Home Blanks for the winter DSLR or mirrorless, which is better? Pros and cons. DSLR cameras versus system cameras

DSLR or mirrorless, which is better? Pros and cons. DSLR cameras versus system cameras

Hello! We are in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Photographers never tire of discussing different types cameras, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. We will not bypass this issue either.

The article will logically include three sections: about mirrors, about system devices and, at the end, the advantages of both. Thus, the reader himself will be able to form his own opinion about the cameras and understand for himself that it is better to have a SLR or a system camera.

In one of the previous articles, we examined in more detail,. We will not dwell on this today.

Any digital camera equipped with main and auxiliary elements, the well-coordinated work of which ultimately forms the image.

In order for the camera to fulfill its purpose, it cannot do without a housing and an optical part with a lens system. There are several important blocks in the body: a shutter; sensor; processor, etc., and, what matters to us, a viewfinder.

It's in general outline about photographic equipment, and now in more detail on our topic.

DSLR device

In a SLR camera great importance has a mirror located closer to the shutter and directly mated to the eyepiece. The signal arriving at the mirror is reflected and hits the frosted glass, the collecting lens and pentaprism. Only after that we see the image through the visor.

Thanks to a complex device, an initially blurry and inverted picture can be observed in a normal, corresponding to reality.

Such a viewfinder is called a mirrored one, like the apparatus itself. I think it became obvious that DSLRs are complex in design and can be an order of magnitude more expensive than other models. Note that we only touched on one detail in DSLRs!

Specificity of system devices

Olympus, as well as Panasonic, pioneered the production of compact camera models that did not use mirrors in them. System devices are devices with a modular design, including a core and replaceable elements.

In system devices, light goes through the lens and immediately hits the photosensitive device. The viewfinder here, accordingly, is not a mirror, but a telescopic or electronic (additional display).

In the latter version, the camera's processor reads information from the matrix and displays it on the LCD in Live View mode, which is also available on DSLRs.

Despite the peculiarities of system cameras, most of them have good matrices, it is possible to make additional equipment. If earlier such cameras were single-lens, now this limitation has been overcome.

Comparison of cameras: focusing on the pros

We have considered the basic concepts, it remains only to talk about the advantages that cameras have. First, let's dwell on the mirrors:

  1. Reliability... Yes, SLR photography equipment is impressive in size, which can be inconvenient for a photographer, but it is still more durable and perfectly protected from dust and moisture.
  2. Frame... The body of a DSLR camera is designed to be comfortable to fit in the hand. For a good grip, they often have small rubber attachments.
  3. Accessories... Of course, here we can find everything that will be useful to us during the filming: different kinds filters and accessories, external flash etc. And not an insignificant fact - big choice lenses.
  4. Lots of functions... What can not be found in SLR cameras! Any genre of filming and embodiment can be available to you bold ideas, the main thing is to choose wisely.
  5. Large Matrix allowing you to take pictures and video in high definition.
  6. Working hours... A DSLR on its own battery can last significantly longer than a mirrorless camera.
  7. Price benefit... SLR cameras come in various levels of professionalism. And depending on your needs, you can buy either a very expensive and sophisticated one, or a budget option, combining reasonable cost and quality.
  8. Focusing... Users note the work of focus, the fact that it allows you to very quickly concentrate on the object. Also phase detection autofocus typical only for DSLRs.
  9. Viewfinder optics... As mentioned above, in SLR cameras, respectively, there is a mirror visor. Only this type of viewfinder displays the picture without negative changes and without delays.

You can guess that the opposite features will be highlighted in system devices.

Let's talk about them:

  • Small size and lightness... These properties allow system devices to be carried without special efforts and take with you on trips. In addition, they will always be close at hand, and you may not need a special bag.
  • Control... System cameras are more reminiscent of "soap boxes" and lack so many photographic capabilities in comparison with DSLRs, however, everything is easy in them. Many beginners pay attention to just such camera options because of the ease of handling them.
  • Matrix, only slightly inferior to mirror models in terms of quality.
  • Low price... Mirrorless cameras are often cheaper. Now progress does not stand still and more expensive rulers appear. They retain the same compactness, and the functions are significantly expanded: completely manual settings, shooting video of maximum resolution, etc.
  • Lack of a mirror... On the one hand, this is a minus, but on the other hand, due to the fact that the device is simpler, there is simply nothing to break in it. SLR cameras themselves often suffer from their mechanism: during operation, small vibrations from moving parts appear, but nevertheless affecting the photograph.
  • Replaceable components... Flash units, rings, etc. available for system cameras. There is an opportunity to change lenses, however, the choice is not as wide as that of DSLRs.

As you can see, both mirror and system models have their merits. After analyzing them and deciding on the goals of purchasing a camera, you can understand which camera is best for you.

If you have a mirror image and want to understand it in detail, the best video courses are for your attention. All my acquaintances and friends to whom I have recommended these courses, thank me to this day for their effectiveness!

My first MIRROR- for adherents of CANON.

DSLR for Beginner 2.0- for adherents of NIKON.

That's all for today. Goodbye, readers of my blog! Subscribe and don't miss anything important and interesting. Share with your buddies.

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

In the not too distant past, a reflex camerawas the only option for a person who was going to engage in photography professionally. The alternative was a "soap dish", which looked quite frivolous.

However, now on the market in huge amount there are mirrorless cameras capable of taking pictures High Quality and, moreover, not worth a lot of money, like "DSLRs".

Conservative photographers look at new technology with obvious disdain, arguing that it is nonsense to shoot professionally without a mirror. But are mirrorless cameras really bad?

What is the main difference?

A DSLR has a viewfinder based on a mirror. This is called an optical viewfinder (OVF). The mirror is placed in the device at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the photographer can see the real image, not digitized. It is called parallax-free sighting.

Through the lens, the picture enters the mirror, which reflects on pentaprism located at the top of the machine. The task of the pentaprism is to flip the image so that its orientation is normal. Without the pentaprism, the photographer would see the picture upside down.

Mirrorless devices do not have mirrors inside - they are equipped with electronic viewfinders (EVF). The photographer sees a digitally processed image and can immediately adjust brightness, contrast and other parameters. Paralax-free sighting is not available to the user of such a camera.

Mirrorless: Better or Worse than a DSLR?

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of camera, you need to consider their main characteristics.

Dimensions (edit)

It's worth starting with the obvious - with sizes... A mirror device, as a rule, has a massive body and a block protruding from above - it houses a pentaprism. Since mirrorless cameras do not have this unit, they will be lighter and more compact. A mirrorless camera can be hidden in a pants pocket, while a DSLR will definitely have to be worn around the neck. In terms of dimensions, we fix the defeat of mirror devices.

Over time, manufacturers manage to produce less and less bulky "DSLRs". Mirrorless devices have the opposite tendency - they are equipped with everything large quantity functions, so they "get fat". The difference in size is likely to be erased by the hand of technical progress in the coming years.


Mirror devices are different phase focusing - special sensors are used, which are located next to the pentaprism and examine the luminous flux.

Mirrorless devices use contrasting autofocus. This means that focusing is carried out at the expense of software after analyzing the image that fell on the matrix. Mirrorless cameras focus much slower than DSLRs, and not quite as accurately.

In some modern mirrorless models, phase sensors are installed on the matrices, but in terms of focusing speed, these devices are still inferior to "DSLRs".


Since SLR and mirrorless cameras have different designs, they also need different lenses.

There are much more lenses for SLR cameras - the owner of one of these cameras will definitely not be limited in the choice.

The owner of the "mirrorless", however, should not be embarrassed, because he can acquire adapter.

With the help of an adapter, it will be possible to install a lens from a "DSLR" on a device without a mirror. Whether this decision turns out to be reasonable is for the photographer to decide - his compact "mirrorless" with a large lens from a DSLR will most likely look ridiculous and turn out to be somewhat inconvenient to handle due to the shifted center of gravity.

Battery life

The use of the electronic viewfinder and display requires constant flow energy, and because of the compact size of the "mirrorless" it is impossible to install a high-capacity battery in it. Therefore, the owner of such a device is recommended to carry an additional battery with him everywhere.

Thanks to the mechanical design of the viewfinder, the DSLR does not need large stock milliampere. A budget SLR camera is capable of clicks from 800 shots on a single battery charge, and Nikon D4 - up to 3,000 shots. You can take a maximum of 300 photos with the "mirrorless" - then the device will need to be recharged.

Insufficient battery capacity of a mirrorless device is unlikely to be a problem for a city photographer (300 shots is quite a lot), but a traveler will definitely have to save power.

Shooting moment

At the moment the shutter is released on the "SLR", the pentaprism and the mirror are raised - a mechanical operation accompanied by vibration and noise. Some photographers are uncomfortable with the shaking of the device in their hands, while others, on the contrary, like to “feel life” inside the device. A DSLR is noisier than a mirrorless, but it's not an unambiguous advantage or disadvantage.

Some manufacturers have come as close as possible to eliminating the shutter noise of their SLR cameras. For instance, modern devices Nikon has a "quiet mode" - noise is reduced by slowing down the movement of the mirror.


The larger the sensor is in physical size, the higher the quality of shooting will be - especially in low light conditions. A large sensor with a lack of light provides a shallow depth of field and a rather pleasant bokeh (background blur).

"Mirrorless" in in this case suffer from their own compact dimensions - as a rule, tiny dies are installed in them.

Full-format matrices (full frames) are not yet used in mirrorless cameras- and this is one of the key arguments of the DSLR proponents. However, whether such a matrix is ​​needed for a novice photographer is a big question. Usually "DSLRs" with full frames are used only in exceptional shooting situations.


Mounting mirror mechanisms is not an easy task. A "DSLR" includes a lot of moving components - as a result, the assembly of the device must be as accurate as possible. The creation of a "DSLR" is a time-consuming process, and therefore the cost of the device turns out to be high.

A mirrorless device with approximately the same characteristics will have a more liberal cost, but this device cannot be bought for a song either. "Mirrorless" - still relatively New Product on the market, and new products always need high marketing costs. Ultimately, the buyer of a mirrorless camera has to pay extra for advertising the manufacturer.

Other characteristics

A photographer choosing between a DSLR and a mirrorless device should keep in mind the following aspects:

  • Reliability. "Mirrors", despite the fragility of the elements, are generally more reliable - many of them have dust and moisture protection. If the goal of the photographer is to take pictures of parkour classes or "hunt with a camera gun" for wild beasts in the desert, you should refuse to buy a "mirrorless".
  • Limiting the shooting speed. After each shutter release, the mirror rises in the DSLR. The operation is incredibly fast, but it still takes a certain amount of time. The record holder among DSLRs in this regard is Nikon D4. It is capable of shooting up to 11 frames per second. This effectively means that the mirror goes up and down in just 1 second, as many as 11 times! In slow motion, Nikon's high-speed frame rate looks like this:

However, mirrorless owners will not be impressed with the speed of the Nikon D4. Even the average mirrorless camera can shoot at 8-10 frames per second.

  • Air movement. Due to the movement of the mirror inside the camera, air moves - and with it dust and dirt. Mirror devices have to be cleaned much more often.


Buying a DSLR is advisable if:

  1. The photographer is going to take pictures of sports events. The mirrorless camera is not capable of focusing fast enough and therefore is not suitable for this task.
  2. The photographer is a naturalist and will take pictures wildlife... A “DSLR” can live a long time without an outlet - “in the wild” this is important.
  3. The camera will be used for shooting parkour and other extreme activities. From a design point of view, a "DSLR" is stronger than a "mirrorless".
  4. The photographer is engaged in studio photography. "Mirror" has an impressive size, and therefore it is easier for its owner to convince potential customers of their own professionalism.

You need to buy a “mirrorless” if:

  1. The budget is limited. Mirrorless devices are cheaper than SLRs with similar parameters, since they have a simpler design.
  2. The photographer is going to shoot parties. Mirrorless cameras are characterized by a high frame rate - therefore, the likelihood of getting great photo for burst above.
  3. It is important for the photographer that the camera is compact. "DSLR" have more substantial dimensions than "mirrorless", which is easy to hide in your pocket.

Even the luminaries of photography cannot come to a consensus about which camera is better - a DSLR or mirrorless. According to statistics, in 80% of cases, the owners of "DSLRs" resort to the mode LiveView- that is, they don't use a mirror at all. The use of a mirror is necessary if, for example, shooting takes place in sunny weather or if you need fast focusing.

In most other cases, you can get excellent pictures with a "mirrorless".

On the currently Sigma offers just one SD1 Merrill system SLR camera with SIGMA SA mount and APS-C format sensor. This year, two SIGMA SA compatible mirrorless cameras were announced with electronic viewfinders: sd Quattro (APS-C sensor) and sd Quattro H (APS-H sensor). Cameras differ in matrix size and resolution.

System and intersystem compatibility

As a rule, lenses of "senior" photo systems of one company can be successfully used with cameras of "junior" systems of the same company, but backward compatibility is always problematic. Attaching a full-frame lens to an APS-C DSLR camera does not require any accessories. The lens will work great and its focal length will increase by a crop factor value (1.6). Mounting a lens with a smaller field of view (designed for cameras with APS-C sensors) on cameras with a full-frame sensor is usually also possible, but a photo can show severe vignetting and image degradation up to its complete disappearance to the edge of the frame. Automatic or manual cropping helps to improve the result, cropping the edges of the frame and reducing the resolution of the picture.

Installing a lens from a mirror system on a mirrorless camera with a matrix of any size is a little more difficult. The focal distance of mirrorless cameras is less than that of SLR systems, therefore, for correct operation of the lens, a special adapter ring is required, an adapter that increases the distance between the lens and the photosensitive matrix.

To mount a DSLR lens on a Canon EOS-M mirrorless camera, use the MOUNT ADAPTER EF-EOS-M adapter.
The Mount Adapter FT 1 performs a similar function for the Nikon One system.

Sony's range of adapters is somewhat broader as the company has decided to equip its adapters with an additional fast autofocus translucent mirror sensor. The Sony LA-EA4 is a fast AF adapter for full frame mirrorless cameras, while the LA-EA2 is suitable for cameras with APS-C sensors. Sony also has conventional adapters without a mirror: owners of full-frame DSLR cameras need the LA-EA3, and for cameras with an APS-C matrix, the LA-EA1 will do.

The Olympus MMF-3 Four Thirds and Panasonic DMW-MA1 adapters will help you to match the optics from the 4/3 system SLR cameras with the Micro 4/3 mirrorless cameras. In addition, Olympus manufactures adapters that allow OM optics to be used with 4/3 (MF-1) and Micro 4/3 (MF-2) cameras.
The collaboration between Panasonic and Leica has resulted in adapters that allow Leica optics to be used with Micro 4/3 cameras. The Panasonic DMW-MA2 adapter allows you to mount Leica M lenses, and the DMW-MA3 mounts Leica R lenses.

The case when a company produces "native" adapters for using other companies' optics with their cameras is the exception rather than the rule. But independent manufacturers offer a lot of all kinds of adapters that allow you to install a wide variety of optics on cameras of all systems - albeit with certain functional limitations.

Help article based on expert opinion the author.

Updated: 03.08.2016 Oleg Lazhechnikov


Those who follow me in social networks, could already see that I had some kind of a revolution in my consciousness and I switched to a mirrorless camera. It was the Sony Alpha a6000. Unfortunately, the post was not paid for, since they did not answer me anything about my letter of cooperation, so I had to buy with my own money. But now the post is not about the camera, but the sensations after the transition, so Sony still has time to change its mind :)

Also, the post will not contain test comparative pictures, because I do not have a DSLR with me now, I did not take it to Warsaw. After all, initially everything was started in order to reduce weight, otherwise nothing fits into my hand luggage. In short, the mirrorless is a simple salvation!

Previously, I was completely skeptical of mirrorless cameras, they did not suit me in various parameters. But time passed, and now mirrorless cameras are technically not inferior to their mirror counterparts. It seems to me that a little more and nothing at all will remain from the class of amateur DSLRs, there will be no point in them. Although so far they are a good alternative because of the price, as mirrorless cameras are more expensive. Actually, therefore, for beginners, I would still recommend it, just because of the economy. But, if the question of price is not worth it, then you can safely take something Nex-like from Sony or other brands.

After I realized that technically I get almost the same camera (corresponding to my needs), the first place was taken by such a minus as ergonomics. Although I am not a reporter, you get used to the ease of control very quickly. Looking through the viewfinder, you can change settings in a split second by turning the various wheels blindly. Also, the Canon 7d camera focuses very quickly (and almost does not smear), instantly ready to work after turning on. It seems, you think, a split second, but it is difficult to abandon the usual, especially since the new camera is of a similar price category. It's like a phone, if it starts to slow down, and you wait for a few seconds to download an application, then such a phone starts quickly getting annoying. I was afraid of the similar here.

About six months ago, I played with the Nex-5 and Nex-6 (previous models) and I liked everything. Lightweight, compact, and good shots too. A6000 is even better, she has faster focus, more convenient control and menu. Therefore, before the next trip, I made a sharp decision (one day) and bought it, having received the box the day before before leaving. In fact, it was only at the airport that I used the camera for the first time.

Reasons for the transition

The main reason for the transition was that I was tired of carrying weights with me, and it was not possible to take something of a large volume with me. Even though I only have a Canon 7d carcass and two lenses 24-105 and 11-16 for it, I still came out with 2 kg. Plus, additional batteries, chargers, remote control, filters, tripod (1kg), that is, in total somewhere 3-4 kg minimum. My carry-on baggage the plane usually weighed under 10 kg along with a laptop and other things. In general, all this has ceased to fit normally with which I usually travel.

In the end, I just looked the truth in the eye and realized that I had not taken the whole set with me for a long time, since most often we all go somewhere together, and I also have Yegor's toys in my backpack, some kind of food, his clothes and etc. Or even, if I take a DSLR with me, it’s inconvenient for me to dig it out of my backpack, and I photograph it on my phone. This is no good.

The second reason for the transition is that I mostly have photos for my blog, and this is only 900px wide, sometimes more. For two years, I also printed a couple of times in total, and the size 15x20 does not require much. Thus, it is quite possible to reduce your requirements for a camera for every day (for a travel camera), not a wedding person.

What did I get

Weight Sony cameras a6000 with 18-105 lens about 0.9 kg. It seems, too, not a little, but still unusually easy. In addition, you can put a smaller lens, up to a small pancake, and you can even put the camera in your pocket. But while I'm not planning anything else, one lens is enough as a universal one. In fact, it covers almost all the focal lengths I need when traveling, only the width of 10-18 is sometimes not enough. Also, I will not buy any additional filters, remotes yet, and I will change my tripod to something completely miniature and light. In general, it turned out very compactly, I am satisfied, the main task is completed. It remains to sell a DSLR with accessories and just all purchases will pay off.

Camera crop 1.5, that is, the matrix is ​​the same size as I had. Shoots in RAW, then everything lends itself well to processing in Lightroom. The dynamic range seems to be good too, I will not say that I see a direct noticeable difference, to be honest, I don’t see it at all. ISO working up to 1600-3200, but 3200 is already noisy for me. The picture is nice, but different, the color rendition is different. The bokeh has changed.

In general, if not for the speed, then there are no complaints at all, even to ergonomics, because it is still rarely needed. But the speed is also solvable, you just have to remember to set the burst shooting mode, as the machine gun scribbles then.

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    Viktoria Zlata


    A large selection of interchangeable optics for all occasions is offered by manufacturers of SLR cameras. However, to carry a unit with two or three lenses, you will need a bulky bag.

    The large dimensions of SLR cameras are due to the presence of a power-driven mirror. It is housed in a special housing and directs the light falling through the lens to the optical viewfinder. When you press the shutter button fully, the mirror rises, freeing the way for the light falling on the sensor.

    The body sizes of DSLRs vary widely: there are both relatively small cameras (for example, the recently released Sony Alpha SLT-A55) and very impressive professional cameras like the Nikon D3s. The size of the lens must also be considered. Sometimes the photographer has to manipulate a two-kilogram device with a length of 30 cm.

    System cameras have half the size and weight. Affected by the lack of a mirror and an optical viewfinder, with which you can sight the subject through the lens.

    Instead, most system cameras are equipped with an electronic viewfinder. This is a small display that receives an image directly from the matrix. On Panasonic cameras, the viewfinder is built into the body; some manufacturers provide an external viewfinder for mounting in a shoe. This allows you to reduce the size and weight of the device.

    For comparison: the Sony Alpha NEX-3 weighs only 239g, the rather small Pentax Kr DSLR is about 600g, and the Canon 7D is as much as 820g. Lighter and more compact standard lenses are available for Panasonic (G series) and Olympus (PEN models) cameras. Micro Four Thirds. Most compact interchangeable-lens cameras, depending on the lens, weigh no more than 500g.

    Price question

    Separately, the apparatus and the lens are quite expensive, but when buying a so-called kit (kit), you can save up to 30%. For example, the Nikon D3100 kit + AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55 VR lens is available on average for 21 thousand rubles; when buying a carcass and a lens separately, the price will be approximately 24 thousand rubles. (18.5 thousand rubles + 5.5 thousand rubles). DSLR Canon EOS 550D (cost without a lens - 24 thousand rubles) complete with a lens with three times zoom (5 thousand rubles) is available at a price of 27 thousand rubles.

    The system camera Olympus E-P2 in a complete set without a lens costs about 25 thousand rubles; a set, including a lens with a 3x zoom, will cost about 12 thousand rubles. more expensive. The price of the lens separately is about 14 thousand rubles.

    A compact camera Panasonic LUMIX DMC-G2 with a lens of 14–41 mm can be purchased for 22 thousand rubles. And the models NEX-3 and NEX-5 from Sony, complete with a lens, are available at prices ranging from 15 and 19 thousand rubles. respectively.

    A set of a Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GH2 system camera and a 10x zoom lens is currently the most expensive among such devices - about 60 thousand rubles.

    Attention! The cost of additional lenses for relatively newer system cameras is generally much higher than for DSLRs. For example, a 10x Panasonic H-VS014140E telezoom costs 35 thousand rubles!

    More affordable third-party products for system cameras are in most cases absent - while for DSLRs a 10x zoom lens from Sigma or Tamron can be purchased for less than RUB 10,000. Replacement Ricoh S10 24-72 mm F2.5-4.4 VC module with A 3x zoom lens and a 10-megapixel sensor for a Ricoh GXR camera will cost about 20 thousand rubles. And for a 50-mm Ricoh A12 50 mm F2.5 lens with a fixed focal length and a 12.3-megapixel matrix, you will have to pay about 39 thousand rubles.


    Both DSLRs and system cameras have many useful features and automatic modes. However, the situation with outbreaks is not the same. In DSLRs, the flash is built into the body; Among compact cameras with interchangeable lenses, only the G1, G2, GH1 and GH2 models from Panasonic have such a design. All other system cameras require an external flash.

    With system cameras, it is often impossible to use the viewfinder and flash at the same time. Interchangeable-lens compacts are capable of displaying subjects on the LCD; however, modern models of SLR cameras are not without this ability.


    Even a beginner can control both types of cameras. In SLR cameras, the subject of photography and the selected parameters are extremely clearly and clearly displayed in the optical viewfinder. The electronic viewfinders of the system cameras exhibit lower image quality. But they have a number of useful additional functions.


    All system and modern SLR cameras allow you to shoot video, including in HD quality. Panasonic GH2 and Sony NEX-5 models record videos in Full HD-resolution (1920х1080 pixels), the rest record videos with a resolution not exceeding 1280х720 pixels. Modern DSLRs, with the exception of the Pentax K-r, are capable of shooting Full HD video. However, some of them are not fast enough in auto focus mode.


    SLR cameras demonstrate best quality images - however, system models are inferior to them only slightly. Due to the fact that the matrices of both types of cameras are almost 10 times larger than the matrices of conventional compacts, it is possible to take photos even in low light conditions with very low level noise.

    Depth of field (DOF) changes by increasing or decreasing the size of the aperture. And with a large selection of interchangeable lenses, the right focal length can be matched to any shooting condition. Inexpensive compact cameras do not stand up to the competition in this regard: their photographs are usually less detailed and contain more noise.


    Minus. The size. DSLRs are the largest cameras: body dimensions without a lens can reach 150x160x90 mm. The smallest model is the Canon EOS 550D.A plus. The size. System cameras are almost half the size of DSLRs. They owe their modest dimensions to the absence of a mirror mechanism in the design.
    Minus. Weight. Depending on the model total weight cameras with a lens can reach 2 kg. The lightest camera (body only) is currently the Sony SLT-A33 at 433g.A plus. Weight. Many system cameras, including the lens, weigh less than 500g. Ricoh's GXR model is the lightest at just 160g.
    A plus. Equipment. Modern SLR cameras have all the main automatic modes shooting and manual settings. And thanks to the Live View function, sighting of the object can be carried out not only through the optical viewfinder, but also through the LCD display.Minus. Equipment. Various scene programs, manual settings and the ability to change lenses open up great opportunities for the owner of a system camera. The electronic viewfinder on some models is built into the camera body; it displays subjects less clearly than optical.
    A plus. Lenses. Each manufacturer has a large selection of lenses in their arsenal. Third-party manufacturers such as Sigma and Tamron supply additional low-cost lenses.Minus. Lenses. Mostly lenses from the camera manufacturers themselves are commercially available. They are often quite expensive. The first low-cost lenses from third-party manufacturers are promised to be released this year.


    Both DSLR and system cameras provide excellent image quality while providing multiple manual settings... And they cost almost the same. Anyone who is the proud owner of an analog SLR camera is advised to purchase a digital SLR. Showing loyalty brand name, the photographer will most likely be able to still use the lenses they have.

    However, there are some functional limitations of the autofocus mode, and system cameras are ideal for beginners and aspiring compact owners. They are easy to operate and have many useful features, such as an intelligent automatic scene selection system. In addition, the small and lightweight camera is comfortable for the owner and invisible to others.

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