Home Natural farming Abstract of the GCD on decorative drawing in the preparatory group “Khokhloma painting. Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of the educational activity "Magic curl of Khokhloma" in the preparatory group

Abstract of the GCD on decorative drawing in the preparatory group “Khokhloma painting. Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of the educational activity "Magic curl of Khokhloma" in the preparatory group

Elena Vakhrushina


1. Continue to introduce subjects Khokhloma painting . Introduce the view

Khokhloma painting"grass" and her elements: "sedge", "droplets", "antennae",

"curl", "bush". Give an idea about color scheme ornament.

Learn draw an ornament"grass". Continue to improve techniques for working with

paints. Strengthen the skill paint with the entire brush and the tip of the brush, adjusting it

position and force of pressure on the hand. Introduce new people words: "sedge",

"perpendicular". Activate dictionary: "bowl", "solonitsa", "supplies",

"body", "spiral", "droplets", "antennae", "curl", "bush".

2. Develop memory, attention, speech.

3. Cultivate feelings of beauty.


Russian folk music.

- Khokhloma dishes;

Gouache paints (yellow, red, green) ;

Squirrel brushes No. 2 and 3;

Jar of water;

Flannel napkins;

Blanks Khokhloma dishes (spoons) .

Move:1. Organizing time.

Guys, let's play. Finger gymnastics "Helpers":

One two three four, (Rhythmic fist and clap strikes alternately) .

We washed the dishes: .

Kettle, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle. (We bend our fingers one at a time for each name of the dish) .

We washed the dishes (One palm slides over the other) .

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken, (Bend your fingers again) .

We broke the spoon a little.

This is how we helped mom. (Rhythmic fist and clap strikes alternately) .

2. Motivational-target stage.

Guys, look at the table. Look at the objects that stand on it.

(The teacher invites the children to look at the dishes Khokhloma painting) .

3. Learning new things.

Who knows what they are called? Where do you think they were made and from what?

(Answers children) .

That's right, they are made of wood and painted by master artists. (Slides 1-7) Let's

Let's take a closer look at these items. On the round golden sides of hospitable

the bowls depict bright red and black blades of grass; the body of the vase bends

delicate leaves and twigs with elastic, as if shining in the sun, black berries

currants On the surface of the sugar bowl, salt shaker and supply - that’s what it’s called

cylindrical vessel with a lid - flowers never seen before gold

flowers. The fiery red color of the dishes and golden the radiance of the patterns really evokes the feeling of a hot flame, fire. And it’s not for nothing that the fire turned wooden

the surfaces of these things gold. Why are the items discussed

are called Khokhloma? How they are born under the hands of skilled craftsmen and how

different from other works of folk art? Answers to these questions

sound in the lines of a Russian song.

Like hops beyond the Volga

It curls over the bush.

Yar hops have overflowed

To our side.

Like on our side

Housing is very rich:

Silver leaves

Flowers gold.

How passionately you need to love your land to compose such a song! As needed

deeply feel and see everything that surrounds you in order to express it in song and

drawing. (Slides 8-13)

Walking through the forest, along the river bank, you are surprised by the abundant herbs of your native meadows, above

which in the summer heat have a sweet honey aroma and buzz to all voices

shaggy worker bees. You will lie down on this ground and begin to look at a blade of grass

by blade of grass, flower by flower, leaf by leaf - how many of them are different and

similar to each other. There are curly branches of ants and flexible saber sedges. All

they strive upward, towards the sun. Loving my native land with all my heart and

admiring her, Russian people not only sang of her beauty in songs and fairy tales, but also

created simple objects household items, decorated with bright ornate paintings, in

which brought natural motifs to life. True works of art

these things become - beautiful shape, easy to use, skillfully

fulfilled. Today we will start learning how to transfer elements Khokhloma painting in

drawing. The masters did not at all strive to show the plants exactly as they were

we saw them in the forest, in the clearing. Khokhloma Images decorative: they are in the very

in general, convey the beauty of living life, decorating objects with plant

ornament. This is a pattern of flowers, herbs and berries. Khokhloma artists and They say:

“I am writing under a floral design”.(Slides 14-18) There are several types of it. Most

ancient and beloved by artists - "grass ornament", or simply "grass".

These are elongated, slightly curved blades of grass, written in groups of three, five or more.

bushes. Separate "grass" resembles sedge. One of the types of this ornament is

called "sedge". "Grass" usually written in red and black. Her

the main wide leaves are juicy because the brush takes a lot of paint and it

fits tightly. The tips of the leaves are written thinly; they curl, as if bending from

wind. "Grass"- an essential part of any floral ornament Khokhloma.

Very often among bushes and twigs of black, red, green or yellow "weed"

the artist places berries, birds and fish. This ornament is also called

"herbal" or the name of a berry or flower. Today we will study paint

the simplest element of a grass ornament.

(The teacher shows the ornament) .

All elements of the grass ornament are drawn immediately with a brush, without applying

preliminary pencil drawing. The brush must be held with three fingers,

perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, i.e. the brush handle looks up at the ceiling. "Osochka" performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom. "Blanks of Grass"

are drawn smoothly, with thickening. "Droplets" are drawn using a technique known to all of you

dipping. "Mustache" are drawn as a continuous line twisted into a spiral.

"Bush"- the most complex element "weed" performed from simple "sedge",

located symmetrically on paper, i.e. at the same distance from each other.

And now we will take the blanks of the dishes and paint them.

(Children do work in Russian folk music)

4. Summing up.

Well done boys. Bring your works, we’ll set up an exhibition and admire yours

Khokhloma dishes. At the end of our watch the classes, How Khokhloma painting can decorate modern world in which you and I live. (Slides 19-22

Publications on the topic:

Integrated entertainment in the preparatory group “Miracle-wonderful, marvelous-wonderful-Golden Khokhloma” Integrated entertainment in preparatory group: “Wonderful, marvelous, marvelous - Golden Khokhloma” Program content: - Deepen knowledge.

Summary of educational activities on the formation of a holistic picture of the world for the middle-age group “Golden Khokhloma” Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Combined kindergarten No. 45." The summary is immediate.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma” Summary of GCD in the preparatory group: “Golden Khokhloma”. Objectives: to arouse interest in folk and applied arts; consolidate knowledge.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts for children of the preparatory school group “Golden Khokhloma” Summary of a lesson on visual arts for children in the preparatory school group Topic: “Golden Khokhloma” Program objectives:.

Program content:

  • Learn to independently compose a composition on three-dimensional forms (spoons, plates, cups) of dishes, using elements of Khokhloma painting, its color, and herbal patterns.
  • To consolidate knowledge of folk crafts: Dymkovo toys, Filimonov clay whistles, Gzhel, Gorodets, Khokhloma dishes.
  • Improve the ability to draw borders, branches, curls, grass, berries with the end of a brush.
  • Develop independence in choosing dishes and colors.
  • Cultivate interest in Russian folk arts and crafts.

Methodological support:

Items of artistic crafts: Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya clay toys, Gorodets, Gzhel, Khokhloma dishes; diagram - a hint, dishes to choose from papier-mâché: plates, spoons, cups. Gouache, brushes No. 1, 2, pokes, palettes, napkins, jars of water. Musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work: excursion to the local history museum, acquaintance with Russian folk arts and crafts, training sessions on Khokhloma painting, examination of samples.

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, a guest came to see me from abroad. My guest is leaving soon and wants to take Khokhloma dishes to America as a souvenir. You know that guests from other countries take away some kind of souvenir as a souvenir. One that doesn’t exist in other countries. After all, our Russia has long been famous for its folk arts and crafts.

- So I brought a whole chest of artistic crafts, how can I sort through them and find Khokhloma? Help me do this.

I invite the children to play the game “Confusion”.

I take one item out of the chest one at a time, trying to confuse the children by calling the craft incorrectly. (I take out the Dymkovo toy, calling it Khokhloma. The children correct it, etc.).

Having reached the Khokhloma dishes I say:

-What kind of plate is this?

The children answer that this wooden utensil is Khokhloma.

- Thank you children. That they helped to understand folk crafts. So I found a gift for my guest - Golden Khokhloma.

- Guys, look how many guests came to us from all over the region, because you and I can paint Khokhloma dishes ourselves.

Let's remember the features of the Khokhloma fishery. I offer a diagram - a hint, according to which children remember the features that are necessary for visual activity.

  1. Background (red, black, gold, yellow).
  2. The color scheme used in the Khokhloma fishery (black, green, gold, yellow, orange, red).
  3. Berry and grass ornament.
  4. Types of berries.

- Guys, we remembered the features of the Khokhloma fishery, now you can get to work. Select the item you will paint and go to the tables.

I offer children a choice of: plates, spoons, cups of black, red, yellow colors.

– Where should you start drawing?

– How should you draw grass and curls? (Use the end of a thin brush, alternating colors.)

– What can we use to draw berries? (Brush, poke.)

I give instructions for work:

– Pay attention to the location of the ornament (plate - in a circle, vase - along a curved line).

– Don’t make a mistake in choosing the color scheme.

– Now you will feel like real craftsmen. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes.

To the tune of a folk melody, children begin to draw.

Independent visual activity children.

I provide children with the necessary assistance on an individual basis.

I bring the children to the end of work and read the poem:

Khokhloma painting is like witchcraft,
She asks herself to sing into a fairy-tale song
And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences
Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all.

Children give their works to guests.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group.

teacher Veselova Natalya Vyacheslavovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"

Educational area: « Artistic creativity»

Subject: "Magic curl of Khokhloma"

View: productive activity (decorative painting)

Type: final, integrated.

Integration of educational areas:“Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Socialization", "Health", "Music".

Target: developing children's interest in folk arts and crafts, artistic creativity in decorative drawing.


Artistic creativity:

  • Develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned drawing methods when creating patterns based on Khokhloma painting.
  • Improve the ability to draw with the end of a brush or a poke; perform the pattern in a certain sequence.
  • To develop independence in choosing the color of a painting, depending on the main tone, a sense of color, creativity, and imagination.


  • Expand and clarify children's ideas about the objects of folk art crafts of Russian masters - Khokhloma dishes, the features of its painting.
  • Develop sensory skills: hand-eye coordination when drawing Khokhloma patterns, fine motor skills hands


  • Improve your ability to answer questions.

Reading fiction:

  • To develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving artistic words.


  • Develop creative imagination; to cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts and the traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in our country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.


  • Develop the need for physical activity.


  • Develop emotional feelings when perceiving works folk art.

Preliminary work.

Educational conversations about folk arts and crafts.

Examination of the visual teaching aid “Khokhloma”, products applied arts, stylized samples.

GCD cycle in the field of “Artistic Creativity” (decorative drawing).

Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern, drawing up compositions, painting silhouettes in the joint activities of the teacher with children and independent artistic activities of children.

Didactic games “Golden Khokhloma”, “Make a pattern on the dishes”, “Guess it”, “Continue the pattern”, “Collect objects”.

Reading fiction, memorizing poems.

Listening musical works Russian folk art.

Making templates for Khokhloma painting with children. Toning templates.

Learning a dance to the children's song “Puff-puff, Samovar.”

Demo, Handout and equipment.

Khokhloma products, an audio recording of folk music, an envelope painted with Khokhloma painting, a presentation “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma”, a visual and didactic aid “Khokhloma”, cut pictures for the game “Collect Objects”, tinted blank templates of Khokhloma dishes, brushes, pokes, gouache ( red, green, black, yellow), jars of water, napkins.

A tape recorder, a disc with a recording of a Russian folk melody, a presentation of “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma,” an audio recording of the song “Puff-Puff, Samovar.”

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator. Hello guys!

There's a knock on the door. They hand over the envelope.

Educator. Children, look what an unusual envelope they sent us!(the envelope is decorated with Khokhloma painting)

Who do you think could send it to us? (children's answers) Guys, I think you are right - these are Khokhloma masters. Do you know anything about Khokhloma painting? What is it used for? (children's answers) Well done! Let's see what's inside the envelope.

(The teacher takes out small envelopes with cut-out pictures from a large envelope.)

Children and Khokhloma masters invite us to play the game “Collect Objects”. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Exercise. Children must collect cut pictures and name the resulting objects.

Educator. Well done! They did the task very well. But that is not all. The envelope contains a message: “Dear guys! An exhibition of folk and decorative crafts opens today. We invite everyone, everyone, everyone! At the exhibition you could try yourself as a craftsman and “paint” the dishes. We are looking forward to seeing you!!!" Children, would you like to visit this exhibition?

Children. Yes!

Educator. But first, we must remember the basic rules of behavior at exhibitions! Name them.

Children. Keep quiet!

Listen carefully to the narrator!

Don't disturb others from listening!

Educator. Well done boys! Then I invite you to the exhibition! (children enter the prepared hall and sit on chairs)

Children, we are with you at the “Golden Khokhloma” exhibition, look how many wonderful beautiful things there are here. All this was created by the hands of masters.

A long time ago, in the outskirts of the city Nizhny Novgorod folk wooden craft was born. There was a village there with the cheerful name Khokhloma, where dishes were made from soft trees (linden, birch, alder). Since ancient times, fairs have been held in this village to sell wooden utensils. This gave the name to the whole fishery.

Look, children, how bright they are! How do they become so beautiful?

First, the dishes are cut out of wood, dried on a machine, then covered with a layer of liquid clay and dried. Yellow metal powder is combined with oil and melted; after heating in an oven, it gives the product a unique golden shine. This is where the name “Golden Khokhloma” comes from. “Golden” because all products shine like gold.

The guys, as well as Khokhloma masters, prepared a presentation for us so that we could see all the beauty of Khokhloma painting.”

(showing the presentation “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma”, during the presentation the teacher reads the poem “Golden Khokhloma”).

Golden Khokhloma.

Like the sorceress Firebird,

Doesn't go out of my mind

The sorceress is a craftswoman,

Golden Khokhloma.

And rich and beautiful,

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, bowls and ladles.

And what's missing here:

Bunches of fiery mountain ash,

Sunny summer poppies

And meadow daisies.

I absorbed everything like a memory:

The dawn of red rays

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade.

The leaves turn red without thinning,

From the breath of winter.

We enter the kingdom of Berendey,

Into the world of magical beauty.

Carved spoons and ladles

Take your time to take a look.

There is grass and flowers there

Unprecedented beauty.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

They call it Khokhloma.

Educator. Children, did you like the presentation? Would you like to try yourself as a craftsman and paint dishes?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Then take a seat at your workstations. Each of you has several templates for Khokhloma dishes. Choose any one you like. Now you will feel like real craftsmen. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes yourself. Before we start decorating the dishes, let's remember the sequence.

Where do you start? (From the border at the bottom and top of the product, or according to the shape if it is round).What will you draw next?(Curl, curved twig). Why? (Curl - main element Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are painted on it).

What will you draw on the curl first, what then?(First large elements: berries, leaves, then small elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.).

How to draw grass and swirls?(Use the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).

What can we use to draw berries?(Brush, poke).

What colors will you use?(Red, black, green, yellow).

Well done guys, you know everything!

And now, a little warm-up for your fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

Here are all my fingers, turn them any way you want:

And like this, and like this, they won’t be offended in any way(rubbing hands).

One two three four five(claps hands).

They don't like it again(shaking brushes).

They knocked, turned,

We wanted to draw.

Now, young masters, you can safely get to work! Surprise your guests with Khokhloma patterns!

(To the accompaniment of folk music, the guys begin to draw. Independent activity. Children are provided with the necessary assistance on an individual basis).

Educator. I'm very interested to see what you came up with? I see everything is already finished. Guys, let's arrange an exhibition of your works.

(Children, with the help of a teacher, hang their work on a pre-stretched rope with clothespins).

Educator. Guys, look how wonderful the dishes turned out. It is no different from the work of the masters. You are real masters!

Well, guys, “every thing ends well,” so I invite you to dance with the surprise “Samovar”!

(dance performed)

And here, children, is a surprise, the samovar is not simple, there are treats inside.

(Children treat themselves and give their works to the guests).

Educator. Guys, it's time for us to go back to children's cue garden Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Author: Grishchenko S. A. teacher of MBDOU No. 31 in Armavir.
Purpose of the lesson:
Making a pattern from a smoothly curving branch with berries, leaves, curls, herbs.
Continue to introduce the art of Khokhloma
Continue learning to draw a pattern in a certain sequence (border, branch, berries, curls)
To develop the ability to combine in a pattern the colors characteristic of Khokhloma painting: black, red, gold (ochre). Develop Creative skills children.
To develop accuracy and the ability to objectively evaluate children's work.

Demo material:
Multimedia, tape recorder, objects with Khokhloma painting, brushes, gouache, oilcloths, napkins, brush stands, jars of water, palette,
Preliminary work:
Excursion to the museum, acquaintance with Russian folk arts and crafts, training sessions on Khokhloma painting, examination of samples.
Progress of the lesson.
Everyone sat down at their desks in unison, everyone looked at me, so that the lesson would be interesting, creative, we start the lesson in a good mood.
Show children demonstration material with the Khokhloma pattern. Look at the screen slide No. 1, No. 2.
What is this item?
Children: this is a plate, this is a bowl, spoons,
What patterns is the plate decorated with?
Children: Khokhloma.
Today we will learn how to draw a small plate with the Khokhloma pattern. Look below and at the top of the product there are straight stripes drawn that repeat the shape of the object. Slide number 3 is the border.
What is the pattern on the bowl made of? (From a branch with berries, leaves, curls and grass). Slide number 4.
Sedges are the simplest element of the pattern. It is performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom.
Blades of grass are strokes with a slight smooth thickening.
Droplets are drawn by applying the brush to the paper.
The antennae are drawn as a continuous line of equal thickness, twisted into a spiral.
Curls are made with light pressure in the middle of the element.
The bush is the most complex element; all elements of the herbal ornament can be involved in its image.
What branch? (Curved). How are the berries and leaves located on the branch? Where are the curls and grass located? Name the colors used to draw the elements of the patterns. Slide number 5.
Now let's talk in detail about the methods of applying elements of Khokhloma painting. Slide No. 6. The order of drawing the elements of the pattern: draw a border at the top and bottom of the product, then a slightly curved branch along the bowl; berries are depicted on it, leaves (three at a time), then curls and thin curved grass are depicted on all free places on the branch.
Physical exercise.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
Flowers reach for the sun.
Stretch with them too.
The wind blows sometimes
But that's not a problem.
Flowers bend over
The petals drop.
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.

Let's continue drawing. When the children draw berries and leaves, advise adding small details to the berries at their ends (dots or “antennae”, and veins (black) on the leaves). Draw curls and grass with the tip of a brush.
A small preview of completed work. Correct execution. Accuracy of execution. We select the most successfully completed work.
Error analysis. Conclusion. Presentation. A small survey to determine the types of Khokhloma ornament.

Development of Prototype in the Uncategorized section and published on May 30th, 2015
You are at:

Review all finished works with the children, select the most interesting ones (inviting the children to justify their choice), decorate the group room and lobby with them.

Materials. Colored cutting paper, half landscape sheets (or album sheets) several soft colors for the background, glue, scissors.

Lesson 77. Decorative drawing"Composition with flowers and birds" (based on folk painting)

Program content. Continue to introduce children to folk arts and crafts. Learn to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme (warm or cold). Strengthen the ability to work with the whole brush and its end, to convey shades of color. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of beauty.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Recall with your children the compositions they previously created based on folk painting. Offer to create a decorative composition in warm or cold colors. A few days before the lesson, you can arrange an exhibition of decorative items with images of flowers and birds (Khokhloma, Mezen, Gorodets painting, products of folk craftsmen of this region and etc.). Look at the products on display with your children.

Under review finished works select the most successful ones and make friezes out of them, which can then be used to decorate the group (one frieze in warm colors, the other in cold colors).

Materials. White (or tinted) paper slightly larger than A4 size, a simple graphite pencil (for sketching a bird), watercolor paints, brushes.

Examination of decorative compositions in albums, on reproductions, on folk art products (Gorodets, Khokhloma painting, etc.).

Lesson 78. Drawing "Cover for a book of fairy tales"

Program content. Teach children to convey the features of the construction of a picture or ornament on the front and back cover of a book; beautifully match the colors for the pattern to the color of the paper chosen for the cover; reflect the content of the chosen fairy tale in the drawing and selection of colors. Develop imagination and creativity.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, examine with children the different designs of fairy tale book covers, pay attention to the location of the picture and the combination of colors.

Invite each child to choose paper for the cover. Ask several guys what they want to draw and how they will do it. Point out possible differences in the sequence of drawing (you can start with the design of the frame or with the main plot or object).

Materials. 3–4 books of fairy tales. Sheets of paper different colors (colored paper for the cover can be prepared by children on the eve of class), gouache paints (6-8 colors), brushes, palette.

Connections with other educational areas. Conversations about books, about who creates them and how (writers, artists, photographers). Meeting two book illustrators (based on illustrations); organizing an exhibition of their books.

Program content. Introduce children to decorative arts different nations. Learn to highlight composition, main elements, color and use them in your drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw curls freely and easily with the end of the brush different sides. Improve multidirectional fused hand movements and visual control over them. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Continue learning to evaluate completed drawings in accordance with the task.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Ask the children which pieces of folk and modern art they saw curls on. If they do not answer, remind them of Khokhloma painting and show them characteristic products. Clarify how they are decorated, recall the elements of decoration.


Nadya M., preparatory group

Invite the children to draw a curved branch-curl and decorate it with curls, flowers, berries, leaves, etc. Call on the child to show how to draw the main curl and side branches-curls.

Invite each child to choose paper, think about what colors of paint will go well with the background. Remind you that you need to draw large, on the entire sheet.

Review the finished drawings with the children, best works select to decorate a group room and other rooms kindergarten.

Materials. A4 paper of different shades (to choose from), watercolor paints, gouache white, palettes, brushes (instead of watercolors, you can take colored wax crayons or pastels).

Connections with other educational areas. Acquaintance with decorative and applied folk and contemporary art(fabrics, dishes, scarves, etc.), looking at albums with Khokhloma painting.

Lesson 80. Drawing "Subbotnik"

Program content. Teach children to depict the work of people in a drawing: the position of the figures performing this or that work; tools. Strengthen the ability to convey the ratio in size when depicting adults and children. Improve your drawing skills with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawing, fill the entire sheet with images.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Talk with children about subbotniks. Offer to create drawings on this topic. Discuss what the guys will draw and how they will arrange the figures on the sheet. During the lesson, encourage the most complete reflection of the topic in the drawing.

At the end of the work, consider all the drawings, offer to choose those that depict interesting views labor, figures of people in working poses.

Materials. A4 paper, simple graphite and colored pencils, paints, brushes.

Connections with other educational areas. Children's labor in the kindergarten area. Observations of the work of adults.

Lesson 81. Modeling according to plan

Program content. Develop the ability to conceive the content of your work, determine ways to carry out the plan. Cultivate the desire to achieve best result, bring the matter to an end. Improve the ability to give a detailed assessment of your own work and the work of other children.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to sculpt a group of people (animals) according to plan. Remind about the need to correctly convey the ratio of figures in size, achieving the similarity of sculpted people (animals) with real ones.

At the end of the lesson, review all the works, invite the children to choose the most interesting ones and justify their choice.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), boards for modeling.

Lesson option. Modeling "Nanny with baby"

Program content. Teach children to convey images of folk toys in modeling. Strengthen the ability to maintain the proportions of parts, use previously mastered techniques (separately sculpt a bell-shaped skirt and top part torso). Develop aesthetic perception.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider a Dymkovo nanny with a baby with your children. Clarify the shape and proportions of the figure; techniques and sequence of sculpting doll and baby figures.

At the end of the lesson, examine all the sculpted figures and choose the most beautiful ones.

Materials. Clay, stacks, boards for modeling. Dymkovo toy- nanny with a baby.

Connections with other educational areas. Examination of various Dymkovo dolls, clarification of their figurative content, shape and proportions of parts.

Lesson 82. Drawing "Colorful Country"

Program content. Develop imagination and creativity. Consolidate and expand knowledge about colors and their shades, possible variety color scheme Images. Strengthen the ability to convey colors and shades different ways(regulating the pressure on the pencil, diluting watercolor paint with water (as water is added to the paint, the color becomes lighter), adding white to lighten the color when painting with gouache).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to create illustrations for the book "Rainbow". Clarify their knowledge about color standards.

Invite each child to think about what color of the rainbow he would like to paint the picture with. If there are no takers for a certain color, you should gently persuade the guys by suggesting possible images. Each color of the rainbow has its own picture.

From the created drawings you can collect books and give them to older children.

Lesson option

Invite children to draw fairy-tale pictures, making all the images in the same color, but in different shades.

You can suggest drawing " Fairytale house"with transparent walls, in which birds live more bright color than the house itself. A suggestion could be this: create patterns using different shades (warm and cold) of the same color.

As a result, you can arrange an exhibition of children's drawings, decorate the premises of a kindergarten or group with drawings.

Materials. Depends on the topic chosen by the teacher.

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