Home natural farming How do system alignments happen? Hellinger family constellation method

How do system alignments happen? Hellinger family constellation method

The method of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger for Russia is a relatively new and untested method. In their homeland - in Germany - "family constellations" began to be used in the 1990s, and in a few years this psychotherapeutic technique literally conquered the whole world. The constellation method is used in the treatment of the most different problems- family conflicts, difficulties at work, problems in love relationships. And also in the treatment of various diseases, especially alcoholism and drug addiction.

Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger

Bert Hellinger was born in Germany at the most difficult time for the country - in 1925, when fascism was just beginning to gain strength. The family of the future psychotherapist was Catholic, and the matured Hellinger received a philosophical and theological university education, took the priesthood and went as a missionary to South Africa.

Closeness to God forever defined him life position and hatred of National Socialism. Once in Africa, having heard the question of one teacher-priest about what is more important - ideals or people, Bert realized that nothing could be more important than a person. He laid down his dignity, and all his future life was aimed at helping people through finding lost family ties and reunification with the family.

Bert Hellinger's systemic constellation method is a completely unique method of short-term psychotherapy that allows you to find a solution to the client's problem through constellation - work with the family. Moreover, the role of family members and loved ones is performed by strangers - members of the therapeutic group. And sometimes - the psychotherapist himself.

The Hellinger technique is universal and lies in the fact that they allow patients to sort out almost all their problems.

Today there are several main types of constellations, but each of them involves creativity and improvisation:

  • family (resolution of family conflicts);
  • structural (solving problems at work, getting rid of fears, treating alcoholism and drug addiction, etc.);
  • organizational (for unraveling problems in labor collectives), etc.

The essence of the method

The Hellinger constellation involves the person who applied with the problem (client), constellator (psychotherapist) and deputies (group members). The facilitator (doctor or client) intuitively assigns people "by roles", defining each one's own place in the family. But how do spreads work?

In the course of work - if the leader is a true professional, and all deputies take the process as seriously as possible - everyone begins to feel an inexplicable connection with the client. People feel emotions, experience and speak thoughts and feelings that do not really belong to them. This striking effect is called vicarious perception. And the space from where the participants in group therapy receive this information (recall, these people are random and unfamiliar with the client) is a morphic field.

Hellinger's constellation technique is based on the scientific research of Carl Gustav Jung, more precisely, his collective subconscious. But Jung understood by this the entire general subconscious of mankind, making the division only into races. The German scientist, on the other hand, works with a specific family, clan of the client, including his close relatives, those who have already died, as well as lovers and other important people.

The main source that gives rise to all today's problems of an alcoholic or drug addict, according to Hellinger, is family interweaving. That is, an unfinished process in the family, breaking ties, etc., of which the client becomes a victim.

There are three main first order (laws), the restoration of which will help a person to realize the reasons for his addiction (and) and overcome it:

  1. Imbalance between the relationship "take" and "give". The point is that each member of the family should take and give an equal amount (it does not matter - money, love, help, feelings). If the balance between the spouses is disturbed, the child can take over the function of "weights". This kind of duty often remains with a person and in the future can develop into alcoholism (drug addiction).
  2. Belonging to the system. Each member of the family must take his place in the family, regardless of public, personal and social status. He died, died in the war, left the family, was never born due to an abortion - he is still in his clear place in family tree. The loss of at least one link from the chain can lead to problems for descendants. So, if after a divorce the mother does not allow communication with the father, excludes him from the life of the child, then serious problems with alcohol are possible in the future. Restoring respect for your dad is the first step towards recovery from addiction.
  3. Hierarchy in the family. The role of "parent-child" must be clearly observed in the family. If someone takes on a role that is not their own (for example, a child is forced to early years take care of mom or dad), in the future he cannot build his own own life. And he begins to hide problems in alcohol or drugs.

In the video, Bert Hellinger talks about his method of family constellations:

How are the classes

An important point: Hellinger's systemic family constellations are a short-term psychotherapeutic method. It is conducted only once - it is assumed that during this single session the client will be able to find a solution to the problem and begin to solve it. At the same time, the dependence itself is not analyzed - it is important for the doctor to find the cause and identify the solution (for example, to make peace with the father).

Therefore, the most important thing in this therapy is the motivation of the self. dependent person, his firm determination to find out the origins of his illness and deal with it.

A session can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. In some regional clinics, psychotherapists even indicate the time up to 4 hours. The constellations themselves are of three types: group, in pairs (usually with a spouse) and individual (sometimes the last two are combined).

Group sessions

Conducted in a group of 5 to 25 people. First, the client as briefly as possible, without unnecessary emotions and details, voices the problem. The facilitator (or the client himself) selects the participants in the role of family members and loved ones. individual person acts as the client himself and his problem, in this case addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Then the client arranges them in the space of the room as he feels and sees fit. And then he sits down and silently follows the development of the situation - how these people communicate, talk about their thoughts, emotions, fears, and look for a solution to the problem.

Individual sessions

Can be carried out in one or two stages. First, the client talks in great detail about addiction, family relationships, and the background of events. Then the session itself begins (sometimes the doctor asks to come to the constellation for the second time). During it, the psychotherapist and the client himself act as deputies, changing different roles in one session.

The arrangement can take 2-3 hours, since it is always difficult for a person to get used to several different roles. In addition, an individual session is always much more expensive than a group session.

The effectiveness of all types is exactly the same, the psychotherapist himself chooses one or another arrangement. So, if the client is not ready to share intimate problems with strangers and refuses to work in a group, the doctor suggests working alone.

On the other hand, an individual constellation session requires preparation, it is usually recommended if a person has already worked in constellation (at least as a substitute) and knows the specifics. Therefore, for beginners, group sessions are usually recommended.

Possible danger of the method

Although Bert Hellenger resigned from the priesthood, his theological views largely determined the specifics of the family constellation method. Immersion in another person, role reversal, intuitive search for a solution to someone else's problem - this is all work, including work with subtle matter, with the soul.

Therefore, opponents of the method of systemic family constellations warn that harm to substitutes can be both real and metaphysical.

  1. Excessive immersion in the role. Trying on the image of a stranger (especially if he has already died), the deputy leaves his personality “beyond the threshold”. Such a transformation threatens to lose vitality disorders of thought and psyche. For example, memory problems.
  2. The danger is to delve too deeply into the problem. This risk is already very real. The constellator is so deeply imbued with the client's problem that he can unconsciously drag it into his own life and become an addict himself.
  3. Destruction of the energy-information field. Experts in energy-informational medicine assure that during the session, the substitute participant is an open defenseless system. In this state, it is very easy to take on heavy genetic and karmic illnesses both the client and other participants.

On the video about the benefits and harms of the Hellinger constellation method:

Family or system constellations is one of psychological techniques to search for the causes of a psychological problem and its resolution through work with the Family or the system. This is very solidarity with the principles of Tarotpsychology. As I wrote, (an article about fine structure person), part of the fate and life scenarios, as well as the state of the body (constitution, health) we inherit according to the Genus.

Man is part of the system

System constellations can be used very widely. Each person is simultaneously a link in many systems - his family system, his group of friends, his company at work, etc. If something is changed in one link, the whole system will change. Further depends on the significance of the link. For example, if you change something in the worldview of the director of the company, then the effect on the company's activities will be much greater than if something changes in the worldview of a junior accountant.

What questions can be addressed to the constellator?

With the same ones that you can contact a psychologist with: relationships, well-being, a situation of choice, conflict, etc. Breakdown is not Magic wand, and one of the methods of psychological work, which has its advantages, such as quick diagnosis of the problem (you can get to the bottom of its source), visibility for the client (it's like watching a performance about your life from the outside), the speed of solving the problem. It has been observed that with one constellation the client takes several steps towards solving his problem (in long-term therapy, the pace can be one consultation = one step). For some, this method is suitable for the indicated reasons, but for some it is not.

How it looks and format

The arrangement can be carried out in a group, attracting other people to help - the so-called "deputies", it is possible to assign objects to roles in an individual consultation with a psychologist (arrangement on objects).
Different constellators may work a little differently. I was lucky to learn constellations, including from the founder of this method, the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, and I watched how he works with a client: some stages can be omitted, changed, and remain invisible to others.

The classic process looks like this:
1) the client tells the psychologist about the problem / voices the request;
2) the therapist invites the client to choose from among those present deputies for the role of participants in the client's story; the client chooses people (figures) and arranges them in the room;
3) deputies, following the inner voice (this is the biggest mystery for an outside observer, so about this separately), move around the room, talk about their feelings, interact with each other (everything happens like in a slow motion movie);
4) at some point, the therapist intervenes in the process, adds or removes figures, helps all participants find a comfortable place for themselves and thus resolve the existing problem / conflict.

Especially for the remote format of our project, I developed a method for placing objects on objects remotely, using video broadcasting on Skype. For constellations, I use figures of little men specially created by German psychologists, as well as metaphorical cards.

How do systemic arrangements work?

It seems that in the process of placement we do nothing of the kind: the deputies involved are not the client's family, but most often they see this person for the first time in their lives. The client sits on a chair (especially if it is an arrangement on objects), but nevertheless, the client’s life changes, and the behavior of his relatives and friends often changes - those who may not know did not know that he was doing the arrangement. Where is the result from? I will open a small professional secret. The effect rests on the presence of the client - by changing the perception of the situation. Our thoughts are material. And if there is a certain picture of what is happening in the head (for example, the belief: "this person is bad"), then reality will adjust to this belief. Those. a person will really act badly towards you. After all, as you remember, most we perceive information non-verbally (link to the article). Information about how we are treated is no exception. If you change your perception of a "problem" person, then his reaction to us will change accordingly. The presence of substitutes living the situation from the inside, and changing their perception, also adds to the result.

Sometimes the client does not have the opportunity to be present at the constellation at all. Then you can order a remote constellation without being present (this means that the client wants the constellation, knows that the psychologist is working for him, even takes a moment - for example, now, he simply cannot be present for technical reasons). The question is, why does such an arrangement work, even if the client does not see what is happening? I'll reveal another secret. Again, there is no mysticism here. When the therapist (psychologist) learns something about the client's situation and begins to work with it, he automatically becomes part of the client's system. Those. here, the therapist himself observes the process. His perception of the situation changes, therefore, the situation itself changes.

Morphic field, or about that very intuition

The concept of a morphic field (information field, field of Knowledge) is very important topic for Tarotpsychology, therefore a separate one is devoted to it. Here I will only briefly explain what in question. The information field is an invisible and unconscious system for transmitting information between living beings. It exists thanks to the whirlwinds of space, the so-called torsion fields. For torsion fields there is no limit either in time, or in space, or in speed. There are no obstacles for them. They have memory, preserve the phantoms of objects, serve as a system for transmitting information. In fact, it is the foundation, the invisible fabric of the universe. Because Human thought is torsion by nature, we can accept and change, or create torsion fields, i.e. we can connect to the field of Knowledge and receive information from it. That is why substitutes in constellations easily connect to the states and feelings of people completely unfamiliar to them.

For our country, the Hellinger method of system constellations is a fairly new and not fully tested method. In Germany, in their homeland, constellations began to be used in the 90s of the last century, and for quite a short time This psychotherapeutic technique simply conquered the whole world. The Hellinger constellation method is applied for treatment a variety of problems - problems in love relationships, difficulties at work, family conflicts. And also during the treatment of various diseases, primarily drug addiction and alcoholism.

Hellinger Constellations: General Information

Bert Hellinger formulated certain patterns and laws that lead to negative events, conflicts between colleagues or spouses. The scientist has been working on such questions for quite a long time: "Is there a system that manages relationships?", "How does conscience (family or personal) affect the life of an individual?", "How does the adoption of feelings take place?". In fact, these are only a few of Hellinger's vast list of topics.

Today, the Hellinger method is becoming more and more popular. With the help of constellations, a huge number of people were able to find the origins their problems and solve them. Many practicing psychologists are increasingly using the Hellinger method in their work with individuals, couples, or groups.

“Arrangement” is the place of the individual in space. The method itself is similar to the game of chess. That is, all participants are assigned a specific role that displays a subconscious image in a situation that requires elaboration. This, perhaps, is not only a family problem, but also failures in business, problems in the team.

There are several main varieties constellations, but each involves improvisation and creativity:

  • structural(treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, getting rid of fears, solving problems at work);
  • family(resolving family quarrels);
  • organizational(problem solving in work groups).

Solving family conflicts

So, a man comes to a psychologist with a problem. First of all, the doctor conducts a short conversation with him, during which it is determined whether he needs an arrangement or everything is much simpler. Because sometimes a person can be directed simple advice- and life will go back to normal. But if the situation is complicated, then a more detailed conversation is held with the client. First of all, it is determined directly problem.

For example, a man drinks, his wife “nags” him every day and says that all the problems in the family are related to his alcoholism. At the same time, the man does not think so, since before the wedding he did not drink such an amount of alcohol.

The psychologist asks the client to tell about his lifestyle. Hellinger constellations need systemic consideration situations. That is, you need to define:

  • What does each spouse do on a daily basis?
  • what causes conflicts;
  • what kind of relationship do spouses have in general;
  • whether in family life people are themselves or play someone else's role.

The psychologist considers separately the parents of the wife and husband. How did they behave in the family with each other? If it is determined that on the part of the husband, the mother and father lived ideally, and there were no issues with alcoholism, then most attention given to the wife's relatives.

Having sorted out the situation at the first appointment, the psychotherapist recommends that the man come to the next conversation with his wife. Since the “root of evil”, most likely, it will not be possible to get rid of it in her and without her participation.

family constellations

So, when a couple tries to save a marriage, the wife drinking husband comes with him for help to a psychotherapist. In the course of the conversation, it may become clear that the woman copies unconsciously her mother's behavior, that is, took on her role.

Since that one family life didn’t work out, and she constantly set the installation for her daughter: “Look, all men are the same. Your father, like the rest. Drinks, brings home pennies. With an imposed opinion, the daughter grows up in the surrounding men involuntarily notes only negative traits.

Still, the girl begins a relationship with the guy she likes. After a while, she marries him, but soon it seems to her that this man is absolutely not “her person”. Whatever he does, everything seems negative to her.

It seems that the husband is not so bad, his positive traits greatly outweigh the shortcomings. However, the woman retains internal aggression and sends negativity to her husband on a subconscious level. A man catches this signal, understands that his partner hates him, and eventually tries to seek solace in alcohol. This allows him to certain time forgotten, but the problem is not solved.

Further actions

The Hellinger method involves role-playing. The doctor offers the husband and wife to lose some situation. For example, he asks a woman to tell how she behaves at work. The woman comments on her communication with colleagues, official behavior, and it turns out that the patient is “white and fluffy” at work.

What changes when a woman crosses the threshold of a house? Why does a husband with one look irritate a woman? The couple play the scene conflict in front of a psychologist. A woman tells her husband a standard phrase: "I would finish drinking, and everything would be fine."

At this point, the psychologist asks the couple to stop. System constellations require timely focus on an important point. AT this example that time has come.

The doctor says: "Let's try to determine the source of the problem that forces a man to drink." Then all the reasons that contribute to this are crossed out. For example, the following are excluded:

  • big financial problems;
  • health problems;
  • conflicts at work with a man, etc.

What remains? The man frankly says that he is oppressed by the constant wife's displeasure, which always finds fault with something or, on the contrary, is constantly silent and avoids sexual intimacy. In this situation, the partner suffers from a lack of female attention. Often, women, out of a sense of resentment or because of a lack of love for a partner, punish their chosen one in this way. They load themselves with household chores or actively sublimate their energy into caring for children. At the same time, the spouse is trying to get some kind of positive attitude by drinking alcohol. A vicious circle appears.

Subsequently, system constellations imply a deep study of this situation. In this case, the psychologist tries to inspire the woman with the idea of ​​the need to get rid of the attitude that her mother unwittingly asked.

Wife provokes By his behavior, a man is forced to drink alcohol, that is, he makes him play the role of her drinking father. If, along with this, the wife still has a certain resentment against her husband, then during the session it is proposed to get rid of her. "It's very important to free yourself from negativity," says Hellinger himself. Family constellations offer many techniques for this.

In fact, the whole process is quite complicated. In the history of this couple, the psychologist will have to give the characters many “roles”, while so that an equal exchange of energies takes place between the spouses.

The effect of egregor on people

After conducting a systemic arrangement, they are often surprised: "Why did I reason with other people's thoughts?", "How did it happen that I began to play a different role in life?". In fact, not many people think about whether he really does what he wants and lives as he wants.

Most often, it turns out that daily actions, feelings and thoughts borrowed many from the people around them: the team, their own family and society as a whole. In other words, some energy-information space (egregor) directly affects the personality.

Any society (collective) is subject to some system of values. The impact of egregor is both positive and negative. Everyone creates personal system values. For example, a church egregore is trying to influence people with the help of sermons. And each terrorist organization develops its egregore by manipulating the subconscious of the participants with some theory. In some cases strong personalities create their own egregors and influence others. This individual must be very energy intensive, since its goal is to influence and manage, manage a large number of energy flows.

Family egregors

A family clan is a system with its own specific tasks. And family members (father, mother, daughter, son) are elements that are required to perform certain functions. What happens when someone gets kicked out of the system? For example, a son contrary to family tradition did not want to become a military man, and his father strongly desired this.

In this case, the role of the son may distribute between the rest of the family, or play out: the daughter marries a military man. The father is happy, he is trying to establish strong contact with his son-in-law and shares plans for the future to continue the military family.

The Hellinger spacing method deeply affects the problem of the younger and older generations. Can this method help everyone? Reviews are completely different. But many agree that family egregors can negatively affect descendants.

For example, a young girl is very unhappy in her marriage. All methods of restoring relations do not give results, violence and rudeness occur in the family. The only way out is divorce. However, the older generation of this girl unanimously says: “There were no divorced people in our family, as this is a shame.”

Thus, the family egregore of this girl requires submission and dictates her principles to her. Only the rejection of the role of "victim" and a complete rethinking will help this person make a decision to start a different life.

Egregor by inheritance

The Hellinger Method helps countless couples and individuals identify the origins of evil. Here is another example of a problem with which men often turn to psychotherapists.

So, a conventional young man comes to a psychotherapist who cannot understand his behavior towards women. After multiple divorces, he faced a fact - partners leave him because of unmotivated aggression. In other areas of life, the man turned out to be positive. During a conversation with a psychologist, it turned out that the man in the past "unconsciously" tuned in to the installation of revenge. How did it happen?

Most often, in this case, it turns out that the man grew up in a family in which the father was constantly suppressed and humiliated by his wife. The boy could not resist his mother to protect his father. So, as he grew older, he developed his plan ( setting for revenge).

This situation led to the fact that, being in a relationship with girls, he periodically felt for them strong hatred. When the right situation came, he took out his anger on them with his fists. The systemic arrangement should show the guy that these feelings do not belong to him. They are fixed and inspired in the subconscious from a distant childhood. And the man has a different situation, and the girls have a different character than his mother. And the most important thing is that he can be happy only when he understands this and begins to change.

This is gradual process. A lot will depend on the natural temperament of a person. For some, two sessions are enough, and for some, much more is needed. Hellinger's method differs in that, knowing family systems, a person will be able to avoid life's failures, as well as protect future generations from them.

Group lessons

The phenomenon of such activities is that a group of people play the role of actors in the problem of one person. Cases can be different: a person is constantly sick, cannot find a mate, or has difficulty with money.

The method of constellations is difficult to explain in detail, but it goes according to the following scenario: various roles. And they begin to feel similar emotions of a person who asked for help. The phenomenon is called vicarious perception».

Thus, there is a transfer from the internal images of the client to all participants. People who are selected for certain roles are called " deputies". During the session, they describe their condition aloud, trying to restore a situation that is a problem for a person.

Hellinger constellations enable a person to unravel the tangle conflict situations, correctly build a hierarchy and restore energy. The method is built by moving "substitutes".

A session is considered successful when all participants feel no discomfort. And most importantly, the client must experience psychological and physical relief.

Arrangement with Tarot cards

Not every person can openly tell a group of people about his problem. In this case, the client can take part in a group session, but at the same time, at his request, hidden placement. Thus, a person independently doses the openness of information. An excellent way out of this situation is a systemic arrangement using Tarot cards.

In this case, the deck is diagnostic tool process. A person is asked: “What is the meaning of the problem?”. The client, without looking, selects a card and describes what he saw on it. "Deputies" are also selected taking into account the selected arcana. A person, according to his problem, with the help of the facilitator's tips, indicates to all participants in which place they should become and what needs to be done.

Next step - emotional playing out situations. "Deputies" share their impressions: "I got the feeling that ...", "I thought now that ...". At this time, the client is also included in the discussion. He listens to the opinion of each participant and takes the place whose participant hurt his emotions the most. And already taking into account new role he says the words that are important to him.

Individual placement

Can on one's own conduct this session, as not everyone has the opportunity to work in a group. In this case, an independent systematic arrangement is possible. However, for this it is necessary to closely familiarize yourself with Hellinger's theory.

So, the problem is defined, and as "deputies" there will be cards. The process has three steps:

It may seem to a person who is not very dedicated that a fortune-telling session is taking place, but this is not true. An individual way of arranging with the help of Tarot is shown only professionals. Others are advised to resort to this method under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist.

To date, this method is gaining more and more popularity and is being developed technically and methodically in the works of Hellinger himself, who develops constellations today, as well as through the efforts of other constellations who have "groped" their way.

Psychologists of various schools today offer the most different ways to get rid of difficulties in relationships and to overcome bodily ailments. However, most methods require a very long period of communication between patient and therapist, which is, of course, unacceptable in many cases. Interesting and effective solution problems, which many have already seen, were suggested by Bert Hellinger, a famous German psychotherapist. In this article, we'll go into more detail about alignments.

What is a Hellinger arrangement?

Arrangement is psychological practice, based on the idea of ​​a person as part of the system and on a substitute perception.

How is the work

Hellinger's method got the name "arrangement" not by chance. This method- this is one of the forms of group psychotherapeutic work, in which the client (who came with a request to the therapist) arranges the people present, replacing real people (representatives of his family, colleagues or other objects). After the client takes a seat on a chair.

The resulting constellation helps the therapist determine the position of people in relation to the client himself, as well as to each other.

Further, the static model on the "stage" begins to come to life (move), and this allows the therapist (and the client) to visually consider the dynamics, interactions, and also see: who initiates the problem (with which the client came) and who does not.

Some processes are simply allowed to happen by the therapist when needed, while others are corrected (for example, with enabling phrases). Here the experience of the constellator is important, as well as the patience of the deputies.

Deputies can experience new sensations for them, taking a role; will also benefit for themselves in the process of placement. Our center is free.

Topics to work with:

I) Work with symptoms of diseases, hereditary diseases.

  • diagnosing and resolving difficulties in the family and at work: relationships with children, parents, family conflicts, adopted children;
  • unborn and early deceased children, their influence;
  • restoration of the female flow, harmonization of relations with the opposite sex;
  • marital relations; what is necessary for Love to take place;
  • hard fates in the family, unfinished relationships with the dead;
  • identification of hereditary negative patterns of behavior, exemption from such patterns;
  • depression, anxiety, fears, heaviness, resentment, guilt, anger, depression;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism, other addictions;
  • placement of internal parts.
II) Cash flow finding solutions to problems with work.

III) Finding your calling.

About the founder of the method

Bert Hellinger, German philosopher and psychotherapist - is the founder of one of the most informative and effective methods, called "Hellinger constellations".

Family Constellations According to Hellinger

We all live within certain systems (groups of people united by something) in which we interact with other participants.

The systems are:

  • working team;
  • the company as a whole;
  • parental family;

For a long time, sociologists, psychologists and other scientists have noted certain laws, the relationship between individual members of the group and the system as a whole, but it is too early to talk about a specific doctrine. The Hellinger constellation method is the use of system patterns to identify and solve the problem of a particular individual within the system.

Human nature is such that he draws conclusions based on his picture of the world. A problem or a specific task sometimes goes beyond the framework of the model that our picture of the world "wraps around". We (our behavior) can be influenced by factors that we are not aware of. Systemic constellations aim to uncover hidden "unknown factors".

Classes are held in a group. A clear statement of the problem is essential. For example, if there are difficulties in your family relationships, then you need to specify the task. For example, reduce it to the question: “Should I get married?”

How long does it take for the placement to take effect?

Creating solutions-images in the constellation gives the release of sufficiently large forces that will make themselves felt, manifesting themselves within 2 weeks (plus, minus) after the constellation. It must be taken into account that mental processes "flow", therefore the result for everyone is manifested in different time. But out of all known methods, constellations is such work that in a short time allows you to solve many problems and lays the foundation brick for a better future client.


During the session, a “substitute” system is formed from the group members, for example, the family of the patient whose problem is in this moment understands. Then each of the "family members" begins to answer questions from the facilitator. The phenomenon of constellations is that third-party people begin to feel those feelings that were formed in real relationships, in the real system of the patient. This allows the host to reveal all the "unknown" systems, that is, to make the problem solvable.

Experiencing the emotions of another person

In general, the very existence of phenomenology suggests that there are a number of facts in the world that so far cannot be accommodated in the framework and laws familiar to us. One of these phenomena is the perception of the emotions of another person when certain conditions. It is this phenomenon that Hellinger constellations use.

More about this method

The system-phenomenological approach in psychological and therapeutic practice makes it possible to visually identify the causes of problems typical for representatives of a particular genus.

Constellation is a unique method in which the client's problem is viewed through the prism of the family history. Understanding the essence of the family and clan problem, repeated from generation to generation, as well as finding effective way its solution comes in a short time, often already directly in the process of placement. Having found the causes in the past, a person has the opportunity to qualitatively change his present in all areas: to establish interpersonal relationships, acquire inner harmony get rid of health problems, find the right decision in difficult life situations.

The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by a large number of constellations and the growth of their popularity in Moscow and other countries. major cities for the last few year s. Practicing psychologists recognize that this method is by far one of the easiest to use and shows high efficiency in solving a wide variety of human problems.

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