Home fertilizers What are systemic (family) constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger? Systemic violations. How constellations are made and what effect they give (Video)

What are systemic (family) constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger? Systemic violations. How constellations are made and what effect they give (Video)

Systemic constellations are a relatively new, but already well-established, method of professional assistance. This technique allows you to find solutions to personal internal problems individual person and families in general, to find and eliminate the subconscious conflict that is the cause of chronic or psychosomatic diseases. Also, the method of system constellations allows diagnose problems of relationships and interaction in work teams and any other groups of people. The basis of the method is a common, collective subconscious, discovered by Carl Gustav Jung. Bert Hellinger (the founder of the method) calls this phenomenon the "knowing field".

At present, no one will deny the fact that the actions and motives of a person are controlled, including various unconscious (subconscious) scenarios. The method of systemic family constellations allows us to see these scenarios, work through them in order to get out of those dead ends and traps from which we cannot consciously get out.

Hellinger, creating the method of family constellations, was based on the study and synthesis of various schools of psychotherapy. In particular, he successfully used the findings of the school of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, "primary therapy", traditional family therapy and other areas. Also, the method was based on the scientist's own unique discoveries.

One of the discoveries of Bert Hellinger is the realization of the fact that within this family and clan system there are certain laws. According to these laws, any family system exists, develops and lives (yours too). Understanding these laws, we can explain, at first glance, inexplicable actions of people and events. Also, knowing them, we can correct the situation in our lives. Read more about the four main laws of the family system below. You can see the methods of correcting the situation and "permissive phrases" in the videos below and read in the books of Bert Hellinger.

What are systemic disorders and systemic therapy in psychology? How the constellations are carried out (video):

How Bert Hellinger himself conducts constellations (video from his seminar)

The arrangement is carried out according to the principles of the system-phenomenological approach and is a unique rapid therapy method focused on solution existing problem. It allows not only to diagnose any complex life situation, but also to find the causes of its occurrence - to see what, in fact, is happening in the depths of the Soul. And knowing the cause of the existing problem, you can eliminate it ...

4 laws that are used during constellations

These laws are well explained at her seminar by ELINA ZITSER, family system psychologist, constellator:

More deeply and in detail about what happens in the human soul during constellations.

Just by watching this video, you can understand the causes of problems in your life:

Why is the child always sick?

A visual illustration of the theory of laws discovered by Bert Hellinger:

What are the constellations in the classic format of B. Hellinger? What types of arrangements are there? Where did the splits come from? What were the pioneering methods? What is the difference between the Hellinger constellations and the psychodrama method?

Interview with the founder of the method - Bert Hellinger

family constellation method- how did he appear? What are arrangements? How are they made? Examples from the constellations (why the child did not want to learn, how past relationships of parents influence the behavior of children and what parents need to do to free their children from this influence, how abortions affect living children and what can be done to prevent this influence).

Spiritual aspects of family (systemic) constellations, conscience, orders of love. Where are placements used? How is love between a man and a woman possible?

There are several iconic names in the history of psychology and psychiatry: Freud, Jung, Pavlov, Rogers, Grof... Today Andrey Yermoshin (host of the Adult Games TV show) is visiting a man who is one of the pioneers in the field of psychotherapy. This is a professor from Germany, author of the family constellation method, Bert Hellinger. The interlocutors discuss the spiritual dimensions of his work, those almost mystical phenomena that are observed in the practice of constellations. The conversation also touched upon aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman, why a conflict arises, how to make the relationship really close.

Do I need to do the alignment or use another method? What does the result depend on?

At the very beginning, there is a small consultation with a person about his problem, questions are asked and it turns out how adequate the placement method is for this situation. If the problem is “strange”, its causes are not visible in the current life of a person, then it is better to make an arrangement. Sometimes done diagnostic constellation- to see what is happening in the system. In order for the constellation to go better, the client must have a strong need and personal deep desire to solve a problem. When someone led or pushes a person to do it, then it’s not worth doing the arrangement, it will simply “hang” and be interrupted by the constellator due to the lack of dynamics (energy for changes), the person himself must “ripen”.

What are "permissive phrases" in constellations?

Permissive phrases are phrases aimed at solving the situation in the arrangement, eliminating interweaving. They show what they really are. For example, the daughter's recognition of the hierarchy and her place in the system: “Mom, you are big, and I am small. You give, and I take” (some action can also be performed to consolidate, in this case maybe bow). Or: "I'm doing to my son, just like you did to me, dad." Also: “I was born at the cost of your death. I accept and will do something good with my life in memory of you.” Permissive phrases depend on the context, on what is happening in the system. For a therapeutic effect to occur, it is necessary that the phrase is not just said, but felt.

  • Here good article with answers to many questions: knigasily.rf/book/268
  • Books by Bert Hellinger (easy to find and download online)

How to learn constellations, subtle spiritual moments, an overview of constellation techniques and principles

This amazing interview by Elena Veselago (a student of B. Hellinger, a highly experienced constellator and the founder of her school) touches not only on "constellation" topics, but also applied ones, presented from the point of view of systemic principles. For example: How psychologists can find clients more efficiently. "People come into psychology when there is something inside that needs healing." Who is a constellator - a shaman or a psychologist? "I use both methods and see no contradiction in it." On problems in some areas of psychotherapy. "Many have forgotten about the soul."

Systemic family constellations- a method of psychotherapy by the German philosopher Bert Hellinger, which is based on three laws: the law of belonging (connection), the law of hierarchy (order) and the law of give-and-take (exchange). Hellinger's psychological constellation technique is good because:

  • saves time and money for the client, allowing you to find the cause of the problem and its solution within one or two sessions, while other methods could be useless;
  • gives you the opportunity to look so deeply into the client's family system, gathering information about the life and scenarios of past generations, that sometimes the result of therapy amazes even the constellation specialists themselves.

The Olvia Family Counseling Center in Moscow offers more than 20 psychotherapeutic practices, including family, individual, generic and many other psychological systemic constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger, collected for you in one place.

System constellations help to make a person's life happy, namely:

  • to realize the hidden causes of conflicts between spouses, "fathers and children" and find harmony in relationships;
  • identify and eliminate the causes of diseases (improve well-being, get rid of symptoms, recover);
  • solve problems in your personal life (get rid of loneliness and build happy relationship with a partner);
  • identify and eliminate the causes of fear of money and allow yourself to become rich and successful;
  • choose the most suitable partner on business or project for the investment of funds;
  • understand and eliminate the causes of recurring negative events (scenarios) in life;
  • determine your calling, understand what is best to do in life;
  • choose optimal solution in a difficult situation, conditions of lack of information and much more.

The specialists of the Olvia Center not only conduct daily sessions of constellations, which take place in a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding, support and sympathy - we have created a special training for you aimed at teaching Hellinger systemic constellations at a very affordable price for Moscow.

Group system constellations are an interesting and often unpredictable process that can be divided into several stages:

  • a conversation with the client, during which the essence of the problem, his relationship with the family, as well as necessary, in the opinion of the specialist, family details are clarified;
  • selection of substitute family members among other participants in the session. It is at this stage that the phenomenon of substitutive perception arises, when the participants begin to interact with each other, like the people they replace in the constellation;
  • work to eliminate the causes of the problem. To eliminate violations of the laws of family systems, the permutations of figures and the pronunciation of permissive phrases are used, there is a recognition of the actual state of affairs.

A few examples from Systemic Family Constellations:

  • during the arrangements of parts of the personality, a part was revealed for the girl that felt inner guilt, was sad and did not want to live. It turned out that in this way the girl remembers her older aborted brothers and sisters. "They didn't get anything, how can I be happy?" The inner feeling of guilt is that if they were born, then the girl, most likely, would not have been born, i.e. her birth cost the lives of older brothers and sisters. Unwillingness to live, desire for death - compensation, an attempt to atone for one's guilt. After talking with the brothers and sisters in the constellation, the girl realized that they did not need her sacrifice, that they only needed memory and respect. A feeling of joy and fullness of life immediately returned to her;
  • request - the husband went to another. In the arrangement, the following picture: the father and mother of the client are going in different directions, the daughter is trying to keep her parents together, the husband is moving away from this situation. In a subsequent conversation, it turns out that her parents want to separate, but the woman does not allow this to be done with all her might, she has forgotten about her husband and is trying to solve the problems of her parents. The offer of the constellator to the client is to decide on priorities: either devote your life to your parents and solve their problems, or focus on relationships with your husband (man). The choice can only be made by herself;
  • the girl came to the family constellation with the question of why men who used to earn well, as soon as they start dating her, they immediately have problems with money. The thing turned out to be that there was no reciprocal energy flow of gratitude on the part of the girl, and after a while the men became de-energized, subconsciously did not want to bring money to her, because. felt no return.

Like any other method, Systemic Family Constellations have their limitations. Constellations are not a panacea for all ills, although their scope is very wide. In some cases, other tools that are individual for each person are better suited, and it is best to talk about this with a specialist. negative influences generic scenarios.

Find out more about what types of constellations take place at the Olvia Center and what is right for you, by calling the numbers listed in the “

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You know, everyone always thought that I had an ideal mother ... She is beautiful, cheerful and modern. My girlfriends always ran to her for advice and talk "for life." But I never told her anything. I am, in general, a quiet phlegmatic, and the only person in the world who can bring me to hysterics and slamming doors in ten seconds is my mother.


How could we not have a conversation?

My prosperous mother beat me all my childhood. I was a homely girl, the happiness of whose life was to hide in a corner with a book, I studied well, I never went anywhere without a call, until now (up to 29 years old!) I have not tried either vodka or cigarettes ... Why beat me?

I needed a reason. I kicked my mother with this “why?”, Mom screamed in response about my indifference and about the fact that I never understood her. I screamed that I didn’t know how I could help her at the age of three, when she told me for the first time ...

Despite everything, I love my mother. And she me too. But the resentment was stronger: the question "for what?" burned out my brain, I did not know what answer I wanted to receive, and continued to ask it with the stubbornness of a maniac. Mom exploded with the same persistence. I went to psychologists, some urged me to forgive, others to stop the “soul-destroying communication with my mother,” but no one answered why the hell my mother beat me.

How everyone was in tears

I ended up on the Hellinger constellations by accident. I read stories on blogs, saw an announcement that deputies were invited to the constellations, and decided to take a look. Everything took place in the center of Moscow: a small room with sofas around the perimeter, ten people, a leading psychologist. The person for whom the arrangement was made came out to the center and talked about his problem. And the presenter offered to choose from the present deputies of the participants in the conflict. Sometimes these were real people, sometimes already in the process of arrangement, the psychologist asked to add dead grandmothers or unborn children of the hero to the action. Then everything was very strange: the newly appointed relatives walked around the room, quarreled, refused to communicate, blamed each other and tried to get closer again. The presenter gently guided the deputies, asked them questions, asked them to describe their feelings. The one for whom the arrangement was made sat and shed tears: “Yes, yes, dad always talks to me like that!” Or: "How do you know that my grandmother's brother died in prison?" And then everyone stood embracing and sobbed in unison. I looked and thought that everything was far-fetched. That people see what they want to see. And it is not clear how this can help.

How Mom Got a Deputy

I don’t know why I went up to the presenter during the break and asked to arrange the arrangement for me. I was shaking to the point of nervous stuttering. I was afraid to hear from the deputy what I was always afraid to hear from my mother. The one who could play her role, I noticed a long time ago - a beautiful plump blonde with a gentle face. Amazing resemblance to the original!

Then miracles began: the little brunette who was me ran around the room and huddled in a corner (how did she know?), "mother" chased her and tried to hug her. “I know she likes to be alone, but I can’t help myself, I really want to hug her!” - explained "mother", and I was covered with sweat from how everything was similar to my reality.

“You see,” the presenter said, “she really loves you, even too much. Yes, she violates your boundaries, but she doesn’t know how to do it differently. ” The fact that she loves me, I already knew: "Ask her why she beat me." “Mama” began to tell how tired she was and how no one loves her - in frighteningly familiar expressions and intonations. The presenter asked the girl who portrayed me to sit down, and me to stand in her (in her!) Place. More precisely, climb onto a chair and look at the "mother" from above. “From this position, do you also want to ask her questions like that?” I felt embarrassed: “mother” seemed small and defenseless. But the desire to find an answer was stronger than awkwardness. I was shaking, I kept repeating like a clockwork: “Why! You! Me! Bila! "Mom" yelled back at me. “I wanted to - and beat me,” the host suddenly interrupted our hysteria. I choked in mid-sentence. And she continued: “Tell her that you are her mother and that you know better how to deal with your child. What did you have Bad mood or PMS… It’s none of her business.” “Mom” obediently repeated this to me. And at that moment, I suddenly felt better. Then, when I thought about everything that had happened, I realized that the presenter had removed the burden of responsibility from me. It was not me who did something so bad that a loving and beloved mother was forced to beat me, but she had PMS. Or she just wanted to. It's not my fault. I was small and could not influence the situation in any way.

But at that moment I stood on a chair, stared dumbfounded at “mother” and repeated: “Well, why did you want this?” She suddenly said: “I never wanted other children, only one like you. And you… You never let me near you.” And she added in a whisper: “I still want to hug you.” And suddenly there was a puzzle: my mother always said that she dreamed of a short gray-eyed brunette, how she was afraid to give birth to the “wrong” child, how happy she was when I turned out exactly the way she came up with. How I dreamed of a brother, but she refused to give birth to anyone else: either we have repairs, then grandfather has a heart attack, then she needs to defend her dissertation∂, then we save up for a car ... I got off my chair and hugged my mother's deputy. We stood with someone else's blonde and sobbed. I raised my head: everyone was crying. It seems that this story turned out to be relevant not only for me.

How we went for a manicure

I was asked not to discuss anything with anyone for two months. I didn't discuss it. But on the way home, I dialed my mother's number, and for the first time in many years we had a normal conversation. It was as if she had been bewitched - she never once accused me of indifference. And I did not remember her childhood insults. We even agreed to go for a manicure together! And they went. I don’t know if what I was told in that session is true, I even think that from the outside it seemed as feigned and far-fetched as the rest of the constellations. But I got an answer to my question. And it became easier for me. And it became easier for my mother: we really love each other very much.

What is an arrangement.

Deployment is work for understanding deep subconscious processes shaping a problem in order to find a solution. Currently, this method is used in group therapy and individual counseling. The placement method is systemic, that is, it works with problems of a systemic nature (family, tribal, organizational ...), and short-term- the method is distinguished by a small number of meetings with a psychologist and large intervals between them. Solution-oriented means that the focus of the psychologist's work is the search for a solution, and not the analysis of the problem itself.

The constellation method owes its appearance to Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist. Summarizing his many-sided experience in philosophy, theology, pedagogy, various areas of psychology, he was able to identify patterns which lead to tragic conflicts between family members. On this basis, he developed his own method of therapy, which is gaining more and more popularity in the world. The constellation is still a very young method (it gained wide popularity in 1992 after the publication in German of the book “Two Kinds of Happiness” by Gunhard Weber).

About the name of the method.

"Constellation" is the author's term, translated from German language(familien-stellen - family arrangement). It most accurately reflects the essence of what is happening while working in this method: people (deputies)arrangein the workspace of the group, intuitively defining their own for each. This is where the breakdown begins. The figures placed by the client reflect his subconscious image of the situation with which he works in the arrangement.

What does the arrangement work with.

"You can choose between the calmness of weaving and the risk of freedom."

Claude Rosselet(remark by a Swiss constellator from the October seminar on organizational constellations, 2009)

Bert Hellinger introduced the concept of "family interweaving", which is what the constellation works with. What is it? The unfinished processes of the past in the family (or the extended family broken up by the genus) unconsciously involve the living members in what was a long time ago. This is how the law of balancing the system works. Descendants, obeying these laws, are called upon to complete the unfinished for their ancestors: to grieve, finish, live something for someone... Thus, a person finds himself in a subconscious trap, intertwined with the fate of his ancestors. Without realizing it, he does not live his own life, he does not solve his life tasks ... The constellation method allows you to “unravel” such an interweaving. Live in the present, not in the past. Lets unleash powerful vital resource , which was previously inaccessible due to involvement in the processes of the past.

Family weave is easy to recognize: if the situation you are living in has no explanation in terms of real life- this is weaving. For example: beautiful and clever woman does not find a match for itself - it is in the weave; You work a lot, but in the end you have no money; You monitor your health, eat normally, avoid drafts, but still get sick often; you know that drinking is harmful and you still get drunk in a subconscious striving for death ... Do not comfort yourself with the words: "accident, it happens." Do not blame viruses, stresses, political situation or ecology. Understand yourself. Behind each such accident lies a serious systemic underlying reason. If the feelings that you are experiencing, by the strength of their manifestation, do not correspond to the real situation (for example: there is fear, but there is no reason; there is jealousy, but there was no betrayal; sadness - without visible reasons...), most likely you are intertwined with someone and these feelings are not yours. They are from the system. And once in the past, these feelings were quite adequate to some situation.

"Man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight." And it is. Each of us is born with a full set of possibilities to build happy life. The only question is: how to build a successful present, being in the past? Lacking full contact with reality? With myself?

The reasons for the appearance of family interweaving are varied. They are revealed in the process of placement. Each constellation, like the person for whom it is done, is unique. And yet there are systemic laws (orders), the restoration of which allows you to get rid of the interweaving: the balance of take / give, hierarchy in the system, belonging to the system (see "Articles", "Site terminology").

Balance between taking and giving.This is the basis of any relationship. Being in a relationship, some of them we take and something we give and only then can the relationship BE, can it last. The imbalance leads to various family interweaving. For example, incest is a consequence of an imbalance between spouses. If the husband contributes more to the relationship than the wife (it doesn’t matter what: you can take and give different things in a relationship - money, feelings, gifts, children, manifestations of care ...), the child, out of love for his parents, takes on the function balancing. The relationship of the daughter with the father is the return to him of what the spouse “owes”. Daughter does it for mom. Parental imbalance of give and take makes the child a victim of interweaving. If the balance is not restored where it was disturbed, the "debt" is passed down through the generations. The message about what needs to be done, for whom and why, is becoming less and less clear, but the need for balance in the system remains. The law of homeostasis! And then the descendant on whom this task will fall (random choice!), will most likely either get sick (and these will serious problems with health. That which cannot be expressed either by feelings or words, finds expression in the imbalance of the body), or suffer losses of a different nature ...

In a situation where a descendant unconsciously assumes the role of a rescuer for an ancestor, there is also a violation of the hierarchy in the system: the younger takes care of the older. They seem to change places, breaking the chronology of events. A person lives something for an ancestor. His own life, because of the interweaving, fades into the background. Can such a person be successful at work, family life? What kind of children will he raise if his attention and feelings are not here, but somewhere else?

Hierarchy in the system --chronological order of entry into the system: who is the oldest, who is the youngest, who is the first, second, etc. Violation of the hierarchy leads to family interweaving. For example, a violation of the hierarchy in parent-child relationships (a child becomes a parent to his parents) leads to emotional and functional workload of the child. Such a child does not study well, often gets sick, he does not get along well with his peers. Often such children later do not create their own family, or are unhappy in family life. Emotionally serving their parents as a parent, they are not free to build their lives. This violation of the hierarchy has deep systemic roots. .

If the family had aborted children, miscarriages, children who died early (which is not customary to remember in our culture), living children often subconsciously live for them as well. In such a situation, even a simple pronunciation to a child, for example: "You are not my first, but my third. You could have older brothers or sisters," can free him from family interweaving.

Belonging to the system. Each member of the system has the right to belong. It doesn't matter to the family system whether that person was a saint or a criminal. He was, and that's what matters. Someone's son, someone's grandfather, father... His place is precisely defined. Without him, his children would not have been born, everything would have been different in the family. If someone in the family is forgotten and thus deprived of their right to belong to the system (for example: a grandfather who disappeared in the war, a relative who was repressed, an aborted child), someone else from the family system will take his place and will live like him, reminding him of the excluded. There will be a substitution, or identification(See "Site terminology"). That is, one of the living will be intertwined with the deceased, or with a person of difficult fate. He will have a difficult fate himself, or live for another (aborted): eat for another ( overweight), to work (workaholism, hyperactivity), with difficulty to be aware of oneself, one's actions, desires (inadequate behavior) ... The solution to such family interweaving: to restore the right of belonging to the family of excluded members.

These are just small examples of what the spread method can work with. For a more complete picture - read the books of B. Hellinger, G. Weber, I. Kuchera. (See "Recommended Reading").

How the placement method works.

The constellation work is based on the phenomenon that people take on the role of another person about whom they have no information, but in this role they are able to perceive and feel the same and in the same way as those whom they replace. The phenomenon is called "substitute perception", and people chosen for certain roles are called "substitutes". Substitutes, voicing their states and experiences, allow the psychologist to restore the course of events family history and gradually, step by step, unravel the tangle of family relationships. Return the excluded to the system, build the correct hierarchy, deal with the balance ... The work is carried out by adding, moving deputies in the placement field, applying various techniques and rituals. An indicator of the correctness of the solution for this system is the comfortable state of all participants in the constellation (even feelings, the absence of discomfort in the body ...), signs of physical and mental relief in the client.

Describing how the arrangement works is quite difficult. Work is being done on different levels perception of the client (visual, tactile, auditory, mental, emotional). What all constellations have in common is that the client experiences new experiences in a safe space. A person receives new information about his situation from the point of view of the system, lives this situation in a new arrangement, thereby acquiring new model behavior and new perceptions.

The best way to understand how a constellation works is to take part in it as a stand-in. Your own feelings will tell you much more than talking about it. You will be able to get an idea of ​​how family bonds work, what destroys relationships and what allows them to last. Again, read the books!

Types of arrangements.

What kind of arrangement to carry out depends on the content of the client request:

family constellations -work with family problems; this also includes arrangements of subpersonalities(work with intrapersonal conflict) and genus line arrangements ( when clarifying generic messages, family attitudes that negatively affect life ...);

structural arrangements- allow you to work with such phenomena (structures) as work, money, illness, fears, etc., they also include symptomatic arrangements;

organizational constellations -- to resolve problems in labor teams;

Special Uses: Used with scenario writers, business consultants, academics. They also include arrangement of roles, arrangement of the main character traits, arrangement of structural formulas of stories.

client constellations (refer to organizational constellations)- arrangements for people in helping professions (doctors, psychologists, teachers, social workers...). This type of arrangement allows you to see the relationship of the one who helps and the one who is being helped. Here you can see how efficient and effective assistance is and adjust it, clarify true motives assistance, to clarify the goals of the participants in the process, to clarify the situation.

scenario arrangements

tetralemma arrangements -- constellations for decision-making situations. They are used to find new ways to solve problems, when creativity is blocked.

If the client is uncomfortable talking about his problem in the group, hidden arrangement, i.e. without voicing any information. The degree of openness of their work is regulated by the client himself. All information received in consultation and in the process of placement is strictly confidential and is not subject to discussion. All materials on the site related to real placement work do not contain information that violates the anonymity of clients, texts are published only with their consent.

Age limits.

Client age(from my constellation experience) can be different: in general, from 14 to 65 years. The main criterion here is the awareness of the decision to make a constellation and serious motivation. How much a person understands what he wants for himself in life from this work and why he needs it. It is unacceptable to treat the method as a fortune-telling and act out of curiosity; make requests that have nothing to do with you (in such cases, the arrangement is not carried out!).

If the problem situation concerns small child or an adult who, for some serious reason, cannot himself participate in the work as a client (but gives his consent to this), you can work in a constellation with members of his family. (For example, such a case is described in the article "Children's Symptom". The return of a child in the family system to his CHILD'S place is healing for him, regardless of his absence during work.)

Age of deputies also has a wide range. Rarely enough there are people who cannot be deputies. Causes: strong tightness, tension in the body, which makes it difficult to feel, catch bodily sensations. Or a strong emotional involvement in a certain problem (if there is something similar in the life of the deputy himself). Both can (and should!) be worked out.


1. Pregnancy (the issue of conducting is decided individually).

2. Childhood client.

3. Acute conditions (both physical and psychotic).

4. Alcoholic and narcotic influence.

5. Unrealistic fantastic placement request.

The development of the method today.

Arrangement is a very young method, so it is quite flexible, not formalized. He tends to creativity and constant development.

In September 2007, the first International Eurasian Congress on systemic constellations was held in Russia "Connecting East and West", European part which took place in Moscow, and the Asian one - in Vladivostok.

This great event showcased a huge variety creative approaches within the method. For example: arrangements in the imagination Heinrich Breuer (Germany) to work on the consultation; Christina Essen (Austria) and her work with multi-layered messages through arrangement of spiritual and poetic texts, clarifying Glubinka life settings client ; placement of body parts in work with symptoms (Stefan Hausner, Germany). R arrangements with figurines, arrangements with floor anchors,as methods of individual counseling

Trainings personal growth, active selling trainings, NLP in various variations, involving adjustment and attachment techniques, Hellinger family constellations - all this is very effective methods. And it works safely in one case out of 100, or even less often! Because a monkey with a grenade is an order of magnitude more dangerous with a large gathering of people. Without knowing the nature of what is happening, "coaches" inflict irreparable (almost always, because where to go "be saved" is not mentioned) harm to the health of their listeners and clients.

Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger- is nothing but temporary possession. In that very mystical (and in fact - scientifically explainable) version!

There is an ordinary (repeatedly described in the literature and shown in the cinema) possession, which is a stable state of the psyche, and a temporary possession, which at the same time has serious consequences in future. In the process of family constellations, a textbook possession of the body of the victim by another person takes place.

Psychologists are like children. Some areas human knowledge very inertial. And if at the beginning of the 20th century Jung, Freud and others like them were very relevant, then a hundred years later the nature of Man has changed significantly! Apart from social manifestations other "introductory inputs" that lie outside the boundaries of interpersonal physical and social relations. Humanity (in some part) has matured. What used to be possible to “play”, gaining invaluable experience, today becomes unacceptable procedures that are dangerous not only for health, but also for individual cases and for human life! Everything was quiet until thousands of psychology graduates en masse took up such dangerous undertakings as rebirthing, deep hypnosis and meditative practices. That is, they reached areas lying outside physical body and logical thinking.

We, as specialists in bio-informatics, already encountered something similar in the 90s, “pulling out” people from transcendental psycho-energetic defeats received in totalitarian sects and at mass “healing” sessions that were held on television, on stadiums and houses of culture. This horror (together with most of the "healers") came to naught, and now we have what we have - a new misfortune. Ready or not, here I come!

Historical fact: before the revolution of 1917, esoteric amusements - spiritualism and other applied obscurantism - were very common among the metropolitan Russian intelligentsia. “Luminous crystals” also came into fashion, which were prestigious to exhibit in living rooms and bedrooms ... And it doesn’t matter that it was uranium ore and similar radioactive delights. Today the same story turns out: what I do not see (radioactive radiation), that does not exist! And fun, with songs "specialists", who have four generations of atheists in the genetic family, climb on high levels the existence of matter, completely without thinking about how, firstly, to return back to the body from there, and secondly, what will happen if one suddenly collapses from the subtle planes into the “dense world”. It is guaranteed that getting into “the same body” with family constellations does not work. Safety precautions you need to know!

In a commercialized society, spiritual practices become weapons mass destruction. And not only spiritual ones. Few people know what the real consequences are (on subtle plans the existence of a master) have plastic surgery. So, for example, breast implants completely block the higher sections emotional sphere women. Her emotions become much more rough, hysteria is provoked, which are manifestations of this very emotional hunger. Equal as the "mirror of the soul" - the face becomes absolutely "dead" for an outside observer after the implantation of gold threads. Beautiful skin? Yes! But the face just “doesn’t work” anymore… We, as social ecologists, are forced to talk about it, but you won’t hear this from representatives of the huge beauty industry – too much money is at stake to worry about side (not obvious) effects. We read Karl Marx: “There is no such crime that a capitalist would not commit if the profit of an enterprise leaves 300 percent or more.”

Let's get back to family constellations. It's cool, but very dangerous. Not only that, in the process of training, a person encounters his own high-frequency problems of the past, the solution of which is offered at the lowest, bodily level of physiological sensations (actually, astral). So after all, inevitably a comrade who “climbed into the channel of the family” receives a lot of undischarged problems of his genetic relatives that have matured by this time - living, and most importantly, already dead! This is why he needs such “happiness” in a concentrated version ?!

So after all no one warns!

The bottom line is that all these "games" are remembered at the macromolecular level of body fluids, at the level of DNA, by each cell. It is known (thanks to the experiments of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto) that the word charges the water molecule. In the case of energy-information interactions, first of all, blood macromolecules are charged from the activity of any operator. That is, blood can be considered as a random access memory for the multiprocessor system "human body".

By the way, that is why nature provides a cleaning procedure female body. Menstruation is getting rid of the energy-informational waste of the body, designed to bear a healthy fetus. "Right-brained", sensual women are harvesting a very rich harvest in the world negative programs. And the more painful the period, the more more energy-informational defeats can be discussed.

But let us return to the consideration of the issue of joining the body of the participant in the “arrangement” to the personality of a character unknown to him. The body, tuned to the incarnation program of another person, begins to work for it, and first of all, a strong outflow of vitality occurs from the body of the training participant. If the role of a deceased relative is played, the outflow of energy increases significantly! It is easy to feel it by the way the limbs get cold and sudden weakness sets in. This is well known from the participants in spiritualistic seances: it blew cold, the hands cramped (the brains cramped a long time ago), the candle even trembled ... Such are the "horrors of our town" begin.

The more professionally they “connected” the training participants to the missing characters, the more difficult it is to disconnect from them later. Actually without special technologies– simply impossible! The connection remains forever!!!

Those who do not understand anything at all in the processes that they launch are akin to those physicists who argued before the explosion of 300 megatons hydrogen bomb on New Earth. They were interested in whether the entire supply of hydrogen on Earth would blow up as a result of the detonation or not. It was very interesting. After the bomb exploded there, thermonuclear fusion lasted as much as 30 minutes, and the seismic wave went around the planet seven times! There was, to put it mildly, a big commotion at the command post, and since then, nuclear charges more powerful than 300 megatons have not been produced anywhere. It became clear that - a little more, and the Apocalypse is guaranteed.

What is fundamentally not taken into account with hypnotic influences and any trance technologies, and, in particular, with the so-called "Hellinger family constellations"? - It's already been mentioned. content bodies of a systemic family constellation participant someone else's body through synchronization (CO-FEELING) of personalities. And from this very "foreign body" the participants of family constellations leave either with great losses in quality his life, or not even come out at all! They become chronically "infected" alien personalities. In this case, the same consequences are possible as with direct blood transfusion. In particular, type “B” hepatitis, in which liver cells are polarized in the “social plane”.

"Systemic constellation" is a complete analogue of creating the same connections that arise during sexual contact. The energy shells of people are connected just as strongly. One thing is insulting: the victims have never even seen their “partner”! And it works the first law of interaction of living systems, which reads:

Long range law:

"The strength of the interaction of the receiver and the emitter of the signal does not depend on the distance between them, but depends only on the degree of their coordination."

This is if the roles of living people are played.

Rice. 1. The law of long-range action.

If, in the course of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger, it is proposed to “try on” the role of the personality of a person who has already died, then in this case it works second fundamental law physics of interaction of living systems:

Law of memory:

"The strength of the interaction between the receiver and the emitter of the signal does not depend on the time elapsed from the time the signal was emitted to its reception, but depends only on the degree of matching between the receiver and the source."

Rice. 2. Law of memory.

Hence the miracles: sometimes the participants in family constellations speak on behalf of other people, sometimes they do strange things. And so on and so forth. And all this is due to the fact that at the moment of the session the body of the participant is completely subordinate to the incarnation structure according to the vector to which it is set by the leader. In any way: trance technology, hypnosis, collective therapy, methods of systemic family constellations according to Hellinger - there is no difference. During such connections, the brain of the body works according to the induced program, and due to its activity.

Blood macromolecules are polarized, forming and fixing the initiation of communication with a foreign object. If the connection is not broken in a special way, then the person who “visited” on this body now receives energy access to this body at any time. "Guest" merges and creative potential, and life force"possessed" body.

Speaking in terms of ontopsychology, after Hellinger family constellations or hypnosis sessions, the already active so-called “deviation monitor” is activated or modified. This procedure looks like this: a person wants to do something, but it doesn’t work! Either there is no motivation, or the behavior does not correspond to the circumstances, or suddenly the reverse may even turn on in a step to the result ...

We encounter similar situations with graduates of widely advertised business schools and trainings, who brilliantly solve managerial tasks in a playful, “training” mode, but, facing reality, demonstrate complete incapacity in command posts. For example, they turn on the "gene of poverty", and the company they run inevitably falls apart! This inclusion always happens when an unprepared, all the more so - "overplayed" (and frustrated, to be honest) "as if a professional" is faced with real energy flows. His intuition turns off, and the accumulated "logic" simply does not keep up with the speed of real life. How much does $800,000 (really) weigh? How is this amount converted into cars and yachts?... People go crazy, it happens. After all, the body is included in real energy-informational processes when the truth comes out! And those who are accustomed to illusions are not viable.

As a good computer scientist, who at one time participated in very specific developments for the USSR military-industrial complex, I tell you where the “dog rummaged”! We, as modern psychoecologists, have been able to achieve real success only because they considered the human brain as a personal on-board computer capable of functioning in heterogeneous physical environments. It turns out to be useful to know that when debugging software computer, the work of the main program stops until the subroutine has completed. On the diagram it looks like this:

Rice. 4. Destructive distortion of a person's personal program in the process of switching to the execution of someone else's subprogram in the process of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

It can be seen that at the end of work on the subroutine, the processor returns to the starting point - the one at which the command was given to start servicing the subroutine. It is clear that the running time of the main program does not correspond to the line of linear time expansion.

In the case of "obsession" on mental body a person (Fig. 5), (in his past) a fragment of personal “non-existence” is formed, because no one intends to return his physiology to the point of primary docking with another personality at the end of the session.

Rice. 5. Change in the structure of the body of the 4th dimension (memory) of a person after the introduction of alien personal-corporeal components into it according to the method of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

Moreover: what if it happens that the “personality”, whose role is proposed to be played by the training participant, is shifted into the past by as much as two generations? What an abyss, with such an “other-time” introduction, is formed between a “living person” - his body, manifested to the world in this moment time, and his health genome, the primary configuration of the DNA molecule at the point of his conception? Hey health, where are you? - Silence in the answer!

By the way, the same thing happens with actors who do not leave the role. It is no coincidence that Chaliapin, after singing the aria of Mephistopheles, immediately went to church to receive communion, and then went to a tavern, where he got drunk to the extreme in order to activate the natural processes of the body and thereby wipe out the destructive programs received from the image of the role. Moreover, if a certain role is played by several actors in different places and in different time, then their bodies of subtle dimensions are sewn together, as in group sex!

We have been talking about all this for a long time and clearly: “Guys, after you have played a role, at some point you must remember yourself, your beloved!”. And do not leave in yourself other people's programming modules. If there are too many of them, then the law will work Dialectical Materialism about the transition of quantity into quality! An example is Vladislav Galkin, who “burned out” even before the critical age.

The degree of brainwashing can vary. Trainings active sales do not differ in essence from the “young rapist course”, if there were such. The only difference is that it is not the body that is raped, but the brain and wallet of the buyer. But the consequences are not long in coming. Either the seller-rapist shows defeats caused by a person’s betrayal of the tasks of embodying one’s own Spirit, or, which happens more often, an “experienced manipulator” “receives an energy-informational face” from a buyer who fundamentally does not like being raped in monetary terms. Results - sinusitis, vision problems, accidents ... The force of action inevitably equals the force of opposition. The personality must be whole. Sometimes we have to restore it in the most serious way.

We are talking about the fact that "Hellinger family constellations" - good way show human potential. But you can’t tell people that this is another panacea for solving their problems! Someone wants to find the source of their fears in this way, to solve problems in interpersonal communication, someone is just interested. But you have to pay for all the pleasures, and the real price is usually unknown to the participants!

On the other hand, everyone is told that it is not necessary to play with “thimblers” in the markets and train stations - you still won’t be able to win. But you look - very often there are those who want to "measure their tails" all the time. There is a rule of a serious researcher: “ Don't get involved in a game where you don't know the rules!»

Two decades of work in the field of energy-informatics of the brain and body give us, specialists in psycho-ecology, the right to expertly indicate how dangerous such “games” are for life in general, as well as for career and creativity in particular. It is necessary to at least minimally understand the nature of things and phenomena with which the consumer paid services enters into interaction. And in order to understand, one must at least ask.

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