Home Helpful Hints Analysis of the poem “You and I are stupid people. Nikolai Nekrasov - You and I are stupid people: Verse

Analysis of the poem “You and I are stupid people. Nikolai Nekrasov - You and I are stupid people: Verse

We are with you stupid people:
What a minute, the flash is ready!
Relief of an agitated chest,
An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry
Everything that excites and torments the soul!
Let us, my friend, be angry openly:
The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

If prose in love is inevitable,
So let's take a share of happiness from her:
After a quarrel so full, so tender
The return of love and participation ...

Analysis of the poem "You and I are stupid people" by Nekrasov

The personal life of N. Nekrasov was rather strange and caused constant ridicule and gossip in society. The poet in his youth fell madly in love with A. Panaeva, who at that time was already married. Nekrasov was able to achieve reciprocity and from 1846 he lived in the same house with his spouses. Such an unusual development of the novel often led to violent quarrels and scandals. Both lovers were very quick-tempered people, so any little thing was enough for the next conflict. However, these disagreements were always temporary, after each quarrel, reconciliation quickly came. In 1851, Nekrasov wrote a poem "You and I are stupid people ...", in which he described his difficult relationship with Panaeva.

Nekrasov immediately gives an apt definition of himself and his beloved - "stupid people." That is how they were perceived by the surrounding society. After all, Panaeva's husband was well aware of their love relationship, which took place in his house. Therefore, he, too, can be called a "stupid person." In the 19th century, such a relationship was simply unthinkable. But Nekrasov does not seem to care too much about how his novel is perceived in society. He explains the "stupidity" by excessive irritability ("What a minute, then the flash is ready!"). He confirms that the cause of a serious conflict is "an unreasonable, harsh word." The poet was tormented by jealousy and often arranged stormy explanations. Panaeva, feeling right, did not answer. In their hearts, they could tell each other a lot of superfluous things.

Nekrasov after five years of the original life together already had experience in such relationships. Therefore, he turns to his beloved with a request not to keep irritation in himself, but to immediately express what has accumulated in his soul. He encourages her to "get angry openly." The longer the anger builds up, the stronger and longer the scandal will be. If you let it splash out more often, then reconciliation will come faster. Probably, the constant presence of her lawful husband led Nekrasov to such a thought. It is unlikely that the lovers spoke openly about their relationship with him. Hidden life led to forced silence. frank conversations began when the lovers were alone.

Nekrasov is even grateful to quarrels (“prose of love”), because after them reconciliation always comes, emphasizing the strength of mutual feelings.

The poet, even in lyrical works, strove for a real depiction of reality. The poem "You and I are stupid people" is an example of Nekrasov's love lyrics. It reflects the author's deeply personal experiences.

You and I are stupid people analysis of Nekrasov's poem according to plan

1. History of creation. The autobiographical poem "You and I are stupid people" (1851) was dedicated to A. Panaeva, his common-law wife. Falling in love with no memory married woman, the poet sought reciprocity for about a year. Responding to Nekrasov's feelings, Panaeva did not divorce her husband. Soon the poet moved to the Panaevs' apartment.

Society strongly condemned the enigmatic " love triangle". Nekrasov was painfully jealous of his beloved woman, which served as a source of constant quarrels. This difficult situation is described in the work "We are stupid people."

2. Genre of the poem- love lyrics.

3. Main theme works - the inconstancy of love relationships. Nekrasov calls himself and his beloved woman "stupid people." Despite the great passion, their relationship is constantly "hanging by a thread." The slightest insignificant reason for a serious quarrel is enough ("flash is ready!"). Lovers for "relieving ... breasts" will bring down an avalanche of reproaches on each other, which they will later regret bitterly.

In order to avoid the repetition of such scenes, Nekrasov turns to Panaeva with a request not to accumulate discontent and anger in himself. He encourages her to immediately express all her experiences, thereby relieving her soul and freeing her from torment. "Let's ... be angry openly," says the author. He means that it is easier to hear and endure one rebuke than to take the matter to family scandal. Usually after such quarrels there was a very tender reconciliation.

Nekrasov and Panaeva each time seemed to start their romance anew. The poet admits that "prose in love is inevitable," but he tries to benefit from it as well ("let's take ... a share of happiness"). "Return of love" he believes the best award for the incredible torment of a quarrel.

4. Composition of the poem consistent.

5. The size of the work- three-foot anapaest with cross rhyming.

6. Expressive means . Nekrasov focuses special attention on the quarrel, describing it with epithets: "agitated", "unreasonable, sharp". The metaphors used are very touching: "relief ... of the chest," "prose in love." The first and second stanzas are very emotional, which is emphasized by exclamations. The third, on the contrary, acts as a reconciling final conclusion of the author. The ellipsis at the end means the achievement of the long-awaited peace between lovers.

7. Main idea works lies in the fact that even between passionate loving friend other people quarrels will be inevitable. A reasonable person will try to understand the cause of the conflict in order to avoid its repetition. In the case of Nekrasov and Panaeva, the source of the quarrels was known to the whole society. Contemporaries noted that the instigator of the scandal was usually the poet himself, suffering from jealousy.

His lover was a rather independent person. She could not bear the accusations and insults silently. In any case, Nekrasov is sure that the love relationship will be smoother if there are no secrets and secrets left between him and Panaeva from each other. A calm, confidential conversation on any topic is the key to the stability of love.

The poem “You and I are stupid people ...”, written in 1851, like other works of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, does not have a melodramatic coloring. It is addressed to real woman, beloved of the poet, Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva. For a long sixteen years they were connected not only romantic relationship, but also joint activities in the Sovremennik magazine.

The heavy, quick-tempered nature of the poet and the ambiguity of the relationship with Panaeva are reflected in the first line of the poem, where the author calls the lyrical heroes "stupid". He explains this by the fact that quarrels and disagreements flare up in their relationship every minute. However, the author perceives these moments of life together not as something destructive, but rather as a relief for the soul. At the same time, the poet does not focus on the angry words spoken during the quarrel.

On the contrary, he appeals to his beloved with a call to speak, not to hold back negative emotions inside, to throw out everything that worries. Nekrasov sincerely believed that calm everyday life did not make life easier, he recognized that quarrels were necessary because they were an adornment of routine life. The lyrical hero, in the process of reflection, pays Special attention the fact that after a stormy quarrel there always comes a sweet reconciliation. And, since life is impossible without disagreements and violent quarrels, only benefit should be taken out of them, because only during such outbreaks does an understanding of each other occur, loving people begin to show more participation to their other half.

The history of the poem

Joint activities in the Sovremennik magazine, founded by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, led to the fact that in 1845 old friends, Nekrasov and Panaev, bought the publication. The poet's fateful acquaintance with Panaev's wife, Avdotya Yakovlevna, took place long before that, at one of the poetic evenings. She was a very beautiful, educated and talented young woman, the owner of a literary salon. Many cultural figures sought the favor of the beauty, among them was Nekrasov. Panaeva long time rejected a 26-year-old fan, explaining that she did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings.

The personal relationship of the poet and Panaeva was not distinguished by calmness and regularity. Contemporaries noted many quarrels that arose almost from scratch. The reason could be a careless glance or an accidentally dropped word. It was after one of these disagreements that the poem “You and I are stupid people ...” appeared. In addition to this work, the "Panaevsky cycle", which critics recognized as a masterpiece, includes other poems and stories. Them hallmark are deep reflections on feelings, love, everyday life.

Throughout the year, the poet sought the attention of Avdotya Yakovlevna, even rented an apartment next to the Panaevs' house. After a joint trip to Kazan, where the lovers explained their feelings to each other, the two families began to live under the same roof, which caused public discontent. However, young people in love were satisfied with this situation. Despite the fact that relatives, acquaintances and even closest friends turned their backs on the writer, he experienced a true sense of happiness.

Ivan Panaev was a lover of women and had a reputation as a rake. He did not pay attention to his wife from the first year of their life together. But the church did not give permission for divorce married couple so there was no other choice. Civil marriage Nekrasov and Panaeva took place under the same roof with her official husband, which led to numerous quarrels and scandals arising from the poet's jealousy.

In fact, all the participants in this drama were her hostages.

Despite the ambiguity of the position, teamwork above literary works and in the editorial office was very fruitful, which united young people. At the same time, Avdotya served as a proofreader in the magazine and, at the same time, was the poet's muse. In 1848, Nekrasov came up with the idea of ​​writing works together. In those days, this was the first attempt at joint creativity, which did not arouse enthusiasm in the literary community. However, the lovers discussed general idea, decided on the plot and the creation was written.

Their first novel "Three Countries of the World" won positive reviews critics, was popular and helped Sovremennik stay afloat, filling up with material from issue to issue. The second joint work, Dead Lake, did not have such success, since Avdotya Yakovlevna worked on it almost alone, Nekrasov was completely immersed in editorial concerns.

In 1849, the couple had their first child. But the boy, named Ivan, was very weak and died after a few weeks. Perhaps that is why by 1855 relations between Nekrasov and Panaeva began to subside, but they continued to live in the same house. The couple broke up in 1863, shortly after the death of Ivan Panaev.

Women of Nekrasov

Throughout his life, Nikolai Alekseevich had three long novels. The first one, who left an indelible mark on the poet's soul, was with Panaeva. Despite the difficult breakup, the writer kept her image in his soul all his life and even mentioned it in his will.

In 1864, Nekrasov made a three-month trip abroad. He was kept company Native sister poet, Anna Alekseevna, and the Frenchwoman Selina Lefren. The actress of the Mikhailovsky Theater had a calm and easy character, which attracted the writer very much. Their relationship can be called rather cool, but Nekrasov was pleased with the rare meetings. In 1867, they again go abroad, however, Selina has not returned from it. In the summer of 1869, Nekrasov improved his health for a month on the French coast. But first he went to Paris, where he met with the actress again.

The only official wife of the writer was a simple peasant girl Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova. At the time of their first meeting, she was 23 years old. Nekrasov was almost twice her age. Sincere admiration for the talent of the writer, memorization of his works flattered the author. In order to supplement the meager upbringing and fill in the gaps in cultural life, Nikolai Alekseevich took the girl to exhibitions, theatrical performances, taught her to read and write, languages. The only thing that haunted the writer was the name of the chosen one. Nekrasov considered it too simple and replaced it with a more attractive one, Zinaida Nikolaevna.

Nekrasov's acquaintance with future wife occurred in 1870, and in 1875 doctors diagnosed him with a fatal disease, intestinal cancer. Being in a state of strong emotional oppression, the author writes "Last Songs". Perhaps the news of his imminent death, or perhaps the sincerity and sincerity of the work allowed critics to attribute it to the best that came out of Nekrasov's pen.

The wedding with Zinaida took place a few months before the death of the writer, in 1877. Already after the funeral, the Nekrasov family accused the girl of selfish motives and took away all the property, including the results of dying creativity.

Composition of the poem

The work consists of three stanzas, each of which has its own emotional coloring:

The first stanza does not contain a single verb, therefore it evokes a feeling of static, inaction, it describes the current situation and literary heroes;

The second stanza is filled with verbs imperative mood, encourages the heroine to act here, the reader can see a clear indication that the beloved is an ordinary earthly woman, with flaws and a complex character, but from this she is even more beloved by the lyrical hero;

The third speaks of the expectation of reconciliation and subsequent happiness, it is philosophical in nature, explaining the role of quarrel in everyday life.

The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." is written in three-foot anapaest, to give melody to the stanzas, the author used feminine rhyme, that is, the stress on the last syllable.

The main idea of ​​the poem is that quarrels and discord should be present in every life, as they bring sharp emotions to love relationships and lead to violent reconciliation.

Facilities artistic expressiveness in the work are used with great care. It is thanks to this that after reading the impression of participation in a real life situation remains.

/ / / Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "You and I are stupid people ..."

Nikolai Nekrasov's poem "You and I are stupid people ..." can be safely attributed to love lyrics poet. It saw the light in 1851 during a stormy romance between the author and Avdotya Panaeva.

The attitude of the two young people caused heated discussion and censure among acquaintances and friends. And this is not surprising, because Avdotya was a married woman. Moreover, Nekrasov moved to Panaeva's house, where he lived under the same roof with her legal husband. Roman Nicholas and Avdotya lasted 16 years, which resulted in the birth of a baby. Unfortunately, the child lived only a few weeks.

After the death of the baby, the relationship of the lovers began to cool and eventually stopped altogether. main reason parting Nekrasov considered the atmosphere that prevailed in the house of the Panaevs. Constant quarrels, scenes of jealousy eventually did their job. The poet describes what is happening simply: “What is a minute, then the flash is ready!”.

Surprising was the fact that everything that happened did not affect the work of the trinity in any way. At this time, Nekrasov and Panaev were working on the revival of the Sovremennik magazine, and Avdotya was the owner of a literary salon, where lyric evenings were often held and the literary color of St. Petersburg gathered. With the participation of Panaeva, Nekrasov creates his own "Panaev cycle" of works, which includes not only poetic works, but also the stories of the poet and writer.

Returning to the poem "You and I are stupid people ...", it should be noted that the first notes of parting are already traced in it. So, quarrels between lovers could break out of the blue. Nekrasov was terribly jealous of Avdotya for his lawful spouse, which led to scandals with breaking dishes.

The poet says to his beloved: “Speak, when you are angry, everything that excites and torments your soul!”. He believes that you do not need to keep everything in yourself, you need to talk about it and then the soul will be easier. This will help to avoid ridiculous quarrels.

But, despite this, Nekrasov believes that quarrels are an inevitable phenomenon. In their absence, life will become insipid and dry. Quarrels bring a certain zest to the relationship between two people, because after reconciliation, feelings of love flare up with renewed vigor.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a prominent figure in Russian literature of the 19th century. It is he who is considered the main successor of the cause of the romantics - Pushkin and Lermontov. This poet is a master of the artistic word - he masterfully mastered all lyrical genres - poems, poems, elegies. Of course, for many inquisitive readers, Nekrasov is the author of "folk poems", in which he skillfully conveyed the bitter fate of the peasants and general injustice, but this is only one of the facets of his talent. He is also an unsurpassed lyric poet.

“You and I are stupid people” is a stunning lyric poem by Nekrasov, written in 1851. The history of the creation of this work is closely intertwined with the love story of the author. Nikolai Alekseevich loved Panaeva, a married woman, tried in every possible way to achieve her location. Secret meetings, attempts to keep the relationship in the strictest confidence were unsuccessful, and in 1846 something unimaginable happened - the poet began to enter the Panaevs' house as a lover, that is, Panaeva, her husband and Nekrasov himself lived in the house.

Of course, such cohabitation was actively discussed in secular society, put up for general discussion, which could not but anger the lovers. It was from 1846 that Nikolai Nekrasov began to quarrel with Panaeva and came to the conclusion that to describe this phenomenon, to try to explain the nature of quarrels and their meaning.

Genre, direction and size

From the first lines it becomes clear that the poem can be safely attributed to love lyrics, because, speaking of lovers, there can be no other feeling than love. Nekrasov continues the tradition of romanticism, but also depicts shades of realism in his own lyrics, filling it with ordinary mundane sketches.

The poem is written in three-foot anapaest using cross rhyme (ABAB). Literary critics have already agreed that it is the anapaest that is the best of the syllabo-tonic sizes, capable of conveying lyricism and sensuality of mood. lyrical hero, due to the rather non-dynamic alternation of stressed syllables.

Images and symbols

The lyrical hero and his beloved - that's all characters lyric work. Both of them love each other, but their temper makes itself felt in outbreaks of quarrels. The author calls himself and the chosen one stupid people, giving this adjective a completely harmless meaning. He is touched by the ability of each of the lovers to instantly ignite with anger and immediately fade away.

It is also worth noting that in love lyrics there cannot be a motive of love, a romantic feeling between a man and a woman. The motive of the quarrel is the backbone of the poem, which was the reason for writing the work.

Themes and mood

The main theme of the poem is the passionate relationship of lovers. The writer masterfully conveys the tension between them - "the soul excites and torments." Nekrasov does not describe the phenomenon of a quarrel very tragically, he is sure that this is inevitable, therefore, one must treat the quarrel philosophically - as a test of relationship for strength.

There is another theme in the poem - the theme of reconciliation of lovers. The poet does not paint a picture have a nice day for a couple, the reader can only guess how much it will be good for the two of them, because the question that it may suddenly happen that the lovers do not reconcile is not even worth it.

Of course, all these micro-themes are parts of the main theme, love. Relationships between a man and a woman are a natural phenomenon that develops dynamically, so there will always be ups and downs, quarrels and reconciliations.

Main idea

The main idea of ​​the poem is that a quarrel is a natural period in a relationship. loving people. To reconcile, you need to express emotions. Although this moment is sharp, but the stronger the feeling of love after a quarrel.

Means of artistic expression

The poem is small in volume, so it is not replete with epithets and metaphors, but they still have a place to be.

“An unreasonable, harsh word” is a very figurative epithet that conveys the attitude of the lyrical hero to the nature of the quarrel. The hero is aware that the conflict is a stupid and impulsive act that cannot be taken with the utmost seriousness. Fighting is an emotion.

"Prose in love" is a popular metaphor for writers that describes dullness and everyday life, and sometimes negative aspects love.

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