Home Perennial flowers Where will the Federal Penitentiary Service be transferred this year? As part of the reform of Russia's security forces, it is possible to merge the federal penitentiary service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Where will the Federal Penitentiary Service be transferred this year? As part of the reform of Russia's security forces, it is possible to merge the federal penitentiary service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

At the end of 2017, the President of Russia signed a law reducing the maximum staff size of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from 2018. The issue of merging the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to advance reform in this department. The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

Currently in Russian Federation reform continues security forces. The changes will not bypass the FSIN. The latest news on February 6 reports that in 2018 this service may merge with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salary of department employees will be revised, control over high-quality execution professional responsibilities.

The Federal Penitentiary Service is a federal body executive power carrying out law enforcement functions.

If the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs merge in 2018, the department will not lose its purpose

The FSIN also exercises functions of control and supervision in the field of execution of criminal penalties in relation to convicted persons, functions of maintaining persons suspected or accused of committing crimes, and defendants in custody, their protection and escort, as well as functions of monitoring the behavior of probationers and convicts who have been granted a deferment of serving their sentence by the court.

The FSIN was created to execute sentences and to detain suspects, accused, and convicted persons. All places of deprivation of liberty in Russia are subordinate to the service.

After the merger of the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, some employees will change their official uniform to civilian

On December 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed a decree ordering the optimization of the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from January 1, 2018 by 10 thousand people - up to 894 thousand 871 people, including:

  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • civilian personnel.

After the presidential elections, the FSIN may come under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This possibility is being discussed in FSIN units across the country. In addition, personnel reform in the department is possible.

“A significant part of the FSIN employees will be transferred to civilian service, that is, they will be left without shoulder straps. Only those employees who work with weapons will remain in uniform. Massive layoffs are unlikely to happen, because the system already has a catastrophic shortage of personnel,”

- said one of the sources.

The merger of the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 involves a reduction in the number of generals

The penal system was part of the internal affairs bodies until the 1998 reform, when, based on the Decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Justice.

Until 2005, Russia had the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which subsequently administrative reform transformed into the Federal Penitentiary Service, which was still under the control of the Ministry of Justice.

However, experts note that “if the FSIN, as it is now, is taken under the umbrella of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to see what, for example, positions and positions in the system were superfluous, where someone can be cut to save the budget, then this fits perfectly into optimization logic that Russian authorities have been going on lately."

Experts do not rule out that the law enforcement agencies are preparing for a reform option when, after the elections, the authorities return to the idea of ​​​​creating a “mega-department”, under whose wing several law enforcement agencies will unite. So, apparently, “optimization” awaits the security forces, as in healthcare. There will be fewer generals.

The government has prepared a bill to index the salaries of millions of Russian public sector employees, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

The bill, which has been sent to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, talks about indexing the salaries of 5.6 million people from January 1, 2018. They will receive 4% more. For this purpose, it is planned to allocate an additional 70 billion rubles in the Russian budget. The salary increase will include employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, as well as the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) and the courts.

As government officials note, the need to index salaries for some employees of budgetary enterprises who “did not fall” under the May decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin of 2012 is necessary, since last time it was held five years ago, in 2013.

“At the same time, consumer prices increased by almost 40%, and the consumer price index from 2013 to 2017 - by 137.6%,” the government says.

The budget for 2018-2020 includes an indexation of 4%. The allowance will increase by the specified percentage annually. 4% was the predicted inflation for 2017.

It is worth recalling that back in the summer of 2017, President Vladimir Putin, at one of his meetings with members of the government, proposed indexing wages for such workers.

— The May decrees did not cover all public sector employees. For a number of categories of employees of budgetary organizations, wages have not increased for a long time - for several years,” Vladimir Putin said then.

— Currently, in entry-level positions, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive about 40 thousand rubles. This is the typical salary of a district police officer, investigator or operative. In the Federal Penitentiary Service the story is roughly similar: for example, a lieutenant receives about 35 thousand rubles. Employees of the administrative apparatus of the courts - secretaries, clerks, assistants - receive an average of 30 thousand rubles, the head of the independent interregional trade union of capital police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, told Life.

According to him, in 2018 they plan to return regional additional payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, in principle, should make monetary remuneration for police officers quite attractive.

As Life's interlocutor from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation notes, additional payments are due to employees with higher education. legal education, for length of service, for various honorary titles. Such specific employees as snipers, sappers, and dog handlers who take part in special operational or combat operations have not been forgotten.

It is assumed that regional bonuses will be from 10 to 100% of the official salary.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, now the official salary of an operational officer ranges from 18 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the length of service and the region in which the officer serves.

“In Moscow, the Moscow region, and St. Petersburg, the official salary is ten percent higher than in all other regions,” says Life’s interlocutor from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who is familiar with the situation.

On average, a police officer in criminal investigation receives 50 thousand rubles. Half of the salary is the official salary. This means that now the officer will receive 75 thousand rubles.

Due to the budget deficit last year and this year, not only were salaries not increased for some representatives of public sector employees, but payments were not even indexed to compensate for losses due to current inflation. Among these losers were also employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, a subordinate Federal Service under the Ministry of Justice, whose responsibilities include the execution of punishments.

However, according to some experts, the salaries of FSIN employees have not increased not only because of economic problems in the state. The fact is that back in 2014, information appeared that the government had decided to significantly reduce budget funding for the Federal Service due to high level corruption. Therefore, the government, on the initiative of the Anti-Corruption Committee, decided to use this method of fighting corruption.

However, news about the FSIN is increasingly appearing in the press: the salaries of employees of this service should supposedly increase in 2017, despite the fact that there have been no significant positive changes in Russian economy Did not happen. It is not a fact that the salary of FSIN employees will be increased not due to reductions in the number of employees, as happened in the police, but, nevertheless, the increase in the FSIN salary in 2017 will be an additional incentive to improve the performance of the service and motivation for its employees.

FSIN salary 2017

Experts on forecasting the level of wages cannot yet say unequivocally whether the Federal Penitentiary Service will raise wages in 2017. The only thing that can be predicted with 100% certainty is by studying the project indicators federal budget on next year and for the next two years - this means that the FSIN salary will be indexed in 2017.

There are opinions that the salary of the Federal Penitentiary Service will also increase in 2017, but its increase will not be as significant as that of bailiffs. With a planned increase of five and a half percent in budget funding for the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in 2017, the salary increase in large volumes impossible.

Therefore, if there is any increase in payments, then most likely it will be the indexation of the FSIN salary in 2017. However, this does not exclude an increase in the salaries of service employees who carry out the functions and tasks of direct control over both convicted and suspended sentenced persons, as well as conditionally released persons. According to the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service, this is possible due to layoffs of workers indirectly involved in the work of the service - the administrative apparatus, psychologists and other support employees.

For now, only one thing can be said - everything that concerns payments to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia: salaries and the size of its increase, almost no one undertakes to make forecasts. The situation with the state’s economy is so unstable that it can change almost every day. Therefore, there are great hopes that the FSIN salary will be indexed, and what will happen to salaries can only be said next year.

FSIN salary

Speaking about increasing payments to executive employees, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the degree of relevance of this problem by looking at the salaries of the Federal Penitentiary Service for different categories of employees. According to statistics, the average salary of a FSIN inspector in the whole region of Russia is about 40 thousand rubles.

But, as a rule, wages can differ significantly depending on:

  • from the region of service;
  • from special conditions of service;
  • from length of service;
  • from personal achievements, etc.

Structure wages employees of the FSIN, as well as other law enforcement services, consists of a salary and various additional payments in the form of bonuses and other payments. The salary has two components - this is the amount of payment for the position and, accordingly, for the title that the employee has. Moreover, the salary, as elsewhere for security forces, is far from the main salary of a FSIN employee; the amount of bonuses and various additional payments can be more than two and a half times the size of the salary.

For example, a FSIN lieutenant's salary is about 35 thousand rubles, and his salary as a squad commander is 24 thousand rubles. Or a colonel who holds the position of head of the FSIN department has a salary of 33 thousand rubles, or can receive a salary of about 70 thousand rubles.

It should be emphasized that the salary of a FSIN employee has a significant spread depending on Russian regions. For example, the average salary of a junior inspector of the Federal Penitentiary Service according to statistics on different regions Russia looks like this. Highest salary This category of FSIN employees is received in the Chechen Republic, and its amount is 58 thousand 100 rubles. In second place is Magadan Region- 45 thousand and on the third – Kamchatka Krai, where the salary of a junior inspector is 36 thousand 667 rubles.

Federal service responsible for control practical implementation judicial verdicts is called the FSIN. She does the work, which often goes unnoticed, and this is undesirable to allow.

Many citizens want to know information about the increase in rates - what to expect and whether such an event will even take place; Many Russians are concerned about the increase in salaries in the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018.

What is the current government agency? Such an institution contains an innumerable number of concentrations of deprivation of will, especially pre-trial detention centers, colonies and prisons. Those who work in this department are responsible for the peaceful existence of the population. These civil servants monitor the implementation

court sentences and protect individuals suspected of committing crimes. But the FSIN officers still care about the rights of those citizens who reside in the specified components of the state structure. In addition, employees of the subject

federal service monitor the behavior of law-abiding individuals. Finally, they are responsible for the safety of prisoners according to the domestic legal framework. Replying to this question, we can’t help but mention

latest news

that there will be an increase in the salaries of employees in the federal penitentiary service.

In truth, civil servants will not qualify for a good salary supplement. So current news on this matter greatly embellishes Russian reality.

Everything that relates to increasing the salaries of employees of the federal penitentiary service is certainly the subject of discussion in print media.

The Ministry of Defense is in charge of affairs in the current area, since the FSIN reports to it. Recently, workers in the Ministry of Defense published an official document containing information about raising rates for members of the government agency in question.

Moreover, such an event must be implemented taking into account the current degree of depreciation. It is worth noting that inflation is not expected to be too high, since according to previous data from analysts, its scale will not exceed 5%. In principle, a number of public sector employees have already felt an increase in their wages in their Everyday life

. However, they are aware of where the government found the means to implement such an intention. An additional source of finance was found in the deprivation of some citizens of their long-established jobs.

A wave of mass layoffs allowed the money thus freed to be spent on increasing wages. But at the same time, 15% of all workers had to say goodbye to their jobs.

  • Deputies will no longer cut the current staff; the fact that there will be no reductions in the FSIN in 2018 is explained by several circumstances:
  • an innumerable number of fired public sector employees - if such tactics continue to occur, this threatens to negatively affect the work of the department; impending presidential election campaign

, where it is unprofitable for candidates for the post of head of state to lose the electorate.

In addition, due to the rapid dismissal of employees over recent years, there have been increased cases of prisoner escapes. This, coupled with a reduction in the working staff of law enforcement officers, led to a significant increase in the number of illegal actions. Consequently, today’s voters should focus on increasing the number of FSIN officers, and not just maintaining the current size of the workforce. There is a natural need for measures to increase salaries in the federal penitentiary service; latest news

The State Duma reports officials' plans to raise rates.

Changes expected in the foreseeable future In principle, the increase in salaries of the considered category of public sector employees will become valid solely due to indexation. However, representatives of government circles want to equalize

After all, if the salaries of all FSIN officers are equal, then this should have a beneficial effect on the level of fulfillment of their entrusted obligations. In addition, such a strategy by politicians will lead to a reduction in corruption. Therefore, it is worth considering the lack of gradualism in increasing the salaries of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 in Russia.

A similar principle will apply to all other budget areas our country. Moreover, domestic servants of the people introduced a special dispersion coefficient. This value sets the maximum gap between salary amounts and is 1:8. By this rule, the boss claims only eight times the financial reward compared to an ordinary employee.

It is also necessary to mention the 2-time accrual of the rate within one month, and if the management at the place of employment does not pay the amount on time, then it is forced to compensate its subordinates for the untimely accrual of funds. At the same time, in case of such an offense, the employer is subject to fairly large penalties.

The obvious result of the material provided

It's not so easy to talk about exact value salaries of FSIN employees in 2018, because so far there is no approved spending plan for the new year.

Therefore, it is not possible to give reliable figures. But the good news is that salary increases are being carried out for civil servants of the current category.

In addition, indexation will be carried out in accordance with the expected current rate of inflation. FSIN residents also don’t have to worry about a new stage of job deprivation, since it simply won’t happen. Previously, there was a discussion in the information space about the indexation of salaries of FSIN employees for 2018. The media said that the implementation of this procedure could be canceled, although politicians

did not confirm such rumors. In modern realities, there is no way to do without this only way to increase remuneration.

In 2018, reforms are expected in all spheres of society, the prerequisites for the reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service are already emerging. The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salaries of department employees will be revised, and control over the quality performance of professional duties will be strengthened.

The latest news about the FSIN reform in 2018 concerns increasing employee wages

The fact that the wind of change is blowing is evidenced by the fact that the Ministry of Justice is considering a bill that will regulate the activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service and will become the main instrument for carrying out reform in 2018.

One of the fundamental points of the reform is the indexation of salaries of department employees, which has not been carried out for several years. The new bill provides for an increase in wages for employees of the penitentiary service and specifies a number of conditions on which the amount of wages will depend:

  1. the salary will be calculated in accordance with the position and rank;
  2. bonuses are provided for length of service;
  3. work under special conditions will be encouraged;
  4. senior management has the right to reward the work of employees and personal growth through incentives and bonuses.

In 2018, department employees can count on an increase in wages due to the fact that funding for this structure was previously cut. At the moment, there is a situation in which ordinary employees receive fairly modest salaries and the gap with the salaries of management personnel is clearly visible. The Ministry is looking for ways to stabilize the situation and eliminate the imbalance.

The bill assumes that the salaries of senior officials will soon be cut, and as a result it will be possible to increase the wages of ordinary employees. This item has not yet been approved and is under discussion. Changes will occur smoothly, which will allow department employees to adapt to new conditions.

Wage indexation taking into account the level of inflation will be 5-6%. Employee salaries will be increased based on the table of average payments. Unpleasant is the forecast of experts who are confident that we should not expect an increase in wages. Economic crisis led to decline and in light of this, at the highest state level, the issue of canceling the salary increase is being discussed.

Latest news on the introduction of new rules for employees as part of the FSIN reform in 2018

The reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service could be carried out by merging with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or lead to the fact that this agency will completely withdraw from law enforcement agencies and receive a special status.

Particular attention is paid to FSIN employees; in accordance with the new requirements, department employees must:

  • treat prisoners well;
  • respect the rights of persons serving sentences;
  • respect the traditions of representatives of other nations;
  • contribute to the fight against corruption.

In accordance with the new standards, an employee of the updated Federal Penitentiary Service should become an example for persons serving sentences. Giving up immoral and bad habits is encouraged.

The new responsibility of the employees will be to describe all observed corruption facts and draw up a report on this incident. The grounds for dismissal will be failure to comply with the law and absenteeism.

Employees must be prepared to undergo alcohol testing at any time and narcotic substances. New legal provisions oblige employees to report to senior management any attempts to commit bribery while on duty.

Analyzing the new norms, it becomes obvious that officials are trying to create a special group of contract workers who will agree to the conclusion employment contract and work in the reorganized FSIN. The main requirement is communication skills, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations and the absence of bad habits.

New employees will be supervised by management during a trial period, which will range from 2 to 6 months. From now on, only a highly qualified specialist who has passed the competition can occupy a leadership position.

In order to smooth out the situation, FSIN employees will receive special social guarantees, for example, for length of service they will increase the duration of vacation. In case if professional activity served as a reason for threats from criminals - the state guarantees the protection and safety of employees of this department.

The FSIN reform in 2018 provides for a reduction in staff, this indicates the desire to create an elite federal structure

In 2018 year will pass checking the suitability of employees for their positions, as a result of which the ranks of employees will be significantly thinned. Personnel composition will change due to reduction leadership positions, while the wave of optimization will practically not affect ordinary employees.

Personal growth and contribution to the development of the department are encouraged. The dismissal will affect those employees who have virtually no influence on the development of this Federal Service. In the risk zone, on this moment, turned out to be psychologists.

Reducing the composition will lead to an increase in the amount of responsibility and responsibilities of ordinary employees. The possibility that some correctional institutions will be liquidated cannot be ruled out. All convicts who are serving their sentences in the data structural divisions, will be transferred to other colonies.

Document on the reorganization. At the moment it has not yet been signed, it is at the stage of discussion and finalization in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation. The relevant departments have already familiarized themselves with the new legislative framework and left positive feedback.

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