Home Beneficial properties of fruits Aristocratic European male names. We think, compare, reflect

Aristocratic European male names. We think, compare, reflect

I don’t even know if, besides Russia, there is at least one other state, the head of which has been led by foreigners so many times, and not as conquerors, but either by the good will of the Russians, or through behind-the-scenes intrigues and palace coups. Our country was ruled by Swedes, Poles, Tatars, Latvians, and especially often by Germans. Some of them stayed in power for a matter of days, and others for decades. Some were simply obedient puppets, others had enormous power and during their reign changed the face of the country beyond recognition.

1. Varyag

Actually, the history of Rus' begins with non-Russian rule. The chronicle founder of the Novgorod principality and the ancestor of the royal Rurik dynasty was from Jutland Hedeby (Denmark). According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the Varangian Rurik (Hrørek) was invited by the Chud, Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi and all tribes to reign in Novgorod to put an end to the civil strife. The story is extremely dubious and, most likely, Rurik invited himself. As a result, Rurik captured Novgorod, Polotsk, Murom and began to reign, laying, as it turned out, the foundations of Russian statehood.

2. Prophetic

When Rurik died, he was left with a young son, Igor, and Oleg, who is considered Rurik’s brother-in-law (wife’s brother), originally from what is now Sweden, became his regent and guardian. (However, there is a version that Oleg was not a regent, but just a governor under Igor). Having gained control over Novgorod, Oleg captured Kyiv, moved the capital there and declared it “the mother of Russian cities.” Why it was the mother and not the father is not clear. He went on a campaign against Constantinople, and died, according to the chronicles, from the bite of a snake that crawled out of the skull of his own horse.

3. Castling

The short reign of Simeon Bekbulatovich, the son of the Sultan of the Nogai Horde and a descendant of Genghis Khan, can rather be classified as a historical curiosity. Either fearing a conspiracy of the boyars, or because bad omen, or in order to take away the lands from the church with his hands, Ivan the Terrible abdicated the throne in 1575, crowned Simeon as king, and he himself called himself Ivan of Moscow and settled in a demonstratively modest environment outside of Moscow.

However, he did not let go of real power for a second, and after 11 months he returned to the throne, bestowing Simeon with the Grand Duchy of Tver for his participation in this “castling.” True, when the Godunovs came to power after the death of Ivan the Terrible, just in case, they forced Simeon Bekbulatovich to renounce all his titles and go to a monastery.

4. Pole

In 1610, the boyars overthrew Tsar Vasily Shuisky and elected 15-year-old Vladislav Vaza, son of Sigismund III (King of Sweden and Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania), who was called Vladislav Zhigimontovich, as Tsar. The boyars managed to take the oath to him and even began minting coins in his name. True, this is where everything stalled: Vladislav wanted to stay in Poland and rule Russia from there, and the Moscow boyars insisted that he convert to Orthodoxy and move to Moscow. As a result, Vladislav did not go anywhere and was not crowned king, and instead of him, Mikhail Fedorovich, the first of the Romanov dynasty, became king. In 1617, Vladislav tried to regain the throne by force, but did not succeed.

5. Brothel Cinderella

Catherine I, aka Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, after her first husband - Kruse. She was born either on the territory of modern Latvia in an area that was then part of Swedish Livonia, or in Tartu (then called Dorpat), in Estonia, into a peasant family. Her parents died of the plague, so the girl was raised by a pastor named Gluck. At the age of 17, Martha was married to a dragoon named Johann Kruse, who literally a couple of days after the wedding left for the war and went missing. In 1702, during northern war, the army of the Russian Field Marshal Sheremetev took the Swedish fortress of Marienburg, capturing, including 400 civilians, including the maid Martha Kruse, whom Sheremetev took as his mistress. About a year later, it passed into the hands of Prince Menshikov, a friend and ally of Peter I.

Stopping at his friend’s place while passing, Peter noticed Martha among the servants. After talking with Menshikov about who she was and how he acquired her, Peter ordered her, when she went to bed, to take the candle to his room and Martha spent the night in the king’s room. The next morning, Peter put one ducat (10 francs) in her hand and went about his business.

But already in 1704 she bore him two sons, in 1712 she officially married Peter, in 1724, on his orders, Catherine’s coronation took place, and in 1725, after the death of Peter I, Catherine ascended the Russian throne, becoming the first woman in the history of Russia - head of state. However, she did not rule for long - only two years, during which the main power was concentrated in the hands of Menshikov and the Supreme Privy Council. In 1727, the empress died of illness, marking the beginning of an era of intrigue and palace coups.

6. Famous prisoner

Actually, Ivan Antonovich, the great-grandson of Ivan V and Emperor Ivan VI, was born in St. Petersburg. But his parents were Elizabeth Katharina Christina, Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (daughter of Catherine Ioannovna, niece of Peter I), born in Rostock (Germany) and Anton Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Bevern-Luneburg, born in Bevern (Germany), so his Russians can only be called a stretch.

Formally, Ivan VI reigned for the first year of his life, from October 1740 to November 1741, although in fact he himself at that time could only shit his diapers, and the country was ruled by regents: first the Duke of Courland Biron, and then Ivan’s mother, who converted to Orthodoxy and was baptized as Anna Leopoldovna.

In 1741, after a series of palace coups, Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter I, came to power. The young emperor, along with his entire family, was sent into captivity and spent the rest of his life in solitary confinement. His name was forbidden to be pronounced (in correspondence he was called a “famous prisoner”), coins with his image were melted down, portraits were destroyed, and business papers, passports and church documents with his name were destroyed and replaced with new ones. While Ivan was in captivity, they repeatedly tried to free him. The last attempt ended with his death at the age of 23: the guards were given secret order kill the prisoner if there is a danger of his escape.

7. Regent

Ernst Johann Biron was born in Kalntsema, on the territory of modern Latvia, served at the court of the future Empress Anna Ioannovna in Courland and had enormous influence on her. According to her will, he became regent under Ivan VI, which caused discontent among the Russian nobility. Biron took his position very responsibly and honestly tried to benefit the country. However, he did not rule for long: just two weeks later he was arrested by the conspirators, accused of trying to seize the throne and sentenced to death. death penalty quartering, which was later replaced by exile. The emperor's father, Anton Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick, also took part in the conspiracy. 20 years later Peter III returned Biron to St. Petersburg, and Catherine II restored him to the ducal throne of Courland.

8. Menage and trois

Anna Leopoldovna, née Elisabeth Katharina Christina, Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, born and raised in Germany, came to power in 1740 after the deposition of Biron and declared herself ruler under the infant emperor, although in fact the reins of power were in the hands of the nobility and state affairs Minikh was in charge first, and then Osterman and Golovkin.

While Elizaveta Petrovna was preparing a coup d'etat, Anna Leopoldovna had fun with her lover Moritz Linard and her favorite Julia Mengden, who was later found sleeping in the same bed with her at the time of the ruler's arrest. To hide these strange connections, Anna was planning a fictitious wedding for Julia and Moritz when she was informed of Elizabeth's plans.

Instead of sending her dangerous rival to the chopping block or to prison, Anna had a stern conversation with her, after which Elizabeth gathered the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment and the next day overthrew the unlucky ruler. After spending 5 years in captivity in Kholomogory and giving birth to two sons there, Anna died of puerperal fever.

9. Tin Soldier

Peter III was born in Kiel, in present-day Germany, and his name was Karl Peter Ulrich, of Holstein-Gottorp. His mother was the fourth daughter of Peter I and Catherine I, Anna Petrovna. Fate was not kind to Peter: his mother caught a bad cold during the fireworks in honor of his birth and died, his father was busy with his own worries, so the future emperor had to grow up in a remote German outback, left to his own devices, among old warriors who raised the boy in a military manner. At the age of eleven, the boy lost his father and became completely fixated on military service and parades.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who came to power in 1741, ordered Peter to be brought to Russia. The boy turned out to be thin, sickly, completely uneducated, very absent-minded and, most likely, dull. The best teachers began to teach him, although the future emperor was interested in playing toy soldiers with courtiers and military service. With much grief, over the course of 3 years, he was still able to teach him something, and his education was completed.

In 1745 he was married to Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna. Peter's relationship with his wife did not work out from the very beginning: Catherine openly considered him a moron, he was interested in other women, and she had numerous lovers. Nevertheless, they somehow managed to give birth to an heir, whom the empress immediately took in to raise.

During his years in Russia, Peter did nothing to get to know the country better, spoke Russian very poorly, disregarded customs, behaved inappropriately during church service, spoke contemptuously about Russia and naturally did not enjoy either authority or popularity in society.

After the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, in 1761, Peter III was proclaimed emperor. Oddly enough, he took charge of governing the country quite energetically and consistently, intending to carry out a whole series of reforms, and many of the decrees he adopted brought obvious benefits to the country.

His wife, Catherine, had long planned to get rid of her husband and, at the same time, become an empress, but immediately after the death of Elizabeth Petrovna she could not do this, since she was in the fifth month of pregnancy from her favorite, Prince Orlov. Having successfully given birth, she took advantage of the general dislike of Peter and announced her accession to the throne. The Senate and the Guard immediately swore allegiance to her, so Peter had to abdicate the throne. Literally a week after this, Peter died either from congenital heart failure, or from an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, or was killed by the conspirators.


Test control

  1. At the congress of princes in Lyubech it was decided:
    1. Submit to the authority of the Kyiv prince
    2. Rule independently in the lands inherited from your father
    3. Transfer part of the power in the land-volosts to the veche
    4. Create a council of princes to resolve controversial issues
  2. The lot is:
    1. Hereditary land boyar ownership
    2. Territory recognizing the authority of one or another prince
    3. Possession of junior members of the princely family
    4. Land ownership of a warrior, provided for the duration of his service with the prince
  3. Period political fragmentation Rus' came in:
    1. end of the 11th century
    2. beginning of the 13th century
    3. middle of the 12th century
    4. middle of the 11th century
  4. Prince of Kiev (1113-1125), whose reign became the time of restoration of the relative unity of the Old Russian state:
    1. Yaroslav the Wise
    2. Alexander Nevskiy
    3. Vladimir Monomakh
    4. Mstislav the Great
  5. Independent states on the territory of Rus' in the mid-12th - early 13th centuries:
    1. Appanage principalities
    2. Zemsky districts
    3. Kingdoms
    4. Boyar estates
  6. Nomads who invaded the southern Russian lands:
    1. Cumans
    2. Balts
    3. Lithuanians
    4. Varangians
  7. Positive consequences of the fragmentation of Rus':
    1. Rise of cities
    2. Strengthening the southern Russian borders
    3. Development of regional cultural centers
    4. Restoring the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”
    5. Fragmentation of principalities between governors
    6. Economic recovery of individual lands
  8. Reasons for the fragmentation of Rus' at the beginning of the 12th century:
    1. The struggle between princes for power
    2. Formation of a system of lands - independent states in Rus'
    3. Nomad raids
    4. The established order of priority of government
    5. Destruction of subsistence farming
    6. Flight of Izyaslav from Kyiv

Questions in the text of the paragraph

1. Why did the Vladimir-Suzdal principality become one of the most powerful in Rus'?

The Vladimir-Suzdal principality became one of the strongest in Rus' thanks to good combination four factors - natural conditions, successful geographical position, strong centralized power and a situation that ensured an influx of population.

2. What tribes and peoples, besides the Eastern Slavs, lived on the territory of the Old Russian state?

In addition to the Slavic tribes themselves in the territory of the early medieval ancient Russian state Many non-Slavic tribes and nationalities lived. In the north of Rus' there lived the Em or Tavasts, the Karelians and the Belozersk people. In the northeast lived the Volga, Finno-Ugric tribes: Merya, Muroma, Meshcherya, etc. The Baltic tribe Golyad settled on the Porotva River (completely Russified). In the north-west there was a chronicle miracle. East Slavs The Baltic Finno-Ugric tribes called the chronicle miracle: the Volkhov Chud, Izhora, Vod and Estonians.

3. Using the Internet, find out where the opole is located in North-Eastern Rus'.

The area of ​​the Vladimir-Suzdal region is about 500 thousand hectares. It extended along the river. Klyazma, with its flat, relatively sparsely wooded terrain and fertile soil. Rostov and Suzdal - rich ancient Russian cities of North-Eastern Rus', as well as Vladimir and Pereyaslavl, which arose somewhat later, owe their growth and importance to the fertile fields in the center of which they were located.

4. How did the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky differ from the reign of his father Yuri Dolgoruky?

Andrei, unlike his father, did not seek to rule in Kyiv. His choice of the city of Vladimir as the capital essentially put an end to the existence of Kievan Rus. During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality achieved significant power and was the strongest in Rus', and later it became the core of the modern Russian state.

Questions to the text of the paragraph

1. How was the development of North-Eastern Rus'? What features of the geographical location contributed to its successful development?

Unlike the old centers of Rus' (Kyiv, Novgorod), the development of the North-Eastern lands took place according to the princely will. These lands were the remote outskirts of Rus', and the ancestors of the Finno-Ugric peoples lived there. Slavic settlers began to settle in the Zalessky region only in the 9th century. The lands between the Oka and Upper Volga rivers were densely covered with forests. Impenetrable thickets were a natural barrier and protected from enemy invasions. Among the forests there were lands suitable for arable farming. The princes gradually expanded their North-Eastern possessions, declared the lands their own and distributed them to their warriors and the Church. From the middle of the 12th century, settlers fleeing the raids of the Polovtsians flocked from the south of Rus' to the lands of Zalesye. The settlers settled into new lands, merging with the tribes and peoples already living there, exchanging knowledge, customs, skills and technologies.

Reasons for the rise of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality:

  • opole - a territory with fertile soil (quite a lot of fertile land);
  • an increased influx of settlers fleeing Polovtsian raids, strife and other adversities;
  • forests rich in animals, mushrooms and berries;
  • a network of rivers rich in fish;
  • professional experience of migrants - artisans and farmers;
  • no danger of raids by steppe inhabitants;
  • location at the intersection of trade routes (along the Oka and Volga rivers).

The main occupations of the population: agriculture, cattle breeding, fishing, salt mining, beekeeping, beaver hunting, and crafts.

2. What were the features of the management system in the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality? What were they connected with?

The Vladimir-Suzdal land was distinguished by strong princely power, because there were no ancient boyar estates and developed urban self-government here. Supreme power, both legislative and executive, belonged to the Grand Duke. In the XIII-XIV centuries. the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir was considered the main one in North-Eastern Rus'. Under the prince there was a council consisting of the serving boyars, the clergy and the princely squad. To resolve the most important issues, feudal congresses were convened, and in emergency situations, veche.

3. How did the princes of North-Eastern Rus' strengthen their power?

Starting from the 12th century, North-Eastern Rus' became an attractive place for immigrants from other, previously more developed regions of Rus'. It turns out here a large number of free and very fertile lands, here the settlers are almost not disturbed by the raids of nomads - after all, the territory is largely covered with forests, unusual and unpleasant for the steppe inhabitants. To attract settlers, Yuri Dolgoruky freed those newly arriving to settle from tribute, and as a result, not only peasants, but also artisans flocked here. At the same time, the power of the prince was initially authoritarian; he turned out to be the actual owner of all the settlers - they were considered his servants, since they settled on his lands. Faithful people and the princes distributed estates to the warriors, strengthening feudal system. To ordinary people the idea of ​​the prince as God’s chosen one, the leader and father of the people was instilled. Also, the princes of North-Eastern Rus' in every possible way limited the power of the boyars, established political and economic restrictions on the rights of the population, and in advance got rid of possible claims to the throne from other relatives.

4. What contributed to the development of culture in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality? Name its most important achievements.

The development of culture in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was facilitated by strong princely power. The princes received and helped the settlers, and also welcomed artisans and craftsmen. Characteristic feature in the culture of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality there was a demonstration of the greatness and wealth of the land. This feature was especially evident in architecture. Pomp and solemnity was visible in all major buildings of that time.

  • Assumption Cathedral has become the most tall building in Rus'. The temple was richly decorated: colored tiles, frescoes, gilding.
  • The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is a miracle of Russian architecture. This small church has become a real poem made of stone.
  • St. George's Cathedral - its walls were decorated with fancy stone reliefs depicting plants, animals, saints.
  • Palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky – architectural ensemble: two-story stone palace, temple, gate passages with galleries and two towers.

Painting - non-church subjects began to be present more often, and in the faces of saints there was less severity and asceticism, the appearance of specific people became visible.

Literature - the authors of the chronicles paid a lot of attention to local events, reflected the interests of their princes, their desire to be the first in Rus'. Among literary works“The Word of Daniel the Imprisoner” and “Prayers of Daniel the Imprisoner” stand out.

Working with the map

Consider the map in the atlas on page 18.

Show the territory of North-Eastern Rus' on the map.

North-Eastern Russia is the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality (colored in orange).

Name large rivers, flowing through the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal land. Was it possible to reach the Black Sea by water? to the Baltic Sea? Find out where portages were organized for the passage of ships into these seas.

Large rivers flowing through the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal land: Volga, Kostroma, Unzha, Klyazma, Moscow, Suda, Oka, Sukhona, Yug.

Yes, it was possible to go by water to the Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas. The ships sailed along the rivers ( blue lines on the map) and arranged special portages to drag ships from one river to another.

The most famous dies:

  • Novgorod or Vyshny Volochok - was located in the area of ​​​​the modern city of Vyshny Volochyok.
  • Volga-Donskoy - was located on the territory of the modern Volgograd region.
  • Volok on Lama - was located in the area of ​​​​the modern city of Volokolamsk.

Studying the document

1. How does the chronicler feel about the murder of the prince? Find words and expressions in the text that support your answer.

The chronicler has a negative attitude towards the murder of the prince, giving the killers the epithets “like Judas against the Lord”, “like wild animals", "dishonorable", "damned".

2. Suggest when this story could have been written down: immediately after the incident or after some time? Why did you decide so?

I assume that this chronicle was written some time after the murder of the prince. This is evidenced by the tone of the chronicle, the unequivocal condemnation of the murderers, the substitution of murderers (servants are called instead of boyars) - the chronicle distorts events to please the princely power and the boyar class. It was impossible to show in the chronicle that Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was unloved by the boyars, and the clergy were dissatisfied with him. And immediately after his murder, his mansions were plundered. Therefore, such a presentation is possible only after Vsevolod’s reign. Big Nest.

We think, compare, reflect

1. On behalf of a foreign merchant, write a letter in your notebook about his visit to the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

I visited Russian Zalessye. This is in the North-East of Rus'. It’s strange, I didn’t think that anything would surprise me in such a remote place. I knew that the region is rich in furs, leather is tanned here, honey is collected. But I didn't expect to see big cities, not inferior in beauty to Kyiv. Surprisingly, among the dense forests there is a large field. The land here is very fertile and the plowmen reap a large harvest. I don’t know where so many people came from here. Perhaps these are immigrants from the Dnieper. They say that it is now restless there, and the Vladimir-Suzdal princes are temporarily freeing the settlers from tribute and helping them settle down. Then it’s clear why there are so many artisans here. I even met a group of stonemasons. It would seem that there is a lot of forest around - so build houses from wood, but no, there are white stone mansions, temples and monasteries all around. Of course, there are also many wooden houses. Vladimir architects are very skillful.

And also, I will say, there is a lively trade in the squares. I sold out of my product in two days. Rich people live here - they love luxury. Although they have a lot of their own craftsmen. They say that the gunsmiths and jewelers here are famous. They create real masterpieces. And Russian embroiderers know up to 50 sewing techniques. Moreover, I have seen these techniques before both in the south of Rus' and in the west. How do they know such technologies? I am truly surprised and amazed by the wealth of the Vladimir-Suzdal land, the majesty of the architecture, and the skills of the artisans.

2. Using the Internet, prepare slides for an imaginary excursion to the sights of Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir (optional).

Suzdal (sights of the period under study).

The city of Suzdal was founded in the twelfth century. The first buildings began to be erected in the place where the local Kremlin is now located. This is where the beginning of this amazing place comes from. The Kremlin is located in a bend of the Kamenka River, in the southern part of the city. At the turn of the XI-XII centuries. a fortress was built here with a ring of earthen ramparts 1,400 m long. Log walls and towers rose on the ramparts. The Kremlin housed the prince's courtyard and the bishop's courtyard with the city cathedral; the prince's squad and a large entourage of the prince and bishop also lived.

"Shchurovo settlement." The museum's exposition will take its visitor back several centuries, during the reign of Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky. The exhibits are quite unusual, here you definitely won’t see small corridors with incomprehensible inscriptions, because everything is on outdoors and is presented in the form of a small but cozy town. Wandering around this place, you will feel like an ancient peasant: you will visit your home, a small hut, walk through the forges, reach a well, visit several mills, and even be able to rest in a half-dugout to truly feel the whole spirit of Rus'.

Cathedral of the Nativity. This cathedral was erected at the beginning of the twelfth century. As a result of the Tatar-Mongol invasion of the territory of Rus', not only people, but also historical monuments suffered. In particular, the Nativity Cathedral burned more than once. After this, sad events happened to the buildings more than once. Representatives of the local elite and noble family are buried on the territory of this temple.

Suzdal Zemlyanoy Val. Only a few modern people know why the earthen rampart was intended and what it even is. An earthen rampart is, first of all, a defensive structure that our ancestors used to protect against enemy attacks. Vladimir Monomakh assigned a large role to the preservation of his lands. It was on his orders that this building was erected in the eleventh century. There were such ramparts on the territory of every city in Ancient Rus', but only Suzdal has reached us. The length of the wooden frame reaches about one and a half kilometers. From above, all this is securely reinforced with clay; the height of the shaft is nine meters. There was a long ditch on the territory of the Suzdal Wall, but now you can only observe one part, located next to the Church of John the Baptist.

Vasilyevsky Monastery. The monastery buildings were erected in the thirteenth century in the eastern part of Suzdal. The monastery was destroyed several times and then restored. Modern man will be able to look at the building only from the seventeenth century. The focus is on St. Basil's Cathedral and the refectory, also note Special attention on the painted gate. At different times the monastery was either female or male.

3. Using the Internet and further reading, prepare a message about the emergence of Moscow and the origin of its name.

The founding of Moscow dates back to 1147 and is attributed to the Grand Duke of Rostov-Suzdal and Kyiv Yuri Dolgoruky. At the time of the founding of Moscow, Yuri was only the Prince of Rostov-Suzdal. In the Ipatiev Chronicle, the mention of Moscow dates back to 1147, when Yuri Dolgoruky convened a military council in the city and called the Novgorod-Seversky prince Svyatoslav Olegovich “to Moscow.” Moscow was founded on the high Borovitsky Hill, at the confluence of the Moscow and Neglinnaya rivers, above the Yauza River. For some time the city was called Kuchkov, after the boyar Stepan Kuchka, who owned these lands, and was executed by Yuri Dolgoruky, and then the name after the Moscow River was established. Around 1156, Yuri Dolgoruky ordered the foundation of a fortress here. What does the word Moscow mean? Linguists have not yet come to a consensus. It is believed that the word Moscow is of Finno-Ugric origin, and means, according to different versions: currant, cloudy, twisted.

4. Find out the names of foreign rulers - contemporaries of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Write a list in your notebook historical figures for the column “History in Persons: Contemporaries.”

  • Frederick I Barborosa - King of Germany from 1152, Holy Roman Emperor from 1155
  • Louis VII the Young - French king from 1137-1180. from the Capetian dynasty
  • Henry II Plantagenet, nicknamed the Short Cloak, was the king of England from 1154, the first king of England from the Plantagenet dynasty, one of the most powerful monarchs of the 12th century, whose domains extended from the Pyrenees to Scotland.
  • Vladislav II - Prince of the Czech Republic from 1140, in 1158-1172 - King of the Czech Republic.
  • Boleslaw IV Curly - Prince of all Poland (1146-1173)
  • Eric IX the Saint was a Swedish king who ruled the country from 1156 to 1160.

5. Make a list of goods imported into the Vladimir-Suzdal land and exported from it.

  • The following items were imported into the Vladimir-Suzdal land: grain, silk, weapons, cotton, carpets, spices, and incense.
  • Exported from the Vladimir-Suzdal land: furs, flax, honey, wax, hemp, leather.

Possible questions during the lesson

1. How did natural conditions affect political history Vladimir-Suzdal principality?

A wooded area rich in animals, mushrooms and berries, a lot of fertile land, a network of rivers rich in fish and the absence of the danger of raids by steppe inhabitants are natural conditions favorable for the creation of a rich principality. Being at the intersection of trade routes (along the Oka and Volga rivers) is a favorable geographical location.

Yuri Dolgoruky (1125 – 1157)

1. What positive features were inherent in Yuri Dolgoruky as statesman? Explain your choice.

During the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky, the North-Eastern lands came to life. Cities and temples were built, and the Christian faith spread. Yuri Dolgoruky actively encouraged the settlement of his lands, attracting the population of Southwestern Rus'. He provided loans to settlers and granted them the status of free farmers.

Yuri Dolgoruky did not have any of his father's virtues. He did not glorify himself with a single feat of generosity or kindness. N.I. Karamzin wrote that “he played with the holiness of oaths and worried Russia, exhausted by internal disagreements, for the benefit of his ambition.” V.N. Tatishchev wrote that “this Grand Duke He was of considerable height, fat, white in face, not very large eyes, long and crooked nose, small beard, a great lover of women, sweet food and drink; He was more concerned with having fun than with governing and fighting, but it all consisted in the power and supervision of his nobles and favorites... He himself did little, more and more children and allied princes...” Personally, I did not like the greed and ambition of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157 – 1174)

1. What positive features were inherent in Andrei Bogolyubsky as a statesman? Explain your choice.

I believe that a positive feature of Andrei Bogolyubsky as a statesman is his concern for his own principality. Under his rule, Vladimir became the capital, a real impregnable fortress, a shopping and cultural center. With some assumptions, independence can be considered a positive quality of Andrei Yuryevich. He always acted in his own way, and not according to custom. There were many new things in his management methods that had never been seen before in Rus'.

2. What qualities of the prince did you not like? Why?

I didn’t like the fact that Andrei Bogolyubsky, through his actions, demonstrated a complete disregard for ethnic unity. He did not perceive other territories of Rus' as Russian lands. His decision to give Kyiv to his troops for plunder shows that Kyiv was a completely foreign city to him. Russians have always been distinguished by ethnic unity and tolerance, and I consider such an act of Andrei Bogolyubsky absolutely unacceptable.

Vsevolod the Big Nest (1154 – 1212)

1. What positive features were inherent in Vsevolod the Big Nest as a statesman? Explain your choice.

I like such qualities of Vsevolod the Big Nest as perseverance, determination, authority and justice. Prince Vsevolod was a strong ruler.

2. What qualities of the prince did you not like? Why?

I didn’t like the cruelty of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, and I also didn’t like his unprincipledness - he didn’t take anything into account when achieving his goal.

3. How did the reign of Prince Vsevolod differ from the reign of his half-brother?

Vsevolod, unlike his brother Andrei, managed to prove himself a strong ruler and temporarily strengthen the princely power. He laid the foundations of the reign, as a result of which from a strong Principality of Vladimir subsequently a new one grew Muscovy and the Moscow state arose.

Rulers of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

1. Comparative table “Rulers of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality”

Yury Dolgoruky Andrey Bogolyubsky Vsevolod the Big Nest
  • Made the Rostov-Suzdal principality strong and rich.
  • Wars with Volga Bulgaria, which blocked Russian trade on the Volga route;
  • Confrontation with Novgorod for influence on adjacent and border lands;
  • Fought for the Kyiv throne;
  • He built a number of cities and fortresses - Moscow, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Yuryev-Polsky, Gorodets.
  • He strengthened power by dispersing the boyars and eliminating competitors.
  • In 1169 he took Kyiv and gave it up for plunder.
  • He is defeated by Novgorod and organizes a food blockade.
  • Organizes several campaigns against the Bulgars.
  • He drove his brothers away from other Rostov-Suzdal tables.
  • Made Vladimir the capital.
  • Strengthened the princely power. Ensured the flourishing of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.
  • Continued the fight against Volga Bulgaria;
  • Subdued the Ryazan princes;
  • Suppressed the rebellion of the boyars;
  • The junior squad becomes the main political force.

2. What unites all these political personalities?

They are all united by the desire to ensure the greatness and prosperity of their own principality, as well as the desire to strengthen the princely power.

3. How can one explain such a sharp rise in the development of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality? Natural or human factors? Perhaps you can express your own version?

In my opinion, both natural and human factors played an important role in the development of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. A wooded area rich in animals, mushrooms and berries, a lot of fertile land, a network of rivers rich in fish and the absence of the danger of raids by steppe inhabitants are natural conditions favorable for the creation of a rich principality. Being at the intersection of trade routes (along the Oka and Volga rivers) is a favorable geographical location. The influx of settlers fleeing Polovtsian raids and strife is, rather, a factor of a certain situation. A human factor manifested itself in the fact that the princes of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality accepted and supported the settlers, and also did everything possible to make the principality rich and strong.

Remembering new words

Architectural ensemble- a single structure consisting of several buildings.

Asceticism- extreme degree of abstinence, renunciation of life's blessings.

Popular male names

  • Charlie.
  • Daniel.
  • Joseph.
  • Matthew.
  • Ryan.
  • Robert.
  • Richard.
  • Jonathan.
  • Ethan.
  • James.
  • Name Henry is an English name derived from the Old German name Henry. The name Henry means "lord of the house, master" or "lord of the court."

The name Henry sounds different in different corners peace. For example, in England it is Hank, Harry, in Germany it is Henrik, in France it is Henri, and in Portugal it is Enrique or Enrico.

  • Name Oliver comes from Germanic roots. It was formed through differentiation of the ancient Germanic name Albheri, which means “fairy army” or “elven army”.

Since the word elf has no precise explanation other than “bright” and “he who shines,” the name Oliver can also be interpreted as “white army” and “protector” or “protector of the army.”

In addition, the name Oliver is often described as “willing good,” “inclined to good,” “true,” “loyal to the people,” as all these qualities are attributed to a warrior.

  • Adam is a Hebrew name that literally means “made of red clay” and “man.” Since this name belonged to the very first person, in many Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish countries it is revered and considered sacred. For example, according to Kabbalah, the name Adam is considered the father of all people and the first vice of Achilles.
  • Name Harry takes its roots from the Old French name Henry. The name Harry has a pair called Harriet or Harriet, which are often names used by girls in England.
  • Name Thomas originates from the Aramaic name Thomas, which means "twin". The name Thomas is a more European name, Thomas, which has undergone changes. The name Thomas has the following short forms: Tom, Tommy, Tomo and others.

Thomas is usually very level-headed and serious, loving communication with people. Thomas is in no hurry to accept important decisions, because it does not welcome rush and fuss. He is an emotional and creative, independent and understanding person. In addition, Thomas is prone to introspection and tries to avoid quarrels.

  • Name Jeremiah is an English transformation of the Hebrew name Jeremiah, which can be translated as “God will exalt” or “God will present.”

The very name Jeremiah is of biblical origin. In this book, Jeremiah is described as one of those who was a prophet.

The name Jeremy has the following short forms: Jay, Jeri, Yeri and others.

Jeremy is precise and smart. He can easily persuade and has good intuition. Jeremy is also outgoing, loves people and presents himself as a balanced, reliable person.

The name Christian has the following short forms: Christo. Chris, Keith, Christy and others. He also has a paired female name - Kristana (Christina).

Christian is prone to abstract thinking, has excellent memory and special feeling tact. It is pleasant to carry on a conversation with Christian, since he has the makings of a psychologist. Christian is always shy and delicate. In any situation, he maintains a majestic calm.

  • Name Tyler– English. It takes its roots from the name of the tailor's profession, which is written as "tailor". In the US, Tyler can also be either a surname or a given name for a woman or a man.

Tylor has the following short forms: Tai, Lo, Tay, Tey.

Taylor takes an active position in life, loves to be independent and decisive. At the same time, it can combine selfishness and loneliness, secrecy and reticence.

  • Name William comes from a combination of the Old German words “willio” (strong-willed) and “helm” (protector), so Wilhelm can be interpreted as “resolute defender”, or “one who protects”.
    Wilhelm is growing quite emotional child who really needs to get the attention of the people around him. He wants to be loved and loved and the best among his peers.

With age, Wilhelm's character becomes stronger and more decisive. He becomes bold and can occupy management positions. Wilhelm is a good family man, he loves honesty and has a good understanding of people.

  • Name Daniel Hebrew, biblical origin. This name is translated as “our judge,” “man of justice,” or “God’s court.” Also, the prophet Daniel had this name, which is translated as “my judge God” or “God is the judge.”
  • Name Charlie or Charles is an English variant of the German name Karl, which is interpreted as "man", "spouse". From the name Karl comes the word king.
    The name Charlie has the following short forms: Chas, Chuck, Chip, Carly.
  • Name Marseilles or Markel arose from the Roman nickname Marcellus, which originated from the name Marcus. The name Marcus itself takes its roots from the name of the god Mars, who was revered as the god of war, so this name is interpreted as “warlike,” “devoted to Mars.”
  • Name Joseph - This Catholic name. It is a modification of the name Joseph and means “God will reward” or “God will increase.” In European languages, there are female pairs for the name Joseph: Josephine, Jozefa, Josefa and others.
  • Name Matthew is a completely European name, which is most often used by English-speaking peoples in Great Britain, Australia and Canada. It is a variant of the name Matthias, meaning "God's gift." Matthew is always curious and has a lot of interest in science and culture. Matthew has a rare intelligence, often analyzing himself and others, exploring everything around him.

Matthew can be mysterious and secretive, he is capable of committing rash acts.

  • Name Ryan is an English word that takes its roots from the anglicized form of the Irish word Ó Riain. Translated Raine means “royal”. IN Irish this name is often explained as "little king".
  • Name Robert has ancient Germanic roots and means “one who shines with glory” or “lasting glory.” The name Robert is very popular in all English-speaking nations.

There are never any problems communicating with Robert, as he is optimistic and can support any topic. Robert has a level-headed personality and is often drawn to people with an adventurous streak.

  • Name Richard comes from Proto-Germanic and means: “one who is a leader” or “brave.” In different European countries the name Richard will be pronounced differently. For example, in Germany it will be heard as Richard, in France - Richard, in Spain - Ricardo.
  • Name Jonathan is of Hebrew origin. The Bible describes several characters named Jonathan or Jonathan. Translated from Hebrew, the name Jonathon sounds like “God bestowed.”
  • Name Ethan– Jewish. It comes from the Hebrew name Etan, which meant “constancy” or “immutability.” In addition, Ethan translated from Hebrew means “mighty,” “strong,” “possessing strength.”
  • Name James- This English version biblical name Jacob, which in Hebrew means “one who follows on the heels.” In different countries, the name Jacob has its own pronunciation options. In Spain - Santiago, in France - Iago, Jacob, Jaco, in Italy - Giacomo.
  • August - from Latin “great”.
  • Konon – from Latin “smart”.
  • Karl – from the ancient German “daredevil”.
  • Luke – from Latin “he who brings light.”
  • Mark - from Latin “beating, strong.”
  • Oscar – from ancient Greek “divine”.
  • Orestes - from ancient Greek “one who grew up in the mountains.”
  • Plato - from the ancient Greek “broad-shouldered”.
  • Rashid - from Arabic “one who walks the right path.”
  • Theodore - from Arabic "God's gift."
  • Farhat – from Arabic “one who understands.”
  • Feeder – from Latin “good student”.
  • Edgar – from German “the one who guards the cities.”
  • Edwin - from German “bringer of victory.”
  • Ernest - from German “strict” or “serious”.
  • Eldar - from Arabic “gifted by God.”
  • Albert - from the ancient German “pure blood, noble.”
  • Aladin - from Arabic “believer, exalted.”
  • Askold - from Scandinavian “having a golden voice.”
  • Bruno - from ancient German “dark man”.
  • Hamlet - from German “double” or “twin”.
  • Gustave - from ancient German “one who advises the military.”
  • Jamal – from Arabic “beautiful person”.
  • Elisha - from Hebrew “save all living things.”
  • Kamal – from Arabic “perfection”.
  • Roots - from the Latin “dogwood berry”.
  • Murad – from Arabic “desired goal”.
  • Muslim means “conquering” in Arabic.
  • Nathan - from Arabic “the one whom God gave.”
  • Otto – from German “owning”.

When choosing a name, it is necessary not only to rely on its sound, but also to know exactly what it means, because it is the name that determines what life path a person will go.

So much is told about the culture or traditions of England, but it is quite rare to learn about english names. And the topic, by the way, is very interesting. After all, the naming system is globally different from what we are used to.

If we have a first and last name, then in England it is somewhat different. They have a first name, a middle name and a last name. In addition, in England it is considered normal to give diminutives name. For example, even in formal negotiations a person may be called Tony, although he full name sounds like Anthony. If desired, the child can be immediately registered with a diminutive name and the state will not object. Moreover, you can take almost any word or name as a name - for example, the name Brooklyn. But if they tried to name their son, for example, Novosibirsk, they would hardly have given permission.

System of English given names and surnames

Each of us is already accustomed to the fact that he is the bearer of a surname, name and patronymic. But for the English this scheme is not suitable; their system of names is absolutely unusual and therefore curious. The main difference between our systems is the absence of a middle name. Instead, they have a surname, first name and middle name. Moreover, as either of these two names, an Englishman can bear the surnames of some stars or even his ancestors. Although there is no strict requirement that a person have only these three points. Any Englishman can give a child a name from several names or surnames. For example, if you want to name it after an entire football team at once.

This tradition of giving a person a surname as a first name has survived to this day from noble families. Although the history of the English name system developed quite actively, borrowings were made from various countries, and names were also mixed from the Angles, Celtic tribes, and Franco-Normans. Since the Anglo-Saxons initially had only one name, they tried to attach special significance to it. Therefore, in ancient names one could find words such as wealth or health. Old English female names were most often formed using adjectives, the most common variation being Leof (dear, beloved). And after the Norman invasion of England, a surname was gradually added to the name, making it already close to the system of names existing today. The old Anglo-Saxon names gradually began to disappear and due to the influence of the Christian religion, Christian schools that opened everywhere actively stimulated the registration of newborns who received a name at baptism, so the names changed slightly: from Mary to Mary, from Jeanne to Joanna.

English first and last name generator

(including Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Scottish surnames)

Male name Female name

Here are the most common ones British names. For convenience, they are divided into parts of the country, because in each corner some individual names are most popular. Some of them are the same, some are different. The names are ranked by popularity.



  1. Harry– Harry (diminutive of Henry – rich, powerful)
  2. Oliver– Oliver (from ancient German – army)
  3. Jack– Jack (diminutive of John, from Hebrew – Yahweh is merciful)
  4. Charlie– Charlie (from ancient German – man, husband)
  5. Thomas– Thomas (from ancient Greek – twin)
  6. Jacob– Jacob (simplified version of the name James)
  7. Alfie– Alfie (from Old English – advice)
  8. Riley– Riley (from Irish – courageous)
  9. William– William (from ancient German – desire, will)
  10. James– James (from Hebrew – “heel-holding”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia (from ancient German – labor, work)
  2. Olivia– Olivia (from Latin – olive tree)
  3. Jessica– Jessica (the exact meaning is unknown, perhaps the name comes from the biblical name Jescha)
  4. Emily– Emily ( female uniform male name Emil - rival)
  5. Lily– Lily (from English name lily flower)
  6. Ava– Ava (variant of the medieval English name Evelyn)
  7. Heather– Heather (from English – heather)
  8. Sophie– Sophie (from ancient Greek – wisdom)
  9. Mia– Mia
  10. Isabella– Isabella (Provençal version of the name Elizabeth)

Northern Ireland


  1. Jack– Jack
  2. James– James
  3. Daniel– Daniel
  4. Harry– Harry
  5. Charlie– Charlie
  6. Ethan– Ethan
  7. Matthew– Matthew (from Hebrew – gift of Yahweh)
  8. Ryan– Ryan
  9. Riley– Riley
  10. Noah– Noah


  1. Sophie– Sophie
  2. Emily– Emily
  3. Grace– Grace (from English – grace, elegance)
  4. Amelia– Amelia
  5. Jessica– Jessica
  6. Lucy– Lucy (from the male Roman name Lucius - light)
  7. Sophia– Sofia (variant of the name Sophie)
  8. Katie– Katie (from Greek – pure, purebred)
  9. Eva– Eve (from Hebrew – breathe, live)
  10. Aoife– Ifa (from Irish – beauty)



  1. Jacob– Jacob
  2. Oliver– Oliver
  3. Riley– Riley
  4. Jack– Jack
  5. Alfie– Alfie
  6. Harry– Harry
  7. Charlie– Charlie
  8. Dylan– Dylan (according to Welsh mythology, this was the name of the God of the Sea)
  9. William– William
  10. Mason– Mason (from a similar surname meaning “stone carving”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia
  2. Ava– Ava
  3. Mia– Mia
  4. Lily– Lily
  5. Olivia– Olivia
  6. Ruby– Ruby (from English – ruby)
  7. Seren– Seren (from Latin – clear)
  8. Evie– Evie (from the English surname Evelyn)
  9. Ella– Ella (from ancient German – all, everything)
  10. Emily– Emily

Modern English names

In English names, affectionate and diminutive forms are very often found as official name. In our country, this form is allowed only in person, close communication. For example, take people familiar to everyone - Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. They are called by such names even at world negotiations, and this is absolutely acceptable. Although in fact Bill's full name is William, and Tony is Anthony. The British are allowed to register a newborn child by giving him a diminutive name as his first or second name. Although there are no special prohibitions on choosing a name in English-speaking countries, you can give your child a name in honor of a city or region. For example, this is what the star couple Beckham did: Victoria and David gave their son the name Brooklyn - it was in this area of ​​New York that he was born.

Gradually, fashion began to change and names in English-speaking countries began to be often borrowed from different languages. Since the 19th century, many female names have appeared, such as Ruby, Daisy, Beryl, Amber and others. Names originally from Spain or France were readily used - Michelle, Angelina, Jacqueline. But the tendency of some people to give their children unusual names has not disappeared anywhere. Bill Simser, vice president of Microsoft, named his daughter Vista Avalon. The first part of the name is in honor of Windows Vista, and the second part is in honor of code name Avalon systems. But director Kevin Smith decided to name his daughter Harley Quinn - that was the name of the girl from the Batman comics.

By the way, not every owner likes such unusual names. Many children are embarrassed by this and eagerly wait until they reach adulthood to officially change their name. Little Pixie Geldof, who is the daughter of musician Bob Geldof, was very embarrassed by the prefix “little” at the beginning of her name and adult life preferred to call herself simply Pixie. But it’s hard to even imagine what a resident of New Zealand, whose name is Bus No. 16, will do with his name. One can only envy his parents’ imagination.

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