Home Useful properties of fruits How many children should a mother-heroine have? Estimated value of the medal. The history of the title

How many children should a mother-heroine have? Estimated value of the medal. The history of the title

You can talk endlessly about the role of mother in human life. Many autobiographical stories confirm this significant role. Not only to give birth, support, but also to educate a worthy citizen of the state is not an easy task.

USSR medals

Not every woman and Soviet years, and is now awarded the title of "Mother Heroine". One of the categories of "Medals of the USSR" - the medal of motherhood appeared in 1944 thanks to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This date coincided with Orthodox holiday family, who modern Russia regained relevance. In addition to the medal of motherhood, the title "Mother Heroine" was awarded, a system of awards of the Soviet Union, extraordinary for the union of 15 republics. In the early 1940s, this honor was awarded to those who gave life and education to five or more children.

Awards classification

In the case of a woman giving birth to five children, she was entitled to the award "Medal of Maternity 2nd Degree". Those who have 7-9 children were awarded the Order of Maternal Glory of the third, second, first degrees. Provided that the woman gave birth and raised 6 children - "Medal of motherhood of the 1st degree."

The peak of the mother's feat was proclaimed the birth of ten babies or more. In such cases, the Soviet woman was awarded the Order "Mother Heroine" with the assignment of the honorary title of the same name. The authors of the art projects of orders for mothers were:

  1. N.N. Zhukov (project of the USSR medal - "Medal of Motherhood").
  2. I.I. Dubasov ("Maternal Glory").
  3. I.A. Ganf is the author of the order "Mother Heroine".

Orders for mother-heroines

The order "Mother Heroine" was a convex five-pointed star against the background of silver rays. The Order of Maternal Glory has an oval shape and a silver tint. A red banner with the words "Maternal Glory" and the number of the degree flutters on the upper section. In the left sector - a woman with a child and roses. Below the banner - an enamel shield white color with the words "USSR". The metal block is made in the form of a bow, painted with white enamel with a blue stripe. Order of the second degree of bright blue.

The Order of "Maternal Glory" had 3 degrees. Simultaneously with the assignment of these awards, a system of measures came into force. This consisted of helping women on maternity leave, single mothers. A lot of funds were directed to the establishment of benefits and benefits, lump sum payments, protection of childhood and motherhood, the creation of a network of kindergartens, schools, etc.

Mothers are heroes. Who are they

The title of "Mother Heroine" was awarded for the first time on October 27, 1944. This title was awarded to 14 Soviet women. Mom-heroine No. 1 was A.S. Aleksakhin. All her eight sons were at the front, 4 of them died, 2 died of wounds, having already come from the front. The second order bearer was the Tula housewife M.M. Ryzhkov. Of her ten children, 7 were in the war - six sons and a daughter.

A resident of the city on the Neva, S.V. Ignatieva, also deserved the title of “Mother Heroine”. Four sons of Serafima Vasilievna fought for their Motherland. 3 daughters remained in the besieged city. The entire Ignatiev family worked at the defense enterprise of the besieged city. All 7 children were awarded "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Few people know that A.A. Derevevskaya. She is the only mother-heroine in the USSR who raised 48 children! And the basis of the family was not kinship, but love and compassion. While the First World War She worked in a hospital. There, her fate brought her together with the Red Guard Emelya Derevsky. Soon they got married, but Emelyan was shot by the White Guards.

In 1918, young Alexandra became a foster mother. Her adopted firstborn was ten-year-old Timothy, the brother of her late husband. The second adopted baby was also a boy, Derevskaya picked him up right on the street. The baby lay wrapped in swaddling clothes near the body of the dead mother. The autobiography of the Derevsky family, like a mirror, reflected all the tragic events experienced by the Soviet state over half a century. In the interval between civil war and war with Nazi Germany Derevskaya Alexandra raised 14 children.

In the period 1941-1945. 17 Leningrad orphans and 18 children from other parts of the USSR acquired a new parental home. In 1950, 36 children were brought up in the Derevsky house. All children from the Derevsky family grew up good people. The legendary mother-heroine died in 1959, she was 57 years old. The following epitaph is engraved on her grave: "You are our conscience, our prayer is mother."

The last time in history the title was awarded to heroine mothers on November 14, 1991 (by decree of President M.S. Gorbachev). Medals of the USSR (medal of motherhood of the first and second degrees) also went down in history. In just 47 years, 431,000 mothers have been awarded this order.

In the 90s in Russia they were awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland or the Order of Friendship. In 2009, the Order of Parental Glory was established. They are awarded to parents raising 4 or more children.

Tenderness and affection, love and care are associated with a person dear to the heart. Mom for many is the closest and native person who will understand under any circumstances, accept in any conditions and forgive any mistakes.

This is a man with big heart willing to sacrifice for the sake of his children. In addition to grateful smiles and mutual love children, which are considered the most expensive award for a woman, she is also entitled to an honorary title from the state. In which case a woman modern society can count on a special status? How many children does the mother-heroine have to raise, and not just give birth to for this?

The history of the title

For the first time, the need to note the merits of a mother who is able to give birth, raise and meekly give her children to the state was felt at the end of the Second World War, back in 1944. Soviet leaders, without knowing it, established a high rank and the order “Mother Heroine” on July 8. By Orthodox calendar it is considered Valentine's Day, celebrated as Family Day. The latter is venerated in memory of the saints of Murom, Peter and Fevronia, known for their fidelity and love for each other, who withstood despite prohibitions both during their life and after their death.

Initially, the question was how many children the heroine mother should give birth to and raise to her feet in order to receive a distinctive title. The plans were to reward communist women who gave birth and raised more than 10 children, one from each friendly republic of the USSR. But there were none, because those who took care of so many children were not up to joining the party and not up to party worries.

Which woman was the first to receive the status?

It was not for nothing that they remembered mothers at the end of the war. Given the huge losses, it was necessary to improve the demographic situation in the country.

Worthy contenders were looking for all over the country. The award ceremony was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the revolution. Orders were awarded to those mothers who, after giving birth and raising more than 10 children, lost their sons and daughters at the front. The first woman to receive the order was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna, who had 12 children, 8 of whom fought for their homeland at the front, and four of them laid down their heads in battle. This order was given to the State Historical Museum by the children of Anna Savelyevna. In the funds of the museum, if you wish, you can look at the first award in the state. The award took place in the Kremlin with all honors. The greatest joy for the family was the increase in living space in the barracks, where a large family lived. After the war, a year later, they were given as many as two rooms, allowing them to settle in spacious apartments, but you can’t call their life easy: the time was hungry and difficult.

What benefits did women have in the past?

An honorary title was awarded to a woman in case of achievement youngest child one year of age, and all older children at the time of assigning special status should have been alive. Women with many children in Soviet time tangible help was supposed, and this applied not only to those who had the title of “mother-heroine”. How many children did it take to raise for this?

With the birth of the third child, the state already supported the family. This and good benefits for children, and an increase in maternity leave. And also this registration out of turn in a nursery and a reduced fee for kindergarten, free meals at school.

AND awarded with the order women retired five years earlier, had free travel to public transport on retirement and significant benefits when paying utility bills. A separate living space is the main privilege of heroine mothers, to which they had the right to claim even after their older children reach adulthood. No one dared to remove such a woman from the queue for housing, so she was guaranteed to receive the apartments provided by the state.

How the heroine mother's work is celebrated today

The last awarding of the order took place on November 14, 1991. With the collapse of the USSR, they forgot about the merits of mothers and preferred to long time forget about the benefits for them. In some regions, they tried to single out women who decided on such a feat of motherhood, marking them with a medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" or the Order of Friendship. But they did not give benefits and the main essence high rank did not reflect.

How many children does the mother-heroine have today? What is the cost of educating worthy citizens? Understanding the relevance of issues within modern Russia, legislators drew attention to the demographic situation and the invaluable role of a woman who selflessly devotes herself to motherhood. The Order "Mother Heroine" was not returned, however, a new award for heroic parents in modern Russia exists - this is the order " parental glory". Attached to it is also a certificate of honor. But is this enough?

How many children does a mother-heroine have to have in Russia to get the status?

Established in 2008, a new honorary state award due to parents who raised 4-7 children. These may not necessarily be born children; adopted children are also taken into account. Orthodox community also contributed and established the Order of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, since 2007 it has been honoring the worthy in six categories. This award is given to mothers whose children have become heroes of Russia, as well as whole families, teams and outstanding personalities who have made a huge contribution to strengthening the institution of the family in Russia.

What are the benefits and rights of modern heroine mothers?

Mothers who have taken on the difficult task of raising and caring for large families around the clock enjoy benefits that do not exist in all regions. Organs local government provided in a number of areas:

Discount on public utilities from 30%;
free travel in public transport;
registration out of turn of the child in the nursery preschool;
for those who want to start their own business farming, small commercial enterprise) tax exemption is provided for a certain period of time, and in the future you can count on loyal taxation, an interest-free loan for the development of the enterprise;
subsidies, benefits in the construction of housing.

But the main help is maternal capital, which allows a woman to reasonably dispose of funds that can become the foundation of a woman's financial independence. On how wisely she manages this opportunity, her future prosperity depends.

Status "mother-heroine": privileges in Ukraine

How are things in Ukraine? Women who have given birth or adopted, in accordance with the legislation of the country, 5 or more children and raised them up to 6 years of age, have the right to count on pension maintenance for special services to the state, and upon reaching the age of 8 children - on the honorary title "Mother Heroine" which is confirmed by the head of state. Able to make happy the mother-heroine how many children? Ukraine is a country in which the role of a mother of many children in society is deeply respected. Such women are entitled to:
a one-time reward in the form of ten times living wage in the state;
providing housing in the first place;
can count on a 25% supplement to the basic pension;
for early retirement, but with a reservation, if the length of service is at least 15 years;
at the age of 58 social help 100% of the subsistence minimum, which a woman has the right to count on in the absence of the necessary length of service and loss of working capacity.

Titles and awards today: Order of Parental Glory

Thoroughly figuring out and answering the question, how many children does the mother-heroine have (Russia is a country that cares about its future, where issues of family education are relevant in large families and it is important to address them state level), it is important to note the following.

The modern insignia - the Order of Parental Glory, is intended for two parents, obliging them to equally make efforts to raise children. The cash reward that comes with the title is a good help for family budget. But it is not enough in Russia today to have 7 or more children to obtain a status, because the procedure for processing documents for obtaining such a title is not easy. It is necessary to collect a whole package of documents confirming the right to proudly wear such an order. It is legitimate on the part of the state to cut off unreliable parents who do not educate, but only produce children into the world. But parents conscientiously fulfilling their paternal duty do not have enough free time to spend it on collecting documents confirming their decency. Therefore, not many parents who deserve the award received it today.

Ranks are good, but what is the real support of the state?

Mother-heroine in Russia, even with a new order, needs the support of the state. No wonder legislators started talking about the return of privileges for this category of citizens. After all, round-the-clock work and endless care is a feat that must be taken into account and, in addition to an extraordinary place for a child in kindergarten, it is necessary to think about the rest of the mother herself, who should be personally rewarded, at least with a health trip to the resort.

A woman who gives so much warmth and tenderness should herself be fully gifted, because her contribution to the cause of the state is great, so benefits for heroine mothers should be discussed today. And the state will receive a return, because prosperous children, with the care of a responsible mother, will soon regularly pay taxes and benefit, contributing to the prosperity of the country.

The award was established as an honorary badge, awarded when a woman was awarded the title of "mother heroine" for the birth and upbringing of 10 or more children.

The award was established on July 8, 1944, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces Soviet Union. In accordance with the charter, the honorary title and the order "Mother Heroine" are awarded to mothers after the tenth child reaches the age of 1 year, provided that the remaining 10 children are alive.

Price of the Order Mother Heroine

To date, prices for the Order of the Mother Heroine start from:
1944 Stamp stamped quantity ≈10000 pcs. - 25000 rub.
1945-91 quantity ≈450000 pcs. - 17000 rub.
Price updated as of 03/21/2019

In addition, children adopted in accordance with the laws of the USSR were taken into account, as well as children who died in the defense of the USSR, went missing during the performance of a combat mission, were injured, led to death in the hospital, and also died as a result of injury or occupational diseases in production.

Along with conferring the title and receiving the Order, the Mother Heroine received a number of benefits and allowances in pension provision, payment of utility bills, queues for rare goods, etc.

Description of other awards of the USSR: The badge of the Excellent Sanitary Service is an award for medical workers who courageously fought for every life, both military and civilian Soviet country and the Order for Personal Courage.

Order of the Mother Heroine in the award system of the USSR

Description of the order Mother heroine

The award is made in the form of a five-pointed gold star, the symbol of the Soviet Union. From under the stars, silver rays diverge, forming a pentagon. The height of the pentagon is 28 mm. The total height of the award with the block is 46 mm. The order is made of 950 gold, the weight of gold is 4.5 g, silver - 17.6 g.

The award with the help of an eyelet and a ring is attached to a figured block made of silver. On the block there is a stylized red ribbon (made in red enamel) on which there is an inscription in capital letters "MOTHER-HEROINE". The inscription and the edges of the block are gilded, a pin is built into the reverse for attaching the order to clothes.

The award is worn on the left side of the chest, and similarly to the star of the hero of the USSR, it is located above other orders and medals.

In total, during its existence, about 431,000 women were awarded the Order of the Mother Heroine.

Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated July 8, 1944, it was established that a mother who gave birth and raised ten children was awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title "Mother Heroine". The regulation on the honorary title "Mother Heroine" and the Order "Mother Heroine" were approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 18, 1944.

The assignment of the title "Mother Heroine" was carried out upon reaching last child the age of one year and if there are other children of this mother alive.

When conferring the title "Mother Heroine", children were also taken into account:

- adopted by the mother in the manner prescribed by law;

- dead or missing in the defense of the USSR or in the performance of other duties military service, or when fulfilling the duty of a citizen of the USSR to save human life, for the protection of socialist property and socialist law and order, as well as those who died as a result of injury, concussion, injury or disease received under the indicated circumstances, or as a result of an industrial injury or occupational disease.

Mothers who were awarded the title "Mother Heroine" were awarded the Order "Mother Heroine" and the Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The order "Mother Heroine" was worn by the awarded on the left side of the chest and, if the recipient had other orders and medals, was placed above them.

The badge of the order "Mother Heroine" is a golden convex five-pointed star against the background of silver rays diverging in the form of a five-pointed star, the ends of which are placed between the ends of the golden star.

The size of the order between the opposite ends of the silver shtral star is 28 mm. The height of the order together with the block is 46 mm.

As of September 18, 1975, the gold content in the order is 4.5 ± 0.4402 g, the silver content is 11.525 ± 0.974 g. The fineness of gold is 583. Total weight orders - 17.5573 ± 1.75 g.

The badge of the order is connected by means of an eyelet and a link to a figured metal plate covered with red enamel. On the plate is a convex inscription "Mother is a heroine." The edges of the plate and the inscription are gilded. The plate has a pin on the reverse side for attaching the order to clothing.

For the first time, the title of "Mother Heroine" was awarded on October 27, 1944 to 14 women. Order No. 1 was received by a resident of the Moscow region Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina - the mother of 12 children. Eight of her sons fought with the enemy, of whom four died, and two more died of wounds after the war.

Currently, the order "Mother Heroine" No. 1 is stored in the Historical Museum in Moscow.

For 40 years since the approval of the title of "Mother Heroine" he has more than 750 thousand women. Since 1991, the honorary title of "Mother Heroine" has not been conferred.

In February 2013, a draft law on the title of "Mother Heroine" was submitted to the State Duma. Russian Federation". The honorary title "Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation" is proposed to be established as the highest degree social difference a woman who gave birth and raised five children under the age of 8, including those adopted by a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The most famous was the one that killed her own children

Forty-fourth year. The victory over the fascists is already close, but how hard every step towards it is given to the country! Many soldiers died on the battlefield, the Soviet Union desperately needs young healthy men and women - it is necessary to restore the destroyed power.

On July 8, 1944, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued, according to which women-mothers were marked with awards: those who give life, who, despite the difficulties of wartime, raise their children to their feet and bring them to people.

A woman who raised five or more children from now on received the “Medal of Motherhood”. In addition, the Order of Maternal Glory was established - for the upbringing of 7, 8 and 9 children. The highest award - the title and order of the "Mother Heroine" - relied on those truly heroic women who gave the country ten or more new citizens.

The same Decree established measures to provide various assistance and support to expectant and present mothers. There were state benefits, allowances, payments. And after the issuance of the Decree, children's institutions began to open in the country - nurseries, kindergartens.

The Order of the Mother Heroine was awarded in the Soviet Union until 1991. The stories of some mothers of many children cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Anna Aleksakhina - Order No. 1

On one of the dank autumn evenings of 1944, there was a knock on a barrack near Moscow: “Who is Anna Aleksakhina here?” Neighbors escorted the stranger to the kitchen, where a woman was hosting among boiling cauldrons. Here she was handed a stamped paper, announcing the high award of the Kremlin. She received the award itself a little later from the hands of the “all-Union headman” Mikhail Kalinin.

This woman brought up ten sons and two daughters in the most difficult years. The war took six boys - four did not return from the front, two died from their wounds after the Victory.

The remaining sons and daughters did not let their parents down - they worked honestly all their lives, they did not have to blush for them. Only there were no large families among them.

The younger children of the Aleksakhins always remembered how hard the family lived, how they ate nettle and quinoa stew, how strictly their father brought them up and how sorry their mother was. But at that time, almost all peasants lived like this. And they gave birth to children without hesitation - the more workers in the family, the easier it is to feed themselves.

The government searched all over the country for several months mother of many children worthy of the first to receive an honorary award. Aleksakhina's lack of a party card almost became an obstacle to the officials' decision. However, there was no other way out - mothers with many children were in no hurry to join the party. Apparently they didn't have time...

The Order of Anna Aleksakhina "Mother Heroine" number one is today stored in Moscow, among the exhibits of the Historical Museum.

Forty-eight children of Shura Derevskaya

This amazing woman was called mom not even forty-eight - sixty-five people! But only forty-eight of them managed to become adults - Alexandra Avraamovna Derevskaya, "Romny Madonna", passed away when the rest of the boys and girls warmed by her were still very young ...

And it all started shortly after the end of the First World War. Shurochka, a young sister of mercy who fell in love with Emelyan Derevsky, readily becomes a mother for his son - a weak, rickety Mitya, whose mother died from incurable disease. Further more. Shura adopted an orphan Pannu, then a small one appeared in the family Timothy, behind him - Valya: an almost blind two-year-old orphan from orphanage, which Shura simply could not leave in the care of the state ...

It's amazing: how did this girl have enough strength and energy to warm, feed, educate everyone? The weakest, sickest and neglected children found love and affection in her family, straightened out, became cheerful and strong.

If it weren't for the war... World War II took Timothy's son from Alexandra and Yemelyan. And how many orphans this war has left! Shura could not ignore the human tragedy - more and more new children appeared in her house ... Escaped from the orphanage, lost during the evacuation, blockade children, foundlings ... There was a place for everyone both in the house and in the heart.

Victory has come. Derevsky with 29 children moved to Ukraine - in Sumy region, the village of Romny. More and more children, less and less strength and health ... Emelyan broke down - unable to withstand such a life, he left his family, although he continued to help financially. And Shura began to get sick. Taking advantage of the difficult situation, all kinds of commissions frequented the house of Alexandra Derevskaya - the state decided to take away the children from a single sick mother. Some of them were taken away - it is not known to which boarding schools and orphanages. Despite everything, Alexandra died happy - surrounded by loving grown-up children. And bequeathed to them to always take care of each other.

Heroine with a bomb

Really worthy women did not always receive a high award. History Ninel Ovechkina and her 11 children will continue to excite the minds and hearts for a long time to come.

The passengers of the Tu-154, flying March 8, 1988 from Irkutsk to Leningrad, did not even suspect that they would become victims of a criminal family. Yes, it would never have occurred to anyone to think badly about such an exemplary family! Children - gifted musicians playing in the family ensemble "Seven Simeons" have long been the heroes of many articles and television programs.

But they wanted so much more... To make a difficult decision was spurred on by a tour in Japan, where a lucrative contract was offered to the talented family. The Ovechkins, led by their mother, began to develop a plan to escape from the Soviet Union. It was decided to hijack the plane. The musicians took several homemade bombs and sawn-off shotguns with them.

At first, the hijacking attempt went like clockwork: holding the passengers at gunpoint, the criminals forced the pilots to fly to Finland. But when they realized that special forces had entered the plane during refueling, the Ovechkins detonated the bomb. The plane caught fire ... The criminal mother made a decision: she ordered her eldest son to shoot her and the rest of the brothers, and then shoot himself. The plan was partially carried out: most of the Ovechkins died.

The flight attendant also died. Tamara Hot and three passengers. The rest were rescued by the military.

After the collapse of the USSR, the order "Mother Heroine" was not awarded. In total, from 1944 to 1991, about half a million women received the honorary title in the Soviet Union.

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