Home Natural farming The meanings of the “Empress” card of the “Tarot Manara” deck according to the book “Erotic Tarot. Exploring the secrets of love" by Anna Kotelnikova and Elena Gerasimova. The Empress as a card of the day: meaning and description

The meanings of the “Empress” card of the “Tarot Manara” deck according to the book “Erotic Tarot. Exploring the secrets of love" by Anna Kotelnikova and Elena Gerasimova. The Empress as a card of the day: meaning and description

Damage is the influence of dark magic on a person with the aim of destroying his energy field and causing harm. The desire to harm is strong, the offender does not think that witchcraft can be turned against him. There are methods to return damage back to the one who did it.

You are sure that your behavior and worldview do not deserve nasty things, but your offender has a different point of view. If you decide to fight back, return the witchcraft, higher powers will side with the one who is right. Remember that when reading a return plot, you are striking a person, committing a sinful act. You should be in the right mood, forgive the ill-wisher, in order to carry out the ritual to return the damage without consequences for yourself. With prayers and conspiracies you can put your life in order.

How to determine who caused damage

Check who from your circle decided on a dark conspiracy. If a close friend is capable of betrayal, it is better to find out. You can find out who did the damage and send it back using magic items.

Ritual with a nail

Hammer a nail into the door frame with the phrase to bring back the evil:

“Whoever spoiled and harmed me, I call with a nail. If you don’t show up within three days, you’ll go to the next world in half a year.”

Expect a visit.

Pouring wax

Pour melted natural wax into clean water. Concentrate on action, read the plot to return evil:

“I pour wax, I cast my enemy.”

A certain figure will form from the wax, try to figure it out - female or male. If you can’t determine it, repeat the procedure.

Summoning entities. This is black magic. You will need seven old unnecessary keys and boiling water. Throw the keys into boiling water, whisper:

“Whoever brought evil to the slave (his name), the devil will bring him tomorrow morning.”

Get ready for the meeting.

The process of returning damage to an ill-wisher

Please clarify or damage has been caused to you. Take 41 beans or pebbles. Divide randomly into three piles. Gather each group of beans in the palm of your hand and mentally ask “damage to me?” Separate four pieces at a time from piles until you reach the final quantity. There will be three numbers in total. There are 4 beans left in one pile - a sign negative influence, in two - the evil eye. If all three times there are 4 left - to death. If there are no four beans left anywhere, good luck.

Some envious people try to plot not personally, but go to sorcerers. But turning to a sorcerer will not protect the initiator of damage from the consequences. The worthless and praiseworthy things we have created come back threefold. The evil conspiracy will not go unpunished. The return of damage promises quarrels, problems at work, illness and sometimes death.

Types of rituals to return damage and the evil eye

Pre-cleanse with prayers and fast. To get rid of damage without consequences, ask for help from higher powers prayer. This way you will do an act that will remove the negativity and will not spoil your karma. Destructive energy will return all the troubles to the one who was going to ruin your life. If you want to find out who did the damage and conspire to send it back, get ready for an answer. Choose a plot depending on the size of the problem.

Return to death

Returning damage to the customer for death is a labor-intensive job that a strong, knowledgeable magician can do. If you decide to get to work yourself, follow the preparatory steps:

  • think - maybe you should turn to professionals (magicians, sorcerers);
  • visit God's temple, wear a cross as a talisman;
  • perform ritual actions.

Damage is traditionally done to cemetery land, and it must be returned there.

As the moon wanes

From 17 to 20 lunar day by midnight, go to the cemetery, look for 3 graves with the name of the victim. Give these souls a meal and a candle. Opposite each of the burials, in turn, read a prayer for the preservation of the soul until God’s time. You can find it on Orthodox websites or in a church. Place 3 coins at the monuments against damage and say “I’ll pay you off.” On the way back you will hear a call or noise, do not pay attention, go your way. After 3 days in a row, go to church and light candles for Christ to return the evil to the customer.

With a white scarf

Buy a new scarf and wear it for 3 days. Then wrap it in paper, go to the cemetery, say a spell at the entrance:

“To you, the deceased, I brought my death. You should sleep soundly and guard her, hide her in the house, and close all the locks. Where I came from, I’m returning it there. Hold it tightly, don’t open it.”

Carefully, without touching the scarf, unwrap and discard. Lock yourself at home for a day, get rid of homework to return the evil to the customer.

Through the water

Draw water from three sources. From a water supply system, an open reservoir and a well. You will also need a pebble from the river bank. Pour the liquid into a bucket or basin, throw in a stone. Light a candle and speak to return the evil to the customer:

“Father is fire, and water is mother, the air is fresh, and the earth is damp! Help, take away all the grief, return fears and misfortunes to the owner. The stone lies in the water, it does not contain a soul, it does not smell salt and pepper, it does not know grief or illness. The water flows away from him, dashingly runs away from the door to the witch's house. My word is strong. Amen."

Pour water over the area where you found the lining. Place the stone at the doorstep for three days. Try not to touch. After three days, return to the place where you took it.

Through the needles

Take raw liver and prepare nine needles. Stick each one with a sentence to return the evil to the one who caused it:

  1. "In the black eye."
  2. "Into the villain."
  3. "Who is the curse from?"
  4. "Into the tongue."
  5. "Into the enemy's liver."
  6. “For a witch’s idea.”
  7. “Turn your thoughts back.”
  8. “Dark power turn around to its owner.”
  9. “Shut your evil eye.”

Boomerang for the villain

The method applies to home magical rituals to return the evil to the customer. Spend it at a convenient time before sunset, except Sunday. It will take a handful of grains for the birds, church candle and a knife. Light a candle, put the grains on a plate, read the spell from the enemy 9 times, running a knife crosswise over the grains. Let go of emotions; thoughts should be neutral. Go to nature, where there are more wild flying birds. Throw the seeds to them. After the spell to return damage, put protection on the house.


Transfer to woolen threads. The action takes place until midnight. Invite an assistant, take a church candle and a skein wool threads. The victim of damage, standing in the middle of the room, holds right hand a burning candle and the end of a piece of wool. The assistant with the skein walks clockwise around and wraps it into a cocoon. Having completed the circle, the assistant recites a spell to return the damage to the customer:

“The word spoken, the deed accomplished, descend from the spirit and body of the Servant of God (name) into the wool, all that is there. Say it and do it. Amen".

“I speak my own speech, I hide someone else’s. I do my own work, I wrap someone else’s in a ball and lock it!”

They tie a candle to the wound ball, go out into the wasteland and make a fire. The victim throws a skein at him, pronounces a spell to return evil and damage to the customer:

“Use a flammable flame and a flying fume, get away from where the evil has come.”

Repeat until the yarn burns. Wait for the fire to die down and leave; your health will return within 24 hours.

Thanksgiving Prayer for Protection

They pray in solitude at the icon of the Mother of God. They light a candle according to their own understanding. Text:

“Virgin Mary, Mother of the Lord. How I swaddled a child, hid it from the enemy, how I raised it, nurtured it, thank you! I raised the Lord for us, a deliverer and benefactor, a calmer of the unclean, an intercessor for all people, thank you! The Almighty overthrows the enemy, protects people, saves them from adversity, thank you! Save me, God the Son and the Mother of God, from unkind people, admonished by the evil one, save me from their plans and machinations. Bless and save. Bless and save. Bless and save. Thank you! Amen".

“Rest the salt on the earth, the guard of destruction in itself, the enemy passes through the earth, wherever he passes, but he will turn to his loved one, through the earth, through the salt, he will take in his own, for speech, for action and for all the magic, he steps on the salt, everything back will take it in. Amen".

Go home without looking back. The damage will return to the one who sent it.

Will there be consequences if the damage is returned?

On in a subtle way all living beings are connected, and the “pest” and the victim are even more so. The power of the returned damage will make the bewitcher feel everything that was sent in your direction. The result of the rollback can harm him threefold; illness and grief will return to the customer. He can be saved by repenting and praying for his sin. This is difficult to do - envy and anger interfere with repentance.

It is easy to determine that the spell has been read successfully and the aura is in order.

Signs of damage leaving: after the ritual, health soon improves, goes away chronic fatigue, ease comes, financial problems are resolved.

For three days after cleaning, do not give or take anything from hand to hand. Turn to religion, pray, go to church - faith will strengthen the spirit, life will improve and bright feelings will return.

The ritual refers to the methods of light witchcraft and allows you to “show off” to the offender exactly as much evil as was received from him. No more, no less. You should sit in front of a lit white candle and read the spell-prayer:

“I appeal to the Mother of God! You, who never abandon your children, hear my voice, see the evil done to me, do not reproach my enemy and do not scold me, but force him to answer in truth, so that the evil that came to me from him will return to him and with left for him. Mother of God, do not be angry with me, the weak, or with my sinful enemy, but revive justice, punish evil with evil - for distant science, for pure repentance, for heartfelt repentance, so that my enemy does not amuse himself with my misfortune, but copes with his own.”

The candle is blown out and hidden behind the icons. After two weeks, the effect of the spell will appear, and negativity will disappear from the life of the ritual operator. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to go to church and light candles both for yourself and for your offender. In the future, the enemy will not be able to harm the sorcerer, since he will be protected by light energies.

Return evil to the enemy before the third generation

The ritual allows you to take revenge on the offender, not only by returning the induced negativity, but also by spreading it to the next three generations in the male or female line, depending on the gender of the enemy. Perform work during the full moon.

You will need:

  • a bottle of good vodka;
  • raw meat;
  • black wax candle;
  • a round mirror, not used in everyday life;
  • dark colored fabric.

They begin the ritual at midnight. You need to spread a cloth in front of you, put a mirror on it, and place a lit candle on it. While watching the flame, you need to monotonously recite the spell until the fire goes out on its own:

“Having renounced God, having prayed to the devil, I will get down on my knees and blaspheme the enemy, so that the evil he has done will leave me and come to him, into my guts and into my head. To sit on the shoulders of the enemy up to the third knee, crush the back of the enemy with a hump, drown out the ears with a scream, twist the stomach with pain, break legs and arms, cover up the eyes, only the blackness of the enemy’s spawn is known. Do not take back my word until the enemy atones for his sin, walk the line behind his back, step on his heels, frighten him tightly, lead him to the very grave, go to his children.”

The mirror needs to be wrapped in cloth and broken into pieces in this form. Without unwrapping, the package should be taken to a pedestrian crossing and placed there. It is recommended to leave meat and open bottle vodka, saying: “Paid.” Whoever the offender is, punishment will overtake him within a month. It is possible that this person will try to get in touch with the sorcerer, but it is better to nip any communication with suspicious people in the bud. After the ceremony, it is useful to burn wax candles: the fire will help cleanse you of any remaining negativity.

Return evil to the offender by name

You will need:

  • church candle;
  • a piece of paper and a pen;
  • aspen twig;
  • fireproof vessel.

You need to wait until evening and retire. You need to place a vessel in front of you, and place a twig broken in two on it, forming a cross. In its center you should place a piece of paper on which the name of the enemy is written. Next, you need to light the candle upside down and set the paper on fire from its flame. In the light of the fire, you need to have time to say the spell three times:

“Not to an animal, not to a bird, not to a snake, not to a tit, but to (name) the accursed one, who did evil to me, who caused me offense, who ordered me to suffer! From now on (name) burn in hellish fire, in the flame of repentance, in unbearable heat, until his evil suffers, until my grief lures me away!”

The ashes need to be scattered to the wind with the words:

“You should fly, sweep away the evil from me, return it to the enemy.”

The spell works in three days: the caster's situation improves, and his enemy faces corresponding problems.

Return evil to a person through water

The ritual allows you to ward off any evil from yourself and return it to the offender, no matter how strong the enemy turns out to be from a magical point of view. Perform a ritual during new moon. You will need:

  • clay jug filled with spring water;
  • rowan twig;
  • a stone raised on the road leading to the churchyard.

It is necessary to retire and focus on the problem. If the enemy is known, you should visualize his image in front of you and mentally address him:

“I remove your protection, I return your evil - not for a second, not for an hour, but forever and ever.”

You need to throw a stone at the bottom of the jug and, stirring the water in the vessel counterclockwise, repeat the spell:

“In the field there is a black wall, under it a witch sits naked, with uncut hair, with prickly claws, with bottomless eyes, with torn skin. And under the black wall, in the hands of a witch, is my eternal enemy naked, who does evil to me, who inflicts a strong insult on me, who does not allow me passage. Let my enemy sit under that black wall until he prays for the evil done to me, until he asks for forgiveness, and until then he neither sleeps nor eats, but shakes all the black evil and sings lullabies.”

Water from the jug must be thrown out on the street along with a stone: if the offender is known, then to his doorstep, if not, then at any pedestrian intersection. The container is broken, and the fragments are buried near the cemetery wall (but not on the territory of the graveyard). The ritual will take effect within a week.

Bring back evil with salt

The ritual quickly brings hidden enemies to light, while simultaneously returning negativity to them. It is recommended to cast magic during the full moon phase.

You will need:

  • coarse salt;
  • saucepan,
  • wooden spoon.

You will have to work with a flame - near a fire or stove. You need to fill the saucepan halfway with salt and put it on the fire. You need to stir the contents of the bowl with a spoon and whisper:

“Where it came from, that’s where it will go, it will pass over potholes, bypass swamps, and return to father and mother.”

You need to pour hot salt from your doorstep onto the street. Within 24 hours the enemy will make contact, and after another week he will completely “inherit” his own evil. The ritual can be repeated regularly for preventive purposes: it is safe for the caster and can only harm those who deserve it.

Return evil to your rival

The ritual is purely feminine and is intended to return the negativity made by a competitor. Most often, the “struggle” takes place in the sphere of feelings and romance, but sometimes the ritual is also used to solve work-related problems. You can cast magic whenever you want.

You will need:

  • three nails;
  • three coins;
  • wax candle.

You should go to a deserted crossroads, where the chance of meeting other people is minimal. You need to stick a candle into the ground and light the wick. All around you need to drive nails into the soil up to the top, forming a triangle. At the same time, you need to think about your rival, wanting her to suffer a well-deserved punishment. It is recommended to pronounce the following spell on each of the nails:

“There are three crosses on the mountain, black crows sit on those crosses, demons dance under those crosses, they blaspheme Jesus, they wag their tails. The first cross is for evil to return to my enemy, the second cross is for it to grab hold of her with its hands, the third cross is for it to bite into her neck with its teeth. I stand on a mountain of three crosses, black crows sit on them, tailed demons dance under them, and my enemy cannot avoid retribution.”

While the candle is burning, people look at it. As soon as the fire dies out, you should turn towards the house, throw coins over your shoulder and say: “Paid.” After three to five days, the opponent will be faced with the negativity that she herself directed at the sorcerer.

There is nothing wrong with returning evil to the one who did it. A person will receive only his own “creation”, perhaps in a slightly enhanced version. But this is how justice is restored, and you shouldn’t be afraid to help it happen.

You often ask us the same question: How to return damage to the one who did it and is it even possible? Yes, this is possible, although not always. Today we will talk about how to return a negative message, as well as why sometimes this becomes impossible.

But first, it’s still worth talking about why it’s not always possible to return the “good” sent to the author or customer of the “work.” On the one hand, everything here is banal, on the other hand, it’s not simple. The reasons are usually the following:

  1. Anyone who wants to return the damage back (and does it on their own) does not have enough of their own energy or basic knowledge.
  2. from the "author" (in in this case the word “author” is rather a collective one, since it also means the person who ordered the damage) there is a powerful defense that cannot always be broken through.

Here are two main reasons why “nothing works out.” What's the solution? Find a master who will help you in your business, or learn all the magical wisdom yourself, and most importantly, increase your own strength (we are talking about energy now). Well, and most importantly: those who do nothing have nothing.

So, when it comes to returning damage (or other negative messages) back, they turn to auxiliary elements, thanks to which this becomes possible. These “elements,” for example, may include: Water, Fire, Salt (or Earth itself), wax, mirror.

There are rituals of cleansing and returning damage that you can perform on your own, at the same time, there are rituals that cannot be performed on your own under any circumstances, for example, the ritual of pouring wax. The person himself, without any outside help, can hardly carry it out.

Today we will tell you about those methods of returning damage back that you can do yourself, and those that are done by involving someone close to you.

Restore spoilage with salt

This ritual can be called a “classic of the genre.” It is the simplest, safest and accessible to everyone. To carry it out you will need:

  1. Thursday salt (ideally!)(you can learn how to prepare it from ours), but if it’s not there, it’s okay. Suitable regular salt coarse grind. It is important that it is without any additives and does not contain iodine. The salt itself will need to be spoken. Here are the words to say to her:

  2. Next, you will need new white sheet(or another piece of fabric that has never been used before). A piece of cloth or a sheet is spread on the floor, naked (the person should not be wearing any clothes) they stand on the cloth and, picking up the vessel in which the charmed salt is located, begin to “wash themselves” with it. After scooping salt into your hands, you need to do exactly the same movements that you do every morning when washing your face. But in this case, you have to “wash” your entire body with salt. Moving from the top of the head down to the very heels. At the same time, you need to read the plot, here are its words:

    "Salt Mother,
    Collect, wash away all the lessons and commotions from me,
    All the dirt, all the evil spirits, all the damage, all the curses.”

  3. After you have completed everything, you need to very carefully remove it from own body salt. Everything should fall onto the sheet. Next, we also carefully collect the “used” salt in some container, for example, a jar and we take it to the crossroads. It is best to burn the sheet. Once at the crossroads (probably, there is no need to explain that this manipulation is carried out at night, when the crossroads is deserted), you need to pronounce another conspiracy, here are his words:

  4. Actually, after this you will need to silently go home. Everything else will happen without your help.
  5. Of course, this is not the only way to get rid of damage and at the same time return all his “gifts” back to the offender. Here is another way to cleanse yourself with salt.

    How to return damage to the one who did it

    Let's look at one of the special cases when something was thrown at you, for example, needles or earth. The lining You have discovered and clearly understand what it is and how it all can end. In such cases, the following is done. You need to carefully, without touching the lining, sprinkle Thursday salt on it (this is ideal, if it is not there, then ordinary coarse salt will do) crosswise, and then cross over this “gift” in exactly the same way - cross, walk with Fire.

    When you do all this, you need to say a spell, here are his words:

    When you have done all this, silently carefully remove everything, without touching this “good” with your hands, and dispose of it (it is best to burn it). This broom and dustpan can no longer be used. Do not forget that the Primary Elements: Fire, Water, Earth (and its analogue - salt) must be asked for help at the beginning of the work, and thanked at the end.

    We return damage using wool thread

    An ordinary woolen thread, or rather a ball of woolen threads, always scarlet in color, can help remove and return the damage. To carry out this ritual, some skill is required. It is best to do it yourself, without resorting to outside help. Although some sources indicate that to carry out this ritual, assistants are definitely needed.

    If you nevertheless decide to resort to the “help of a friend,” then know that his role should only be played by a person whom you trust as much as yourself, a person about whom you have no, never had, and never will have any doubts. It is important.

    If you decide to perform the ritual yourself, then this is only better. For everything secret does not tolerate vanity or unnecessary witnesses.

    So, you need to stand facing west and place the tip of the thread under yourself. left leg, and the ball itself begins to unwind around itself. We unwind it strictly clockwise, while saying the following words:

    This spell must be repeated until the ball is completely unwound. As soon as this happens, you need to turn counterclockwise and face east and, taking the tip of the thread, begin to wind it into a ball, saying:

    In the same way as in the case of unwinding a ball, you need to repeat this spell until the thread is wound back into a ball. As soon as you wind the thread, the ball must be burned immediately.

    There are many different rituals on the Internet that describe this ritual, which people perform with the help of assistants. In our opinion, they (assistants) are not needed. If you decide to carry it out with the help of strangers, this is purely your personal business, but we recommended that you trust yourself more and carry out this kind of practice yourself, without devoting everyone and everything to your secrets, if you want the result to come.

    Restore damage with wax

    Unfortunately, you won’t be able to carry out this cleansing ritual yourself. For this you will need helpers. Although, of course, it would be better if you turned to a specialist for help. After all, the process of pouring wax requires a certain skill. At the same time, you always have to do something for the first time. If you don’t learn anything, then in the end you won’t know anything. Therefore, even if you have never tried pouring, do not be afraid, follow the algorithm below and you will succeed.

    This reading algorithm will be especially useful for those mothers who want to clean their children, but have no one to turn to with this question.

    So, to clean and return the negative you will need the following:

    1. a deep cup into which you will pour water (you need to pour it almost to the brim, but the cup must be liftable, because it will have to be held above the head of the person from whom the damage is removed).
    2. a small saucepan with a lid, in which you will melt the wax (with a lid for the reason that as soon as the wax heats up, it will begin to “shoot”, hot splashes will fly everywhere).
    3. and finally, the wax itself. Yes, yes, the real one beeswax, without any impurities. (It can be purchased from any beekeeper or in a store that sells honey and beekeeping products).

    The first thing to do is melt the wax. At the same time, when he is drowning, you need to read the plot, here are his words:

    As soon as the wax has melted (it should boil, well, or at least, be as close as possible to the state of boiling) You need to slowly, while reading the Lord’s Prayer, pour this wax into a cup of water, which one of your loved ones will at that moment hold over the head of the person you are treating.

    It is important to know that most often the wax is heated over an open fire (this is very fast), but you can bring it to the desired state using a water bath (this takes much longer). Here everyone has their own habits, preferences and capabilities. There is no single rule.

    If you are cleaning your baby, then, of course, he will not be able to hold a bowl of water over his head. If you are cleaning an adult, then he can even hold this basin above his head. It's not that long. And the result that wax gives is worth suffering some inconvenience.

    It is important to know that this kind of cleansing is carried out only before sunset and only on the waning Moon. If the Sun has set, it is better to wait until the next day. Literally with the first roosters (and they start crowing when it’s still completely dark outside) you can perform the ritual.

    Once the wax has been poured out three times (yes, you will have to melt the wax three times and pour it back into a cup of water held over the head of the person being treated), it can be disposed of. We used the word “can” instead of the word “need”. In this case, there is no single requirement. Someone claims that wax after casting in mandatory must be disposed of, for example, by consigning it to Earth or Fire. Someone, on the contrary, says that this is not at all necessary and you can continue to work with this wax. It is obvious that when the wax is poured for the third time into a cup of water located above the head, it will once again need to be brought to a boil in order to cleanse it of the harmful information that it has absorbed. Then you can use this wax without any fear.

    Usually wax is poured out one to three, and sometimes nine (in especially severe cases) times in a row or with some interruption. The water that is in the cup is poured away immediately after the cleansing procedure into a place where no one goes.

    The very pouring of water is also accompanied by a conspiracy, here are his words:

    “Water Mother!
    Through you I return everything that I took from (name),
    To the one who did this evil to him.
    He who gave birth to evil must reap it.
    So be it"

    You should be more careful in future. If you suspect that someone wishes you a lot of “good”, you should stay away from such people. After all, they, like a plague, poison everyone’s entire life. And even more so, you definitely shouldn’t accept gifts or talk about something personal, share plans for the future, boast, etc., with such representatives of the human race.

    Every time you need to look at what is under your threshold. Did “kind” people bring you “gifts”. Naturally, you cannot grab all this with your hands, carry it into the house, etc. The broom and dustpan that the “lucky girl” used to clean all this is thrown into the trash. No matter how much you feel sorry for them (the broom is brand new, and the dustpan is expensive and beautiful), health more expensive than a broom and scoop.

    Forewarned is forearmed. Accordingly, such a person will not have to undergo treatment for a long time and seek help from those who can remove the damage.

No one is immune from negative magic. Anyone can become the object of a hex, damage, or dark spell. A person who is poorly oriented in magic continues to live with corruption, not even knowing that he is in danger, not knowing what the cause of his troubles is. The supernatural is among us and requires attention.

People must be able to protect themselves from those enemies who are ready to resort to magic if only to bring evil. And you shouldn’t brush it off with the words “I don’t even have enemies!” It happens that you don’t suspect your loved one, loved one, friend, colleague, but deep down he harbors hatred. Being able to return damage to an enemy is important for your safety.

Magic helps against magic

If the damage is determined before the situation worsens and is removed professionally, the person lives happily ever after. To neglect the situation, not to take any measures, not to return the damage means to expose yourself to great danger. Conspiracies and rituals developed specifically for this purpose will help even a non-specialist to ward off trouble and save himself.

It will be possible to effectively remove and return damage by contacting a real magician in one session. The reason is that the sorcerer knows how to work with the energetic fabric of the universe. A common person someone trying to remove the damage and ward it off may succeed, but no one can guarantee 100% success. However, if it didn’t work once, try again.

Signs of damage

It is determined that a person has been damaged by the following signs:

  • deterioration of health;
  • prostration;
  • minor troubles;
  • insomnia;
  • relapses of treated diseases.

The condition worsens suddenly, without any prerequisites. It is necessary to think about how to return damage, if on a healthy, happy person Depression suddenly strikes, from adversity he becomes nervous and worries more than is typical for him. Damage is determined by confusion of thoughts, exacerbations of diseases that have become a thing of the past many years ago. Often tormented by mental and physical ailments.

With the damage imposed, a person seems to wither, there is not enough energy, lack of sleep and depression, depression greatly affects all areas of life. The reason is in the programmed magical negative. Knowing how to return damage to the one who caused it, you can solve the problem. There are two outcomes:

  • return damage;
  • clear the energy field.

When choosing, you need to be aware of responsibility. As the sorcerers say, the best option- this is to cleanse your energy, leaving “to Caesar what is Caesar’s”, and not wishing harm to the one who caused the damage. Counter attack - negative program, no less weak than the original spell. Eliminate negativity from your life, and lure dark forces to yourself by appealing to negative energy programs - taking unnecessary risks.

Returns: what are we talking about?

Magic allows you to protect, harm, create, destroy. Energy is a flexible material in the hands of a skilled sorcerer, capable of doing whatever the client wishes. But the magician does not take responsibility for the consequences; the client will have to live with them himself. Returning damage is a difficult negative ritual; it will affect the enemy who desires revenge.

Whether to use the services of a magician or send the damage back yourself is up to the person to decide. If the ritual is successful, the evil will return to its source, having increased threefold. The figure is not accidental: representatives different schools magics agree that it is the evil and good made with the help of energy matters that grows three times.

The enemy will get what he wished for the target of the spell. Such a rollback works on the original source of the spell, but the one who removes the damage from himself need not be afraid. There is no guilt on him, the person was forced to defend himself, doing it by available means and methods. World energy is indifferent to such a situation.

Consequences of return

All possible consequences It is impossible to list, each situation is individual. The most obvious is the return of threefold increased evil.

Returning to its source, damage brings illness and causes conflicts with family, colleagues and friends. In any undertaking, a person is tripped up and troubles befall him. Rarely, a return can result in death. Returning damage to the one who sent it means allowing the enemy to receive what he sent to another person in an enhanced form. This is fair, but cruel. An attempt to strengthen the damage when returning it to its source will result in a kickback to the defender.

Return methods

Rituals help guide negative energy to the address where it came from, without even knowing the owner. If the ceremony was carried out with the involvement experienced magician, the source of energy will be the customer, since the sorcerer will redirect from himself to the client.

Protection against damage is provided by:

  • prayers;
  • rituals;
  • magical techniques.

Some remedies can be used by believers who believe that magic is a sin.

It is not difficult to return the damage back, but try to avoid committing evil. Negativity reduces the defender to the level of the attacker and makes him vulnerable.

Rollback, the return of negativity to the source, is a basic feature of magic. It has been known since ancient times.

What does this look like in reality?

We can talk a lot about rollback and return, but real life examples best demonstrate the situation. There are really a lot of them in books, magazines, and the Internet. Below are a couple of interesting and instructive stories about how to return damage to the one who did it.

Anna's story

The woman says that troubles befell her when she got married and began living with her husband’s family. This was the man’s second marriage; children from the first lived with them.

The seemingly happy and friendly family had a serious wormhole inside. Although her husband fell in love with Anna, and the children called her mother, her mother-in-law refused to recognize new woman. She sought to reconfigure the children, influence her son, just to get her out of the house. Literally every visit by a woman to Anna’s house ended in a major conflict.

The birth of a child with my husband led to an aggravation of the situation. The mother-in-law began making threats before the birth, and soon after the child was born, the baby fell ill. At the age of one and a half he was diagnosed with asthma. The husband changed, he took a woman on the side. Fortunately, Anna had good friends who managed to introduce her to me, and I know how to return damage to a person without risk.

I told the client what her troubles were, explained where they came from, gave advice on how to behave, and also recommended checking the feather beds and pillows in the house. And it’s true: in the pillow Anna’s mother sewed there was an incomprehensible root. I advised them to look further, and they found a piece of dog skin, a frog skin, and a rope with knots. The evil mother-in-law tied Anna's happiness, her love, her luck, and her well-being into knots with black magic. However, it is not difficult to send the damage back on your own. But when serious problems you need to turn to magic.

The treatment was difficult for my husband: day by day his health worsened, in his sleep the man sweated and moaned, and doctors diagnosed a pre-infarction condition. The mother-in-law's neighbors reported that the woman was taken away in an ambulance. But after completing the course of sprinkling with enchanted water, the husband’s condition immediately improved, and the mother-in-law recovered. Of course, she turned pale, lost weight, and became haggard.

Knowing how to return the damage back, I helped Anna maintain peace in the family. After that incident, the husband didn’t even look to the left, and the children were convinced that the grandmother’s instigations could not be trusted. The woman saved the newborn child, his ill health soon went away completely. But Anna did not wish her mother-in-law harm, she was only saving her life and her family. Therefore, the rollback did not overtake her. If things had turned out differently, if she had wished evil on her mother-in-law, if she had behaved differently, the result would have been unpredictable.

Alena's story

Alena is another one good example how to organize the return of damage to the person who did it dangerous ritual. The woman worked at the post office and was not to the liking of one of the pensioners. She didn’t want to let Alena into the howling house, forcing her to count money in the entrance. Then a new rule came into force: pensioners are required to fill out their passport information themselves. The woman gave Alena a big scandal.

Three days later, the postwoman felt an unbearable itching in her chest on the left side. It felt like a hungry, greedy child was sucking out the juices. A strip stretched across the skin from the nipple to the armpit, and oval wounds without blood appeared below. Alena turned to her colleagues for help, and they sent her to me.

I know how to send damage to the one who did it and of course I helped her! The work was complex and was done over the course of four days.

A week later, a woman at work visited an unfriendly pensioner. Who opened the door for her elderly woman she looked completely different: in ten days she had sharply lost weight, was haggard, and her eyes were sunken. They had a chance to meet one more time, and at the sight of Alena, the previously calm old woman got scared and ran away.

How to avoid return?

Others say they don't believe in reverse action magic, supposedly nothing threatens them. Misconception not only does not reflect the truth, but is also life-threatening. Some people, even when faced with the reverse effect of the ritual, still do not believe how natural magic is. You can return damage by performing a protective ritual, craftsmen say.

This should completely protect the one who calls for help. dark matter. The secret is that the dark magician transfers the reverse effect to another person, to an animal and by other methods, and he does not receive a rollback from the spell.

There is a stereotype that you can return damage to a person if you wish to increase it, with the help of a dark magician, and the spell will be rolled back only if the sorcerer is afraid of such an outcome. But cynics and daredevils are protected from any feedback.

This opinion is widespread only among non-professionals and is fundamentally erroneous. A coward simply cannot perform the ritual. If a magician torments himself with thoughts about the consequences, he will not do anything that could provoke them. In practice, it is necessary to understand that a rollback can overtake anyone, it does not depend on personal qualities, but is determined by the approach to the spell.

Return Features

If you send damage to the one who did it, the energy blow initiated by the ill-wisher is returned to him. It will become a source of suffering for a certain period of time, determined by the strength of the spells and the professionalism of the participants in the witchcraft chain.

Having received an okat, a witch who understands what is going on does not wait for misfortune and illness to eat her up. She makes another return, trying to redirect the curse back to where it was first initiated. This option is the safest for the aggressor. But it is not so easy to make it a reality. The victim of damage knows that for the first three days nothing should come from the hands of strangers, and is wary of contacts and does not give anything to strangers. This limits the witch's field of action. And after this period, it is too late to redirect the curse.

How to send damage back to the person who did it? Carry out an invented rite, a ritual for this. You can redirect the redirected using the same method, and the witch who has felt the rollback organizes rituals, reads spells, trying to translate dark energy away from yourself. An experienced, skillful sorceress will cope with this task.

In the process, negativity accumulates. Sooner or later he will catch up with the spellcaster. Perhaps this will happen on her deathbed, where she will suffer for more than one month, or even more than one year, suffering from illnesses of the mind and body. The soul will also suffer; after death, the witch will face serious trials.

Returning damage using folk remedies

When protecting a house, it will be possible to return damage to a person if there is a lining under the threshold. This is something that in a normal situation there is nothing to do near the threshold:

  • nail;
  • salt;
  • needle;
  • candle;
  • pepper.

Lining is a sign of damage. It may not yet affect those living in the house, but over time it will manifest itself. You can prevent this by knowing how to return the damage back to the one who caused it. It's better to do this sooner rather than later.

When you see someone else’s dubious object, you must:

  • cross yourself 12 times;
  • cast a spell;
  • remove the lining without touching it with your hands;
  • burn along with what was used to take the item.

You cannot bring a questionable item into the house, otherwise the removal will become powerless.

Before occultly harming anyone, I advise everyone to think about sin of corruption. By wanting to do something bad to someone else, and also by trying to do magic yourself, you can learn for yourself all the “delights” of being spoiled by witchcraft. and return is not just words.

Moreover, there are special rituals that allow you to return damage to the one who did it. And don’t even think about flattering yourself with the hope that by turning to a witch or sorcerer to cast a spell on the enemy, you will remain safe, as the sorcerer does all this himself, and you have nothing to do with it. Nonsense. The sorcerer will deflect the blow from himself, but from you - that’s the question. In addition, there is a magical rule: the one who initiates it pays for damage. And he pays not only in money!

Independent rituals to return damage

People commit different sins. But for black witchcraft a person bears a heavy guilt, especially if a believer has taken upon himself the sin of corruption. The place is never empty: because of you, someone is suffering, but you too will suffer in due time.

  1. Rite one - reverse blow or return of damage

Pour salt into the frying pan so that the bottom is completely covered, draw a cross on the salt across the entire surface of the bottom with a fork. 4 parts are formed, and in each of them also draw a cross. Do this: counterclockwise, starting from the bottom right. Then place the frying pan on the stove over very high heat and heat for 15 minutes.

During this time, stir the salt in a circle with a fork and say a witchcraft spell to return damage: “As this salt is fried, so let (name) be fried.” Go away, my illness, my sorrows, go away, envy, hatred, evil witchcraft, to where you came from, to the slave (name). I do not burn salt, but my enemy. You did it to me (did it), and I give it to you. Amen".

Then take the charmed salt and pour it where the one who did you dirty usually walks.

  1. The second rite to return damage to the one who sent it

Take the liver of any animal and stick nine needles into it. Having inserted the first needle, say:
“This is for the one who had his eye on it!”

  • On the second needle say: “This is for the one who caused the damage!”
  • The third needle is spoken: “This is for the one who committed evil!”
  • On the fourth needle they say: “This needle will pierce the liver of my enemy!”
  • On the fifth needle they say: “This needle will press his tongue!”
  • On the sixth: “This needle will tame his evil thought!”
  • On the seventh they say: “Evil thought, come back to him!”
  • On the eighth: “Mortal force, return to him!”
  • On the last, ninth needle they say: “Black eye, close!”

Then this liver is wrapped in clean linen and buried in a dung heap or hidden near the home of the person to whom the damage is intended to be returned.

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  1. Rite three to return damage to the customer

This is an old working method from village magic. Once upon a time, using it, they recognized witches.

Milk is poured into a frying pan, put on fire and, when bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the milk, each of them is pricked with a knife, saying: “here’s in your eye”, “here’s in your head”, “here’s in your heart”, “here’s you at the feet”, etc.

This requires visualization. This method of returning damage to your enemy is suitable for those who know how to create mental images and hold them for a sufficiently long period of time.

  1. The fourth rite to return witchcraft damage to its initiator

Place a pot of water on the stove and wait for the water to boil. Seven handfuls of salt are thrown into boiling water, and for each handful they say: “As this water boils, so that everything boils inside you (the name of the one who caused the damage)! Salt in the eyes! I'll spoil your body! Amen".

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