Home Perennial flowers Methodical development on the topic: Extracurricular event “Mysterious Arctic. Outline of a lesson on the outside world (middle group) on the topic: "Wild animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Methodical development on the topic: Extracurricular event “Mysterious Arctic. Outline of a lesson on the outside world (middle group) on the topic: "Wild animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

  1. The purpose of the lesson: Creation of conditions for self-realization and the formation of a holistic view of the Arctic zone, its characteristic features... Raising the ecological culture of primary schoolchildren by mastering ways of solving learning objectives through the study of the topic "Arctic Zone".
  2. Tasks:

educational: update children's knowledge about the Arctic zone, its natural conditions, people's lives, environmental issues, expand the knowledge of students through various sources information, systematize children's knowledge about the Arctic zone by comparison, analysis, synthesis.

developing: develop subject skills: be able to distinguish natural areas by their distinctive features, to develop personal and communication skills through the creation of problem situations, research activities.

educational: foster a love of nature using the example of the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of the Arctic, foster an understanding of the rules of ecological culture; teach to admire nature.

psychological: the formation of an emotionally-volitional sphere, the development of communication skills and a classy team.




Follow the steps and write the received word

Make up a word and underline unnecessary

Artistic tongue twisters.

Before you tongue twister

Thought, thought, thought, thought

Suddenly the wind blew

And I forgot what I thought

You need to pronounce a tongue twister in accordance with this emotion:

Fun, sadness, fear, surprise.

Lesson on the course extracurricular activities"Learning to create projects"

Topic: Arctic animals in danger

Teacher early. classes:

Belyaeva Lyudmila Nikolaevna


Yanis Tatiana Borisovna

MBOU Secondary School No. 27 Ozersk.

  1. The purpose of the lesson: Creation of conditions for self-realization and the formation of a holistic view of the Arctic zone, its characteristic features. Raising the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren by mastering the methods of solving educational problems through the study of the topic "Arctic Zone".
  2. Tasks:

educational: update children's knowledge about the Arctic zone, its natural conditions, human life, environmental problems, expand the knowledge of students through various sources of information, systematize children's knowledge about the Arctic zone by comparison, analysis, synthesis.

developing: to develop subject skills: to be able to distinguish natural zones according to their distinctive features, to develop personal and communication skills through the creation of problem situations, research activities.

educational: foster a love of nature using the example of the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of the Arctic, foster an understanding of the rules of ecological culture; teach to admire nature.

psychological:the formation of an emotionally-volitional sphere, the development of communication skills and a classy team.

The course of the lesson,

Teacher: Greeting: Slide 1.

We have guests in class today. Let's welcome them.

We sat down straight, back straight, legs at the level of the chair. Slide 2.

Look at the blackboard. Who will read the topic of the lesson?

What do we do? (Howling wind, letter flies in) Slide 3.

Who sent this letter? Let's find out. (we read the letter).

What did you find out about?

Who guessed what the topic of the lesson was? (Arctic animals in danger) Slide 4.

What other word can replace the word danger: (threat, fear, trouble) Slide 5.

How many knows which word sounds the same in all languages ​​as a call for help? (SOS) Slide 6.

Can we remain indifferent? No.

What is the purpose of our lesson? Slide 7.

Find out WHO is asking for help?

What is the threat?

Try to help?

Today we will try to solve this problem for this we hit the road. Do you think that if we answer all these questions, the animals of the Arctic will be saved? And here is the hypothesis put forward by the author of the letter. We read the letter…. Our task is to find out whose hypothesis is correct.

Psychologist: MOBILIZATION. Slide 8.

Since we live in the Urals, therefore, our path will run along the plain (path, we pass twice, one after another), Slide 9. along the mountains, (ladder), the boys support the girls by the hand, and then they walk on their own. Whoever walked the ladder sits on the chairs (on the plane). We put on shoes. And we hit the road. Slide 10.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear scientists! Slide 11. The aircraft crew welcomes you on board our liner. Sit up straight and fasten your seat belts. At the end of the flight, each of you will receive a mission envelope.

Let's remember everything we know about the Arctic... Slide 12-18.

View slides with reading phrases and riddles about the northern lights.

Look through the porthole. What do we see? Slide 19. Northern Lights.

What does this mean? That we are approaching the Arctic.

Psychologist: We got ready for landing, sat down straight, straightened our seat belts, we landed in the harsh Arctic. We need to dress warmly, put on a warm overalls, jacket, hat. Are we ready to go !?

Teacher: The group leaders will meet you. Slide 20.

So, we were divided into groups, each group has its own task. We line up and disperse. Good luck to all!

On a signal, we disperse to our laboratories, on a signal, we meet here and hear the results of research. 1 person per group. We sit down at the end of work.

Work for 5-7 minutes.


Psychologist: Group No. 1 biologists (defense)

Add. question: Who is asking for help:animals of the Arctic?

What animals, what shapes did you use?

What qualities of a scientist helped you to cope with the task?(Patience, creativity, desire to help).

See how the animals you drew greet you,they glow with a bright, beautiful, joyful color.

Turn on the backlight.

Psychologist : Group No. 2, group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

How did we help the animals? Feed them.

Add.Question: What qualities helped you solve this problem?(endurance, quick wits, agility).

Teacher: Group # 3 Researchers.

Add.Question: What threat has arisen on the mainland?

What qualities have helped you to be successful?

(ability to persuade, speak, ingenuity)

Can we say that our problem is solved? Slide 21.

Look at the blackboard. What's gone (SOS) Why? Slide 22.

Back to the letter

We finish reading the LETTER.

Did he help us? Why?

Are the animals of the Arctic grateful to you, scientists? Sound animals (stick words of gratitude).

Psychologist: Reflection: Slide 23.

I suggest that you go to the table, choose multi-colored palms that match your mood from the work done and attach them around the globe on the board. You like? We tried to change the situation in the Arctic, and therefore around the globe. Slide 24.

I propose to join hands and stand in a circle because our Earth is round.

Let the Earth spin

May there be happiness on the planet

Let the children rejoice, and let the kind light pour!

This concludes the lesson, you are great!

Thanks for your work!

Presentation of medals, talk about the image on the medal.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of the combined type" Sun " Urengoy

Purovsky district

Synopsis of an integrated directly organized educational activities using SIRS technology

"Animals of the White Spaces"

for kids senior group

Compiled by the teacher:

Izmailova A.Sh.


2017 Nov.

Target: To acquaint children with the peculiarities of nature, living creatures of the Arctic.

Tasks :

Educational :

Formation of ideas about wild animals of the Far North by their outward appearance, lifestyle and habits;

Broadening the horizons of children.

Exercise in finding geometric shapes according to the scheme, creating a specific drawing;

Exercise diminutive nouns

Developing :

Develop coherent speech and the ability to correctly build a sentence

Development of attention and visual perception.

Promote development logical thinking;

Educational :

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, responsibility, initiative.

To cultivate a love for animals, an aesthetic attitude to nature.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Preliminary work:

We got acquainted with the globe, the children looked at illustrations with climatic conditions and animals of the Arctic and Antarctica; children had the opportunity to watch the cartoon "Umka"; children painted "Northern Lights".

Equipment :

Usage technical means: SIRS, video film "About the Arctic";

Pictures from animals of the Arctic;

Box with a seven-flowered flower and a polar bear;


Bear pattern for every child,

Cotton pads,

Jars for glue,



Event progress

Invite the children to complete the applique on previously prepared drawings:

Apply glue to the silhouette of the bear;

Put the chopped yarn on the glue, carefully aligning the contour;

Press the yarn tightly with a cotton pad to the base;

Shake off the rest of the thread.

Educator:Guys, come up to me, let's play together.

Organizational moment.

The sun woke up in the sky

We guys smiled.

We quietly close our eyes

We raise our hands to the sky.

Let's take a ray of the sun

And bring it to the heart.

Educator : Guys, now we have winter, it's cold and frosty outside, and warmth and goodness settled in your hearts. Let's share this warmth, pass it through our palms to each other. How pleasant is the warmth, kindness, good mood went on the palms. And let the good mood remain throughout the day. "

Let's give a good mood to our guests (blew on your palms) .

Guys, this morning, the postman came and handed a parcel addressed to the children group"Fidgets" ... You want to know what is in the parcel post (Yes)

The teacher takes out of the box "Flower-seven-flower" .

Educator :

Look what an extraordinary flower, it has petals different color... What is it called? What fairy tale?

Why do you think they sent it to us? And there is also a note: "Dear Guys! We invite you to visit our mainland and help our friend get home, learn a lot of interesting things. And a flower - seven-flower with tasks will help you "

1 -th task: (I take the petal) "Find out who we need to help get home"

(children of the first subgroup collect tangram on the computer, children of the second subgroup of the subgroup - tangram at the table)

Guys, what did you do? (Polar bear cub) Oh, who is this little, little white one with us. Yes, this is Umka. (The teacher takes out a figurine of a polar bear)

Educator: But where does our Umka live? We learn from the 2nd task. Guess the riddle:

Every student knows

The uppermost continent.

We will turn the globe

And we will find the name. (Arctic )

But where is the Arctic? We can find out if we consider ... what? Globe. What is a globe? (This is a scaled-down model of the Earth.)

Our planet is a huge - enormous ball. So big that it takes many - many days, even months, to go around it.

I suggest we go on a journey with Umka to the Arctic. Children, aren't you afraid to go on a long journey?

Our scientific expedition today he will go beyond the Arctic Circle, to the zone of arctic deserts. And we will sail on an icebreaker. Rules of conduct on the ship:

1. Without the command of the captain, you can not go out and go to the ship

3. You can not shout and run on the ship, pushing is prohibited

4. If a shipwreck begins, then it is necessary to put on life jackets, we have them here, we are the first to save women and children

We will go there with you,

Where is the kingdom of cold and ice!

Educator: But we need to complete the next task, tear off the next petal. (SIRS "Game of Attention") Look, a strong wind has blown, one element of our "snowflakes" is lost, let's find them.

You guys are great! And we did a good job with this task! But look, our Umka is sad. Let's play with him. (Presentation "Eye gymnastics")

Well, let's go!

Viewing a video.

At the opposite poles of the globe lie deserted, snow-covered and ice-covered polar regions: Antarctica in the far south, the Arctic in the north. We are now on the Arctic Ocean, and huge icebergs - ice rocks - are floating towards us. Children, do you think icebergs are dangerous to humans? Why? The sun does not appear in the sky for six months in these parts. For another six months it does not go beyond the horizon, but its rays are weak and almost do not warm, reflecting from the snow.

The Arctic is a zone of islands lying near the North Pole. The climate of this polar region is very diverse.

Cold gusty winds walk through the silent snowy expanses, pressing to the ground the already rare undersized dwarf birch and polar willow shrubs. Look at the children at their picture. How do you think they differ from birch and willow middle lane?

There are long cold winters and short cold summers, so the vegetation is scarce: mosses and lichens.

White deserts are called the vast expanse of the north, where there is only ice and snow. Everything is white - white to the point of pain in the eyes.

In the Arctic, the sun does not set for several months - the polar day continues. Remember, we talked to you - what is a polar day?

And there is also a polar night. What is it?

In the Arctic, there are very beautiful, unusual, mesmerizing a natural phenomenon- Northern Lights. Let's see it.

But the inhabitants of the north have adapted to these harsh conditions. Which?

Physical education

Here everywhere cold, ice and shadow children hug themselves by the shoulders

Six months - night, cover their eyes with their palms

Six months is a day. straighten up, put their hands up

Here people build a house out of ice, join their hands above their heads - "roof"

And the ocean is covered with ice. spread their arms to the sides

You will hardly meet animals here. put a palm over the eyes

And you won't notice the birds in the sky. swing their hands

Only a bear, white as frost, imitate the walk of a bear

Master of the icy desert. hands on the belt, stand still.

Educator: Magic snowflakes will help us find out what animals live here (children pick the next petal)

The long fur is white as snow.

Eats seals and fish for lunch.

He's a great swimmer -

And a caring father.

Three-meter giant

Weighs a thousand kilograms (polar bear)

Children who will tell us about polar bear? (child message)

The main inhabitant of the northern expanses is the polar bear. It is the largest predatory animal on Earth. Thick white long coat and thick layer of fat protect it from severe frosts. A bear is a wonderful swimmer, water is a native element for him, he can swim even under water. A polar bear will crawl out of the water onto an ice floe, shake it off - and again dry. It feeds on fish, seals and walruses. When the time comes for the appearance of offspring, the bear climbs into a snow cave. The cubs are born very small, blind, deaf, helpless and grow up and the bear does not leave the den. She warms them with her warmth and feeds the babies with milk. There are very few polar bears left on Earth, so hunting for them is prohibited. They are listed in the Red Book.

Fat bogatyr in a fold -

With flippers and earless.

Picks up from the bottom of the sea

Eat shells.

He has fangs like sabers,

The fur is short but dense.

Guess - guys,

What a hero he is. (Walrus) .

The child talks about the walrus.

Walruses are brown, they have white fangs, with the help of fangs they climb the ice floes, stick their fangs and rise. Fins help them while swimming. The walrus has no wool, it has very thick skin and has subcutaneous fat, which warms the walrus and is not afraid of any frost. Subcutaneous fat is better than a warm fur coat.

Like a royal crown

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen, green moss.

Loves snowy meadows. (Deer) .

Deer story:

Reindeer is a very wary and shy animal. He has a keen sense of smell and keen hearing, beautiful horns. Look at how slender, strong legs the deer has. He runs away from enemies, the deer runs a lot on snow covers. The deer needs wide hooves so that it does not fall into the snow. And he also gets food for himself, tears the snow to the ground with his hooves and takes out dry grass - this is the deer's favorite food.

Educator: (take the petal) The game "Guess who?" Everyone has animals, even in such harsh conditions, cubs are born, you will need to name them.

The polar bear ... (bear cub) ;

Walrus (walrus) ;

The deer ... (fawn) ;

At the penguin (little penguin) ;

And the seal's cub is called in a special way, how? (beetle) .

Educator: Oh, look what a sad bear cub. Why do you think?

Children:He is alone, he has no friends.

Play:How can we help him?

Children:Let's help Umka find friends. We drew pictures about the Northern Lights. Let's depict Umka's friends in these pictures.

(To be held artistic creation: application, to the song "About the Bear" from the cartoon Umka.)

Educator: Children, look, the Bear has become cheerful, he has made many friends and these friends will show him the way to his mother. Thank you!

Educator: Guys, we have the last petal left. We are in the Arctic. What wish can we make with you? (go back to kindergarten) Do you remember what I have to say:

Fly, fly - petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back making a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion!

Tell the children and me to be in kindergarten!

Lesson summary: Where is Arctic(At the North Pole) ... What can you tell us about Artik? (It is very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights.) animals in the Arctic ? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walruses, seals, snowy owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whales, whales) Why are these animals live in the arctic ? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, dive well. animal dense white fur , makes them invisible in the snow).

A knock on the door. The postman enters with a package.

Postman: Hello! Which group is this? ("Fidgets") Great! You received a package from the North Pole from Umka. (children receive treats from Umka)

Educator: Well done boys. You did a very good job today. Thanks.

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  1. Morning gathering.
Communication game: Game "Good morning!".

Children stand in two lines facing each other.

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:
-Good morning. right hands put forward and rest their palms
-Good morning! - left hands put forward and lean their palms
The sun and the birds. raise their hands up, reach out
- Good morning! - wave with their right hand
- Smiling faces. smile at each other
- And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting ...
Let be good morning
Lasts until the evening.

Educator: “Today we will go on a journey, but where, you will find out later. Let's play first. You need to get a map of the place that will be discussed today. Each riddle solved is a part of the map:

1. This bear is a black nose -
Loves winter and frost.
Well, in summer looking for a shade
And bathes all day.

(polar bear)

2. The beast in white fur coat dressed.

(polar bear)

3. Who lives in cold seas,
Among the huge icebergs?
He's too lazy to move
Sleeps all day on ice seal.

4. He has branchy horns,
And the sides are slightly spotty.
He's not too lazy to ride everyone,
Carries sleighs deer.

5. Who is this fishing
He walks slowly, waddling.
The old fisherman smells
That the rich are waiting for the catch.

(polar bear)

6. In the ocean dark blue
Kicking the walrus with his paw,
On a polar slippery ice floe
I rest without shivering.

(polar bear)

The children fold the map, after which the adult shows where the Arctic is on the globe and atlas. How do we get to the Arctic? (children's answers) Right on the icebreaker, see a lot of ice.

I'm walking on an icebreaker, arms folded forward in a triangle
The icebreaker goes on the ice.
That, workaholic, the field pricks,
That ice ridge. Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.

Educator: “Well done. They sailed. What is ARCTIC? Arctic(other Greek. ἄρκτος - "bear" (from the Greek. arktikos- northern), the northern polar region-Arctic lies under the constellation B. Medveditsa) (pictures are hung on the board) - the northern polar region of the Earth.

Educator: “How did we get to the Arctic? That's right on the icebreaker. And before there were none modern ships, on what could people get there? On steam ships. Look (the teacher shows the children a model) how much there is around the water space: (the teacher sticks toothpicks into the model with the inscriptions of the seas, etc.) Greenland, Norwegian, Barents, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Chukchi Sea, Beaufort and Baffin Sea, sea Labrador and this is not a complete list of the seas included, together with the Arctic Ocean, into a single glacier with areas of permafrost.

it North Pole(red flag, looking at the globe) -center, middle of the Arctic, adjacent to age-old ice outskirts of continents Europe, Asia and North America (the teacher puts the inscriptions on the layout).

The central part of the Arctic - the Arctic Ocean, which, regardless of the season, remains almost entirely frozen in ice.

For a long time, the Arctic was considered a territory not adapted for human life.("dead ground"), impassable neither by water nor by land.

For many years, Russian and foreign navigators and researchers have studied the Arctic, its landscape, animal and vegetable world.

One of the famous Russian researchers was Denis Gerasimov, according to his drawings, a map of the Northern Arctic Ocean... And the Norwegian polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen called the Arctic A land of ice horror .

How is the Arctic explored?

Russia is the first and only country to use the so-called drifting polar stations. Each such station is a complex of station houses installed on a drifting Arctic ice floe, in which the participants of the expeditions live, and the necessary equipment.

And what animals they live there (the teacher demonstrates the encyclopedia and pictures of animals are hung on the board).

Now let's guess the animals that we have already met (the adult invites the children to pull the toys out of the closed box). Children arrange toys on the model.

White bear in the snow

He walks, wanders, looking for something.

Pair of lovely white owls

Flew off to hunt.

White flock of partridge

They play hide and seek in the snow.

Here an arctic fox crept up to them,

Also white, by the way.

Maybe the cunning one with the birds

Want to play a little?

Motor skills.

Sleeps on an ice floe all day on the open palm of his left hand lies his right hand folded into a fist

Fat little seal.

At the lazy bungler

Paws turned into flippers. pull your thumb and forefinger out of the cam

Let's try together to split the paper foxes in half, since there is a lot of ice and snow in the Arctic, but what color do you think the snow is? (children's answers) White, we will leave the sheet of paper white. (glue the animals).

And what do the animals of the Arctic eat? Watch it food chain.

^ Games in the centers:


Activity center

The game "We collect fish".

Would need:

  • hoops

  • pictures of fish

  • polar bear masks

  • audio recording
There are hoops on the floor, 1 less than the number of players. Children in masks stand in hoops, around which pictures of fish are laid out, when the music starts to play, children go out of their hoops to collect fish, as soon as the music stops all the children. the bears must run into the hoops-houses, the one who was left without the hoop-house, puts the fish on the floor and leaves the game. The adult removes 1 hoop and the game starts over.


Ts. Manipulative games

Puzzles, lotto. Smart games "Animal World".


Ts. Experimentation

Multicolored ice


Ts. Literature

Reading stories by Y. Yakovlev "Umka", "Umka is looking for friends." Preparing a book about Umka's journey (self-inventing).


Ts. Mathematics

Count and compare the quantity.


C. Cooking

Knead salty dough... "Fish from salted dough." Sandwich "Rybka"


C. Science and Nature

We glue animal stickers into the atlas "The World of Animals", and then lay out the polar bear with bugles.


Ts. Construction

Application "Iceberg" from crumpled paper.



We sculpt a polar bear from plasticine.


When we were presented with the set “ Geography"From the firm" Clever ", my daughter and I began to study our Earth. At first, we looked rather enthusiastically geographic map, moved along it on their books-ships, repeating the names of continents and oceans. I must say that I liked Taisia's studies, but the further we advanced, the clearer it became to me that simply memorizing the names of the continents and facts about them (even in game form) will lead us to the wrong place. Still, the real task of geography is to form an idea of ​​the world around us, and not to memorize a map. And so that the continents did not remain just mysterious spots with meaningless names, it was necessary to change something in our games.

After experimenting with the classes, I came to the conclusion that the most interesting and useful way to explore our world is to arrange mini-trips to different parts of it. Therefore, now we are studying geography like this: going on a journey to another point on the globe, we first of all find it on a map and a globe, and then we plunge headlong into the atmosphere of this place. We play mobile and role-playing games on this topic, we draw, set up experiments, guess riddles, watch pictures and cartoons that help to get to know the environment under study better. Whenever possible, I try to make a thematic sensory box so that you can also touch what we are talking about.

The first trip, which I decided to talk about under the new heading "", is a trip to the North Pole. Perhaps on this moment, this expedition was the most emotionally intense in our country. For a whole week, the whole family played Eskimos, jumped on ice floes, painted the sea with seals and walruses, looked at the northern lights (on youtube, of course), sitting in a dark room. And a lot of other interesting things have fit into this thematic lesson, stretching for 2.5 weeks, you can read about everything in detail in this article.

The games proposed in the article are well suited for children from 3 to 7 years old - for younger and older preschoolers. You should not strive to lose all variants of games at once, it is better to stretch them for 1-3 weeks, while constantly alternating outdoor games with those that require perseverance.

Finding the Arctic on the map

First of all, you need to understand where we are going. Therefore we get geographic map and see where the destination is. The map can be hung on the wall so that it is always in sight. But we like to spread the map on the floor and move our favorite toys over it on their books-ships.

Driving on the map to the North Pole, we simultaneously name the oceans, on which we sail and other places that are already familiar to us.

It will be great if you find the Arctic not only on the map, but also on the globe. I found that after my daughter had a little orientation on the map, she could show all the continents, the approximate location of our city, she was completely lost on the globe, and refused to recognize seemingly familiar continents on it. Therefore, it is useful to study the globe in parallel with the map, moreover, this will form in the child an idea of ​​the Earth as a ball.

Presentation on the theme "Arctic" for children

To get basic knowledge about the Arctic, perhaps it would be best to watch with a child. It briefly describes the most Interesting Facts about the Arctic: what is the nature here, what animals live, what peoples live and what their houses look like, the presentation will give the first idea of ​​the polar night and the northern lights. Our presentation you can DOWNLOAD HERE .

And to consolidate the knowledge gained from the presentation will help you didactic game with cards, read more about it and download the materials below.

In addition to the presentation, you can watch various videos about the Arctic on youtube. For example, Taisiya was very impressed by the video about the northern lights. We seem to have reviewed every possible video about this. amazing phenomenon(at the same time, be sure to turn off the light in order to create the conditions of the polar night). A video about aurora borealis should be watched, if only because the photographs do not convey the full picture.

Sensor box "North Pole"

It's one thing to look at pictures and listen to what you have to say about the North Pole, and quite another to touch it with your hands. For this purpose, it is impossible better fit, which, plus everything, also provides a huge scope for role-playing games.

A little about what to make a sensor box ... With the snow in our Arctic, I did not become too smart, and took advantage of one of the most simple options- rice. I put some cotton balls on top, it turned out something like snowdrifts. Lumps of refined sugar can also become ice blocks.

What else can you make snow from? Decoy is good, coarse salt, cotton wool, real snow from the street, crumbled foam and even shaving foam.

To make the Arctic Ocean, I added a little blue gouache and gelatin to the water, it turned out such a blue jelly with fish. After the jelly has solidified, you can put cotton pads on top of it - these are ice floes. Of course, for the safety of the jelly after the game, such an ocean must be put into the refrigerator, but this is also a big plus - during the game the ocean is always cold, which fully corresponds to its northern ice extent

The ocean can also be made from hydrogel or plain water. But with water, the option is perhaps the most inconvenient, the water will splash all the time, moistening the snow and the entire surrounding space.

To create an atmosphere, various themed kits are perfect, such as of this.

In our games, the polar bear hunted for fish, attacked a seal, set up a den,

polar scientists who sailed on the icebreaker tried to get acquainted with the local Eskimos and take photographs of animals,

the Chukchi rode a deer and tried to make friends with the Eskimos, etc.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games, as expected, are the most interesting and favorite part of the activity for children. If watching the presentation, reading books about the Arctic does not alternate with active games, then it will become simply boring, and not a single child wants to do this. Game options:

  • Finger gymnastics
Who lives in the North? Who eats and who drinks there? ( alternately clap our hands and hit each other with our fists)
The animals are unusual, familiar to the cold. (hug ourselves by the shoulders, show how we are frozen)
Here is a fox from a mink looking, (we make a ring from the thumb and forefinger, look into the resulting "mink")
The white bear walks importantly ("Step" with the index and middle fingers)
Well, and the walrus, like a captain,
Conquers the ocean ( we fold our palms in a "boat", and "swim" wave-like forward)
Proud reindeer (we cross our arms over our head)
Carries loads all day. (one hand "steps" with the thumb and forefinger, the other rests on it, clenched into a fist)

Experiments and other games on the "North Pole" theme

    Snow melting

If you are studying the North Pole in winter time, then be sure to take some snow from the street with you while walking. At home, put the snow in a light or transparent dish and watch what the snow turns into when warm. To speed up the process, you can place the dishes with snow near the battery. When the snow finally melts, draw the child's attention to the fact that the resulting water is very dirty (for comparison, we poured clean tap water), which explains why you can't eat snow!

During our trip to the North Pole, I explained to my daughter that because of the long and cold winter the land here freezes very strongly, and therefore almost nothing grows in the Arctic. To better understand what it means "the ground freezes", we did such an experiment.

I prepared 2 cups of soil in advance, put one of them in the freezer. After the soil froze, together with Taisia ​​we tried to pierce the ground in the cups with a stick, it turned out that it was impossible to stick a stick into the frozen ground. Then we began to pour water into cups, and the newly frozen earth turned out to be inaccessible - the water remained on the surface of the earth. Thus, we saw with our own eyes that it is difficult for plants to survive in the frozen ground.

  • Rescuing frozen animals

This game may not meet the requirements of reality too much, but it is still quite interesting. And so, the legend is that animals from Africa somehow got to the North Pole, where they froze in one of the glaciers. And we urgently need to save them, thaw the ice in any way we can (water warm water, sprinkle with salt), and then send the animals back to Africa. I already wrote about this game earlier in the article about.

  • Putting the puzzle together

Our arctic puzzle you can DOWNLOAD HERE .

  • Didactic game on the theme "Arctic"

This didactic game helps to consolidate the knowledge gained while watching the presentation. For the game you will need cards with animals and other characteristic phenomena of the Arctic (Our cards can be DOWNLOAD HERE ).

First, all cards are put into a deck with pictures down. During the game, the presenter takes out one card from the deck and shows it to the players. The players' task is to name what is depicted on it. The one who guesses first takes the card for himself. Naturally, the player who scored the largest number cards.

Riddles about the Arctic for children

In between games, you can solve several riddles about the animals of the Arctic.

Sitting on a block of ice
I fish for breakfast.
I have a reputation for snow-white
And I live in the North.
And the taiga brown brother
Glad to honey and raspberries. (polar bear)
At the lazy bungler
Paws turned into flippers.
Sleeps on an ice floe all day
Fat little ... (seal)
Strong animal, lives in a cold land,
Fights enemies with huge fangs,
Not afraid of frost, it is smooth, thick-skinned,
Clumsy loves to sleep on an ice floe ... (walrus)
What a predator for such
With blue and white wool?
The tail is fluffy, the fur is thick,
He goes to the holes to stay.
Birds, eggs, rodents -
They are always tasty for him.
Also a dog breed. (arctic fox)
Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss.
Loves snowy meadows. (deer)

Crafts on the theme "Arctic" for children

When I was preparing the sensory box, I deliberately did not "put" the Eskimos in it, as I thought that my daughter would be interested in making the inhabitants of the Far North and their dwellings herself. Crafts really turned out to be quite unusual.

Eskimo ... I thought that sculpting an Eskimo from plasticine from scratch is a rather laborious task for a 3-year-old child, so we made our Eskimos by dressing up Lego Duplo men in plasticine clothes. Both the fur coat and the hat are plasticine rectangles rolled out and stretched out by our fingers, in which we wrapped our little men. On the left in the photo is an Eskimo dressed up as a daughter, on the right is mine.

A paper cup needle. Here you need to make a doorway in a paper cup in advance and cut small "bricks" from cotton pads. And only then, together with the child, glue the glass over with cotton "bricks".

Refined Igloo ... I already wrote about this version of the igloo construction earlier in the article "". True, for kids to build an igloo from refined sugar, tapering upward, can be a difficult task, so you can build a lightweight version, as in the photo.

Of course, a refined igloo is not as durable as a glass igloo, but it is sweet. Taisiya, naturally, could not resist eating sugar during construction.

How to draw the northern lights ... We painted the northern lights with regular gouache. I think it will also look great if you paint with watercolor water or, for example, soap bubbles... Sparkles (glitter) can be glued to the top of the drawing.

When the question arises, what to draw The Arctic Ocean, drawing with ice suggests itself. Indeed, in this case, you can also feel the chilling cold

Ice water can be tinted with gouache or liquid watercolor.

Around the ocean, you can glue cotton wool, cotton pads or pieces of napkins as snow, and make ice floes out of foil. You can also glue pre-painted and cut-out inhabitants of the Arctic.

Well, and a couple more options for "arctic" crafts:

Polar bear made of cotton pads and napkins

Walrus from three circles ... The circles can be colored paper plates.

Various cotton wool applications look original and are quite simple to perform. For example, you can paste over cotton wool images of a polar bear or an igloo (downloaded from the Internet).

If the child loves to color, then you can offer him coloring pages with silhouettes of Arctic animals, they are also easy to download on the Internet. You can also paint with plasticine, smearing it over the picture.

Cartoons and books-helpers

And finally, I would like to mention a few good books and cartoons that will help you better get used to the atmosphere of the North. Here's what we read:

  • Spread from the book "" ( Ozon, Maze, My-shop)

By the way, this book will also help in the study of Africa (there is both a desert and a jungle). It quite clearly outlines all the main characteristic signs this or that locality.

  • A spread about the animals of the Arctic in “ Atlas of animals » ( Ozon, Maze, My-shop)

  • Spreads about Alaska and about the northern lights in " Adventure Atlas » ( Ozon, Maze, My-shop)

Concerning, fiction on the theme of the North, then for younger children, you can recommend the book "" ( Ozon, Maze, My-shop), for older children - a book Sakarias Topelius "Sampo-Loparenok" (Maze, My-shop)

Cartoons about the Arctic : for kids - "Umka", for children a little older - "A fire is burning in Yaranga", "Sampo from Lapland".

That's all for me, I wish you interesting things to do!

Abstract of GCD for cognitive research development in the middle group.

Theme:"Wild animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Prepared by: educator the highest category

V. V. Tokareva

Educational areas : cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Equipment: globe, pictures of northern animals (walrus, seal, albatross, blue whale, reindeer, penguin, elephant seal, arctic fox, polar bear), picture - northern lights, glue, glue brushes, a silhouette of a bear printed on blue sheets, napkins, cotton wool.

Target: Acquaintance with the Arctic and Antarctic, with features natural conditions Arctic edge, with the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic, their appearance, lifestyle and habits.



To form in children an idea of ​​the animals of the north;

To form generalized ways of mental activity and means of building your own cognitive activities;

Extension vocabulary.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

Develop cognitive interest to all living things, the desire to receive new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation, fantasy;

Children gain experience in research activities, develop the ability to realize their interests;

Development of fine and articulatory motor skills.


To foster a respect for the animals of the north.

Course of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment.

The teacher shows the globe

Educator: Who knows what it is?

Children: globe

Educator: right! This is a scaled-down model of our planet Earth.

Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to go around it.

2. The main part.

With a snowy crown on both sides

Our beautiful ball is surrounded!

Two poles, two brothers

Antarctica and Arctic

Here is the North Pole, and here is the South Pole. you can get to it by plane or icebreaker. People do not live there permanently, they carry out research work, study the climate, the life of animals.

Educator: guys, what do you think? Why are they painted white?

Children: because there is north, there is always frost, snow, cold

Educator: The sun never rises high above the horizon here. Its rays glide along the surface of the Earth, giving it very little heat. That's why the kingdom of ice and snow is here
The surface of the Arctic is covered with ice, the thickness of which is equal to the height of a three-storey building. This is the harshest place on earth.
In winter, there comes a time when the sun does not rise at all. The polar night lasts. Only the pale light of the stars and the moon illuminates the endless snowy expanses.
In the winter arctic sky, you can see the aurora, one of the the most wonderful phenomena nature.
The polar night is replaced by the polar day. The sun shines day and night.
Only four months a year the temperature rises above zero degrees.
Coming short summer... It is very difficult to walk here. Guys, do you think anyone lives in the north? And again: when at the North Pole it is winter-polar night, on South Pole-summer-polar day.

Children: yes, animals and birds

Educator: right, look who lives in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Stories about animals.
He's so plump - this layer of fat saves him from hypothermia, like you jackets. And fins help you move quickly in the water to hunt for fish. Why do you think a seal is a predator?
What do seals eat? (fish)
Who else loves fish? (birds). They settle along the rocky shores, forming bird colonies.
These birds dive and swim well. Why are paws like flippers? (so that these birds can swim comfortably)
Their paws are powerful, with rough skin, adapted for walking on sharp ice and drifts.
The plumage does not get wet, otherwise, getting out of the water, it would immediately turn into an icicle.
What do you think these birds eat?

A large sea animal with very thick skin. The upper canines are extremely developed, elongated and directed downward. The very broad muzzle is set with numerous thick, stiff, flattened mustache-bristles. No external ears, small eyes.

The skin is covered with short, close-fitting yellow-brown hair, but with age it becomes smaller, and in old walruses, the skin is almost completely naked. The limbs are more adapted for movement on land than those of real seals, and walruses can walk rather than crawl; soles are callous. The tail is rudimentary.

Blue whale

Blue Whale - The largest whale, the largest modern animal, and also probably the largest of all animals that have ever existed on Earth. Its length reaches 33 meters, and its weight can significantly exceed 150 tons. The blue whale has no teeth. It feeds on small crustaceans. Having collected water in a huge mouth, the whale filters it through the mouth plates. And he eats the remaining crustaceans. It happens that small fish come across and eat too. A whole wagon of crustaceans eats a day! (27 tons)


Also a large animal, has branched horns, both females and males. Warm coat, wide hooves. They feed on tree bark, branches. A peaceful animal, but if someone attacks it, it can defend itself.

Elephant seals

A huge, enlarged nose hangs over the mouth with the nostrils down. It is because of such a nose that they received such a name - elephant seals. Elephant seals prey on fish and cephalopods. Elephant seals are able to dive for prey to a depth of 1400 m. Like whales, the respiration of elephant seals slows down during diving, which reduces oxygen consumption. The natural enemies of elephant seals are white sharks and killer whales that hunt in the upper water layers.


Albatross is amazing bird, which may not appear on land for many months! They spend days and nights navigating the oceans and covering hundreds of miles a day. Albatross - beautiful bird and the ocean distance is her only home. In addition to huge wings, these birds have a unique beak, which consists of separate plates. Their beak is thin, but strong and equipped with extended nostrils. Small species seek to feast on fish near the coast, while others fly hundreds of miles from land to find a tidbit for themselves.

Or the polar fox. A small predatory animal resembling a fox. Unlike the fox, the body of the arctic fox is squat, the muzzle is shortened; the ears are rounded, protruding slightly from the winter coat. the soles of the paws of arctic foxes are covered with coarse hair. It feeds on rodents, but often follows the bear and eats up what the bear has not eaten.

The polar bear is the most large predator on our planet. His the weight can reach 1 ton, and the body length is 3 m. Height the polar bear at the withers reaches 1.5 m. The polar bear differs from its relatives body structure, color of coat and skin. The head of the polar bear is narrower and longer than that of other representatives of the bear, with a flat forehead and long neck... The ears are rounded at the top. The coat is white without pigment color. Black polar bear skin... On the pads of the paws there is long hair and small bumps. There are swimming membranes between the toes of the forepaws. This body structure helps the polar bear survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. The polar bear's thick coat, consisting of two thick rows of hair, prevents it from freezing. In addition to wool, so as not to feel the cold, they have a thick subcutaneous layer of fat up to 13 cm. The wool and bumps on their paws prevent them from sliding on the ice, and the membranes between the toes help to swim. The bear got out of the water and shook himself off. Splashes flew from him in all directions. And why is the bear not covered with ice, after all, it crawls out of the water on such severe frost?

Educator: let's take a little rest with you.

Finger gymnastics.

In the North, a white bear lives,

But only, as brown, he does not suck honey.

Our Umka is trying to catch a fish,

To eat deliciously, and live - do not grieve.

(Bend the fingers, starting from the little finger to the big one, for each stressed syllable).


So that the throat does not hurt, we will stroke it boldly (children stroke their neck from top to bottom with their palms)

So as not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub the nose (forefinger rub the wings of the nose) We will rub the forehead too, we hold our palm with a visor (they put their palms on the forehead with a "visor" and rub it with movements "to the sides - together")

Make a "fork" with your fingers, massage your ears and neck. (Move the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front and behind the ears).

We know, we know, we always, we are not afraid of a cold! (rubbing both palms)

Educator: let's make a polar bear out of cotton wool with you.

(children and parents are invited to glue the bear with cotton wool)

3. Summing up.

So let's summarize. Where is the Arctic (At the North Pole).

What can you tell us about Artik? (It's very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights).

Which animals can be found in the Arctic? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walrus, seal, polar owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whale, whale).

Why do these animals live in the Arctic? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, dive well, many animals have thick white fur, making them invisible in the snow).

Antarctica is located at the South Pole, it is colder and people do not live there. Penguins, elephant seals, albatrosses live there

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