Home natural farming “Ch.Darwin's teaching about the driving forces and results of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution. Driving Forces of Evolution

“Ch.Darwin's teaching about the driving forces and results of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution. Driving Forces of Evolution


Option 1

Part 1: When completing tasks, select one correct answer

1. The development of a living organism from the moment of formation of a zygote to birth is studied by science

a) taxonomy b) selection c) embryology d) paleontology

2. Individuals are classified as one species if

a) they have the same set of chromosomes b) there are biotic bonds between them

c) they live in the same environment d) they have various mutations

3. The similarity of life processes in individuals of the same species is a criterion

a) physiological b) genetic c) geographical d) morphological

4. The reason for the struggle for existence is

a) variability of individuals in a population b) natural disasters

c) limited environmental resources and intensive reproduction

d) lack of adaptations in individuals to the environment

5. As a result of the interaction of the driving forces of evolution,

a) population fluctuations b) formation of new species in nature

c) mutation process d) isolation of populations

6. The factor of evolution, the basis of which is the emergence of barriers to free interbreeding is

a) natural selection b) isolation c) modification d) genetic drift

7. The appearance of a four-chambered heart, warm-bloodedness, and a developed cerebral cortex in ancient mammals - an example

a) idioadaptation b) aromorphosis c) biological progress d) biological regression

8. Simplify internal and external structure organisms is

a) aromorphosis b) idioadaptation c) degeneration d) regeneration

9. Divergence is based on the principle

a) divergence of a trait b) convergence of a trait c) degeneration d) adaptation

10. Factors that reduce the viability of organisms are called

a) limiting b) environmental c) seasonal d) natural

11. The type of relationship that occurs between species with similar ecological needs

12. The reason for changing one biocenosis to another is

a) change weather conditions b) habitat change by living organisms

c) fluctuations in the number of populations of one species d) seasonal changes in nature

13. Necessary condition sustainable development biosphere -

1) creation of artificial agrocenoses 2) reduction in the number of predatory animals

3) the development of industry, taking into account environmental laws

4) destruction of insect pests of agricultural crops

Part 2: When completing tasks, select three correct answers

14. The paleontological evidence for evolution is

a) the remains of the third century in humans b) prints of plants on coal seams

c) the fossilized remains of ferns d) the birth of people with thick hair on the body

e) coccyx in the human skeleton f) phylogenetic series of the horse

15. The traits of adaptability to lack of moisture in desert animals are

a) diurnal lifestyle b) nocturnal activity c) fat deposition d) high speed of movement e) dense outer integument f) thin skin covered with mucus

16. Signs of biological progress are

a) an increase in the number of species b) a decrease in the area of ​​​​the range c) a decrease in the number of species d) an expansion of the range

e) a decrease in the level of adaptation of organisms to conditions environment

f) increasing the level of adaptability of organisms to environmental conditions

17. Establish a correspondence between the process occurring in nature and the form of the struggle for existence

A) struggle between individuals of a population for territory

B) the use of one species by another

C) rivalry between individuals for a female

D) displacement black rat gray rat

D) predation

1) intraspecific

2) interspecific

18. Match the example environmental factor and his appearance

BUT) chemical composition soil

B) planting a forest belt

C) moles in the forest

D) hurricanes

D) road construction

E) predator birds

1) biotic

2) abiotic

3) anthropogenic

19. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of metabolism and the organisms for which they are characteristic

Features of metabolism


A) energy use sunlight for ATP synthesis

B) the use of energy contained in food for the synthesis of ATP

C) use only ready-made organic matter

D) synthesis of organic substances from inorganic

D) the release of oxygen in the process of metabolism

1) autotrophs

2) heterotrophs

20. Set the sequence of evolutionary processes on Earth in chronological order

a) the emergence of cellular life forms b) the emergence of coacervates in water

c) the emergence of photosynthesis d) the development of life on land e) the formation of the ozone screen

21 Give a detailed answer to the question:

1. What role do birds play in the forest biocenosis? Give at least three characteristics

In the process of evolution occurs (the results of evolution):

  • Change, complication of organisms.
  • The emergence of new species(an increase in the number [diversity] of species).
  • Adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions (to living conditions), for example:
    • resistance of pests to pesticides,
    • resistance of desert plants to drought,
    • adaptation of plants to pollination by insects,
    • warning (bright) coloration in poisonous animals,
    • mimicry (imitation of a non-dangerous animal to a dangerous one),
    • patronizing coloring and shape (invisibility against the background).

Any fit is relative., i.e. adapts the body to only one certain conditions. When conditions change, fitness can become useless or even harmful (dark moth on an environmentally friendly birch).

Population - unit of evolution

A population is a collection of individuals of the same species living for a long time in a certain part of the range (elementary structural unit of view).

Within a population crossbreeding free, crossing between populations is limited .

Populations of the same species are slightly different from each other, because natural selection adapts each population to specific conditions its range (population - unit of evolution).

Microevolution and macroevolution

microevolution are the changes that occur in populations under the influence of the driving forces of evolution. Eventually leads to the emergence of a new species.

macroevolution- this is the process of formation of large systematic units, supraspecific taxa - genera, families and above.

Match Features biological system and the system for which these features are characteristic: 1) population, 2) species. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) an elementary unit of evolution in accordance with STE
B) representatives may never meet due to isolation
C) the probability of interbreeding between members of the group is maximally probable
D) breaks up into smaller, isolated groups
D) the distribution area can capture several continents


Choose the one most correct option. The emergence of adaptability of species to the environment is the result of
1) the appearance of modification changes
2) interactions of factors of evolution
3) complicating their organization
4) biological progress



Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of evolution and its feature: 1) factor, 2) result
A) natural selection
B) adaptation of organisms to the environment
C) the formation of new species
D) combinative variability
E) conservation of species in stable conditions
E) struggle for existence


Choose one, the most correct option. The result of plant macroevolution is the emergence of new
1) kinds
2) departments
3) populations
4) varieties


Choose one, the most correct option. The elementary evolutionary unit is considered
1) view
2) genome
3) population
4) genotype


Choose one, the most correct option. Macroevolution is called historical change
1) biocenoses
2) populations
3) supraspecific taxa
4) kinds


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the evolutionary process and the level of evolution at which it occurs: 1) microevolutionary, 2) macroevolutionary. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) new species are formed
B) superspecific taxa are formed
C) the gene pool of the population changes
D) progress is achieved through idioadaptation
E) progress is achieved by aromorphosis or degeneration


Read the text. Choose three true statements. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.(1) The evolutionary process consists of macroevolution and microevolution. (2) Microevolution proceeds at the population-species level. (3) The guiding factor of evolution is the struggle for existence. (4) The elementary unit of evolution is a class. (5) The main forms of natural selection are driving, stabilizing, tearing.


Choose one, the most correct option. The consequence of the evolution of organisms cannot be considered
1) adaptation of organisms to the environment
2) the diversity of the organic world
3) hereditary variability
4) the formation of new species


Choose one, the most correct option. The results of evolution are
1) variability of organisms
2) heredity
3) adaptability to environmental conditions
4) natural selection of hereditary changes


Choose one, the most correct option. The tiered arrangement of the root systems of trees in the forest is an adaptation that has been formed under the influence of
1) metabolism
2) the circulation of substances
3) driving forces of evolution
4) self-regulation


Choose three positions of the synthetic theory of evolution.
1) unit of evolution - population
2) unit of evolution - species
3) factors of evolution - mutational variability, genetic drift, population waves
4) factors of evolution - heredity, variability, struggle for existence
5) forms of natural selection - driving and sexual
6) forms of natural selection - driving, stabilizing, disruptive


Read the text. Choose three sentences that describe examples of mimicry in nature. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. (1) Female birds nesting on the ground practically merge with the general background of the area. (2) Eggs and chicks are also invisible in these bird species. (3) Many non-venomous snakes are very similar to poisonous ones. (4) A number of stinging or poison-glanding insects develop bright colors that discourage anyone from trying them. (5) Unattractive for insectivorous birds are bees and their imitators - hoverflies. (6) In some butterflies, the pattern on the wings resembles the eyes of a predator.


Read the text. Choose three sentences that describe examples of protective coloration in nature. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. (1) Female birds nesting on the ground practically merge with the general background of the area, and their eggs and chicks are also invisible. (2) Resemblance to the environment also allows many animals to avoid confrontation with predators. (3) A number of stinging or poison-glanding insects develop bright colors that discourage anyone from trying them. (4) In the regions of the Far North, white coloration is very common among animals. (5) In some butterflies, the pattern on the wings resembles the eyes of a predator. (6) In some animals, spotted coloring mimics the alternation of light and shadow in nature and makes them less visible in dense thickets.


Consider a drawing of a moth moth and identify (A) the type of adaptation, (B) the form of natural selection, and (C) the direction of evolution that led to the formation of the two forms of butterflies. Write down three digits (numbers of terms from the proposed list) in the correct order.
1) idioadaptation
2) mimicry
3) convergence
4) driving
5) aromorphosis
6) disguise
7) stabilizing


Consider the drawing of the forelimb of various mammals and determine (A) the direction of evolution, (B) the mechanism of evolutionary transformation, (C) the form of natural selection that led to the formation of such organs. For each letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided.
1) aromorphosis
2) stabilizing
3) general degeneration
4) divergence
5) driving
6) idioadaptation
7) morphophysiological regression
8) convergence


Look at the drawing of a seahorse and identify (A) the type of adaptation, (B) the form of natural selection, and (C) the path of evolution that led to the formation of such an adaptation in this animal. For each letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided.
1) tearing
2) disguise
3) idioadaptation
4) dissecting coloring
5) parallelism
6) mimeticism
7) driving


Consider a drawing of a hummingbird and an anteater and identify (A) the type of adaptation, (B) the form of natural selection, and (C) the evolutionary path that led to the formation of such adaptations. For each letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided.
1) driving
2) disruptive
3) degeneration
4) idioadaptation
5) divergence
6) specialization
7) sexual dimorphism


Choose two correct answers from five and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What processes occur at the population level?
1) ontogenesis
2) divergence
3) embryogenesis
4) aromorphosis
5) free crossing


Read the text. Choose three sentences that describe the population as a unit of evolution. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. (1) A species is a collection of populations. (2) The main characteristics of a population are genetic diversity and change over time. (3) Populations of a species differ in size, density, age and sex structure. (4) Each population occupies part of the range of the species. (5) There is a constant mutation process going on in the population, and the advantageous mutation spreads. (6) Within a population, genes are exchanged between individuals as a result of free interbreeding.


Read the text. Choose three sentences that correctly characterize the population as a unit of the evolution of the organic world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. (1) A population is a collection of freely interbreeding individuals, long time inhabiting a common area. (2) The main characteristics of the population are the number, density, age, sex, spatial structure, which allows individuals to freely interbreed and produce fertile offspring. (3) The population is the structural unit of the biosphere. (4) The population is the elementary unit of the systematics of the organic world. (5) The larvae of various insects living in a fresh water body constitute a population. (6) In a population, the death of some and the survival of other individuals occurs, therefore it exists for a long time in time.


Choose three options. Which of the following examples illustrate the results of the evolution of the organic world?
1) protective coloration polar bear, the ptarmigan found in the north
2) struggle for survival between pines and firs in the forest
3) human breeding of new varieties of plants and animal breeds
4) warning (threatening) coloring of ladybugs
5) stopping the flow of genes from population to population (isolation)
6) the similarity of the body shape and color of unprotected animals with protected


Analyze the table "The fitness of organisms." For each letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided.
1) alternation of bright spots, stripes, body parts
2) merges with the main background of the environment
3) hides the object against the background of stripes of light and shadow
4) mimicry
5) knot-shaped or leaf-shaped
6) beetle ladybug, fire bug, poison dart frog
7) glass butterfly, hoverfly
8) stick insect, praying mantis


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Option 1.

    The main merit of Charles Darwin in the development of biology is:

1) development of breeding methods 2) identification of the driving forces of evolution

3) creation of scientific foundations of taxonomy; 4) study of paleontological finds.

    As a result of the interaction of the driving forces of evolution, the following occurs:

1) fluctuation in the number of populations 2) the formation of new species in nature

3) mutation process 4) isolation of populations.

    What are the reasons for the struggle for existence?

1) variability of individuals in a population

2) limited environmental resources and intensive reproduction of individuals

3) natural disasters

4) lack of adaptations in individuals to the environment.

    What variability serves as material for natural selection?

1) seasonal 2) mutational 3) definite 4) phenotypic.

    Beneficial mutations spread through a population through:

1) movement of individuals 2) free crossing

3) physiological isolation 4) environmental isolation.

    Natural selection is:

1) complex relationships between organisms and inanimate nature

2) the process of preserving individuals with hereditary changes useful for them

3) the process of formation of new species in nature

4) the process of population growth.

    In the direction of adaptation of organisms to the environment, the following acts:

1) methodological selection 2) natural selection

3) hereditary variability 4) struggle for existence.

    The selection of individuals with signs deviating from the average value is called:

1) driving 2) methodical 3) stabilizing 4) mass.

    What is genetic drift?

1) a random change in the frequencies of occurrence of their alleles in a population

2) movement of individuals from one population to another

    The adaptability of plants and animals to their environment is the result of:

1) the desire of individuals for self-improvement 2) human activities

3) modification variability 4) interaction of the driving forces of evolution.

    The adaptability of plants to pollination by insects is manifested in:

1) education a large number pollen 2) elongation of filaments

3) early spring flowering 4) the presence of nectar in flowers, a bright corolla.

    What is the adaptability of a hare - hare to protection from predators in winter?

1) the presence of a constant body temperature 2) change hairline

3) availability hibernation 4) the ability to move quickly in the snow.

    Embryological evidence for evolution includes:

1) the cellular structure of organisms

2) the presence of similar organ systems in vertebrates

3) the similarity of the embryos of vertebrates

4) the similarity of life processes in animals.

    The relationship between invertebrates and vertebrates can be proved by studying the structure:

1) cartilaginous fish 2) annelids 3) bone fish 4) lancelet.

I . Feature of selection Type of selection

A) preserves individuals with useful under given conditions 1) natural

environment changes.

B) leads to the creation of new breeds of animals 2) artificial

and plant varieties.

C) contributes to the creation of organisms with the necessary

man by hereditary changes.

D) manifests itself within a population and between populations

one species in nature.

D) has been active in nature for millions of years.

E) leads to the formation of new species and the formation

adaptation to the environment.

G) is carried out by a person.

II . Feature Type criterion

A) the body is covered with a mantle. 1) morphological

b) The sink has two doors. 2) ecological

C) lives in fresh water.

D) the circulatory system is open.

D) feeds on aquatic microorganisms.

E) the larva develops in water.

III. Organism Direction of evolution

A) emu ostrich 1) biological progress

B) gray rat 2) biological regression

B) house mouse

Blue-green (cyanobacteria)

D) golden eagle

E) Ussuri tiger

Task 3. Set the sequence of appearance of aromorphoses in the evolution of vertebrates:

A) a two-chambered heart of fish

B) the development of the cub in the uterus of mammals

B) internal fertilization in reptiles

D) pulmonary respiration in amphibians

Test in biology. Grade 11.

“The teachings of Ch. Darwin about driving forces and results of evolution.

Synthetic theory evolution."

Option 2.

Task 1. Choose the correct answer:

    What are heredity, variability, struggle for existence and natural selection?

1) properties of wildlife 2) results of evolution

3) the driving forces of evolution 4) the main directions of evolution.

    The driving forces of evolution include:

1) diversity of species 2) struggle for existence

3) speciation 4) fitness.

    What is the significance of the struggle for existence in evolution?

1) preservation of individuals mainly with beneficial changes

2) preservation of individuals with any hereditary changes

3) creation of material for selection

4) aggravation of relationships between individuals.

    What does amplification lead to? natural population mutation process?

1) increase the efficiency of natural selection

2) increasing the intensity of the circulation of substances

3) increase in the number of individuals 4) improvement of self-regulation.

    What is the role of recessive mutations in evolution?

1) appear in the first generation

2) are a hidden reserve of hereditary variability

3) usually harmful to the body 4) affect the genes of body cells, not gametes.

    The formation of new species in nature occurs as a result of:

1) the desire of individuals for self-improvement

2) the preservation of individuals with useful hereditary changes for him

3) the preservation by man of individuals with hereditary changes useful to him

4) phenotypic.

preservation by natural selection of individuals with hereditary changes beneficial to them.

4) conservation by natural selection of individuals with a variety of non-hereditary changes.

    What is called selection, in which individuals with average rate trait indicator?

1) stabilizing 2) driving 3) artificial 4) methodical.

    What are the consequences of stabilizing selection?

1) preservation of old species 2) change in the norm of reaction

3) the emergence of new species; 4) the preservation of individuals with changed characteristics.

    The factor of evolution, the basis of which is the emergence of barriers to the free crossing of individuals, is called:

1) modification 2) natural selection

3) isolation 4) population waves.

    What are the reasons for the diversity of species in nature?

1) seasonal changes in the ecosystem 2) adaptation of organisms to the environment

3) heredity variability and natural selection

4) modification variability and artificial selection.

    The adaptation of animals to seasonal changes in nature is:

1) hunting sharks, rays 2) migration of migratory birds

3) nocturnal activity of bats; 4) movement of mollusc shell valves.

    What type of adaptations include the bright color of ladybugs?

1) mimicry 2) disguise

3) protective coloring 4) warning coloring.

    Give an example of paleontological evidence for evolution:

1) Archeopteryx imprint 2) species diversity of organisms

3) the adaptability of fish to life at different depths; 4) the presence of shells in mollusks.

    Organs that have lost their original function during evolution are called:

1) atavisms 2) rudiments 3) homologous 4) similar.

Task 2. Match:

I. Evidence of Evolution Claim

A) human ontogeny, like chimpanzees, 1) embryological

starts with a zygote.

B) bird wing and mole paw - homologous 2) comparative anatomical

C) in a herd of horses, the appearance of three-toed

D) the presence of gill slits in the embryo of a mammal.

D) all vertebrates in individual development pass

stages of blastula, gastrula, neurula.

II. Feature Type criterion

A) the larva lives in water 1) morphological

B) the body is flattened. 2) ecological

D) feeds on host tissues.

D) has suction cups.

E) the digestive system has a mouth opening.

III. Characteristic Environmental factor

A) the constancy of the gas composition of the atmosphere. 1) biotic

B) change in the thickness of the ozone screen. 2) abiotic

C) changes in air humidity.

D) change in the number of consumers.

D) change in the number of producers.

Task 3. Set the sequence of processes of embryonic development of vertebrates:

A) the formation of blastomeres in the process of crushing the zygote

B) the laying of the rudimentary organs of the embryo

C) the fusion of the egg and sperm and the formation of a zygote

D) development of the neural plate

D) the formation of germ layers

Control work in biology. Grade 11.

“Ch.Darwin's teaching about the driving forces and results of evolution.

Synthetic theory of evolution.

Answers. Option 1.

Exercise 1.

Task 2.


Task 3.

Option 2.

Exercise 1.


Option number 1

1. Natural selection is

A) complex relationships between organisms and inanimate nature;

B) the process of preserving individuals with hereditary changes that are beneficial to them;

C) the process of formation of new species in nature;

D) the process of population growth.

2. The struggle for existence plays big role in evolution, because

A) preserves individuals predominantly with beneficial changes;

B) preserves individuals with any hereditary changes;

C) supplies material for natural selection;

3. As a result of the interaction of the driving forces of evolution,

A) reproduction of organisms;

B) the formation of new species in nature;

C) mutation process;

D) isolation of populations

4. Indicate the incorrect continuation of the phrase: “In the process of evolution, the struggle with adverse conditions leads to ...”

A) increase the body's resistance;

B) the survival of the most viable individuals;

B) the extinction of the species;

D) improving the look

5. Indicate the incorrect continuation of the phrase: “The result of the action of natural selection is ...”

A) adaptation of organisms to the environment;

B) the diversity of the organic world;

C) hereditary variability;

D) the formation of new species

6. The reason for the struggle for existence

A) the variability of individuals in a population;

B) natural disasters;

D) lack of adaptations in individuals to the environment

Option number 2

1. He laid the foundations of modern taxonomy

A) C. Linnaeus B) J. Cuvier

B) D) Ehler

2. Ch. Darwin lived and worked in

A) 19th century in England B) XVII century. in Sweden

B) 18th century in France D) XVIII century. in Germany

3. Ch. Darwin believed that the basis of the diversity of species is

A) hereditary variability and natural selection

B) struggle for existence

C) the ability to reproduce indefinitely

D) a one-time act of creation

A) a seal B) a blue whale

B) shark D) all these animals

5. As a result of evolution by natural selection, indefinite hereditary changes appeared in the world

A) Leggorn chickens B) Oryol horses

B) chimpanzees performing in the circus D) Vladimir heavy trucks

6. Evidence in favor of evolution can be the presence of a badger

A) burrows B) gill slits at certain stages of development

B) wool D) black and white

Option number 3

1. Similar organs in plants are

A) root and rhizome B) leaf and sepal C) stamens and pistils

A) modification B) combinations C) mutations

3. Similar organs are limbs

A) a mole and a bear B) a mole and a duck C) a mole and a dog

4. Homologous in animals are

A) the wing of a bird and a butterfly B) the paws of a tiger and a mole C) the limbs of a cockroach and a frog

5. Variety of finches is the result

A) degeneration B) aromorphosis C) divergence

6. Convergence of features is observed in

A) a mouse and a hare B) a shark and a whale C) a wolf and a fox

7. The transitional form between amphibians and reptiles were

A) stegocephalians B) dinosaurs C) animal-toothed reptiles

8. For the first time, seeds began to multiply

9. The transitional form between reptiles and birds is

A) pterodactyl B) foreigner C) archeopteryx

10. Who discovered successive rows of equine fossils?

A) B) C) Carl Baer

11. An example of convergent evolution are

A) shark and dolphin B) cat and tiger C) wolf and dogs D) lizard and crocodile

Option number 4

1. Darwin's theory

A) rejects the biological feasibility of adaptations

B) recognizes the absolute biological expediency

C) recognizes relative biological expediency

D) advocates the inheritance of acquired traits

2. An example of interspecific competition is

A) dodder growing on other plants B) nodule bacteria on the roots of legumes

B) a colza in a wheat field D) a Venus flytrap that caught a beetle

3. Natural selection operates more efficiently in conditions

A) a monotonous gene pool of a population B) a diverse gene pool of a population

B) stable age composition D) no mutation

4. The main work of Charles Darwin is called

A) "Synthetic theory of evolution" B) "Theory of evolution"

B) "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" D) "Journey on the Beagle"

5. The transitional form between amphibians and reptiles were

BUT) lobe-finned fish B) lungfish

B) pterodactyl D) stegocephalus

6. The existence of transitional forms is an example of evidence for evolution

B) embryological D) island flora and fauna

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