Home Beneficial properties of fruits Gazgolder who is part of the group. Gas holder for a private home: principle of operation and overview of various types. Someone born to rap can't make movies

Gazgolder who is part of the group. Gas holder for a private home: principle of operation and overview of various types. Someone born to rap can't make movies

Not every resident of Russia has the opportunity to connect to a central heating system. As a way out, you can heat your home with electricity alone, but this idea will be immediately rejected after the first housing and communal services receipts arrive. A real alternative to main gasification is a gas tank. That it's enough effective solution, millions of Russians have already become convinced.

Why do you need a gas holder?

English word gasholder in Russia they call it special tank for long-term storage gaseous substances in liquefied form. The scope of such devices is very wide, but most often they are used for gasification of a private home.

The container is mounted at a distance of about ten meters from the dwelling and is connected to the latter by pipes. Approximately 2-3 times a year you need to refuel by calling a tank truck to your home.

Among the most frequently cited reasons for installing this type of equipment:

  • Inaccessibility of connection to main gas networks or prohibitive cost of such work;
  • A specific option for using gas in a residential building. In some cases, a gas tank can be cheaper than a conventional gas pipeline in terms of maintenance and monthly expenses. Compared to gas cylinders, the savings are even more obvious;
  • Consumer dissatisfaction with the quality and level of operation of gas pipelines. Often the pressure level in the pipeline is 1/3 of the standard. The main reason for this situation is big number illegal connections to the network.

Selecting a natural gas storage tank is quite a difficult task. It will be almost impossible to change it later: the standard service life is 20-30 years. Let's list the most important selection criteria quality product:

  • Gas tank volume. Containers ranging in size from 2 to 10 kiloliters are available for sale. The key characteristic is the living space. For a house up to 140 sq.m. m. there will be enough volume up to 5 cubic meters. m. With an area of ​​300 sq. m will need about 7 cubic meters. m;
  • When choosing gas tank size You should also take into account the number of people living in the house, as well as the brand of the heating boiler (if you already have one);
  • Calculations are being made fuel consumption, based on the duration of the cold season in a given area;
  • Manufacturer. Most buyers choose products from the domestic plant "Faskhimmash" (Nizhny Novgorod). Products from countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Italy are somewhat more expensive;
  • Device features. Experts note the need for a hatch on the product (on the neck). Also, preference should be given to the horizontal form factor;
  • Price. Both capacity and brand play a role here. On average, the device is about 6.5 cubic meters. m will cost about 400 thousand rubles (including all work). For 10 cu. We will have to pay 30% more.

Gas tank or main gas: which is cheaper?

For owners of private houses, especially in the outback, it will be important to compare two home gasification technologies:

  • In terms of connection costs, a separate tank will cost several times less than laying pipes;
  • It must be borne in mind that the tank requires constant maintenance, which is quite expensive (about 10,000 rubles);
  • In most cases, owners of gas tanks are faced with the impossibility of changing service companies throughout the entire service life of the device;
  • Not everyone personal plot allowed to install the container. There are increased requirements for space (small gardens of 6 acres are not suitable), it is necessary to have access for a vehicle;
  • The quality of service for trunk systems leaves much to be desired.

In reality, comparing the two technologies is not entirely correct. In the vast majority of cases, consumers select the main pipeline, if it is within close reach for connection.

On the other hand, gas tanks are practically the only affordable solution for residents of remote areas.

Installation Rules

The installation process of this complex equipment is as follows:

  1. Choosing a place to install the tank (at least five meters from where people live);
  2. Workers are digging a pit that can accommodate a voluminous cylinder. The depth of the pit should be such that the container is located below the freezing zone (more than half a meter from the surface of the earth). This way it will be possible to achieve more comfortable work in winter;
  3. After the pit is ready, you need to prepare its base for installation of the structure. The bottom of the pit is leveled and then concreted;
  4. The tank is installed on a concrete base and attached to it with metal cables;
  5. Then the pipes from the gas tank to the living space are installed. As a rule, a condensate collector is installed in parallel;
  6. Testing the system operation under various loads;
  7. At successful completion the previous stage, the hole is filled with sand;
  8. Absolutely all manipulations must be reflected in the design documentation.

All work can be done both during the construction of the house and after completion of construction.

What is Bast's "Gas Holder"?

The music label “Gazgolder” was created by Soviet and Russian pop singer Bogdan Titomir. The latter has already moved away from writing songs to producing young talents.

In 2005, Bogdan drew attention to the debut album of Vasya Vakulenko, known under the pseudonym “Basta”. He liked the disc so much that Titomir invited Basta and his comrades to found a creative association.

Today, the permanent members of the label are such performers as:

  • Smoky Mo;
  • Charusha;
  • Scriptonite;
  • Oleg Gruz;
  • Slovetsky.

In addition to the core activities of recording and promoting musical compositions, the Gazgolder brand is known for a cafe, a company for organizing concert events, night club. In 2014, a full-length film of the same name was released based on the life of the union members.

Today the label is one of the most popular and successful in Russian-language rap.

Natural gas storage tank , installed on the territory of a private house, is called a gas holder. However, not everyone knows that this is the main meaning of the term. After all, there is a well-known hip-hop label that has gathered under its roof the best of the best in Russian rap.

Video: comparison of “Gas Holder” and “Black Star”

In this video, Olga Maslova will compare two well-known Russian labels - Black star and Gazgolder:

Organizing an individual gas supply gives a lot of advantages to the owner of a private house, removing his dependence on central communications. In addition, many regions of the country still do not have full coverage of main gasification. In this case, it remains to think through ways and means of storing explosive and therefore demanding fuel. The most rational and financially beneficial solution is a gas tank. What it is? It is a capacious tank that can store an impressive supply of gas, sufficient for long-term maintenance of the house.

Purpose of the equipment

The gas holder is used as a source of gaseous substances. On the one hand, it acts as a storage facility, and on the other, as a container from which fuel is provided to supply the target equipment. The most common installations are for heating systems. It is for these purposes that they are most often used gas boilers and boiler tanks, as well as cookers. Delivery means are pipelines and adjacent communications with plumbing fixtures. At the same time, the gas for a gas holder can be different, but butane and propane are most often used for domestic purposes.

Equipment design

The traditional design is a one-piece container, top part which provides only one technological hole - the neck. The higher it is, the more effective protection main building from climatic influences. Through the neck, the fuel mixture contained in the container is refueled and withdrawn. The features of the device include the materials used for the gas tank. What is this from a technical point of view? The design of household models is made primarily of steel with rare inclusions of rubberized materials that provide a sufficient degree of tightness. Domestic gas tanks are mainly based on low-alloy steel alloys of grades 17G1S and 09G2S. External sides in mandatory are treated with anti-corrosion compounds made from polyurethane substances, bitumen and epoxy mixtures.

Work processes and equipment control are carried out through shut-off and control valves. Its composition may vary, but even the simplest gas holder for a home will include safety and filling valves, fill level sensors, a control gear, etc. Expensive models include automation with high-precision pressure gauges and program control.

Tank characteristics

The main technical and operational characteristics include wall thickness, operating temperature, maintained pressure and volume. Typically, sheet steel with a thickness of 7-10 mm is used in production. It must be kept in mind that the models European standard may have lower values ​​- about 5-6 mm. But thin walls are not designed for storing domestic gas mixtures. For gas holder in Russian regions It is more likely that liquefied propane-butane will be used without special processing, so the requirements for design reliability are increased. The temperature range also depends on the region of operation. As a rule, manufacturers provide housings with frost-resistant coatings designed for -40°C.

As for volume and pressure, these indicators are interrelated. For home use It is recommended to purchase a tank with the ability to adjust pressure to 16 atm. In this case, the volume of the gas tank will be 2,000-5,000 liters. There are also household models with a capacity of more than 10,000 liters, but due to their size, such gas storage facilities are used extremely rarely.

Types of designs

Tanks can be installed horizontally or vertically. The location method determines the design features of the housing. The difference is that vertical models take up less space but have higher safety requirements. If there is a high groundwater level at the location site, then it is better to use a horizontal gas tank design. Reviews note that in this case a deep pit is not required and the risk of equipment flooding will be minimized. But on the other hand, you will have to clear a large area for storage.

Designs are also distinguished by the type of location. This classification also applies to horizontal models, which can be completely submerged in the ground or installed on the surface. Moreover, the differences in approaches affect both control ergonomics and maintenance nuances - it is enough to note the specifics technical support underground gas tank. What is this in practice? This is equipment that once a year or several years will need to be dug out and checked for a wide range of technical and physical parameters - from tightness to the quality of protective coatings. And in this regard, ground-based models are much more attractive in terms of maintenance costs and ease of management.

Gas tank installation

Regardless of the placement method, the structure will require a supporting platform. This will be a kind of foundation, which can be made as a screed or using reinforced concrete tiles 15-20 cm thick. On this platform, with the support of special equipment, the tank is mounted by welding on metal racks. Alternatively, the installation of a gas tank can be carried out without holding devices on an insulated composite pad, which is selected specifically for the dimensions of a particular container. This solution is advantageous in that during dismantling it does not require cutting the metal posts. Then plumbing operations are performed in the form of laying a pipeline and installing a condensate trap. On final stage Control valves are installed in part of the neck.

How is a gas tank filled?

Fuel reserves are replenished on average once every 2-3 years. Moreover, this service should be ordered when the residual gas level in the tank is about 20-25%. The refueling itself is carried out by special machines equipped with hoses 30-40 m long. The whole process consists of the following stages:

  • Clearing the area around the equipment and preparing the neck.
  • Checking data from measuring equipment showing the exact filling level.
  • Connecting the tank nozzles to the special equipment hose.
  • Resetting automatic measuring counters.
  • Fuel supply and gas tank refueling supported by pumps or compressor unit.
  • Removing gas residues by blowing the channels with compressed air.
  • Dismantling of connected equipment.

The entire procedure takes on average from 30 to 60 minutes. This depends on the fuel injection technology and the capacity of the gas tank. Reviews from equipment owners note that ordering is cheaper large volumes in one go. For example, filling 30% will cost approximately 20-22 rubles. for 1 liter, and 70% - respectively, 15-17 rubles.

Manufacturers and prices

On the market engineering equipment gas tanks are presented in different segments, including budget class, middle group and premium category. The most notable manufacturers are Spetsgaz, Real Invest, Chemet, Calor, VPS and Kadatec. The first two companies represent domestic enterprises, and the rest - Poland and the Czech Republic. As already noted, Russian products are preferable due to their adaptation to the target region of use, but European companies manufacture models to more stringent quality standards. The pricing question can help solve the selection problem - how much does a gas tank cost? Russian models for 2,000 - 2,500 liters are estimated at 130-150 thousand rubles. Imported products of a similar level are available for 170-200 thousand.

Calculation of model parameters

Before making the final decision to purchase a gas tank, you should decide on specific characteristics. To do this, first of all, the average gas consumption is assessed. If cylinders were previously used, then the average monthly volume is multiplied by 12. Next, the area of ​​the cottage or house is divided by 10 (approximate boiler power in kW). If the area is 120 m2, then the target boiler installation will be 12 kW. Accordingly, you need to choose a gas holder for your home with a volume capable of serving heating unit specified capacity, while maintaining a reserve for several months or years in advance (for example, with a consumption of 500 liters per year). Here the optimal frequency of refilling the container is also calculated from the point of view of financial savings and technical feasibility.


In addition to numerous advantages of this repository, it is worth noting its shortcomings, which you will also have to come to terms with. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the high requirements for alarm and safety systems of the gas tank. What is this at the everyday level of execution? First of all, the presence of leakage sensors in critical places at the distribution nodes and connections of supply lines. Detectors must be connected to their own or centralized system control with alarm and wireless alarm notification option. Also, for the boiler itself, connected to the gas tank, electrical protection is provided in the form of fuses and voltage stabilizers.

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The creative association "Gazgolder" is one of the most successful Russian record labels, actively promoting aspiring rap artists.

"Gazgolder" is a huge holding company that includes: a production center, a club, a management and booking agency for artists.

Cultural events are held on the basis of the popular brand, music festivals, film products are released, trendy videos are shot.

The history of the founding of a rap empire

In March 2005, on the territory of the empty Arma enterprise, Ruslan Tarkinsky founded the closed club “Gazgolder”. A little later, with the assistance of the famous rapper of the early 90s, Bogdan Titomir, a creative association of the same name was opened on his base. From that moment on, the collaboration between the aspiring Rostov rapper Vasily Vakulenko and Titomir began, who became the guy’s producer.

The co-owner of the famous brand “Gazgolder” is Evgeniy Antimony. The co-founders were Denis Kryuchkov and Yuri “ZHEora” Bulavin. In 2006, on the basis of Gazgolder, the Rostov rapper recorded his debut album Basta-1. With its release, the colorful musician’s career rapidly took off. In 2007, Vakulenko became a co-owner of the Gazgolder music association.

In the same year, Andrei Zuckerberg founded a small teahouse on the territory of the former Arma gas enterprise. In 2009, representatives of the label officially opened a Chinese restaurant.

Since 2010, Gazgolder artists annually organize big concerts. The first venue was the Green Theater in Gorky Park, where thousands of Bast and Guf fans gathered.

New “old” faces of “Gazgolder”

In 2011, the creative association “Gazgolder” was replenished with new charismatic participants. The first to join the label was the extraordinary group “Triagrutrika”, which included three rap artists from Chelyabinsk: MC Jahmal - Artem Averin, MC Vibe - Evgeniy Vibe, MC Ingyshit aka Big Mic - Mikhail Aniskin, MC and beatmaker Dj Puza - Nikita Skolyukhin.

The Triagrutrika group has five solo albums: “Unlegalized/ZdNA”, “Evening Chelyabinsk”, “T. G. K. lipsis", "Basing", "By Triagrutrika, Pt.1". In 2016, the guys’ contract with the Gazgolder music label expired. But at the same time, Basta’s creative relationship with his charges remained strong.

Following the Triagrutrika team, the eccentric rapper Alexander Tsikhov, better known under the pseudonym Smokey Mo, joined the Gazgolder team. Today, Smokey Mo's creative collection includes seven solo records. One of them was recorded together with Vasily Vauklenko.

Together with the project “Zloi Negr”, Smokey Mo recorded two mixtapes “Armor of God” and “Armor of God-2”. In these records you can hear: Slava CPSU, Piku, Kyivstoner, D.masta, Nigativ, Yanix and Loc-Dog.

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In February 2014, Adil Kulmagambetov, performing under the creative name Scryptonite, joined the top label. His tracks became popular not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The album “House with Normal Phenomena” was recognized as the best rap album of 2015. Today it boasts four studio albums: "House with Normal Phenomena", "718 Jungle", "Holiday on 36 Street", "Ouroboros Street:36/Mirrors".

In the winter of 2016, a pre-premiere screening of Sergei Solovyov’s film “Ke-Dy” took place at the Gazgolder club. One of the main roles in it was played by the Rostov rapper Basta, who had to reincarnate as a soldier. Vakulenko recorded the soundtrack and several songs for the film.

In July of the same year, the first broadcast was broadcast on the DFM radio station. entertainment program"Gazgolder Live". As part of the project, Basta, together with Sergei Mezentsev and Vadim Karpenko, spoke with famous media figures in the studio. In 2017, the decision was made to close the program.

Scandals and departure of artists

In September 2016, an artist of the creative association "Gazgolder" Murassa Urshanova, better known as Tati, announced her departure. The singer posted an angry post on one of the social networks, where she accused Vakulenko and his team of hacking her personal page on Vkontakte. Basta himself learned about his ward’s action later from online news and responded to the girl with a sarcastic video.

After the departure of the scandalous performer Tati, the label warmly welcomed the young actress Daria Charusha, who decided to pursue a career in the music industry.

The girl recorded the soundtrack to her husband Ilya Naishuller’s film “Hardcore”. A few months after signing a contract with Gazgolder, Charusha presented her debut album “Forever”.

Following Tati, the Ukrainian project “Nerves” and the Belarusian Tony Tonite left the music label. Although the contracts with these performers have not been renewed, they continue to cooperate with Basta.

In 2017, new faces joined the Gazgolder team: rapper and metropolitan performer Sasha Chest. The first artist comes from Ukraine, his real name is Kirill Nezboretsky. T-Fest gained popularity after recording a joint track with Scriptonite, called “Lambada”, as well as the composition “Reboot”.

In July 2017, as always on high level The annual festival “Gazgolder Live” took place. On big stage Not only residents of the creative association performed, but also invited artists. Among them: MiyaGi and Endgame, ATL, Husky, Jillzay Cvpellv.

In August of the same year, a team of Nizhny Novgorod"MODI", working in such directions as: rhythm and blues, funk, trap-soul.

At the end of 2017 The bright artist Matrang joined the creative association, who blew up the popular charts and dance floors with the track “Medusa”. Fans compare Alan Khadzaragov, a native of Vladikavkaz, with the legendary performer of the 90s Viktor Tsoi.

Another mentee of Vasily Vakulenko is Valentin Presonov, who performs under the pseudonym Slovetsky. In addition to developing a musical career, the artist is working on his own line of youth clothing.

In 2018 creative The Gazgolder association presented the comedy film Klubare by Ivan Kursky. The premiere of the film took place on October 11, received positive reviews spectators. The main roles in the film were played by Vasily Vakulenko and the popular actor Evgeny Stychkin.

Gazgolder (Gas holder) is a Moscow label specializing in Russian rap and hip-hop, as well as in some places in other areas of modern music. At the beginning of 2014 the film “ Gas holder" Released at the beginning of 2014 film "Gas Holder". This film was released in theaters on April 24, 2014. This rap label is based not only on old proven heavyweight artists (Basta, Smokey Mo, Triagrutrika and others), but is also actively recruiting young people (an example of this is at least together with the Kazakh artist).

In 2005, under the auspices of the emerging platform, Basta and company (presumably other people who prefer not to be seen for obvious reasons are also behind this) created a place where their friends and like-minded people were attracted. Club " Gas holder" opened quickly, in March, not yet fully renovated. It quickly turned into a home where one could simultaneously live, create, hang out and indulge in bold and unexpected adventures. Numerous, often closed parties and art projects soon brought the club Gazgolder significant status cultural center second half of the 2000s. Almost immediately, the creative association had its own coat of arms (logo), symbolizing the word gaz-holder itself and the unity of spirit of its inhabitants.

The main participants of the hip-hop label "Gazgolder"

* Vasily Vakulenko (since 2006)
o Basta
o Bratia Stereo

* "AK-47" (since 2009)
o Vitya AK
o Maxim AK
* KRP aka Coupe (since 2006)
* Tati
* Smokey Mo (since 2011)
* "Triagrutrika" (organization of concerts since 2011)
o Jahmal
o Vibe

o Ingushit
o DJ Puza aka MC Bubble
* Oleg Gruz (since 2006)
* Slovetsky (“Constant”) (since 2012)
* Tony Tonite (since 2014)
* Scriptonite (since 2014)

Former members of the hip-hop label "Gazgolder"

* Pika (2012-2013)
* Guf (2009-2011)

Other members of the hip-hop label "Gazgolder"

* Rasta aka BanKok - backing vocalist, DJ
* DJ Beka - DJ, beatmaker
* Yuri Volos aka Zhora - producer
* HopaMastak - singer-songwriter

Releases by members of the hip-hop label "Gazgolder"

Year Release Artist Type
2006 Basta 1 Basta studio album
2007 Basta 1 (re-release) Basta re-release of studio album
Basta 2 Basta studio album
2008 Noggano's first studio album
2009 My tape recorder KRP aka Kupe studio album
Berezovskiy “AK-47” studio album
Warm Noggano studio album
2010 “MegaPolice” “AK-47” studio album
Basta 3 Basta studio album
Basta/Guf Basta and Guf studio album
2011 N1NT3ND0 N1NT3NDO studio album
2012 Mozaika Slovetsky (“Constant”) studio album
Fat Vitya AK (“AK-47”) studio album
Evening Chelyabinsk “Triagrutrika” studio album
T.G.K.lipsis "Triagrutrika" studio album
2013 Basta 4 Basta studio album
Crocus City Hall 2012 Basta live album
Heavyweight (album) Jahmal studio album
Junior Smokey Mo studio album
Basta + Basta compilation

Bratia Stereo Bratia Stereo studio album
2014 Tati Tati studio album
iTunes Session Basta live album
Home Triagrutrika studio album
OST Gasgolder Gasgolder compilation
Outback Jahmal studio mini-album
The October DJ Puza TGK studio mini-album
Kara-Te 10 years later Smokey Mo remix studio album
Calm Jahmal studio mini-album
Thaw Slovetsky ("Constant") studio album
2015 Basta / Smokey Basta, Smokey Mo Studio album

Gazgolder is already on the Wikipedia page. It was also taken up by many hip-hop portals of our sovereign democratic country.

The creative association arose around the closed club “Gazgolder”, founded by Ruslan Tarkinsky in March 2005 in the empty building of the former Moscow gas plant “Arma”, built in the mid-19th century. Bogdan Titomir was involved in the opening of the club and the creation of the association, who noticed the rapper Basta, invited him to the party and began producing him. The owner was (and continues to share with Basta to this day) Evgeniy Antimony.

In 2006, a recording studio and label of the same name appeared, on which Basta’s first album was released. The co-founders of the label are Denis Kryuchkov and Yuri “Zhora” Bulavin.

In 2007, Basta became a co-owner of the Gazgolder music label. Also in 2007, Andrei Zuckerberg's tea room opens.

In 2008, the club hosted a private screening of the films “The Tea Drunkard” and “Moats.”

Since 2009, a restaurant has been operating in Gazgolder Chinese cuisine.

Since 2010, every year in mid-July the creative association holds large concerts. In the first years, the venue was the Green Theater in Gorky Park in Moscow, and joint performances Basta and Guf gave. The first event took place on July 21. A year later, the performers gathered 8 thousand people in the pouring rain, and in 2012 the concert was held on July 19.

In 2011, the composition of "Gazgolder" was replenished with the team "Triagrutrika" and rapper Smokey Mo. The agency began booking artists.

On Gazgolder from July 27, 2012 to February 5, 2013, issues 9 to 15 of “Vestirap” are published - an author’s Internet project on YouTube, which later grew into the largest YouTube channel about rap in Russia - “VSRAP”.

In 2013, the “Basta / Guf” event changed its format and became known as the “Basta +” festival, where other representatives of the label performed together with Basta. On July 18, Tati, Slovetsky, Smokey Mo, the groups “AK-47” and “Triagrutrika” performed in the park without the participation of Guf. In 2014, on July 17 at the festival under open air Basta, Guf, Smokey Mo, AK-47, Tati, Slovetsky, Triagrutrika, Scryptonite and Tony Tonite performed. The last Basta+ festival at the Green Theater took place on July 16, 2015 and brought together not only rap performers, but also rock performers. Tati, “AK-47”, Smokey Mo, “Triagrutrika”, “Nerves”, Scryptonite, QP, Noggano, Slovetsky, Tony Tonite and Nel performed with Basta. The same year, the collection “Basta+ 2015” was released, the tracklist of which included compositions by the label’s artists.

In February 2014, Scryptonite became the new resident of the label.

On April 24, 2014, the full-length film “Gas Holder” was released, which collected 37 million rubles in the first week of screening.

In 2015, Gazgolder moved to another building of the same plant.

In February 2016, the Gazgolder club hosted a private screening of the film “Ke-dy” directed by Sergei Solovyov, in which Vakulenko participated in the role of a military man. Basta recorded three songs for the film and shot two videos. The list of soundtracks also includes other compositions by Vasily.

Since July 7, 2016, the association has had its own program “Gazgolder Live” on the DFM radio station, on the air of which Vasily Vakulenko, Vadim Karpenko and Sergey Mezentsev interviewed musicians and other prominent people. Broadcasting of the program was completed in 2017.

Since 2016, the annual July open-air festival with the new name “Gazgolder Live” has been held on the territory of the Arma plant. This year, Basta, Tati, Scriptonite, Smokey Mo, ATL, Tony Tonite, NEL, QP, Charusha, Slovetsky, groups “Triagrutrika”, “AK-47”, “Nerves”, Era Cannes, Lil Kate, DJ performed on stage Minimi and DJ Mixoid. After it ended, rapper Decl complained online about loud music at a late time. Basta ridiculed Kirill Tolmatsky, after which all this escalated into several court cases (see Conflict with Decl).

In September 2016, singer Tati left the Gazgolder association and continued her solo career.

In March 2017, Ukrainian rapper T-Fest and Moscow artist Sasha Chest became members of the association. Ukrainian rock band left the label

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