Home Potato A message on how to save our planet. Simple tips: How to save the planet. We burn environmentally friendly items

A message on how to save our planet. Simple tips: How to save the planet. We burn environmentally friendly items

We love to enjoy fresh air, admire sunsets and sunrises among natural spaces, and also drink water from clean sources under the canopy of trees. But our love for the planet sometimes cannot be expressed in anything else. And who, if not us, will help save our Earth?

Many people think that helping the environment requires some kind of large-scale plans and complex calculations. But in practice everything is simpler. If every person takes at least a small step to begin to solve this problem, significant changes will be noticeable within a year.

The following selection includes quite famous tips. But this small reminder can play a decisive role in saving the planet and become a good impulse for everyone who understands the importance of these simple actions.

1. Change the light bulbs

If every family in several countries replaced one conventional light bulb in their home with an energy-efficient one, the reduction in pollution would be equivalent to removing a million cars from the road.

In particular, LED lamps have low energy consumption, high strength, small dimensions and absolute environmental safety. Special conditions they do not require it, since their design does not contain mercury or other hazardous materials and substances. If the shade of light does not suit you, you can use such light bulbs in utility rooms.

2. Turn off your computer and electrical appliances at night

If you turn off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode overnight, you can save 40 watts of electricity per day. If waiting for your computer to boot in the morning annoys you, why not wash your face or drink a cup of coffee during this time? In addition, you can set your PC to turn on automatically a few minutes before you wake up.

The situation is similar with other electrical appliances - always turn off as many devices as possible.

3. Recycle glass

When glass is recycled, the level of air pollution is reduced by 20%, and the level of pollution water resources by 50%. Unrecycled glass will take millions of years to decompose.

4. Air dry your laundry

To do this, you only need a well-tensioned clothesline for drying clothes. Instead of a dryer washing machine Take advantage of natural heat and wind energy. Your clothes will retain their color and durability, and you will reduce your energy costs.

5. Go vegetarian once a week

Even one meat-free meal a week in your diet will benefit the planet and your health. After all, by the way, to produce 500 g of beef you need to spend 2500 liters of water.

6. Use both sides of the paper

American companies annually throw away about 21 million tons of paper per year: almost 80 kg per office worker. There is a very simple way to cut this cost in half - set your printer's default setting to duplex printing. You can also take the remaining leaves with one-sided printing home, where your children will paint them.

7. Buy less water in plastic bottles

Unfortunately, about 90% of plastic bottles are not recycled. Their decomposition will take thousands of years. An elementary way out - use 1 bottle several times, this will help preserve environment. In addition, it is economical and more useful, because you will use a reusable container good quality. Water filters for your home are a good opportunity to independently control the degree of water purification.

8. Shower more often than bath

Try taking a shower instead of a bath for a week. Most often you spend 2 times on a bath more water than while taking a shower. As a result, you will not only reduce your water consumption, but also your utility bills.

9. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth

Many people have this habit. Someone might have heard about this, but still doesn’t turn off the water when brushing their teeth. But in this way you will save about 19 liters of water per day.

The situation is similar with washing dishes: some stages do not require a constant flow of water. This should also be taken into account.

10. Plant a tree

A wonderful tradition. This will benefit the air, the earth and all living things. A tree will decorate any plot, and a beautiful tree with a large crown or fruitful one will even increase the value of the land when sold. You can start a tradition of getting together as a family once a year and planting one tree for each family member.

11. Used doesn't mean bad.

Try purchasing some items used. Known fact that children need to constantly change strollers, bicycles, roller skates, toys, etc. as they grow. In second-hand stores or through advertisements on Internet resources, you can usually find many things in excellent condition. And after some time you yourself will be able to sell them to someone else for a lower price.

12. Buy locally grown products

Think about how polluted our environment is just because food is brought into our stores from other regions and countries. So whenever possible, try to support local producers and buy products grown in your region. This choice will help reduce exhaust emissions.

13. Adjust the temperature in your home

If there is work in your house autonomous system heating and air conditioning, you just need to lower the temperature in the adjustment mode by one degree in winter and raise it by one degree in summer. Each degree will help you save up to 10% of energy.

14. Turn off the lights

When leaving the room, always turn off the lights if there is an incandescent lamp installed. And energy-saving lamps, including fluorescent lamps, should be turned off only when you are going to leave the room for more than 15 minutes, since the number of on-off times plays a role in their design.

15. Recycle aluminum

It's important to remember that it takes, on average, the same amount of energy to produce 20 recycled aluminum cans as it does to create just one new can.

16. Buy matches instead of lighters

Most disposable lighters are made from plastic, and more than 1.5 billion of them end up in landfills every year. Matches made from wood are absolutely harmless, and an even more environmentally friendly option is cardboard matches, which are made from recycled paper.

17. Donate or sell unwanted items

Before you decide to throw anything away, find out if someone else needs the items or devices. You can offer them to one of the charities or place an ad in a classified section on a website where people donate or sell used items.

18. Make bill payments online

Statistics show that if people paid utilities and other services through online systems, it would reduce the use of paper receipts so much that tens of millions of trees a year could be saved.

19. Use rechargeable batteries

Tens of billions of batteries are produced and sold every year, most of them disposable alkaline batteries. Only some of them are recycled. To benefit you will only need to buy Charger And required quantity batteries. They are more expensive, but will pay for themselves in a few months, and our Earth will be cleaner.

This important information you can apply in life. And if you want to multiply the result, share these tips with your loved ones and friends. Even one interested person can make a big contribution. So, by passing this information on to each other, we will provide invaluable assistance to the planet step by step.

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Already there are 16 ways to Save the Earth from environmental disaster.
Let's save such a beauty together!

While scientists are struggling to solve the problem of global warming, which occurs due to high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, every inhabitant of the Earth can improve environmental situation. The British publication The Daily Telegraph published "15 ways to save the world." These are basic actions in everyday life, but if people get used to doing them together, the environment will have significant benefits from this. ( Full text on the website InoPressa.ru.)

1. Stop drinking bottled water. However, the author of the article makes a reservation that he himself lives in the UK, where high-quality water flows from the taps almost free of charge - this advice may not be suitable for other countries. The British use 2.7 million tons of plastic every year to bottle water. Only about 10% of bottles are reused, mostly ending up in landfills where they take about 450 years to decompose.
In addition, a liter of water weighs a kilogram. One can only imagine how much fuel is used to transport water from sources in the Alps or the mountains of Scotland.
If you don’t like the taste, you can use a filter to reduce the chlorine content in the water. In addition, some experts argue that tap water (which is high in mineral salts and has a low risk of contamination) is even better than bottled water.

2. Don't use shopping bags. Around 8 billion plastic bags are used in Britain every year. That's more than 130 plastic bags per person per year. They irritate many people and only fill the cabinets under the sink. You can reuse the bags, or better yet, get one that is reusable, cheap and durable.

3. Monitor water use. The average bathtub uses 80 liters of water - twice as much as the average shower. If a person usually brushes his teeth for three minutes, he can turn off the tap during this time and save almost 19 liters of water. By the way, this is more than some Kenyans use in a day. In Britain, you can also install a so-called "behemoth" - a simple plastic device that is located in the toilet cistern and reduces the amount of water flushed. By the way, toilet flushing accounts for about a third of household water consumption.
4. Install condensing boiler for water heating and heating Houses. As a result, electricity bills will decrease by at least a quarter. If all Britons who have gas system heating, boilers will be installed, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 17.5 million tons. There will be 1.3 billion pounds a year in bill savings, almost three billion dollars. This energy will be enough to power 4 million homes for a whole year. However, a new boiler is a very significant expense - several thousand dollars.

5. enjoy energy saving light bulbs . These are not necessarily loop-shaped bulbs that give off a disgusting yellow light, The Daily Telegraph clarifies. Now they happen various forms and sizes and typically last at least 10 times longer than conventional light bulbs while using five times less energy. In some countries, this problem is solved at the state level.

6. Do not pour excess water into the kettle. If just 15 families filled with as much water as they needed, carbon dioxide emissions would decrease by a ton per year.

7. Turn the thermostat and reduce the temperature in the house by a degree. This will reduce heating bills by one tenth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 240 kilograms per year. However, the advice is also only suitable for those countries where the housing and communal services system allows it.

8. Buy organic products. Organic food production takes a toll on the environment less harm than usual Agriculture. Half the vegetables and 95% of fruit eaten in Britain come from abroad, and each meal travels 1,500 kilometers before reaching the plate.

9. Turn off the computer. Remove the screensaver or replace it with a simple “black screen” and instruct the machine to go into power saving mode after 10 minutes of inactivity. A computer left on overnight uses enough power to print 800 A4 pages on a laser printer. In total, this amounts to 2.6 thousand kWh of electricity per year and 1.9 tons of carbon dioxide without any benefit.

10. Save paper. Each office worker in Britain uses on average 50 sheets of paper per day. Using both sides of the sheet reduces emissions by 2.5kg for every kilogram of paper used.

11. Don't buy sweaty fabrics, such as nylon and polyester. They are made from petrochemical products using huge quantities energy, water and synthetic oils. Nitrous oxide, which is released during the production of nylon, is 310 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Whenever possible, you should choose natural fabrics.

12. Use a clothesline. Dryers use more energy than any other household appliance, it is better to resort to them only as a last resort. If you reduce your tumble dryer use by one load per week, you can reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by 91kg per year.

13. Wash at lower temperature. In Japan, Europe and even the USA, laundry is usually washed at temperatures below 30 degrees. Wash at a lower temperature, especially since the average British family makes 247 downloads per year, that's easy way save money a large number of energy. If everyone did this, there would be enough free energy in England to electrify half a million homes.

14. Go to "green energy tariff". Powering your home with renewable energy will cut household carbon emissions by a third - and in the UK it's just a phone call away.

15. Reuse things. It may seem obvious, but it's not just paper and paper that can be reused. plastic bottles- about 80% of our waste can still be useful. The Wastepoint website tells you what to do with rubbish that can't be placed in municipal recycling bins and bags.

16. Paint the house in White color. To prevent global warming, the whole world needs to be painted white, says Nobel laureate physicist Steven Chu.

Chu bases his theory on the fact that roofs and road surfaces light colors reflect 80% sunlight, and dark ones - only 20%, writes The Times.

According to his calculations, after the implementation of his idea, emissions greenhouse gases will decrease enormously: it’s the same as if the world gave up automobile traffic for 11 years, the publication notes.

“Architectural and construction departments should require that all flat roofs be painted white, and sloping ones - cool colors that absorb less heat. Roads should be made lighter - to the natural color of concrete, so that in bright sunshine they do not blind drivers,” - quotes the British publication Steven Chu.

According to the scientist, White paint will also reduce energy costs for air conditioning, as buildings will heat up less.

Roads should be made lighter - to the natural color of concrete

It should be noted that the requirement to paint flat roofs on commercial buildings white has already been in effect in California since 2005. Physicist Art Rosenfeld from the laboratory where Chu is director insisted on it. Rosenfeld and his colleagues estimate that a color change of 100 largest cities planet will help reduce the predicted amount of carbon dioxide emissions by 44 billion tons over the next 10 years.

Let us recall that earlier the British government had already recommended that residents of the country repaint their houses white, thereby supporting the fight against global warming climate.

1. Sort your trash. Separating garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is something environmentalists strive to teach residents of all developed countries peace. The only problem– garbage containers are usually common for all types of garbage.

However, if you wish, you can, for example, hand over glass bottles and jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - to waste paper. It is important to keep trash cans free of household hazardous waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers, batteries, etc. – things that can harm the environment.

Find out about collection points for used lamps, batteries, mercury thermometers, etc. in my city.

2. Start beautifying your city.

Clean-up days, public tree planting events, volunteer programs garbage collection in parks - you can participate in these activities without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

3. Save fuel.

Car owners can also take part in preserving the environment. Try to reduce your fuel consumption while driving. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km/h, sticking to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel. In addition, you should keep your car in order: check the tire pressure, remove unnecessary heavy junk from the car - this will help reduce drag while driving and reduce gas mileage. Another tip - if you for a long time If you are standing in line at a gas station, for example, it will be more economical to turn off the engine. More than 10 seconds of idling will be “more expensive” than restarting the engine. It will also be useful to sometimes replace the car with walking, cycling or taking public transport.

4. Reduce your energy consumption.

It may seem that leaving the computer on standby and leaving the microwave on does not use much energy. But in fact, over the course of a year, a considerable amount of wasted electricity and, consequently, money can accumulate. Tip: Turn off all appliances that you are not using from the network, or use “pilot outlets” with a power shut-off button.

5. Choose eco materials.

Environmentalists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can take many years to decompose in landfills, and when burned they release acrid black smoke.

Thus, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic tableware can be easily replaced with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water.

Stocks clean fresh water are depleted, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/min, and turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away unnecessary things.

At home you can often find a lot of things that you don’t use, but for some reason you keep. After some time, the “junk” will go to the landfill. But you can give away those things that have not yet lost their beneficial features, where they can be useful. There are many charities that are willing to accept old clothes, equipment, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or overnight shelters for the homeless. Another option is to post an ad on the Internet indicating what you can give away for free.

8. Don't litter.

We see signs with such a call quite often, but does everyone follow this simple commandment? There are a lot of cigarette butts on the roadsides and near the metro, in parks after picnics there are piles of uncollected garbage, and in yards there are beer cans and packets of chips lying everywhere. Of course, it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw small garbage out of the car window, take a cigarette butt to the trash can, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.

9. Think about the ecology at your dacha.

The summer season is approaching, the townspeople are happily rushing to their garden plots– some to grow vegetables or flowers, others to simply relax from the bustle of the city in silence. At your dacha, you can also use eco-tips: collect rainwater and use it for irrigation, avoid chemical fertilizers for the soil, use natural fertilizers instead, and do not arrange landfills behind your dacha plots.

10. Don't break the law.

This applies to illegal deforestation, collection of rare and endangered plants, poaching, intentional or accidental arson, pollution of river waters with chemical waste and other illegal activities. Sometimes people can break the law simply out of ignorance - cutting down a Christmas tree for the New Year, picking a snowdrop, throwing an unextinguished cigarette butt in the forest, which will start a fire. Violations of laws may result in severe sanctions, including criminal liability. But the main thing is that it can be applied irreparable harm nature, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the Earth themselves!

I turn to you for the help our planet needs. I understand that everyone has problems. But now there is a problem for the one who cannot ask for herself. She can hint... she can explain with some signs... and she cannot say... but many people hear her. I'm talking about our beautiful planet Earth, our home, our cradle. The earth, thanks to which we exist, we live on its lands, eat what it gives, it raised us and helped us become who we are, despite the fact that it destroys her, she is like a loving mother who ready to give everything for my child. We turned our backs on her, and she suffers. We are all her children, but we think only about ourselves, we solve our problems... but we are still children who want to seem like adults, and forget that the mother may die by giving away her last. Without it, we cannot survive, and not because there is no planet in the universe where we can live. But because the universe will never accept those who killed their mother. Humanity, having killed the planet, will destroy itself. We have many problems now: wars, diseases, hunger, children's illnesses, drug addiction, and many others. But by solving only these problems, we become like a sinking ship, from which water is scooped up with teaspoons. In order for the ship to sail further, the hole must be repaired.

There are forces that help us, forces that can stop our almost inevitable death. God, the universe, the energy of matter, other living beings. If humanity shows that it is ready to sacrifice selfish desires, and if it is necessary to sacrifice itself to save the Earth... then the death of the planet, nature, our little brothers can be prevented. If you suddenly don’t believe in miracles, then I affirm that I am saying this as a fact: the whole universe rests on miracles, and there is no need to try to understand them all, to explain them with laws. Nothing is impossible. But... a miracle will not happen if all of humanity does not unite its efforts in order to preserve our home. I appeal to your mind and heart, help the one who gave life to all of us, because our stupidity will destroy her, please do not turn away from her...

I know that it is often difficult to start; thoughts arise: how can this be done, since we cannot help ourselves, but how can we help the whole planet? I swear with all my heart, with all my soul, if we start helping the planet, then our problems will be solved, and there will be fewer of them. And so I propose to start with several very specific and real actions:

News healthy image life, do not leave garbage in nature, try to travel by environmentally friendly transport (bicycle, trolleybus, train), reduce meat consumption to a minimum, or refuse altogether, use less paper, demand that factories and authorities comply with environmental standards and recycle waste: paper, plastic, etc. Paper can be replaced with electronic media and do not buy printed products, meat can be perfectly replaced with plant foods, and besides, plant nutrition healthier and less harmful to the environment than livestock farming.

Watch your diet in general, don’t eat everything, only “pigs” eat everything. Go to the store with reusable bags, and if you do take a bag, try to use it many times.

Wear your clothes and shoes longer; you can always sew up a small hole, or just ignore it altogether! Do not use shampoos, gels, and liquid soap - all of these are good substitutes for regular soap, such as Tic-Tac.

Dear girls!!! think about the fact that cosmetics are harmful not only to the environment, but first of all to yourself, your health, and the health of your future children! These are a few small steps that you need to start taking now, and then there will be a long and difficult easy way

, which must be done before the Earth is completely healed. And it doesn’t matter that he is difficult, but what matters is that he is noble and happy.

And I ask you to help each other with this. Because not only me but also you need this. And unfortunately, money is also needed here. For example, planting one hectare of forest will cost 100,000 rubles. We also need financial support scientific projects

, to save endangered species of animals, to maintain nature reserves, and much more. It is possible that someone will say, but what does he have to do with it? The state should do the same. So, this is the business of every inhabitant of the earth. Since the vast majority of us travel in polluting transport, use plastic bags

1) , pollute the water with waste (only crazy idiots and fools could think of pouring waste back into the water, into rivers, lakes, seas, oceans). And therefore, every inhabitant of the earth is simply obliged to think about how he can help the planet. First of all, change your consumer attitude

2) And secondly, do something, right now, or today, or this week. Plant a tree, ride a bicycle or take public transport instead of a car, send money to any fund, any amount, even 10 rubles, do something that you think is beneficial for the planet. You don’t even have to do something for someone, do it for yourself... get up early in the morning and go for a run... or just find a nice place with a piece of nature, stop and admire it, mentally say thank you to it for existing, while there is still such an opportunity to say...

If you want to help the site and in my endeavors, I will be grateful for your support

But in fact, it’s not the money that’s important... It’s what you do today that’s good and useful. This is the only thing that really matters.


An essay about:

“Let's save our planet. What will we leave behind?”

Podolsk 2013

Our planet is very beautiful. The astronauts note this. From space, it looks like a huge blue-green ball with yellow-brown spots, surrounded by a blue atmosphere. There are many wonderful, unforgettable places on our planet. We love our Earth. Poets and writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin) sang the beauty of the Earth and admired the vastness of our Motherland.

Nature and animal world planets are diverse, as are the people who inhabit them. I haven't been to other countries yet, but I love watching programs about flora and fauna. There are unique, peculiar corners of nature. Over time, our planet has changed. We know about its past from manuscripts: about dinosaurs and mammoths, about unusual vegetation, traces of which were found on stones. Many animals and plants have been destroyed by man's thoughtless attitude towards them. Many are listed in the Red Book, as they are on the verge of extinction.

I would like to preserve the beauty of the Earth for myself and for posterity. I have a favorite corner of nature – our dacha in the Moscow region. I love the river, ponds, I can spend a long time looking at the insects that swarm in the grass near the shore, the inhabitants of the river bottom. I love wandering through the forest, listening to the voices of birds, looking at jumping frogs and squirrels. I notice traces of wild boar and elk and enjoy the diversity of nature. I like to ride a bicycle through fields and meadows, breathe deeply, clean air, enjoy peace and quiet.

I think that modern man will not be able to live outside of nature, each of us is connected with it. The rapid scientific and technological progress of the twenty-first century and fast growth The population of the Earth has led to the fact that we take more and more from nature. We need to learn to replenish Natural resources. As a result of human actions, they are often destroyed. complex connections in nature. Explosions on nuclear power plants, thoughtless deforestation, pollution of water bodies, accidents on oil rigs cripple nature, destroy vegetation and animals. This leads to undesirable consequences. But our planet must be left at least in the state in which it is now.

Meanwhile, our Earth is a huge, unknown world. Our task is to study this world in order to preserve it. Studying the laws of nature will help you avoid many mistakes. And I call on my contemporaries to save our planet.

Love to work! Choose a profession you like and work for the good of the Earth. Do not give up your dreams, about discoveries, about creativity. Only this will save you from thoughtless treatment of people, animals, and plants. Big discoveries are not for everyone, but we must discover something new that will help preserve nature. It is necessary to pay the most serious attention to the environment, it is necessary to revive youth units in schools.

So, each of us must learn to understand the nature of the Earth, its laws, and observe its life. Our painstaking work will lead us to love this beautiful world and preserve it for future generations.

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