Home Trees and shrubs Sparrow: for children about nature. Brownie sparrow: description. What is the difference between a house sparrow and a field sparrow

Sparrow: for children about nature. Brownie sparrow: description. What is the difference between a house sparrow and a field sparrow

In the conditions of Moscow and the Moscow region, house sparrows there are, as a rule, three broods of chicks per season. Nesting begins in March, at which time the birds are actively adjusting the nests. The first eggs appear in April. Laying times depend on the climatic conditions of the year. Thus, the beginning of clutching can occur both in the first and in the third decade of April, and many, mainly one-year-old females begin to nest in May.

The nesting season ends in early to mid-August, when the post-nesting molt sets in, during which they completely change their plumage. A-I. Ilyenko, in his book about house sparrows, writes that “for a female to lay eggs (4-5 days), incubate (11-12 days), feed chicks in the nest (13-15 days) and raise them after leaving nests (at least 12 days) only take about 41 days. " After the chicks leave the nest, care for them mainly falls on the male, while the female adjusts the nest and makes a new clutch. The number of eggs in a clutch varies from 3 to 9. In the tropics, it is much less than in the temperate climatic zone... And in countryside there are always more eggs in the clutch than in the city. The number of reared chicks in the village also predominates.

Incubation begins after the third egg has been laid. Therefore, chicks from clutches of 5-6 eggs hatch within 2-3 days and at first vary greatly in size. Often, during the first 3-4 days, younger chicks are trampled in the nest by larger brothers. Both parents take part in incubation and feeding. Sexual maturity in young birds middle lane Russia begins at the age of 7-8 months. However, experiments to stimulate sexual activity by increasing the length of daylight hours in the fall have shown that sexual maturity can occur at 5-6 months. In warm winters on British isles found breeding sparrows in November and December. And in Brazil, house sparrows brought here have two pronounced breeding peaks - spring and autumn.

House sparrows are interesting to keep in captivity. True, there are rumors among the people that "sparrows do not live in cages," which is an idle fiction. They are often kept in cages and aviaries for all kinds of biological experiments. Lovers of indoor bird keeping rarely allocate space in their home for such tenants, considering, probably, that sparrows can be admired almost constantly in the vicinity of any residential building. I think that keeping house sparrows in cages and open-air cages can be a great pleasure for bird lovers interested in their behavior. Extraordinary intelligence and learning ability make these birds most interesting object for observations.

Fosterlings are especially funny - chicks raised by man. They become not only tame, but also try to actively involve you in their life. So, one of the founders of ethology (the science of animal behavior) - Konrad Lorenz in the book "The Ring of Solomon the King" describes such a case. His male sparrow tried to build a nest in his vest pocket, inviting the man to participate in the event as his mating partner. For many years, completely adult sparrows-fosterlings lived in the house of the famous ornithologist professor of Moscow State University RL Behme. Although, apart from them, Rurik Lvovich contains about a hundred of the rarest exotic birds, he finds time to observe these unpretentious pets.

Keeping sparrows in captivity is easy... They can be fed with a grain mixture of millet, oatmeal with the addition of rice, hemp, flax and sunflower seeds. Soft food is needed with occasional addition of mealworms, as well as greens and mineral feeding. On such a diet and under appropriate conditions, the sparrows will live well and even reproduce. Experiments on breeding house sparrows in open-air cages showed that a couple of birds make 4 clutches of 2-6 eggs each year; the incubation period is 10-13 days. It is possible to keep sparrows one by one in cages measuring 60x30x35 cm. Cages or aviaries are more suitable for reproduction. For nesting in the aviary, it is necessary to place a nesting house or a nesting box of medium size 20x20x30 cm with a tap hole 5 cm in diameter.

Sparrows can be used as "nurse" or "feeder" birds in the breeding of some rare or valuable bird species. Sparrows feed their chicks mainly with insects, so they can also feed the offspring of some insectivorous birds.

In conclusion of the essay on house sparrows, I would like to say about the relationship with closely related species. The house sparrow can produce hybrid offspring with the closely related black-breasted or, as it is otherwise called, the Spanish sparrow. Such hybrids exist in nature: in northern Africa, where these two species live together, they even formed a hybrid population. In captivity in Italy, hybrids were obtained from a mixed pair of house and black-breasted sparrows. Another close relative of the brownie is the field sparrow. Their general area distribution is really huge, however, there are not so many cases of their hybridization.

Vladimir Ostapenko. "Birds in your home". Moscow, "Ariadia", 1996

The brownie sparrow is the most famous bird in the world. The sparrow belongs to those few species of birds that have become indispensable inhabitants of rural and city streets. It seems that without these nimble neighbors we would be already bored with life.

Brownie sparrow: description

The sparrow is a small bird, its body length is about 15-17 cm, weight is 24-35 g, but at the same time it has a strong constitution. The head is round and rather large. The beak is about one and a half centimeters long, plump, conical in shape. The tail is approximately 5-6 cm, the legs are 1.5-2.5 cm. Males are larger in size and weight than females.

Sparrows-girls and sparrows-boys also differ in color of feathers. They have the same upper body - brown, Bottom part- light gray and wings with a white-yellow stripe across. A noticeable difference between females and males in the color of the head and breast. In boys, the top of the head is dark gray, below the eyes there is light gray plumage, on the neck and chest there is a clearly distinguishable black spot. Girls have light brown head and neck.

House sparrow ecology

Sparrows live next to human habitation, they have scattered at this time almost all over the world, but initially the birthplace of these birds is considered most of Europe and

The brownie sparrow is found in settlements From the west of Europe to the shores in the north of Europe it reaches the Arctic coast, Siberia is also inhabited by these nimble little birds. In most of the Eastern and Central Asia the sparrow does not dwell.

Birds are able to perfectly adapt to the conditions in which they find themselves. These are sedentary birds, only from northern cold places during a frosty winter they migrate to where it is warmer, in a southern direction.


As mentioned earlier, the brownie sparrow likes to settle next to people, maybe because of this it got the name "brownie". Gray birds can live in pairs, but it happens that they create entire colonies. For example, when feeding, they always gather in large flocks. When you do not need to sit in nests on eggs or for the night they settle in shrubs or tree branches.

In the air, the bird develops a flight speed of up to 45 km / h, the sparrow cannot walk on the ground, like most other birds, it moves by jumping. He will not drown in a pond, since he can swim, besides, he is also a good diver.


V mating season house sparrows are divided into pairs, then the male and the female together proceed to the construction of the dwelling. Nests are built in the crevices of structures and buildings, in hollows, in burrows, on the slopes of ravines, in bushes and on tree branches. A sparrow's house is made from small twigs, dry grass and straw.

Throughout April, the expectant mother sparrow lays eggs, in the nest there are from 4 to 10 eggs, white with brown spots. In 14 days after the female sat on the eggs, helpless chicks are born. Dad and mom take care of the hatched offspring together, feed the babies with insects. After two weeks, the chicks fly out of the nest.

Life span

Sparrows in nature live long enough, their lifespan is about 10-12 years. A case of longevity was recorded - a sparrow originally from Denmark lived for 23 years, its other relative did not last a little until its twentieth birthday.

The problem with these birds is that a lot of young birds die that have not lived to one year. The most difficult time for young animals is winter. If they manage to survive until their first spring, then they have a chance to meet old age. At this time, about 70% of sparrow youth do not live up to a year.


A brownie sparrow may well do without water; it receives the amount of moisture it needs for its existence from juicy berries. Birds feed mainly on plant foods. Favorite delicacy - seeds The sparrow is not picky, eats whatever it comes across, his diet includes grass seeds, tree buds, and various berries. These birds also do not disdain to waste products from garbage cans, experience tells them that in these iron boxes you can find a lot of tasty things. Insects rarely get into the passerine menu, only during the period of feeding the chicks, bugs and worms become daily food, since it is with them that the parent birds feed their young. Sparrows also do not forget about sand, it is necessary for the bird's ventricle to digest food. If you can't get hold of sand, then small stones are used.

Subfamily Sparrows

The sparrow subfamily includes the house sparrow, snow finch, field sparrow. I would like to draw your attention to the snow finch, popularly called the snow sparrow. These birds are quite beautiful, they are lighter and larger than the brownie. Above, the snow finch is grayish-brown, and below it is white, the wings are black and white. If you observe a bird in flight, then the appearance of a white bird with black spots is created. The throat of the male finch is black, the head is gray, the tail is long and white with a length along it. This species of sparrow was named "snow sparrow" because of their almost white plumage.

The field, in contrast to the snow, is much smaller than the brownie. The field sparrow and the house sparrow (males) are similar in color of the body and wings, you can easily distinguish them by the color of the head. The field relative of the brownie is "dressed" in a chestnut hat, which is separated from the brownish back by a narrow white collar. There is a black spot on the white cheeks of a field sparrow, on the neck the spot is very small. Males and females of this species of birds are "dressed" in the same clothes, their color is no different.

Both the brownie and the field sparrows settle next to people. The field, this is noticeable by the name, mostly live in rural settlements, and the house-dwellers, respectively, are mostly urban dwellers. Birds try to stay away from the flock, mixed colonies of both species are very rare. White, black, gray - the difference between the sparrows is not too big, they are firmly united by one thing - the neighborhood with a person. Life without these restless birds is no longer even imagined, they are not going to leave us, so the feathered neighborhood is provided for us for a very long time.

Sparrow Is a small birdie family of passerines. Sparrows are the most famous birds that live side by side with humans with great pleasure.

Description of the sparrow.

The sparrow is recognizable by outward appearance and for his characteristic chirp. The color of the plumage in the upper part is brownish-brown interspersed with black feathers. On the head near the ears and the abdomen are light gray. The sparrows have a small short tail and a fairly powerful beak. On average, the length of the sparrow's body is about 16 cm, the weight is tiny - from 25 to 35 grams, and the wingspan is up to 27 cm.

How to distinguish a male sparrow from a female?

The male sparrow can be distinguished from the female by the characteristic black spot that covers the chin, throat and upper part breasts. The male's head also has a dark grey colour... The female sparrow is smaller in size, the head and throat are gray, and above the eyes are gray-yellow stripes, very pale, almost invisible.

Where do sparrows live?

You can meet sparrows almost everywhere. They massively populate the centers of cities and towns. The habitat is wide, the sparrow is found from Western Europe to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in East and Central Asia. It is widespread even in Siberia.

Features of the lifestyle and behavior of sparrows.

Sparrows are sedentary, having chosen the territory, they nest. The reared offspring remain close to their parents, so the sparrows form large flocks. This is facilitated by the high fertility of the sparrow, the abundance of food due to the proximity of human settlements.

Bird watchers, observing sparrows, found out that these birds create a pair for almost their entire life. Sparrows live on average up to 5 years. But there were specimens of birds, whose age was about 11 years. The short life span of sparrows is due to the fact that young animals often die in the very first winter. Sparrows nest almost everywhere the nest can be placed. These are the eaves of balconies, birdhouses, voids of wooden or stone buildings, sometimes pipes and even heaps of garbage. In our area, couples are formed by the end of winter. At this time, the sparrows (males) are lively, chirping loudly, chatting and even sometimes fighting.

Sparrow breeding.

The male and female sparrow build a nest together. As a rule, this is a rough construction of feathers, straw, dry grass, with a small depression in the center. The construction of the nest begins in March, and in April the birds begin to lay their eggs. The female can lay up to 5 clutches per season. In clutch there are usually up to 7 white eggs with dark specks. The incubation period for incubating eggs lasts about two weeks. Chicks hatch poorly pubescent, almost naked. Feeding the offspring takes about 14 to 17 days, both parents feed the chicks mainly with insects.

On about day 10, the chicks try to fly. In a couple of days, in late May - early June, they leave the nests. By the end of autumn, the sparrows come to life again, chirp loudly and take care of the females. The construction of nests begins. There will be no chicks in these nests until spring, and the place prepared in this way in winter will serve as protection for the sparrows from autumn rains and winter frosts.

The most common types of sparrows are the house sparrow and the field sparrow. It is them that we most often see on our city and rural streets. Noisy, funny, smart and cocky, they fly in flocks and chirp loudly.

Small head, bead eyes, sharp short black beak. Here is such a neat and nice bird, and when it ruffles, it looks like a fluffy pompom. The weight of the bird is 25-35 grams, the length is 15 - 17 cm. The males are colored in a brighter outfit than the females.

House (city) sparrow - back, tail and wings are bright brown with black spots, neck and breast are gray.Light yellow transverse stripes on the wings. There is a gray hat on his head. Females on the background of males look much paler and more modest, in their plumage there are more gray and pale brown tones.

A field (village) sparrow - a chestnut-colored hat on its head, a black chin, and a black speck on its white cheeks. The back and wings are brown-chestnut, the breast is lighter. This species leads a sedentary lifestyle, where they were born, and winter there. During the breeding season, they live in pairs, the rest of the time in small flocks.

Sparrows are said to mate for their entire lives. Only, unfortunately, due to cold winters and lack of food, many die, especially young birds. On average, a sparrow lives 2 - 4 years, but there are also centenarians, who are 10 years old.

The mating season begins at the end of February. They begin to sing loudly songs, bustling and busily jumping on the branches of trees. They can also fight, capturing the attention of the female. The couple will start building the nest by the end of March from grass, straw and down.

Another one can go into action construction material: cotton wool, threads, paper, pieces of wool, in general everything that, in the opinion of the builder, will fit in the case. They do not know how to build beautiful nests, having found a suitable place, they arrange a nest somehow. It doesn't matter, the main thing is to raise the offspring.

In April, the female will lay 4 - 8 white testicles with brown specks. They will not incubate them for long and take turns, for 11 or 14. Parents will also feed them together, with suitable food - insects. They are brave and brave, fearlessly protecting their children, not being afraid of anyone.

Chicks will grow quickly, they will rise on the wing at the beginning of June. And the parents are preparing to make the second clutch. The brood will leave the nest at the end of July. Sparrows over the summer, depending on weather conditions can postpone a third clutch. Grown up young birds huddle in a flock.

Sparrow: for children about birds. Riddles, poems, folk games, chants, informative tales, cartoons about the life of sparrows. Educational tasks for children. Discover interesting things in a sparrow you have known for a long time with your children! Have a nice trip to the world of nature and creativity!

Everybody knows the sparrow. And, it would seem, - what could be interesting in such a familiar bird? In fact, this bird is not in vain found in many fairy tales and is loved by Russian folklore. Let's try to find out her secrets! Here, on the new page of the "Encyclopedia of Wintering Birds for Babies" dedicated to the sparrow, you will find many games and tasks for children and you can choose from them what suits your baby.

Where did the word "sparrow" come from?

The first secret of sparrows is why they are called that? Ask the child to guess where the name of the sparrow came from: “Thief - beat! Thief - hit! " Oh, so it turns out "beat the thief." So the sparrow is our thief! What is he stealing? Probably grains. And what else? Crumbs. From whom does a sparrow steal grain and crumbs? In pigeons, dogs, cats and even in humans (Of course, you saw with your children how nimble sparrows drag crumbs right from under the noses of sluggish slow pigeons. And sparrows will not get confused at the bird feeder and will not be left without food! under the dog's nose, they can grab a crumb right from its bowl). It turns out that while others gape, the sparrow is right there - it will take away the grain. And in this "thief beat" the character of the bird sounds - nimble, agile, cunning, pugnacious, courageous. cocky.

But scientists think differently. They believe that our sparrow is not a thief at all. They say that the word "sparrow" comes from the ancient "thief". From this "thief" came such words known to us as "fence" or "gate". Why, then, "thief - hit"? Because a sparrow is a bird that sits on the fence and on the gate, lives next to a person for a long time.

There is also another opinion. That the word "sparrow" is based on the word "work" - to coo, grumble. And the sparrows got their name because they are restless and chirp all the time,

What kind of bird is a sparrow, or a journey into a sparrow's life.

Sparrows have long been living next to us in cities and villages. They settle under the eaves of houses, in attics, in wall niches. And it seems that everything about sparrows should be well known to us. However, it is not! The sparrow has many secrets that many do not know about. Tell your little ones about these secrets, and they will look at their usual sparrow with completely different eyes!

What are sparrows?

It turns out that sparrows are different. But it is difficult to distinguish them from each other - already very two species of sparrows are similar to each other. There is sparrows brownies - city... Ask the kid to guess where they live? Of course, since they are urban, they live in the city. Ask a child why city sparrows are called "brownies"? From what word did the word "brownie" come from? Of course, from the word "home". This means that house sparrows live next to our houses. That's what they call them.

Is there field sparrows (village)... Ask your child to guess where the village field sparrows live. In fields, gardens, villages. They can sometimes be found in old city parks and gardens. They do not like our city houses, they fly away from us.

Compare with a child of two sparrows: “Look, how are city and country sparrows similar? (They small size... They have a head, wings, a small tail, small legs, and a beak. They fly, etc. They have brown feathers) And how do they differ? "

  • In the field village sparrow, the top of the head is brown, there is a black spot on the cheek.
  • The house sparrow has a gray top of the head and cheeks, a brown neck on top, and a black shirt-front on the throat and chest. And here dark spots on the cheeks of a city sparrow does not happen! Therefore, it is very easy to determine by the sparrow's cheeks what kind of sparrow it is and where it likes to live.

How do sparrows live?

Sparrows get up very early, when it's still dark, and chirp loudly. While it is light outside, they are looking for food. The sparrow is a very lively bird, he will not give himself offense, he will get food for himself. And at night, the sparrows gather again in a flock, cuddle together to make it warmer, and so they spend the night.

The sparrows in the flock have a sparrow - the watchman. What is he guarding? (Ask the child to guess and state their assumptions). A watchman is a sparrow who always looks around carefully. If he sees a cat or a hawk or other enemy, he will immediately scream "Chrrrrr", and all the sparrows will have time to fly away.

Sparrows are bold, even pugnacious by nature. But despite their "fighting" character, sparrows are very friendly birds. They help each other - if one sparrow finds food, he will definitely call all his friends. It never happens that a sparrow finds crumbs and ate all these crumbs himself, and did not leave them to his friends. This is what a small bird is, and what friendship is already knows !!! And always shares with friends! Ask the kid, and he shares with friends? In what fairy tales did he see birds and animals that made friends and helped each other, shared with each other?

Tell your child: “There are, of course, sparrows who decide not to share with everyone. Do you want to know what is happening to them? " And watch together the cartoon "Sparrow - a braggart" about how sparrows prepare for winter and how birds help each other. In the cartoon, the baby will see the sparrows that live in southern country in the village. Explain to your baby that sparrows are birds that live in both the north and south and never fly away for the winter, because they can find food for themselves in winter.

Ask the child what he thinks: is a sparrow a useful bird or not? Why? What are the benefits of sparrows? Read the tale "Winter Debts" about how the sparrows "repay" the people who fed them in the winter, how they thank them.

Winter debts. N. Sladkov.

Sparrow chirped on a dung heap - and jumps up! And the Hag Crow will croak in its disgusting voice:
- Why, Sparrow, rejoiced, why was he chirping?
- The wings itch, Crow, the nose itches, - Sparrow answers. - Passion to fight hunting! Don't croak here, don't spoil my spring mood!
- But I'll ruin it! - Raven does not lag behind. - How do I ask a question!
- I scared you!
- And I’ll scare you. Did you peck crumbs in the trash heap in winter?
- Pecked.
- Did you pick up the grain from the barnyard?
- Picked up.
- Did you have lunch in the poultry canteen near the school?
- Thank you guys, they fed me.
- That's it! - the Crow struggles. - And what do you think to pay for all this? With your chikchirkaniya?
- Did I use it alone? - Sparrow was confused. - And the Tit was there, and the Woodpecker, and the Magpie, and the Jackdaw. And you, Crow, were ...
- Don't confuse others! - Raven wheezes. - You answer for yourself. Borrowed - give it back! As all decent birds do.
- Decent, maybe they do, - Sparrow got angry. - But are you doing, Crow?
- I'll pay before everyone else! Do you hear that a tractor is plowing in the field? And I follow him from the furrow of any root-eaters and root-rodents. And Soroka and Jackdaw help me. And looking at us, other birds are trying.
- You, too, do not vouch for others! - Sparrow rests. - Others, perhaps, forgot to think.
But the Crow does not appease:
- And you fly and check!
Sparrow flew to check. I flew into the garden, where the Tit lives in a new nest box.
- Congratulations on your new home! - Sparrow says. - To celebrate, I suppose I forgot about the debts!
- I have not forgotten, Sparrow, that you are! - Titus answers. - In winter, the guys treated me to delicious lard, and I will treat them to sweet apples in the fall. I guard the garden from moths and leaf gnaws.
There is nothing to do, Sparrow flew on. I flew into the forest, where the Woodpecker knocks. I saw Sparrow and was surprised:
- For what need, Sparrow, flew to my forest?
- Yes, they demand from me, - chirps Sparrow. - And you, Woodpecker, how are you paying? How do you pay?
“I’m trying so hard,” the Woodpecker replies. - I protect the forest from woodworms and bark beetles. I fight them without sparing my stomach! I even got fat ...
"Look you," thought Sparrow. - And I thought ... "
The sparrow returned to the dung heap and says to the Crow:
- Yours, hag, really! Everyone is working off their winter debts. And what am I worse than others? How will I begin to feed my chicks with mosquitoes, horseflies and flies! So that these guys don't bite the bloodsuckers! I will return the debts in an instant!
He said so and let's jump up and tweet on the dung heap again. Bye free time there is. Until the sparrows hatched in the nest.

After reading the fairy tale, ask the child: How does the Crow help people? Tit? Woodpecker? How do sparrows help? How do they benefit? (They destroy the enemies of plants - bugs, caterpillars and thus save the crop). This fairy tale is very good for staging it with children. Moreover, the characters of the fairy tale can be changed - add new birds or animals.

Interesting fact: Many village sparrows were once destroyed in China. And ... on next year the whole crop was completely eaten by pests! People were left without a crop!

Sparrows help people. How can we help them? When do sparrows really need our help? (In winter, there is little food. Therefore, we feed the birds with grain and crumbs)

Sparrow poems

The bird's nests are empty
The birds flew away to the south.
Turned out to be all brave
Our yard sparrow.
Kholodov was not afraid
He stayed with us for the winter.
Snow covers the whole earth -
Sparrows are not discouraged:
A flock of fun scurrying
Anything that comes across is pecked.
Bread crumbs do not be sorry:
The sparrow deserved them.
You fit him a feeder-
He will click his girlfriend,
And friends are all right there,
The crumbs peck merrily.
And a cheerful knock went -

Why is the sparrow called brave in this poem? (He did not fly away for the winter, he stayed with us) How can you help the sparrows in the winter? What kind of knock, knock, knock is heard? What are sparrows doing?

Tell your child: “If a sparrow has no food in the cold, it will freeze and die. How can we help him? What weather do you think is the hardest time for a sparrow to find food? " (in snowy weather, when all the grains are covered with snow or ice, in such weather a lot of sparrows die in winter from hunger). As you feed the sparrow for a walk, read one of the sparrow poems to your baby.

It's frosty in the yard
Degrees under forty.
The little sparrows are crying
That spring is not coming soon
That in cold weather
Fur coats do not warm well ...
I brought the sparrows
On a plate of grains:
Eat little sparrows
Eat, good ones!
I would like you and boots
Presented with galoshes.
But my mother said:
"The sparrow is small!"
As soon as it jumps,
Will lose his boots! (V. Zvyagina)

A sparrow gallops and gallops,
Calls out to little children:
"Throw crumbs to a sparrow -
I'll sing you a song:
Throw millet and barley -
I will sing to you all day:

The yard is white and white,
The ground was covered with snow.
It is difficult for birds to winter
It is difficult to get food.
Fly up sparrow
Fly up, don't be shy!
Do you see the girl? She
Brought you some grains.
I went to the porch,
Pours it on a plank.
Fly up sparrow
Help yourself, don't be shy! (I. Belyakov)

Sparrows in spring: how chicks appear.

Are sparrows happy in winter? And what about the spring? Why? (They are not happy in winter, because in winter it is very difficult for them to feed themselves. And in spring they are happy, chirping, swimming in puddles) Listen to what they sing about when winter ends.

What the sparrows sing about
On the last day of winter?
-We survived!
-We survived!
We are alive!
-We are alive!
V. Berestov

In spring, sparrows build nests under eaves, in attics, in cracks, in abandoned hollows. They insulate them with rags, hairs, feathers. Sparrow nests are not very beautiful, hastily made. After all, they are special birds. Two or three times during the warm season they manage to hatch and raise chicks! And all other birds have time to hatch their chicks only once!

Then the sparrow mother lays eggs and incubates them. Babies hatch completely naked, without feathers, and cannot fly out of the nest. But little sparrows grow up quickly and after 2 weeks they can leave the nest.

Adult sparrows eat seeds, millet, crumbs. And the chicks that appear in the spring, they feed on insects. When the chick grows up, he also begins to feed on seeds and grains.

Sparrows have many enemies. And you will meet the main enemy of sparrows and their chicks in the cartoon " High slide". And you will also find out what can happen to a sparrow that did not want to be friends with other sparrows. After all, birds, like real friends, have "One for all and all for one!"

The sparrow is a bird, very beloved in Russian folk games and amusements and in modern fairy tales and cartoons. A lot of interesting round dance games, poems, songs have been invented about her, with which I want to introduce you now.

Folk games

Folk game "Sparrow" (Russian folk game)

A very addicting game for children aged 5 and over and even for adults. You can spend it on family trips or holidays.

First, choose a driver. It will be a sparrow. All other players have to figure out which tree or shrub they will be called. For example, someone will be a lilac, someone a birch, someone a mountain ash, etc.

All players except the sparrow sit in a circle. In the center of the circle, you need to put a chair (stool or bench) for the sparrow. This will be a "column".

Each player must loudly say to everyone who he will be in this game: “I am an aspen. And I'm an oak tree. I am a pine. " Everyone needs to remember these words.

The sparrow sits "on a post" and pronounces rhythmically. The rest of the players sing along with him - they are sentenced to him.

Chiv-chiv-chiv, sparrow
Sat, sat on a post,
Sparrow flew-flew on raspberries!

The player who calls himself "raspberry" in this game must pick up the song:

Chiv-chiv-chiv, sparrow
Sat-sat on a post.
A sparrow flew into a birch tree!

This continues until someone makes a mistake and says "on a column" or names the tree that is not in the game! When an error occurs, all players must quickly swap places, including the sparrows. You cannot occupy a column!

Whoever was left without a place becomes a sparrow in the next game. He sits down on a post and the game continues.

Folk game "Gardener and Sparrow".

In this game, the character of the sparrows is conveyed - nimble and combative.

Of all the players, you need to choose who will be the Sparrow and who will be the Gardener.

All players stand in a circle and join hands. In the center of the circle - in the garden - nuts are placed (you can also put something else, depicting seeds). A circle is drawn 10 steps from the garden. This will be the nest.

The round dance moves slowly in a circle, all players say rhythmically or sing:

The sparrow is small.
Gray, remote,
Sneaking around the yard,
He collects crumbs;
Spends the night in the garden
Steals berries.

A sparrow runs into a round dance, takes one nut (or something else that means a sparrow's food: a seed, dried berries, ball, etc.) and tries to take it to their nest (Children raise their hands, letting him pass). The gardener tries to stop him. He watches over the sparrow and begins to catch him.

If the sparrow managed to reach the nest and put the nut in its nest, and the gardener did not touch it, then the sparrow participates in the next game in its own role. If the gardener caught a sparrow - touched it, then the sparrow is in a round dance, and the next player is assigned to its role. But before this, the caught sparrow needs to complete the gardener's task - to sing, slap, make a riddle, read a rhyme, etc. After he completes the task of the gardener, everyone sings to him:

For a century the sparrow has not been flying,
Do not peck berries in the garden,
Do not sit on an oak stamen.
And you, sparrow, sit on the meadow,
And you, gray one, sit in a circle.
Isn't it time for you to get up and fly
Dance in our round dance!>

Variant of the game: After several players have played the role of a sparrow, it is determined which of the sparrows brought the most nuts (berries, twigs, seeds) to the nest. He becomes the winner of the game.

People's game "Sparrow". The most favorite!

This game is one of my favorite and most exciting and useful games for kids. It can be used to teach anything. If only ... not just copy one version of it given in all books, but look deeper into the content and see the new meaning and the endless variety of options for its implementation.

This game exists as a round dance. But like all folk games, it is unique and multifunctional, since in it you can beat any topic with toddlers and older children. Moreover, it is interesting to beat it for children! To do this, when playing with children, you need to change words and come up with new actions, introduce new topics. For example:

  • on the topic "who hibernates how" the sparrow saw "how the tits dance", "how the woodpecker flies", "how the fox sneaks", "how the bunny dodges", "how the bears sleep."
  • on the topic "Transport" a sparrow can see "how the tram rings", "how the car goes" and "how the boat sails", "how the helicopter flies."
  • on the topic "Man" - "how the child walks", "how the old woman walks", "how the fellows walk."
  • on the topic "Professions" a sparrow will see "how a builder builds", "how a pilot flies", "how a pastry chef bakes", "how a teacher teaches", "how a singer sings", "what a weaver does."

Children love to invent and come up with more and more rhyme-tasks for the game, which simultaneously develops language abilities, and creativity, and the ability to find new versions of familiar games themselves. Therefore, most often the game is played like this. You come up with the first three tasks in rhyme, and then one of the children came up with a new verse, we immediately sing the verse invented by the child. And then another figured it out and suggested the next verse. You can come up with it in turn. This is a fun process of co-creation with toddlers and older children! You can also play together with your child, coming up with the following verses together. Another great feature of this game is that although it is conceived as a round dance, you can play it individually with a child, and a subgroup, and a whole group, and spend it as a physical education minute. If this game takes place like a physical training session, then the driver is not chosen, and all the children perform movements in a circle: everyone shows how the sparrow flies, and how good fellows, girls, old women walk. You can think of different movements. For example, fellows can walk with their heads held high and raise their knees high. Or squat like a Russian dance. Girls can swim like peaks with their heads held high.

Here folk words games. Below, after the words, there is an audio recording of her melody.

The sparrow flew, flew,
Flew, flew young
Across the blue sea - 2p.
According to blue sea- 2p.
For pure field - 2p.

I saw, I saw a sparrow,
I saw, I saw the young
How girls walk - 2p.
And girls go that way - 2p.
Here they are like that - 2p.

The sparrow flew, flew,
Flew, flew young
Across the blue sea - 2p.
Across the blue sea - 2p.
For pure field - 2p.

I saw, I saw a sparrow,
I saw, I saw the young
How well they walk - 2p.
And the good fellows go that way - 2p.
Here they are like that - 2p.

The sparrow flew, flew,
Flew, flew young
Across the blue sea - 2p.
Across the blue sea - 2p.
For pure field - 2p.

I saw, I saw a sparrow,
I saw, I saw the young
How old women walk - 2p.
And old women go that way - 2p.
Here they are like that - 2p.

I am sure you will love this game too and come up with many variations of it. Have you come up with your own versions of this game? Send to the site, share in the comments!

The music for the game can be heard in this video.

Outdoor games for toddlers about sparrows and other birds.

Doves, sparrows and crows.

Children are pigeons and sparrows. The host is a crow. Children depict the habits of their birds - how they walk, how they peck seeds. Pigeons walk slowly, it is important, the sparrows jump briskly.

A crow flies out! The birds must run behind the outlined line from the crow. Who did not have time, and who the crow touched becomes the leader in the next game.

Sparrows and a car.

Game for children 3-4 years old. The sparrows jump, peck at the grains. When a car appears (a child is driving in his hands, who sings: "Beep-beep-beep"), sparrows fly away from the car in all directions

Sparrows and crows.

Highly fun game for children, which is often spent on folk holidays or on family trips. Draw two lines on the ground or floor. The lines should be three steps apart and parallel. After departing from these lines for another 20-30 steps, draw two more parallel lines.

All players are divided into two teams. One team of crows, another team of sparrows. They stand with their backs to each other on two lines in the middle of the playing field.

The presenter loudly pronounces the command: "Thief - pause - hit!" or "Thief - pause - us!". The team named by the leader runs to the far line. Players on the other team are trying to catch up and tarnish them.

The winner is the team that has stained more players from the second team during the game. The game is repeated six to eight times.

Calls, nursery rhymes and teasers about the sparrow

Introduce the little ones to the popular chants that speak in a chant when they see sparrows on the street. Say it rhythmically:

Sparrow, sparrow!
Don't chase pigeons!
Don't peck the sand
Don't be dumb sock!
A sock will come in handy
On a spikelet of oats.

Not all children understand what the words “don’t dumb sock” mean in this call. Therefore, ask the kids why it is impossible for the sparrow to "blunt his nose - sock" and explain what the sparrow's beak was called with this word. And the beak is still useful for him to peck the grains of oats.

The first time say the cry yourself, and then the baby can finish talking for you last words in a rhyme: “Will it come in handy for an oatmeal sock ...? (Spikelet!) "

Vorobyov was teased like this:

Peck, peck hemp!
Crack - food
Bring the hemp!

Chio, chio, phew-pew-phew!
Chiki-tweet! Chew-whose-chew!
The rank of rank is greater! The rank of rank is greater!

Another nursery rhyme about a sparrow for the little ones, the reading of which is accompanied by the movements of the baby's hands

The sparrows flew into the garden (we wave our hands).
They ask: “Whose peas? Whose peas? " (head turns left-right)
Dima (child's name) says: “My peas! My peas! " (showing with palms at yourself)
The sparrows say "Chivi-chivi-chivi!" (head turns left-right)
Dima says: “Shoo! Shoot! " (warding off movements with palms)
Sparrows: "Prrrr! We flew and sat on Dima's head! "

Sparrow riddles

1. This little bird
Wears a gray shirt
Picks up crumbs quickly
And escapes from the cat.

2. I catch bugs all day,
I'm eating worms.
V warm edge I don’t fly.
I live here under the roof.
Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!
I am seasoned ... (sparrow)

3. Mischievous Ivashka
Gray shirt.
Rides along the tracks
To seeds and crumbs.
In the cold and in the heat
Rides around the yard.
Not afraid of the cold.
Swimming in a puddle.

4 this gray bird
It nests in people's yards.
Gray feathers outfit.
Eyes - beads shine.
Jump and jump and "chik-chirik"
Fussy and small.
Rash crumbs and do not regret it!
Who will pick them up?

When do they say that? Famous folk expressions about the sparrow.

Ask your child to guess the meaning of these expressions. Explain to your child when we use these expressions and what they mean. Think of situations in your life that these expressions fit.

  • Laughing like a sparrow (frozen, shriveled)
  • Sparrow knee-deep (about a very shallow stream, puddle, river)
  • Shooting sparrow - experienced, seasoned
  • They make noise like sparrows in the rain (make noise, chatter incessantly)
  • The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won't catch it!
  • Time is not a sparrow, if you let it go, you won’t catch it!

Stories about a sparrow for children.

Without words (N. Sladkov)

- What are they, fools, afraid of me? - asked Lucy.
- Who's afraid of you? I asked.
- Sparrows.
Sparrows were jumping in the park. Lucy threw them crumbs, and they flew away in fear.
- Why are they flying away? - Lucy was surprised.
The girl asked me a riddle! Indeed - why? I didn’t think about it before: they are afraid and afraid. That's why they are wild birds. But the girl wants to feed them, the sparrows are hungry, but they fly away.
- Why are they afraid of me? I never offended them! - says Lucy.
“It's not your fault,” I reassure her.
- Who is to blame?
- We are to blame. Everything, everything. Some - because they always offended the birds, others - because they allowed them to offend.
- But why offend them? After all, they are small ...
“Nothing,” I said to Luce. - Throw and throw them crumbs, and they will understand that you are their friend.
- Do you think they will understand?
- They will certainly understand! After all, they understood that they had to save themselves when stones were thrown at them.
“I’ll tell them that I’m not throwing stones, but crumbs!”
- You don't need to say anything, Lucy. They will understand without words.
- Without words? And I thought they were fools! - said Lucy.
The birds understood Lucy.

Sparrow (Evgeny Charushin)

Nikita and dad went for a walk. He walked, walked and suddenly hears someone chirping:
- Chilik-chilik! Chilik-chilik! Chilik-chilik!
And Nikita sees that this is a little sparrow jumping along the road. Such a crumpled one, just like a ball rolling. Its tail is short, its beak is yellow, and it does not fly away anywhere. Apparently, he still does not know how.
- Look, papa, - Nikita shouted, - the sparrow is not a real one!
And dad says:
- No, this is a real sparrow, but only a small one. It must have been a chick that fell out of its nest.
Then Nikita ran to catch the sparrow and caught it.
And this sparrow began to live in our house in a cage, and Nikita fed him flies, worms and a roll of milk.
Here is Nikita's sparrow. She screams all the time - she asks for food. What a glutton! A little in the morning the sun will appear - he will chirp and wake everyone up.
Then Nikita said:
“I’ll teach him to fly and release him.
He took the sparrow out of the cage, put it on the floor and began to teach.
“You flap your wings like that,” Nikita said and showed with his hands how to fly.
And the sparrow galloped off under the chest of drawers.
We fed the sparrow for another day. Again Nikita put him on the floor to teach him to fly.
Nikita waved his hands, and the sparrow flapped its wings. The sparrow has flown!
So he flew over the pencil.
Here it flew over a red fire engine. And as he began to fly over an inanimate toy cat, bumped into it and fell.
“You’re still flying badly,” Nikita tells him. - Let me feed you for another day.
He fed, fed, and the next day the sparrow flew over Nikitin's bench.
I flew over the chair.
I flew over the table with a jug.
Only he could not fly over the chest of drawers - he fell down.
Apparently, we still need to feed him.
The next day Nikita took the sparrow with him to the garden, and there he released it.
The sparrow flew over the brick.
I flew over the stump.
And he began to fly over the fence, but bumped against it and fell.
And the next day he flew over the fence.
And flew over the tree.
And flew over the house.
And completely flew away from Nikita.
That's how great I learned to fly!

Sparrow. M. Gorky

Sparrow- the bird is amazing! He lives next to us, helps us, in the morning he meets us with his songs. I would be glad if chants, poems, stories, tales about a sparrow will please your kid and help him to love our smaller brothers.

You can read more about the sparrow and other wintering birds:

And at the end of this article, I would like to suggest that you and your children watch the kind cartoon "Disheveled Sparrow" based on the fairy tale of the same name by K. Paustovsky.


"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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