Home Fruit trees Chicken fillet stew with mushrooms recipe. Chicken with mushrooms stewed in different ways. Interesting recipes and cooking rules. Chicken fillet with porcini mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Chicken fillet stew with mushrooms recipe. Chicken with mushrooms stewed in different ways. Interesting recipes and cooking rules. Chicken fillet with porcini mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Chicken and mushrooms is the best good combination products. This wonderful hearty dish is suitable not only for the daily menu, but also for holiday table. And in this article you will learn one of the many options for preparing these products.
Recipe content:

Delicate and neutral taste chicken meat splendidly shaded rich taste mushrooms. You can use all kinds of sauces for this dish, like cream or tomato. The mushrooms themselves can be alternated depending on the season. Any forest mushrooms are also suitable: chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, and porcini mushrooms, or artificially grown mushrooms: champignons and oyster mushrooms.

Anyone who loves chicken meat knows all the ways to cook it. It's gorgeous dietary product, which is marinated, fried, boiled, baked. However, the most delicious dish that remains out of competition with other methods heat treatment, is considered chicken stew. This cooking method allows you to fully experience all the amazing taste and tenderness of poultry meat, since in the process of such cooking, all the numerous useful properties are preserved in the chicken to the maximum.

For stewing, according to experienced chefs, a cauldron remains the best dish. It can be cast iron aluminum pan(duckling) with thick walls and a bottom. Despite the fact that many housewives believe that a cauldron is suitable only for pilaf, you can cook many different other delicious dishes in it. It heats evenly and not too quickly, which allows food not to burn and cook gradually. In addition, using a cauldron can significantly reduce oil consumption. In the absence of a cauldron, a stewpan or wok is used, in which the chicken also turns out juicy, fragrant and tender.

  • If you decide to add onions to the dish, then the most painless way for the eyes is a jet of water. It is necessary to periodically place a knife blade under it.
  • The smell of chicken when stewing can destroy a small slice of an Antonovka apple.
  • Spices, especially rosemary and thyme, are recommended to be added at the last moment of stewing. If they are subjected to prolonged stewing, they will leave bitterness in the dish.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 93 kcal.
  • Servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Any chicken parts - 500 g
  • Champignons - 500 g
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.
  • Allspice to taste - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp or to taste

Cooking chicken stew with mushrooms

1. Wash the chicken parts and wipe well paper napkin. To make the dish more juicy, I recommend using its more fatty parts, drumstick, wings, thighs. Although chicken fillet is also suitable, only it will have to be marinated in milk or wine beforehand. This will help the meat become softer and more tender.

2. Wash the mushrooms, dry and cut into 2 parts. If the mushrooms are too large, then cut them into 6-8 pieces.

3. Put the cast-iron cookware on the stove, pour in the oil and heat well. Then send the chicken to fry. Set the heat to high and fry the chicken until medium golden. A high temperature will allow the meat to immediately become covered with a crust, which will retain all the juiciness in it.

4. Then add mushrooms to the meat. Do not add mushrooms until the meat is browned. Since champignons release a lot of liquid during frying, and the meat will no longer be fried, but stewed.

5. Fry the food for about 10 minutes and pour in the sour cream. You can replace it with cream or tomato paste. Also put salt, pepper and any spices to taste. I added curry powder and ground red paprika. These spices blend well and complement the taste and aroma of the dish.

It’s good when your culinary arsenal has exquisite and unusual dishes that you can surprise guests with and treat yourself to on a festive day. But given the modern rhythm of life, every housewife simply needs to have a few express recipes for delicious and hearty meals that do not require a lot of time and money.

One of these dishes is chicken stew with mushrooms. For all its simplicity, the dish leaves enough space for imagination: you can take mushrooms both fresh and dried or canned, you can stew chicken legs, or you can cook tender pieces of chicken fillet, etc. Plus, you don’t need to pick up a special side dish for chicken with mushrooms. You can choose rice, potatoes different types, buckwheat porridge etc. And all this is quite fast, simple, and most importantly - very tasty! And now, living in such a frantic rhythm, sometimes there is not enough time even for such a simple dish. A weekly food delivery service comes to the rescue. The menu changes every week, choose what you like.


  • Chicken fillet- 1 kg;
  • Onion - 1 large or 2 medium-sized onions;
  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg (the most popular and affordable option is champignons);
  • Cream (10%) - 500 ml;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Designed for 6 servings.

Cooking time - 40-50 minutes.

Tafelspitz a la Viennese

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the chicken fillet and cut into squares (about 3x3 cm).
  2. Heat up in a deep frying pan sunflower oil and fry the fillet pieces for 10 minutes. During frying, salt the meat and, if desired, add black ground pepper. In order for the meat to be browned and better fried, before cutting the fillets, blot with a kitchen paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  3. Separately, in another pan, fry the mushrooms, cut into plates (10-15 minutes).
  4. Transfer the fried mushrooms to a plate and fry the onion, cut into half rings. When the onion acquires a light golden hue, add the already fried mushrooms and 2 tablespoons of flour to the pan and fry them together for 5 minutes.
  5. Now add a mixture of mushrooms, onions and flour to a deep frying pan with fried fillet pieces, mix and add cream.
  6. Put the pan on the fire and bring the cream to a boil.
  7. After the cream has boiled, make a slow fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for another 10-15 minutes. While the chicken is stewing, take a sample and add, if necessary, salt and spices to taste.

Chicken stewed in cream with mushrooms and onions is ready! If desired, after you have removed the chicken from the heat, finely chopped fresh herbs can be added to the dish.

Friends, in the cookbook of every housewife there should be recipes for real "men's food". Simple and quick to prepare, bright and appetizing in appearance, with an incredible flavor bouquet, and most importantly, satisfying! Today presents a unique opportunity to learn how to cook such a dish. One of the most popular such dishes is a dish with mushrooms in sour cream.

The taste qualities of chicken and champignons are absolutely not inferior to complex culinary delights. In addition, this dish is incredibly healthy, because, according to doctors, it is more necessary for our health to use chicken meat more often than animal meat.

To stew the food, use fat sour cream or cream. You can take mushrooms not only champignons, but also oyster mushrooms, any dried or canned. Also, to make the dish more satisfying, you can add beans or vegetables to it.

It is important to choose a chicken good quality. When buying it, pay attention to the expiration date, which should be no more than 5 days and the inscription on the package “without chlorine”. The color of the chicken should be pink, internal fat- yellow, pleasant smell, skin without bruising and damage.

Another very quick and tasty dish, "Chicken Stew with Mushrooms". And again, a minimum of products and effort expended.

I generally love recipes without "bells and whistles". A woman in our time is no longer only the keeper of the hearth, she takes on her fragile shoulders almost universal worries and successfully, and sometimes with great pleasure, solves many problems that are not related to the family and household. Few women can boast that they do not need to go to work in the morning, and they can devote their whole day to their home and family.

When I am interested in cooking recipes, I immediately brush aside complex or time-consuming ones. No, I love to cook, but I’m not a chef, but an ordinary housewife and I can’t devote half of my day to cooking some kind of “abstruse fish” from which you first need to carefully remove the skin, then separate all the bones, chop the meat, with what -something to mix, knead, then sew all this stuff into the previously removed skin, and so on. Or every five minutes look into the oven and pour something there, turn it over, turn it over. In my opinion, this is a nightmare....

All the recipes in my piggy bank are very easy to prepare, and if you need something that is always at hand to get a tasty and nutritious dish, then this is generally wonderful. In addition, interesting and simple recipes I often simplify even more, of course, provided that they do not lose their taste and charm.

Since everything that I post on my blog is not a repost, I make sure to mark those ingredients that can be replaced or that can be completely abandoned if for some reason such products may not be available or simply someone may not love them. For example, I really like soy sauce, but many simply cannot tolerate it, if it does not play a decisive role in the recipe, then I suggest replacing it with ordinary salt, and so on in all other similar cases.

Why do I post so many chicken dishes? Because it takes very little time to cook it, and the taste and nutritional properties of this meat are beyond praise. And if I’m busy with the housework, and my husband is about to come home from work, then the chicken in this case is just a lifesaver, 30 minutes in the kitchen and delicious dinner ready, the husband is full and satisfied, and I am a "wonderful wife." By the way, my husband is the main taster of my culinary "inventions" and after 25 years life together I can tell by the expression on his face whether he eats with pleasure or "out of respect for my efforts."

And now let's start cooking a very simple and delicious dish"Chicken stew with mushrooms."

For this we need:

Fillet with a couple of chicken breasts

Any mushrooms (I have champignons) fresh or frozen - 200 gr

Green onions - large bunch

Milk of any fat content - about two glasses

Flour - a tablespoon

Cooking oil of your choice

Salt pepper

We cut the chicken fillet into pieces, the size does not matter, cut as you like (large cubes, small cubes, straws).

Put on a frying pan heated with oil.

The meat must be salted and peppered. The amount of pepper also depends on your taste, if you want it spicier - do not regret it, but do not overdo it either. Stir.

Fry until meat is golden brown. Then we reduce the fire by one third of the power.

While the meat is fried, cut the mushrooms and green onions.

Add to meat. Mushrooms with chicken and green onions fry for five minutes.

Add the flour, mixing thoroughly, fry the food for a couple of minutes, preventing the flour from burning. I went a little too far with flour, take no more than a tablespoon.

Add milk, bring to a boil, stir. Cover and simmer for five minutes.

Everything, chicken stew with mushrooms is ready! Let her brew a little (also about five minutes) and set the table.

Chicken stew with mushrooms according to this recipe has a bright creamy mushroom taste. The gravy becomes thick. This dish goes well with pasta, buckwheat and boiled, fried or baked potatoes.

Cook with joy and bon appetit!

Chicken fillet - this is what is commonly called white chicken meat, in other words - chicken breast. The most famous dish prepared from chicken fillet is, of course,. However, many may argue. Chicken fillet with mushrooms, stewed or baked - a very tasty main course, loved by many.

In the old days, the word fillet, most often, simply meant a piece of meat, peeled from films, fat, bones. Usually, when buying at a butcher's shop, a piece of meat was wrapped in wrapping paper and tied with a thread. From here, apparently, the name appeared - fillet, because. thread (thread) in French is written as filet. Gradually, the term fillet took root and spread to all meat and fish.

Chicken fillet is a special meat. It is called white because of the low content of bird blood in it; when cooked, the meat becomes very light. At the same time, other parts of the chicken meat, saturated blood vessels, have a clear red tint, and remain dark when cooked.

AT North America Prefer white meat chicken. Selling chicken fillet is quite expensive. But, they say, the low price of exported red meat compensates for the domestic price of chicken fillet. Quite often in catering establishments in the USA you can find chicken kiev on the menu - the very famous Kiev cutlet - beaten chicken fillet, in which a piece of cold meat is wrapped butter sprinkled breadcrumbs and deep fried. The highest class, when the chicken bone remains in the cutlet and the cutlet itself is served on a slice of fried white bread.

Chicken fillet is an ideal poultry meat for cooking all kinds of stews. This is a whole class of dishes, the essence of which is fried ingredients (meat, vegetables, mushrooms) stewed in a thick sauce. White stew, or blanket, is made from young veal or chicken fillet. All kinds of goulash - fried pieces of meat stewed in tomato sauce.

Chicken fillet dishes, given the availability of meat and relatively low price, are very popular and, importantly, can be prepared quickly and in hundreds of ways. Often, it is enough to fry chicken fillet pieces, add available vegetables and mushrooms, stew in sauce and you will get an excellent breakfast - chicken fillet with mushrooms. What to cook from chicken fillet? I recommend the recipe for chicken fillet with mushrooms.

Chicken fillet with mushrooms. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Chicken fillet 2 pcs
  • Champignons 200 gr
  • Olive oil 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Onion 2-3 pcs
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc
  • Tomato to taste
  • Dill greens 1-2 sprigs
  • Salt, black pepper, sugar, nutmeg Taste
  1. Chicken fillet, if it is frozen, must first be thawed. It is better to transfer two fillets from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening. During the night, the fillet will defrost and will not flow. However, now in any store you can buy chicken fillet that has not been frozen. Clean the fillet from films and fat residues, carefully remove all the bones.

    Chicken fillet

  2. Wash the fillet pieces and cut into pieces weighing 25-30 grams.

    Prepare vegetables and mushrooms

  3. Salt and pepper the chicken pieces. Prepare vegetables and mushrooms. If the champignons are not large, it is enough to wash them and clean them from the remnants of the substrate. Larger mushrooms should be cut in half. Peel sweet fleshy peppers from seeds and cut into slices of medium size. Onion clean and cut into rings.
  4. In a frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Wait for the appearance of light white smoke and a characteristic smell. Fry chicken pieces in olive oil for 5-6 minutes. Fillet pieces should be fried on all sides. There is no need to achieve, as they usually write, a beautiful ruddy crust.

    Fry chicken pieces in olive oil for 5-6 minutes

  5. Add chopped mushrooms to the fillet and Bell pepper. You can salt and pepper to taste. Stirring, continue to fry everything on big fire another 8-10 minutes. As a result, mushrooms and peppers should become soft. shift fried chicken with mushrooms and peppers in a baking dish.

    Add chopped mushrooms and sweet pepper to the fillet

  6. Pour the remaining olive oil into the pan and fry the chopped onion on it. Fry the onion until golden brown. Next, salt the onion, pepper, add grated nutmeg - at the tip of the knife, as well as 0.5 tsp. Sahara.

    Fry the onion until golden brown

  7. Depending on the season, add any tomato. It can be diluted in water tomato paste(1 full tablespoon), or half a can of canned tomato pulp, or homemade fresh tomato puree. Experience shows that the easiest way is to add a glass of good tomato juice. Add water so that the consistency of the onion with the tomato becomes approximately like thick sour cream. Bring the tomato to a boil and cover the pan with a lid. Let tomato sauce simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.

    Depending on the season, add any tomato

  8. Pour the prepared sauce over the chicken fillet with mushrooms and pepper laid out in a mold. Smooth the surface so that the sauce covers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dish. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Heat treatment time - 20 minutes from the moment of boiling liquid in the form.

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