Home Preparations for the winter Where is Lake Balkhash wastewater located? Where is Lake Balkhash located? Where to stay

Where is Lake Balkhash wastewater located? Where is Lake Balkhash located? Where to stay

Lake Balkhash could not get lost on the world map not only because of its size (13th place among the largest lakes on the planet). He has unique natural features, and the description of the history of the lake is worthy of an adventure novel.
Balkhash is the second largest non-drying salt lake after. Only here nature has made a cocktail of two types of water - fresh and salty. The Saryesik Peninsula, located approximately in the middle of the lake, divides it into two very different parts. Its western part (58% total area lake and 46% of its volume) is relatively shallow and almost fresh, while the eastern one is much deeper and has salty water.
Tales about the lake have been preserved in folk memory and go back to very ancient times. In the first centuries, a beautiful and sad legend has reached us, explaining the appearance of the lake. According to legend, the rich sorcerer Balkhash decided to marry off his daughter Ili. Rumors about her unspeakable beauty attracted noble suitors: the sons of the Chinese emperor and Mongol Khan, rich Bukhara merchants. But the girl’s heart turned deaf to their sweet speeches; she chose the simple shepherd Karatal as her husband. He defeated all the suitors, but Balkhash kicked him out of his house. Then Ili ran away with her beloved. And the sorcerer turned the lovers into rivers. and so that they could not meet, it became a huge lake.
Folk tales, as often happens, give real existing places or objects magical powers. The name of the lake, Balkhash (from the Kazakh “balkash”), translates as “tussocks in a swamp,” which conveys the real features of the lake landscape; there is nothing here connected with the mighty sorcerer. The basin of the lake was formed millions of years ago. And then nature gradually filled this form with content.
The first written information about the lake was collected by the Chinese. The whole world outside the borders of the state was the “Western Land” for them. The huge region in central Asia, which included Lake Balkhash, was called Semirechye. Already in the 2nd century. BC e. The Chinese knew about a huge lake-sea, which they called the “Western Sea.” And it got its name, Balkhash, from “ easy language» Dzungars and Kalmyks. The Mongols called it the “White Sea,” like everything that lay to the west of their possessions. And when these lands came under their influence, the lake became “Blue”. Kazakhs in the Middle Ages called the lake “Tengiz” (“sea”) due to its size.
In the XVII-XIX centuries. The lake began to be studied in more detail: the features of the landscape were transferred to maps. This required the efforts of several generations of cartographers. Much research was encouraged then not only because scientific interest, but also had geopolitical implications. For example, in early XIX V. Balkhash was the border between Russia and China. But, taking advantage of the weakness of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Russia in 1864 achieved its inclusion in its composition.
An important contribution to the study of the lake was made by the talented Kazakh scientist Chokan Chingisovich Valikhanov (1815-65) and the Russian geographer Lev Semenovich Berg (1876-1950) Scientific school those years made any researcher an encyclopedist, whose work is comparable to the research of modern research institutes. Important Takeaways about geography, hydrography, flora and fauna then easily ended up under the cover of one book. Research on the lake in the USSR was aimed at the practical use of its resources.
The winding shores of the lake resemble the most difficult puzzle, which was composed by nature. But, having revealed some of its secrets, Balkhash still remains a mystery. No one can yet predict what its future will be.
Natural and cultural heritage Lake Balkhash is unique. But during the years of the USSR it was significantly erased by the policy of uniformity of economic and cultural life. Grandiose projects, such as the transfer of northern rivers to the south or the use of any territory as required by the interests of production, overshadowed the problem of conservation natural wealth and diversity.
Balkhash experienced the full consequences of such a policy. Like a person's body temperature, the health of a lake can be measured by the level of its total surface flow, which determines the water level in the lake. Main role Ili plays in the water supply of Balkhash. This river, flowing into the western part of the lake, provides 73-80% of the total water inflow. For the eastern part of the lake key role Karatal plays.
The dimensions of the lake change as the size chest in a person during breathing. Only his “inhalation” and “exhalation” can last for centuries. IN different times the difference in water level in the lake was 12-14 meters. Minimum values occurred in the V-X centuries, and the maximum water level was observed in the XII-XVII centuries. IN late XIX V. the lake shrank to 15.5-16.3 thousand km 2, and in the middle of the 20th century. increased to 18-19 thousand km The most serious human intervention in the independent life of the lake began in the 1970s. At this time, the Kapchagai hydroelectric power station dam was built on the Ili River, which formed the Kapchagai reservoir. This brought its own tactical benefits in economic development, but created a strategic problem for the development of the lake. From 1975 to 1986, the water level decreased by 2.2 m and the volume by 30 km 3. All this threatens Lake Balkhash with a repetition of the sad fate of the Aral Sea.
Since the 1970s, the fauna of the lake began to lose its biodiversity. There were about 20 species of fish in it, but now both the number of species and simply the number of fish has sharply decreased. In the 1960s, up to 30 thousand tons of fish were produced per year; in the 1990s, production dropped to 6.6 thousand tons. In the Ili delta, in the reed thickets there were many birds and animals. Until the middle of the 20th century. Even the Turanian tiger lived there. Of the 342 vertebrate species, 22 have already been included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Of the 120 species of birds, 12 are included in the Red Book, including the pink and Dalmatian pelicans, spoonbill, whooper swan, and white-tailed eagle. On the northern shore of the lake is the largest settlement on its shores - the city of Balkhash. As often happened in the USSR, a city appeared where natural resources were found that required their immediate development. Rich reserves of copper led to the construction of a mining and metallurgical plant and the emergence of a city in 1928-30. There are reasons for serious concern about the fate of the lake. Industrial enterprises pollute it. In addition to the plant in the city of Balkhash, waste is brought by drains from China. The small salt lake Alakol, eight km from Lake Balkhash, practically disappeared between 1970 and 1990.
On Chinese territory, 14.5 km 3 of water is withdrawn per year from the Ili River basin, and the authorities plan sharp increase water selection. The Kazakh government offered a preferential contract to supply food to China for ten years in exchange for refusing to withdraw Ili water, but this offer was not accepted.
To solve the problem of energy supply in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan, there were a variety of projects, from the construction of a state district power station to a nuclear power plant. In 2008, it was decided to build the Balkhash thermal power plant.
Preserving Lake Balkhash means preserving the unique natural features and cultural world on its banks.

general information

Lake Balkhash is located in the eastern part of Kazakhstan.
Flowing rivers: Ili, Karatal, Aksu, Lepsy. Ayaguz.
Flowing rivers: no.
Lake freezing period: November-March.
The largest settlements: Balkhash, Gulyiat, Balkhash-9, Sary-Shagan, Priozersk, Ulken, Mynaral, Shyganak.
Large islands: Basaral, Tasaral, Ortaaral, Olzhabekaral, Ozynaral, Ultarakty, Korzhyn, Algazy (43 islands in total).
Airport: in the city of Balkhash.


Area: 16.4 km 2
Height above sea level: 340 m.
Maximum depth: 26 m.
Average depth: 5.8 m.
Volume: 112 km 3
Length: 605 km.
Width: from 3.5 to 74 km.
Time zone: Moscow time +2 hours.





Climate and weather

Average January temperature:-14ºС.
Average temperature in July:+З0ºС.
Average annual precipitation: 131 mm.


    Fresh and salt water in two parts of the lake.

    Flora and fauna of the lake.

    Bektau-Ata tract.

    Tugai forests.

    City of Balkhash.

Curious facts

    On medieval maps Balkhash was part of the huge Semirechye region in Central Asia. The seven main rivers from which the name of this region comes are: Ili, Karatal, Bien, Aksu, Lepsy, Baskan and Sarkand.

    In geography, there are not many names that speak of water as land. The name of the Uzynaral Strait, connecting the western and eastern parts of the island, is translated as “Long Island”.

    The difference in water quality in Lake Balkhash is clearly visible from space. The water in the eastern part (salty) changes color from bluish to emerald blue, and in the western (fresh) it has a yellowish-gray tint.

    Chszhan Chingisovich Valikhanov conducted research that modern science called systematic approach. He simultaneously collected historical, geographical information and folklore. All this was not only scientific work. Velikhanov was an officer General Staff Russia, intelligence officer. He is a descendant of Genghis Khan.
    In Kazakhstan, several films are dedicated to him, and three monuments have been erected.

    According to legend, the Bektau-Ata tract received its name from an old man who saved the Kazakh tribe from a Dzungar raid, hiding them in the caves of this mountain range. The caves can still be visited today. One of them, “Aulie,” is known for its springs, which are considered healing and are revered as shrines.

    The development of the nature of Balkhash had not only projects that were dangerous for its ecology, but also those that successfully fit into the world of its nature. 8 1940s under the leadership of A.A. Sludsky, a muskrat was acclimatized here, better times its fishing was brought to a million animals, but now it has been completely stopped.

Lake Balkhash is one of the unique lakes on the world map. It has neither surface water flow nor underground drainage. In fact, such reservoirs are salty. But this lake is salty and fresh at the same time. It is unique in that its water area is divided into two zones: western and eastern. Along its entire length, rivers flow into it, replenishing it with water.

In the first, shallow water, the water is fresh, in the second, deeper, it is salty. This body of water ranks 2nd after the Caspian in terms of the size of non-drying salt lakes and ranks 14th as a large salty and fresh lake peace. This interesting place on the map of Kazakhstan attracts tourists from many countries, including Russia. Travelers go to local hotels and motels to find respite from the stuffiness of the city.

An old legend

There is a legend about the origin of the lake. Once upon a time, an imperious and powerful khan named Balkhash picked up and adopted a little girl, calling her Ili.

Over the years she grew up to be a beauty. When the time came to marry her off, a tournament was held, and a poor man named Karatal won it. Balkhash did not want to give his daughter as a wife to a poor man, and the young people decided to run away. Giving chase, Balkhash used evil magic to separate the lovers, turning them into two halves of the lake.

If you look at the map, Lake Balkhash is located in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan in the Balkhash-Alakol water basin. The basin of the reservoir has the shape of a crescent, into which the rivers flow, and is divided into two zones, connected by an isthmus, the depth of which is small. The length of the coastline, very winding, indented by bays and bays, reaches 2500 km. The average depth in Lake Balkhash is 5.8 m.

In the north and west the shores are rocky, in the south the coast is sandy. Rivers flowing into Balkhash provide replenishment water balance. Visible on the map large river Or, also flowing into the lake, the main source running from the glaciers of the Tien Shan to where Lake Balkhash is located.

The weather here is determined by the climate. The area adjacent to the lake has a desert climate, summer temperature- about +30°C, the water warms up to +28°C, in winter it can reach -15°C. Wind, fairly dry climate and heat cause rapid evaporation of water.

Lake Balkhash has a rich and varied animal life and flora, which attracts travelers here.

Endorheic Lake Balkhash - water world

Types of recreation

Recreation opportunities on Lake Balkhash are varied. This is due to the very comfortable weather on Lake Balkhash, as well as the fact that it is quite warm and well heated.

Here you can choose different holidays. This is an active and passive pastime in a sanatorium, hotel, recreation center on Lake Balkhash. Only having been here once, you can see how beautiful this lake is, how comfortable the weather is here.

There are many sandy beaches along the shores. The air temperature and the depth of the reservoir make it possible to organize swimming season from May to September. Comfortable water temperature, optimal depth, and wonderful weather throughout the beach season attract hundreds of tourists here on vacation.

Recreation areas of Lake Balkhash are located along almost the entire coastline. Vacationers can enjoy boat or yacht trips, scooter riding, swimming and surfing, diving and spearfishing. You can take a horse or camel ride.

Recreation centers and hotels invite the most daring travelers to helicopter excursions, where Lake Balkhash will appear from above, and tourists will see how beautiful it is. For a 3.5 hour flight you will have to pay about 35 thousand rubles.

Can become unforgettable winter holidays. The weather in winter is mild, the air temperature at this time rarely drops below 15°C, which allows you to go to different leisure areas: skiing along the shore of a frozen reservoir, snowmobiling, and windsurfing on ice is also popular.

This extraordinary fresh and at the same time salty lake gives the traveler such entertainment.

Angler's paradise

Fishing on Lake Balkhash is good, as there is a rich fauna here, providing fishermen with exciting hours of leisure. There are areas reserved for fishing here. special places with accommodation, also available for rent necessary equipment. Once alone with a fishing rod, even a beginner will be rewarded with a good catch.

Fishermen come here for the most famous fish Lake Balkhash - roach. It is lured in all sorts of ways: with a worm, corn, maggot. They fish with a fishing rod and donka.

Also during the season (spring and July-September) Lake Balkhash is rich in crucian carp, carp, catfish, and asp. There are also snakeheads here. This is a very scary-looking fish, but very tasty. Those who like to fish in Balkhash should also know about marinka fish, or kara-balyk. It is poisonous, or rather its caviar, milt, and black films on its abdomen. And Marinka’s meat is very fatty and tasty. Recreation areas also offer underwater fishing.

Fishing on Lake Balkhash

The calm, peaceful atmosphere on the banks of Balkhash or the river flowing into it and the rich catch attract hundreds of fishermen from Russia here every year. Both an avid fisherman and an amateur will get a good rest here.

Where to stay on Lake Balkhash

Waiting for travelers big choice places to stay while relaxing on the lake. These include recreation centers, sanatoriums, and the private sector.

The most affordable option is tourist centers and holiday homes in villages located on the coastline. This:

  • Torangylyk,
  • Chubar-Tubek,
  • Repair base,
  • Shubartubek and many others.

Living conditions here are modest. The room is located in a wooden house without amenities. Shower, toilet, washbasin are shared. The price in such a house is 150 rubles per day per person.

More high level accommodation awaits the tourist at the hotel. For example, the Doszhan Hotel offers everything you need for comfort, there is also satellite TV, a beach, sports grounds, Gym. A room for two in such a hotel will cost 500-1000 rubles.

The most comfortable accommodation can be found in the Riva Lepsy recreation area. There are all the amenities, three meals a day, mud treatments, peeling, massage. Guests can enjoy water skiing, billiards, and dancing. There is a children's playground with inflatable pools. The price ranges from 600 rubles to 2000 for two, depending on the season.

If you are interested in everyday life local residents, you can stay for a vacation in private housing in small towns and villages located on the coast and not far from it. Tourists are always welcome here. You can rent a small room in the owner's house, whole house or a yurt. It will cost from 200 rubles per person per day.

Treatment on Balkhash

Lake Balkhash is ready to provide not only relaxation, but also treatment, which is facilitated by good weather throughout almost the entire year. Sanatoriums have been built here. The treatment is based on the strengthening properties of salt water, as well as mud rich in minerals and hydrogen sulfide. Added to this is the clean air of the steppe, enriched with mineral salts. Such treatment can be obtained in sanatoriums on Lake Balkhash.

One of the most famous sanatoriums is “Balkhash”. Located in the city of Priozersk, it offers mud therapy and balneotherapy. Treatment in this sanatorium, located one hundred meters from the lake, can be successfully combined with a beach holiday. The sanatorium has three buildings for the services of vacationers: sleeping, sports, and medical.

There are many health procedures in the sanatorium, ranging from hydrotherapy and inhalations to massage and various special examinations. There are procedures included in the price of the tour, and it is also possible pediatric treatment. The cost of a tour, depending on the category, ranges from 29,000 to 49,000 rubles.

The Balkhash dispensary is also widely known among tourists. This sanatorium receives many visitors every year, as the rest here is also comfortable. The cost of the tour is from 27,000 rubles.

Video: Disaster on Lake Balkhash

Lake Balkhash is one of the large continental endorheic reservoirs of Eurasia. The lake is located in the naturally created Balkhash-Alakol depression. When viewed from above, the lake resembles a boomerang in shape and is divided by a strait into two different parts. Shallow West Side filled fresh water; The eastern one is deeper, up to 26 meters, and quite salty. The shore of the lake is indented with bays and bays. There are few islands, they are rocky

The lake is filled by seven rivers. Up to 80% of fresh water is carried to Balkhash by the large Asian river Ili, flowing into the western part of the lake. Other rivers, Karatal, Lepsy, Ayaguz, Tentek, Koksu and Aksu, make a small contribution to the replenishment of the lake with water, because they are used for irrigated agriculture and economic needs. Year after year stock fresh water from small rivers, the percentage of toxic chemicals and harmful substances is reduced and increased.

Despite the fact that scientists have been studying Balkhash for a long time, they are receiving more and more new discoveries.
After all, the freshwater lake was formed in the desert, without high levels of precipitation, without runoff, in a continental climate. Despite the salinity of the soil, vegetation has not disappeared here. Scientists consider Balkhash a natural paradox.

Balkhash salts have beneficial influence on a person’s well-being, and have medicinal properties. It is in the salts that lies main secret lakes. The Saryesik Strait divides the lake into almost equal parts. Water moves from west to east, the western part is flowing. Therefore, it is practically fresh. Huge masses of silt and salt are thus transported to the eastern part by the current. The washed-up mass is quite capable of blocking the narrow strait and destroying the eastern part of the lake in about thirty years. But the lake has existed for many centuries and the water in the eastern part is slightly salty! Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the lake itself rids itself of salt. The entire population of Balkhash - algae, bacteria, fish, birds, reeds - are natural salt filters; they absorb and accumulate salts. Such a harmonious and balanced system of salt exchange and removal has been formed over centuries, and it is clear that any violation will lead to disaster.

Balkhash also has unique system getting rid of sediment and special biological ability get rid of excess organic matter. Therefore, Lake Balkhash will never become overgrown, will not become a swamp, and it will not be threatened with eutrophication either.

The nature of the Balkhash region is rocky, clayey and gravel deserts, suitable for a variety of vegetation. The flora has adapted to the climate of this region for centuries and has a number of biological features to cope with the scorching sun, lack of rainfall and water. Balkhash is famous for its abundance of fish. Dozens of bird species, including rare ones, also live there.

Lake Balkhash and the Balkhash region are a source of strength and inspiration for any person who has visited these places. The lake attracts with its charm and mysteries that cannot always be solved.

Also in this post you will see a team of 402km car enthusiasts from Novosibirsk, which visited Balkhash in May 2013.

Lake Balkhash is one of the unique lakes on the world map. It has neither surface water flow nor underground drainage. In fact, such reservoirs are salty. But this lake is salty and fresh at the same time. It is unique in that its water area is divided into two zones: western and eastern. Along its entire length, rivers flow into it, replenishing it with water.

In the first, shallow water, the water is fresh, in the second, deeper, it is salty. This body of water ranks 2nd after the Caspian in terms of the size of non-drying salt lakes and ranks 14th as the largest salty and freshwater lake in the world. This interesting place on the map of Kazakhstan attracts tourists from many countries, including Russia. Travelers go to local hotels and motels to find respite from the stuffiness of the city.

An old legend

There is a legend about the origin of the lake. Once upon a time, an imperious and powerful khan named Balkhash picked up and adopted a little girl, calling her Ili.

Over the years she grew up to be a beauty. When the time came to marry her off, a tournament was held, and a poor man named Karatal won it. Balkhash did not want to give his daughter as a wife to a poor man, and the young people decided to run away. Giving chase, Balkhash used evil magic to separate the lovers, turning them into two halves of the lake.

If you look at the map, Lake Balkhash is located in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan in the Balkhash-Alakol water basin. The basin of the reservoir has the shape of a crescent, into which the rivers flow, and is divided into two zones, connected by an isthmus, the depth of which is small. The length of the coastline, very winding, indented by bays and bays, reaches 2500 km. The average depth in Lake Balkhash is 5.8 m.

In the north and west the shores are rocky, in the south the coast is sandy. The rivers flowing into Balkhash ensure replenishment of the water balance. The map shows the large Ili River, which also flows into the lake, the main source running from the glaciers of the Tien Shan to where Lake Balkhash is located.

The weather here is determined by the climate. The area adjacent to the lake has a desert climate, summer temperatures are about +30°C, the water warms up to +28°C, and in winter it can reach -15°C. Wind, a fairly dry climate and high temperatures cause rapid evaporation of water.

Lake Balkhash has a rich and diverse flora and fauna, which attracts travelers here.

Endorheic Lake Balkhash - water world

Types of recreation

Recreation opportunities on Lake Balkhash are varied. This is due to the very comfortable weather on Lake Balkhash, as well as the fact that it is quite warm and well heated.

Here you can choose different holidays. This is an active and passive pastime in a sanatorium, hotel, recreation center on Lake Balkhash. Only having been here once, you can see how beautiful this lake is, how comfortable the weather is here.

There are many sandy beaches along the shores. The air temperature and depth of the reservoir allow organizing a swimming season from May to September. Comfortable water temperature, optimal depth, and wonderful weather throughout the beach season attract hundreds of tourists here on vacation.

Recreation areas of Lake Balkhash are located along almost the entire coastline. Vacationers can enjoy boat or yacht trips, scooter riding, swimming and surfing, diving and spearfishing. You can take a horse or camel ride.

Recreation centers and hotels invite the most daring travelers to helicopter excursions, where Lake Balkhash will appear from above, and tourists will see how beautiful it is. For a 3.5 hour flight you will have to pay about 35 thousand rubles.

Winter holidays can also become unforgettable. The weather in winter is mild, the air temperature at this time rarely drops below 15°C, which allows you to go to different leisure areas: skiing along the shore of a frozen reservoir, snowmobiling, and windsurfing on ice is also popular.

This extraordinary fresh and at the same time salty lake gives the traveler such entertainment.

Angler's paradise

Fishing on Lake Balkhash is good, as there is a rich fauna here, providing fishermen with exciting hours of leisure. There are special places with accommodation provided for fishing, and you can also rent the necessary equipment. Once alone with a fishing rod, even a beginner will be rewarded with a good catch.

Fishermen come here for the most famous fish of Lake Balkhash - roach. It is lured using all sorts of methods: worms, corn, maggots. They fish with a fishing rod and donka.

Also during the season (spring and July-September) Lake Balkhash is rich in crucian carp, carp, catfish, and asp. There are also snakeheads here. This is a very scary-looking fish, but very tasty. Those who like to fish in Balkhash should also know about marinka fish, or kara-balyk. It is poisonous, or rather its caviar, milt, and black films on its abdomen. And Marinka’s meat is very fatty and tasty. Recreation areas also offer underwater fishing.

Fishing on Lake Balkhash

The calm, peaceful atmosphere on the banks of Balkhash or the river flowing into it and the rich catch attract hundreds of fishermen from Russia here every year. Both an avid fisherman and an amateur will get a good rest here.

Where to stay on Lake Balkhash

Travelers have a wide choice of places to stay while relaxing on the lake. These include recreation centers, sanatoriums, and the private sector.

The most affordable option is tourist centers and holiday homes in villages located on the coastline. This:

  • Torangylyk,
  • Chubar-Tubek,
  • Repair base,
  • Shubartubek and many others.

Living conditions here are modest. The room is located in a wooden house without amenities. Shower, toilet, washbasin are shared. The price in such a house is 150 rubles per day per person.

A higher standard of accommodation awaits tourists at the hotel. For example, the Doszhan Hotel offers everything you need for comfort; there is also satellite TV, a beach, sports grounds, and a gym. A room for two in such a hotel will cost 500-1000 rubles.

The most comfortable accommodation can be found in the Riva Lepsy recreation area. There are all the amenities, three meals a day, mud treatments, peeling, massage. Guests can enjoy water skiing, billiards, and dancing. There is a children's playground with inflatable pools. The price ranges from 600 rubles to 2000 for two, depending on the season.

If you are interested in the life of local residents, you can stay for a vacation in private housing in small towns and villages located on the coast and not far from it. Tourists are always welcome here. You can rent a small room in the owner’s house, a whole house or a yurt. It will cost from 200 rubles per person per day.

Treatment on Balkhash

Lake Balkhash is ready to provide not only relaxation, but also treatment, which is facilitated by good weather throughout almost the entire year. Sanatoriums have been built here. The treatment is based on the strengthening properties of salt water, as well as mud rich in minerals and hydrogen sulfide. Added to this is the clean air of the steppe, enriched with mineral salts. Such treatment can be obtained in sanatoriums on Lake Balkhash.

One of the most famous sanatoriums is “Balkhash”. Located in the city of Priozersk, it offers mud therapy and balneotherapy. Treatment in this sanatorium, located one hundred meters from the lake, can be successfully combined with a beach holiday. The sanatorium has three buildings for the services of vacationers: sleeping, sports, and medical.

There are many health procedures in the sanatorium, ranging from hydrotherapy and inhalations to massage and various special examinations. There are procedures included in the price of the tour, and children's treatment is also possible. The cost of a tour, depending on the category, ranges from 29,000 to 49,000 rubles.

The Balkhash dispensary is also widely known among tourists. This sanatorium receives many visitors every year, as the rest here is also comfortable. The cost of the tour is from 27,000 rubles.

Video: Disaster on Lake Balkhash

Lake Balkhash appears. It occupies an honorable thirteenth place in the list of the largest lakes in the world. The lake is unique - it is divided into two parts by a strait. On one side of the strait and on the other - salty. Translated from the Kazakh, Tatar and Altai languages, the name of the lake means “swampy area”.

Like all the sights of the east, Lake Balkhash has its own beautiful and rather sad legend.

In ancient times, the almighty sorcerer Balkhash had a daughter, a beauty named Ili. Some time passed, and the sorcerer decided to marry her off. Rich suitors from all over the world learned about this, and after some time, caravans with rich gifts reached the sorcerer’s house. But among the rich contenders for the beauty’s heart there was also one simple, poor young man - the shepherd Karatal, whom Ili fell in love with at first sight. As usual, a competition was held among the suitors, in which Karatal naturally won.

However, the treacherous father did not give him his beautiful daughter, despite the promises he made. The lovers then decided to escape. Having learned about this, the angry sorcerer placed his curse on them and turned the fugitives into two rivers, carrying waters from the mountains To ensure that the rivers could never unite, the father, distraught with grief, rushed between them and turned into a lake, called Balkhash.

Lake Balkhash was first mentioned in writings. It was the Chinese who were the closest in location advanced civilization, who could get acquainted with this region. The lands that were located to the west of the famous one they called “Xi-Yu”, which means “Western Land”. These lands were known already by the year one hundred and twenty-six BC. e. Already in the year six hundred and seven, the Chinese drew up maps of 44 states located at that time in Asia.

Lake Balkhash in 1644-1911 was located at the northern border of China. In 1864, an agreement was concluded between Russia and China, according to which Balkhash and everything related to it became the possession of Russia.

In 1903-1904, Lake Balkhash was studied by the expedition of the Russian geographer Berg, as a result of which it was established that Lake Balkhash is located beyond the Aral-Caspian basin and in the past they were never connected. Berg concluded that the lake never dries up and its waters are fresh. However, it was noted that in ancient times Balkhash dried up, and then was filled again with water, which had not yet become salty.

Magnificent nature, picturesque surroundings, relaxing on a sandy beach, fishing and hunting - all this is Lake Balkhash. Photos cannot give a complete idea of ​​the beauty of these places. Lake Balkhash - relaxation in a quiet and peaceful environment, with a fishing rod in hand. For this purpose, numerous fishing bases have been created here. Even a beginner will not be left without a catch here.

Tourist bases on the lake shore will give you an incomparable vacation - surfing, riding a scooter, boat, yacht. You will feel it yourself therapeutic effect water of this lake and mineralized hydrogen sulfide mud.

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