Home Beneficial properties of fruits Trial tests in chemistry exam. Tests by topic

Trial tests in chemistry exam. Tests by topic

Determine which atoms of the elements indicated in the series contain one unpaired electron in the ground state.
Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the answer field.

Answer: 23
Let's write down the electronic formula for each of the indicated chemical elements and depict the electron-graphic formula of the last electronic level:
1) S: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 4

2) Na: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1

3) Al: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 1

4) Si: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 2

5) Mg: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three metal elements. Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing reducing properties.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 352
In the main subgroups of the periodic table, metals are located under the boron-astatine diagonal, as well as in secondary subgroups. Thus, the metals from this list include Na, Al and Mg.
The metallic and, therefore, reducing properties of the elements increase when moving to the left along the period and down the subgroup.
Thus, the metallic properties of the metals listed above increase in the order Al, Mg, Na

From among the elements indicated in the series, select two elements that, when combined with oxygen, exhibit an oxidation state of +4.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the answer field.

Answer: 14
The main oxidation states of elements from the presented list in complex substances:
Sulfur – “-2”, “+4” and “+6”
Sodium Na – “+1” (single)
Aluminum Al – “+3” (single)
Silicon Si – “-4”, “+4”
Magnesium Mg – “+2” (single)

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances in which an ionic chemical bond is present.

Answer: 12


In the vast majority of cases, the presence of an ionic type of bond in a compound can be determined by the fact that its structural units simultaneously include atoms of a typical metal and atoms of a non-metal.

Based on this criterion, the ionic type of bond occurs in the compounds KCl and KNO 3.

In addition to the above characteristic, the presence of an ionic bond in a compound can be said if its structural unit contains an ammonium cation (NH 4 + ) or its organic analogues - alkylammonium cations RNH 3 + , dialkylamonium R 2NH2+ , trialkylammonium R 3NH+ and tetraalkylammonium R 4N+ , where R is some hydrocarbon radical. For example, the ionic type of bond occurs in the compound (CH 3 ) 4 NCl between the cation (CH 3 ) 4 + and chloride ion Cl − .

Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the class/group to which this substance belongs: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Answer: 241


N 2 O 3 is a non-metal oxide. All non-metal oxides except N 2 O, NO, SiO and CO are acidic.

Al 2 O 3 is a metal oxide in the oxidation state +3. Metal oxides in the oxidation state +3, +4, as well as BeO, ZnO, SnO and PbO, are amphoteric.

HClO 4 – typical representative acids, because upon dissociation in an aqueous solution, only H + cations are formed from cations:

HClO 4 = H + + ClO 4 -

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances, with each of which zinc interacts.

1) nitric acid (solution)

2) iron(II) hydroxide

3) magnesium sulfate (solution)

4) sodium hydroxide (solution)

5) aluminum chloride (solution)

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 14


1) Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent and reacts with all metals except platinum and gold.

2) Iron hydroxide (ll) – insoluble base. Metals do not react at all with insoluble hydroxides, and only three metals react with soluble (alkalis) - Be, Zn, Al.

3) Magnesium sulfate is a salt of a more active metal than zinc, and therefore the reaction does not proceed.

4) Sodium hydroxide - alkali (soluble metal hydroxide). Only Be, Zn, Al work with metal alkalis.

5) AlCl 3 – a salt of a metal more active than zinc, i.e. reaction is impossible.

From the proposed list of substances, select two oxides that react with water.

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 14


Of the oxides, only the oxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals react with water, as well as all acid oxides except SiO 2.

Thus, answer options 1 and 4 are suitable:

BaO + H 2 O = Ba(OH) 2

SO 3 + H 2 O = H 2 SO 4

1) hydrogen bromide

3) sodium nitrate

4) sulfur oxide(IV)

5) aluminum chloride

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 52


The only salts among these substances are sodium nitrate and aluminum chloride. All nitrates, like sodium salts, are soluble, and therefore sodium nitrate cannot form a precipitate in principle with any of the reagents. Therefore, salt X can only be aluminum chloride.

A common mistake among those taking the Unified State Exam in chemistry is a failure to understand that in an aqueous solution ammonia forms a weak base - ammonium hydroxide due to the reaction occurring:

NH 3 + H 2 O<=>NH4OH

In this regard, an aqueous solution of ammonia gives a precipitate when mixed with solutions of metal salts that form insoluble hydroxides:

3NH 3 + 3H 2 O + AlCl 3 = Al(OH) 3 + 3NH 4 Cl

In a given transformation scheme

Cu X > CuCl 2 Y > CuI

substances X and Y are:

Answer: 35


Copper is a metal located in the activity series to the right of hydrogen, i.e. does not react with acids (except H 2 SO 4 (conc.) and HNO 3). Thus, the formation of copper (ll) chloride is possible in our case only by reaction with chlorine:

Cu + Cl 2 = CuCl 2

Iodide ions (I -) cannot coexist in the same solution with divalent copper ions, because are oxidized by them:

Cu 2+ + 3I - = CuI + I 2

Establish a correspondence between the reaction equation and the oxidizing substance in this reaction: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.


A) H 2 + 2Li = 2LiH

B) N 2 H 4 + H 2 = 2NH 3

B) N 2 O + H 2 = N 2 + H 2 O

D) N 2 H 4 + 2N 2 O = 3N 2 + 2H 2 O


Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 1433
An oxidizing agent in a reaction is a substance that contains an element that lowers its oxidation state

Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the reagents with each of which this substance can interact: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

A) Cu(NO 3) 2 1) NaOH, Mg, Ba(OH) 2

2) HCl, LiOH, H 2 SO 4 (solution)

3) BaCl 2, Pb(NO 3) 2, S

4) CH 3 COOH, KOH, FeS

5) O 2, Br 2, HNO 3

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 1215


A) Cu(NO 3) 2 + NaOH and Cu(NO 3) 2 + Ba(OH) 2 – similar interactions. A salt reacts with a metal hydroxide if the starting substances are soluble, and the products contain a precipitate, gas or slightly dissociating substance. For both the first and second reactions, both requirements are met:

Cu(NO 3) 2 + 2NaOH = 2NaNO 3 + Cu(OH) 2 ↓

Cu(NO 3) 2 + Ba(OH) 2 = Na(NO 3) 2 + Cu(OH) 2 ↓

Cu(NO 3) 2 + Mg - a salt reacts with a metal if the free metal is more active than what is included in the salt. Magnesium in the activity series is located to the left of copper, which indicates its greater activity, therefore, the reaction proceeds:

Cu(NO 3) 2 + Mg = Mg(NO 3) 2 + Cu

B) Al(OH) 3 – metal hydroxide in the oxidation state +3. Metal hydroxides in the oxidation state +3, +4, as well as the hydroxides Be(OH) 2 and Zn(OH) 2 as exceptions, are classified as amphoteric.

By definition, amphoteric hydroxides are those that react with alkalis and almost all soluble acids. For this reason, we can immediately conclude that answer option 2 is appropriate:

Al(OH) 3 + 3HCl = AlCl 3 + 3H 2 O

Al(OH) 3 + LiOH (solution) = Li or Al(OH) 3 + LiOH(sol.) =to=> LiAlO 2 + 2H 2 O

2Al(OH) 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = Al 2 (SO 4) 3 + 6H 2 O

C) ZnCl 2 + NaOH and ZnCl 2 + Ba(OH) 2 – interaction of the “salt + metal hydroxide” type. The explanation is given in paragraph A.

ZnCl 2 + 2NaOH = Zn(OH) 2 + 2NaCl

ZnCl 2 + Ba(OH) 2 = Zn(OH) 2 + BaCl 2

It should be noted that with an excess of NaOH and Ba(OH) 2:

ZnCl 2 + 4NaOH = Na 2 + 2NaCl

ZnCl 2 + 2Ba(OH) 2 = Ba + BaCl 2

D) Br 2, O 2 are strong oxidizing agents. The only metals that do not react are silver, platinum, and gold:

Cu + Br 2 > CuBr 2

2Cu + O2 >2CuO

HNO 3 is an acid with strong oxidizing properties, because oxidizes not with hydrogen cations, but with an acid-forming element - nitrogen N +5. Reacts with all metals except platinum and gold:

4HNO 3(conc.) + Cu = Cu(NO 3)2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O

8HNO 3(dil.) + 3Cu = 3Cu(NO 3) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O

Establish a correspondence between the general formula of a homologous series and the name of a substance belonging to this series: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 231


From the proposed list of substances, select two substances that are isomers of cyclopentane.

1) 2-methylbutane

2) 1,2-dimethylcyclopropane

3) penten-2

4) hexene-2

5) cyclopentene

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 23
Cyclopentane has the molecular formula C5H10. Let's write the structural and molecular formulas of the substances listed in the condition

Substance name Structural formula Molecular formula
cyclopentane C5H10
2-methylbutane C5H12
1,2-dimethylcyclopropane C5H10
penten-2 C5H10
hexene-2 C6H12
cyclopentene C 5 H 8

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances, each of which reacts with a solution of potassium permanganate.

1) methylbenzene

2) cyclohexane

3) methylpropane

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 15


Of the hydrocarbons that react with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate are those that contain C=C or C≡C bonds in their structural formula, as well as homologues of benzene (except benzene itself).
Methylbenzene and styrene are suitable in this way.

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances with which phenol interacts.

1) hydrochloric acid

2) sodium hydroxide

4) nitric acid

5) sodium sulfate

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 24


Phenol has weak acidic properties, more pronounced than in alcohols. For this reason, phenols, unlike alcohols, react with alkalis:

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH = C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O

Phenol contains in its molecule a hydroxyl group directly attached to the benzene ring. The hydroxy group is an orienting agent of the first kind, that is, it facilitates substitution reactions in the ortho and para positions:

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances that undergo hydrolysis.

1) glucose

2) sucrose

3) fructose

5) starch

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 25


All of the substances listed are carbohydrates. Of carbohydrates, monosaccharides do not undergo hydrolysis. Glucose, fructose and ribose are monosaccharides, sucrose is a disaccharide, and starch is a polysaccharide. Therefore, sucrose and starch from the above list are subject to hydrolysis.

The following scheme of substance transformations is specified:

1,2-dibromoethane → X → bromoethane → Y → ethyl formate

Determine which of the indicated substances are substances X and Y.

2) ethanal

4) chloroethane

5) acetylene

Write down the numbers of the selected substances under the corresponding letters in the table.

Answer: 31


Establish a correspondence between the name of the starting substance and the product, which is mainly formed when this substance reacts with bromine: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 2134


Substitution at the secondary carbon atom occurs in to a greater extent than with the primary one. Thus, the main product of propane bromination is 2-bromopropane, not 1-bromopropane:

Cyclohexane is a cycloalkane with a ring size of more than 4 carbon atoms. Cycloalkanes with a ring size of more than 4 carbon atoms, when interacting with halogens, enter into a substitution reaction with preservation of the cycle:

Cyclopropane and cyclobutane are cycloalkanes with minimum size cycles predominantly undergo addition reactions accompanied by ring rupture:

The replacement of hydrogen atoms at the tertiary carbon atom occurs to a greater extent than at the secondary and primary ones. Thus, the bromination of isobutane proceeds mainly as follows:

Establish a correspondence between the reaction scheme and the organic substance that is the product of this reaction: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 6134


Heating aldehydes with freshly precipitated copper hydroxide leads to the oxidation of the aldehyde group to a carboxyl group:

Aldehydes and ketones are reduced by hydrogen in the presence of nickel, platinum or palladium to alcohols:

Primary and secondary alcohols are oxidized by hot CuO to aldehydes and ketones, respectively:

When concentrated sulfuric acid reacts with ethanol upon heating, two different products may form. When heated to a temperature below 140 °C, intermolecular dehydration occurs predominantly with the formation of diethyl ether, and when heated above 140 °C, intramolecular dehydration occurs, as a result of which ethylene is formed:

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances whose thermal decomposition reaction is redox.

1) aluminum nitrate

2) potassium bicarbonate

3) aluminum hydroxide

4) ammonium carbonate

5) ammonium nitrate

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

Answer: 15


Redox reactions are those reactions in which one or more chemical elements change their oxidation state.

The decomposition reactions of absolutely all nitrates are redox reactions. Metal nitrates from Mg to Cu inclusive decompose to metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and molecular oxygen:

All metal hydrocarbonates decompose even with slight heating (60 o C) to metal carbonate, carbon dioxide and water. In this case, no change in oxidation states occurs:

Insoluble oxides decompose when heated. The reaction is not redox because Not a single chemical element changes its oxidation state as a result:

Ammonium carbonate decomposes when heated into carbon dioxide, water and ammonia. The reaction is not redox:

Ammonium nitrate decomposes into nitric oxide (I) and water. The reaction relates to OVR:

From the proposed list, select two external influences that lead to an increase in the rate of reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen.

1) decrease in temperature

2) increase in pressure in the system

5) use of an inhibitor

Write down the numbers of the selected external influences in the answer field.

Answer: 24


1) temperature decrease:

The rate of any reaction decreases as the temperature decreases

2) increase in pressure in the system:

Increasing pressure increases the rate of any reaction in which at least one gaseous substance takes part.

3) decrease in hydrogen concentration

Decreasing the concentration always reduces the reaction rate

4) increase in nitrogen concentration

Increasing the concentration of reagents always increases the reaction rate

5) use of an inhibitor

Inhibitors are substances that slow down the rate of a reaction.

Establish a correspondence between the formula of the substance and the products of electrolysis aqueous solution of this substance on inert electrodes: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 5251


A) NaBr → Na + + Br -

Na+ cations and water molecules compete with each other for the cathode.

2H 2 O + 2e — → H 2 + 2OH —

2Cl - -2e → Cl 2

B) Mg(NO 3) 2 → Mg 2+ + 2NO 3 —

Mg 2+ cations and water molecules compete with each other for the cathode.

Alkali metal cations, as well as magnesium and aluminum, are not able to be reduced in an aqueous solution due to their high activity. For this reason, water molecules are reduced instead according to the equation:

2H 2 O + 2e — → H 2 + 2OH —

NO3 anions and water molecules compete with each other for the anode.

2H 2 O - 4e - → O 2 + 4H +

So answer 2 (hydrogen and oxygen) is appropriate.

B) AlCl 3 → Al 3+ + 3Cl -

Alkali metal cations, as well as magnesium and aluminum, are not able to be reduced in an aqueous solution due to their high activity. For this reason, water molecules are reduced instead according to the equation:

2H 2 O + 2e — → H 2 + 2OH —

Cl anions and water molecules compete with each other for the anode.

Anions consisting of one chemical element(except F -) win competition from water molecules for oxidation at the anode:

2Cl - -2e → Cl 2

Therefore, answer option 5 (hydrogen and halogen) is appropriate.

D) CuSO 4 → Cu 2+ + SO 4 2-

Metal cations to the right of hydrogen in the activity series are easily reduced under aqueous solution conditions:

Cu 2+ + 2e → Cu 0

Acidic residues containing an acid-forming element in highest degree oxidation, lose competition to water molecules for oxidation at the anode:

2H 2 O - 4e - → O 2 + 4H +

Thus, answer option 1 (oxygen and metal) is appropriate.

Establish a correspondence between the name of the salt and the medium of the aqueous solution of this salt: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 3312


A) iron(III) sulfate - Fe 2 (SO 4) 3

formed by a weak “base” Fe(OH) 3 and strong acid H2SO4. Conclusion - the environment is acidic

B) chromium(III) chloride - CrCl 3

formed by the weak “base” Cr(OH) 3 and the strong acid HCl. Conclusion - the environment is acidic

B) sodium sulfate - Na 2 SO 4

Formed by the strong base NaOH and the strong acid H 2 SO 4. Conclusion - the environment is neutral

D) sodium sulfide - Na 2 S

Formed by the strong base NaOH and weak acid H2S. Conclusion - the environment is alkaline.

Establish a correspondence between the method of influencing the equilibrium system

CO (g) + Cl 2 (g) COCl 2 (g) + Q

and direction of displacement chemical equilibrium as a result of this influence: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 3113


The equilibrium shift under external influence on the system occurs in such a way as to minimize the effect of this external influence(Le Chatelier's principle).

A) An increase in the concentration of CO causes the equilibrium to shift toward the forward reaction because it results in a decrease in the amount of CO.

B) An increase in temperature will shift the equilibrium towards an endothermic reaction. Since the forward reaction is exothermic (+Q), the equilibrium will shift towards the reverse reaction.

C) A decrease in pressure will shift the equilibrium towards the reaction that results in an increase in the amount of gases. As a result of the reverse reaction, more gases are formed than as a result of the direct reaction. Thus, the equilibrium will shift towards the opposite reaction.

D) An increase in the concentration of chlorine leads to a shift in the equilibrium towards the direct reaction, since as a result it reduces the amount of chlorine.

Establish a correspondence between two substances and a reagent that can be used to distinguish these substances: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.


A) FeSO 4 and FeCl 2

B) Na 3 PO 4 and Na 2 SO 4

B) KOH and Ca(OH) 2

D) KOH and KCl


Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 3454


It is possible to distinguish two substances with the help of a third one only if these two substances interact with it differently, and, most importantly, these differences are externally distinguishable.

A) Solutions of FeSO 4 and FeCl 2 can be distinguished using a solution of barium nitrate. In the case of FeSO 4, a white precipitate of barium sulfate forms:

FeSO 4 + BaCl 2 = BaSO 4 ↓ + FeCl 2

In the case of FeCl 2 no visible signs there is no interaction because the reaction does not occur.

B) Solutions of Na 3 PO 4 and Na 2 SO 4 can be distinguished using a solution of MgCl 2. The Na 2 SO 4 solution does not react, and in the case of Na 3 PO 4 a white precipitate of magnesium phosphate precipitates:

2Na 3 PO 4 + 3MgCl 2 = Mg 3 (PO 4) 2 ↓ + 6NaCl

C) Solutions of KOH and Ca(OH) 2 can be distinguished using a solution of Na 2 CO 3. KOH does not react with Na 2 CO 3, but Ca(OH) 2 gives a white precipitate of calcium carbonate with Na 2 CO 3:

Ca(OH) 2 + Na 2 CO 3 = CaCO 3 ↓ + 2NaOH

D) Solutions of KOH and KCl can be distinguished using a solution of MgCl 2. KCl does not react with MgCl 2, and mixing solutions of KOH and MgCl 2 leads to the formation of a white precipitate of magnesium hydroxide:

MgCl 2 + 2KOH = Mg(OH) 2 ↓ + 2KCl

Establish a correspondence between the substance and its area of ​​application: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 2331
Ammonia - used in the production of nitrogenous fertilizers. In particular, ammonia is a raw material for the production nitric acid, from which, in turn, fertilizers are obtained - sodium, potassium and ammonium nitrate (NaNO 3, KNO 3, NH 4 NO 3).
Carbon tetrachloride and acetone are used as solvents.
Ethylene is used to produce high molecular weight compounds (polymers), namely polyethylene.

The answer to tasks 27–29 is a number. Write this number in the answer field in the text of the work, while maintaining the specified degree of accuracy. Then transfer this number to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Units physical quantities no need to write. In a reaction whose thermochemical equation is

MgO (tv.) + CO 2 (g) → MgCO 3 (tv.) + 102 kJ,

88 g of carbon dioxide entered. How much heat will be released in this case? (Write the number to the nearest whole number.)

Answer: ___________________________ kJ.

Answer: 204


Let's calculate the amount of carbon dioxide:

n(CO 2) = n(CO 2)/ M(CO 2) = 88/44 = 2 mol,

According to the reaction equation, when 1 mole of CO 2 reacts with magnesium oxide, 102 kJ is released. In our case, the amount of carbon dioxide is 2 mol. Designating the amount of heat released as x kJ, we can write the following proportion:

1 mol CO 2 – 102 kJ

2 mol CO 2 – x kJ

Therefore, the equation is valid:

1 ∙ x = 2 ∙ 102

Thus, the amount of heat that will be released when 88 g of carbon dioxide participates in the reaction with magnesium oxide is 204 kJ.

Determine the mass of zinc that reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce 2.24 L (N.S.) of hydrogen. (Write the number to the nearest tenth.)

Answer: ___________________________ g.

Answer: 6.5


Let's write the reaction equation:

Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl 2 + H 2

Let's calculate the amount of hydrogen substance:

n(H 2) = V(H 2)/V m = 2.24/22.4 = 0.1 mol.

Since in the reaction equation there are equal coefficients in front of zinc and hydrogen, this means that the amounts of zinc substances that entered into the reaction and the hydrogen formed as a result of it are also equal, i.e.

n(Zn) = n(H 2) = 0.1 mol, therefore:

m(Zn) = n(Zn) ∙ M(Zn) = 0.1 ∙ 65 = 6.5 g.

Do not forget to transfer all answers to answer form No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for completing the work.

C 6 H 5 COOH + CH 3 OH = C 6 H 5 COOCH 3 + H 2 O

Sodium bicarbonate weighing 43.34 g was calcined to constant weight. The residue was dissolved in excess hydrochloric acid. The resulting gas was passed through 100 g of a 10% sodium hydroxide solution. Determine the composition and mass of the formed salt, its mass fraction in the solution. In your answer, write down the reaction equations that are indicated in the problem statement and provide all the necessary calculations (indicate the units of measurement of the required physical quantities).



Sodium bicarbonate decomposes when heated according to the equation:

2NaHCO 3 → Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O (I)

The resulting solid residue apparently consists only of sodium carbonate. When sodium carbonate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid the following reaction occurs:

Na 2 CO 3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + CO 2 + H 2 O (II)

Calculate the amount of sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate:

n(NaHCO 3) = m(NaHCO 3)/M(NaHCO 3) = 43.34 g/84 g/mol ≈ 0.516 mol,


n(Na 2 CO 3) = 0.516 mol/2 = 0.258 mol.

Let's calculate the amount of carbon dioxide formed by reaction (II):

n(CO 2) = n(Na ​​2 CO 3) = 0.258 mol.

Let's calculate the mass of pure sodium hydroxide and its amount of substance:

m(NaOH) = m solution (NaOH) ∙ ω(NaOH)/100% = 100 g ∙ 10%/100% = 10 g;

n(NaOH) = m(NaOH)/ M(NaOH) = 10/40 = 0.25 mol.

The interaction of carbon dioxide with sodium hydroxide, depending on their proportions, can proceed in accordance with two different equations:

2NaOH + CO 2 = Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O (with excess alkali)

NaOH + CO 2 = NaHCO 3 (with excess carbon dioxide)

From the presented equations it follows that only average salt is obtained at the ratio n(NaOH)/n(CO 2) ≥2, and only acidic salt at the ratio n(NaOH)/n(CO 2) ≤ 1.

According to calculations, ν(CO 2) > ν(NaOH), therefore:

n(NaOH)/n(CO 2) ≤ 1

Those. the interaction of carbon dioxide with sodium hydroxide occurs exclusively with the formation sour salt, i.e. according to the equation:

NaOH + CO 2 = NaHCO 3 (III)

We carry out the calculation based on the lack of alkali. According to reaction equation (III):

n(NaHCO 3) = n(NaOH) = 0.25 mol, therefore:

m(NaHCO 3) = 0.25 mol ∙ 84 g/mol = 21 g.

The mass of the resulting solution will be the sum of the mass of the alkali solution and the mass of carbon dioxide absorbed by it.

From the reaction equation it follows that it reacted, i.e. only 0.25 mol of CO 2 was absorbed out of 0.258 mol. Then the mass of absorbed CO 2 is:

m(CO 2) = 0.25 mol ∙ 44 g/mol = 11 g.

Then, the mass of the solution is:

m(size) = m( NaOH solution) + m(CO 2) = 100 g + 11 g = 111 g,

A mass fraction sodium bicarbonate in solution will thus be equal to:

ω(NaHCO 3) = 21 g/111 g ∙ 100% ≈ 18.92%.

Combustion 16.2 g organic matter of non-cyclic structure, 26.88 l (n.s.) of carbon dioxide and 16.2 g of water were obtained. It is known that 1 mole of this organic substance in the presence of a catalyst adds only 1 mole of water and this substance does not react with an ammonia solution of silver oxide.

Based on the data of the problem conditions:

1) make the calculations necessary to establish the molecular formula of an organic substance;

2) write down the molecular formula of an organic substance;

3) draw up a structural formula of an organic substance that unambiguously reflects the order of bonds of atoms in its molecule;

4) write the equation for the hydration reaction of organic matter.



1) To determine elemental composition Let's calculate the amounts of substances carbon dioxide, water and then the masses of the elements included in them:

n(CO 2) = 26.88 l/22.4 l/mol = 1.2 mol;

n(CO 2) = n(C) = 1.2 mol; m(C) = 1.2 mol ∙ 12 g/mol = 14.4 g.

n(H 2 O) = 16.2 g/18 g/mol = 0.9 mol; n(H) = 0.9 mol ∙ 2 = 1.8 mol; m(H) = 1.8 g.

m(org. substances) = m(C) + m(H) = 16.2 g, therefore, there is no oxygen in organic matter.

General formula organic compound— C x H y .

x: y = ν(C) : ν(H) = 1.2: 1.8 = 1: 1.5 = 2: 3 = 4: 6

Thus simplest formula substances C 4 H 6. The true formula of a substance may coincide with the simplest one, or it may differ from it by an integer number of times. Those. be, for example, C 8 H 12, C 12 H 18, etc.

The condition states that the hydrocarbon is non-cyclic and one molecule of it can attach only one molecule of water. This is possible if there is only one multiple bond (double or triple) in the structural formula of the substance. Since the desired hydrocarbon is non-cyclic, it is obvious that one multiple bond can only exist for a substance with the formula C 4 H 6. In the case of other hydrocarbons with higher molecular weight the number of multiple bonds is greater than one everywhere. Thus, the molecular formula of the substance C 4 H 6 coincides with the simplest one.

2) The molecular formula of an organic substance is C 4 H 6.

3) Of the hydrocarbons, alkynes in which the triple bond is located at the end of the molecule interact with an ammonia solution of silver oxide. In order to avoid interaction with an ammonia solution of silver oxide, the alkyne composition C 4 H 6 must have the following structure:

CH 3 -C≡C-CH 3

4) Hydration of alkynes occurs in the presence of divalent mercury salts:

Unified State Exam 2017 Chemistry Typical test tasks Medvedev

M.: 2017. - 120 p.

Typical test tasks in chemistry contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified state exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2017 KIM in chemistry, the degree of difficulty of the tasks. The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions are provided. The author of the assignments is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist who is directly involved in the development of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the chemistry exam, as well as for high school students and graduates - for self-preparation and self-control.

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Preface 4
Instructions for performing work 5
Part 1 8
Part 2, 15
Part 1 17
Part 2 24
Part 1 26
Part 2 33
Part 1 35
Part 2 41
Part 1 43
Part 2 49
Part 1 51
Part 2 57
Part 1 59
Part 2 65
Part 1 67
Part 2 73
Part 1 75
Part 2 81
OPTION 10 83
Part 1 83
Part 2 89
Answers to the tasks of part 1 91
Solutions and answers to the tasks of part 2 93
Solving problems of option 10 99
Part 1 99
Part 2 113

The present tutorial is a collection of tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry, which is like the final exam for the course high school, and the entrance exam to the university. The structure of the manual reflects modern requirements for the procedure passing the Unified State Exam in chemistry, which will allow you to better prepare for new forms of final certification and for admission to universities.
The manual consists of 10 variants of tasks, which in form and content are close to demo versions of the Unified State Exam and do not go beyond the content of the chemistry course, normatively defined by the Federal component state standard general education. Chemistry (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1089 of 03/05/2004).
Content presentation level educational material in the assignments it is correlated with the requirements of the state standard for the preparation of secondary (full) school graduates in chemistry.
The control measurement materials of the Unified State Exam use tasks of three types:
- tasks of a basic level of difficulty with a short answer,
- tasks higher level difficulty with a short answer,
- tasks high level difficulties with a detailed answer.
Every option exam paper built according to a single plan. The work consists of two parts, including a total of 34 tasks. Part 1 contains 29 short answer questions, including 20 basic level tasks and 9 advanced level tasks. Part 2 contains 5 tasks of a high level of complexity, with detailed answers (tasks numbered 30-34).
In tasks of a high level of complexity, the text of the solution is written on a special form. Tasks of this type make up the bulk of written work in chemistry for university entrance exams.

Tips for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry on the website website

How to competently pass the Unified State Exam (and Unified State Exam) in chemistry? If you only have 2 months and you’re not ready yet? And don’t be friends with chemistry...

It offers tests with answers for each topic and task, by passing which you can study the basic principles, patterns and theory found in the Unified State Exam in chemistry. Our tests allow you to find answers to most questions encountered in the Unified State Exam in chemistry, and our tests allow you to consolidate the material, find weak spots, and work through the material.

All you need is the Internet, stationery, time and a website. It is best to have a separate notebook for formulas/solutions/notes and a dictionary of trivial names of compounds.

  1. From the very beginning, you need to assess your current level and the number of points you need, for this it is worth going through. If everything is very bad and you need excellent performance, congratulations, even now all is not lost. Train yourself to successful completion You can do it without the help of a tutor.
    Decide on minimum quantity points you want to score, this will allow you to understand how many tasks you must solve accurately to get the score you need.
    Naturally, take into account that everything may not go so smoothly and solve it as best you can. larger number tasks, or better yet, everything. The minimum that you have determined for yourself - you must decide ideally.
  2. Let's move on to the practical part - training for the solution.
    Most effective method- next. Select only the exam you are interested in and solve the corresponding test. About 20 solved tasks guarantee that you will meet all types of problems. As soon as you begin to feel that you know how to solve every task you see from beginning to end, proceed to the next task. If you don’t know how to solve a task, use the search on our website. There is almost always a solution on our website, otherwise just write to the tutor by clicking on the icon in the lower left corner - it’s free.
  3. At the same time, we repeat the third point for everyone on our website, starting with.
  4. When the first part is given to you at least at an average level, you begin to decide. If one of the tasks is difficult, and you made a mistake in completing it, then return to the tests on this task or the corresponding topic with tests.
  5. Part 2. If you have a tutor, focus on studying this part with him. (provided that you are able to solve the rest at least 70%). If you started part 2, then you should score a passing grade without any problems 100% of the time. If this does not happen, it is better to stay on the first part for now. When you are ready for part 2, we recommend that you get a separate notebook where you will write down only the solutions to part 2. The key to success is solving as many tasks as possible, just like in part 1.

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