Home Mushrooms Russian actors are drug addicts. The most famous drug addicts. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Russian actors are drug addicts. The most famous drug addicts. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Celebrities caught in the web of severe addiction

It's no secret that many famous people, both in Russia and abroad, suffered from drug addiction. It is traditionally believed that rock musicians and top models are especially guilty of this. The latter, with the help of drugs, try to suppress the constantly haunting feeling of hunger (just remember the “heroin chic” style popular in the late 90s). However, actors, TV presenters and singers are not far behind them in this sense. Some of the stars, through incredible efforts and huge sums spent on rehabilitation clinics, managed to completely give up drugs, some sometimes break down, and some do not stop using at all. For some, the next dose turns out to be fatal. American portal Radaronline presented a selection Hollywood stars who have ever suffered from drug addiction.

Ex-wife of famous Hollywood reveler Charlie Sheena Brooke Mueller not far from her flighty husband. The actress went to rehabilitation in various clinics as many as 20 times, survived six drug overdoses, but in the end she was never able to return to normal life. For this reason, twin sons Brooke and Shin are now being raised by another ex-wife actor - Denise Richards.

“Drugs stole five years of my life, memory and part of my brain,” admitted Eminem. The successful rapper said that he began dabbling in drugs in 2002, during the filming of the film “8 Mile” and due to the physical and psychological stress associated with filming. The peak of drug addiction came in 2005: during the Anger Management 3 tour, the singer “was high every single day.” In 2007, Eminem finally took charge of himself, realized his problems and began to actively fight against drug addiction- behind last years he didn't take a single pill.

Bassist of the American rock band Motley Crue Nikki Sixx Almost died from a heroin overdose back in 1987. The musician even survived clinical death– his heart stopped for two whole minutes, but through the efforts of doctors he returned to life. After that, the rocker completely gave up drugs and has not even touched alcohol for more than two decades.

Recently it became known that Whitney Houston shortly before his death in Once again turned to doctors for help to help her overcome her drug addiction. The first scandal erupted in 2000, when airport workers discovered marijuana in her possession. After that, she constantly tried to recover from her addiction, but to no avail.

Scandalous actress and Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith died of a drug overdose in 2007, but her life and death still haunt minds. The star passed away at the age of 39, having outlived her eldest child, son Daniel, by just a few months, who died at the age of 20 from an overdose of drugs and alcohol.

King of pop music Michael Jackson died in 2009 shortly before his supposed triumphant return to the stage. According to the official version, the cause of the artist’s death was an overdose of the drug he drank, an anesthetic that helped him fall asleep. In 2011, Jackson's doctor, who prescribed him the drug, Conrad Murray, was found guilty of manslaughter.

The whole world knows about the next star and her problems with drugs. About the tragic cause of death of the shocking star Amy Winehouse even those who have not heard her songs know. It is noteworthy that a year before her death from an overdose, Winehouse announced that she had completely gotten rid of drug addiction and alcoholism and was going to release a new album.

American singer, winner of the show “American Idol – 3” Fantasia Barrino in 2010 committed unsuccessful attempt suicide by overdose medicines(sleeping pills and aspirin). According to rumors, the star was clearly “out of her mind” when she tried to take her own life, having also pumped herself up with drugs.

Actress and TV presenter Tila Tequila last year she was also hospitalized with a brain aneurysm due to a drug overdose. Like many of her colleagues, the singer became addicted to potent sedatives and painkillers, and her own diminutive size (Tequila is rumored to weigh only 35 kilograms) played a cruel joke on her when, in a nervous attack, she emptied two vials of a potent painkiller at once.

Star of the series Funny company» Shelley Long in 2004, she was taken to the clinic with a diagnosis of drug overdose. Later, representatives of the 63-year-old star officially stated that she actually overdid it with painkillers. Allegedly, Shelley could not cope with her feelings about the breakup with her husband Bruce Tyson, whom she divorced after 23 years of marriage.

Is it true that all the artists are on drugs, who provides the “stars” with doping and which of the artists buried half of their friends who suffered from addiction, as Day.Az reports with reference to “Segodnya”, the program “Rank with Ukraine” found out on the channel "Ukraine".

Nerves tense from taking heavy drugs and a sparkle in the eyes from a recently received high - this is the usual state of ex-member of the Smash group Vlad Topalov in 2007. This was the fourth year that Topalov did not go a day without a dose. He did not care about the tears of his beloved, the entreaties of his parents, and even the threats of producer Viktor Drobysh. A few months later, in an ambulance, Vlad recalled that ill-fated evening when one of his colleagues first treated him to a dose. Then Vlad thought: “It’s impossible to do otherwise on the stage: the whole show business is high.”

At the beginning of 2012, the art director of several fashionable Moscow bars, Rahman Neimark-Coen, died. A man choked to death in his bathtub due to a cocaine overdose. The death of an ordinary event organizer in show business has caused an unprecedented resonance. And all because Rahman not only loved drugs, but also knew where to get them. Accordingly, the entire show business crowd flocked to him like moths to a light for the “drug.” Rumor has it that he regular customers were: producer Yana Rudkovskaya, performers Dima Bilan and Sergei Lazarev, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, Vyacheslav Manucharov, Nikolai Baskov and other famous people.

Fortunately for the “stars,” Rahman had competitors. For example, Igor Logachev, in addition to organizing concerts of world pop stars, arranged leisure time for Russian VIPs and supplied them with cocaine. When he was detained in 2010, he admitted: “they don’t take anything from the stars.” “The purest Colombian cocaine is the drug that is in demand among representatives of this type of profession. Where else can they spend a lot of money?” - said Logachev.

The famous music critic Otar Kushanashvili “sat on powder” for several years. He says that it is thanks to him, and not the spiritual connection with the audience, that the artists smile so much from the stage. Naturally, they work 20 hours a day, and then they just go crazy.

This, according to him, happened with the famous singer Murat Nasyrov, who at the peak of his popularity jumped out of a window. “Murat Nasyrov committed suicide by using hard drugs. When I tried to talk about this on a popular talk show, I was quickly silenced. Well, of course, the man dressed in a concert costume, picked up a video camera and stood on the windowsill, and they tell us about search for Allah and an accident,” comments Kushanashvili.

This, Kushanashvili assures, lies the mystery of Igor Sorin’s death. That, according to him, too long time"sat on the needle." Almost half of the artists, according to Kushanashvili, use hard drugs. "Let's put it this way: 50 out of 100 people are on soft drugs - cocaine, pills. Another 49 are on hard drugs. If they talked openly about this scary statistics“before, maybe we wouldn’t have cried at the coffin of Murat Nasyrov, Leni Nerushenko, Igor Sorin,” says the music critic.

In addition to young people, almost all the old-timers of the stage are on doping, because the culture of drug consumption before going on stage arose in the early 90s. “I myself am no exception; I once almost died after an overdose. Even the old-time pop star Irina Allegrova, when asked directly if she used tranquilizers, answered: “Understand it as you want: it was all!” says Kushanashvili.

Shura only regretted that he had been “throwing away” for many years when a serious illness burst into his life. “There were so many drugs that the body could no longer cope with it. And it gave me this disease. But I am grateful to God that this happened. Because if there was no cancer, I would not have learned this lesson. I would have just I died and that’s it,” says the singer.

Lolita Milyavskaya was once afraid for her life. He talks openly about his past. “I am a person who tried cocaine at the age of 41. I tried it for about a year and a half. I tried it not for a high, but because I needed strength for work. And “smart” people told me that it gives some strength and energy What has it come to? Completely destroyed. nervous system, dysfunction of all internal organs. After that, I had to undergo treatment in China for two years to restore my organs,” the artist shares.

Musicians from the Ukrainian band Green Gray once buried four close friends. It all starts with weed, then cocaine, and when the maximum dose is no longer effective, the “heavy artillery” is used - intravenously. And so it is with many stars. Only a few who have a family or an incentive make it out.

Drugs have become the scourge of many celebrities. The love for prohibited substances affected not only the lifestyle of the stars, but also their work. Not all of the artists presented below completed their earthly journey due to addiction, but in many cases it was the catalyst for death.


Amy Winehouse

Some people are still haunted by the passing of soul diva Amy Winehouse, who died on July 23, 2011. The eccentric artist was found dead in her London apartment. The public suspected that this was an overdose, since the singer had been treated for addiction more than once. The results of a toxicological examination showed that there were no illegal drugs in Amy's blood. The investigation reached a dead end, because this version was the main one.

The artist's death was classified as unexplained. Detectives suggested that Winehouse was killed by a sudden refusal of alcohol - shortly before the tragedy, she was treated in a specialized clinic, but this option was also dropped. Then the police began sinning on vodka, remembering that three bottles of the strong drink were found in the singer’s apartment.

At the end of 2012, they decided to resume the investigation: according to authorities, the coroner's assistant who conducted the inquiry did not have the appropriate qualifications. However, the re-examination became a formality, and therefore the British still do not know why Amy died.

Whitney Houston

Her death raises a lot of questions among ordinary people, since police sergeant Terry Nutall, who arrived at the scene of the discovery of the body, was noticed for indecent actions and spoiled the evidence. Former leader Special forces of American law enforcement agencies filed a lawsuit against Nuttall, who on the day of the singer’s death was in the hotel room where Houston was found. The special forces did not touch the sheet with which the corpse was covered so as “not to destroy evidence from a possible crime scene,” and the police sergeant showed an unhealthy interest in the deceased. He threw away the sheet and began to examine the deceased, almost touching her.

As in the case of Amy, many believed that drugs killed Whitney, but here, too, the examination surprised everyone. The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, which conducted the investigation, released a statement according to which the singer died as a result of drowning. Atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use did their job. The examination showed that the 48-year-old performer was a chronic cocaine addict. Marijuana, a sedative, muscle relaxant and anti-allergenic drug, was also found in her blood. Such results did not please the star’s relatives, because shortly before her death, Whitney declared victory over drug addiction.

Private detective from Hollywood Paul Huebl was also dissatisfied with the work of the coroners and conducted his own investigation. He said that the singer was killed by the drug mafia because of a debt of 1.5 million dollars. According to Paul, he obtained a video recording of the killers of the legendary performer breaking into her room. Huebl emphasized that injuries on the body indicate that the singer tried to resist. True, the detective did not show this recording to anyone, so there is a version that he is not himself.

In turn, Beverly Hills law enforcement officers claim that Whitney’s death was not violent. "Based on the results of the investigation and the pathologist's report, we have come to the conclusion that the death was not the result of a crime. The case is closed," the police department dotted the i's.

Kurt Cobain

The Nirvana founder and frontman was found dead on April 8, 1994, in a greenhouse behind his Seattle home. The perpetrator injected a large dose of heroin, and then shot him in the head with a gun. Kurt joined “Club 27,” which brings together talented musicians who died at the age of 27, at the peak of their popularity (by the way, Amy Winehouse was also there). They say Cobain committed suicide because of drugs.

Heath Ledger

The cause of death of the actor from "Brokeback Mountain" was also considered drug addiction, but coroners found out that Ledger died from an accidental overdose medicines. Few people knew that Heath suffered from insomnia, and doctors also prescribed him sleeping pills, antidepressants and tranquilizers. A deadly mixture of six drugs took the artist’s life.

Marilyn Monroe

The Some Like It Hot star was found dead in her bed on August 5, 1962. Packages of medicines were found nearby. This is how the version about Monroe’s drug addiction appeared. The main version of death was considered suicide. In addition, one of the former CIA employees stated that the state “ordered” the artist, but there was no confirmation of the information.

In 2015, experts announced the true cause of Marilyn’s death. According to them, Hollywood actress became a victim of medical negligence. IN documentary film Autopsy: The Last Hours of Marilyn Monroe("Opening: last hours Marilyn Monroe") it is alleged that Hyman Engelberg prescribed her a “deadly cocktail of sleeping pills.” The version of suicide was also refuted by the fact that on the fateful night the star tried to call her loved ones.


President Dmitry Medvedev asks Vladimir Putin to criminalize drug use and compulsorily treat drug addicts. The Kremlin press service reports this.

IN In June 2011, the government must submit the relevant documents to the president. It's about about “systematic non-medical use narcotic drugs And psychotropic substances, as well as the possibility of applying, as a punishment, for persons who have committed minor crimes related to drugs, the obligation to undergo a medical and rehabilitation procedure for getting rid of drug addiction,” Medvedev’s order says.

It remains to wish the president to pay attention to those who could be included in the list of drug addicts: there are many interesting characters. Among them: member Public Chamber, Young Guard activist, athletes and musicians.
“Salt” has compiled a list of celebrities who, at one time, could also be sent for compulsory treatment.

Vlad TOPALOV, musician, member of the public council of the Young Guard
Cocaine, ecstasy

- Into one winter evening(in January 2004) my friends and I were sitting, and I said: “Come on! And what?" And we tried. That's how it all started. I practically don’t remember the first six months. It's like a blackout, when you remember only in pieces, frames.
When I tell this, people usually don’t believe me. People can take two tablets a night. We ate 10-15 per night. Once, over the weekend from Friday to Monday evening, three of us ate 150 tablets.
[After four years] I realized that it’s much cooler to give up drugs, talk about it absolutely sincerely, honestly and be proud that it’s in the past and that you finally have the opportunity to choose new life and live it the way you always dreamed of.

Yesterday the world celebrated Anti-Drug Addiction Day. Stas Piekha, who knows about the problem first-hand, did not fail to remind everyone about this holiday. At one time, he won the fight against addiction to illegal substances. The singer co-founded the Healthy Country Foundation. On International Day Against Drug Addiction, he officially launched the organization's work, and we decided to remember other stars who managed to overcome the most terrible and, as a rule, leading to tragic consequences addictions - from illegal drugs and alcohol.

Vlad Topalov, 31 years old

Four years member of the group “Smash!!” Vlad Topalov used drugs. This fact was partly the reason for the collapse music group. The singer tried the banned drug for the first time in 2004, after which he could no longer stop. In one of his interviews, Topalov admits that he vaguely remembers that time. Only individual shots from parties emerge in the artist’s memory. By the way, Vlad used drugs in huge quantities. If the average drug addict ate two tablets per night, then for Topalov this number reached 10-15.

In 2008, Vlad Topalov’s body could not withstand such stress. The artist’s kidney began to fail. Fortunately, the doctors made it in time. The artist was hospitalized. Topalov spent two weeks in the clinic on painkillers, even thought about committing suicide, but found the strength to overcome the addiction.

This year, Vlad Topalov co-founded a clinic for people suffering from drug addiction. Moreover, the artist donates funds to foundations and also holds charity concerts.

Vlad Topalov

Vlad Topalov with his wife

Stas Piekha, 36 years old

Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva with her daughter

Larisa Guzeeva with her son

Tatyana Dogileva, 60 years old

Tatyana Dogileva was a regular at the Moscow Narcological Hospital No. 17. The actress was brought in for treatment for binge drinking two or three times a year. A separate room was allocated for Dogileva, where she could hide from prying eyes. Medical staff of this medical institution claimed that Dogileva did not delay treatment and after a few days of binge drinking she called and asked for help.

Dogileva’s addiction to alcohol began with cheerful gatherings with colleagues after filming. Tatyana kept the line, believing that an actress should definitely drink and smoke. Dogileva fought her addiction ex-husband Mikhail Mishin. One day, on the eve of Kinotavr, which the actress was supposed to host, a conflict broke out between her and Mishin. Dogileva drank heavily and had a fight with her husband, as a result of which he hit her. With a black eye, Tatyana could not appear at Kinotavr, and she urgently had to look for a replacement.

In 2010, Tatyana Dogileva gave up alcohol, as he almost brought the artist to death. hospital bed. In February of the same year, the actress noisily celebrated her birthday, after which she ended up in a psychiatric hospital. By the way, the star asked to go to a psychiatric clinic herself. The fact is that Dogileva was unable to cope with her alcohol addiction on her own. Her body stopped producing serotonin, the hormone of joy, so the actress was constantly overwhelmed by depression. Now the star does not drink alcohol and hopes that by his example he can help other addicts get rid of their bad habit.

Tatiana Dogileva

Tatyana Dogileva with her daughter

Irina Allegrova, 65 years old

From " crazy empress“Irina Allegrova also had to hide bottles of alcohol. It was rumored that in the distant 2000s the singer got drunk and staged a show at a banquet in Rostov-on-Don. Allegrova crawled on all fours on the floor and encouraged everyone to play “trains.” By the way, the “empress” had many reasons for alcoholism. My husband ran away from the star Igor Kapusta, A music career began to decline.

In the program “Alone with Everyone,” Irina Allegrova admitted: “I was an ostrich at that moment, which seemed to have hidden its head in the sand, and that’s it, no problem. It wasn't very good. But then I was in pain, and I thought that if I drank it would feel better.”

It’s just that few people can break Irina Allegrova. This woman has so much strong character that she can be the envy of millions of men. Allegrova managed to say a firm and decisive no to alcohol, ending it forever.

Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova with her daughter

Irina Allegrova with her grandson

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