Home Diseases and pests Psychological techniques of persuasion. Types and examples of illogical techniques. Methods of psychological influence on a person

Psychological techniques of persuasion. Types and examples of illogical techniques. Methods of psychological influence on a person

Researchers have been studying the reasons that lead us to agree to someone's request for more than sixty years. There is no doubt that science is at the heart of the techniques and methods of persuading people. And in many ways this science is surprising.

We would like to think that we are guided by all available information when making decisions. But in reality, things usually happen differently. Our life has become eventful to the limit, and now more than ever we need templates and everyday rules to make a decision.

Psychology professor and expert in social and experimental psychology - Robert Cialdini, discovered and deduced six such rules (in fact, there are more of them, and in the book The Psychology of Persuasion: 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, Cialdini introduces readers to a large number of them, but the main ones, according to Robert, are only six), which control human behavior. Here they are: reciprocity, rarity, authority, consistency, sympathy and agreement.

By understanding these rules and being able to apply them without going beyond moral limits, you can significantly increase the chances of getting consent to your request. Let's talk in more detail about each of them in turn, and, using examples, consider the experience of American researchers in the field of the psychology of persuasion of people.


People feel obligated to reciprocate the attention or service they have received in the past. If a friend has invited you to a party, you will need to invite him over to your place. If a colleague has shown you a favor, you are obliged to repay him in kind on occasion. Also in the case of social obligations, people are more likely to say "Yes" to those to whom they owe something.

One of the best demonstrations of the principle of reciprocity comes from a number of restaurant studies. For example, when you last time dined in a restaurant, it is very likely that the waitress brought you a small treat, most likely at the same time as the checkout. It could have been a surprise cookie or just a peppermint. This raises the question - does this treat somehow affect the size of the tip you left? Most people say no, but peppermint candy can have a wonderful effect.

In a study, eating a candy at the end of a meal increased the tip by 3%. It is curious that if the treat doubles, you are offered two sweets, then the increase in tip increases not two, but four times - up to 14%. But the result becomes even more interesting when the waiter gives you one candy, leaves the table, then stops and says that he has another candy for such pleasant visitors. Tipping rises by as much as 23%, responding only to how the treat was presented.

Thus, the key to applying the reciprocity rule is to be the first to provide a service and to be pleasant and unexpected.


That is, people are more eager to acquire those things that are difficult to get. When in 2003 British Airways announced the cancellation of the second Concorde flight on the London-New York route in a day, due to economic inexpediency, the next day there was a surge in ticket sales. Note that there were no changes with the flight itself - the plane did not fly faster, the quality of service did not improve, and the cost of tickets did not decrease. It's just that the opportunity to use the service has sharply decreased. And as a result, demand has increased. Therefore, the technique of applying the principle of "scarcity" to persuade is perfectly clear.

It is not enough just to tell people about the benefits they will receive by choosing your product or service. It is also necessary to emphasize the unique possibilities of your proposal. Tell people what they lose if they are not taken advantage of.

The point is that people are more willing to listen to the opinions of trusted experts. For example, physical therapists are able to convince more patients perform the recommended sets of exercises if they hang their medical diplomas and certificates. Also, in the parking lot, you are more likely to move your car at the request of a stranger if he is wearing a uniform rather than regular clothes.

It is important here to make it clear to people that your knowledge and experience is trustworthy before embarking on an attempt at persuasion. Of course, this is not always easy to do. You will not go around potential buyers and praise yourself. However, you can certainly arrange for someone else to do this for you.

And then science makes an unexpected conclusion. If you are advertised, it turns out that it does not matter whether your agent makes a profit from it or not. For example, one real estate firm was able to increase both the number of real estate appraisal orders and the number of contracts awarded subsequently by advising consultants responding to client inquiries to start the conversation by mentioning the experience and merits of the firm's agents. For example, to a request for renting out real estate, the answer was something like this: “ Let me connect you with Sandra, who has been dealing with client leasing for over 15 years.". Clients interested in selling property were attracted by the advice: “ You'd better talk to Peter, he is the head of our real estate department and has over 20 years of experience in this field.". The result of such recommendations was a twenty percent increase in the number of consultations and a fifteen percent increase in the conclusion of contracts - not at all bad for such a harmless method of persuading a person, which, moreover, does not require any expenses.


People like to be constant, both in their words and in their deeds. To achieve consistency in behavior, you need to come up with the first little thing and invite people to do it.

In one famous experiment, an unexpected result was obtained. Few residents of one residential area have agreed to place a nondescript wooden sign on the lawn in front of their house to support the company for road safety. And in another such area, almost four times as many homeowners agreed to put up the same sign. Why? Because ten days ago, they put a small postcard on the windowsill as a sign of support for the same company. This card was that small first step that had a fourfold effect on the second, more difficult sequential action. Therefore, intending to play on consistency in behavior, masters of persuasion try to lead people to voluntary, active public action. Ideally, getting it fixed on paper.

For example, in a recent experiment, the number of failed receptions in medical center decreased by 18%. Due to the fact that the patients were asked to fill in the doctor's appointment card on their own. Whereas earlier it was done by medical workers.


People are more willing to say "Yes" to those they like. But what is the reason why one person likes another? Persuasion theory says there are three main factors:

  1. We like people like us;
  2. We love those who praise us;
  3. We sympathize with people with whom we do one common thing.

In a series of studies on the psychology of persuading people in the negotiation process, students from two well-known business schools studying with a degree in Master of Business Administration.

One group of students was instructed: "Time is money, so get down to business right away."... In this group, about 55% of the participants managed to reach an agreement. The second group was given different instructions: "Before starting negotiations, try to get to know each other better and find something in common that you all have."... After that, already 90% of the negotiations were successful and gave a satisfactory result. That is, 18% more for each side.

Thus, in order to use an effective tool of sympathy, as a method of persuading people, you need to make an effort to find areas of coincidence in views. Try to express sincere praise to the interlocutor before moving on to discussing business issues.


A person is more likely to be guided by the actions and behavior of other people when he himself is indecisive. You may have noticed that it is common in hotels to put cards in their bathrooms to encourage guests to reuse bed linen and towels. Most often, the attention of guests is drawn to the fact that this contributes to the protection environment... This technique of persuasion turns out to be very effective - its effectiveness is 35%. But maybe there are more effective ways?

As it turns out, about 75% of guests staying in a hotel for at least four days, at one time or another, reuse their towels. What if we use the consent rule and just write about it on our card: “ 75% of hotel guests reuse their towels. Please follow their lead". As a result, refusal to change linen will increase by 26%.

This method psychological persuasion says that instead of relying on your own persuasion, you can focus on how the majority behaves. In particular, such a majority, to which everyone can easily attribute himself.

So here are the six scientifically proven ways of persuasion that are simple and often inexpensive. practical techniques that can multiply your ability to convince people and influence their behavior, and in a completely honest way. These are the secrets of the science of persuasion used in different areas life activities, ranging from simple interpersonal communication and ending with their use in advertising and marketing.

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Belief is a multivalued concept, and one of its meanings involves the influence on people, the ability to form a certain point of view through certain actions. Let's take a look at the persuasion techniques that you can use for this.

  • 1. Socrates method. If you are bored so that a person agrees with you, you need to ask him 2-3 insignificant questions, to which he will definitely answer in the affirmative. Having agreed with you twice or three times, he will also agree when you say what it was all for.
  • 2. Deceived expectation. If the situation allows, gently create a sense of tense expectation that defines a strict order of actions or thoughts. When this direction is found to be inconsistent, the person will be discouraged and most likely agree with you.
  • 3. Explosion. Already for a long time such a technique is known - in the course of strong emotional experiences, an instantaneous restructuring of the personality occurs. To embody an explosion, you need to create a situation that would amaze a person. This situation can fundamentally change the way we look at things. For example, if a spouse is told about the infidelity of a spouse to a family man, just such an effect can occur. However, this will not affect those cases when infidelity is not taken seriously.
  • 4. Placebo. This technique can be attributed not even to persuasion, but to suggestion. A placebo is a chalk pill that the doctor gives to the patient and says that this medicine and it will help. A patient who has drunk such pills is really cured. This can be used in different areas life, but if one day the rituals performed fail, then the method will cease to work.

Do not forget that sometimes the most effective persuasion lies in the compliment uttered at the meeting.

The psychology of human persuasion - impact on consciousness

The psychology of a person's persuasion is based on the fact that, by persuading, the speaker affects the consciousness of the person being persuaded, referring to her own critical judgment. The essence the psychology of persuasion serves to clarify the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlighting social and personal significance solving a particular issue.

Beliefs appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic, evidence prevails and the persuasiveness of the arguments is achieved. Persuasion of a person as a psychological impact should create a person's conviction in the rightness of another and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision.

The psychology of a person's persuasion and the role of the speaker

The perception of information that convinces a person depends on who communicates it, how much individual person or the audience generally trusts the source of the information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. A person who can convince a person of something can create an impression of his competence in the audience in three ways.

First- begin to express judgments with which the listeners agree. Thus, he will gain a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second- to be presented as a specialist in this field.

Third- speak confidently, without a shadow of a doubt.

Reliability depends on the persuasive manner of speaking. People trust the speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. People who defend what goes against their own interests also seem to be truthful. Confidence in the speaker and confidence in his sincerity increase if the person who convinces the person speaks quickly. Rapid speech also makes it impossible for listeners to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuasive) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuasion of a person. The term "attractiveness" refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems to the listeners more convincing.

The psychology of a person's persuasion and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are most easily persuaded. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, the attitudes formed in adolescence and early adolescence, can remain for a lifetime, because the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

Capable of strong arousal, agitation, anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (compliance to persuasion) increases. Being in a good mood is often conducive to persuasion, in part because it fosters positive thinking, and partly because there is a connection between a good mood and a message People who are in good mood tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, relying, as a rule, on indirect signs of information. It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business matters, for example, the conclusion of transactions, are decided in the restaurant.

Conformal (easily accepting someone else's opinion) are easier to persuade. Women are more susceptible to persuasion than men. It may be especially ineffective the psychology of persuasion in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, acutely experiencing, as it seems to them, their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher the intelligence of a person, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content, the more often they assimilate information, but disagree with it.

The psychology of a person's persuasion: logic or emotion

Depending on the listener, the person is more convinced by either logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has an analytical mind), or the influence turned to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective, influencing a person, causing fear. Such a psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only scare the possible and probable negative consequences certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem (for example, diseases, the picture of which is easy to imagine, are more frightening than diseases, about which people have a very vague idea).

However, using fear for persuasion and influence on a person, one cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terror, which is often observed when advertising various drugs on radio and television. For example, we are enthusiastically told how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many people, according to doctors' calculations, should get the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just every day, but almost every hour, and it does not take into account at all that there are easily suggested people who will begin to invent these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and will swallow not only useless in this case, but also drugs that are harmful to health.

Unfortunately, in the absence of an accurate diagnosis, intimidation is often used by doctors as well, which runs counter to the first medical commandment “do no harm”. At the same time, it is not taken into account that the source of information that deprives a person of mental, psychological peace, may be denied confidence.

The information that comes first (the primacy effect) convinces a person more. However, if some time passes between the first and second message, then the second message has a stronger convincing influence, since the first has already been forgotten (the effect of novelty).

The psychology of a person's persuasion and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more than similar arguments given to oneself. The weakest are the arguments given mentally, somewhat stronger are the arguments given to ourselves aloud, and the strongest are those that are given by another, even if he does it at our request.

The ability to persuade has nothing to do with the imposition of any feelings, attitudes or thoughts on another person. It is important to understand that suggestion and persuasion are different.

By persuasion, we mean a certain view of the world, which prompts a person to act in a certain way, as well as the process of transferring this view to other people. For example, a guy has a belief that alcohol is evil. It is for this reason that he does not drink alcoholic beverages. The guy also tells his friends about which negative impact has alcohol on the human body, thus he tries to convey his belief.

The transfer of beliefs also occurs during the communication of a parent or teacher with a child. A similar situation is observed in the scientific field, when one scientist argues his theory, and another ponders it and decides whether to agree or not. Consequently, by conviction is understood deliberate process perception of information and its acceptance as one's own belief.

By suggestion is meant the imposition of attitudes, while critical thinking of a person and his consciousness are bypassed. The subconscious is often used for suggestion. Examples include volitional influence, pressure, or hypnosis.

You also need to be able to convince. There are special persuasion techniques that make it much easier to convey your attitudes to another person. This is a kind of "base", having studied which you will discover new possibilities.

Persuasion techniques in pedagogy and in life

People have long researched the reasons that lead us to take certain actions at the request of another person. Undoubtedly, there is a scientific foundation under the ability to persuade. 6 basic methods of persuasion in psychology were deduced by Robert Cialdini. Let's look at 5 of them in more detail, because by studying these principles, you can significantly increase your chances of obtaining consent in response to your request.

The principle of consent

One of psychological techniques belief is built on the principle of consent, or, as it is also called, the “herd effect”. When a person is in a situation where his indecision is manifested, he will be guided by the behavior and actions of other people.

For example, a group of people is offered to choose a tour to one of the proposed countries. Suppose that all those who have not yet decided will know that already 75% of tourists have chosen Italy. It is more likely that the rest of the tourists will also choose Italy, since this choice has already been made by the majority. The essence of this method is simple: you do not need to try to convince a person by coming up with various arguments, it is much easier to draw his attention to the choice of the majority.

The principle of sympathy

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that it is difficult for us to refuse or disagree with the person we like. Have you ever wondered why this is happening? Let's look at three facets of this question.

  1. We have sympathy for those people who, we think, are like us. When communicating with them, one gets the impression that they are a reflection of us. We have respect for such people and a desire to agree with everything they say and do.
  2. We have the best feelings for those who praise us. It is difficult for such people to say “no”, because in this case we will be deprived of the praise.
  3. We like people with whom we are united by a common cause. In such a situation, a refusal can lead to a deterioration. interpersonal relationships and the collapse of the common cause.

A visual experiment showing the influence of sympathy was carried out among two groups of students. The groups were given the same assignments. One group was told, "Time is money, so start the assignment right away." Another group was asked to get to know each other and talk to each other before starting the assignment. As a result, in the second group, 90% of the participants worked together, as they managed to develop sympathy for each other. In the first group, only 55% of students worked together.

To effectively use the method of sympathy for persuasion, before starting a discussion important issues with your opponent, you need to see the areas in which you are similar and notice them. By pointing out the similarity in certain things, you will position your interlocutor, after which it will be difficult for him to disagree with you.

The principle of authority

People always listen to those they consider to be the authority. Therefore, if you have earned authority in the eyes of your interlocutor, it will not be difficult to convince him of anything.

University classes are a good example. If the subject is taught by a trainee who has not yet managed to gain credibility in the eyes of students, then, most likely, they will not listen to him and fulfill his calls to action. If the dean of the faculty comes to the lecture, then surely all students will listen to him attentively and follow the instructions, since he has great authority in their eyes. The principle of authority can also be used by celebrities in various promotions.

The principle of rarity

Remember the crisis when people started buying sugar, as soon it was supposed to disappear from store shelves and become a great rarity. This situation clearly shows that people tend to acquire something that is hard to get. Designer items are expensive and popular for the same reason. People are proud when they become owners of rare items.

Reciprocity principle

When a person does us a favor, we feel we should do something good in return. We often feel obligated to reciprocate the good things other people do to us. For example, if a friend helped us to do term paper, then in the future, if he makes any request, we will definitely help him. This is how the principle of reciprocity works.

When a waitress brings a bill in a restaurant and puts in a lollipop with it, she usually gets a tip 3% more than usual. It has been experimentally verified that by adding another candy to the bill, the waitress will receive 4 times more tip, only the second candy must be handed over personally. The principle of reciprocity also works in this situation. The key to successful application of the principle of reciprocity lies in providing a pleasant and unexpected service first, and then using what the person feels obligated to.

Persuasion techniques also include:

  • Socrates method;
  • orders and commands;
  • placebo.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Socrates method

One of the most interesting persuasion techniques is the Socratic method. This technique consists in the fact that immediately before the main topic of the conversation, the interlocutor asks his opponent several abstract questions, to which he will answer positively. These can be questions related to the weather, well-being, and so on. The trick lies in the fact that after a positive context in the future, the interlocutor will be inclined to respond and think in the same spirit.

This principle of work human brain was noticed by Socrates, after whom this principle of persuasion is named. Socrates always tried to conduct a conversation in such a way that his interlocutor did not have the opportunity to say "no." We advise you to take this method seriously, because Socrates knew how to convince and did not cause any negative reactions.

Method of orders and commands

You've probably noticed the incredible power of commands and orders, which are important persuasion techniques. They require immediate implementation, prompting people to take certain actions without much thought. There are two types of orders and commands: incentive and approving. The incentives include: “Do it!”, “Bring it!”, “Go!”. Examples of approving commands and orders include: "Shut up!", "Stop!", "Stop!"

Placebo method

One well-known persuasion technique is the placebo effect, especially wide distribution he got his degree in medicine. The essence of the reception is that the doctor prescribes pills to a person with a certain disease. Naturally, a person believes that the pills he takes have positive impact and contributes to the process of his recovery. However, for the experiment, the doctor gives the patient pills that do not have any effect on the body at all. But the patient magically begins to recover. This principle is applied in other areas, and very effectively.

Attentiveness test

Which of the techniques are related to persuasion techniques?

  1. Socrates method.
  2. Orders and commands.
  3. Freud's method
  4. Placebo.

Persuasion techniques in everyday life

Also important are the following tricks beliefs: discussion, understanding, judgment and trust. These are the most understandable methods that we encounter on a daily basis and often apply unconsciously. For example, consider the principle of understanding and trust. When we feel that the interlocutor understands us, it inspires confidence. Therefore, in such a situation, we become vulnerable, and it is easy enough to convince us.

Condemnation is a strong principle. People are always worried about what others think of them, and this can play a cruel joke. We often don't do what we really want to do, simply out of fear of judgment. Therefore, using this principle, you can easily convince a person to act in a certain way.

Discussion is also one of the principles of persuasion. If we are ready to discuss, this already testifies to our openness to man. During an open conversation, you can give weighty arguments that will have desired influence to the interlocutor.

Now that you know the basic techniques and techniques of persuasion, your life will be better. But knowing is not enough, it takes practice to master the skills of persuasion. Apply the information obtained in this article to Everyday life and hone your persuasion skills.

Techniques and methods of psychological influence on people - this is the main part of practical psychology. Thanks to this, every day science discovers, studies, tests, generalizes and suggests using psychological methods the influence of people on each other in their lives. It can be family, industrial, labor and public sphere... All people, when they communicate with each other, influence each other, specifically or not on purpose, and use certain mechanisms in practice.

What are the techniques and methods of influencing a person?

Among the main ones, we highlight the following:

  • infection;
  • suggestion;
  • belief;
  • compulsion;
  • imitation;
  • encouragement.

The most ancient of these is the infection mechanism. It is a transfer of emotional and mental mood from one to another (laughter, panic). The effect of infection depends to a large extent on the intensity of the emotional state of the affected person.

Suggestion: characteristic of the method

Suggestion underlies the appeal to the emotionally unconscious sphere of a person. It has a verbal character, which means it is carried out with the help of words.

The information that is intended for suggestion should be very short, but with maximum meaning and richness. And also to use the moment of expression so that a person instantly believes in what he is told. In addition, the influencing person should not be in an emotional trance, but must be of sound mind, feel confident, since the authority of the source of information is the basis of suggestion. If the influencing (suggesting) does not have authority for the perceiving (suggested), then the session will not end successfully.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the suggestion may depend on the intonation of the person's voice. She must show confidence, authority, and the importance of words.

Persuasion methods: the influence of external factors on a person

We are faced with conviction on a daily basis. For example, food manufacturers want us to buy their butter and cheese, and film studios want to see their movie premieres in cinemas.

Since the methods of persuasion are the main component of our life, often we can not always notice how we were under their influence and the influence of external factors. This science has been studied since ancient times, it the ultimate goal was to make another person calmly assimilate a certain argument and accept a new judgment of the elements of his worldview system.

What are the main methods of persuasion and how effective are they?

Below are some highly effective persuasion techniques. In addition to them, they are also used: rewards, punishments, positive or negative experiences, appeal to moral character person.

Persuasion methods include the following types:

  1. Instruction. When the persuaded is disposed positively towards the persuading (if he has authority), he instructs the listeners, convinces them to behave in a specific, necessary way. In the form of instruction, the director gives direct recommendations to his subordinates: "Do it in the following way, and we will achieve such and such results."
  2. Commands and orders. These methods are used very often when there is authority in front of the audience. The main thing is that the orders are carried out. But for success, the persuaded should not criticize the assigned tasks. For example, to the request of parents or grandmother to collect toys, the baby will react differently if the mother is strict with him, and the grandmother is gentle.
  3. Advice. When there is trust, closeness, understanding between people. Of course, you need to give advice correctly, and do it so as not to offend a loved one.
  4. Hint. This type of influence is indirect, since information is not communicated directly, but in the form of a half-joke or comparison. For the most part, the hint is not aimed at a person's thinking, but is directed to his emotional state... It is best used when the person is in a playful, elated mood.
  5. Indirect approval. This technique can be used when the person as a whole is acting correctly. The main goal is not to let go the right path... But why is approval indirect? Telling a person directly and in plain language will sound like flattery and can be frightening. It is absolutely inappropriate to look a person directly in the eyes and say: “You are great! Thus, you will achieve what you want. " Better to use a persuasive phrase. For example: "This approach tends to produce excellent results."
  6. Placebo. This effect has long been known to medicine. As a rule, the doctor gives the patient, instead of a serious medicine, the usual ascorbic acid and says that this is a new generation drug, and it will help from all ills. The patient believes in a good outcome of the treatment and is thus healed. You can also use this technique to convince the interlocutor that everything will work out for him. For example, give a child a talisman and say that as long as he keeps it, he will be able to achieve everything he dreams of. True, if he still makes an effort. And you will see, the child will certainly succeed.

All these techniques are known to everyone, there is nothing striking the imagination in them, the main thing is to use them correctly, and then success is guaranteed. There are psychological methods of persuasion, the main purpose of which is to influence a person's consciousness and accept your point of view.

Psychological techniques

The persuasion method, examples of which are presented in the article, is widely used by psychologists. Let's analyze their basic techniques:

  1. Fundamental. Direct speech to the interlocutor, who is openly introduced to the necessary information, serving as the basis of evidence of the truth.
  2. Contradictions. Identifying inconsistencies in the arguments of the persuaded and carefully checking personal arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counterattack.
  3. Extracting conclusions. The arguments are not revealed immediately, but gradually. Seeking agreement at every step.
  4. Pieces. The arguments of the persuaded are divided into strong, medium, and weak. The former are mostly not concerned, the main objective- the last.
  5. Accentuation. Emphasizing certain points in the arguments given by the interlocutor (“you yourself speak”).
  6. Ignoring. It is used if the fact given by the interlocutor cannot be refuted.
  7. Two-sided argumentation. To be convincing, they first talk about the advantages, and then about the disadvantages of the proposed method for solving this issue.
  8. Boomerang method. The interlocutor is returned by his own arguments, but directed in the other direction. Arguments "for" become arguments "against".

About coercion

Persuasion and coercion methods require them correct use on the interlocutor. These two methods absolutely cannot be separated from each other, there is a dialectical connection between them, a single objectivity of character, and their use is determined by the level of development of relations in society.

The technique of coercion is a method of influence that has two factors: moral - psychological and physical. It is inherently similar to persuasion. Indeed, in both, the main task of the presenter is for the interlocutor to start thinking like him. As when using the method of persuasion, in coercion, a person first justifies his immediate point of view, resorting to different evidence. Therefore, they are considered to be the main methods of psychological influence on their interlocutor.

The act of persuasion is one of the most difficult and requires certain rules... The main place in this process is the argumentation of the position and the desire to make it so that other people accept it. Coercion and persuasion techniques are designed to get the other person to do what you need to do.

About promotion

It becomes definitely clear what the methods of persuasion are aimed at. Rewarding methods - are they a psychological effect on a person? The technique of this method is aimed at stimulating and consolidating the positive behavior of the student. But it is important to remember that encouragement should not turn into praise, as this will inhibit the desire for activity. This is especially necessary for children of preschool, school and adolescence.

Psychologist O. Zaporozhets, having examined this method, came to the conclusion that encouragement and praise from teachers and relatives has a good effect on the activities of the children. This influence includes two stages. In the first, the praise will act as a direct positive reinforcement of activity. On the second, direct reinforcement will acquire an internal, subconscious motivation for further actions. To turn to this way, objectivity and fairness must be taken into account. Also, do not forget about age and individual characteristics pupil. The practice of rewarding a person with material means in the family often leads to big problems.

Promotion requirements

You should pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the actions of the child, which are an example for others.
  2. With this method, age and personal characteristics must be taken into account.
  3. Promotion is effective only from opinion leaders or the microsociety.
  4. You can not apply the method in relation to the same children.

In such a principle, the main thing is that children or employees feel pride and satisfaction in nice results at work or school.

The ratio of persuasion and suggestion

Suggestion and persuasion methods - what is the relationship between them? Sometimes it seems that in both cases there is an imposition of other people's thoughts or feelings on a person. Is there a difference between the two methods and what is it?

Belief is an element of a person's worldview that encourages action in a specific way (for example, not agreeing to intimacy on the first date, because good girls this is how they behave). In this case, to influence a person means to convey the worldview to another person (to convince a friend that there is no sex on a date, since this is correct). Suggestion does not affect a person's belief system. Let's take a closer look at this.

The subtleties of the method of suggestion

Suggestion is another process, it is, first of all, an aggressive psychological impact. Bypassing consciousness and critical thinking a person, they confidently impose an attitude that must be accepted. This process goes through the subconscious. The suggested person blindly absorbs information. This can happen through hypnosis, pressure, or emotional-volitional manifestation. Many people believe that it is possible to instill something in a person even mentally.

The concept of belief in social psychology is given the following definitions:

1. Belief is a system of a person's worldview knowledge that has passed through his mind, feeling and will.

2. Persuasion is a set of versatile influences on a person in order to educate her socially necessary qualities.

3. Persuasion is the motivation of a person to a certain activity. Convincing means motivating people by word, deed, example and purposeful organization. social sphere.

4. Belief - personal education, representing a person's attitude to reality and characterized by the unity of cognitive and need-personal components. The qualities of persuasion depend on the way of assimilation certain knowledge, opinions, ratings.

5. Belief is the impact on the consciousness, feelings, will of people through the message, explanation and proof of the importance of a particular position, view, action or their inadmissibility in order to force the listener to change existing views, attitudes, positions, attitudes and assessments, or to share thoughts or presentation of the speaker.

Persuasion is the main, most universal method of leadership and education. The mechanism of persuasion is based on the activation of human mental activity, on the appeal to the rational side of consciousness. It is assumed that the persuaded must make a conscious choice of ways and means of achieving the goal, i.e. to convince, it is necessary to attract the attention of the target, to present and explain new information, to give impressive arguments.

To convince someone of something means to achieve such a state when the convinced, due to logical reasoning and inferences, agrees with a certain point of view and is ready to defend it or act in accordance with it.

The main means of persuasion are a graphic sign, image, speech timbre, gesture, facial expressions, emotional-volitional states, the rhythm of speech and actions, the light and color of a visual means, the results of work, the status and authority of the persuading person. It should be added that not all people are equally willing to accept the point of view of the influencing person. More often than not, only that information is perceived that is consistent with the existing settings.

In this case, the concept that we will consider in this work is most fully reflected in the fifth definition, it is supplemented by the third and fourth definitions. At the same time, we understand, of course, the dialectical interconnection and unity of all the aforementioned aspects of conviction.

Types of persuasion

According to Myers, there are two ways of persuasion, direct and indirect.

Direct persuasion is persuasion that occurs when an interested audience focuses all of its attention on favorable arguments.

Indirect persuasion is a persuasion that occurs when people are influenced by random factors, such as the attractiveness of the author.

Direct persuasion occurs when people are naturally inclined to analyze what is happening or are interested in the proposed topic. If the topic does not attract sustained attention from the audience, persuasion can be carried out in an indirect way, when people use random signs or heuristics to jump to conclusions. A persuasion, carried out in a direct way, is more analytical and less superficial, it is more stable and more likely to influence behavior.

The whole procedure of persuasion fits into four types of influence. This information, clarification, proof and refutation.

Informing is a message for which an individual must act. In order to induce a person to activity, a whole range of incentive influences is required. This is due to the fact that the subject of influence, before acting, wants to make sure what needs to be done and whether he will be able to do it. No one will take action if they think it is either not worth it or impossible. Psychologist T. Tomashevsky deduced the above dependence and expressed it with the following formula:

according to which the decision leading to action is a function (f) of the value of poly (Y) and the probability of its realization (p). "Between the estimate of the value of the goal and the estimate of the probability of its realization there is a pseudoproduct relation (if one element approaches zero, then all product "approaches zero, despite the size of the other element).

The Tomashevsky formula reflects a very important idea for the manager: in order to induce the employee to the required activity, one should first of all inform him about the value of the goal and the likelihood of its achievement, that is, convince him of the expediency of actions.

A prime example in this regard is to work with people to encourage them to implement new technology and new technology... It should be emphasized that all innovations known to us, according to the degree of their acceptance by people, can be divided into two groups:

a) innovations related exclusively to the technical (technological) side of production;

b) innovations associated with social aspects production.

The first group of innovations is, for example, the improvement of any technical device that facilitates the work of an employee.

V Lately many enterprises have a problem with computerization. It lies in the fact that it is technical device will greatly facilitate the work of the employee, provided that the employee has the skills to work with this machine. Often, specialists in their field and with extensive work experience are faced with the fact that they are helpless in front of a computer. Employees usually expect such an innovation with negativism, this is due to the fear of the new, rigidity. It is important to inform staff about the benefits of any innovation, send employees to courses on mastering the necessary skills. It is necessary to work with information for the manager, how and through what channels, it comes to subordinates.

The second group of innovations is also usually not implemented smoothly. The point here is that such an innovation breaks down the established stereotypes of personnel behavior.

Performance Communication - Performance communication has a stimulating effect on employees. A number of researchers prove that informing the performer can increase labor results by 12-15%.

It is information about both successes and failures. At the same time, the absence of any information leads to a decrease in results, tension, and conflict. In addition, communication contributes to the creation of favorable business relationship"vertically", improves mutual understanding, facilitates the process of influence as a whole. A well-organized discussion of work results contributes to the motivation of subordinates, and is also necessary for them to feel their own worth and make certain changes in their behavior. The power of numbers is sometimes more powerful than persuasion and punishment.

Performance communication will be effective, provided that an objective assessment of the work of employees has been made on the basis of identified and agreed criteria. It is desirable that there are not many of them for a young employee (two or three). In the future, other criteria can be included in the set of performance assessments, for example, communication skills, commitment, discipline, interaction, etc. Discussion of the work results should be held regularly: once a quarter and after a year. In conditions of a shortage of quantitative indicators of the activity of subordinates, the greatest difficulty for the leader will be to overcome the "halo effect", i.e. positive evaluative bias with a favorable attitude towards the employee and hypertrophied attention to shortcomings with antipathy.

Next view persuasive impact, which is no less important than information - is clarification. The position itself obliges the production manager to clarify many pressing issues. The most typical types of explanations can be identified: a) instructive; b) narrating; c) reasoning.

Instructional explanation is a schematic layout of the activities of subordinates, prompted to assimilate the instructions. With such an explanation, the subordinate's thinking is not loaded, but memory is used. It should be noted that this technique is not very pleasant. creative people or persons with artistic inclinations. For those who are accustomed to strict, one might say algorithmic, rules and instructions, instruction does not generate opposition.

Storytelling explanation is a kind of story aimed at presenting facts in the form of a living narrative, which consistently leads to well-defined conclusions. In many cases, this type of explanation is more familiar (familiar from school) and therefore preferable. But its use obliges production managers to train in the composition of the message material, in the formulation of voice, facial expressions and gestures.

A reasoning explanation is an explanation with controversy, activates thinking, encourages you to pay more attention to the proposed specific conclusions. Reasoning clarification techniques are important for leaders who interact with creative, proactive people who crave active communication.

A reasoning explanation is constructed in such a way that the leader asks the interlocutor questions "for" and "against", forcing him to think for himself. With a reasoning explanation, you can, by posing a question, answer it yourself, or you can induce the listener to answer. It is to induce, by the whole course of reasoning, to arouse the desire of the interlocutor to give an answer. You cannot demand an answer here. As soon as the leader begins to urge for an answer, the reasoning explanation loses its meaning. With a reasoning explanation, the listener, together with the leader, seeks ways to resolve the situation (of course, under the guiding influence of the leader). At the same time, the listener (subordinate) feels his own significance. When answers are pulled out of him, then, having lost such a feeling, he goes into the state psychological protection... And then a reasoning explanation turns into an instructive one.

Naturally reasoning clarification is also very useful in an oral presentation by a leader to an audience. In this case, a transition from reasoning to posing a problem is desirable. Thus, in a reasoning explanation, the answer to the posed question is expressed mainly by the leader, and in the problem one it is formed by the listeners themselves. Problem clarification is practiced mainly in front of an audience in a special presentation.

Proof - logical operation, built on the foundations of the laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded third and the law of sufficient reason. The essence of the proof lies in the fact that a thesis is put forward and arguments or arguments are sought to prove the thesis.

The procedure itself is usually called a demonstration. Facts are needed to convince employees or prove to them the truth of a statement. Without facts, there is no proof. Facts create an appropriate mood for the employees to perceive reality, form an attitude.

The assessment of the work of subordinates has a very strong effect on the motivation of their labor activity, if this assessment is perceived by them as real, true, then it fulfills its motivating function, if it is perceived as underestimated, far-fetched, not real, then there is no motivation. Subordinates need facts to prove the truth of the assessment. An equally important role in the proof belongs to the personal qualities of the leader. The success of the proof depends on his sense of tact, on the ability to get along with people. By proving something, we thereby refute the idea of ​​our interlocutor, which means that for refutation the word, deed and personality of the leader are also inherent, as well as for proof.

Refutation - criticism of the established views and stereotypes of people's behavior, with the destruction and formation of his attitudes. During a rebuttal, we meet with the opponent's self-esteem. In this regard, logic alone is not enough. There is no point in getting into an argument to refute anything. Our opponent does not admit that he was wrong; it takes more than one day to replace one installation for another.

There are specific socio-psychological rules:

1. When refuting the arguments of the opponent, you should refer to his self-esteem. Self-esteem (CHS) is equal to the ratio of the magnitude of the success of a given person (Y) to his claims (P).

The higher the success and the lower the claims, the higher the NRV. Success is understood here not as a material, socio-psychological value, which acts in the form of value judgments on the part of others. In all cases, they achieve success in those cases if they make a person feel his own "I": they call him by name and patronymic, emphasize real merits, give an opportunity to take initiative, encourage independent actions, try not to impose someone else's way of thinking, but stimulate reflection.

The effectiveness of persuasion depends on the personality traits of those who are persuaded. According to research by American scientists, they defy persuasion: people with limited imagination, internally oriented individuals, socially non-contact people, persons with pronounced aggressiveness, individuals with paranoid tendencies.

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