms How to take revenge on a guy knowing his phone number. The best ways to take revenge on the person who offended and betrayed you

How to take revenge on a guy knowing his phone number. The best ways to take revenge on the person who offended and betrayed you

Revenge is in our blood. This is our nature: when someone hurts us, we want that person to feel the same way as we do. We crave justice.
However, some people feel that the punishment provided by the law is not enough for their offenders. They want those who have wronged them to suffer from the gravity of their own crimes, so they resort to the most insane ways of revenge ...

Revenge for Katie

Katie Kollman was ten years old when she disappeared. Five days later, police found her lifeless body in a stream. Katie was kidnapped by a man named Anthony Ray Stockleman, who reportedly raped her before killing her and throwing her body in a stream.

Stockleman was arrested and jailed, but the story doesn't end there. Cousin Katie, Jared Harris, upon learning of the death of his little sister, decided to take revenge on Stockleman - he was in perfect location in order to make the abuser suffer. Jared was serving time in prison on charges of theft. When Stockleman was transferred to Jared's prison, Jared had a great opportunity to avenge his death. cousin... When the guards were distracted, Jared grabbed Stockleman and told him, "Choose: death or tattoo."

The frightened Stockleman stood motionless while Jared, using a homemade tattoo needle, left a message on his forehead - "Katie's Revenge" - so that everyone knew that he had raped and killed a ten-year-old girl.

Revenge of Alam Khan, who has been waiting in the wings for twelve years

Alam Khan's father was killed right before his eyes. Then he was only twelve years old. The killer's name was Mohammed Rais. Alam's father considered him a friend of the family. Khan was heartbroken, but he was just a child, so he could not do anything at that time.

However, he hatched a plan of revenge for twelve years before embarking on it. When he was twenty-four years old, he lured Rais into his house by pretending that he needed a repairman. Alam then drunk his father's killer to such an extent that he could hardly stand. He then turned on the music loudly as he did not want anyone to hear Rais' screams. Alam stabbed his father's killer several times. Then he finished it off with a hammer. After that, Alam cut the body of Rais into twelve parts (for so many years he waited for the moment when he could take revenge on Mohammed) with the help of a hacksaw.

“I waited twelve years to implement my plan,” he later told police. According to him, he absolutely did not feel remorse and was happy that everything was over.

An eye for an eye

An eye for an eye is one of the earliest concepts of justice. The idea is simple: if a person, for example, has committed a murder, then he also needs to be killed. But what if he raped someone?

The man from Azerbaijan, which will be discussed later, took this concept literally. His eight-year-old son has experienced unimaginable horrors. The stranger lured him into a truck and brutally abused him. A passer-by, who witnessed this terrible scene, began to threaten the criminal with the fact that he would tell everyone about what had happened. For a moment, the boy thought he was saved - however, the second man did not intend to protect him at all. When the first man did his job, the second also began to rape the boy.

When the poor man's father found out what had happened, he vowed to take revenge on the offenders. He didn't call the police. Instead, he organized a gang, tracked down the man who abused his son, and did the same to him. The whole process was filmed on mobile phone... The video was subsequently posted on the Internet and instantly spread throughout the country.

Bonita Lynn Vela's Revenge

Bonita Lynn Vela had a suspicion that new boyfriend daughter molested her two-year-old son, but she had no evidence. She did not know what to do - until she took a dose of drugs, under the influence of which she became completely inadequate. Vela and her friends, being in a state of drug intoxication, grabbed young man and locked him in a trailer. Vela demanded that he confess that he molested her son. The guy insisted that he didn’t do anything, but it didn’t help. Vela did not believe his words. She grabbed a clerical knife and ordered him to take off his pants. The woman said that if he did not do this, she would "shoot him and leave him to be devoured by animals."

The young man, fearing for his life, obeyed Vel. Then she cut off his penis. There was no evidence of the guy's guilt; no charges of sexual assault were brought against him.

Sheriff Buford Pusser's War

In 1966, Sheriff Pusser killed a burglary in a shootout. She turned out to be the wife of Carl Douglas White, a local gang boss. A hunt was announced for Pusser.

White got the opportunity to avenge his wife's death a year later. He called the police and said that two drunken men had started a fight in the street. Pusser went to the call. Thinking that the problem was not serious, he took his wife Paulina with him - a decision that cost her her life.

When Pusser arrived at the call site, White's men suddenly appeared and opened fire on his car. The sheriff was riddled with bullets, but he managed to survive. However, Paulina was unlucky - she died in the hospital on the very night the attack took place. This time, the sheriff was not going to get away with everything. He told his friends that he had prepared a special plan for revenge.

The events that happened next are shrouded in huge amount secrets and legends, so it is impossible to determine which of them are true and which are fiction. Over the next five years, Pusser brutally killed all those involved in the death of his wife one by one. White was one of the first victims of the sheriff. He was found in a motel with a bullet in his forehead.

Mistress hunter

Zhang Yufen runs a rather unusual business. Her clients are women whose husbands are cheating on them. They turn to Yufen for only one reason. Zhang makes a living by tracking down mistresses and beating them furiously.

Before becoming a Mistress Hunter, Zhang Yufeng was married to a high-ranking official in Xi'an, China. When her husband got a very influential position, their family began to serious problems... He stayed up late, often did not come home to spend the night, constantly amused himself with prostitutes and made intrigues on the side. One day, Yufen's husband came home and said that everything was over between them. He met another woman and filed for divorce.

Neighbor Yufen, with whom she shared her grief, said that her daughter was experiencing the same thing at that moment. Just recently, she learned that her husband had a mistress. Zhang Yufeng planned to meet and support her neighbor's daughter, but she did not have time: the girl committed suicide.

When the same thing happened to another Yufen acquaintance, she could not resist. While vacationing outside the city, she accidentally met the mistress of her friend's husband. Zhang Yufeng, fed up with the antics of the mistress, pushed the girl to the ground and brutally beat her with curses. A crowd gathered around them, but no one stopped Yufen. The police officer who was present pretended not to see what was happening.

Today, Zhang Yufeng does this professionally. For a nominal fee, she hunts down the mistresses of her clients' husbands and turns their lives into hell.

Joel Jones

Joel Jones' 14-year-old son was shot in the back. The boy's killer was caught, arrested and sent to prison, but Jones was not satisfied with the punishment he received. He believed that the person who killed his son must suffer.

However, Joel Jones cannot be called a good man otherwise he would not have committed a serious crime for revenge. What exactly did he do? He committed rape in order to go to the prison where the murderer of his son was imprisoned. Jones lured a cleaning lady into an empty office and abused her under threat of reprisals. He told her that this was the only way to get hold of the man who killed his son. Then he called the police and asked to be taken to jail. At the trial, he confessed everything, but the judge considered his act unreasonable: "It's not that someone did bad things to your child, it's how you acted in relation to someone else's child."

Jones was sent to prison, but it is not known whether he found his son's killer there.

Mailboxes filled with trash

As a child, Shigeta Miura was a member of the Tokyo Boy Scouts. He was not particularly popular. The guys from Miura's squad mocked him and teased him in every possible way. He could not fight back, so he silently accumulated grievances and developed a plan for revenge.

When Miura was forty years old, he began to implement it directly. Miura filled envelopes with rotten tea leaves or dirt (sometimes he used underwear not the first freshness) and sent them by mail to those who mocked him in childhood. He did this more than once - in fourteen months he sent his offenders about 500 parcels with all kinds of garbage. And he would have continued to do this if he had not been eventually caught.

When Miura was arrested, he decided to confess everything, hoping for the understanding of the police. He said that the victims of his crimes, if you can call them that, deserved it. After all, thirty years ago they mocked him much worse.

Hot tongs

V Indian history there are many sad cases of persecution of people who have committed sexual crimes. In funds mass media countries every now and then there are news, which says that the victims of rape themselves are to blame for what happened, while the police refuse to prosecute criminals.

It was for this reason that one Indian resident did not call the police when his fourteen-year-old daughter told him that she had been abused. She was at home alone when a family friend came to see them. Realizing that there was no one else in the house, he raped the girl and threatened her with violence if she told anyone about what had happened.

Having learned about everything, the victim's father decided not to contact the police and establish justice on his own. He kidnapped the criminal, tied him to a chair and began to torture him with hot tongs. “I put hot forceps on his genitals, he screamed,” the father of the raped girl later said. “But it didn’t stop me. I did the same again. He shuddered. "

When the criminal could no longer scream, his angry father strangled him. He then went to the police station and surrendered to the authorities.

Surprise attack with a machete

When the mother of a seven-month-old baby saw her child being raped by an Indian, she was indescribable horror. The man's crime was terrible; he deserved the strictest punishment. However, to his surprise, the child's father stated that he was not going to take revenge on him.

He forgave the criminal, saying that he would have to live with it for the rest of his days. He made a small agreement that effectively left the rapist unpunished. The father of the raped child even offered the abuser to take him home.

However, on the way back to the village, my father suddenly stopped the car in the middle of the desert. The rapist began to realize that his crime was unlikely to get away with him, as he thought.

The victim's father beat the man to blood and then tied him to a tree. He left it there and went back to the car to get the machete. He cut off the rapist's hands and left him for dead.

However, other villagers helped to save the criminal: they untied him and took him to the nearest hospital, where he received proper medical attention.

I will tell you absolutely free of charge.
While not an advocate of revenge and sabotage, I would like to cautiously state that there are exceptions.
Hatred, born of purely objective factors, pushes us towards unbridled revenge.
Physical violence is a dead end, but there is a worse way.
You can hurt to an evil person their hatred sent down through the "communication channels".

Do you know your opponent's phone number? If so, then in last time“Use” it.

How to harm a person using magic

To successfully carry out revenge, you will have to independently carry out a simple ritual, purchasing 13 black ritual candles from your region or ordering by mail delivery. Church candles won't work.
Exactly at midnight, retire to the room and light black candles so that they form vicious circle... Inside the magic circle there should be a piece of paper on which the pest's phone number is written. The number can be local or mobile.
Looking at a piece of paper placed inside the occult space, endow it with your evil energy.

Read 7 times in a row from a sheet of a magic conspiracy to a phone number:

Paper, a piece of paper and black candles. You will suffer this evening. Let your number be sworn, and you humpback from illness. You will be distracted by an angry call, you will accidentally come back to it in the dark. The phone will ring in the night, leave you deep sleep... You will not find salvation; you will escape the plague flour. Amen! Amen! Amen!

When all the candles are completely burnt out, wrap their stubs and a shred with phone number into a sheet with a conspiracy and inter in the earth in a deserted place.
Do not tell anyone about the secret ritual. Repeat it exactly 13 days later.

Now you know how to harm a person you hate by knowing their phone number.
Channel energy connection Your revenge will come instantly, hitting the pest with an occult message.

Nobody is perfect, sooner or later everyone will have enemies. Sometimes, when resentment covers their eyes, people are capable of actions that are unusual for them. Enter the stage of irreconcilable confrontation, forgive or punish on the sly, it's up to you.

In pursuit of the thirst for revenge and personal calmness, the idea often arises to deal with the offender once and for all and to guide the one who has seriously offended him to be crushed in 3 days. This is not surprising, Internet resources are full of ads for shamans, fortune tellers, psychics. Such a craze for witchcraft unwittingly suggests the simplicity of working with otherworldly forces. Is this so, and what consequences to fear?

We punish the offender with a conspiracy at home

Having stopped at solving the problem with the help of black magic, the first priority is to come to an agreement with your conscience. Remember, magic in the wrong hands can be dangerous and irreversible. Do not use it rashly and over trifles, seek help from God, not the devil. Think of conspiracies not as a means of getting rid of enemies, but as a way to protect yourself from their negative influence.

If the question of the use of rituals has been resolved, then we will give several simple, proven methods:

Water conspiracy

For the ceremony, you need to know who your ill-wisher is. Poured into the container pure water placed on the Bible in front of the mirror. A candle is lit between the water and the mirror. Say:

“He who is with good will remain with good,

whoever is with evil will receive this evil,

who with a filthy word,

he will choke with the same word. "

Pour water at the threshold of the enemy's house.

With a candle

Church candles, metal utensils, and clean paper are required. It is recommended to spend at night. Light a candle, write the name of the enemy on paper, read the prayer of Our Father three times over him. Light a leaf from a candle, put it on a dish. While the paper is burning, say the following:

“A fiery arrow flies, my anger is full. It is aimed not at the eyebrow, not at the eye, but at the heart. It will stab and cut there, tear all hopes. Evil will pour out with tears, everything will return to the Lord's servant (name)! Amen!"

Dispel the ashes in the wind that night, or pour the enemy under the door.

Recurring witchcraft

An effective method to return the evil he committed and punish the one who did you bad. Take two sewing needles, one short and thin, the other long and thick. Insert the smaller needle into the eye of the thick needle. Wrap the place where they join with black thread to make a cross, and say:

“Your needle is long, mine is short,

your work is evil, mine is good.

I pierce your evil, I return it to you

everything that he cooked for me,

everything that you have done for me,

I got everything back,

now, this minute and forever and ever! "

Stick a large needle into the doorframe of the victim's house, turn the tip of the thin needle to the right, repeat the spell.

Salt absorbs energy well, rituals with it are simple and everyone can do it. Conspiracy salt is placed at the threshold, or poured into food. The ritual is done in order for the offender to suffer and suffer. Caution: it is not only the victim of the ritual that may suffer, but also her family members and children.

The words are read over the salt:

“I am not sprinkling salt, I am sending pain and stealing peace. The crafty devil, take calmness from the slave (name), so that he yearns for (name), he knew neither happiness nor fun, so that the ailments would not go away and he endured all kinds of torment both day and night in the dark. May the deed be fulfilled. "

Rite of passage with a red rose

Buy a flower and place it in front of you in a large jar. Take scissors or a knife, cut off one thorn at a time and throw it into a container, saying:

"Every thorn for every evil tongue, for every injustice."

Then remove the petals from the flower, put them in a container with the words:

"Lay softly, sleep hard, think about your own, forget about someone else's, define everything in its place."

Pour salt water into the jar to cover the contents. Close the container, wrap it with a thick black scarf and tie it into 9 knots with a strong red thread.

If you know who your abuser is, bring the container to his doorstep. If the ritual is aimed at an unknown ill-wisher, bury the bottle near your home, it will serve as a talisman against evil tongues.

By photo

This will help punish the offender for meanness at a distance. Take a fresh photograph in which your abuser is shown alone, looking in front of him, his face and eyes are visible. Get red and black candles. The ceremony is performed at night. Turn off the lights, light the candles, place the red on your left, the black on your right. Place a photo between them. The words:

“In a black mountain, a deep hole, the devil sits, looking into the distance. The Angel of Darkness protects him, does not let him go into the world. I'll beg him with fire, let the devil go free. Go through the valleys and forests, where the Devil sits himself. Take him by the paw, and lead the servant (name) into the mansion of the Lord. Judge there, surround it with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins, let his fear not leave him. Give what you deserve so that you don't have the strength to repent! Fire is water, from now on forever! Amen!"

Heat a needle over a red candle. Prick your finger until it bleeds and draw a cross on the enemy's forehead. Say three times: "Paid with blood!" Take the photo to a secluded place, when revenge is complete - burn it.

Black conspiracy

If there is no photo, this strong method of exposure at a distance is applied. Conspiracy is made on multiples of six of the month, at 3 am. It will take White paper, needle, church candle, holy water, red pen. Write on the sheet the punishment you wish for the ill-wisher. Describe the details, concretize. Then heat the needle over a candle flame until black. Pierce ring finger, using blood, cross out everything that you wrote on the sheet crosswise. Say three times:

“It is written in blood, sealed in blood. I will correct your life by the power of the dark. I will bring tears and bitterness to her. You cannot hide from my court. May it be so."

Burn the paper, sprinkle the ashes with holy water and spread in the wind.

Consequences of targeting damage

The above conspiracies are far from all ways to punish the enemy using magic. There are many others, from the almost harmless to the more serious. However, anyone can lead to incurable diseases, to the misfortune and death of the victim, it breaks through the human biofield, brings melancholy and fear.

Rely on the help of otherworldly forces only to restore justice when the abuser brought you suffering and grief. Do not use rituals as a first blow, you risk turning your own witchcraft against yourself. At the same time, sometimes retribution overtakes not the sorcerer himself, but his descendants. Never use magic against pregnant women or children.

Think well, take your time with revenge, pray, ask for protection from the Guardian Angel... It is possible that your enemy will repent, and the conflict will be resolved on its own.

In our life, situations often happen that hurt so much or leave an unpleasant trail that it is simply impossible to get rid of the desire for revenge. The desire to avenge injustice is quite understandable and justified, but at the same time, one should not forget about the articles of the Criminal Code and the subsequent responsibility for the actions committed.

Asking the question of how to take revenge on the scoundrel, it is necessary to consider methods that cannot compromise you personally and will not lead to unpleasant consequences... Such methods of revenge can be called petty dirty tricks that can significantly ruin the life of the offender, but at the same time they will soothe your wounded pride and satisfy your vengeful intentions.

What is the right way to take revenge on a person knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice may be related to cheating, neighbors, betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or you became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, while not arousing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

  1. Use a spammer auto dialer. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find sites that offer programs for dialing a phone number. When using such a service, the offender's phone will receive calls from different setting- playing a specific audio recording, a voice message, breaking or holding a call on the line. This type of revenge is called spoofing or, more simply, a flood attack on a phone number. This kind of revenge will not cause much trouble, but it will pretty much spoil the life and nerves of the offender. This service can be ordered as a mobile number and landline phone, and on Skype nickname.
  2. Order SMS flood to your phone number. A kind of dirty trick, which is similar to an auto-dialing, but instead of calls to a phone number, messages of the most varied content will constantly arrive. The text and frequency of SMS attacks are regulated personally using the program or by agreement with the service provider.
  3. Placement of advertisements on various sites selling goods from hand to hand. Another way, how to take revenge on a person for an insult, is to submit an advertisement for the sale of, for example, a super-cheap car and indicate his phone number. Visitors to the site, greedy for cheap purchases, are tortured with calls, moreover, at any time of the day or night.

The above types of revenge without personal confession can in no way lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and when starting flood programs, it is better to log out not from your computer, not from your home or work network. Better to use a one-time email address and conduct all activities in public areas of wireless Internet.

How to take revenge on a fraudster knowing his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for minor offenders, there will be enough small nasty things, but if you are seriously thrown, then you can go over the frame of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your abuser and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. After such an interest, your abuser will probably have to change his phone number.

In moments of hurt and pain, your heart ached with hatred, and your thoughts frantically searched for an opportunity to inflict the same blow on the enemy. But here the cold mind immediately said "stop", but wouldn't it be better to do it beautifully and ingeniously. Admit to yourself that at least once you wondered how to take revenge on the offender and looked for smart ways to sweep... The reasons for this were different, and they are as individual as everyone living on earth.

Why do you want to take revenge

Each of us has our own answer to this question. And, most interestingly, it will never be the same or repeat itself. However, there is a clear definition. This is an objective revenge for the discomfort and suffering caused.

For some peoples, revenge is considered a noble pursuit. But there are still people on Earth who sacredly hope that fools who are alien to moral canons are engaged in revenge. How correct is this, which side should be taken in this matter?

How they took revenge in antiquity

Most likely, you must decide for yourself what this concept means to you.

Remember the actions of our ancestors. Almost all family members took part in this confrontation. Even close friends and acquaintances were attracted. Vengeance brought with it a new cause for resentment and disappointment. The circle was closed, and it was very difficult to get out of it. So what to do. Should we forget blood enmity?

How to take revenge on the person who offended you

There are practically as many opinions on this score as there are living people. In our age of developed information technologies, we, of course, do not act like our relatives in the distant past. But this time, in turn, dictates new perspectives for a more elegant and thoughtful revenge.

Regardless of what stratum of society you belong to, not everyone will dare to discuss their feelings with others. This bitter disappointment sits deeply enough in your soul. However, just like the anger in the heart of your opponent.

The motives that are most often the root cause of revenge:

  • Insidious attitude
  • Envy,
  • Infidelity,
  • Betrayal,
  • Humiliation,
  • Insult and so on.

As you can see, these reasons are not always really worthy. In some cases, your act may be low. But how to get out of the situation if you have really suffered serious pain?

But in this case, it can happen that you will not keep yourself waiting for a retaliatory blow from your enemy.

Advice Action
Stop the zeal If you have suffered moral pain, then it is very difficult to understand how great it is. It is unlikely that you will be able to strike a similar blow.

It is beneath the dignity of any of us to just do nasty things.

A fair answer will be more effective. And it requires reflection.

Remember the possible outcome Carried away by thinking about how to take revenge on the offender and find clever ways to take revenge, you can commit irreparable. Crossing the line of what is permissible, you will perform a criminal offense. Guess who will get worse from this.
Don't involve others If something goes wrong, they can witness your fiasco.
Cold calculation Famous catch phrase not in vain invented by the people.

Let the feelings cool down a bit.

Then you will be able to properly analyze the situation and find the most appropriate way out of it.

Real ways of revenge

Time passes, and in your heart hurtful annoyance and bitter disappointment are still rebelling. You want to strike a blow that will be remembered for years to come. Then you need to carefully consider all your further actions. You don’t want them to look ridiculous, so don’t do anything spontaneously, on a wave of emotions.

True vengeance must be deliberate. Examine the object that hurt you, identify its weak point. It is in this area that harm should be planned. Let the victim know that you have forgotten about her, the more unexpected the blow will be for the person who has lost vigilance.

Resentment towards a loved one

Most often, hatred, like a fury, overcomes us in the case when the beloved betrays. It is very disappointing to experience betrayal from the once dear and only one. It seems that all the good things between you are smeared with mud, and this makes it even more painful. You are increasingly thinking about how to punish the person who offended you without harming himself.

When pain comes:

  • Treason has burst into your life
  • You have been insulted
  • How can an offender be punished for humiliation?

You, naturally, will immediately want to break off all relations with him, having previously arranged a grandiose scandal. But wait, there are more interesting way retribution. You can just have a whirlwind romance with the leader of the former. This type belongs to female tricks. If all goes as planned, you could completely ruin his career at work by getting fired and getting negative attitudes. This is not to say that this is an elegant way, but in many women's novels it is hotly debated.

Are there more beautiful options to sweep. Still, do not forget that you need to get out of any situation so as not to lose your "face". Try to do things that are more beneficial to yourself. If a person cheated on you, is it worth fighting for one? It is clear that you yourself must decide whether to continue the relationship with him. And, if the feelings are really strong, then after taking out the pain and resentment comes repentance for the deed. Internal torment and self-destruction of the offender will allow you to understand that your goal has been achieved.

Of all the representatives of the living world living on earth, man is perhaps the most unfortunate. Feelings such as analyzing and working out committed actions are inherent in him. In other words, if we cause suffering to someone, then the integrity of our soul is destroyed.

We are deprived of such people, and those around us understand that it is not worth having anything to do with us. Wouldn't this be the worst revenge? Perhaps there is absolutely no need to commit any bad deeds, the purpose of which is to take revenge on the once beloved for his betrayal. If he is not a completely lost person, then he will soon understand what he has done. And the constant thoughts of his wrongdoing will deprive him of peace of mind and balance.

Hate towards outsiders

It may happen that a passer-by on the street, a neighbor on the staircase or a colleague will get nasty on you. This is a completely different twist. They may not even understand what they did. In an hour they will forget about the bad deed, and you will be under an oppressive negative mood for a long time. Are you familiar with this situation?

The rude impulse of a stranger is useless and inappropriate, and your once sunny day now seems dull and dreary. But if this person is unfamiliar to you, is it worth taking his words so closely?

Of course, it is unpleasant if a colleague is not correct enough and allows himself to make statements that hurt you painfully. If you nevertheless decide on reciprocal methods, will they not be harmful to you?

What cannot be done at breakneck speed

Try not to lower it down to its level. You don't need to run a complaint to your boss or discuss misconduct with other employees.

  • Just watch your foe for a while.
  • Look closely at how he behaves, what he does. Then there will be an opportunity to understand how to take revenge on the offender, smart ways of revenge exist.
  • Pay attention to whether your enemy "hangs" in the smoking room for too long. Maybe he's new and trying to win the respect of those around him.
  • Monitoring all the actions of a colleague will encourage you to study carefully his work, find all weak spots and see the flaws.

Perhaps your proposals will turn out to be more successful, the manager will pay attention to them and offer to take a higher position with an appropriate monetary reward. Bypassing the loser in this way, isn't that your true goal. But how beautifully you can do it while remaining human in such a difficult environment.

Virtual vendetta

You are being annoyed in reality, that's understandable. You can guess what prerequisites prompted you to cause trouble in this form. The true picture of what is happening is visible to the naked eye. The situation is more complicated in virtual space... The so-called "trolls" operate there.

How to resist virtual trolls

Their main goal is a provocation of scandalous communication on forums and in social networks... Their caustic remarks relate to mistakes, external data, or upbringing. Stretching the conflict that has arisen over several pages and attracting as many users as possible is what they are trying to achieve.

You are also better off thinking logically in this situation. Just understand that this is actually their job, in fact, they can be absolutely indifferent to you. Compare these people to the waitress who did not answer you politely, or to the security guard who did not let you in. night club... These facts are, of course, unpleasant for you, but not fatal. If the trolls have nevertheless caused a flurry of negative excitement, then it means that they have coped with their duties.

What to do if you have been insulted in VKontakte groups or in Odnoklassniki

Try to gather your emotions into a fist and react positively to such statements. If your opponent fails to cause anger in you, then his actions will become meaningless, the sent negative energy will not be able to achieve its goal. Answer with humor and irony. You will see, the interlocutor will be taken aback, and will not know what to object to you.

How to take revenge on the offender using magic a simple way

The most unusual methods of satisfying your vengeful desires are offered by magic. Witches and sorcerers, whose ads are full of newspapers and Internet pages, offer you endless opportunities to get moral satisfaction from revenge. This is a slander, evil eye, damage, retribution to the offender.

Magical ways of reckoning

Many believe that this is not a deception, and the curses sent will overtake the person. But is it worth it to accept such a grave sin?

Magic rituals will help us:

  • To deprive a person of promising work.
  • Introduce discord in family relationships.
  • To affect health for the worse.
  • Contribute to the emergence of monetary problems.

But do not forget that it is very dangerous to carry out these actions. And for you as well. Therefore, turn to the help of sorcerers only when there really is no other way out, you were beaten, seriously framed or deprived of the most precious thing.

We present to your attention examples of the impact on the human psyche with the help of spells and witchcraft rituals.

Conspiracies for offenders

Name How to carry out
Using the doll
  • Make your own doll that looks like the villain who hurt you.
  • Try to achieve maximum similarity with a real person picking up even the clothes he most often wears.
  • One of the options assumes that you send this attribute to the addressee.

When he sees his exact copy, he thinks about the inconvenience caused to you. His subconscious mind will tense up like an extended string, and you will be able to breathe calmly, your goal has been achieved.

If you want the punishment to come in the form of a weakening of health, then you must act with the doll yourself.

Inflict certain injuries on her, you will see that the well-being of the punished person will also gradually deteriorate.

Whispering to the water Your throwing in search of how to take revenge on the offender clever ways of revenge do not arise immediately.

Resentment builds up for days, or even years.

We are trying to direct some of the negativity to our enemy so that he feels at least a little bit of what we ourselves are experiencing.

To do this, remember the right words... They need to be pronounced over a bowl of water, which you put on the bible near the mirror.

A spell from evil

Defense ritual:
  • In order to spend similar ritual, you just need to prepare a sheet of blank paper.
  • When twelve at night strikes, read the conspiracy above him, which is presented below.
  • Then fold it in four, inward with the tips.

Further actions depend on the purpose for which you perform this sacrament:

  • The resulting envelope, pinned to the belt (with inside) will keep you from unkind looks.
  • A piece of paper placed under the rug at the entrance will protect your home from bad people.
  • It will allow you to increase the financial capabilities of the spoken leaf put in your wallet.

In any case, you will receive excellent armor from any hostile enemies and protection from possible troubles.

Cast the following spell

How to punish the abuser with a conspiracy from a distance at home

The kerchief on the headscarf is a powerful magical way to punish the offender.

What do we have to do:

  • To carry out magical deeds, you need to take a handkerchief that has not yet been used.
  • The only moment that you must take into account, the words of the prayer are always read before you go to some place where they may wish you harm.
  • Beforehand, each time you need to wash it so that damage does not inadvertently overtake you.

When you are about to leave, looking at the handkerchief, you need to pronounce the spoken words.

Then rub it over your face three times counterclockwise and put it in your pocket. You can confidently go about your business, bad words and thoughts will not be able to harm you.

The search for means, how to take revenge on the offender, clever ways of revenge, were not successful. There is no need to despair. There is another way that will help you get rid of its negative influence.

Having performed such a ritual, you will put an invisible wall between you, which will repel the enemy, and his evil thoughts will be directed against him. If you decide on such actions, then the day before, try to stop feeling hostility towards the enemy, think only about light and pure. If you do not get rid of the fits of anger, then at the moment of strong concentration, your thoughts will bring all the negativity back to you.

A conspiracy to have the enemy leave you alone Wait for the moon to set on its 22nd or 30th cycle. Exactly this optimal time for the performance of the sacraments. The performed ceremony must be supplemented with the following attributes:
  • Church candles in the amount of 3 pieces. Buy them on a typical day when there are no church holidays.
  • Matchbox.
  • The tablecloth is black. If there is no one in the house, just take a piece of cloth.
  • Photo - 1 piece (of the offender), 1 piece (yours). Choose pictures in which there are no other people. By your actions, you can unconsciously harm them too. The photo must be full-length.
  • Mirror - 2 pieces (no frame).

How to perform the ritual

  • The process itself should take place after sunset.
  • Two photos are laid out on a table covered with a black tablecloth.
  • On the right is your enemy, on the left is you, at a certain distance of ten centimeters.
  • Reconciliation is placed on the mirrors, face up.
  • Then light one of the candles with a match.
  • In no case is it recommended to use a lighter in this case.
  • Place it in the candlestick between the photos on the table.
  • Light the second candle from the flame of the first, place it on the mirror that is in your photo, saying: "I will name you (what is your name)."
  • You do the same with the third, but already put it on the mirror in the photo of the enemy with the same words, only instead of your name indicate the name of the one who offended you.

Looking at the light of the second candle, you say the cherished words, exactly as many times as necessary for you to feel relief.

When you realize that there is no more place for hatred in your heart, turn your attention to the third candle and say the following over it:

People who wish us unhappiness do not always carry out their plans with the help of material actions. They may simply respond badly, envy our successes, or simply feel dislike. There is no need to think that this is all empty, and words cannot affect us in any way.

In fact, the waves negative energy can ruin our careers, ruin, quarrel with family and friends.

If we know that someone is harming us, and consciously, then, naturally, there may arise a desire to protect ourselves, and not only ourselves, but our home as a whole. And this does not mean that we will wish for death.

We just want the bad person to get what he deserves, so that all the misfortunes that he predicts for others will fall on him. Examples of how to take revenge on the offender - smart ways of revenge still exist. But for this you need to bring together all your positive and choose the most sophisticated method. Just be human in any situation.

It will be interesting for you.

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