Home Preparations for the winter Will the salaries of Federal Penitentiary Service employees be raised? Politicians believe it is right to increase salaries for all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Will the salaries of Federal Penitentiary Service employees be raised? Politicians believe it is right to increase salaries for all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Reform in the structure of the Federal Penitentiary Service will begin in April of this year. Employees of the organization will receive an increase in wages, but at the same time they will be required to have more stringent responsibilities.

On this moment the law is under development. But already in April it will be signed by the head of state and accepted into execution. When the budget for the current year was adopted, changes in the funding of the correctional service were taken into account.

In the country, the FSIN is an important body federal bodies Russian Federation. It is included in the system of the Ministry of Justice. According to data for the current year, 295.967 thousand citizens work in this service.

The salaries of FSIN employees are determined in several categories. Among them there is a salary according to position, rank, as well as bonuses for length of service, qualifications, in connection with state secrets, risks to health and life, and achievements. Also, FSIN employees receive money back for rent. Once a year, employees are entitled to paid leave. For those who work at night, wages are 20% higher.

After the FSIN reform in 2018, there will be an increase in employee salaries

The budget of the Russian Federation for this year included an increase in wages for employees of the penitentiary system. Behind for a long time their salary is indexed. Such changes will occur in several services at once. These include the Russian Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel.

The government of the Russian Federation has an indexation plan for the next two years. Since the beginning of January of this year, all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service have received a salary increase of 4%. There will be two more salary indexations.

New salaries in the FSIN system from April 2018

The country's authorities took care of the FSIN employees. They accepted an increase in their wages into the budget. This year, 4.4 billion rubles have been allocated for the entire penal service system. IN next year this figure will be no less than 5.6 billion rubles. In 2020, 10.4 billion rubles will be allocated from the state budget for wages and salary indexation for FSIN employees.

Due to the fact that the amount of government funding for the department was reduced, the authorities began to look for a way out of this situation. It was decided to cut the salaries of employees with the highest position of service, as well as to lay them off. Will be fired after the reform a large number of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service.


Information about critical changes in the FSIN service is increasingly appearing on the global World Wide Web. Various media outlets are actively circulating data on the reorganization of the federal penitentiary service.

The main changes will affect the salaries of department employees, as well as the requirements that are imposed on them. The new bill will also include an increase in pay for correctional service employees.

FSIN what changes will come into force in April 2018: not only an increase in salaries, but also a merger with the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Parliamentarians are confident that the increase in salaries for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service is completely justified and important decision. This is a special structure that is responsible for order in the country and the work of these specialists should be highly valued. The government of the Russian Federation decided to separate the organization from the subordination of the Ministry of Justice and give it a special status.

As a result of the reform, not only an increase in salaries and entry into the Ministry of Internal Affairs is predicted, but also a reduction in employees. Yes, legislators could hardly do without this step. All structures are included in the reform to improve the performance of all government agencies and systems.

However, middle and lower level employees should not worry; they will not be subject to staff reduction. There will be a reduction in managerial jobs with high salaries. The deputies said that those workers who do not directly interact with the department will be fired. Psychologists may be laid off.

Officials also plan to increase the powers and responsibilities of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs; in connection with this, their monthly salaries will be increased. To implement these innovations, a lot of money is needed, which is not yet in the budget, so a reorganization of the colonies is planned.

FSIN what changes will come into force in April 2018: salary tables

The Federal Penitentiary Service monitors the entry into force of court sentences and the detention of those suspected of committing crimes. The competence of this service includes protecting the rights of people under investigation and temporarily staying in prisons or pre-trial detention centers.

You can find out how much the salary of FSIN employees will increase in 2018, depending on the position held or the special rank assigned, from the tables below, which list the new salaries.

Official salaries of FSIN employees since 2018 in Institutions directly subordinate to the FSIN

Head of an institution with a staff of more than 200 people 31200
Head of an institution with a staff of 100 to 200 people 30160
Head of an institution with a staff of less than 100 people 29120
Deputy head of an institution with a staff of more than 200 people 27040
Deputy head of an institution with a staff of 100 to 200 people 26000
Deputy head of an institution with a staff of less than 100 people 24960
Assistant to the head of the institution 22360
Department head 21320
Deputy Head of Department 19760
Department Director 18720
Chief Specialist 17680
senior detective 17680
medical specialist 17680
Leading Specialist 17160
Senior detective 16640
Senior Specialist 16640
Chief Inspector 16640
Senior operational duty officer 16640
Senior psychologist 16640
Senior Engineer 16640
Senior Legal Advisor 16640
Investigative Officer 16120
specialist 16120
inspector 16120
duty Officer 16120
psychologist 16120
engineer 16120
legal adviser 16120

Official salaries of FSIN employees since 2018 in FSIN Departments

Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service 31200
Deputy head of the FSIN department 26000
Assistant Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service 21840
Department head 21320
Deputy head of department 19760
Senior detective for particularly important cases 18720
Senior detective 17160
Senior Specialist 17160
Chief Inspector 17160
Senior operational duty officer 17160
Senior psychologist 17160
Senior Engineer 17160
Senior Legal Advisor 17160
Investigative Officer 16120
specialist 16120
inspector 16120
duty Officer 16120
psychologist 16120
engineer 16120
legal adviser 16120

Official salaries of FSIN employees since 2018 in the FSIN Directorates

First level manager 33280
Second level manager 32240
Deputy first level chief 28080
Deputy second level chief 27040
Head of department (as part of a territorial body) 25480
Deputy head of department (as part of a territorial body) 24440
First level assistant manager 23400
Second level assistant chief 22360
Department head 21840
Deputy head of department 20280
Head: departments, services, inspections 19760
Senior detective for particularly important cases 19240
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments 18720
Senior detective 17680
Senior Specialist 17680
Chief Inspector 17680
Senior operational duty officer 17680
Senior psychologist 17680
Senior Engineer 17680
Senior Legal Advisor 17680
Investigative Officer 16640
specialist 16640
inspector 16640
duty Officer 16640
psychologist 16640
engineer 16640
legal adviser 16640

Table. Official salaries of FSIN employees since 2018 in the Main Directorates of the FSIN

Boss 34320
Deputy boss 29120
Head of department (as part of the main department) 26000
Deputy head of department (as part of the main department) 24960
Assistant Chief 23920
Department head 22360
Deputy head of department 20800
Head: departments, services, inspections 20280
Senior detective for particularly important cases 19760
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments 19240
Senior detective 18200
Senior Specialist 18200
Chief Inspector 18200
Senior operational duty officer 18200
Senior psychologist 18200
Senior Engineer 18200
Senior Legal Advisor 18200
Investigative Officer 17160
specialist 17160
inspector 17160
duty Officer 17160
psychologist 17160
engineer 17160
legal adviser 17160

Table. Salary for special rank of FSIN employees from 2018

rank and file:
private of the internal service 5200
junior command staff:
junior sergeant of internal service 6240
internal service sergeant 6760
senior sergeant of internal service 7280
foreman of internal service 7800
warrant officer of the internal service 8320
senior warrant officer of internal service 8840
average command staff:
junior lieutenant of internal service 9880
internal service lieutenant 10400
senior lieutenant of internal service 10920
internal service captain 11440
senior command staff:
major of internal service 11960
Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service 12480
Colonel of the Internal Service 13520
senior management:
Major General of Internal Service 20800
Lieutenant General of Internal Service 22880
Colonel General of the Internal Service 26000

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Reform is in full swing in Russia security forces. The innovations will also affect employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This service is planned to be included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This year the FSIN system will be reformed. It was decided to remove the special structure responsible for ensuring order in the country from the subordination of the Ministry of Justice and give it a special status.

Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should lead not only to a reduction in staff, but also to an increase in wages for the remaining employees. The current level of salaries for executives and ordinary civil servants differs significantly. By optimizing the staff, the authorities intend to minimize the existing gap in official salaries. Such measures, unfortunately, cannot be achieved without staff reductions. All structures are subject to reform. This will improve the efficiency of all government agencies and systems.

Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service from April 1, 2018: features of the reform

Managers with high salaries are the first to be laid off. They promise to keep ordinary civil servants in their places. First of all, it will be proposed to reduce positions that do not directly interact with the department. It is possible that the wave of layoffs will also affect psychologists.

It is also planned to expand the powers and responsibilities of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but with an increase in monthly salaries. The amount required to implement the announced reform is not yet in the budget. In this regard, it is quite possible to expect reform of the colonies.

FSIN reform 2018: a high-profile case

The decision to revise the legislation regarding employees of the penitentiary structure has matured in connection with the high-profile case of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Oksana Gurova. The woman was dismissed from her position as an inspector due to her criminal record. However, at the time of hiring, the crime that Gurova was accused of was decriminalized. Therefore, the decision to dismiss can be considered illegal.

To date, the Constitutional Court has not made a decision regarding the legality of the dismissal of citizen Gurova. According to the bill adopted by the State Duma, the dismissal of employees of the criminal-executive service is prohibited if, at the time of the decision to extend the contract, the crimes were decriminalized.

The FSIN is a service of federal importance that performs, at first glance, inconspicuous, but extremely important work– monitors the execution of sentences imposed by the court. The work of this service is often underestimated, although the tasks they solve cannot be ignored, so the question is: will there be a salary increase in the FSIN in 2018

, interests many. The department of this organization is great amount places of detention, including special attention deserve colonies, pre-trial detention centers and prisons. The organization's employees provide the population with a quiet life, and, in fact, do almost the same work as. They facilitate the execution of criminal sentences imposed by the court and, importantly, keep suspects in custody. However, that’s not all, because they protect the rights of convicted people who are temporarily (by a court decision or investigation) in prison or a pre-trial detention center. Additional features

FSIN officers are:

How much do FSIN earn? It's worth saying that latest news that there will be an increase in wages for employees in the federal penitentiary service are greatly exaggerated, because for 2018 no special changes in the income of employees of this structure are provided for the simple reason that in federal budget there is not enough quantity financial resources for such an event.

The President promised that the income of public sector employees, which includes employees of the federal service, would increase significantly by 2018, but the crisis changed their plans and caused a serious budget deficit, so the income of representatives of this organization, if it has increased over the past few years, has only been insignificant.

News from authorities

Questions about increasing salaries for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are constantly discussed in the press, and since the service is under the Ministry of Defense, they are the ones who deal with this issue. Recently, specialists from the Ministry of Defense published a document containing data indicating that the salaries of FSIN officers should be increased in accordance with the inflation rate. It must be said that the latter will clearly not be too impressive, because according to preliminary forecasts of experts, its level will be within 5%.

It is necessary to separately remember that some representatives of the public sector have already experienced strong changes that were aimed at increasing the level of their income. It would seem that this news can be rejoiced, but, in fact, every person understands that money does not come out of thin air, so the authorities, before increasing wages, carried out a large-scale optimization, during which hundreds of people were laid off. The cuts made it possible to free up some budget funds and spend them on increasing salaries, but for this reason, almost 15% of the company’s employees lost their jobs.

Regarding there will be a reduction in the FSIN in 2018 or not, we can say for sure that layoffs are definitely not planned today. There are two reasons for this:

  • the service has already lost too many employees, so additional layoffs may have too much of an impact on the functioning of the entire structure as a whole (the specific nature of the work of FSIN employees does not allow them to do their job efficiently with too few employees);
  • ​ on the eve of elections, it is simply unprofitable for the authorities to carry out large-scale layoffs, because voters will react extremely poorly to such news and may refuse to vote.

It must also be said that due to a sharp reduction in the number of service employees several years ago, prisoners began to actively escape from prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty, and given the fact that the number of people who form the basis of the law enforcement system has decreased, the percentage of crimes among the population has increased sharply . This means that the authorities must strive to not only maintain the number of employees in the organization at the current level, but also increase their number. And, naturally, under such conditions it is impossible to do without salary increases in the federal penitentiary service and the latest news, received from the authorities indicate that it will still happen.

News about the near future

In general, the salary increase for representatives of this structure will be made only through the indexation procedure, although the authorities have set themselves a plan aimed at equalizing salaries between enterprise managers and ordinary employees. It is believed that if the wages of all employees are almost the same, then, firstly, they will approach the performance of their duties more efficiently, and, secondly, this will reduce corruption activity. Respectively, FSIN salary increase in 2018 in Russia For different representatives

management level of the organization will occur unevenly. A similar rule will apply in other budgetary organizations, and the authorities have even established an official dispersion coefficient between salaries, which should not be more than 1:8 (that is, the manager’s salary may exceed the salary ordinary employee

only eight times). It is also worth mentioning that wages will have to be paid strictly twice a month, and for each day of delay the employer will be forced to pay compensation to his employees, and he will be subject to quite significant fines.

The conclusion is simple... It is quite difficult to give precise data on What will be the salary of FSIN employees in 2018? , because the final budget for the coming year has not been approved, accordingly, exact numbers they can't announce.

However, we can rejoice in the fact that service employees can count on the indexation of salaries to the level of inflation and the absence of the likelihood of another wave of layoffs (as part of optimization), which in itself can already be considered excellent news. It was previously discussed that may have been canceled altogether, but that’s why the authorities decided to refute it. It is impossible to cancel the only event that today, even if only slightly, increases the salaries of state employees, especially since there are funds in the budget for its implementation. There are no funds in the country today for an additional increase in salaries of public sector employees.

Federal service responsible for control practical implementation judicial verdicts is called the FSIN. She does the work, which often goes unnoticed, and this is undesirable to allow.

Many citizens want to know information about the increase in rates - what to expect and whether such an event will even take place; Many Russians are concerned about the increase in salaries in the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018.

What is the current government agency? Such an institution contains an innumerable number of concentrations of deprivation of will, especially pre-trial detention centers, colonies and prisons. Those who work in this department are responsible for the peaceful existence of the population. These civil servants monitor the implementation

court sentences and protect individuals suspected of committing crimes.

But the FSIN officers still care about the rights of those citizens who reside in the specified components of the state structure. In addition, employees of the federal service in question monitor the behavior of law-abiding individuals. Finally, they are responsible for the safety of prisoners according to the domestic legal framework. Replying to this question, we can’t help but mention

latest news

that there will be an increase in the salaries of employees in the federal penitentiary service.

In truth, civil servants will not qualify for a good salary supplement. So current news on this matter greatly embellishes Russian reality.

Everything that relates to increasing the salaries of employees of the federal penitentiary service is certainly the subject of discussion in print media.

The Ministry of Defense is in charge of affairs in the current area, since the FSIN reports to it. Recently, workers in the Ministry of Defense published an official document containing information about raising rates for members of the government agency in question.

Moreover, such an event must be implemented taking into account the current degree of depreciation. It is worth noting that inflation is not expected to be too high, since according to previous data from analysts, its scale will not exceed 5%. In principle, a number of public sector employees have already felt an increase in their wages in their Everyday life

. However, they are aware of where the government found the means to implement such an intention. An additional source of finance was found in the deprivation of some citizens of their long-established jobs.

A wave of mass layoffs allowed the money thus freed to be spent on increasing wages. But at the same time, 15% of all workers had to say goodbye to their jobs.

  • Deputies will no longer cut the current staff; the fact that there will be no reductions in the FSIN in 2018 is explained by several circumstances:
  • an innumerable number of fired public sector employees - if such tactics continue to occur, this threatens to negatively affect the work of the department; impending presidential election campaign

, where it is unprofitable for candidates for the post of head of state to lose the electorate.

In addition, due to the rapid dismissal of employees over recent years, there have been increased cases of prisoner escapes. This, coupled with a reduction in the working staff of law enforcement officers, led to a significant increase in the number of illegal actions. Consequently, today’s voters should focus on increasing the number of FSIN officers, and not just maintaining the current size of the workforce. There is a natural need for measures to increase salaries in the federal penitentiary service; latest news

The State Duma reports officials' plans to raise rates.

Changes expected in the foreseeable future In principle, the increase in salaries of the considered category of public sector employees will become valid solely due to indexation. However, representatives of government circles want to equalize

After all, if the salaries of all FSIN officers are equal, then this should have a beneficial effect on the level of fulfillment of their entrusted obligations. In addition, such a strategy by politicians will lead to a reduction in corruption. Therefore, it is worth considering the lack of gradualism in increasing the salaries of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 in Russia.

A similar principle will apply to all other budget areas our country. Moreover, domestic servants of the people introduced a special dispersion coefficient. This value sets the maximum gap between salary amounts and is 1:8. By this rule, the boss claims only eight times the financial reward compared to an ordinary employee.

It is also necessary to mention the 2-time accrual of the rate within one month, and if the management at the place of employment does not pay the amount on time, then it is forced to compensate its subordinates for the untimely accrual of funds. At the same time, in case of such an offense, the employer is subject to fairly large penalties.

The obvious result of the material provided

It's not so easy to talk about exact value salaries of FSIN employees in 2018, because so far there is no approved spending plan for the new year. Therefore, it is not possible to give reliable figures. But the good news is that surcharges have been introduced to wages

civil servants of the current category.

In addition, indexation will be carried out in accordance with the expected current rate of inflation. Also, FSIN residents don’t have to worry about a new stage of job deprivation, since it simply won’t happen. Previously, there was a discussion in the information space about the indexation of salaries of FSIN employees for 2018. The media said that the implementation of this procedure could be canceled, although politicians

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