Home Grape Children's quests for kindergarten and home: tasks, scenarios. Intellectual quest game for older preschoolers "Magic journey

Children's quests for kindergarten and home: tasks, scenarios. Intellectual quest game for older preschoolers "Magic journey

Tatiana Bylkova (Kontomirova)
Quest game in the preschool educational institution. What is it and what is it for?

Quest game in the preschool educational institution. What is it and what is it for?

Currently, in preschool education, a variety of innovative technologies in the area of physical education... The appeal of specialist educators to them is due to the desire to optimize the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of the tasks and content of the educational area "Physical development".

In the practice of physical development and upbringing of preschool children, different technologies, including games.

Interest in this species educational technologies associated with recognition the teaching community the role and possibilities of children's play in solving problems of versatile development and education of children at the stage of preschool childhood. For a child, play is the most attractive, natural form and means of learning about the world, one's capabilities, self-manifestation and self-development. For a parenting adult, meaningful, consistent with the interests of children, correctly organized play- an effective pedagogical tool that allows you to comprehensively solve a variety of educational and developmental tasks. The society has created children's games for all-round preparation of the child for life, his timely socialization and development. Therefore, games are genetically related to all types of human activity and act as a specifically children's form of cognition, labor, communication, art, and sports.

The originality of modern pedagogical process modern kindergarten is predetermined by new requirements for preschool education. In the federal state standard preschool education it is indicated that the pedagogical interaction of a child and upbringing adults should be focused on ensuring the development of each child, preserving his uniqueness and originality, creating opportunities for the disclosure of abilities and inclinations. The foundation for the timely and full-fledged personal development of the child is physical development in various types of activity, but above all, in motor and play. Integration of these types of activity allows to successfully solve the problems of the formation of motor culture, the development of physical abilities of children, familiarizing with healthy way life, health preservation and health formation. Among the game technologies widely used in the practice of physical education of preschool children, one can single out a quest - a technology that is just beginning to be used by teachers.

Quest(English quest, or adventure game) - one of the main genres computer games, which is an interactive story with a protagonist controlled by a player. The most important elements of the game in the quest genre are the actual storytelling and exploration of the world, and key role v gameplay play solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player. Quest are games in which the player needs to search various subjects, find their use, talk with various characters in the game, solve puzzles, etc. Such a game can be carried out both in a room or in a group of rooms (moving from a group to a musical or gym and in other premises of the kindergarten, and on the street. Quest is a team game. The idea of ​​the game is simple - the teams, moving along the points, perform various tasks... But the highlight of such an organization of play activity is that, having completed one task, children receive a hint to perform the next one, which is effective remedy increasing motor activity and motivational readiness for cognition and research.

Through play, the teacher helps the child to find the necessary motivation, which should be based on individual needs, ensure freedom of choice, provide the opportunity to receive necessary knowledge and skills. These conditions are most effectively implemented during quest games. Quest as universal game technology allows for a short time unobtrusively involve players in a variety of different types children's activities. Quest games one of interesting means aimed at self-education and self-development of the child as a creative, physically healthy person, with an active cognitive attitude... Which is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

Targets and goals

Target quest games in preschool educational institution: this is, in a playful way, to activate the cognitive and thought processes of the participants, to implement project and play activities, to acquaint with new information, to consolidate existing knowledge, to practice the skills of children.


Educational- participants learn new knowledge and consolidate existing ones;

Developing- in the process of playing, children experience an increase in educational motivation, the development of initiative and independence, creativity and individual positive psychological qualities, the formation of research skills, self-realization of children;

Educational- skills of interaction with peers, benevolence, mutual assistance and others are formed.

Types of quest games

Quests by the number of participants:

1. Singles,

2. Group.

By duration:

1. Short-term.

2. Long-term.

1. Subject.

2. Non-plot

By plot structure:

1. Linear - the main content of the quest is built in a chain. If you solve one task, you will get the next one, and so on until you reach the finish line.

2. Assault - each player solves his own chain of riddles in order to collect them together at the end.

3. Roundabout - goes along a roundabout path: performing certain tasks he again and again returns to point "A".

By the form of holding:

1. Competitions.

2. Projects, research, experiments.

Quests for quests.

1. Search for "treasures".

2. Investigation of accidents (good for experimental activities).

3. Helping the heroes.

4. Travel.

5. Adventure based on works of art(by analogy with board games-walkers).

Advantages of quests for preschool children

1. The quest game is attractive for the child, allows you to activate his attention and develop cognitive interest in the course of completing assignments.

2. Forms in children a sense of personal interest in completing the assignment.

3. Provides children with similar experiences for joint discussion.

4. Forms in children a unified base of knowledge and ideas, which can be referred to while working in a group.

5. Allows the educator to highlight for familiarization those objects that he considers the most significant from the point of view of solving educational problems in the group and taking into account the interests of children in full.

6. In the course of completing group assignments, children learn to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting.

Children learn to evaluate their work, the work of a friend, to help each other. Quests help to implement the principle of cooperation. The very form of the quest game provides for a special, multilateral type of communication between the teacher and the children, as well as between the children themselves. During the implementation of the quest game, you can naturally integrate educational areas, combine different types of children's activities and forms of work with children, solve educational objectives in independent and joint activities of children and adults. The quest game creates conditions for the support and development of children's interests and abilities, but is also aimed at developing the child's individuality, his independence, initiative, and search activity. Quest unique product the possibility of introducing a variety of tasks into the game allows you to solve countless intellectual and creative tasks. Are being created comfortable conditions learning, in which each child feels his own success.

How are quests in kindergarten going?

The presenters prepare the terrain for the game in advance. It is desirable that the children do not know about this.

1. Define goals and objectives

2. Choose a venue for the game.

3. Draw up a passport for passing the stages or a route map.

4. Form the composition of the participants (teachers, children, parents, calculate the number of organizers and assistants.

5. Develop a legend for the game, its format and rules, write a script (compendium).

6. Prepare tasks, props for the game

Also, when preparing a quest for preschoolers, you need to remember 4 basic conditions:

1. Games must be safe. It is unacceptable to set tasks that are associated with a health risk, for example, climbing a tree, jumping from a great height, or going down a well.

2. Questions and tasks should be age appropriate. Very rarely, children 5-7 years old are so erudite as to guess the names of the constellations from the picture or to list all American presidents.

3. It is unacceptable to humiliate the dignity of the child. For example, you cannot force a caterpillar to swallow or dance if the child is shy.

4. Disputes and conflicts should be resolved only peacefully.

Approximate course of the game

1. Introductory part:

Greetings and acquaintance with the participants;

easy interactive and physical warm-up;

determination of the theme, goals of the game;

formation of teams, their names and the choice of captains;

familiarization with the rules and the game itself.

2. Quest part:

getting the first task, fulfilling the conditions of the game and searching for an intermediate result;

alternate execution of subsequent tasks;

a short break in the form of a play part, dance exercises;

search for final tasks, receiving prizes.

Working with children is always unpredictable, and if the facilitator notices that the script does not work, he reserves the right to change the course of the game at his discretion in order to achieve the best possible perception and active participation.

And the main thing to remember is that the scenarios of such events are drawn up taking into account various factors: the age of the participants, the tasks and goals of the game, the material and technical capabilities, the venue, as well as the individual inclinations and wishes of the children themselves. The main thing is to make it fun, informative and remember for a long time!

Based on the above, we can conclude that quest game is one of the interesting means aimed at self-education and self-development of a child as a creative, physically healthy person, with an active cognitive position. Which is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

Nominated: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, others, Preparatory group

Position: educator first qualification category
Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten No. 472 "Tiger"
Location: Novosibirsk

QUEST - the game "Treasure hunt for the pirate Flint"
for children of the preparatory group.

Game type: adventure game

Age group: children of the preparatory group

Target: diversify educational process, make it meaningful and fun through the use of an innovative pedagogical technology- QUEST.


To develop psychophysical qualities: speed, endurance, dexterity;

Creation of conditions for the establishment of friendly, friendly relations between children and teachers;

Strengthening the health of preschoolers, developing their intelligence and independent thinking in solving emerging problems;

Teamwork skills;

To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge.

Preliminary work:

  • exercise children in solving logical tasks, puzzles, tasks for ingenuity, orientation according to the plan diagram and drawing, etc.
  • reading adventure books and watching TV at home;
  • organization of relay games, sports competitions;
  • participation in the regional competition of children's thematic projects "Nutrition and Health"

Equipment: PC, video letter, map, treasure chest, sports equipment.


  • Children and adults,
  • Sage,
  • Baba Yaga

The course of the KVETS-game:

A video letter comes to the group:

Video letter: I am the treasure seeker Beal. I'm looking for a map of the pirate Flint's long-hidden treasure. There are many legends about these treasures. I can tell you one. “A long time ago, when pirates hunted in the waters The Pacific and mercilessly plundered ships, a chest with a magic crystal and precious coins was stolen. In those days, many seekers tried to return this chest, but no one was able to find the map of the hidden treasures. A wise man told me that only children can find this map. And now I am looking for children who can find the map and can go in search of the treasure chest. If you suddenly find a map, immediately go in search of the chest before the villains get it. "

Educator: What we are going to do?

Children express their options and, together with the teacher, come to the conclusion that they will look for a map.

Children find a piece of a map and study the contents, discuss how to navigate through it.

Educator: It's a pity that only a fragment of the map remains, but nothing can be found and the rest of the parts. Well, we are going in search! Put on these bandages, we are one team. We have a difficult path ahead of us. Guys, it's time to see where we are going !!! The place is marked on the map with an emoticon (a bedroom in our group)

Educator: Guys, what is this place where we need to go?

Children make assumptions, reflect. Educator using open leading questions leads the children to the conclusion that this is a bedroom in a group.

Everyone runs to the bedroom and looks for the next directions, which are hidden in the bedroom.

Exercise 1.

Envelope with task : In the envelope, children are offered many names with various food products, the task of children is to read and select only healthy foods... Make a chain of words denoting healthy products, the last word will show you where to move on (children suggested many names with different food products, the task of children is to read and choose only healthy foods):

Grapes melon apple omelet cottage cheese PEAR.

Educator: Guys, where can you find Pear? We listen to the reasoning and check all the options proposed by the children. As the children say, we give a hint: what kind of pears are - BOXING. Where can a punching bag be in kindergarten? We run to the gym and look for the next task.

Task number 2:

Lay out a proverb from the words and on the back you will find out where to go next

(Proverb: Health is more valuable than money!

On the back of the word: FISH

Educator: Guys, where do you think you can see fish in your kindergarten?

Children: Aquarium.

Everyone runs to the aquarium.

Educator: Guys, who can tell me about the importance of fish products in our diet? How is it useful?

We listen to the children's answers and reason together.

Task number 3:

Children remember and return to the group.

In the group, the children meet the Sage.

Task number 4

Sage: “I am the keeper of wisdom and secrets. I know that you are looking for a treasure that no one else could find before you. And I will help you, because you are friendly guys. You will learn the path where you need to follow by solving my riddle:
Who knows the true sign

The sun is high, it means summer.
And if the cold, blizzard, darkness

And the sun is low, then….

Educator: Guys, where can we see the real Russian Winter? Feel the frost and touch the snow?

We listen to the answers of the children and come to the conclusion that it is outside (everyone is going outside).

Educator: Guys, let's remember with you, but what besides healthy eating does a person need to be healthy? After all, you learned a lot of new information during the implementation of the project "Nutrition and Health" in our group

Pupils remember, reason, give answers: “Walk on fresh air, because ... "," To be tempered and play sports is useful for ... "and many others.

During the conversation, the children unexpectedly notice the approaching Baba Yaga.

Educator: Hello grandma! Have you seen the treasure chest?

Baba Yaga: I don't have any chest.

Educator: The guys and I are looking for a chest, but we don’t know the way further.

Baba Yaga: Beat me, then I'll tell you where to go

Task number 5:


  • "Who will transfer all the magic balls faster",
  • Tug of War

Baba Yaga:Wow, you tortured me. So be it, keep the magic ball, he will show you the way.

Everyone follows the Educator (she moves the ball with a magnet). We got to the place where there are pins and a box with plastic balls. They think what to do and decide to knock down the pins.

Task 6.

A riddle is glued to the bottom of one of the pins. You need to knock down the pins and find a riddle.

The guys knock down the pins and find a riddle.
You will always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
It is prickly like a hedgehog
In the winter in a summer dress.

Educator: Guys, where can we find a fir tree now?

We listen to the reasoning of children. Everyone is looking for a Christmas tree on the territory of the kindergarten

Children under the tree, children find a chest with treasure. HURRAH!!!

All together go to the veranda to find out what is in the chest.

Children open the chest and take out a message:

“Whoever found this chest with a magic crystal, let him know that the crystal will disappear very soon after opening the chest, but you can manage to make one common wish near it. And for your courage, dexterity, intelligence and ingenuity you will get precious coins and a magic box with its help you can grow your magic crystal.

Now it's time to make a wish. One common desire is discussed and selected. Children stand in a circle, everyone touches the magic crystal and makes a wish.

After the walk, the children received gold coins and shared their impressions, but in addition to treats - medals, there was a crystal in the chest, which the children must grow themselves.

In the afternoon, the children and I began to conduct the experiment of "Growing a crystal" it was on Friday, and when they came on Monday, the children saw the crystal:

But that is another story!

Parents took part in the organization of our quest in the role fairytale heroes and assistants in preparation. They liked this idea of ​​organizing the educational process. After all, adventure, secrets and the unknown are the most best motivation for children in learning about the world around them, applying existing knowledge, acquiring new ones. But the most important thing is a sense of team spirit, support from friends and communication that brings a lot of emotions and joy.

PS: “It has long been proven by educators and psychologists that a well-organized game in itself is best remedy the achievement by children of aesthetic pleasure from the creative tension of their intellectual and physical strength... The play, which is of a relaxed nature, relies on the inner motivation of a person and allows him to develop independence of action. In the game, pleasure brings not only the result, but also the process of achieving it.

The quest, with its almost limitless possibilities, provides invaluable assistance to the teacher, providing an opportunity to diversify - the educational process, to make it unusual, memorable, exciting, fun, playful. "

Nadezhda Koptsova

GRA-QUEST "V SEARCHING FOR THE HOST» (older preschool age- July 2016)

MDOU CRR kindergarten number 36"Pock" about. Podolsk microdistrict. Lviv-st. educator - Koptsova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna

Target: To create conditions conducive to the rallying of children into a single team, to form positive motivation aimed at achieving the set goal.


To develop cognitive and research interest, a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity, the ability to independently find solutions in created problem situations;

Promote the development of attention, coordination skills, the ability to navigate the terrain;

To cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, an attentive attitude to others, the ability to work in pairs and in a team;

To create conditions for the motor and creative activity of children, for the formation of such qualities as dexterity, speed, mutual assistance.

Equipment: chest with treasure, map cut into pieces; sports external attributes for overcoming obstacles (hoops, gymnastic sticks with stands, tunnel, balls with notes, balls for throwing, long poles, tracks with footprints, basins of water, strainers for fishing "Fish", materials for making amulets; "Fairy tree" with riddles, a code for decoding the lock on the chest. Treat for children "Ear"- dry cracker; laces and “berries - beads, scattered in a clearing, near a hedgehog;

Scene: kindergarten territory;

PARTICIPANTS: adults: Expedition captain, Sorceress - Herbalist, Traffic light - traffic controller; Storyteller, Rybachka, Native woman, children - senior preschool age.

GAME progress:

Leading: Guys! We received such an unusual letter! We seem to be invited to take a fascinating journey!

“Greetings to you strong, courageous and intelligent adventure seekers!

I invite you to my island to fight for treasures, because only the strongest and smartest will be able to get to them. "

I suggest organizing an expedition to this unknown island! I will be the captain and lead our journey! Are you ready to go with me on treasure hunt?


Our motto: Do not be sad!

Go through everything and find out everything!

All for one, one for all

Then the team will be successful!

I have the beginning of our path, we will move along the arrows. (I show the diagram from the porch - ideas straight, left, left and right again to the garden)

IN THE GARDEN; (children are met by the Sorceress - Herbalist)

Hello my friends! I am very glad to see you! Where are the brave travelers heading?

Children answer; We received the news that somewhere buried treasure, and the card arrived at your place! Maybe you can help us find out our further way!

Herbalist: Yes, I have a continuation of the map, a small segment of it, but you have to guess riddles, if you cope with the task, you can continue your journey!

My garden is simply amazing

Everything here is smart and beautiful!

Here medicines grow all around

Like a fairy kingdom.

In every grass, in every branch

And medicine and pills!

Listen carefully:

Tea is tasty and fragrant,

With her, he is easy and pleasant:

The leaves are torn off, dented.

What are you breathing in? - Smell. (mint)

You will meet him along the paths,

Wounds, abrasions can be healed

Tear off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us? (Plantain)

He "loves - does not like" can answer us

And he will look affably with a yellow eye.

The pharmacy flower looks so much like him

We call him a medicinal friend.

(Chamomile officinalis)

Here is a green arrow

She rose to the light, to the sun.

We put it in the soup

After all, the seasoning is - ... ONION

Inconspicuous among the herbs

She has a calm disposition.

Who is proud of usefulness?

Fragrant. (oregano)

If something hurts,

Even the beast cannot resist.

With what herb to drink the infusion?

With wonderful herb. (St. John's wort)

HERBALES Praises Children - Well done! You have successfully completed my difficult riddles! I give you as a keepsake for the journey a bag of my wonderful medicinal herbs! I think they will come in handy on your long journey! And here is a map for you - this is your further path!


Dear Travelers! I have a big request for you, berries are ripe in my meadow - help me and my hedgehogs gather supplies for the winter to make jam for the winter! I have strings - I need to collect berries and string them on a string! Thanks!

It hangs over the intersection.

And one commands.

And it can simply direct

Turning the flow of cars.

Everyone sees him at once.

It hangs between two supports.

He has three eyes burning.

It's called ... (traffic light!


Hello dear pedestrians! Where does your path lie!

For the further journey, you need to cross the road correctly!

Who will tell and show where and how to cross the road correctly!

(Children tell and show - they correctly cross the pedestrian crossing to the green light, looking first to the left - then to the right, and then again to the left).

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Well done boys! I see that you are friends with the rules road traffic! Good journey to you! Here's your further route - gives you a map!

LET'S go over the logs, over the stumps, over the small balloons, crawl into the tunnel, go between the large balloons, we come to the stairs!

At the top is a Monkey with an envelope in his hands!

Invite the most courageous to take an envelope from a monkey with a task.

EXERCISE: you need to get air balloons that contain information that is important to you. To get these balls, you must knock them down with small balls, they have notes from which you will learn what you have to do.

1. 10 times jump on the 1st leg.

2. Walk with a goose step around the stairs, walking with a snail.

3. Say your motto together!

4. Your further route. (go along a horizontal staircase raised by the height: 20-25 cm) and walk over small balloons.

MEETING AT THE TREE OF TALE: Children are met by a Russian storyteller suit:

Hello, good fellows and red girls! Where are you taking the road, for what need have you come to us?

CHILDREN; We are looking for treasure trove! We go along the map, here we come to visit you and do not know where to go next! Help us storyteller!

STORYTELLER: Well, treasure is a good thing! I can help you, I have a piece of your further path!

Complete my assignments! I have a tree of fairy tales! Unusual leaves grow on it, guess what fairy tales they are from - get your card!

FAIRY TALE - (tears off the leaves with fairy tales - children guess the name of fairy tales 5-6 fairy tales);

Well, you are a savvy people! You know fairy tales well! Here's a map for your onward journey! Good journey to you!

We have a further way - we must jump over a pole lying on the ground (left-right) and walk or crawl along the path with footprints.

Good afternoon, brave travelers! I am a famous fisherwoman, I have lived on this island for many years!

Welcome to my island! Where are you taking the road? Probably tired on the road, hungry?

Want to refresh yourself? But being lazy is not good! I have two lakes! There are many different fish is found! Want to catch for lunch?

Then listen to the rules: you need to split into two teams! Here is a bucket and a net for each team - you need to catch one fish - put it in the bucket and hand the net to your friend, and so on - until you catch all the fish from your lake! And so ready! One, two, three - started!

Well, I see that you are smart guys! We caught a lot of fish! You will have to cook the fish soup!


And so that you remember my island - I suggest you go to visit my assistant - Robinson! He will teach you how to do beautiful jewelry from local materials!

CHILDREN PASS TO VERANDA, where they are met by a native from the island and they make jewelry from seashells and pebbles and discs.

Goodbye Robinson gives them the final route to the sunken ship!

CAPTAIN; But I see the stern of the ship! It seems we are on target!

CHILDREN come up to the ship and find a chest! With a note!

TO OPEN THE CASTLE IT IS NECESSARY - to guess the code of the castle!


LET'S OPEN THE Casket! Treasure found! HURRAH!



Our motto: Do not be sad!

Go through everything and find out everything!

All for one, one for all

Then the team will be successful!

The so-called quest game is becoming a popular entertainment for modern children. Today, events are held in this way in kindergarten, school, and holidays are organized. What is the secret of the success of this form of leisure? In our material, we will talk about what children's quests are, share non-standard ideas holding such an event for preschool kids.

First you need to find out what the actual word "quest" means. It translates from of English language as "search". In its general sense this concept denotes a plot that assumes the achievement of a goal by overcoming any obstacles.

If we talk about a quest as a form of organizing children's events, then this is a game, most often a team game, which includes various tasks of a competitive nature and has a specific plot. Children's quests are distinguished by the presence of tasks that affect the most different areas knowledge and skills - it can be both physical competitions (for example, relay races) and intellectual quizzes. In addition, the scenario of such a game involves the use of complex decorations, musical accompaniment, as well as the involvement of animators.


The main advantage of the quest is that this form of organizing the holiday unobtrusively, in a playful, entertaining way, helps to activate the cognitive and thought processes of the participants.

With the help of such a game, you can achieve educational goals: to implement project and play activities, introduce new information, consolidate existing knowledge, and practice the skills of children.

In addition, competitive activity teaches children to interact in a team of peers, increases the atmosphere of cohesion and friendship, develops independence, activity and initiative.

Thus, children's quests help to accomplish the following tasks:

  • educational (participants master new knowledge and consolidate existing knowledge);
  • developing (in the process of the game there is an increase in educational motivation, and individual positive psychological qualities, the formation of research skills, self-realization of children);
  • educational (skills of interaction with peers, tolerance, mutual assistance and others are formed).

The essence of the children's quest

Quest games for children are a form of entertainment, which is a complex of problematic tasks set for a specific purpose. Such a holiday resembles theatricalization: an "adventure" plot is composed with the participation of fairy-tale or cartoon characters popular among children. Decorations and materials for assignments are being thought out. They are often held outdoors. Preschoolers take an active part in the game process, they become “seekers”, heroes of fairy-tale stories.

Quest organization principles

In order to effectively organize children's quests, you should adhere to certain principles and conditions:

  • all games and tasks must be safe (you should not ask children to jump over a fire or climb a tree);
  • the tasks assigned to the children must correspond to the age of the participants and their individual characteristics;
  • under no circumstances should the dignity of the child be degraded in any way;
  • it is required to introduce different types of activity into the content of the script, since children of the specified age, according to the psychological and age characteristics, cannot perform monotonous tasks;
  • tasks must be thought out in such a way that they are sequential, logically interconnected;
  • the game should be emotionally colored with the help of decorations, musical accompaniment, costumes, equipment;
  • preschoolers should clearly understand the goal of the game they are striving for (for example, to find a treasure or save a good character from an evil one);
  • you should think about the time intervals during which the children will be able to complete the task, but at the same time they will not lose interest in it;
  • the role of the teacher in the game is to guide children, "push" on the right decision, but the children must make the final conclusions on their own.

Quest ideas for preschoolers

They take part in quests with great pleasure. For such kids, games based on a fairy tale plot are suitable. For example, you can compose junior group kindergarten based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". This fairy-tale character unexpectedly comes to visit the kids and asks the children for help - he got lost in the forest, and he needs to find his way home to his grandparents. Children together with Kolobok go on a journey, where they will face various obstacles in the form of sports and intellectual tasks. Can be introduced into the script and other characters: Wolf, Bear, Fox.

For preschoolers of secondary and senior group it is better to choose characters from popular cartoons - acquaintance with your favorite hero will increase educational interest, activates cognitive processes and just leave an unforgettable positive experience for kids.

Thus, it is more effective for preschoolers to organize storyline, colorful children's quests. Scenarios are developed taking into account the goals set, the number of participants and many other factors.

Quests for quests

Quests for preschoolers in kindergarten should perform not only an entertainment function, but also implement educational tasks. Therefore, the tasks should correspond to the chosen topic and, in terms of their content, correspond to the level of knowledge and skills of the kids. To do this, the educator should clearly define the purpose of the upcoming game and take into account the technical possibilities of organizing the event.

Assignments for children's quest can be very diverse:

  • riddles;
  • puzzles;
  • games "Find the differences", "What's extra?";
  • puzzles;
  • creative tasks;
  • sand games;
  • labyrinths;
  • sports relay races.

Quests for children's birthday

V recent times companies involved in organizing parties offer such a service as a children's party. Such a party can be organized independently. You just need to approach the script responsibly and creatively.

The peculiarity of this type of quests is that the birthday man is the main character of the plot. The purpose of such an event is the positive emotions of the participants. This quest includes various pleasant moments and gifts, for example, you can use a large balloon, in which sweets are hidden, or cookies with wishes.

We have clarified general principles, according to which children's quests are organized. Scenarios of such events are compiled taking into account various factors: the age of the participants, the tasks and goals of the game, the material and technical capabilities, the venue, as well as the individual inclinations and wishes of the children themselves. The main thing is to make it fun, informative and remember for a long time!

Quest game for preschoolers "Finding a hidden surprise"

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", Konakovo
Description of the material. I offer you a summary of the final lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children in a preparatory group for school. This material may be useful preschool psychologists, educators of senior and preparatory groups, as well as parents of preschoolers and students in grades 1-2. It can be used with a group of children of different ages, since the tasks are not difficult, but they require ingenuity, observation and attention.
Integration cognitive areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".
Summing up the results of the work of the psychologist with the children of the preparatory group in a playful way.
Anchor in independent activity the ability to find differences between objects, classify, identify patterns. Provide an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained and the ability to work according to instructions in a game situation.
Develop concentration of attention in a situation a large number distractions; the ability to quickly update their knowledge of the world around them.
Foster a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to work in a group, the ability to get in touch and state your requests.
Demonstration and Handout:
- postcard to start the quest,

- "Find 7 Differences" picture,

- pieces of the "Refrigerator" puzzle,

- rebus,

- "What's superfluous?"

- image ladybug,

- a small mirror,
- "Chamomile",

- "traces".
Methodical techniques: game situation, summarizing.

Conducting a quest game.
To start the game, preparation of the premises is required. In our case, the game began in the premises of the group, so for 10 minutes the children left their group together with the teacher. During this time, the teacher-psychologist put a postcard to start the game and laid out the pieces of the puzzle in certain places.
After that, the children returned to the group.

Educator-psychologist:“Today we have the final psychological occupation... It will be longer than usual and will last 40 minutes, which is exactly the length of a lesson at school. You will work together and individually, try to be attentive from the first minute so that you do not waste time repeating instructions. The tasks are not difficult, but there are many of them, and all these tasks must be completed within 40 minutes. If the group succeeds, there will be a surprise for everyone.
Our lesson will be held in the form of a quest game. Quest is an adventure game. Having solved one task, you get a hint where to look for the next task. And at the end you get access to a surprise.
Look at your watch. They show 9 hours and 20 minutes. At exactly 10 o'clock the game should end. Time has gone.

Examine the room carefully. You should see the first clue. It stands in a conspicuous place, bright, shiny.
The first one to see comes up, takes the clue and gives it to me. "

The children carefully examine the room and discover a postcard that contains the first task.

Educator-psychologist: Task1 "Find the Differences". On this sheet you see two, at first glance, identical pictures. But there are 7 differences between them. These differences will help you find the next clue.
(Give enough pictures to the children for each child to be able to compare and search.)
Who saw the first difference? What is the difference? "
Children's answers.

Educator-psychologist:“You saw that the flower is different, so look for a piece of the puzzle there. In total, you need to find 7 pieces of the puzzle and put them on the table (show where).
Children name the differences: "A pillow, a bedside table, a rug, a windowsill, a sofa, a flower in a vase, a floor lamp (I replaced it with a table lamp)."
When all the fragments are found, the second task is performed. (The children completed the first task in one group very quickly, in the other they could not find a piece of the puzzle hidden on the bedside table for a long time, because they took another piece of furniture for the bedside table, so the presenter had to tell what the bedside table was).
Task 2 "Fold the puzzle".

Despite the fact that the children are good at solving jigsaw puzzles, difficulties arose at first. Nevertheless, they folded the puzzle and saw that the arrow was pointing to the refrigerator.
Educator-psychologist:"Think about where you can find a refrigerator?"
Children's answers: "In the kitchen."
Educator-psychologist:"I suggest you go down to the 1st floor and go to the kitchen."
Nina Vasilievna (a kitchen worker) comes out, the children explain to her that they want to see a refrigerator in the kitchen. She invites the children to first guess the riddle:

Who cooks cabbage soup, cutlets,
Borsch, dumplings, vinaigrette;
Cooks porridge and compotes,
Fries entrecotes in oil,
Crumples potatoes with a crush
Does the soup interfere with the ladle?

Children's answer: a cook.

Children enter the room, examine it and find a riddle (this is the third task):
“We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a liner: "Tu-u-u",
Eagerly swallows dust,
But he doesn't get sick, he doesn't sneeze. "

Children's answers: this is a vacuum cleaner.

Educator-psychologist:“Think, where could a vacuum cleaner be? What is it for? "
Children's answers: you need a vacuum cleaner to vacuum carpets.
Educator-psychologist:"Remember in which rooms of the kindergarten you saw carpets?"
Children's answers. To test their guess, the children two by two go to the music hall, to the gym, to the dry pool hall, etc. All the rest, together with the psychologist, are waiting for their return.

Under the vacuum cleaner, children discover another clue in the form of a rebus, deciding which they understand that their path lies in the laundry.

Children are greeted by a kindergarten laundry worker. She makes a riddle:
“It strokes everything that it touches,
And if you touch it, it bites. "

In the ironing room, children receive assignment sheets and return to their group.

Educator-psychologist:"You've got sheets of extra items to find that will tell you where to look for the next clue."
Task 5 "What is superfluous?"
(Answers: saucepan, cup, book, umbrella, balloon, camera.
Hidden in or near these items are pictures of ladybirds. Since there are many children in the group, there were 2 pots, 2 cups, etc.)

Task 6 "Ladybug"

When all 12 ladybirds are found, the teacher-psychologist shows her. Children should find exactly the same among the ladybirds they have found.

Task 7 "Read the Word"

On the back of the "correct" ladybug (second copy) is written the word in mirror image... This word is wardrobe.

Task 8 (individual)
Sheets with assignments are in a folder in a closet. They of varying complexity... For speed of distribution, the sheets are signed. Children perform tasks, if they do not understand what exactly needs to be done, the presenter and educators explain the instructions.

Tasks are performed at the tables.

Task 9 "Chamomile"

While the children are solving "Chamomile", the psychologist's assistant lays out the "tracks" that will lead them to a surprise.
This is where the game ends. A photo is taken for memory.

The game took place in two preparatory groups... The first group easily fit into the allotted 40 minutes. The children acted quickly, successfully, without prompting they coped with all the tasks of the quest. The second group worked in disunity, each child wanted to personally complete the task, was upset if he was not the first to find the right answer, etc. We had to skip the individual assignments in order to meet the 40 minutes and reach the surprise. All the children tore off the chamomile petals with questions. If they could not answer the question on their own, the group helped.
Children and educators of both groups really liked the quest game.

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