Home indoor flowers Business reputation of the organization as a factor of its sustainable development and the quality of anti-crisis management. Business reputation

Business reputation of the organization as a factor of its sustainable development and the quality of anti-crisis management. Business reputation

Values ​​are widely shared. So, in the dashing nineties in Russia, business reputation was hardly so popular that it needed patronage from the state. So it turned out that the first part of the Civil Code does not fully reflect the process of protecting such a relatively new concept for us as the business reputation of an organization. Let's dwell on it in more detail.

The business reputation of the company, as already mentioned, refers to and represents the assessment that consumers, suppliers and other counterparties give to this legal entity. This category is on a par with the brand name, know-how.

It should be noted that business reputation can be both positive and negative. In the first case, counterparties are confident in the company, its financial results and sustainability, cooperation is, in addition to contractual, also trusting. Concerning negative side, then in such a course of affairs, neither suppliers, nor buyers, nor other individuals and legal entities that make up the environment, do not trust the company due to its unstable position in the market.

So the business reputation of the organization is quality assessment. However, it is worth mentioning the quantitative assessment, which in foreign practice is called Goodwill. The bottom line is that under the cost business reputation is understood as the difference between which is offered to the owner of the asset (in this case, the enterprise is acquired as a property complex) and the value of all assets and liabilities according to the balance sheet at the date of its purchase.

Let's get back to the qualitative side, which is a bit more interesting. It's obvious that positive opinion about the company attracts customers, negative - on the contrary. But often in the market, legal entities may face such injustice as the dissemination of knowingly false information about them, discrediting their “good name”. Of course, in such a situation, it is necessary to defend one's position or at least try to partially restore the trust of counterparties. For this, it is applied judicial protection.

If, for example, in the means mass media If data discrediting the reputation of the company has spread, then in fact you can go to court and demand a refutation in the same media.

Since the legal entity conducts economic activity, then business reputation can directly affect income. If, as a result of the dissemination of false information, the company has suffered losses, then it is possible to apply to the court with a claim to compensate for the existing losses. However, in this case, there is a possibility of encountering certain problems.

For example, if any information has grown on the Internet, then even after a refutation, it will “wander” through its expanses for a long time. Such injustice is eradicated in Civil Code by applying the concept of "moral damage". And here the most interesting begins.

Entity- this is an artificially created formation, so there can be no question of it. However, since 2003 there has been an increase in cases of satisfaction of such claims, so the court may well make concessions.

Business reputation, in addition to the Civil Code, can also be protected by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in cases where, for example, there has been an illegal use by another person of the company's trademark.

Summing up, it should be said that the legislation in the field of this issue requires certain adjustments, since the development of market relations is impossible without the comprehensive protection of the company's intangible benefits by the state. The business reputation of the company in the face of increasing competition is of great importance, and every manufacturer interested in his business must be sure that he will not be left without protection in the event of an encroachment on his good name.

What is more important: image or reputation? What costs more: building a reputation or building an image? More expensive in financial terms or psychological? What's worse than losing? We will try to answer these questions.

Components of the image of a business person

Image is what a person gives out in the world, what each of us wants to emphasize in ourselves, to demonstrate to others.

Modern beauty and fashion industry great attention pays to the concept of image, the external appearance of a person, and in the sphere business relations this becomes vital, because the image of a businessman sets the task of creating an image of a successful, energetic, modern, fashionable, self-confident person. similar image allows a business person to declare himself brightly and openly, to say a lot of important things about himself without saying a word.

Right? A successful businessman and one of the world's leading professional lecturers, Brian Tracy remarks: There is no point in hoping that others will appreciate you for your character and personality without paying attention to how you look.

The concept of image includes: appearance, manner of behavior and speech, psychological portrait.


An expensive, slightly conservative wardrobe is the basis of the image. Clothing should not only be expensive, but fit perfectly. You need to find your manufacturer, whose clothing patterns are suitable for height, figure and posture. A good personal tailor is ideal in some cases.

The unity of style is also important, its correspondence specific situation. The ability to combine colors and textures of materials is welcome.

The image can be mobile, dynamic, create the impression of negligence. Showiness can be created by small details, but they should not look far-fetched, heavy, forced-artificial. Elements casual style will be appropriate in the style of a modern business person: scarves, sleeveless jackets and shirts interesting colors, boots and shoes of exclusive models can create the desired charm and chic.

An impeccable fragrance that matches the overall look. Perfumes of a prestigious series, slightly noticeable, unobtrusive, but well recognizable aroma will decorate not only a woman, but also a business man.

Subtle make-up, natural shades for business women It is simply necessary, like well-groomed skin, a neat hairstyle for the image of a business man.

Elegant: watches, cufflinks for men, brooches for women, hats, belts, bags and gloves... All these seemingly trifles will work for the right image, give sophistication and elegance to the look of a business person.

Technology: phones, smartphones, tablets, personal computers modern modifications are attributes of the modern business world. The possession of gadgets and devices will speak not so much about the ability to afford expensive equipment, but about good awareness, inclusion in a modern active and rapidly changing world.

business man demeanor

The image is also created due to the peculiarities of behavior: seriousness, respectful attitude to colleagues, punctuality, good manners.

Good manners usually include:

  • open smile, friendly look,
  • facial expressions, posture gestures demonstrating acceptance of a partner, respect, open recognition of his merits,
  • following the protocol: greetings, respectful statements, answers and questions, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, relevant jokes, subtle compliments,
  • the ability to agree, but also the ability to say a firm no.

In other words, good manners are the ability to create a friendly, lively, relaxed atmosphere around you. At the same time, the listed skills must be coordinated with the requirement to tell the truth, not to distort the facts, and with the unconditional requirement to control oneself.

Such qualities must be demonstrated both with colleagues, partners, and ordinary employees, service personnel, as well as with strangers and very close friends. Good manners should create a well-mannered, polite, pleasant person in personal communication.

Real talent is a combination of this image with business acumen, professional skills of a businessman, tough rhythm and conditions of modern business.

Immersion in luxury life - visiting expensive private clubs, traveling to exotic countries, owning exclusive things - undoubtedly adds charm and chic, is associated with a completely legitimate right to wealth. Belonging to a bohemian environment, excesses, the ability to use famous brands, expensive goods is designed to demonstrate prosperity, success, elitism. This also forms the image of a person who knows how to enjoy life and get pleasure from it.

Psychological picture

Separately, it should be noted the manifestation of certain character traits of a business person. Sympathy, trust and respect for others forms an image of humanity, humanity, and this will contribute to the feedback of trust and respect from others.

Demonstration of high intelligence will strengthen the confidence in the business qualities of a businessman. It would be nice to develop a high IQ potential emotional intellect, i.e. the ability to feel your own emotional sphere, as well as the people around you and, of course, manage it, control your own and other people's emotions. Skills will be useful for a modern business person psychological impact, this is not necessarily manipulating people, but feeling associates and colleagues, understanding their psychological motives and inner motives.

If at the same time you do not make excessive demands and do not experience excessive expectations from others, then the attitude towards colleagues, associates and friends will also contribute to a confident position of respect and acceptance.

Correct and rich speech is also part of the image. Possession of voice and intonation, the ability to change the pace and volume of speech, as well as the manner of pronouncing words and sounds cleanly, with clear articulation, seem like a trifle only at first glance. Good diction together with the ability to convey thoughts succinctly and briefly, ironically, but without malice will create an image of a confident, calm and open person. Possession of the norms of the Russian language and, together, knowledge of other languages ​​is a definite bonus, signaling the high level intelligence and education of a business person.

Image exhibits the best personal and business characteristics. All these little things and details are signs and signals about a person's personality. If this is his mask, only external attributes, then it will be impossible to do without them. Business reputation will not deceive anyone.

Reputation of a business person

Personal and business reputation can be distinguished, but in our case we are talking about business reputation. To an ordinary person you can do without reputation. In this case, they do not talk about it at all, or you can say that it is none.

At the beginning of the 20th century and earlier, it was perceived as a stigma, as an extra burden that did not allow the individual to feel free and independent of the opinion of society. But it was about personal reputation in a society that has great amount taboos and prohibitions, conventions and patriarchal traditions.

Marcel Proust on the reputation of a man of the world: For compiling right judgment about a person it is often enough to turn inside out the reputation created for him in the world

How to distinguish image from reputation? Why distinguish and compare them?

First. Reputation is directly related to public opinion. This is something that a person creates quite intentionally and consciously, like an image, but a reputation is formed in the minds and on the lips of other people. Whatever external image a business person creates, reputation is formed through the opinion of other people. This is what other people think of the person.

Second. Reputation is directly related to the concept of professionalism and professional trust. Colleagues, colleagues, associates, friends, opponents and competitors - all together form the reputation of a professional based on ideas about business qualities, about the degree of trust or distrust in the word of a business person, about his ability to make difficult decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Third. Reputation, unlike image, is associated with real bonuses, preferences and privileges. A good reputation contributes to career growth, expanding the circle of business partners, forming a strong circle business connections. An excellent reputation is the key to a long-term and successful career, future growth and even possible changes in fate and career.

How reputation is formed

AT modern world reputation should not harm a business person, create prohibitions or taboos. On the contrary, a wise and far-sighted businessman nurtures, creates, shapes and strengthens his reputation, since throughout his career it will be his faithful assistant, protector, help, "straw", but not an obstacle.

Reputation is earned authority, recognition of high professionalism, stable results, and the effectiveness of established techniques. The reputation of a business person cannot be just good or bad: for a professional, this is not enough. In order to create a reputation, you need to answer the question: in what, in what business does a specialist need to create a reputation, what is more interesting, more important, more promising for him to do in his field, what does he do best.

The reputation of an excellent performer is good for a secretary, but small for a top manager. A great leader needs a reputation as someone who can do things. hard choice or make tough decisions. For example, it is beneficial for a top sales manager to have a reputation as an excellent negotiator, debater, or salesperson. HR manager - a reputation as a great recruiter or, conversely, a tough leader who can fire an unreliable or useless employee.

Or other options: the reputation of the designer, the nuances are important - he is creative or responsible. What he can offer the management: high variability in the study of topics design solutions, sparkling humor and the talent of the original artist, or the willingness to complete work on time, strict adherence to the wishes of the client, manager.

Another component: the reputation must always be maintained at a high level, the bar must not be lowered. Only constancy is the key to a good reputation. You can make mistakes, more on that below (if you made a mistake once and not seriously, then the credit of trust is high and the reputation will remain at a decent level), but stability, self-confidence even after a fall and a mistake is a mandatory attribute of a reliable reputation.

Reputations are not terrible and pitfalls, for example, in a company office a person can be a bad conversationalist, unsociable and closed person, however, an excellent performer, in this case, most often he can be calm about his position and place in this company.

Recruiters note that the characteristics of a person's personal qualities are not as important as reputation, and even poor characteristics will contribute to the right image if his reputation as a specialist turns out to be impeccable.

How to create, improve a reputation and even restore a lost one

Reputation can be corrected, improved, changed. Purposeful, everyday and hard work. Desire, love for the chosen business will allow you to grow and strengthen your reputation.

You can improve your reputation if you take her as your allies:

  1. find the business in which you want to succeed (and feel your talents),
  2. daily demonstrate stability, constancy, a given level,
  3. find associates among colleagues and colleagues, it is their help in forming an opinion about you that will be key at the first stage,
  4. but! do not use intrigues, dishonest play, double standards,
  5. be honest with yourself and your accomplishments,
  6. demonstrate their achievements, unobtrusive self-presentation is required,
  7. the ability to admit mistakes, take responsibility for them and work to correct them.

It is possible to restore the reputation, the main thing is to decide whether there is a need for this. First, to understand how corrupted it is, whether you are exaggerating the scale of the disaster. This is not about personal reputation, but business reputation, when trust in your professional competencies has suffered.

It is important! Lawrence Peter: An ounce of reputation is worth a pound of work

Suppose you made a mistake, made one or more mistakes, lost money, or aggravated your or financial position companies. If you had a good reputation, then the credit of trust will be significantly high, and there is no need to talk about a damaged reputation. In this case, your reputation becomes a parachute, a trampoline, a "straw" that softens the fall, and there is no need to worry much. Criticism or even dissatisfaction of partners, colleagues, business competitors or management is possible in your address, but it is enough to admit mistakes, analyze their cause, identify possible consequences eliminate them, remaining within the framework of the profession and their professional skills. In the future, it is enough to continue to demonstrate stability, professionalism and psychological adequacy - this is enough for the reputation of a specialist to remain good.

It's hard to disagree... Bertrand Russell: He who really has authority is not afraid to admit his mistake

If not just a professional, but a personal reputation has suffered: a mistake was made intentionally, for example, to harm colleagues or a manager, then in this case it is worth deciding whether you can consider yourself a professional in the future and whether it makes sense and need to correct your reputation. If you are ready to answer yes, then act in the same vein: admit the mistake, take responsibility for it, understand its consequences, take up their elimination. In this case, the process will be delayed, it will be necessary to restore not only professional reputation, but also personal. According to experts, it may take several months or even years to restore reputation, but it can be accelerated if you demonstrate growth and stability in different areas: personal communication, business qualities, skills associated with direct activity.

This will be facilitated by:

  • activity, passion for work,
  • confidence and self-esteem, self-irony and healthy criticism,
  • search for allies, as well as justice in relation to business partners, colleagues, employees,
  • control over their actions, words, actions.

In a word, if you maintain your reputation, it will support you.

The concept of personal branding

For what is described above, there is the concept of personal branding. In this case, this is already intentional, demonstrative, aimed at a certain contingent of employers or business partners, work on oneself and one's reputation: by analogy with a company brand, you can create yourself professional name, a brand in the labor market. But this will be possible when there is a clear idea of ​​oneself and one's capabilities, high professional skills and a willingness to improve them, claim exclusivity and high results. The task of branding is to increase the comfort of life, which implies higher incomes and the ability to choose a place, working conditions and activities.

Video about personal branding with Valery Bo:

In contact with

In 2009, our company "SBK" acquired a 100% stake in the authorized capital of the Company "SO" for 35 million rubles. from the natural person of the founder of the company. This operation was reflected in the accounting posting: D 58 Shares K76.5 Accounts receivable. In 2012, the acquired company was declared bankrupt by a court decision. Questions: 1) What postings should the accountant make during the liquidation of the SO company? 2) You can recognize a loss in the amount of 35 million. when calculating income tax in 2012 or loss occurs only in accounting. Account? 3) Was it possible to calculate the net assets of this company at the time of the purchase of the share and attribute the result to “intangible assets” as the business reputation of the company, because with the purchase of this “daughter”, our company acquired new business, new contracts, a certain reputation in business.

1. In accounting, reflect the disposal of a financial investment:

Debit 91-2 Credit 58
– the share of the liquidated subsidiary was written off as an expense.

2. Yes, you can.
The basis is the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 09.06.2009 No. 2115/09. The court decision states that the tax accounting of the shares of a liquidated organization is carried out in accordance with the norm of paragraph 2 of Article 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It says that during the liquidation of an organization and the distribution of its property, the income of taxpayers - participants in the liquidated organization is determined based on the market price of the property they receive, minus the value of the shares actually paid by the participant. The presented decision established that the loss arising from the liquidation of the company complies with paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and is not named in Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, therefore, it can be included in the tax base. In addition, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation noted that the right of a shareholder to take into account the cost of shares does not depend on whether he actually received property during liquidation joint-stock company or not. A similar opinion is indicated in the definition of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2009 No. VAS-11654/09, Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District of June 1, 2010 No. KA-A40 / 5569-10 (for LLC).

3. No, you can't. This is due to the fact that goodwill as an object subject to evaluation arises only if an organization (business) is acquired under a sale and purchase agreement. In your case, a share in the company has been acquired.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the System Glavbukh

Recommendation: How to formalize and reflect in accounting and taxation the business reputation of an organization

Having bought an organization (business), its new owner acquires not only a property complex, but also a set of other resources: labor collective, trademark, a circle regular customers and suppliers, formed sales market, etc. ( Art. 559 GK RF). It is not possible to evaluate these resources separately and recognize them as tangible assets. Therefore, acquisitions of this kind are recognized collectively and are called business reputation (goodwill) .

Goodwill as an object subject to evaluation arises only if an organization (business) is acquired under a sale and purchase agreement. Business reputation can be positive or negative.

Good business reputation

A positive business reputation should be viewed as a premium on the price paid by the new owner of the organization for future potential income from the acquired business. This means that the funds spent on acquiring a business reputation will subsequently bring economic benefits, profits, that is, they will pay off.

Negative business reputation

Negative business reputation should be considered as a discount from the price that the new owner of the organization receives due to the lack of a stable market for the acquired enterprise, marketing skills, business connections, management experience, staff qualifications, etc.

Determining the cost

Calculate the cost of business reputation using the formula:


To calculate the value of business reputation, use data on account 76“Settlements with other debtors and creditors”, to which open, for example, the sub-account “Settlements for the acquisition of an enterprise”. This sub-account reflects information about the assets and liabilities of the organization being bought, as well as the cost of its acquisition.

The debit of this account shows the amount that was paid to the seller when buying a business, as well as the value of liabilities (namely, long-term and short-term accounts payable) that were transferred to the organization as a result of this transaction: *

- reflects the amount paid to the seller for the organization (business) in accordance with the contract of sale;

Debit 76 subaccount “Settlements for the acquisition of an enterprise” Credit 60 (70, 68, 69, 66, 76 ...)
– liabilities (accounts payable) of the acquired organization are taken into account.

There is no unified form for calculating the value of business reputation by law. Therefore, such a calculation can be made, for example, accounting statement(P. 1 , 2 Art. 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

In accounting, take into account a positive business reputation as part of intangible assets for invoice 04"Intangible assets". At the same time, do the wiring: *

– reflected the emergence of a positive business reputation;

Debit 04 Credit 08
– a positive business reputation is included in intangible assets.

This order follows from 4 and 43 PBU 14/2007 and Instructions for the chart of accounts (accounts 08 , 04 ).

Simultaneously with the registration of a positive business reputation as part of intangible assets (reflected on account 04), fill out the card according to Form No. NMA-1 approved Rosstat resolution dated 30 October 1997 No. 71a .

An example of calculating the cost of goodwill

CJSC Alfa acquired OOO Torgovaya Firm Germes. The purchase price of Hermes (including VAT) in accordance with the sales contract amounted to 110,970,698 rubles. The input VAT charged by the seller is 10,970,698 rubles. In accordance with the deed of transfer, the book value of the property of the acquired organization amounted to 50,000,000 rubles, including:
- the cost of fixed assets - 20,000,000 rubles;
- the cost of intangible assets - 7,000,000 rubles;
- the cost of inventories - 1,900,000 rubles;
- the cost of finished products - 1,200,000 rubles;
- the cost of financial investments - 6,000,000 rubles;
- the amount of receivables - 13,900,000 rubles.

The cost of short-term and long-term accounts payable of the acquired organization amounted to 20,000,000 rubles.

The accountant reflected the acquisition of Hermes as a property complex as follows.

Debit 76 sub-account "Settlements for the acquisition of an enterprise" Credit 51
- 110,970,698 rubles. - reflected the amount paid for the organization in accordance with the contract of sale;

Debit 19 Credit 76 sub-account "Calculations for the acquisition of an enterprise"
- 10 970 698 rubles. - the amount of input VAT for the acquired organization is reflected;

Debit 76 subaccount "Calculations for the acquisition of an enterprise" Credit 60 (76 ...)
- 20,000,000 rubles. – liabilities (accounts payable) of the acquired organization are taken into account;

Debit 08 Credit 76 sub-account "Calculations for the acquisition of an enterprise"
- 27,000,000 rubles. (20,000,000 rubles + 7,000,000 rubles) - fixed assets and intangible assets of the acquired organization were taken into account;

Debit 10 (20, 41 ...) Credit 76 sub-account "Calculations for the acquisition of an enterprise"
- 1,900,000 rubles. - the inventories of the acquired organization are taken into account;

Debit 43 Credit 76 sub-account "Calculations for the acquisition of an enterprise"
- 1,200,000 rubles. - taken into account finished products the acquired organization;

Debit 58 Credit 76 sub-account "Calculations for the acquisition of an enterprise"
- 6,000,000 rubles. - taken into account financial investments the acquired organization;

Debit 62 Credit 76 sub-account "Settlements for the acquisition of an enterprise"
- 13,900,000 rubles. - reflects the receivables of the property complex.

After the accountant had reflected all the assets and liabilities of the acquired Hermes, he calculated goodwill as the difference between the purchase price of the organization and the value of its assets minus its liabilities. It amounted to 70,000,000 rubles. (110,970,698 rubles - 10,970,698 rubles - (50,000,000 rubles - 20,000,000 rubles)). Thus, upon the acquisition of Hermes, a positive business reputation was formed. The accountant reflected its occurrence by posting:

Debit 08 Credit 76
- 70,000,000 rubles. - reflected the emergence of a positive business reputation.

Reflect negative business reputation as part of other income of the reporting period by posting:

Debit 76 sub-account "Settlements for the acquisition of an enterprise" Credit 91-1
– Negative business reputation is included in other income.

In all cases, make entries on the accounts on the date of state registration of the sale and purchase agreement on the basis of:
deed of transfer;
– sales contracts;
- accounting statement.

Goodwill amortization

The cost of a positive business reputation accounted for as intangible assets should be written off as expenses through depreciation. Depreciation based on:
– 20 years or the term of the organization (if its duration is less than 20 years);
- the value of a positive business reputation (i.e., the value recorded on account 04).

The procedure for accounting for business reputation (goodwill) when calculating taxes depends on which taxation system the organization applies.

BASIC: income tax

The procedure for accounting for goodwill when calculating income tax depends on whether it is positive or negative.

Goodwill is not included in intangible assets in tax accounting. She doesn't qualify item 3 Article 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Excess value net assets above the purchase price of the organization in tax accounting is considered a discount from the price ( par. 3 p. 1 st. 268.1 NK RF). That is, the buyer organization receives part of the property free of charge, and it forms an economic benefit. Therefore, reflect the value of negative business reputation as part of non-operating income when calculating income tax ( par. 1 st. 250 NK RF). Such income is recognized in the month of registration of ownership of the acquired entity ( sub. 2 p. 3 art. 268.1 NK RF). Do this regardless of which method of determining tax base the organization applies - accruals or cash. This follows from paragraph 1 articles 271 and paragraph 2 article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

An example of reflection in accounting and taxation of a negative business reputation

A positive business reputation, that is, the excess of the purchase price over the book value of the organization, in tax accounting is considered a premium on the price paid by the buyer in anticipation of future economic benefits (par. 2 p. 1 st. 268.1 NK RF). The buyer recognizes such a premium as a non-operating expense evenly over five years starting from the month following the month of registration of ownership of the acquired organization. Such rules are established in), which is reflected in the postings:

Debit 68 subaccount "Calculations for income tax" Credit 77
– accrued deferred tax liability with a positive business reputation during the first five years after the purchase of the enterprise;

Debit 77 Credit 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax"
– the deferred tax liability is written off in the period from the sixth to the twentieth year after the acquisition of the entity.

Every person who is a citizen of Russia has the right to protection of honor and his good name. These words are spelled out by the letter of the law in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and, therefore, are sacredly and unconditionally executed by law enforcement, supervisory and judicial authorities of the country and are taken into account in federal laws and by-laws. However, in practice, the protection of the honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen becomes a more complex process than the high-flown maxims of the fundamental law of the Russian Federation.

The business reputation of an individual is a combination of personal and professional characteristics of a person, the prevailing opinion about the subject of civil law relations. According to Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, along with business reputation, the law also protects the honor and dignity of its citizens. Honor should be understood as a set of moral, moral and spiritual qualities of a person, and dignity - human conscious perception of one's own worth. Infringement of any of the above intangible rights is strictly punishable by law.

How is damage to honor and dignity determined?

Violation of a citizen's right to honor, dignity and business reputation takes place if the reliability of this information is affected. The dissemination by a certain person of information discrediting you in various ways serves as a sufficient basis for your appeal to the judicial system with the subsequent restoration of the lost right.

According to Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in the framework of the civil process in this case, the burden of proving that the disseminated information is reliable will entirely lie with the subject who deliberately launched it in Free access. A citizen whose business reputation has been hurt does not need to prove the unreliability of the disclosed information.

How to restore business reputation?

Among the ways to protect honor, dignity and business reputation in civil law the following methods apply:

  • refutation of the stated information;
  • recovery from the proper defendant of compensation for the moral damage that was caused to the citizen.

Refutation of false information is possible in several forms, depending on the way in which the defamatory information was disseminated. However, regardless of the method, the refutation must be carried out publicly. In particular, the dissemination of information in the media is subject to refutation in the same sources, indicating the opinion of the person whose rights were violated. On the Internet, false information is subject to blocking and removal from all available sources. Documentation containing false information is subject to recall and withdrawal from the document flow of the organization or structural unit.

How to evaluate the business reputation of an individual?

Dealing with well-written statement of claim to the Magistrate's Court with a claim for compensation for moral damage, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is you who will have to prove your suffering and justify the required amount of compensation. The legislation does not establish limitation of actions, nor maximum size recoverable compensation in respect of infringement on honor and dignity. Compensation is always in the form of money.

Among the main criteria for non-pecuniary damage, Art. 1101 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indicates:

  • degree of guilt of the offender;
  • the nature of the resulting physical and moral suffering of the victim;
  • justice and reasonableness;
  • individual characteristics of the personality of the victim and the circumstances of the harm.

Based on the practice of the courts, the amount of compensation to be recovered, as a rule, corresponds to that indicated in the application, provided that it complies with the principles of reasonableness. However, it will be necessary to answer the court a number of questions regarding the moral suffering that has arisen, and, if possible, to confirm them with documents.

Criminal and administrative ways to protect lost business reputation

In addition to civil law norms that protect the business reputation of a citizen, it is also possible to apply in this situation to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violation of honor and dignity in criminal law is called slander and is regulated by Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As a punishment for such a crime, the courts use the use of fines and compulsory work in relation to the convict. It is also convenient that it is possible to recover moral damages and obtain an order for refutation within the framework of one criminal process, if these requirements are indicated when filing an application with the court. And even despite the seeming insignificance of the punishment, one should not forget that malicious evasion from the execution of punishment can lead the convicted person to review it for real term deprivation of liberty. Insult in the framework of administrative proceedings is regulated by Art. 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is punishable by an insignificant fine.

The right to use business reputation enables a citizen to protect his honor and dignity from an unlawful attempt on his good name, protect his personality from slander and insult and bring the perpetrator to justice with all the strictness of the current legislation.

The client, turning to the services of certain organizations, finding a job or taking the position of an applicant for workplace, you need to remember about your own business reputation. Business reputation of the client- this is an intangible benefit that correlates with an individual, a client, which can promise him the receipt of already tangible assets. Therefore, in order to conduct a successful labor activity, as well as to receive a number of services, the client must have a high business reputation.

The concept of the client's business reputation and its difference from personal reputation

A client can be a carrier of both business and personal, personal reputation. At the same time, in some cases, personal reputation can play a more significant role. But when conducting business relations, as a rule, mainly the coefficient of business reputation is taken into account. The business reputation of a client implies a set of assessments, expectations, ideas and opinions about a person that have been formed in society. The positiveness of these assessments depends on many factors that are closely related to the business and labor activity. It is customary to refer to such factors, first of all, his business qualities and capabilities, business competence, experience and length of service, labor efficiency, productivity. Also, when building a business reputation, indicators of business honesty, the absence of abuse of official opportunities, stability in work, etc. are important. Business reputation of the client formed from the moment of the beginning of his labor activity.

At the same time, the business reputation of the client may also have a negative coefficient if the person was noticed in unscrupulous business dealings, fraud, lack of responsibility, diligence, stability in work, etc. In this case, distrust may arise about the client as a business partner or performer.

However, it is important to distinguish, especially for the business world, between the categories of business reputation and personal reputation. Personal reputation correlates more with moral and ethical ideas, principles, positions and moral laws that have been formed among the masses of the public. The personal reputation of the client, with positive assessments, can characterize him as an honest, virtuous, responsible, law-abiding and highly moral person. The business reputation of the client, as opposed to personal, is based more on objective characteristics.

However, in a number of cases, when a client applies to certain organizations, for example, banks for obtaining a loan or installments, as well as for employment, business reputation can be supported by a positive personal image, which is formed by acceptable and approved inner qualities person.

In what cases is the business reputation of the client important?

The client is the actual person who applies for certain services, while the reputation parameter may affect the refusal or agreement to provide them. The business reputation of the client is especially important when contacting banking services. First of all, this concerns the issuance of loans. At the same time, bank employees evaluate several parameters at once, correlated with reputation, which will indicate the possibility of subsequent loan repayments. These parameters include:

  • Pure credit history client;
  • The absence of outstanding loans, debts in other banks, its solvency, the availability of a source of income that could repay the loan.
  • A good business reputation of the client can also protect the client from suspicions of financial fraud, clashes with the law, which in general will lead to the issuance of a loan by the bank.

This is just one particular example when the client's business reputation is the basis for increasing his tangible assets. However, it is also not uncommon for a client to apply for installments to firms and companies if he wants to make a significant purchase of goods or products. In general, goodwill individuals, determines the possibility of promising employment, obtaining a prestigious position, career growth, trust from the authorities, which ultimately leads to an increase in the status of a person and his financial well-being.

How to improve the business reputation of a client?

The business reputation of a client is not a stable category, so it can either increase its coefficient or decrease it. There are methods that allow you to improve the business reputation of clients, however, its increase will be a planned and rather lengthy process, primarily related to work and its financial solvency.

The client must be on in good standing at the organization in which he performs labor activity. That is, a person should not be implicated in financial dishonesty, fraud, laziness, irresponsibility and unfulfillment. Such a good name in your own company will serve as a guarantee of stable solvency, for example, when taking a loan, which will be taken into account in banks.

The business reputation of the client is also increased by expanding his business relations, which would contribute to the receipt of a service or product on certain loyal or special conditions, which would make possible to obtain some exclusive services that are not available to persons without guarantors.

Business reputation of a citizen

Business reputation of a citizen- this is a kind of indicator of trust and respect for a particular business entity on the part of partners and customers, which is regulated both by its actions and by internal and external factors that are only partially controlled or not at all controllable. Modern psychologists sales, as well as leaders of companies involved in reputation, focus on the fact that this new branch of science and society is developing so rapidly that new methods of prompt response to fluctuations in the reputation factor are available only to leading companies, of which there are few.

What determines the business reputation of a citizen?

Talking about reputation and image specific person in a particular area, it is important to note all those internal and external variables that in one way or another affect the reputation. Analysts use precisely variable factors in order to create a certain pattern of behavior target audience and check how specifically the attitude of the audience to the object or subject will change depending on the approach.

It is worth initially noting and highlighting the fact that the business reputation of a citizen is a concept so complex and ambiguous that many confuse the theory of reputation of the last century with modern technologies definition, analysis, protection and improvement of reputation. For example, according to many sites on the Internet, business reputation is a factor that depends only on professional qualifications. The same opinion is shared by many people who are not familiar with the concept of the psychology of relationships and industrial psychology groups. In order to confirm their wrongness, you can simply strain your memory, and 99% of readers will come up with at least 1-2 people who do quality work in a certain area, but still do not drive foreign cars and are not particularly recognizable in the world as specialists. The thing is that, as in any area in which people are involved, attitude and reputation are divided into objective factors that are tangible from the point of view of the specialist himself, and subjective factors, which are often dictated by the subconscious of groups and are in no way tied to real business. human activity.

The objective factors that affect such indicators as the business reputation of a citizen are, indeed, his industrial qualifications, even expressed in the light of how much money he is able to make for superiors and partners per unit of time. This takes into account costs, expenses, as well as personal aspects. The most “profitable” specialist for the company will always have a good reputation, in contrast to the less eccentric, but average workaholic in terms of productivity. In addition to this, there is already a subjective factor in the education of a specialist, his work experience, as well as real references to the results of his work and public opinion.

The business reputation of a citizen, determined by the last indicator, is, as the reviews of the people themselves, analyzing their reputation, an extremely difficult area for independent conclusions. Marketing and image-making gurus even focus on the fact that it’s not worth researching and defending your reputation in “home” conditions, it’s important to turn to specialists in time, since the obvious arguments made by a specialist in a field that is far from PR are insignificant and not very real , which can lead to a misunderstanding of at least oneself, and as a maximum - the reasons for one's attitude towards oneself, be it positive or vice versa.

The business reputation of a citizen is one of the freedoms that is protected by the laws of many countries, even the CIS countries. However, the CIS is clearly distinguished by the “green” stage of development even of legislation, which directly determines business reputation and the degree of its change. Such aspects are justified by the fact that in the CIS it is not so much important as with the manufacturer good reviews, much more important is his ability to defend his opinion and prove the quality of products, backing it up with a low and affordable price.

Mistake of many business people is an approach to the concept of business reputation of a citizen, as something that is easy to control and can be changed independently, without resorting to psychologists and analysts. As a rule, such companies go below zero very quickly, losing their assets due to surges in attitudes towards the company.

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