Home Mushrooms Protoss mothership. Alien mothership beyond the sun. What is behind the Sun

Protoss mothership. Alien mothership beyond the sun. What is behind the Sun

UFOs, aliens and the mothership

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs), aliens, the mothership - all these are objects that are traditionally thinking people were generally considered unworthy of discussion or, according to at least, doubtful. However, numerous eyewitness accounts and photographs indicate that these phenomena deserve serious attention. These are real phenomena, and we will try to at least partially understand them. Those who are sufficiently oriented in metaphysical issues will be able to deepen their knowledge and understanding, but contact with this topic will be useful for everyone.


In general, extraterrestrials, or aliens, can be defined as creatures that live beyond our planet. This concept includes both beings from higher planetary systems - demigods, and inhabitants of lower planets.

All ancient cultures were influenced by aliens to one degree or another, many civilizations left oral and written evidence about them. Among others, the aborigines of America, the peoples of Africa, Latin and South America From generation to generation, legends about contacts with aliens are preserved. The history of Kemet (Egypt) suggests that the pyramids were built with the help of aliens. These beings shared knowledge of laser and other technologies with the Egyptians, the knowledge was spread among select groups and used for specific purposes. In fact, the pyramids were not built to serve as tombs. One of their functions was that of an amplifier, providing communication between different dimensions, which allowed the aliens to communicate with their brothers and sisters from other worlds (see Chapter 8).


Aliens are also spoken of in the scriptures, although this information is contained in a hidden, encrypted form. The Bible mentions how Ezekiel saw a “wheel” that lifted him to another, upper wheel (Ezekiel 1:16). It has been suggested that this upper wheel is nothing more than some kind of aircraft. The Book of Revelation by John the Theologian says that when the world approaches a transitional state, a certain city will appear in the sky (Rev 21: 2-27). Apparently, both of these references are related to the UFO - the so-called mothership, which we will describe below. Christian minister Barry Downing has written extensively about the relationship between the Bible and the UFO phenomenon.

Indian Vedic scriptures such as the Bhagavata Purana, Mahabharata and Ramayana detail beings from other planets, the airships or vimanas in which these beings travel, and their contacts with humans.


The term "mothership" is often heard in discussions about UFOs. The mothership is a UFO. It looks like a giant floating city and can accommodate hundreds and even thousands of smaller, ballroom-sized flying objects. When illuminated at full power, the mothership shines brighter than 10 thousand suns. These flying objects are enormous in size.

In the history of the Earth, repeated appearances of mother ships were noted, but they were interpreted incorrectly. For example, the Star of Bethlehem was nothing more than the mother ship. Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed the mother ship. Archangel Gabriel and Moses had a connection with the mother ship. Many vimanas mentioned in the Vedas were motherships. Several years ago, a Japanese airplane pilot reported witnessing a strange phenomenon: his plane was being chased by fifty to sixty small flying objects flying out of a larger object. Of course, the pilot rendezvoused with the mothership.

The creatures from the motherships are more similar to us than other alien creatures. They have always monitored the life of our universe. Their task is to promote balance and progress on Earth. They have a positive impact on the development of our planet by transforming the consciousness of earthlings, a process that we are witnessing now and which will occur even more intensely in the future. They are able to prevent some disasters and are now controlling the threatening situation that has arisen due to the growth of nuclear weapons.

The story reflects the ongoing battle between good and evil for power over humanity, for the right to decide its fate. When beings with higher consciousness (and seeking to achieve higher consciousness) increasingly come into contact with those who pursue selfish goals, a global cleansing begins. Life on the planet is partially or completely destroyed. Motherships are required to ensure that the population recovers after such a purge. During the destruction, the creatures on the mother ship “highlight” people with high level consciousnesses, capture them with a beam of light and transfer them to the mother ship. Both happen instantly, at the speed of thought. People brought onto the ship are immediately put into deep sleep, especially if they were captured under serious circumstances, such as a disaster requiring a global evacuation. Later, these people will help repopulate the planet. The bodies of those who have not surrendered to the Supreme Lord will be destroyed. In fact, they will only benefit from the general destruction, because they will have the opportunity to next life achieve spiritual level which we failed to achieve in this life.

The creatures inhabiting the mothership do not act directly in the human world. Most of their activities are carried out through earthling intermediaries. Since we have free will and choice with all the ensuing consequences, alien beings offer guidance to earthlings, and they are already free to choose one direction or another of action.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in Message to the American Black, and Rev. Louis Farrakhan, both of the Black Muslims, also refer to motherships. "Message to the Black" talks about the role of motherships and their ability to maintain balance in this world by controlling disasters - both natural and man-made.

A few years ago, Farrakhan experienced an incident similar to the story of the prophet Ezekiel, which we have already mentioned. Farrakhan reports that he was captured by the small ship's light beam and taken to big ship. There he met with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who told him to inform Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi that his capital would be bombed, that he would be assassinated, and other plans to spark World War III. Farrakhan conveyed this message to Colonel Gaddafi. It was later reported that when the bombing began, there was such strong interference on the air that some aircraft could not carry out their combat missions, and a group of small flying saucers hovered over the area.


Let's look at several types of alien creatures. The first category includes the demigods, including those who oversee the mother ships. Demigods of one type come to us from the North Star and even more distant stars. The first thing that catches your eye when meeting these creatures is their fiery, luminous body. They are very tall, about eight feet tall, and have huge mystical powers. They are able to move at the speed of thought and see what any of us is doing at any time. There are many types of demigods, all of them reside in higher planets.

The second category of aliens are the so-called “grays”. They are described as very short creatures with huge black eyes, a large oval head, a weak body and vestigial ears, nose and mouth. It is these creatures that carry out most of the abductions. One of the most authoritative books on abductions, “Communication” by Whitley Strieber, provides details of contacts with UFOs, during which people were abducted and various experiments were performed on them, which usually led to a change in consciousness. People abducted by UFOs are usually subjected to extensive study using sophisticated equipment. Injected into the body, most often the mouth and rectum, of the abductee. various devices. Later they feel pain and sometimes have severe nosebleeds.

Some of the abductees dream that they are being raped or that they are being held spaceship and they ejaculate continuously. These dreams reflect real experience. The kidnappers take sperm from earthlings and use it to continue their family line.

People who underwent this procedure subsequently experienced pain in their genitals. If you have had dreams in which you communicated with beings from other worlds, and then you experienced sensations similar to those mentioned above, then it is quite possible that the contact you dreamed of took place in reality. But don't be afraid. “Greys” cannot be considered necessarily malicious entities. Rather, they are to be pitied: they have evolved to lose the capacity to love, resulting in beings that are composed primarily of intellect and have no feelings. That's why they have such a big head and such a small body. They use their mental abilities to kidnap people, paralyzing the victim using telepathy. These creatures are closely connected and have long interacted with our planet. Part of this connection is due to their desire to gain emotions.

Another category of aliens comes from the center of the Earth. Some of them are non-humanoids, while others, descendants of the population of the “vanished continents” - Mu and Atlantis (see Chapter 8), - have a human appearance. During the decline of Mu and Atlantis, some people, following the guidance of the mother ship, found refuge in the center of the planet. Surprisingly, some unidentified flying objects come not from other planets, but from the center of our own.

There are also aliens who are definitely of a negative nature. Sometimes they are called demons. They oppose the Divine order and exert Negative influence on the state of affairs on Earth. There are people who voluntarily come into contact with these creatures and deliberately become tyrants. They are trying to control minds in order to gain power and turn people into slaves. They: encourage deception, discord and satanic cults. These tyrants have high-ranking agents in governments around the world, they are more powerful than secret societies, and penetrate them to practice mind control and manipulation of people.

Our planet is controlled by secret societies such as the Illuminati and Skull and Bones. "Skull and Bones" is one of the most influential organizations in a world whose members commit human sacrifice to gain power. Members of the Illuminati have extensive knowledge of demigods and alien beings. Through meditation and other metaphysical techniques they come into contact with negative entities that supply them various kinds metaphysical weapon to control people and achieve complete domination over them. These societies carry out their goals before the eyes of the whole world through government organizations such as the Federal Reserve System, the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, etc.


As already mentioned, there is numerous evidence of contacts with aliens. Many feel that the government is trying its best to hide this information from the public. However, this is no longer possible. Multiple reports of the incident in Roswell, New Mexico, state that residents of the city saw a flying disc-shaped object. The military was called to the city and examined the crash site and the wreckage of the crashed object.

More than a hundred people knew about this disaster, mostly those who were somehow connected with the government. Special interest This incident is significant because there are reports that the bodies of dead aliens were found among the debris. Judging by the descriptions, these were the “grays” that we have already talked about. Officially, the incident was presented as a weather balloon accident. Several years later, many government officials appeared on television and stated that they were ordered to keep the incident secret and threatened with dismissal if they disobeyed. But they finally spoke, feeling that they could no longer withhold this information.

In certain circles it is now believed that ex-President Eisenhower was in contact with aliens. It is also reported that former President Carter personally saw a UFO. Member of the House of Lords English Parliament Earl Clancarty spoke with the pilot involved in the incident at Edwards Air Force Base and wrote quite unequivocally that it was a collision with aliens.

Already from these few examples it becomes clear that UFOs and contacts with aliens are a widespread phenomenon, and not an invention of eccentrics. People who have come into contact with extraterrestrials regularly hold meetings to discuss the impact of this experience on themselves and their families, and how to cope with its consequences. In New York there is a special express communication line through which information is transmitted about new cases of UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrial beings. We must be aware of the seriousness of the situation and know what is happening in this area of ​​​​life on our planet. If we fail to prepare properly, the next few decades could bring us a lot of trouble.


If I have simply aroused your interest in UFOs and aliens or made you afraid, then I have failed to achieve my goal. The main question is how much this information contributes to your ability to see the guiding hand of the Lord behind everything that happens. Does it motivate you to surrender to Him? If this information helps you realize the urgent need to develop love within yourself, then our discussion has made sense. When deciding which people need to be saved, who needs to be helped, higher beings are guided by an assessment of a person’s energy, the degree of embodiment of love tendencies in him. A person with a low level of consciousness development and low vibrations is simply not adapted to contact with the mother ship. At the same time, those who follow the principles of moral purity and compassion for others have already made a great contribution to their spiritual development and will be ready to meet the mothership and alien creatures.

When you are in harmony with God, He takes charge of your survival. He protects and protects you. His servants will gladly do whatever He asks you to do. But if you do not cry out to Him, slavery awaits you, you become a victim of those negative forces that influence our mind through means mass media. Constantly exciting you material desires, they successfully reduce your consciousness to lower levels, and then negative forces can command and control you.

Our time is an amazing period in the life of this universe. There are beings here who have been waiting for thousands of years for the opportunity to be born at this very time, when they will be able to gain enough progressive spiritual strength to return back home to spiritual world. And you came to Earth at this time not by chance, but in order to take part in the unfolding process. We want to facilitate your unity with those who will help you raise your level of consciousness and establish harmonious relationships with the universe and with God.

QUESTION: I once spoke with a person who was well informed on the UFO problem. He said that the first nuclear disaster occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah. Could you tell us more about this?

ANSWER: Yes, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of what happens when the nuclear energy. The mothership was given such a task, and it fulfilled it. All these events are caused by the total free will and collective consciousness of people. And what happens to an individual depends on his personal karma. If you have protective karma acquired by living a righteous life in harmony with God, then even if you have to give up your life, there is knowledge and power that can, if necessary, return your soul back to your body.

QUESTION: What ultimately determines what our consciousness will be - the Creator or our own choice and activities?

ANSWER: Of course, by our choices and our respective actions. The Supreme Lord is like a supreme father who loves everything about his children and always gives them the right to make choices according to their perceptions and desires. God has no favorites. Man's desires lead him either to righteousness or to sinfulness. Our free will and our choices attract or repel various situations. What goes around comes around. According to the law of conservation of energy and the third law of dynamics, action is equal to reaction. We ourselves are completely responsible for everything that happens in our lives. If we were truly aware of this, we would be more careful and thoughtful in our interactions with each other, with the world around us, and with God.

QUESTION: I have been studying UFOs for quite some time, but I have not come across almost anything in books that you told us today. So, was I wasting my time if I learned more in one short lecture than in several years of study?

ANSWER: Indeed, much of what we discuss you will not find in any book. Much of this information is obtained through communication on a cosmic level, as well as from previous life experiences. To promote your growth, we summarize great amount knowledge. You couldn't possibly get this information just by reading books. The knowledge we share with you is not just for the mind, it goes deeper. Our words are like seeds sown in the heart and mind. The soul knows the truth and is able to support the desire of any person striving for a higher goal.

Many ufologists believe that the presence of numerous UFOs and aliens on our planet is associated with some universal tasks that we have not yet been given the ability to understand. Some researchers believe that the aliens are friendly towards us, others are hostile, and others are ambivalent, since there are representatives of several extraterrestrial concessions on Earth. So far, they have only one thing in common: they do not want (or cannot) enter into direct contact with us, although there is evidence that contacts with the governments of leading powers already exist.

The question is different: Where does such interest in our planet come from, since the location of the Solar system in the Universe, according to astronomers, is far from the most attractive? Although these conclusions may be erroneous. According to secret data that is leaked on the Internet, aliens never travel in the Universe the way we imagine, that is, overcoming vast distances in space. For this, there are special instant travel portals, or rather, a network of such portals. And in this network of time-spatial portals our solar system represents a kind of “Silk Road”, very attractive to many extraterrestrial civilizations.

Is the moon a ship or a base?

The closest to Earth and most likely places where aliens could be based are back side The Sun and the Moon, although it is possible that their ships and bases are located everywhere, say, on Mars, Venus and so on.

If we consider the Moon, it is more suitable for these purposes, since in all respects it even resembles a huge alien ship or an artificially created base. Firstly, it has an unrealistic ideal for a companion round shape. Secondly, its soil is different from the earth’s, which is also unnatural. Thirdly, studies of this soil have shown that the Moon is much younger than the Earth; it is no coincidence that there is no mention of it in ancient sources.

Ufologists are constantly inclined to think that the Moon is either a ship or an alien base. This was indirectly confirmed by the American astronauts who landed on the Earth’s satellite. Having landed on the moon, they saw many UFOs and even entire space portals. Later, all the video materials were classified, and a video of the moon landing, filmed in Hollywood, was edited for earthlings, which caused so much controversy and doubt about whether the Americans were there.

It is noteworthy that after the first American landing on the Moon, both the USA and the USSR suddenly lost interest in the “natural” satellite of the Earth. Moreover, now there seems to be all the technologies for conquering the Moon, creating a transshipment base there for further advancement into space, but all attempts by scientists to advance in this direction seem to be stopped by someone. This suggests that aliens have long been cooperating with the leadership of great powers, controlling space developments on our planet and the interest of earthlings in UFOs. It is for this reason that everything related to this topic is strictly classified, and scientists who are too interested in ufology are under the surveillance of intelligence services and often simply disappear without a trace.

What is behind the Sun?

WITH ancient times people believed that gods (and for them the aliens were gods) came from the Sun. Most likely, this is due to the fact that just behind our star there are other alien bases. The fact is that the Sun, compared to the Earth, is very large, it’s like a huge apple and a small poppy seed. Therefore, we cannot see through any of the telescopes, and therefore know what is behind the Sun. Namely, behind it, astronomers say, there is a planet very similar to Earth, which is constantly hidden from our eyes by a huge star.

Of course, earthlings are not yet able to send a space expedition to check this, although there is an opinion that such technologies already exist, but again, someone is preventing them from being used. And who, if not the aliens themselves, for whom our knowledge about their bases, and especially entire planets inhabited by other intelligences, is completely useless.

Astronomers, thanks to calculations, for example, from changes in the strength of magnetic connections that are recorded by instruments, are confident that behind the Sun there is a twin of the Earth, and that it has approximately the same conditions for life as on our planet. And if this is so, then why have our planets not yet established contact? Ufologists are confident that it is on that planet that we should look for the main location of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And most likely, there are quite a lot of them there, much more than we can even imagine.

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs), aliens, the mothership are all subjects that conventionally minded people have generally considered unworthy of discussion, or at least dubious. However, numerous eyewitness accounts and photographs indicate that these phenomena deserve serious attention. These are real phenomena, and we will try to at least partially understand them. Those who are sufficiently oriented in metaphysical issues will be able to deepen their knowledge and understanding, but contact with this topic will be useful for everyone.


In general, extraterrestrials, or aliens, can be defined as creatures that live beyond our planet. This concept includes both beings from higher planetary systems - demigods, and inhabitants of lower planets.

All ancient cultures were influenced by aliens to one degree or another, many civilizations left oral and written evidence about them. Among others, the natives of America, the peoples of Africa, Latin and South America, from generation to generation, preserve legends about contacts with aliens. The history of Kemet (Egypt) suggests that the pyramids were built with the help of aliens. These beings shared knowledge of laser and other technologies with the Egyptians, the knowledge was spread among select groups and used for specific purposes. In fact, the pyramids were not built to serve as tombs. One of their functions was as an amplifier, providing communication between different dimensions, which allowed the aliens to communicate with their brothers and sisters from other worlds (see Chapter 8).


Aliens are also spoken of in the scriptures, although this information is contained in a hidden, encrypted form. The Bible mentions how Ezekiel saw a “wheel” that lifted him to another, upper wheel (Ezekiel 1:16). It has been suggested that this top wheel is nothing more than some kind of aircraft. The Book of Revelation by John the Theologian says that when the world approaches a transitional state, a certain city will appear in the sky (Rev 21: 2-27). Apparently, both of these references are related to the UFO - the so-called mothership, which we will describe below. Christian minister Barry Downing has written extensively about the relationship between the Bible and the UFO phenomenon.

Indian Vedic scriptures such as the Bhagavata Purana, Mahabharata and Ramayana detail beings from other planets, the airships or vimanas in which these beings travel, and their contacts with humans.


The term "mothership" is often heard in discussions about UFOs. The mothership is a UFO. It looks like a giant floating city and can accommodate hundreds and even thousands of smaller, ballroom-sized flying objects. When illuminated at full power, the mothership shines brighter than 10 thousand suns. These flying objects are enormous in size.

In the history of the Earth, repeated appearances of mother ships were noted, but they were interpreted incorrectly. For example, the Star of Bethlehem was nothing more than the mother ship. Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed the mother ship. Archangel Gabriel and Moses had a connection with the mother ship. Many vimanas mentioned in the Vedas were motherships. Several years ago, a Japanese airplane pilot reported witnessing a strange phenomenon: his plane was being chased by fifty to sixty small flying objects flying out of a larger object. Of course, the pilot rendezvoused with the mothership.

The creatures from the motherships are more similar to us than other alien creatures. They have always monitored the life of our universe. Their task is to promote balance and progress on Earth. They have a positive impact on the development of our planet by transforming the consciousness of earthlings, a process that we are witnessing now and which will occur even more intensely in the future. They are able to prevent some disasters and are now controlling the threatening situation that has arisen due to the growth of nuclear weapons.

The story reflects the ongoing battle between good and evil for power over humanity, for the right to decide its fate. When beings with higher consciousness (and seeking to achieve higher consciousness) increasingly come into contact with those who pursue selfish goals, a global cleansing begins. Life on the planet is partially or completely destroyed. Motherships are required to ensure that the population recovers after such a purge. During the destruction, the creatures on the mothership “highlight” people with a high level of consciousness, capture them with a beam of light and transport them to the mothership. Both happen instantly, at the speed of thought. People brought onto the ship are immediately put into deep sleep, especially if they were captured under serious circumstances, such as a disaster requiring a global evacuation. Later, these people will help repopulate the planet. The bodies of those who have not surrendered to the Supreme Lord will be destroyed. In fact, they will only benefit from the general destruction, because they will have the opportunity in the next life to achieve a spiritual level that they were unable to achieve in this life.

The creatures inhabiting the mothership do not act directly in the human world. Most of their activities are carried out through earthling intermediaries. Since we have free will and choice with all the ensuing consequences, alien beings offer guidance to earthlings, and they are already free to choose one direction or another of action.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in Message to the American Black, and Rev. Louis Farrakhan, both of the Black Muslims, also refer to motherships. "Message to the Black" talks about the role of motherships and their ability to maintain balance in this world by controlling disasters - both natural and man-made.

A few years ago, Farrakhan experienced an incident similar to the story of the prophet Ezekiel, which we have already mentioned. Farrakhan reports that he was captured by the small ship's light beam and taken to the larger ship. There he met with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who told him to inform Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi that his capital would be bombed, that he would be assassinated, and other plans to spark World War III. Farrakhan conveyed this message to Colonel Gaddafi. It was later reported that when the bombing began, there was such strong interference on the air that some aircraft could not carry out their combat missions, and a group of small flying saucers hovered over the area.


Let's look at several types of alien creatures. The first category includes the demigods, including those who oversee the mother ships. Demigods of one type come to us from the North Star and even more distant stars. The first thing that catches your eye when meeting these creatures is their fiery, luminous body. They are very tall, approximately eight feet tall, and have enormous mystical powers. They are able to move at the speed of thought and see what any of us is doing at any time. There are many types of demigods, all of whom reside in the higher planets.

The second category of aliens are the so-called “grays”. They are described as very short creatures with huge black eyes, a large oval head, a weak body and vestigial ears, nose and mouth. It is these creatures that carry out most of the abductions. One of the most authoritative books on abductions, “Communication” by Whitley Strieber, provides details of contacts with UFOs, during which people were abducted and various experiments were performed on them, which usually led to a change in consciousness. People abducted by UFOs are usually subjected to extensive study using sophisticated equipment. Various devices are inserted into the abductee's body, most often the mouth and rectum. Later they feel pain and sometimes have severe nosebleeds.

Some of the abductees dream that they are being raped or that they are on a spaceship and are constantly ejaculating. These dreams reflect real experience. The kidnappers take sperm from earthlings and use it to continue their family line.

People who underwent this procedure subsequently experienced pain in their genitals. If you have had dreams in which you communicated with beings from other worlds, and then you experienced sensations similar to those mentioned above, then it is quite possible that the contact you dreamed of took place in reality. But don't be afraid. “Greys” cannot be considered necessarily malicious entities. Rather, they are to be pitied: they have evolved to lose the capacity to love, resulting in beings that are composed primarily of intellect and have no feelings. That's why they have such a big head and such a small body. They use their mental abilities to kidnap people, paralyzing the victim using telepathy. These creatures are closely connected and have long interacted with our planet. Part of this connection is due to their desire to gain emotions.

Another category of aliens comes from the center of the Earth. Some of them are non-humanoids, while others, descendants of the population of the “vanished continents” - Mu and Atlantis (see Chapter 8), - have a human appearance. During the decline of Mu and Atlantis, some people, following the guidance of the mother ship, found refuge in the center of the planet. Surprisingly, some unidentified flying objects come not from other planets, but from the center of our own.

There are also aliens who are definitely of a negative nature. Sometimes they are called demons. They oppose the Divine order and have a negative impact on the state of affairs on Earth. There are people who voluntarily come into contact with these creatures and deliberately become tyrants. They are trying to control minds in order to gain power and turn people into slaves. They:

They encourage deception, discord and satanic cults. These tyrants have high-ranking agents in governments around the world, more powerful than secret societies, and infiltrate them to practice mind control and manipulation of people.

Our planet is controlled by secret societies such as the Illuminati and Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is one of the most powerful organizations in the world, whose members perform human sacrifices to gain power. Members of the Illuminati have extensive knowledge of demigods and alien beings. With the help of meditation and other metaphysical techniques, they come into contact with negative entities who supply them with various kinds of metaphysical weapons to control people and achieve complete domination over them. These societies carry out their goals in front of the whole world through government organizations such as the Federal Reserve System, the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, etc.


As already mentioned, there is numerous evidence of contacts with aliens. Many feel that the government is trying its best to hide this information from the public. However, this is no longer possible. Multiple reports of the incident in Roswell, New Mexico, state that residents of the city saw a flying disc-shaped object. The military was called to the city and examined the crash site and the wreckage of the crashed object.

More than a hundred people knew about this disaster, mostly those who were somehow connected with the government. This incident is of particular interest because there are reports that the bodies of dead aliens were found among the debris. Judging by the descriptions, these were the “grays” that we have already talked about. Officially, the incident was presented as a weather balloon accident. Several years later, many government officials appeared on television and stated that they were ordered to keep the incident secret and threatened with dismissal if they disobeyed. But they finally spoke, feeling that they could no longer withhold this information.

In certain circles it is now believed that ex-President Eisenhower was in contact with aliens. It is also reported that former President Carter personally saw a UFO. A member of the House of Lords of the English Parliament, Earl Clancarty, spoke with the pilot involved in the incident at Edwards Air Force Base and wrote quite unequivocally that it was a collision with aliens.

Already from these few examples it becomes clear that UFOs and contacts with aliens are a widespread phenomenon, and not an invention of eccentrics. People who have come into contact with extraterrestrials regularly hold meetings to discuss the impact of this experience on themselves and their families, and how to cope with its consequences. In New York there is a special express communication line through which information is transmitted about new cases of UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrial beings. We must be aware of the seriousness of the situation and know what is happening in this area of ​​​​life on our planet. If we fail to prepare properly, the next few decades could bring us a lot of trouble.

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