Home Useful properties of fruits Taurus moon sign. Moon and Venus in the male chart (synastry)

Taurus moon sign. Moon and Venus in the male chart (synastry)

A woman with a Moon in Taurus reacts to stimuli with an earthly practicality based on the belief that all worries are not worth changing the measured pace of life because of them. The owner of such a Moon bases the reliability of his existence on the property and possessions that he accumulates in order to use them at the right time. Possession of material values ​​gives him confidence in tomorrow... Real things are home land plot, economy is a source of pleasure for him, a safe haven where you can take a break from the bustle of the world.

The owner of the Moon in Taurus good ability take advantage of new business opportunities as he bases his actions on common sense. He has a strong sense of self-worth, he is sure that, having done a good job, he can always earn enough.

Women with Moon in Taurus

The moon in Taurus for a woman is a rather favorable position, since the satellite enters the abode of a sign ruled by Venus, the planet responsible for pleasure and beauty. Pink Moon (this is how such a combination is called in astrology) increases the sexual attractiveness of a woman, strengthens her health, gives harmonious proportions to the figure and facial features, develops fine manners, elegance and aesthetic taste. But, in addition to this, it increases the craving for ordinary earthly pleasures, indicates a love for luxury and comfort.

The moon in Taurus in a woman exposes her ward to a great temptation the highest degree attachment to the already familiar and familiar. The traditional laziness of Taurus and his inertia reach their apogee in this position, plus everything the lower programs of the subconscious mind easily focus on the primitive sensations of form, without forcing you to make efforts and penetrate more subtle and complex ones. Money and various material values ​​- this is her source of confidence in her own future. She is generally inclined to hoarding and loves to acquire really beautiful things.

This young lady is trusting, she treats people friendly, sincerely and warmly. She is also characterized by possessive qualities, perseverance, a desire to dominate. In almost all situations, she remains calm and poised, although she is subject to external impulses. To feel comfortable, she needs upholstered furniture, tasty food and pleasant surroundings. Any loss of the above is a real, hard-to-bear disaster for her.

Problems, failures and troubles are our heroine long time unable to forget what causes her anxiety. Moon in Taurus in a woman promotes caution and attentiveness. And although she is internally extremely ponderous, she is just as reliable and stubborn.

Her sensual tension never prevails, she is almost always reserved. However, when the situation goes beyond her current knowledge, she easily loses her balance and becomes really angry. Sometimes this young lady can unconsciously turn the life of the chosen one into alarming torment.

A reliable partner is vital for her, and for inner harmony- quiet, calm and pacifying atmosphere in the house. A woman with the Moon in Taurus was created for family and care: she is an ideal hostess and wife, but only on condition of the security of her chosen one. Her love of food may well lead to fatness if she does not learn to control herself. Therefore, these young ladies should express their passion for gastronomy in cooking for the household, and not in self-absorption.

The Moon in Taurus in a woman forms an ambivalent attitude towards raising children: she will either be too demanding and strict, or will give so much freedom that the offspring will begin to shamelessly abuse her. A woman with a Moon in Taurus is distinguished by her practicality, good taste, as well as her requests and requirements. She will absolutely not be satisfied with "paradise in a hut", she is not one of those who will endure such a thing. In any case, over time, her dwelling will still turn into a luxuriously furnished three-four-room apartment.

It can be assumed that it is faith that pushes this young lady to show her talents in creating a family and arranging a nest. She, of course, loves to live for her own pleasure, but family is not an empty phrase for her. She will take great pleasure and diligence to take care of the prosperity and well-being of her half, as well as to ensure that her children do not need anything. Most likely, she will not be too zealous with house cleaning, but everyone will be fed and treated kindly.

The main article of her home code (and ideal) is peace and stability. Unable to endure conflicts, the subject of the Pink Moon quarrels only in extreme cases, if her desires are completely ignored. In general, the girl in question is an example true woman with all her weaknesses and virtues.

The moon, standing at the moment of a person's birth in the sign of Taurus, makes him very economic. For Taurus, the ideal is life on their own land, work that brings undoubted benefit and stable income allowing you to feel free. They have no over-requests luxury life, but the constraint of circumstances is not a test for them.

Lunar Taurus is rather slow and sluggish, but at the same time practical and persistent in their work. They do everything methodically, patiently and efficiently, with an emphasis on long-term benefits.

Taurus are always very responsible for making any decisions and do not change them. The moon in this sign is unchangeable, constant, unlike other signs. Before making a decision, people with the moon in Taurus carefully weigh all the circumstances, and if a decision has already been made, it means that it is the only possible one and cannot be revised.

Moon in Taurus for a man

In their feelings, men, who at the time of birth the moon was in the sign of Taurus, are constant and reliable. He directs all his efforts to take care of the family, to ensure its well-being and comfort. However, he also demands from a woman appropriate behavior: caring and gentleness, sensitivity and attentiveness. Determination and severity in a woman does not attract at all and even repels a man. And a woman who dares to show aggression and intemperance in relation to the lunar Taurus or his children should not expect mercy from him at all.

Moon in Taurus woman

Femininity, thriftiness, orderliness - these are the features of a woman who was born at the time of the passage of the moon in the sign of Taurus. She is extremely family-like, caring, takes care of the house with pleasure, runs the house, gives birth to healthy children and brings them up without reproach. Her house is always clean and tidy, the children are obedient and smart. She is attentive to her husband and to her duties, loyal and constant. However, she is very persistent, so it is simply impossible to confuse her, to force her to do something that is not part of her plans. It is very difficult to anger her, but if this happens, it is better to stay away from her: she is able to destroy in silence.

Full Moon in Taurus 2014- 07 November 02:22
Waning moon in Taurus 2014- 15 April 11:42 - 29 April 11:14, 14 May 23:15 - 28 May 22:40
The growing moon in Taurus 2014- April 29 11:14 - May 14 23:15
New Moon in Taurus 2014- April 29 11:14

Moon in Taurus rarely comes to me for consultation. I associate this with the fact that the owners of such a position refuse to believe in mysticism, and by nature they are calm, inert in terms of emotions. And mainly emotional people are interested in esotericism.

Nevertheless, this Moon is found in my relatives, friends, and sometimes clients. But among clients, she is most often in opposition with Pluto.

As I already wrote, people with such a position are calm, balanced, but here it is important to assess the balance of elements and signs. For example, if you have a pronounced Aries in front of you, then he will no longer be calm. This is where the persistence characteristic will work. So this person will be constantly on emotions, nerves.

In other cases, Taurus will give nuclear calm. Which sometimes even infuriates. By the way, patience is strong point Taurus. Such people are very patient. This is due to the fact that Taurus is an earthly and fixed sign, therefore this person hates changes. He is distrustful of the new, if in natal chart Aquarius, for example, did not interfere anywhere.

What distinguishes the Moon in Taurus from any other is affection for home, earth. This situation occurs in people who do not like to change their place of residence. Unless indicated by additional factors. They often have a dacha. By the way, representatives of this Moon love vegetable gardens, collect something in the forest, plant flower beds. You might think that I am describing people retirement age, but no.

Moon in Taurus in women

I remember doing research on abortion. I expected to see a dead, weak moon there. And you have no idea what kind of trance I was, without exaggeration. From the fact that I saw the Moon in the signs of high fertility - all aquatic and Taurus. Here is a small remark for Scorpio, but you can learn about it in my course ““.
Those. women with the Moon in the sign of Taurus have good fertility! The moon shows only the potential of conception, and the course of pregnancy goes more through the 5th house, therefore, such women have no problems with conceiving a child.

I often notice that such people pay attention only to natural products and the store is trying to focus on this. Instead of purchased chocolate, such people are better off eating an apple from their own apple tree.

Moreover, such people really appreciate naturalness and naturalness. They have a need for it. For example, many people with such a moon like to spend time in nature. But before you go, make sure it's safe. Such Taurus 🙂. First they will check everything, and then they will decide.

/ / Moon in Taurus for a man for a woman

Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Taurus in the natal chart of a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Taurus in astrology.

Moon in Taurus in the natal chart gives the desire for stability and peace. A person with the Moon in Taurus has stable habits, has inner constancy and perseverance. Here the Moon is in exaltation, Taurus is the best position for the Moon in the entire zodiac. A man with the Moon in Taurus after stressful situations can quickly restore his mental balance, recover.

The Moon in Taurus allows you to subdue your emotions, such a person will be calm and unemotional, if only the Moon is unaffected. It is difficult to piss off such a person. In character with the Moon in Taurus, there will be restraint in the manifestation of feelings. Although the person himself needs love, affection and tenderness.

A man with the Moon in Taurus prefers not to take risks, he is focused on proven and stable situations. Internally, he needs a comfortable environment. A person with the Moon in Taurus enters new situations with difficulty, he needs time to adapt. The most important thing for a person with the Moon in Taurus is the reliability of the position, so that there are as few sudden changes and unforeseen situations as possible. A man with the Moon in Taurus rarely changes his principles.

The Earth element of the Moon and the fixed sign of Taurus can give some slowness and stubbornness, although you need to take into account the sign of the zodiac, where the Sun and Mars are located.

In Taurus, it inclines a person to permanence in everything, including in relationships. Such a moon strengthens the attachment of a person. Even with the Sun in Aquarius or Gemini, a person subconsciously tunes in for longer connections, because Moon in Taurus reduces the desire to change something dramatically or often.

Sometimes with the Moon in Taurus, especially if there are tense aspects from Jupiter or Venus, laziness and gluttony can appear in the character. In crisis situations or if there is a tendency to depression, such a person can "seize" their problems.

V in this case Venus rules the Moon and an inner desire appears to make your life convenient, joyful and comfortable. Although the sign of the location of Venus in the natal chart will also depend on how the Moon manifests itself in Taurus.

Moon in Taurus for a man.

A man with the Moon in Taurus will choose an earthly, calm, practical and economic woman as his wife. Not unimportant for such a man will be the income level of his chosen one, and her desire takes care of the house and about it. If a woman spreads an atmosphere of peace around herself, if she can create comfortable conditions for him, then he will give her his love and will be faithful. For a man who has the Moon in Taurus, comfort in the house is very important.

Moon in Taurus for a woman.

A woman with the Moon in Taurus will also be tuned in to a stable and reliable relationship. As a wife and mother, she can always take care of her family and put things in order in the house. The moon in Taurus is considered to be very fertile.

Moon in Taurus in a child.

For a child with the Moon in Taurus, parents should create comfortable conditions and surround him with their care. Such a child should not be rushed or rushed, because to complete tasks successfully, he needs time and a calm environment. A child with the Moon in Taurus is diligent, he can be entrusted with things that require patience. Parents should be very responsible in raising a child with the Moon in Taurus, because everything that he absorbs from childhood, in the future it will be difficult for him to change, rebuild.

A man with the Moon in Taurus is an eternal realist and pragmatist. He does not strive for transcendental distances, for him life is what is happening now and what happened before. He pays quite a lot of attention to the past, because he is conservative, likes to do "as always" and compare with how "it was before." At the same time, he can in no way be called an ossified dork. He is able to be an esthete, loves nature, art, especially music and painting, appreciates beauty, he himself is able to sing, paint, sculpt.

These qualities are combined with a craving for comfort, and even in stubbornness, Taurus does not know any equals at all. The character of the lunar Taurus is changeable: he is able to change anger to mercy and back without any apparent reason... However, this is how he behaves in stressful situations, during a period of depression, during a black streak in life. In a calm atmosphere, under favorable circumstances, Lunar Taurus is calmness itself. Here he shows the most complete steadfastness, it is difficult to piss him off. In a word, Lunar Taurus is a real treasure trove of contradictions, a person who is very dependent on the external environment.

Lunar Taurus is characterized by a craving for justice, he loves when everything is "according to conscience", "honestly." Believes that everyone should have what they deserve. Often he does not doubt that he himself deserves a lot. Strives for financial well-being, not a freak, would rather invest money than spend it. Spending for the most part reasonable: choosing between going to a restaurant and paying off the loan, he will prefer to pay off the loan. He does not like to lend and borrow - this violates his craving for stability. He is observant, has an analytical mind, knows how to sort out the whole situation on the shelves, his thoughts and ideas are systematized, projects are carefully thought out and careful, there is always "plan B" at the ready.

As a rule, lunar Taurus is polite and diplomatic with people, especially with strangers and especially when cats do not scratch his soul. He is attractive to the opposite sex, smart, cherishes family ties, takes to heart social problems... He is non-conflicting, but if he gets angry, then let the culprit of the anger blame himself. Moon Taurus consistently surround the enemy, cut off his escape routes and systematically bring him to surrender. If such a siege takes years, Taurus will wait.

In personal relationships, Lunar Taurus is generous, romantic and constant. He maintains close contact with friends, does not change friends, often keeps them for life. V love relationship tries not to take out aggression on a partner. His character is easy to control, as is his behavior. Having made up his own opinion about something, the lunar Taurus will never change it. Moreover, it is useless to argue with his opinion, and if you agree with him, he will be very grateful.

He is loyal to his partner. He takes marriage seriously and responsibly, makes a decision for a long time, does not rush off the bat, does not run to marry without first experiencing feelings. Cannot stand "kicks", will not forgive if they will pull him on a rope to the registry office. He achieves reciprocity for a long time and stubbornly, he is ready to wait for years and move mountains until he hears an answer “I love”. If he has feelings, then he is sincere, devoted and deep. A reliable partner is very important for him: next to such a person he will feel confident in life. And to feel confidence for the lunar Taurus is one of the primary tasks in life.

Uncertainty in his own strength causes him great suffering and can be the cause of most of his failures. To prevent failure, Lunar Taurus acts for sure, prefers proven paths. He needs to know his talents, it is important to find an application for them, it is important to be appreciated. Therefore, the work for him should be such that he could achieve a strong position on it and fully realize his needs and skills.

Such a person is not at all inclined to adventures in business, to work related to financial risk and instability. He would prefer to work in an existing enterprise than to create a new one. Moreover, it better matches his nature, which sometimes rolls over with bouts of laziness. Lunar Taurus can also show the initiative, but only when tangible benefits are predicted. Here our hero becomes a real titan. He does not give up what he has begun, he is consistent in projects: he does not start a new one until the old is completed.

Of course, work should bring him income: the moon Taurus values ​​money, or rather, appreciates in money that it gives a comfortable and calm environment. Lunar Taurus is economical, inclined to collecting and hoarding. He loves his home very much, but he often exaggerates the desire to equip a "nest" of the highest class: convenience for him is more important than fashion. The same applies to food (and he loves to eat): it is better to be simple and tasty than exquisite and incomprehensible. In short, fantasies Japanese food with tiny portions of cold food - not for him.

Actually, the lunar Taurus adheres to the principles of practicality and convenience in everything. Hates trinkets, useless gifts high heels in winter, a white coat in autumn, a lot of furniture in a small room, huge markups in a cafe (it will definitely calculate the cost). He highly values ​​simplicity and unpretentiousness in everything - in art, work, personal life, atmosphere. He monitors his appearance, although he is indifferent to fashion novelties, he does not worry that "such sleeves went out of fashion a month ago."

Likes to sleep, relax in his usual environment. Interested in different countries, but not a big fan of travel: he is more comfortable at home. Moving always becomes stressful for him - it doesn't matter if he moves to another apartment, emigrates to another country, or goes to the countryside for the summer. He is much better in a familiar environment, and if you want to create coziness and comfort for him, do not rush to carry out general cleaning in his house and drag him overseas on vacation.

Moon Taurus Male

Taurus men have a very well-developed intuition. He cannot be called a hysterical or an obvious phlegmatic, because he reacts to all things adequately, but also without unnecessary emotions. However, there is one very significant problem. Despite all his restraint and adequacy, a man can fall into a "mental hibernation" from which it is not so easy to get him out. But, if this succeeded, then Lunar Taurus will look at everything that happens from the outside and draw conclusions. After that, he will be extremely careful and try not to make the same mistakes so as not to fall into depression again.

Moon Taurus Woman

Such women, as a rule, have an excellent flair for material wealth and practicality. They always have good taste and quite high demands. However, even if not everything turns out as she wants, the lady-Lunar Taurus according to the horoscope is not upset. She probably knows that very soon her “paradise in a hut” will turn into a lifelong dream. It is these feelings that people who have the Moon in Taurus have, and they are aimed at intelligently and consistently manifesting all their strong qualities.

Family for such women is not an empty phrase, but almost the most important thing, because they cannot even imagine a successful and good future without home comfort and relatives. Yes, she is not very fond of housework, but be sure that for her family, she will always, although with strength, cook food, clean the room and do everything possible to create comfortable conditions for your loved ones.

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