Home Mushrooms Moral and psychological pressure on a person. Psychological pressure: the main methods of protection. suggestion and persuasion

Moral and psychological pressure on a person. Psychological pressure: the main methods of protection. suggestion and persuasion

When we hear the word "violence", we first of all imagine an aggressive person using force on a weaker one. However, violence can manifest itself not only in the form of physical aggression, but also in the form of psychological pressure and coercion. And many psychologists are sure that emotional and verbal violence is much more dangerous for a person than physical, since it does not cripple the body, but the psyche and. A person who is regularly subjected to psychological violence gradually loses confidence in himself and his "I" and begins to live with the desires and attitudes of the aggressor, making efforts to achieve his goals.

Signs and types of psychological abuse

Psychological violence, unlike physical violence, is not always obvious, since it can manifest itself not only in the form of screaming, swearing and insults, but also in the form of subtle manipulation of a person’s emotions and feelings. In most cases, the goal of the one who uses psychological violence is to force the victim to change their behavior, opinion, decision and act as the aggressor-manipulator wants. However, it should be noted that there is a separate category of people who use psychological violence and pressure in order to morally break the victim and make her completely dependent on their will. To achieve their goal, the aggressors use the following types psychological abuse:

Protection from psychological abuse

Psychological pressure is easiest for people who do not have strong personal boundaries and do not know how to defend their own rights. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from psychological violence, you must first of all, designating for yourself your rights and obligations in each of the spheres of life. Next, you need to act according to the situation, depending on what type of psychological violence the aggressor uses.

Opposition to the lover to command

When faced with a commanding and ordering person, two questions need to be asked: “Am I obligated to follow this person’s orders?” and "What happens if I don't do what he wants?" If the answers to these questions are “No” and “Nothing bad for me,” then the self-proclaimed commander should be put in his place with something like this: “Why are you telling me what to do? It is not my duty to carry out your orders." Further orders and commands should simply be ignored.

Practical example: Employees A and B work in the same office in the same positions. Employee A regularly transfers part of his duties to employee B, without providing any counter services in return. In this case, the opposition to the aggressor will look like this:

A: You are just printing out something, well, print out my report, and then put it in a folder and take it to the accounting department.

B: Do I work here as your secretary? It is not my job to print your documents and deliver them anywhere. I've got a lot of work to do, so take care of your report yourself and don't distract me, please.

Protection from verbal aggression

The goal is to make the victim feel embarrassed, upset, stressed, start making excuses, etc. Therefore best defense from verbal aggression - not living up to the aggressor's expectations and reacting in a completely different way than he expects: to joke, remain indifferent, or feel sorry for the offender. Also effective way protection from such psychological violence is the method of "psychological aikido" developed by the famous psychologist M. Litvak. The essence of this method is to apply depreciation in any conflict situations - smoothing out the conflict by agreeing with all the statements of the aggressor (as a psychiatrist agrees with everything that the patient tells him).

Practical example: The husband calls names and tries to humiliate his wife every time he has Bad mood. Protection from psychological abuse in this case may be as follows:

M: You don't know anything at all! You are a disgusting hostess, you can’t even clean the house properly, there’s a feather lying around under the sofa!

Zh: Yes, I'm so clumsy, it's so hard for you with me! Surely you know how to clean better than me, so I will be grateful if you help me clean the house next time.

Confronting Ignorance

It is important to remember that intentional ignoring is always manipulation, so you should not give in to the pressure of the manipulator and try to appease him so that he changes his anger into mercy. A person who is inclined to be constantly offended and “turn on the ignore” in response to any actions that do not suit him, needs to be made clear that playing silent is his right, but he will not achieve anything with his behavior.

Practical example: Two sisters live in the same apartment separately from their parents. Younger sister(M) from childhood used to manipulate older sister(WITH). In cases where M does not like something, she begins to deliberately ignore C and triple her boycott. Countering psychological pressure in such cases is as follows:

S: I'm leaving in a week for a business trip for two months.

S: This business trip is important for my career. And nothing will happen to you in these two months. You do not Small child- Find something to entertain yourself.

M: Does that mean? Then you're not my sister anymore and I'm not talking to you!

Confronting the psychological pressure of duty or guilt

Strong personal boundaries are reliable protection from the pressure of feelings of guilt and duty. Knowing the boundaries of his rights and duties, a person can always determine what is not included in his duties. And if a person notices that his boundaries are being violated, he should directly inform the aggressor about the limits of his responsibility and duties and make it clear that the manipulation has failed.

Practical example: A single mother (M) is trying to forbid her adult daughter from leaving to work in another city, putting pressure on her sense of duty. The response in this case could be:

M: How can you leave me alone? I raised you, raised you, and now you want to leave? Children should be a support for parents in old age, and you are leaving me!

D: I'm not leaving you - I'll call you, come to visit and help you with money. Or do you want me to lose the opportunity to get a high-paying job and not be able to fulfill my dreams?

M: What are you talking about? Of course, I want the best for you, but I will feel bad without you!

D: Mom, you are an adult, and I believe that you can find many interesting activities for yourself. I promise that I will call you regularly and visit you often.

Confronting bullying

Hearing from a friend, relative or colleague phrases with the meaning "if you do not do something, then misfortune will happen in your life" or "if you do not change your behavior, then I will do something bad for you", you need to ask yourself a question whether the threat is real. In the case where intimidation or threats have no real basis, the blackmailer can be invited to bring his threat to life right now. If your life, health or well-being and you are sure that he can fulfill the threat, then it is best to record his words on a voice recorder or video camera and then contact the police.

Practical example: Employee A has not fulfilled his part of the project and is trying to intimidate employee B to do his job. To resist pressure in such cases, you can do this:

A: Why are you going to leave if the work on the project is not finished yet? If we don't finish today, your boss will fire you. Do you want to be unemployed?

B: I have done my part of the work. I don't think I'll get fired for not doing your job.

A: The boss doesn't care who does what. He wants a result. So help me if you don't want to be kicked out.

Q: Do you think? Why wait until tomorrow? Let's go to the boss right now and ask him to fire me for refusing to do your part of the job.

Many people are aware that psychological violence is used against them, but they do not dare to fight back for fear of spoiling relations with someone who likes to command, manipulate or insult. In such cases, you need to decide for yourself what exactly such relationships are valuable and whether it is better not to communicate with them at all. aggressive person than to regularly endure his insults and act to his detriment, succumbing to his blackmail and manipulation.

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In society, it is generally accepted that violence can only have a physical form. While psychological pressure on a person sometimes harms even more than bruises and abrasions - because it leaves wounds on the soul. Psychological pressure can have the most different forms- from relatively easy, like persuasion, to severe - when a person is driven into a corner and pushed to self-destructive behavior (it is almost impossible to get out of such a state without the help of a specialist).

Anyone can act as a source of such pressure - a boss, an employee, a spouse, a neighbor, even a stranger.

Moral pressure can be done for some purpose - for example, to force a person to do something that the “aggressor” needs, or maybe for no particular reason, just to get rid of someone.

It is realistic to reveal it in time, but it also happens that a person realizes the pressure after he has “broken down”.

Types of psychological impact

To suppress the will of another person and get what he wants, techniques can be used varying degrees"dirty":

  • Pressure on emotions and feelings For example, feelings of shame, guilt, fear.
  • Can connect intelligence- usually in this case, the counterpart selects in advance a number of arguments in his favor and bombards the interlocutor with them, not giving him the opportunity to object.
  • Pressure can be applied "on the forehead"- when a person is forced, blackmailed, intimidated.
  • The pressure is carried out by the "aggressor" not directly, but through circumstances. that the attacker can influence. For example, it can be a boss who worsens the working conditions of a subordinate, or a breadwinner in a family.
  • Contrary to popular belief, pressure can be exercised not only from a position of strength - say, when a person is physically strong, he has money and power. But also from a position of weakness. For example, when a person complains about his hard life and begs for help, usually reinforcing his begging with tears and repeating them many times.
  • Humiliation is also a common form of pressure. With her, often publicly, they insult, pointing out the features of his personal qualities, intellectual abilities or appearance.

  • Leaving aside- perhaps the most insidious kind. It lies in the fact that the person being attacked feels pressure, but the "aggressor" immediately loosens his grip, as if he had not planned anything. This behavior does not allow you to find out the relationship directly - because the sly one can make offended eyes and ask: “What did I do to you, why are you doing this to me?”, But at the same time it unsettles.
  • Suggestion works great if pressing side - a person who is an authority for a counterpart, and the “victim” herself is a person who is easily influenced.
  • "Take on the weak"- a technique familiar to all of us from childhood.
  • manipulation- is also a very common type of pressure, the complexity of which is that they are carried out covertly, and a person may not understand for a long time that he is being used.


This is the most important step on the way to combat psychological pressure. Of course, if it does so directly and openly—for example, when a person is being bullied—it is easy to notice. But more sophisticated approaches, for example, manipulation, persuasion, sidetracking, can be more difficult to trace.

We can be an instrument of someone else's will for months or even years without even knowing it, especially if we are talking about a loved one.

There can be many signs that we are under pressure. For example:

  • The constant desire of the interlocutor to focus on a particular problem.
  • Suspiciously generous promises.
  • An unreasonable feeling of guilt.
  • The emergence of a sense of duty in relation to a person who has rendered a certain service and now asks to answer the same. And often no one even asked him for such a service.
  • Sometimes we may notice that we often do something that we ourselves do not want, but someone else needs it, etc.

Cards on the table

If the pressure is carried out covertly, and the person realizes that he is under pressure, he can immediately openly tell the “aggressor” about it. In this case, many attackers will immediately retreat as soon as they realize that they have been brought to clean water.

Rarely, but it also happens that a man or a woman stops pressure as soon as the side infringed by him directly declares that he is behaving aggressively and suppressing someone weak.

There are people who don't like to admit it. Although most attackers, unfortunately, this will not hurt - they are well aware of what they are doing, and often do not deny it.

Your variant

When things are called by their proper names, you can offer your own development option further developments and maintaining relationships if they make sense. An option that suits both parties.

Show teeth

Usually those who cannot fight back are subjected to pressure. Thus, in order to reduce the risk of getting under pressure, you need to become stronger yourself. Temper character and the ability to stand up for yourself can be a variety of means. For example, the following tools are effective:

  • Working with a psychologist and psychotherapist.
  • Sports – making more strong body we are also strengthening our internal resource. Good, for example, martial arts and team sports.
  • Communication with strong and self-confident people and the opportunity to take from them an example of behavior with others.

Feeling low key inner strength people around are afraid to attack him. At the same time, strength should not be flaunted, but others should feel it.

Figuratively speaking, there is no need to wave a saber in front of people, but if they see that its handle sticks out from under the cloak, they will be more restrained in their actions and statements.


If the impact is carried out by someone in order to see the reaction of another person and feed on his defenselessness, vulnerability, it is enough to begin to demonstrate complete indifference to the words of the offender, and he will calm down. It works, although not very often.

Talk heart to heart

It also happens that psychological pressure is exerted by a person who wants to take revenge. For example, today's victim once offended him.

In this case, if there is reason to believe that the pressure on one's own psyche is carried out out of revenge, one will have to step over oneself and sort out the relationship.

Enlist Support

Sometimes psychological violence takes on truly terrible forms. For example, at work, in office life, such a phenomenon as mobbing is sometimes formed - when one of the employees, for one reason or another, is subjected to mass harassment by colleagues.

In this case, you can try to ask for help - for example, the boss, a staff psychologist or a personnel manager.

They can help to understand the causes of the current situation and influence it.

Among the many various options scenario of negotiations, a variant of psychological suppression of the interlocutor, one of the most common. Especially often it is used when the position of one side is obviously superior to the other, or as a continuation of perseverance on one's own, after a soft position of communication. In the first case, this is usually active pressure from the very beginning of the dialogue between people, excessive self-confidence, pre-prepared arguments in their favor, the use of the third voice mode - loud clear expressive speech, with an emphasis on the main points, with the frequent interruption of the interlocutor, a smirk or even a laugh at his words. All this suppresses the interlocutor, makes him worry and nervous, doubt himself, feel discomfort and aggression on your part.

Very often, this type of negotiation gives a positive result, but not in the case when your interlocutor behaves in a similar way, and therefore it is fundamental for him not to give in to you, even to the detriment of self-interest. And also, if your dialogue does not solve the problem immediately, then the person may change his mind and most likely will do just that, despite the initial concession. This can also be called the Chinese "yes", which later turns out to be the word "no". If we consider the second option for applying this method of pressure on the interlocutor, then it is also very often used, especially in law enforcement agencies. You have probably watched films where the concept of an evil and a good cop is often used. Two people play opposite roles, thereby forcing the person to agree to more lenient terms. This really has a great effect on the human psyche, and this technique can be used independently.

You can start from a soft position, and in case of no concession to you, move to a hard one, with psychological suppression interlocutor, by the methods that I described above. Or, on the contrary, you can start from a tough position, suppress your interlocutor up to a certain point, and then take soft stance, all with the same conditions favorable to you. For your interlocutor, this will be a great alternative to resolve a tense situation, to remove the burden that you have loaded on him. All of these methods work well, especially with insecure people who are used to losing. The effectiveness of psychological pressure on the interlocutor, of course, is quite high, but it is worth remembering that people really do not like it when they are pressured, no matter what character they have.

If you are negotiating about some kind of deal or signing an agreement, after which your interlocutor will fade into the background, then the use of pressure will be appropriate. Any showdowns and verbal skirmishes can also be effectively resolved through pressure on the opponent. But if your goal is long-term cooperation with people on whom your well-being will depend, then I do not recommend you to use psychological pressure in this case. You can demonstrate high self-confidence, people like it, especially women who see in a man, first of all, a strong male.

No need to show aggression and disrespect for the interlocutor, for long-term cooperation this is bad. The confidence you demonstrate alone can overwhelm the interlocutor, especially if you have a lot of arguments in your favor and again use the third voice mode, that is, a loud and clear voice, with an emphasis on the right things. Never doubt yourself, and in your speech, at least do not show it, otherwise psychological pressure will be used against you. This can certainly be resisted, and I will definitely write about how to do it.

But the most important thing I want to tell you is that there is no one hundred percent guarantee for any communication tactics, everywhere there are pluses and minuses. Psychological pressure, of course, is very effective in most cases, but it also happens that it harms and does not lead to anything other than a negative attitude towards you and breaking all ties with you. Therefore, try to look for the most acceptable option for communication, appropriate in each specific situation, which is mainly aimed at obtaining a positive result for you.

pressure with psychological point vision represents the influence of one person on another to change her opinion, worldview, personal attitudes. The impact is ill-wishers, using any means to achieve the goal. How to behave when you have become a victim of pressure, what tactics to choose?

How to protect yourself from psychological pressure

Everyone has experienced a situation where there is a feeling of psychological pressure. Psychological pressure on a person is through the use of rumors, hints, petty nit-picking, veiled threats, etc. What actions to take - the recommended algorithm is given below.

Ask questions to buy time

Taking the above examples as a basis, in the first situation it is advisable to ask about the possibility of refusal. If the interlocutor answered positively, then you can refuse. When your partner indirectly hinted at interdependence, try to clarify what the consequences of rejection would be.

The main thing is that the relationship between supply and dependence can be traced unambiguously. Usually the aggressor tries not to resort to such measures in order not to look like a manipulator (especially if outsiders are nearby). Perhaps he will refuse the subsequent pressure.

If, from the beginning of the conversation, it is clear that the relationship is present, questions should be asked in order to delay time for developing subsequent tactics. The meaning should be reduced to finding out the reasons for which the partner presses.

Find out the type of partner's force impact

An important step in the conversation process is to identify the source of forceful influence on the victim. Then the rebuff can be built more accurately.

Perhaps the aggressor will simply scream. It is better to just wait until he calms down and begins to apply the same methods of influence again. Often pressure can be exerted through third parties who are nearby.

Do not react to provocations, it is better to carefully look at others, their reaction to the words of the aggressor. At least one of them can stand up for you. If everyone is silent, this can also be regarded as a supporting factor that can be turned to your advantage.

The main thing is not to give in, to answer calmly and measuredly. Try to question the type of force exerted or reduce it using other techniques.

Do not reduce the strength of the interlocutor's argumentation, introduce restrictions for its application in the context of the situation. For example, the aggressor wishes to cooperate in the future, refers to the services performed. Do not underestimate the meaning of these words, prove that now it is difficult for you to fulfill the request.

If the partner communicates very quickly, as if jumping, you should interrupt the flow of his words. You can get distracted (call, go out for a few minutes, etc.). Next, try to clarify the details of his request and arguments.

Then you can move on to the next step.

Search for a new type of force impact on the aggressor

These methods include: third-party support, pre-dispute relationships, your importance in making money for the company or in arranging profitable orders, etc.

To preserve the prospect of further interaction, one should not obviously use reciprocal pressure techniques. The best option is a reference to previous agreements. If you manage to structure the questions in such a way as to lead the conversation to a different solution, this will be ideal for both parties (you need to quickly analyze the problem, try to reduce the circumstances in your favor).

Do not get too carried away with the advantage, do not try to argue with the interlocutor. It is important to equalize forces, to come to a compromise.

Cooperation offer

The last step in resolving the dispute is to invite the interlocutor to cooperate. The previous actions should lead to the fact that the pressure on the part of the aggressor will be weakened, and important arguments will be presented in opposition to it. The important thing is that the partner will understand the futility of their attempts. In the future, he will not resort to such methods of influencing you.

During the conversation, you should emphasize that further cooperation with the interlocutor is very important for you. Therefore, even after losing the current dispute, it is necessary to indicate the prospects for future interaction.

You should not bring accusations or try to infringe on the offender, you can leave some facts unexplained in order to later return to an unresolved situation. Submission does not mean agreement with the outcome of the conversation. This means that you can try to change it.

It is important not to resort to threats. Go back and analyze the problem. As a rule, after the victory, the aggressor easily agrees that his behavior was incorrect. Try to achieve this recognition. Subsequently, if the situation repeats, focus on this conversation in order to confuse the interlocutor.

Types and distinctive features of psychological pressure

Let us dwell in more detail on the types of psychological pressure. The following is detailed description each of them.


Coercion is one of the most overt and brazen attempts to influence other people. This method is comparable to psychological abuse. Thus, the aggressor is trying to influence the mind, and threats of physical violence can be used - this is the most last resort. But, as a rule, the interlocutor uses other options for influencing. For example, power, money, authority, the presence of compromising evidence. Sometimes the partner seeks the moral destruction of the victim. He may use phrases that undermine a person's dignity and self-confidence. Certain actions have the same effect.

An obsessive attitude is a kind of coercion, which consists in the desire to morally exhaust the victim by constantly imposing.


Humiliation from a psychological point of view is aimed at the moral suppression of a partner. Such words are used that indicate its insignificance and inferiority. Here the question arises why the victim does not react with anger and irritation - this is a logical reaction. As a rule, in response to insults, a person falls into prostration. On physical level somatic phenomena begin - a knock in the temples, increased breathing, rapid heartbeat. A person is offended, at the same time perplexed and angry. Self-respect is of the highest moral importance.

After the person is put into an offended state, the provocateur tries even more to put pressure: “Are you able to do at least this?” If a person were in a normal state, he would brush aside or fight back. But in this case another defensive reaction. At the subconscious level, a person tries to prove the opposite - to convince the aggressor of his wrong. So he agrees to the request.


Psychological pressure is possible only on that person who is not quite confident in his own abilities. A person who is completely self-sufficient will brush off the interlocutor's attempts to influence his self-esteem. Each offensive word should cause a reaction about the activation of protection and an attempt not to respond to provocative phrases. Outward calm usually disarms the provocateur. After unanswered attempts, you can say these words: “Did you say everything?” or "I heard you." Or just use the word "Good". In any case, you need to react, it is undesirable to ignore insults. The offender may regard this as submission.

suggestion and persuasion

This method is more loyal and cunning. Not all people can use it. It consists in influencing the consciousness of another person by provoking a less critical perception of one's beliefs. Such aggressors know how to choose words perfectly. They are very observant and always know what needs to be noted or what to point out to a person so that he changes his mind under the influence of these words. Intonation, deceitful friendliness and frankness, joint experience, etc. can go into action.

A good example is the schemes of scammers on the Internet - web pages, where it is described in detail new way earn by transferring a relatively small amount of funds to the user's account. First, the story of a man who got rich with the help of this method, then the point is that the user is worthy a better life. This can be achieved by sending several thousand rubles to an account opened in the system, which will be returned in the shortest possible time. Sometimes it works. Such a story encourages a person to act.


Often, offenders use this particular method for psychological pressure. Manipulation is understood as the use of tactics of violence, deceit or hidden installations. When a person is humiliated or forced, he can immediately understand it. But in the case of manipulation, it is difficult to recognize motives. The manipulator hides his interests, aggressiveness, bad intentions. He knows exactly where the victim can be pressured to get his way. Such people do not show concern that they may infringe on the interests of another person.

Manipulation can be rendered in five ways:

  1. positive reinforcement. The offender tries to sympathize, charm, praise, apologize, pay attention.
  2. negative reinforcement. The aggressor may promise to get rid of troubles and problems.
  3. Partial reinforcement. Such a situation encourages a person to persevere in the indicated actions, which subsequently lead to failure. For example, a casino. The player is allowed to win, after which he can lose all the funds in the excitement.
  4. Punishment. They can try to intimidate a person, blackmail, scold, impose a sense of guilt on him.
  5. Injuries. These are words that can intimidate the victim: outbursts of anger, tantrums, insults.

Methods of psychological influence

Methods of psychological pressure are varied. Provocateurs use various techniques depending on the situation and the skills of the aggressor. The main methods are listed below:

  1. Trance. Consciousness plunges into a state of prostration, when a person cannot adequately perceive the situation and make the right decisions. The monotony of speech, the swinging of the pendulum, etc., inclines towards trance.
  2. Trigger words that make speech emotional and make more sense. They contain the value or qualities that the victim would like to have.
  3. Adjustment. The aggressor tries to copy the behavior of the victim, her reactions. He tries to be "on the same wavelength." This is followed by psychological influence.
  4. Authority - the use of a reference to expert opinion in a conversation.
  5. Alien games. For example, the boss asks to do in short time large amount of work. The subordinate tries to explain that this is impossible. Then the manager allows only a part of the volume to be done, and the employee gladly takes on this, although at first he would not agree.
  6. Gratitude. A person fulfills a small request of the victim, after which he asks for a favor in return.
  7. On "weak".
  8. Description good prospects. The provocateur tries to explain what benefits the interlocutor will receive from the service rendered.
  9. Intimidation. The situation is the reverse of the previous one. The aggressor describes how bad the person will feel if he does not comply with the request.

If someone is trying to psychologically influence you, try not to panic. Listen to all the arguments of the opponent and, having thought over the tactics of conducting a conversation, fight back. For more information about psychological pressure, methods for recognizing it, and choosing a counter strategy, see the video.

Psychological pressure - everyone has experienced this. It is worth giving up a little slack, as someone who has even the most insignificant powers begins to abuse them with might and main. We almost always act as if on an automatic machine, over and over again playing out ineffective scenarios - flight or.

William Shakespeare wrote: "You can upset me, but you can't play me." Apparently, the master English poetry and the dramaturgy had reason to say so. Even if greatest geniuses encounter attempts to manipulate them, this cannot be avoided by us mere mortals.

What is psychological manipulation

Manipulation is a hidden influence on another person, with the help of which there is a change in his initial attitudes, behavior, perception. In the vast majority of cases, the main goal psychological impact are the benefits that the aggressor needs. Since with the help of this influence the manipulator satisfies his interests, this type of behavior is considered unethical. Manipulations that are aimed at satisfying the interests of the victim are extremely rare.

Psychological pressure is a common problem, especially for post-Soviet space. Many do not disdain them - from rude saleswomen in the store, and ending with traffic police inspectors. The first thing to do if you find yourself in such a situation is to track your emotional reaction, and try to stop it (no matter how difficult it may be).

You can often hear from psychologists a recommendation to count to ten, try to regulate your breathing, and relax your muscles. However, this does not always help, as well as other similar tips. Another, more effective, way is to switch consciousness to other objects - for example, looking at the appearance of your opponent. Analyzing the behavior of the aggressor or the work environment, looking at the details of clothing, calculating logarithms in your head (if you are a mathematical genius), translating the stapler label from English into Russian - all this helps to distract, stop the storm.

The reason for our reactions

Why is it so hard to stop conflict situation, go beyond the usual behavioral pattern? The reason lies in our physiology, and is explained by the theory of the conditional division of the brain into three main sections:

  1. The “reptilian brain” is the most ancient part, activated at the moment of a threat to life.
  2. The “mammalian brain”, which is responsible for receiving pleasure.
  3. And " human brain» - a department that regulates the processes of thinking, rational analysis, reasoning.

Usually these departments work in peace and harmony. But when a person is "upset", experiencing anger or fear - excitation prevails in the "reptilian brain". It is this department that dictates the reactions of flight, expressions of aggression, fading. But in all these cases, a person cannot evaluate his actions from a logical position, understand the opponent's motivation. This scheme was a lifesaver for ancient man. Now it causes a lot of inconvenience, although it continues to function in the same mode as millions of years ago.

You can turn off the "reptile brain" only with the help of logical analysis, awareness of the current situation - that is, connecting frontal lobes. The situation looks much simpler when we got out of the conflict, cooled down, got distracted. Physiologically, in the process of analyzing the situation, the following happens - the focus of nervous excitation in the brain moves from more ancient layers to cortical structures.

Types of manipulation in communication

Exist Various types psychological pressure:

  • Compulsion. The most common type of manipulation. In this case, the aggressor affects the victim in the most direct way, using power, money, information, or brute physical force;
  • Humiliation. The manipulator seeks to humiliate the victim as much as possible, in order to realize his future plans. For example, at first you may hear a flood of all sorts of information about yourself about how stupid, incompetent, ugly, etc. you are. Insults can refer to mental ability: "idiot", "fool". This type of manipulation always causes resentment and a desire to defend oneself. As a result, a person quickly loses the ability to critically assess the situation, and it becomes much easier for the aggressor to control him. After all, by a certain moment the victim is already in a state of “combat readiness”, in which he will zealously defend his personal boundaries. At this point, the aggressor asks the question, "Can you at least do that?" - and the victim does everything to prove to himself and to the whole world his significance;
  • Flattery. One of the most dangerous types of manipulation of the interlocutor's consciousness. This species poses a particular threat to those who depend on the opinions of others and have low self-esteem. Such a person can quickly succumb to the manipulator. It is quite easy to resist flattery - you just need to voice the real value of your achievements, reflecting the manipulation. For example: “You belong to such a long-suffering people, you have a rich history” - “What are you, every country has pages in history when its inhabitants had to fight for justice”;
  • Avoiding a direct answer. One of the most common types of hidden manipulations. Its meaning is that the victim is taken by "starvation". When she tries to clarify the situation, she hears in response something like this: “Are you really? It's all right. What nonsense are you talking about?" Or the aggressor may constantly ask why you say unpleasant things about him.

Psychological pressure and methods of neutralization

Resisting manipulation is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How can psychological pressure be neutralized?

  • The first thing to do is to realize that the actions of the aggressor have a specific purpose. You should be alerted by his stubborn attempts to draw your attention to some aspects of the issue and completely ignore others. Fluctuating emotions, a feeling of sympathy, or, conversely, indignation towards the manipulator, should also not go unnoticed. There are other signals that you should pay attention to: for example, feelings of guilt, a feeling of lack of time. Analyze the situation ahead of time. The aggressor knows that once he gets his opponent off balance, he will be very easy to control. However, as soon as you manage to soberly assess the situation, the need for an “urgent” solution to the issue, or an inappropriate sense of guilt, disappear by itself;
  • Ask questions. They should be open-ended—that is, they are not questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” For example: “What makes you think that I am afraid? Can you suggest that I have other grounds for refusal? This technique is especially effective in situations where the interlocutor makes accusations against you in an attempt to pressure you emotionally. Use clarifying questions as if you are asking for his opinion. Refrain from excuses, attempts to explain;
  • If you do not like the style of negotiation, feel free to interrupt the communication. You are the same participant in the process as the interlocutor. This is the most reliable way avoid making wrong decisions, especially when they start to rush you;
  • Another great technique for resisting manipulation is the opposite behavior. For example, the aggressor expects you to be afraid, but you demonstrate courage and determination; expects impudence from you - you show surprise; if you are forced to act in a hurry, you become even slower;
  • Play for time - this will allow you to remember the tricks with which you can repel manipulation. For example, you can sharply “remember” that you need to take medicine, call your child, or go out of need. You can just drop a pencil on the floor and look for it for a long time. It is desirable that you always have the techniques of resisting manipulation at the ready, and you can use them “on the machine”. But if you don’t have such an opportunity yet, a pause will allow you to get together and adjust your behavior strategy.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

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