Home Potato Death statistics of HIV-infected people in Russia and in the world - the spread of the epidemic. The AIDS epidemic in Russia and in the world - the scale of the problem and the role of public events in its solution

Death statistics of HIV-infected people in Russia and in the world - the spread of the epidemic. The AIDS epidemic in Russia and in the world - the scale of the problem and the role of public events in its solution

AIDS is a disease that destroys a person's immune system, leaving the body prone to fatal diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and others. viral infections. This disease occurs mainly in countries with a large percentage of the drug-addicted population, where injection tools (syringes and needles) are used, which can be infected with the virus. Do not forget also about unprotected sex, which is one of the main ways of spreading AIDS. Now new types of vaccines and drugs are being developed for this disease, but scientists have not yet been able to find a way to stop it. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of countries in which the most AIDS patients live.

1. South Africa

South Africa is the country with the most big amount HIV-infected patients. 5 million 600 thousand patients have a positive status here, which is a very alarming situation. These figures mean that 12% of the total population South Africa suffers from this problem. It is estimated that 310,000 people die every year due to the disease. The country is trying to do its best to manage the disease, but this requires more information campaigns among the population.

2. Botswana

In this country, the first case of HIV infection was registered in 1985. Nevertheless, Botswana was the second country in the world in terms of the number of people with AIDS. According to WHO estimates, about 320 thousand people are now infected. The disease greatly affects the process of development of the nation, and the death rate is increasing at an alarming rate. It is clear that the government needs to effective measures to fight the disease.

3. India

India is the third country in the world in terms of the number of HIV-infected residents. According to statistics, 2 million 400 thousand people are infected here. Poverty exacerbates the problem local residents, insofar as great amount people are unable to seek medical attention. The southeastern and northeastern provinces are most affected by AIDS. India really needs educational programs to increase the public's knowledge of this issue.

4. Kenya

In Kenya, 1 million 500 thousand people are HIV-infected. Public health has improved over the past few years and HIV prevalence has declined, but the government still has a long way to go to stop the disease.

5. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is the fifth most AIDS-infected country in the world, with an HIV prevalence rate of around 14.9%. The situation in the country has improved due to awareness campaigns launched by the government. In addition, in 2003 the rate of the so-called "brain drain" in the country was 22.1%. After 14 years, occupational health care in Zimbabwe has improved, and the picture of the spread of AIDS confirms this.

6. USA

Are you surprised? As you can see, AIDS is a catastrophe not only in third world countries. The United States is in sixth place in terms of the number of people infected with AIDS. It is assumed that HIV was brought to the United States by immigrants in the 1960s. The eastern and southern states were found to be more infested than other coastal areas. According to the latest data, 1,148,200 American citizens are infected with HIV.

7. Democratic Republic of the Congo

About 1 million 100 thousand people in the Congo suffer from AIDS. This country was the first in Africa to be affected deadly disease. Unprotected intercourse is reported to be the leading cause of disease transmission.

8. Mozambique

A total of 11.3% of Mozambican citizens are infected with AIDS. The nation is facing serious rates of the spread of HIV infection.

9. Tanzania

In total, about 1,400,000 people in Tanzania are HIV positive. Statistics show that women (60%) suffer from this disease more often than men. 86,000 people die of the disease each year.

10. Malawi

10% of the population of Malawi have the status of HIV-positive patients. Every year 68,000 people die here from AIDS. Previously, the Malawian government was not very active in the fight against this disease, but over time it has become more interested in controlling this epidemic, and today the situation in the country is improving.

About the HIV epidemic. The virus was found in 1.8 percent of citizens, that is, 27 thousand people. On the whole, all Sverdlovsk region- in first place in terms of the number of HIV-infected people in Russia. In general, an outbreak of infection was recorded in 10 regions. The number of infected people in the country has exceeded one million. And about half do not know about their diagnosis. Whether a large-scale HIV epidemic threatens Russia, Lenta.ru found out.

What's happening?

The Sverdlovsk region ranked first in the number of HIV-infected people in Russia. In the capital of the region - Yekaterinburg - every fiftieth is ill. This was announced at a press conference in TASS by the First Deputy Head of the Health Department of Yekaterinburg Tatyana Savinova. In total, 26,693 cases of HIV infection have been registered in the city. That is, almost 2 percent of citizens are infected. In the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city, there are already more than 2 percent of those infected. About 52 percent were infected through drug use, through intravenous injections, 46 percent - through sexual contact. Now the incidence is growing precisely due to the sexual route of infection.

Criteria World Organization(WHO), if in the region the virus is detected in more than 1 percent of the population (especially in pregnant women), this means that the stage of a “generalized” epidemic has begun. That is, the disease goes beyond the risk groups where it has been circulating for a long time. In the health department of Yekaterinburg, no one specifically announced the HIV epidemic in the city. According to Savinova, the generalized stage of the spread of HIV did not begin yesterday, and it hardly makes sense to talk about an epidemic, since this is not a seasonal disease, like the flu.

Geography of HIV

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the epidemiological threshold of 1 percent has been exceeded in the Kemerovo, Ulyanovsk, Irkutsk, Tyumen regions, the Perm Territory, the Leningrad, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the Tomsk Region, the Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Omsk, Ivanovo, Tver and Kurgan regions. The leaders are Samara and the already mentioned Sverdlovsk regions. More than 2 percent of pregnant women are infected here.

In Russia as a whole, the number of HIV-infected people has exceeded one million. Experts believe that about 500,000-800,000 more Russians are unaware of their illness, since they do not consider themselves to be at risk and have never been tested.

AIDS is closer

Previously, HIV in Russia was considered the lot of marginals - drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals. But a generalized epidemic means that now everyone can get infected. This is not the flu yet - nevertheless, HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets, but in order to be guaranteed to avoid infection, it is no longer enough just to avoid communicating with risk groups. Many do not know whether their partner has been tested for HIV infection or not, whether he could have been infected in the past. Meanwhile, every fortieth man aged 30-35 is infected with HIV. Depending on the region, every twentieth man aged 21-40 is infected. The chance of infection is very high.

Doctors recommend to be more careful not only in choosing partners, but also when seeking medical help. According to federal center on the Prevention and Control of AIDS (over the past five years), there is reliable information on more than 10 cases of nosocomial infection. The department declined to name the regions, "because these incidents are possible everywhere." The fact is that in order to save money, hospitals again practice the repeated use of syringes (even disposable syringes can be re-injected) and other medical equipment that requires sterilization before use. The identified cases are mainly related to children, since "it is easier for them to establish the chain of infection." However, experts do not exclude that adults could also become infected in the same way.

What to expect?

According to the Center for Fighting AIDS, the number of infected Russians is increasing at a rate of up to 10 percent per year. Up to 270 cases are registered per day. Every day 50-60 people die. The percentage of infected people in our country is three times higher than in the EU countries. Twice - than in France, and ten times - than in Germany.

In October 2015, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova said that by 2020 the HIV epidemic in Russia could get out of control if treatment coverage is not increased. The UN has adopted recommendations to combat the epidemic. Experts believe that it is possible to stop the growth of the incidence using the formula "90-90-90". That is, it is necessary that 90 percent of patients know about their diagnosis and 90 percent of them receive the necessary treatment. Then 90 percent of HIV-infected people will not be contagious to others.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, only 19 percent of Russians were tested last year. Approximately 30 percent of patients receive the necessary medicines. According to Academician Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the AIDS Center, in order to implement the international strategy, the state must spend at least 100 billion rubles a year. In 2017, 18 billion rubles are allocated for the fight against HIV - five times once again less.

After reporting on the epidemic in Yekaterinburg, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered another 2.28 billion rubles to be allocated from the budget for the purchase of medicines for citizens infected with HIV and hepatitis B and C.

Identification or abstinence?

Yekaterinburg Mayor Yevgeny Roizman stressed that the situation in the city is typical for the whole of Russia. “We have a very high detection rate,” he is quoted as saying. - That is, we are doing this purposefully. We have strong doctors, we have very strong programs for detection. In Yekaterinburg, 23 percent of the population was examined. Meanwhile, in Russia - no higher than 15. That is, we have one and a half times more people examined. And if they conduct examinations at this level in Novosibirsk, Saratov, Samara, Tver, then, believe me, the situation there will shoot out even differently.”

Yevgeny Voronin, chief freelance specialist in the problems of diagnosing and treating HIV infection of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, says that there are only two countries in the world in which the incidence of HIV is growing - Ukraine and Russia.

According to him, the Ministry of Health is confident that "raising public awareness, increasing testing and maximum coverage of therapy can radically turn the tide." The department hopes that in two years the country will record a sharp decline new infections.

“There are positive examples,” Voronin stressed. - In Tatarstan, which is one of the twenty regions at risk of HIV, testing covered about 30 percent of the population, more than 60 percent received therapy. And there they really began to decline. The concept consists of three parts. The first is abstinence before marriage and marriage no earlier than 19 years old, when a person accumulates some life experience, - one of the authors of the report, demographer Igor Beloborodov, told Lente.ru. - The second is loyalty. Through social advertising, instant messengers, speeches by politicians, the public was given a signal: do not cheat in marriage. And only a third part, and far from being the most important, is condoms. If you are crazy and prostitute, use drugs, then at least protect yourself. Our liberal apologists took only last part. But there have already been examples of the disastrous consequences of such selectivity. Take two African countries - Uganda and neighboring Botswana. The first diligently used all three methods of prevention. As a result, AIDS incidence in Uganda fell by a factor of three between 1990 and 2011. And in Botswana it has grown eightfold.”

Statistics on HIV incidence and AIDS deaths vary widely across different countries and continents. The indicators are affected by the standard of living of the population, economic development, health and welfare, youth policy and promotion of healthy lifestyles. It would seem that backward third world countries are among the leaders in immunodeficiency. However, HIV in the Russian Federation is spreading at a rate that brings Russia to third place in the world ranking in terms of the rate of increase in incidence, behind only South Africa and Nigeria.

HIV statistics in Russia change from year to year for the worse. Since 1987, when they first started talking about a terrible diagnosis, and to the present, the number of cases has been increasing, and mortality has been increasing. Percentages new cases of immunodeficiency and population bring the Russian Federation to a leading position in the lists of countries former USSR and the whole planet. Moreover, the main increase in deplorable statistics does not occur in the 90s, neither the change of power, nor the change in the way of thinking, nor the improvement in the quality of life affect - an increase in the rate of HIV spread is recorded every year. The mortality index (number of deaths per 1,000 people) has increased 10 times over the past ten years.

According to official data, there are about a million HIV patients in Russia, that is, approximately 0.7% of the country's inhabitants are infected with HIV. According to unofficial information from foreign agencies, the percentage in reality is exactly 2 times higher, and this indicates an epidemic of immunodeficiency in the Russian Federation.

In order not to cause panic and not take away the first place in AIDS from South Africa and Nigeria, in Russia the statistics are slightly adjusted in the right direction. For example, a person with AIDS dies, but the cause of death is a secondary disease - heart failure or a malignant neoplasm, and the patient was not registered for immunodeficiency. This death is not reflected in HIV mortality. Also, the data on the total number of cases are not accurate enough - there is no mandatory procedure for testing for HIV. Thousands of people do not go to medical institutions for years and do not donate blood. Naturally, if they are infected, Rosstat and Rospotrebnadzor do not know about it. If a person is diagnosed with HIV, but does not undergo an examination and is not registered with an infectious disease specialist, then such a case is also not taken into account - the patients actually registered are taken into account. In Russia, most citizens need to be forced and persuaded to go to the hospital and get treated. Based on the above cases, the actual incidence of AIDS in the Russian Federation is clearly much higher.

Regions and cities are leaders in the number of HIV infections

Russia is a large country in terms of territory and, accordingly, statistical data varies by region. most disadvantaged for HIV last years steel Sverdlovsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Samara, Orenburg regions, Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. In these regions, the highest rate of increase in the incidence and the highest percentage of HIV-infected people - more than 2% of the inhabitants are infected with a retrovirus, with a huge number of infected children and pregnant women (every 50th woman in labor is sick with immunodeficiency). Of the leading cities for HIV, the geography remains identical to the regional one - Kemerovo, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk.

HIV statistics by age

HIV statistics by age in Russia has not changed for many years - the majority of infected people are young people from 20 to 39 years old, accounting for approximately 80% of registered patients. Another 10% are from 40 to 60 years old, 9% are from newborns to 19 years old. The latter category of patients is more vulnerable in terms of diagnosing immunodeficiency. An HIV diagnosis is accurately established in children from 0 years of age, infected in utero, during childbirth from a sick mother. The rest of the children, among whom the peak of injection drug addiction is recorded at the age of 13-17, are not tested for retrovirus and remain unaccounted for.

Reasons for Russia's leadership in HIV infection

The UN has called Russia the epicenter of the global epidemic of secondary immunodeficiency. Inaccurate and underestimated statistics of immunodeficiency in the Russian Federation exceeds the scale of the disaster in other countries. For example, in Germany, the increase in the incidence is three times less than in Russia. And there, HIV is a national problem that is being fought and funds are allocated from the state budget. The HIV epidemic in Russia is not considered something global and serious, given the lack of a state program to combat AIDS. By the way, in the United States, the state wrestling program appeared in the late 1980s.

There are two main reasons for Russia's leadership in infection with immunodeficiency:

  • lack of disease control state level– correction of statistics, lack of mandatory HIV testing of citizens without exception, lack of funding – propaganda and youth policy aimed at healthy lifestyle life;
  • HIV and drug addiction epidemics coincide geographically, that is, the main route of infection in Russia is injection drugs.

African countries, where at some time every second citizen was infected with HIV, were able to suppress the epidemic and began to fight the spread of the infection. An economically and socially developed state should all the more recognize and accept the problem. Otherwise, according to experts, in the next 5 years Russia will come out on top in the world in terms of HIV, and the death rate from AIDS in the country will increase exponentially.

The word "AIDS" is known to every person on earth and implies a terrible disease, against which there is an uncontrolled drop in the level of lymphocytes in human blood. The state of the disease is the final phase of development in the body of HIV infection, leading to a lethal end. The first descriptions of the disease date back to the 80s, when physicians around the world were faced with its manifestations.

Statistics data

At present, AIDS in Russia is spreading at a tremendous pace. Statistics officially recorded the number of infected people. Their number is shocking with its zeros, namely, there are about 1,000,000 patients with HIV infection. These data were voiced by V. Pokrovsky, head of the Center for Epidemiology of the Russian Federation. Statistics say that only during the Christmas holidays in 2015, the number of people who received HIV infection corresponds to the figure of 6000. Pokrovsky noted this data as the highest figure for all previous years.

As a rule, the problem of AIDS becomes the most discussed twice a year. The AIDS Center declared the beginning of winter (December 1) Day to fight the disease. In the first days of May, the Day of Sorrow for those who died from the "plague of the 20th century" is held. However, the topic of AIDS and HIV infection was touched upon outside of these two days. The UN statement contained information that the Russian Federation has become the world center for the spread of HIV. Especially frequent cases of the disease were registered in the Irkutsk region. It has become the generalized center of the HIV epidemic.

Such information once again confirms the process of the growth of the disease. V. Pokrovsky has repeatedly stated this, and UNAIDS documents also reported this. Dmitry Medvedev, during a meeting of the commission on health protection, confirmed the presence of cases in the country and an increase in the number of patients by 10% annually. Terrifying facts were voiced by V. Skvortsova, who believes that in about 5 years AIDS in Russia can reach the level of 250%. These facts speak of an all-encompassing epidemic.

The percentage of cases

Discussing the problem, V. Pokrovsky argues that a typical way of infecting women is sexual intercourse. The fact is that AIDS in Russia is recorded in more than 2% of the male population aged 23 to 40 years. Of them:

  • with the use of drugs - about 53%;
  • sexual contact - about 43%;
  • homosexual relationships - about 1.5%;
  • children born to mothers with HIV infection - 2.5%.

The statistics are truly shocking in their performance.

Reasons for leadership on AIDS

Experts note two main indicators of the deterioration of the situation in this area.

  • AIDS in Russia is spreading at such a fast pace due to the lack of programs to combat it. The fact is that in the period 2000-2004, the Russian Federation received support to overcome this problem from an international fund. After the recognition of the Russian Federation as a country with high incomes, international subsidies were suspended, and domestic subsidies from the country's budget became insufficient to overcome the disease.
  • The disease is progressing by such leaps and bounds due to the use narcotic substances through the use of injections. The AIDS Center confirmed that about 54% of citizens got the disease "through a syringe."

The statistics are shocking with the mass nature of the disease. The risk of becoming HIV-infected is increasing every year. The number of deaths from this disease has also increased.

According to V. Pokrovsky, there are 205,000 people in Russia. This figure covers only surveyed segments of the population. This includes patients who are already registered as infected. According to experts' forecasts, potentially hidden carriers of HIV who do not receive treatment and are not registered with a doctor should be added to this number. In total, the figure can reach 1,500,000 people.

The most problematic area for AIDS

The AIDS statistics in Russia show how big the problem is. On the this moment the most critical is the situation covering the Irkutsk region. Chief Physician region for the fight against the disease stated that almost every 2 people out of a hundred have a confirmed HIV test. This corresponds to 1.5% of the number total population areas.

Three out of four incidents involve sexual contact between people under the age of 40. When clarifying the circumstances, it often turns out that an infected person did not even suspect that he had become a carrier of the infection and that he needed intensive treatment.

In the report of V. Pokrovsky, the following phrase was heard: “If 1% of women bearing a fetus are found to have HIV according to the results of a blood test, then epidemiologists have the right to classify the disease as a generalized epidemic.” It was this indicator that was confirmed by doctors in the Irkutsk region. specialized center and negligent attitude to the problem of the regional governor.

Along with the Irkutsk Territory, a difficult situation is observed in 19 regions. These include areas:

  • Samara;
  • Sverdlovsk;
  • Kemerovo;
  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Tyumenskaya;
  • Perm region;
  • Leningradskaya;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Orenburg;
  • Tomsk;
  • Altai region;
  • Murmansk;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Omsk;
  • Ivanovskaya;
  • Tverskaya;
  • Kurgan;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.

The first place in the black list is occupied by the Sverdlovsk and Irkutsk regions, followed by Perm, followed by the Khanty-Mansiysk district, and the Kemerovo region concludes the list.

The leadership of the regions is far from encouraging. In these areas, you can pass the test anonymously at any medical institution.

AIDS: the cost of treatment

If anonymous testing in most cases is free, then the treatment itself will require significant investments. The pricing policy of pharmaceutical companies in the field of antiretroviral therapy in our country is quite tough. So, when comparing prices, it can be noted that the course of treatment in African countries is equal to 100 dollars, in India it will be from 250 to 300 dollars, but in Russia you should pay about 2000 dollars for it. Such an amount for many residents of the country is unbearable.

The statistics indicate that last year only slightly more than 30% of the sick population was able to access antiretroviral care. Cause this fact are inflated prices set by drug suppliers.

If it turns out that the partner is HIV-infected, it is urgent to pass the test. AIDS is a dangerous, deadly disease, so delay in examination can end badly for the patient.

  1. For the first time, the people of the planet learned about the disease only 3 decades ago.
  2. The most insidious strain is HIV 1.
  3. Compared to the original virus, today's HIV has become more adaptable and tougher.
  4. In the 80s, the disease sounded like a synonym for a death sentence.
  5. The first case of infection was recorded by doctors in the Congo.
  6. Many experts are of the opinion that it was the secondary use of syringes that led to such a rapid spread of the disease.
  7. The first person to open the list of those who became infected and died from AIDS was a teenager from It happened in 1969.
  8. In America, the first spreader of the disease is considered homosexual Steward Dugas, who died of HIV in 1984.
  9. List famous people of the world who have died from the virus can be read with tears in their eyes. The disease claimed the lives of Arthur Asche, Freddie Mercury, Magic Johnson and many others.
  10. The case of Noushon Williams, who, knowing about his infection, deliberately infected his partners, is considered egregious, for which he received a prison sentence.
  11. Do not despair if our the immune system able to resist disease. So, out of 300 people, the body of one copes with the disease on its own. This means that our body includes a gene that can protect us from the virus, and it will be possible to hope that soon a terrible diagnosis will not mean a death sentence.

At the beginning of 2017 total number cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens reached 1,114,815 people (in the world - 36.7 million HIV-infected, incl. 2.1 million CHILDREN ). And according to calculations international organization UNAIDS (UNAIDS) in Russia there are already more than 1,500,700 HIV-infected (!), moreover, according to the calculations of American and Swiss scientists in Russia now (December 2017) resides over 2 million patients with HIV infection ( published in PLOS Medicine).

Of them died for various reasons (not only from AIDS, but from all causes) 243,863 HIV-infected(according to the Rospotrebnadzor monitoring form “Information on measures to prevent HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, identify and treat HIV patients”) ( 1 million people died in the world in 2016 ). In December 2016, 870,952 Russians were living with a diagnosis of HIV infection.

As of 01 July 2017 the number of HIV-infected people in Russia amounted to 1 167 581 people, of which 259,156 people died for various reasons (in 1st half of 2017 already died 14 631 HIV-infected that 13.6% more than for 6 months of 2016.). Attack rate population of the Russian Federation with HIV infection in 2017 made up 795,3 infected with HIV per 100 thousand of the population of Russia.

In 2016 It revealed 103 438 new cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens ( 1.8 million in the world ), which is 5.3% more than in 2015. Since 2005, the country has recorded an increase in the number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV infection, in 2011-2016 the annual increase was an average of 10%. HIV incidence rate in 2016 made up 70.6 per 100 thousand population.

The prevalence of HIV in the countries of the world by the number of HIV-infected people living in them.

64% of all new HIV diagnoses in Europe are in Russia. Every hour 10 new HIV-infected people appear in Russia.

The number of HIV in the CIS countries, the Baltics

*/approx. the statement is ambiguous, because not all countries calculate equally well the number of HIV-infected people, who also need to be identified for some money (for example, in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, where there is hardly any enough money to screen the population for HIV. In addition, judging by the identification of a huge number of HIV-infected gastro workers, the prevalence of HIV in these countries is several times higher than in the Russian Federation) /.

HIV growth rates in Russia (according to UNAIDS, the international organization to fight AIDS).

Rapid growth of HIV infection in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The dynamics of the spread of HIV in the world.

Comparison of the growth of HIV-infected people in the European Region with and without the Russian Federation.

Russia's contribution to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the European region.

Behind 1st half of 2017 in Russia revealed 52 766 HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation. HIV incidence rate in 1st half of 2017 made up 35,9 cases of HIV infection per 100,000 population. Most new cases in 2017 were detected in the Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Tyumen regions, as well as in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Behind 9 months 2017 in Russia revealed 65 200 HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation, for 11 months 2017- registered 85 thousand new cases of HIV infection, observed exceeding the long-term average for HIV by 43.4%(49,7%000 vs 34.6%000 ).

Video. Incidence in Russia, March - May 2017.

Increasing the rate of growth of new cases HIV infections in 2017 year (but general level incidence of HIV infection is low) is observed in Vologda region, Tyva, Mordovia, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Moscow, Vladimir, Tambov, Yaroslavl, Sakhalin and Kirov regions.

Growth in the total (cumulative) number of registered cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens from 1987 to 2016

Growing number of HIV-infected Russians from 1987 to 2016

HIV in regions and cities

In 2016 and including 2017 in terms of morbidity in Russian Federation the following regions and cities were in the lead:

  1. Kemerovo region (228.8 new cases of HIV infection were registered per 100,000 population — total 6,217 HIV-infected), including in the city Kemerovo 1 876 HIV-infected. For 10 months of 2017 in the Kemerovo region identified 4,727 new HIV-infected (indicator morbidity - 174.5 per 100 thousand population) ( honorary 1st place)
  2. Irkutsk region (163,6%000 — 3,951 HIV-infected). In 2016 in the city Irkutsk registered 2 450 new infected with HIV, in 2017 - 1,107. In 2017, in Irkutsk region in 5 months, 1,784 new HIV-infected people were detected. Morbidity for 10 months 2017 - 134.0 per 100 tons ( 3 228 newly diagnosed HIV-infected) Nearly 2% of the population of the Irkutsk region are infected with HIV. (honorary 2nd place )
  3. Samara Region (161,5%000 — 5,189 HIV-infected, incl. in the city of Samara 1,201 HIV-infected), for 10 months of 2017 - 2,698 people (84,2% 000) . Every hundredth inhabitant Samara region infected with HIV!
  4. Sverdlovsk region (156,9%000 — 6,790 HIV-infected), morbidity for 10 months 2017 - 128.1 per 100 tons, i.e. 5 546 new HIV=-infected. In the city Yekaterinburg, in 2016, 1,372 HIV-infected (94.2% 000 ), for 10 months 2017 years - in the "capital of AIDS" have already identified 1 347 "pluses" (the incidence of HIV infection in 2017 in the city - 92,5% 000 ).
  5. Chelyabinsk region (154,0%000 — 5 394 HIV-infected),
  6. Tyumen region (150,5%000 — 2 224 people), for the first half of 2017, 1,019 new cases of HIV infection were detected in the Tyumen region (an increase of 14.4% compared to the same period last year, then 891 HIV-infected people were registered), incl. 3 teenagers. The Tyumen region is one of the regions where HIV infection is recognized as an epidemic, 1.1% of the population is infected with HIV. Incidence for 9 months 2017 - 110.2 people per 100 thousand population. ( honorary 3rd place). W and 10 months of 2017 revealed 1 614 HIV-infected, incl. 5 teenagers.
  7. Tomsk region (138.0% 000 - 1 489 people),
  8. Novosibirsk region(137.1%000 ) areas ( 3 786 pers.), incl. in the city Novosibirsk 3 213 HIV-infected. Incidence for 9 months 2017 - 108.3 per 100 tons — 3 010 people infected with HIV (for 10 months of 2017 - 3,345 people) (on the 4th place came out).
  9. Krasnoyarsk Territory (129.5% 000 - 3 716 people),
  10. Perm Territory (125.1% 000 — 3 294 people). Incidence for 10 months 2017 - 126.2 per 100 tons — 3 322 HIV+, up 13.1% compared to the previous year. ( on the 5th place rose)
  11. Altai Territory (114.1% 000 - 2 721 people) the edges,
  12. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (124.7% 000 - 2,010 people, every 92nd inhabitant is infected),
  13. Orenburg region (117.6% 000 - 2 340 people), in 1 sq. 2017 - 650 people (32.7% 000).
  14. Omsk region (110.3% 000 - 2 176 people), for 8 months of 2017, 1360 cases were detected, the incidence rate was 68.8% 000.
  15. Kurgan region (110.1% 000 - 958 people),
  16. Ulyanovsk region (97.2% 000 - 1 218 people), in 1 sq. 2017 - 325 people (25.9% 000).
  17. Tver region (74.0% 000 - 973 people),
  18. Nizhny Novgorod region (71.1% 000 - 2 309 people) area, in 1 sq. 2017 - 613 people (18.9% 000).
  19. Republic of Crimea (83.0% 000 1 943 people),
  20. Khakassia (82.7% 000 - 445 people),
  21. Udmurtia (75.1% 000 - 1 139 people),
  22. Bashkortostan (68.3% 000 - 2 778 people), in 1 sq. 2017 - 688 people (16.9% 000).
  23. Moscow city (62,2 % 000 — 7 672 people)

% 000 is the number of HIV-infected people per 100,000 people.

Table number 1. The number of HIV-infected people and the incidence of HIV infection by regions and regions of Russia (TOP 15).

Interactive table, sortable. How many HIV-infected people were identified in the most HIV-prone regions of the Russian Federation. What is the incidence in the regions per 100 thousand population.
Region of the Russian FederationNumber of HIV-infected people identified in 2016, peopleIncidence of HIV infection (number of HIV cases per 100 population) in 2016
Kemerovo region 6217 228,8
Irkutsk region 3951 163,6
Samara Region 5189 161,5
Sverdlovsk region 6790 156,9
Chelyabinsk region5394 154,0
Tyumen region2224 150,5
Tomsk1489 138,0
Novosibirsk3786 137,1
Krasnoyarsk3716 129,5
Permian3294 125,1
Altaic2721 114,1
KhMAO2010 124,7
Orenburg2340 117,6
Omsk2176 110,3
Kurgan958 110,1

Leading cities in terms of the number of identified HIV-infected people and the incidence of HIV infection: Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Samara.

Subjects of the Russian Federation most affected by HIV infection.

Most Significant Growth(speed, growth rate of new HIV cases per unit of time) incidence in 2016 was observed in Republic of Crimea, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chukotka, Kamchatka Territory, Belgorod, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk regions, Sevastopol, Chuvash, Kabardino-Balkarian Republics, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region, Nenets Autonomous Region, Samara Region and Jewish Autonomous Region.

Number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens in 1987-2016

Distribution of the number of new HIV cases by years (1987-2016).

afflicted HIV infection of the population of Russia as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 594.3 per 100 thousand people Cases of HIV infection registered in all subjects Russian Federation. IN 2017 year affection - 795.3 per 100 thousand of us.

A high incidence of HIV infection (more than 0.5% of the total population) was registered in the 30 largest and predominantly economically successful regions, where 45.3% of the country's population lived.

Dynamics of prevalence and incidence of HIV infection in the population of the Russian Federation in 1987-2016

Morbidity, prevalence of HIV in the Russian Federation.

TO the most affected regions of the Russian Federation relate:

  1. Sverdlovsk region (1,647.9% of 000 people living with HIV were registered per 100,000 population - 71,354 people, including more than 27,131 HIV-infected people registered in the city of Yekaterinburg, i.e. every 50th resident of the city is infected with HIV - this is a real epidemic. In 2017(as of 01.11.17) already 93,494 people infected with HIV — Approximately 2% of the population of the Sverdlovsk region are infected with HIV, and 2% of pregnant women are HIV-infected women, i.e. every 50th pregnant woman has HIV infection). As of 11/01/2017 in AIDS Capital according to the rapper "Purulent") is already registered 28 478 HIV-positive ( the HIV prevalence of the city's population is 2%!!! ) and this is only official. IN Serov- 1454.2% 000 (1556 people). Infected with HIV - 1.5 percent of the population of the city of Serov. The Sverdlovsk region ranks first in the number of children born to HIV-infected mothers - 15,000 children.
  2. Irkutsk region (1636.0% 000 - 39473 people). Total identified HIV-infected at the beginning 2017 of the year— 49 494 people, for the beginning of June 2017 of the year 51,278 people were cumulatively registered with a diagnosis of HIV infection. IN the city of Irkutsk more than 31,818 people have been identified for all the time.
  3. Kemerovo region (1582.5% 000 - 43000 people), including in the city of Kemerovo more than 10,125 patients with HIV infection have been registered.
  4. Samara region (1476.9% 000 - 47350 people), as of November 1, 2017, 50,048 HIV-infected people were detected.
  5. Orenburg region (1217.0% 000 - 24276 people) regions,
  6. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (1201.7% 000 - 19550 people),
  7. Leningrad region (1147.3% 000 - 20410 people),
  8. Tyumen region (1085.4% 000 - 19,768 people), as of July 1, 2017 - 20,787 people, as of November 1, 2017 - 21,382 people.
  9. Chelyabinsk region (1079.6% 000 - 37794 people), as of 01.11.2017 — more than 48,000 people., incl. Chelyabinsk - 19,000 HIV-infected.
  10. Novosibirsk region (1021.9% 000 - 28227 people) regions. As of May 19, 2017 at city ​​of Novosibirsk more than 34 thousand HIV-infected people have been registered - every 47 resident of Novosibirsk has HIV (!). On 01.11.2017 in Novosibirsk region 36,334 HIV-infected people were registered. The region is in the top ten in Russia, and in terms of the level of HIV infection of the population, it is in fourth place in the country.
  11. Perm Territory (950.1% 000 - 25030 people) - Berezniki, Krasnokamsk and Perm are mostly heavily affected by HIV,
  12. G. Saint Petersburg(978.6% 000 - 51140 people),
  13. Ulyanovsk region (932.5% 000 - 11728 people),
  14. Republic of Crimea (891.4% 000 - 17000 people),
  15. Altai Territory (852.8% 000 - 20268 people),
  16. Krasnoyarsk Territory (836.4% 000 - 23970 people),
  17. Kurgan region (744.8% 000 - 6419 people),
  18. Tver region (737.5% 000 - 9622 people),
  19. Tomsk region (727.4% 000 - 7832 people),
  20. Ivanovo region (722.5% 000 - 7440 people),
  21. Omsk region (644.0% 000 - 12741 people), as of September 1, 2017, 16,275 cases of HIV infection were registered, the incidence rate is 823.0% 000.
  22. Murmansk region (638.2% 000 - 4864 people),
  23. Moscow region (629.3% 000 - 46056 people),
  24. Kaliningrad region (608.4% 000 - 5941 people).
  25. Moscow (413.0% 000 - 50909 people)

Table number 3. Rating of Russian regions by the prevalence of HIV infection among the population (TOP 15).

The number of HIV-infected people identified in the most HIV-prone areas of the Russian Federation in absolute numbers and calculated per 100,000 population of the region represented.
RegionInfection per 100 thousand population, as of 01/01/2017.The absolute number of all registered HIV-infected people as of 01.01.2017.
Sverdlovsk region1647,9 71354
Irkutsk region1636,0 39473
Kemerovo region1582,5 43000
Samara Region1476,9 47350
Orenburg region1217,0 24276
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug1201,7 19550
Leningrad region1147,3 20410
Tyumen region1085,4 19768
Chelyabinsk region1079,6 37794
Novosibirsk region1021,9 28227
Perm region950,1 25030
Ulyanovsk region932,5 11728
Republic of Crimea891,4 17000
Altai region852,8 20268
Krasnoyarsk region836,4 23970

Age structure

Most high level prevalence of HIV infection in the population is observed in the group 30-39 years old, 2,8% Russian men aged 35-39 lived with an established diagnosis of HIV infection. Women become infected with HIV at a younger age, already in the age group of 25-29 years, about 1% were infected with HIV, the proportion of infected women in the age group of 30-34 years is even higher - 1.6%.

Over the past 15 years, the age structure among newly diagnosed patients has changed radically. In 2000, 87% of patients were diagnosed with HIV before the age of 30. Adolescents and young people aged 15-20 years accounted for 24.7% of newly diagnosed HIV infections in 2000, as a result of an annual decrease in 2016, this group amounted to only 1.2%.

Diagram. Age and sex of HIV-infected people.

In 2016, HIV infection was predominantly detected in Russians aged 30-40 years (46.9%) and 40-50 years old (19.9%), the share of young people aged 20-30 decreased to 23.2%. An increase in the proportion of newly diagnosed cases was also observed in older age groups, cases of sexually transmitted HIV infection in old age have become more frequent.

“0.6% of all Russians live with an HIV diagnosis. But Russians aged 30-39 are especially affected by HIV - among them, HIV is diagnosed in 2%. For men, this percentage is higher. With age, the risks of contracting HIV accumulate, and people continue to age with the virus in their blood. 87% of HIV-positive people are economically active, which is explained by their young age, among them there is a disproportionately large proportion of Russians with secondary specialized education - this is the working class, without which the future of the country will become foggy.” (V. Pokrovsky)

It should be noted that when low testing coverage of adolescents and youth, more than 1100 cases of HIV infection are registered annually among people aged 15-20 years. According to preliminary data the largest number HIV-infected adolescents (15-17 years old) was registered in 2016 in Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Samara regions, Altai, Perm, Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The main cause of HIV infection among adolescents is unprotected sex with HIV-infected partner (77% of cases in girls, 61% in boys).

Structure of the deceased

In 2016, 30,550 (3.4%) patients with HIV infection died in the Russian Federation (10.8% more than in 2015) according to the Rospotrebnadzor monitoring form “Information on measures to prevent HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, detection and treatment of HIV patients”. The highest annual mortality was registered in Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Mordovia, Kemerovo Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ulyanovsk Region, Republic of Adygea, Tambov region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chuvash Republic, Samara Region, Primorsky Territory, Tula region, Krasnodar, Perm region, Kurgan region.

According to Rosstat 18,575 people died from HIV infection (AIDS) in 2016. (in 2015 - 15,520 people, in 2014 - 12,540 people), i.e. The number of deaths from AIDS is on the rise.

The HIV mortality index (number of deaths per 1,000 population) has grown 10 times since 2005!

“Among women in their 20s and 30s, who should not die at all, more than 20% of deaths are associated with HIV. Due to the fact that HIV infection is lifelong, and modern treatment allows HIV-infected people to live to old age, the number of living HIV-infected people in the world is growing. The death of young people from AIDS is the result of a poorly organized medical care." (V. Pokrovsky)

For 6 months of 2017, 14,631 HIV-infected people died, i.e. Approximately 80 people diagnosed with HIV die every day. This is 13.6% higher than in the same period in 2016. Perhaps this is due to the interruptions in the supply of medicines for the treatment of HIV-infected people, because only one third of HIV-infected people received antiretroviral therapy in 2017 (32.9% - 298,888). Especially many died in the regions most disadvantaged in the treatment of HIV infection: Kemerovo, Samara and Irkutsk.

Treatment coverage

At the dispensary in specialized medical organizations in 2016 there were 675,403 patients infected with HIV, which amounted to 77.5% of the number of 870,952 Russians living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in December 2016, according to the Rospotrebnadzor monitoring form.

Video. Shortage of medicines for HIV-infected people. V. Pokrovsky.

In 2016, 285,920 patients received antiretroviral therapy in Russia, including patients who were in places of deprivation of liberty. IN 1st half of 2017 received antiretroviral therapy 298 888 patients, about 100,000 new patients were added for therapy in 2017 (there will most likely not be enough drugs for everyone, since the purchase was according to the figures of 2016). Treatment coverage in the Russian Federation in 2016 was 32.8% of the number of registered people diagnosed with HIV infection (the worst indicator in the world); among those on dispensary observation, 42.3% of patients were covered by antiretroviral therapy.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) has been recommending life-long treatment for all HIV-positive people for five years now, but the Ministry of Health still provides only 300,000, that is, 46% of the 650,000 “registered by the Ministry of Health”, or 33% of 900,000. still alive, registered by Rospotrebnadzor. The reason is that there is not enough money for HIV/AIDS treatment in the state budget. In order to increase treatment coverage, the Ministry of Health is trying to reduce the cost of treatment by lowering purchase prices, which partially compensates for the shortage, but worsens the quality of treatment, as cheaper copies of medicines (generics) are purchased, which are obsolete by status. Russians should take 10-12 tablets a day, while Europeans only need one. It is clear that because of this trouble, 20% of those who started treatment stop it. And this is another reason for the increase in mortality.” (V. Pokrovsky)

The achieved treatment coverage does not fulfill the role of a preventive measure and does not allow to radically reduce the spread of the disease. The number of patients with active tuberculosis in combination with HIV infection is growing, the largest number of such patients is registered in the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

HIV testing coverage

In 2016 in Russia there were tested for HIV 30 752 828 blood samples from Russian citizens and 2,102,769 blood samples foreign citizens. The total number of tested serum samples of Russian citizens compared to 2015 increased by 8.5%, and among foreign citizens decreased by 12.9%.

In 2016, it was revealed maximum amount There were 125,416 positive results in the immunoblot in Russians over the entire history of observation (in 2014 — 121,200 positive results). The number of positive results in the immunoblot includes those identified anonymously, not included in the statistical data, and children with an undifferentiated diagnosis of HIV infection, therefore it differs significantly from the number of newly registered cases of HIV infection.

For the first time, 103,438 patients tested positive for HIV. Representatives of vulnerable groups of the population in 2016 made up an insignificant part of those tested for HIV in Russia - 4.7%, but among these groups 23% of all new cases of HIV infection were detected. When testing even a small number of representatives of these groups, it is possible to identify many patients: in 2016, among the examined drug users, 4.3% of HIV-positive people were detected for the first time, among MSM - 13.2%, among contact persons during the epidemiological investigation - 6.4%, prisoners - 2.9%, STI patients - 0.7%.

In the first half of 2017, the number of people tested for HIV did not increase much, by only 8.1% compared to the first half of 2016. much more serious and deeper.

Transmission path structure

In 2016 significantly the role HIV infection, in 2017 this trend only strengthened, moreover, the sexual route overtook the drug route: in the first half of 2017, the share of the sexual route of HIV infection was 52.2% (including 1.9% through homosexual transmission, HIV epidemic among homosexuals flares up in again), through the use of injecting drugs - 46.6%. According to preliminary data, among those newly identified in 2016 HIV-positive with established risk factors for infection, 48.8% were infected with non-sterile instruments, 48.7% - with heterosexual contacts, 1.5% - with homosexual contacts, 0.45% - made up. An increasing number of children are infected with breastfeeding: in 2016, 59 such children were registered, in 2015 - 47, in 2014 - 41 children.

“The root of all problems is the rapid increase in the number of new cases due to the transition of the HIV epidemic to sexual transmission. Of the 100,000 new cases in 2016, half were sexual contacts between men and women, just under half were drug use, and only 1-2% were homosexual contacts between men. Dozens of cases of HIV infection in medical institutions should be attributed to the Ministry of Health, which should control the safety of medical manipulations.” (V. Pokrovsky)

In 2016, 16 cases were registered with suspected infection in medical organizations when using non-sterile medical instruments and 3 cases when transfusing blood components from donors to recipients. Another 4 new cases of HIV infection in children were likely associated with the provision of medical care in the CIS countries. For 10 months of 2017 12 cases were registered with suspected HIV infection while providing medical care. Also, 12 cases of HIV infection were registered in places of detention when using non-sterile instruments for non-medical purposes.

Diagram. Distribution of HIV-infected people by means of infection.


  • In the Russian Federation in 2016, the epidemic situation of HIV infection continued to deteriorate and this unfavorable trend continues in 2017, which may even affect the resurgence of the global HIV epidemic , which, according to the UN in July 2016, began to decline.
  • Saved high incidence of HIV infection , the total number of HIV carriers and the number of deaths of HIV-infected people are increasing, the number of deaths from AIDS is increasing every year, the epidemic has intensified the exit of the epidemic from vulnerable groups of the population into the general population.
  • While maintaining the current pace of the spread of HIV infection and the lack of adequate systemic measures to prevent its spread the forecast for the development of the situation remains unfavorable .
  • Radical actions of the Government of Russia are required to stop trafficking, distribution of drugs and, most difficult, change sexual behavior residents of the Russian Federation (clamps are wonderful, but the number of people practicing abstinence and practicing with one heterosexual sexual partner throughout their lives is a few and it is impossible to change, p.e. requires development with minimal side effects(drank a pill and do what you want)).

VIDEO. V.V. Pokrovsky on the situation in Russia regarding the incidence of HIV / AIDS

The material was prepared on the basis of a certificate from the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor and other official sources.

PS: I hope this is clear, to get an idea of ​​the real scale of the HIV epidemic, you need to multiply the official figures by 5-10, because. this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sincerely, Dr.

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