Home Perennial flowers Washing a newborn boy under the tap in the maternity hospital. How to wash a newborn boy? Anatomical aspects and rules of intimate hygiene. Main stages of the procedure

Washing a newborn boy under the tap in the maternity hospital. How to wash a newborn boy? Anatomical aspects and rules of intimate hygiene. Main stages of the procedure

Since the protective systems of the newborn’s body are not yet working stably, young parents must provide their baby with good care and the cleanliness of both his skin and the things surrounding him. To prevent your baby from developing diaper rash, irritation and other skin problems, you need to carry out hygiene measures in a timely manner throughout the day.

How should intimate hygiene be performed for a newborn girl and how to properly wash a newborn boy? What else should you pay attention to when caring for babies every day?


Hygienic education should begin during infancy. Every morning should begin with mandatory procedures; repeating them daily will teach your child to cleanliness. When your baby gets older, when he wakes up, the first thing he will do is go to the bathroom to wash himself, brush his teeth and freshen his genitals.

Before you start washing your baby, you should prepare for the procedures. Your nails should be cut so as not to injure the baby, and your hands should be washed clean with soap. Place in the bathroom in advance all the items necessary for morning procedures.

Washing a newborn's eyes

  • Washing should be done with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water and wrung out;
  • It is not recommended to use ordinary cotton wool for procedures, since fibers from it can get into the baby’s eye;
  • You need to wipe the baby’s eyelid, moving from the outer corner to the inner one;
  • use a new cotton pad for each eye;
  • If your baby has a lot of discharge from the eyes, you can use chamomile infusion or weak tea leaves for daily wiping.

Nose care

While the baby is sleeping, mucus accumulates in his nose, which should be removed in a timely manner.

For removing liquid discharge use cotton wool pads that are moistened in vegetable oil. Dry crusts in the nose should first be soaked by dripping a little sea salt into the passages.

Cotton buds should be carefully inserted into the newborn's nose. rotational movements, this method allows the mucus to collect all the mucus from the walls of the nasal passages.

Ear care

Infants should not clean their ears by inserting a cotton swab into the ear canals.. Caring for a newborn's ears will consist of wiping the auricle and areas behind it with cotton pads soaked in boiled water and wrung out. If it seems to you that not all wrinkles are cleaned this way, you can use soft cotton swabs with limiters for this procedure. How to clean children's ears is discussed in detail.


The newborn's face should also be wiped with cotton swabs or pads soaked in boiled water. When your child gets older, you can wash him with warm tap water. Facial care should also be done after eating, since milk left on the lips can cause skin irritation.

Umbilical remnant

Another temporary daily procedure that you will need to perform in the first days of your baby’s life is. Using hydrogen peroxide, you should soak the dried crusts and remove them with a cotton swab, and then dry the wound. It is better to treat the umbilical residue with brilliant green. As a rule, it heals on the 10th day of the baby’s life.


Daily bathing is very beneficial for the baby. Such care not only helps to maintain the cleanliness of his skin, but also hardens, improves blood circulation and protective properties skin, develops nervous and muscular system baby.

Prepare for swimming:

  • baby bath;
  • rinsing ladle;
  • water thermometer;
  • sponge;
  • towel or flannelette diaper;
  • products for baby's body and hair.

You should also prepare in advance the place where you will dress your baby after water procedures. Cover the changing table or bed with oilcloth and cover it with a flannelette diaper on top. Place a new diaper, clean, ironed clothes for your baby to sleep in, and skin care products nearby.

  1. Bathing should be done daily.
  2. You need to bathe your baby at the same time before the last feeding and bedtime.
  3. At first, you need to bathe a newborn in cooled boiled water; later, you can take an “adult” bath and use a children’s ring around the neck for water procedures.
  4. Before putting your baby in the bath, measure the temperature of the water in it using a water thermometer - it should be 37 degrees.
  5. During bathing, support your baby so that his ears and head are above the water.
  6. You only need to wash your baby using shampoo and other products once a week; on other days, just wash the baby with water, because if you wash it frequently with shampoo and foam, this can dry out the skin and cause peeling.
  7. When soaping the baby's body and head, make sure that the foam does not get into his eyes or mouth.
  8. To rinse the baby, it is convenient to use a ladle or jug ​​with pre-prepared water at a comfortable temperature.
  9. The duration of baby water procedures at first should be 5-7 minutes.
  10. Decoctions of herbs or oak bark can be added to bathing water to soothe irritated skin.

At the end of bathing, wrap your newborn in the prepared diaper or towel and take him to the room. Gently blot his body so that all the moisture is absorbed into the fabric. Particular attention should be paid to folds on the limbs and groin. After drying, it is recommended to lubricate them with baby cream to prevent diaper rash.

Washing up children

But morning and evening water procedures are not enough for a baby. Parents should wash their newborn during each diaper change to remove traces of body fluids and feces from his skin. Intimate hygiene of a newborn is very important point care At the same time, the methodology for carrying out procedures is different for the weaker and stronger sex. Parents should know how to wash a newborn girl and how to wash a newborn boy, because with improper care you can infect your daughter and damage an important organ to your son.

How to wash a girl

You can cleanse your girl's skin of bodily fluids and feces using wet wipes. Of course, this is a very convenient method, but pediatricians, and with them many experienced mothers, believe that only water can completely and well refresh the baby’s skin.

If you don’t know how to properly wash your newborn, you’re afraid to do it alone, or you don’t have the opportunity to do it in the bathroom, then you can use wet wipes:

  • put the girl on the diaper and unfasten the diaper;
  • lift the girl’s legs and wipe her bottom with a damp cloth, and then remove the diaper;
  • thoroughly wipe all the baby’s folds, moving from the genitals to the butt;
  • The inside of the labia should be wiped only if feces have got there;
  • let the girl’s skin dry or blot it with a clean diaper;
  • Lubricate the girl’s dried folds and skin with baby cream; if the baby experiences dryness or flaking, use moisturizing oil.

The girl needs to be washed strictly from front to back, from the pubis to the butt, so as not to introduce crumbs of infection from feces into the genitals.

Washing under the tap

  1. Turn on the water in the bathroom and make sure the water flow is at a comfortable temperature.
  2. You can prepare the girl for the procedure in advance by removing her diaper in the room and, if necessary, removing feces from the skin with wet wipes; or you can undress the child directly in the bathroom.
  3. Take the girl in your arms so that she is face up, holding her with one hand, and wash her with tap water with the other.
  4. If the girl has not pooped, then it is best to refrain from using soap, since if you use it often, it can dry out the skin; for hygiene it is enough to simply wash the genitals and butt with water.
  5. After washing, gently pat the skin with a towel and use skin care products.

How to wash a boy

Preparing for the procedure, directly washing and caring for the skin of boys is somewhat different from the hygiene of girls. In small representatives of the stronger sex, urination can occur several times and almost always in the air. Therefore, before washing a newborn boy, when changing a diaper, it is recommended to cover his genitals with a diaper or hand so that the baby, you and the changing area do not get splashed with physiological fluid.

The hygiene of newborn boys allows the use of wet wipes to clean and refresh the skin when changing a diaper:

  1. Wipe the genitals and skin on the boy's bottom with napkins.
  2. Pay special attention to the inguinal folds and genital area.
  3. With a new napkin, gently wipe the boy's testicles and penis.
  4. When washing the boy with wet wipes, do not move the skin on the head of the penis.
  5. When applying baby cream, do not directly touch the penis itself.

In general, the hygiene of a newborn boy is not as strict as that of girls. Due to the structure of the genital organs, it makes no difference how to hold a newborn when washing under the tap. You can wash it in any direction, it’s a matter of your convenience.

With the birth of their first son, many mothers are surprised to discover that his “dignity” still bears little resemblance to the adult “original.” And they are puzzled by the question: how to properly care for a tiny penis so as not to damage the delicate “instrument”, but at the same time provide the baby with adequate and regular care for the intimate area? We'll show you how to properly wash your boy to avoid problems in the future...

Correct intimate hygiene for boys, especially babies under one year of age, in our time is based on the principle of non-interference. In other words, the more delicate and calm you behave during the washing procedure, the more “safe” and strong you will be. man's health your son.

Hygiene for boys: the principle of isolation

Before telling how to properly wash a boy (including a newborn baby), it makes sense to explain to mothers what the organ is that they will have to take such careful care of.

So, the penis of a newborn boy is designed in such a remarkable way that it is almost completely isolated from outside world- the foreskin closes tightly over the head of the penis and does not allow bacteria or any foreign objects to penetrate inside and harm the baby’s health.

Under the foreskin, a special lubricant is produced - the so-called smegma - which has a high antibacterial property and neutralizes those bacteria that have penetrated the skin.

In addition, the so-called “sheet” of the foreskin in infants is much more elastic than in adult men - since the elasticity of the skin in this area (that is, the ability of the skin to stretch) depends on the level of sex hormones in the blood. The higher the level of hormones, the more plastic and mobile the foreskin. Accordingly, the more “frankly” she can expose the head of the penis. And babies have practically no these hormones. Therefore, there is no way to see the head yet.

But over time, the baby grows - the foreskin gradually separates from the outer edge of the head and becomes more mobile. And at this moment, many mothers and other relatives begin to make one of the main mistakes in the intimate hygiene of a boy - when washing their little one and his “dignity,” they pull back the foreskin in order to wash with soap something that should not be washed at all yet. .

How to properly wash a boy

Modern generally accepted recommendations from pediatricians around the world say something like the following: procedure intimate hygiene for a boy (from the moment of birth until puberty) should be reduced to the ritual of daily external washing with baby soap. And you don’t need to do anything else!

Let us explain: external washing is washing the genitals only from the outside. And it in no way implies any attempts, even rare ones, to penetrate the boyish “holy of holies,” namely, under the tender foreskin, and “put things in order there.” Firstly, such an invasion on your part can be dangerous and traumatic for the child, and secondly, it is useless to “clean up” under the foreskin of a baby - tightly closed skin, which is partially not even separable from the head of the penis, reliably protects the penis the boy's organ from external pollution.

Finally, let's remember about smegma! If you pull off the delicate skin on the baby’s penis at every opportunity and rinse intimate area with soap or any other cosmetic products - then you will not leave a trace of the valuable antibacterial lubricant that forms under the foreskin as a protective barrier... And this is like saying “Welcome” to bacteria and infections.

Let us clarify once again: in order to properly wash a boy, you do not need to pull anything away from him, tuck or bend him, and then soap, rub and rinse. No need at all once again even touch his penis with your hands. The less you touch it, the healthier and more well-groomed it will be.

So, how to wash the boy:

  • During the day, we wipe with wet baby wipes in case the baby “piled” in the diaper or in the potty.
  • During nightly bathing, we wash the outside of the genital organ with warm water and soap, rinse well and don’t touch anything else with our hands!

Even if your baby needs to undergo any tests (for example, a urine test), this does not require any special preliminary cleansing procedure. Any sensible laboratory technician is able to understand that in the analysis of, for example, a one-year-old boy, it is quite acceptable and increased content bacteria, and mucosal cells, etc. For this purpose, in fact, it is written on the form in mandatory age and gender of the patient.

If you notice some “contamination” under the foreskin

So, over some time (on average from 1 month to the first 3 boyhood years), the foreskin gradually “peels off” from the head of the penis, acquiring a certain mobility. This process is accompanied by the death of cells in the inner layer of the foreskin and the outer layer of the head of the penis.

These cells are not “thrown out” immediately, but gradually accumulate under the foreskin, forming whitish clumps together with smegma. This is not dirt! It's not dangerous or scary. Gradually, these clusters of “outdated” cells move “towards the exit” and are separated when the boy pees.

In no case should you try to remove these whitish accumulations of cells with any special manipulations, supposedly for the purposes of cleansing and hygiene. For these purposes, on the contrary, they are located under the folds of the foreskin. Let us remember that smegma has antibacterial properties.

My boy has phimosis. What to do?

Often, during one of the routine examinations, the pediatrician (or surgeon), having examined in detail the “causal site” of the baby boy, announces to the mother that her boy has phimosis. What is this and should I worry about it?

Phimosis- this is a situation in which exposure of the head of the penis is difficult or impossible.

In the first month of life, the vast majority of newborn boys have phimosis. And doctors do not react in any way to his “presence”, because only in the second month the head of the penis just begins to open, but even then - only in 4 boys out of a hundred. Closer to the year, some doctors, as a rule, announce to the mother that the boy’s glans penis still does not open, but ask him not to worry too much. After three years, some pediatricians (usually surgeons) no longer just present this information, but often advise the mother to specifically retract the foreskin, thus allegedly “training” it.

It is worth keeping in mind that such advice in our time is regarded by modern progressive pediatricians not only as ineffective and meaningless, but also potentially traumatic.

Dr. O.E. Komarovsky: “In modern medical practice, in all pediatric associations and communities without exception, this manipulation has long been recognized as unnecessary, incorrect and traumatic. But often there are still doctors, probably respected and experienced, but at the same time conservative, who still advise some mothers to mechanically retract and spread the foreskin of their young sons, supposedly “for training purposes.” Alas, it is precisely such training that sometimes ends in serious injury.”

By severe trauma, the respected Dr. Komarovsky means the condition of paraphimosis - a kind of pinching of the head of the penis, which often leads to necrosis and amputation. But more on this a little further.

So, phimosis in boys occurs in two types:

  • 1 Physiological phimosis(that is, normal, natural and passing on its own over time). Age limit physiological phimosis - the end of puberty. It's pretty long term, on average up to 15-17 years. That is, during all these years, at any moment, physiological phimosis can disappear in a boy by itself.
  • 2 Pathological phimosis(which is already considered by doctors as a disease) has nothing to do with babies and little boys in principle. Pathological phimosis is a condition of the penis in which it is still impossible to expose the head even though the amount of sex hormones in the body is already sufficient. This diagnosis can only be given to a teenager, namely a guy who has already experienced puberty.

If, during your next scheduled examination, the surgeon told you that your little boy has phimosis, you should not panic and sadly imagine a lonely old age without grandchildren. He didn't tell you anything bad! Phimosis in newborn boys is a universal phenomenon, at the age of up to one year it is extremely common, and until puberty it is completely normal. So don’t worry about your little one and his “pistol”, nothing bad has happened to him yet...

Why is this happening? The fact is that in utero, while the baby is forming and growing in the mother’s womb, the head of the penis and the foreskin develop as a single organ, that is, the foreskin does not move at all. When a boy is born, the head of the penis cannot be seen in principle - it is under the cover of the foreskin, closely fused (for now) to the organ itself.

And only over time, gradually, the foreskin begins to “peel off” from the penis, acquiring mobility and some elasticity. This happens to every boy - at his own time, for some - in the first month of life, and for some - only during puberty under the influence of hormones. Regarding the approximate time frame for physiological phimosis to “go away,” there are official medical statistics:

  • in 4% of newborn boys, phimosis disappears in the first month of life;
  • in 50% of boys it disappears at the age of 1 year;
  • in 90% - under the age of 3 years;
  • in 92% - at the age of 5-7 years;
  • 97% - at the age of 12-13 years;
  • in 99% - during the period of completion of puberty (15-17 years);

And only in 1% of boys does physiological phimosis develop into pathological form. But even in this case there is no reason to sound the alarm. In 95 cases out of a hundred (which make up this one “unfortunate” percent), the problem can be completely eliminated with the help of special ointments that contain sex hormones. The remaining five undergo various procedures involving mechanical stress. And only in the last, extreme case, they resort to surgical intervention. Statistically, this figure is equal: on average, 1 boy whose phimosis has not gone away and by the age of 17 - per 2,000 of his gender peers in whom phimosis has successfully disappeared.

Modern, reputable doctors, like Dr. Komarovsky, urge mothers not to listen to conservative opinions and advice, and not to invade the intimate area of ​​​​their sons - either for the purpose of careful hygiene, or in order to forcibly stretch and retract the foreskin. Each boy's glans penis "ripens" and begins to open at its own time, and your forceful intervention can lead to infections and paraphimosis (more on this below) - a traumatic situation that sometimes leads to amputation of the organ.

Are you really ready to take risks now?

Paraphimosis and other disasters: in what cases is medical help necessary?

So, if a boy does not have any problems with urination, nothing is inflamed, does not hurt or itch, then his genital organ does not require any procedures other than the usual daily washing with warm water and soap. And this is regardless of whether the head of his penis opened at the age of one year or not yet.

However, there are situations in which qualified medical assistance is needed. And the sooner you show them the boy, or more precisely, his penis, the better. These situations include:

  • It is difficult (difficult) for a boy to write;
  • The boy hurts when he pees;
  • The sexual organ has external signs inflammation - redness, swelling, pain and itching;
  • And the most potentially dangerous situation is the state of paraphimosis.

Paraphimosis is a condition in which the foreskin is pulled back too far, exposing the head of the penis, slips off and compresses the head at the base. The head of the penis begins to swell instantly, worsening the situation every minute.

The condition of paraphimosis in children most often occurs precisely in those cases when the mother or one of the boy’s relatives begins to “train” the foreskin and pulls it too much.

If you do not take immediate “rescue” action during paraphimosis, the head of the penis may die - tissue necrosis will lead to amputation.

To avoid paraphimosis in a boy:

  • 1 There is no need to pull anything away from your baby or train anything.
  • 2 If paraphimosis occurs, squeeze the head of the penis (the more it swells, the more severe the consequences of the injury) and apply cold to the penis: ice, cold water, frozen fish from the freezer - whatever you want, as long as it quickly cools the groin area and the genital organ itself. In the cold, the head of the penis will shrink slightly and it will be possible to “adjust” the foreskin in place. If this manipulation fails, grab the child and rush to the surgeon. This is truly a very dangerous situation in which every minute counts. If you managed to successfully return the foreskin to where it should be on your own, then in this case it would not be a bad idea to see a pediatrician.

What does a mother need to know about the physiology of a newborn baby?

The genital organs of a newborn boy, which are visually visible, are:

  1. The scrotum is a small “pouch” that contains the male appendages and testicles.
  2. The penis is covered with the thinnest moving skin. The skin that is located at the edge, near the head, is called the foreskin.

When a boy develops in utero, the foreskin completely covers the head of the penis. After the birth of a child, everything remains unchanged, the foreskin is connected to the head by special cells that seem to glue them together. This is a normal developmental process for a newborn boy. With age, these cells die, releasing the head. Their mother can notice them, since they come out along with urine in the form of white grains; they are also called baby smegma. Typically, the head opens between 3 and 5 years of age.

This structure of the genital organs puts many mothers in difficulty, because they do not know how to care for a small penis and foreskin so as not to harm or injure the organ. Let's try to figure out how to wash a newborn boy correctly, so as not to cause him microtrauma.

How to wash a newborn boy? Nuances of the procedure

As we have already found out, boys should be washed “in a special way.” There are also differences in washing a child by age. Let's look at them in more detail.

How to wash a newborn boy up to one year old?

Initially, a towel for wiping, a clean diaper, and, if necessary, baby cosmetics are prepared. Then open the tap and do warm water for washing. Water of 34–37 degrees is considered comfortable. The child should be placed in your arm. The baby's buttocks should be in the palm of your hand, and the head should be at the elbow. You will learn how to hold a newborn from the article:. Bring the child to a tap with running water and a free stream and adjust the stream to contaminated areas. Movements of the parent's hand should be made from the front to the buttocks. This direction of washing will help prevent feces from getting on the baby’s genitals. Using gentle movements, wash the penis, testicles, adjacent folds, and then the anus.

After the procedure, you should blot your genitals with a dry towel in the same order. Leave your baby to enjoy the “freedom” for a few minutes. Afterwards, if necessary, use baby cosmetics or put on a diaper.

Intimate hygiene for a one-year-old boy?

The method for washing a boy after one year differs from the above recommendations. The child has already grown significantly and can stand independently. This makes it much easier for mom. The genitals have also grown and are no longer so tender. You can wash your baby in the bathtub or shower stall using a shower. The boy's genitals are washed in the shower in the morning and evening. Also, this manipulation should take place after each act of defecation. At 3–4 years old, teach your child personal hygiene, let him try to wash his genitals on his own.

How to wash a newborn boy? General hygiene rules

The basic requirements for a boy’s intimate hygiene include: wash them daily, do not overheat the genitals (do not steam them in a diaper). But, besides this, there are several more rules for caring for a newborn boy. Here's what they sound like:

  1. When changing a diaper, it is necessary to wash it.
  2. Baby soap is used in exceptional cases when running water cannot wash off the remains of bowel movements.
  3. When washing, you should make sure that particles of feces or soap (if you wash with soap) do not remain in the folds of the foreskin.
  4. You should wash your penis and testicles very carefully. The penis should be held at the base to avoid damaging the delicate foreskin.
  5. The child must have his own towel or diaper for drying.
  6. When wiping, simply blot the skin, folds, and organ. Do not rub under any circumstances.
  7. When using children's cosmetics, apply it only to the scrotum, folds around the organ, and buttocks. Cream and other products should not be applied to the penis.
  8. The use of sanitary baby wipes is allowed only in cases where it is not possible to wash the child.

Do I need to retract the foreskin when washing my baby?

The answer to this question is twofold.

  1. Firstly, as already noted, the foreskin is attached to the glans by special cells that gradually die off. Any interference or forceful delay may lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, many experts advise not to “touch” this part of the penis until the head appears completely. The only permitted manipulations are rinsing under running water.
  2. The second opinion says that since the adhesive cells die off, they should be removed. To do this, once a week the foreskin is carefully pulled back and the white lumps from the glans are washed off under running water. You can also carry out the procedure with a tampon soaked in Vaseline oil, but you just need to make sure that the lint from it does not remain in the folds, since inflammation can result from negligence. Lathering or rubbing the head is prohibited. Also, you should not remove remnants of smegma with cotton swabs for the ears or with your hands.

A few words about the clothes boys should wear

As already mentioned, overheating of the genitals in childhood can lead to irreparable consequences at an older age. Therefore, in addition to the rules telling how to wash a newborn boy, it is necessary to take care of his clothes.

At two years old, children are usually switched to panties, giving up diapers. Now main question How to choose the right panties for your baby? A prerequisite for underwear– natural fabric. Also, panties must be selected according to size so as not to press on the genitals. You need to wash baby clothes with baby hypoallergenic powder or laundry soap. More details on how to care for your baby's clothes are described in the article:.

When should you sound the alarm?

As you know, parents do not want their children to get sick. Therefore, in order not to miss or trigger the disease in a newborn, you need to know the possible symptoms for which it is better to consult a doctor:

  • pain or difficulty urinating;
  • redness of the upper flesh;
  • swelling of the edge of the penis;
  • injury during hygienic treatment;
  • rash in the genital area, make sure it is not an allergy. More detailed information you will find in the article: .

The doctor will examine the symptoms that appear and prescribe adequate treatment. Now knowing the rules of how to wash a newborn boy, you will cope with the task of intimate hygiene, while teaching your child cleanliness in these matters.

Author of the publication: Nikita Rybakov

A newborn baby, no matter what gender it is, requires careful hygienic care. In addition to swimming, great importance Daily washing is essential for the health of the child's future reproductive system. This procedure differs in children different genders. Since morphology reproductive organs girls assume greater vulnerability to pathogens, mothers are concerned about how to properly wash their newborn girl. After all, the familiar vaginal environment will be formed much later, and since the girl’s mucous membranes are very delicate, the hygiene process is very important.

First let's look at general rules intimate hygiene for newborns. To contain infant clean, you will need to know the basics of care regarding hygiene procedures and important points related to this:

  1. Changing diapers or nappies;
  2. Daily washing;
  3. Safety conditions;
  4. Accessories for bathing and washing;
  5. Care about skin baby.

Diapers and nappies, whether they are reusable or designed for single use, should be changed at least once every 2-3 hours. Moreover, every time after a bowel movement or Bladder It is necessary to wash the child. It is recommended to wash newborn babies with boiled warm water, especially if they have particularly sensitive skin, and also until the belly button has completely healed. You can wash your child’s genitals with running water only after a month or more.
Throughout the day, along with changing clothes after the baby has pooped, it is necessary to wash him. If you peed, you can wipe it with gauze, or swabs and cotton wool pads soaked boiled water.
The water must be warm, not below the temperature human body, for measurement, devices intended for this purpose are taken. You should know that too hot, as well as very cold water, is harmful to the newborn.

Before washing, the parent is obliged to completely protect the child by carefully washing her hands with any hygiene product.

Soap is used to wash the baby extremely rarely, mainly when he poops. It is advisable to choose a hypoallergenic composition that does not contain foreign additives, fragrances, or dyes. It is better if this product is specially made for use in infants. Let the soap be personal for each child. When severe contamination is not observed, it is advisable not to use soap again.

Using gauze and cotton wool, you can carry out intimate hygiene for your baby without running water. If the baby has grown, he should be washed, holding him securely or securing him in his hands, thus protecting him from falling. The baby's head should be in contact with the crook of the parent's elbow. The baby should be securely supported by the buttocks or thighs, carefully and lightly washing the genitals.
It is extremely important to wash off the remaining foam from the baby’s body, since its skin is too thin and is susceptible to redness and rashes of an allergic nature. Even for baby hygiene products.

How to properly wash a newborn baby girl

First-time mothers, who may not know some of the physiological characteristics of the girl, should not be afraid if they find a gray or gray coating on her genitals. white. In this way, the body creates a barrier for pathogenic bacteria to enter the skin and mucous tissues of the vagina. Subsequently, the discharge disappears on its own. It should not be removed, except in cases where the mucus is dense. It is clear that this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the child’s skin. Removal is carried out using a tampon and boiled water, and not immediately, but gradually, in several stages.
If a mother sees bloody discharge in the first week of a newborn’s life, this is not a reason to panic. This is how a small organism reacts to change hormonal levels after birth. But irritation, redness of the skin, pus and bad smell should alert parents. You need to ask the doctor to examine the baby soon.
Doctors specializing in pediatric gynecology recommend following all the instructions when washing your little girl:

  • The baby should be washed with boiled water until 14 days from birth;
  • The procedure does not require a sponge - improvised means can injure the delicate tissues of the child. The washing procedure is carried out by hand - the mother needs to cut her nails in advance and tidy up the skin of her palms and fingers so as not to scratch the girl’s organs;
  • For girls, the frequency of use of foams, gels or baby soap strictly limited - no more three times at 7 days;
  • Ordinary soap will not work either, as it contains a high percentage of alkali, which is harmful to the newborn;
  • Sometimes, for minor stains, baby wipes are used that do not contain alcohol or antibacterial and antiseptic additives;
  • The girl must have her own personal soft towel, intimate gel or soap;
  • After the procedure, the girl does not need to be immediately wrapped in a diaper or put on a diaper - to avoid irritation, the child should stay in the air for 4-5 minutes until she is completely dry;
  • After 10-14 days, when washing is allowed to be done under the tap, you should not wash the child in a basin or bathtub - this increases the risk of infection due to stagnant water.
  • Mom or dad needs to closely monitor the condition temperature regime water - at least 36 degrees.
  • It is important that foam and soap particles do not get into the baby’s vagina.

Before washing, you will need to prepare:

  • A diaper that has been boiled and ironed on both sides;
  • Clean diaper;
  • A soft towel that absorbs moisture well (preferably made from natural fabric);
  • Gauze towels, cotton wool accessories;
  • Talc, other preparations - creams, ointments to protect and maintain the normal condition of children's skin.

How to properly wash a newborn girl: sequence of actions:

  • The mother places the baby on a flat surface; this is best done using a changing table;
  • First, the stool is removed - this must be done carefully, since the entry of microbes between the labia is extremely dangerous;
  • After checking the temperature, the baby is placed on own hand, fixing it by the hips;
  • Washing is carried out only in one direction - from the labia to the anus;
  • Washing begins from the perineum, lips, and ends with the butt area;
  • The child is wrapped in a thick flannel diaper and the genitals are dried with a towel;
  • You cannot rub the skin, you can only blot it;
  • After 3-5 minutes, you can dress the child in fresh diaper;
  • In case of diaper rash, the skin is first treated with powder or baby cream.

Even if it is impossible to use running water, you can wash your child by heating water in a saucepan. The baby is placed on a straight surface and the same gauze and tampons are used.

How to wash a newborn baby boy under the tap

Most newborn boys have this physiological feature, as congenital phimosis - narrowing of the prepuce or foreskin, provided by nature as a barrier against contact with the head reproductive organ infections and pollution. Almost by the age of 6-7 years, this phenomenon goes away on its own and the head is freely exposed. Doctors recommend not to violate this situation, so washing the boy is done extremely carefully.

In general, the procedure is similar to that for girls. You will need the same set of accessories, disposable or reusable diaper, diaper, talcum powder for irritations. The process is not particularly difficult, but you need to try to ensure that the baby does not slip out of your hands.

How to wash a newborn boy under the tap? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the soiled diaper from the child;
  2. Lay the baby with his butt up and his face down, at the same time, hold him with your hand in the armpit area;
  3. First, the penis and scrotum are washed, but it is unacceptable to touch the prepuce;
  4. After washing, all folds of the genitals are gently blotted, the child is left naked for 3-4 minutes, after which a clean diaper is put on, or the child is swaddled.

The pediatric gynecologist advises not to touch the urethra and push back the boy’s preputial sac (foreskin) during the first 12 months, so as not to accidentally cause pathological disorders.
When it is not possible to use running water, you can carry out the event using gauze, moistening the material in a special lotion or prepared warm, boiled water.
First, attention is paid to the testicles, external organ, perineum, and then, raising the legs, the butt and anus.

Knowing how to properly wash a newborn girl or boy, new parents will prevent many troubles and health problems for their young children. Regarding how often it is necessary to treat the genitals of children of both sexes, we can answer that this is necessary during each change of diapers or nappies. The first month will be especially troublesome for mom and dad - about 10 or more times a day. But as the baby grows and matures, this amount will gradually decrease.

After the birth of a child, parents have to master many things, how to feed the child properly, how to wash diapers. When all this becomes clear, another question arises - how to properly wash a newborn. It is important to do it right hygiene procedures from infancy, because reproductive health in the future depends on this. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advice of experts.

What you need to know first

The washing technology will vary depending on the gender of the child. But some procedures must be performed regardless of gender:

  • Diapers should be changed every three to four hours. In addition, a new diaper is put on every time the child does his business, you cannot leave the child for a long time after that. Before changing a diaper or nappy, wash the perineum with warm water. clean water. For a newborn, it is better to use boiled water;
  • When you just change a diaper, then water procedures Not necessary, but still worth wiping the skin with a damp cloth. For these purposes, you can use a damp piece of cotton wool or gauze. You need to start wiping from the front and only then move back, so as not to stain the genitals of the newborn;
  • You should never perform intimate hygiene on a child with dirty hands. Therefore, hands are always washed before the procedure;
  • When you wash your child, you need to make sure that you are in a safe position. An adult can place the baby on his elbow, with his stomach touching the elbow. Hands hold the child's hips and buttocks to prevent him from falling. Washing occurs with the second hand. When the baby's genitals are just being wiped, you can do this right on the changing table. It is best to exercise this procedure together;
  • Parents should ensure that the water temperature is comfortable for washing, as it is too hot or too cold water the baby may cry. The temperature should be no more and no less than 36 degrees. You can check the temperature without a thermometer, using your elbow, lowering it into the baby bath. The sensations will tell you whether this temperature is suitable for the child or not;
  • Leave the child completely naked after washing for 10-15 minutes. This will be extremely beneficial for his skin.

How to wash a boy

The washing process is different for girls and boys. Parents need to know how to wash their newborn baby boy. In infancy, their genital organs have not yet fully formed. And the foreskin reliably covers the head of the penis, so in no case should it be pulled back when washing. If you do this, it may hurt the child. You just need to wash the boy’s genitals with warm water.

If you volunteer to clean, then you better first learn how to wash a newborn baby boy under the tap. To do this, you need to hold it on your elbow and wash it under running water under the tap. The child must be well secured in the arm to prevent him from falling. Don't forget to wash your hands before doing this.

Prepare everything you need after washing - diapers, napkins or towels, baby powder and other cosmetics. When we wash the baby correctly under running water, he does not experience negative sensations, but step-by-step instruction will help a young mother do this.

Washing algorithm:

  1. Remove the diaper on the changing table. Place a napkin there if your baby suddenly needs to pee.
  2. Wipe his butt with a napkin if he has done his business in diapers and his skin is stained with feces. Instead of napkins, you can use a clean piece of cloth or cotton wool soaked in baby oil;
  3. When the baby is naked, wipe the delicate organs with a tissue, front and back. Take him to the bath and wash his butt and genitals under running water.
  4. Place him correctly on the crook of your elbow with his stomach so that his butt hangs over where the end of his arm is. The head is located near the elbow bend. With your other hand, start rinsing from the front, where the perineum is, moving down to the sacrum.
  5. Turn the baby over on his tummy and wash the genitals - from the penis to the testicles.
  6. Sometimes it is impossible to wash a child under running water. In this case, wet wipes will help you. Wipe your butt first, remembering to move from the perineum forward. Then wipe the genitals using a clean napkin. Don't forget to wipe out the folds.
  7. When the baby is washed, dry him gently with a soft towel and leave him without a diaper for a while until he is completely dry.
  8. Use baby cream or powder to prevent the baby's skin from becoming irritated.
  9. Dress your child in a new diaper and clean clothes.

Proper washing will ensure the baby's health and protect him from the penetration of harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammation or infections. A boy's delicate organs need to be taken care of from infancy, so proper hygiene of a newborn boy is of utmost importance.

How to wash a girl

You should know that intimate hygiene for a newborn is no less important. After all, her health and ability to bear a child will depend on this. In infancy reproductive system too tender, easily destroyed by external harmful effects. In order not to remove the natural lubricant and not to disturb its alkaline flora, which protects against the penetration of bacteria, you should not wash the labia minora with soap or other liquid cleansers. Let's find out how to wash a newborn girl.

Action algorithm:

  1. The white coating that is found in the genitals serves for protection, so it does not need to be washed off. After a while there will be no trace of him.
  2. Frequent diaper changes are required. Every time you change an old diaper for a new one, you need to wipe the skin with wet wipes.
  3. Remember to wash your hands with soap before touching the girl's groin area. All things necessary for hygiene must be prepared in advance.
  4. Remove old diapers in a clean place. It is better to use a changing table for this, with a clean diaper laid on it.
  5. Use wet wipes to remove any remaining stool. Start wiping from the perineum, moving towards the tailbone. You should never get caught feces into the genitals. Folds are also wiped with damp wipes.
  6. Wash the girl with clean tap water without any additional cleaning products. If you don’t know about how to wash a newborn girl, Komarovsky talks about it best. All detergents wash away natural secretions and leave the genitals without any protection.
  7. Place the child on his tummy in the crook of his elbow, with his butt in the palm of his hand. This position will allow you to wash all the girl’s delicate places. You need to start washing from the pubic area, then move to the butt, and then wash all the folds of the legs.
  8. Always wash your baby from the bottom to the top, otherwise fecal residue may end up in other parts of the body.
  9. After washing, use a clean towel, but do not wipe your nose with it, just blot it dry. After the eclipse, keep the girl naked and can begin the following hygiene procedures.
  10. Lubricate the baby's delicate skin with baby cream or sprinkle with powder. Make sure there is no redness, and if there is any, change the product. If there is any irritation, consult a doctor.
  11. Take a clean diaper and underwear and dress the girl.

An algorithm of actions in pictures will help you learn how to properly wash a newborn girl under the tap.

Many mothers are interested in the question of how often to wash their baby. Usually this question is left to the discretion of the mother. But immediately after birth, this can be done as many times as the number of times the baby was fed.

To give the mother the opportunity to rest a little, other family members should be involved in washing the child. You must first teach how to do this so as not to harm the newborn.

Apply the powder separately from the oil, otherwise it will stick together and form a lump.

Diapers and clothes for the baby must be good quality, otherwise they will not sufficiently protect the baby from various types of harmful bacteria.

At night, intimate hygiene should also be observed, but there is no need to wash at this time of day, you can only wipe with wet wipes.

As for cleaning products, it is important to know what is best to take special means, intended for children. They do not contain any fragrances or harmful substances that can harm the baby's delicate skin. You can use such products only once a week, otherwise your child’s skin will be dry. Use a soft sponge, but never a hard sponge.

The child's clean things should be stored in separate place, separately from adults.

Newborn girls may have some red, pink, brown, beige discharge from the genitals. This is due to the work of hormones, so you should not be afraid of them. Children who are less than one month old also have white flakes on their genitals. The boy white coating on the genitals is washed off to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

After birth, babies' genitals may swell slightly, but this goes away after a few days, so there is no need to be afraid. It is better to inform your pediatrician about all changes in order to prevent further serious illnesses. Purulent discharge, which last several days, should alert you. Perhaps they indicate some inflammatory processes. You should not use any products to remove them at home. In this case, only pediatrician will be able to clarify the situation.

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