Home Natural farming Biography of Fedor Emelianenko. Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko: short biography, sports career, awards and titles. The best fights of Fedor Emelianenko

Biography of Fedor Emelianenko. Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko: short biography, sports career, awards and titles. The best fights of Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor Emelianenko is a Russian athlete, four-time world champion in mixed martial arts - MMA in heavy weight according to Pride FC version, two-time according to RINGS version, two-time according to WAMMA version, four-time world champion and nine-time Russian champion in fighting sambo.

Emelianenko is also an honored master of sports in sambo and an international master of sports in judo.

Biography of Fedor Emelianenko interesting in that in the period from 2003 to 2010 he was internationally recognized by the most famous sports media as the best heavyweight MMA fighter.

In the same period, in the lists of the best fighters, regardless of weight category Emelianenko held the leading position, being in the top three, and was recognized by most experts as the best MMA fighter in the history of sports.

Fedor owes much of his colossal popularity to personal qualities, since regardless of success, he was always extremely modest and respectful of his rivals.

The fighter's nickname is "The Last Emperor".

Right now you can familiarize yourself with the features of Emelianenko, his personal life and sports achievements.

So, before you is the biography of Fedor Emelianenko.

Biography of Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko was born on September 28, 1976 in the city of Rubezhnoe, Luhansk region, Ukrainian SSR.

His father, Vladimir Alexandrovich, was a simple welder, and his mother, Olga Fedorovna, was a teacher at the school.

Fedor has older sister Marina (b. 1974) and two younger brothers - Alexander (b. 1981) and Ivan (b. 1988).

Childhood and youth

When little Fedya was 2 years old, his parents moved to and settled in the city of Stary Oskol. There they lived in a small communal apartment.

At the age of 10, Fedor began attending the judo and sambo section, where he trained under the guidance of Vasily Gavrilov. According to the recollections of many friends, the future champion is all free time paid.

Fedor Emelianenko (right) as a child with his brother Alexander

He did not miss a single workout, and sometimes even stayed overnight at the gym.

When did he have to look after younger brother Alexander, he took him with him to training. In the future, Alexander will also become a professional athlete.

Young Fedor Emelianenko with his brother in his arms

After a year of hard training, the ability and perseverance of Fedor Emelianenko was noticed and offered to go to the class of Vladimir Voronov.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the school. In 1994 he received a red diploma in electrician.

1995 to 1997 Fedor Emelianenko served in the ranks Russian army... There he continued to train hard, and even managed to gain more than 20 kg of muscle mass.

In 2003 Fedor entered the faculty physical culture and sports of the Belgorod State University.

In the same educational institution the athlete completed his postgraduate studies, receiving a diploma in 2009.

Professional sports

Immediately after the army, Fedor Emelianenko became the winner of an international tournament in Kursk, and received the title of Master of Sports in judo and sambo.

In 1998 he took first place at the most prestigious international tournament of class "A" and became the master of sports of international class in Russia in sambo.

In the same year, Fedor becomes the champion of Russia and receives "bronze" in two Russian championships at once - in judo and sambo.

The following year brought Emelianenko a victory in the Moscow sambo tournaments of the international level. He won "bronze" in international class "A" tournaments (Sofia).

In the late 90s, Fedor moved to MMA, choosing a Japanese organization called "Rings" for cooperation. Under the auspices of this organization, Emelianenko fought 11 fights, losing only once.

Failure overtook the athlete in the final bout, when the opponent (Tsuyoshi Kosaka) inflicted a forbidden elbow on Fedor Emelianenko. As a result of the double dissection, the fight was stopped by the doctor's decision.

In 2000, the fighter began to intensively study boxing techniques under the guidance of Alexander Michkov. At the same time, Fedor joined the Russian Top Team.

In 2001, he became the Rings champion and then was invited to Pride, the most prestigious MMA organization of the time.

It was here that Fedor Emelianenko spent the best fights in his biography, since the top fighters of all countries were in this organization.

Among the rivals defeated by Fedor were Sammy Schilt, American Heath Herring, Brazilian Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, who had previously remained undefeated for 6 years.

In 2004, Emelianenko had especially many bright victories. First, he defeated Mark Coleman, then Kevin Randleman, and on the last day of December, he met Nogueira for the second time in the ring and confidently won the fight, confirming his champion title.

In 2005, a battle took place against the most dangerous enemy in the Japanese period of his career - the Croat Mirko Krokop. This fight will be called one of the best in the biography of Emelianenko.

After the bankruptcy of Pride in 2006, despite rumors that Emelianenko would fight in the famous American octagon, the athlete chose M-1 Global.

During this period, the biography of his battles became much less, which was compensated for increased attention to Fedor at home.

The fight with the representative of Korea Choi Hong Man, height 218 cm, ended with a bright victory for the Russian fighter. Then Fedor Emelianenko became the WAMMA champion, having won a magnificent victory in less than half a minute over Tim Sylvia.

The athlete defended his new title in 2009, sending the Belarusian Andrei Orlovsky to the deepest knockout.

The expected event was the signing of a contract with Strikeforce, according to which Emelianenko was obliged to conduct three fights. In the first fight, the Russian athlete won a brilliant victory over Brett Rogers.

But two other meetings - with Fabrizio Werdum and Antonio Silva - ended in defeats for him. This is how the great fighting era of Fedor Emelianenko, who was called the Last Emperor, ended.

After the defeats, Fedor began to talk about a possible retirement.

However, at the end of 2011, he confidently defeated Jeff Monson, and a few months later had a successful fight with Pedro Rizzo. After the fight with Pedro, he announced that he would leave the ring.

And although Emelianenko's fans were upset by this news, everyone understood that the peak of the great athlete's career had already passed.

Moreover, his biography was marked by so many outstanding victories that he, in any case, forever inscribed his name in world sports.

Nevertheless, on July 14, 2015, Fedor Emelianenko, unexpectedly for everyone, officially announced his intention to return to big sport... The return of the Last Emperor took place in a duel against the Indian fighter Jaydeep Singh.

Personal life

The first wife in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko was the girl Oksana. He met her in the pioneer camp back in school years... Then Fedor was at a sports training camp, and Oksana was a pioneer leader.

When they started serious relationship, the girl waited for Fedor from the army, and in 1999 they already got married. In the same year, Oksana gave birth to a daughter, Masha.

Fedor Emelianenko with his wife Oksana

7 years later, in 2006, the couple filed for divorce. What exactly caused this decision is not officially known, since Emelianenko does not like to talk about his personal life.

In 2007, Fedor Emelianenko and his girlfriend Marina had a girl named Vasilisa. In 2009 they got married and had another daughter, Elizabeth.

However, in 2013, the athlete broke up with Marina and reunited with his first wife. In 2014, they underwent a church wedding ceremony.

Fedor Emelianenko is a very religious person. In his interviews, he repeatedly mentions God, and his words "All the will of God" acquired cult significance among the fans of the athlete.

In 2012, Emelianenko was elected the first president of the created Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia, and in 2016 he was re-elected for a second term.

Fedor Emelianenko and Vladimir Putin

During presidential elections 2018 was a confidant, about whom he has repeatedly spoken out in the most positive terms.

Fedor Emelianenko today

At the time of 2018, Fedor Emelianenko continues to perform. He is a member of the sports organization Bellator MMA. After returning to the sport, he has 4 wins and one loss.

Biography of Emelianenko, as well as his personal and sports achivments inspire many young athletes.

The most attractive thing about Fedor's personality is that, despite his worldwide fame and universal love, he continues to remain an extremely modest and simple person.

He wears discreet clothes, and considers money "an opportunity to help loved ones."

An interesting fact is that many outstanding fighters and famous champions gave the most positive assessments of both Fedor Emelianenko's personality and his sports qualities.

Mike Tyson generally called Emelianenko his idol, saying that he is "always smaller than an opponent and always comes out the winner" and that "he fights too long in the era of doping drugs and giant rivals."

Knowing sports biography Emelianenko cannot but agree with this.

In the end it's worth telling interesting story associated with Emelianenko. The fact is that once, back in 2009, he arrived at an event in a funny sweater.

Initially, no one attached importance to this conspicuous thing. However, when he appeared in this sweater for several years, fans of the athlete gave him the name "The Great Sweater of Absolute Victory."

Fedor Emelianenko (in an absolute victory sweater) and Bellator President Scott Cocker

Fedor himself answers the question about the sweater simply, saying that it is just clothes, and he does not attach any importance to it.

An interesting fact is that in 2018 the sweater became so popular that it was put up for auction.

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The Emelianenko brothers are familiar to all fans of such sports as boxing, sambo, hand-to-hand combat. The eldest of them, Fedor, achieved the highest results. And what do we know about the youngest representative of the star troika - Ivan?

Ivan Emelianenko: biography, family, photo

In one of the simplest Ukrainian families, three real heroes were born and raised. The eldest is Fedor, the middle one is Alexander, and the youngest, according to all the fabulous rules, is Ivan. The brothers have an older sister, Marina.

The mom of these guys worked as a teacher, and dad as a welder. When the family moved to Stary Oskol, they found themselves in a really deplorable situation: they were allocated a room in a communal apartment, where they had previously dried clothes, so that everyone can imagine its size.

A large family had no choice but to huddle and live in such conditions as they are, after all, to build a house or buy larger apartment they had no funds.

The eldest of the brothers was the first to attend sports sections, including martial ones. He worked hard, and soon Alexander followed his example. Ivan Emelianenko, whose biography eventually developed in the same area as that of the brothers, long time didn't want to follow them.

About Ivan

The youngest Emelianenko was born in 1988. The age difference with the brothers was significant, so the boy grew and developed separately from them. He was not attracted gym, but he was not predisposed to science either. Therefore, after leaving school, he nevertheless began to develop in the field of sports, having entered the St. Petersburg University at one of the sports faculties.

In the future, Ivan Emelianenko became closer and closer with his brothers and began to stubbornly engage in boxing and sambo. He decided that serving in the army would also benefit him, and voluntarily came to the military registration and enlistment office.

After completing the service, Ivan receives the title of Master of Sports in Combat Sambo and hand-to-hand combat, but does not want to develop further and go into professional sports. The brothers try hard to influence their relative, being one of the best trainers, but the guy remains at the amateur level in boxing.

Fedor explained the fact that Ivan Emelianenko does not become a professional by the fact that he is simply not ready either mentally or physically for fights with professionals. He will not be allowed until they understand that they can be released into a professional ring.

Alexander did not begin to talk about his brother getting ready, but honestly called his brother a lazy person. He said that with his physical characteristics and professional brothers, if you want, you can become a boxing star. He himself is personally ready to make a serious opponent out of the boy, but he simply does not want to overwork. But professional sports is a constant work on oneself.

Ivan's victory

Ivan Emelianenko, biography, best fights which are presented in this article, has nevertheless been a success for some time.

His most productive competition was the hand-to-hand fighting championship in St. Petersburg. The competition was held in three rounds, and Ivan won in each of them. He deservedly won the first two thanks to more scored points, and in the third he knocked out the opponent. It was here that Ivan received the title of MS in hand-to-hand combat.

In the future, the guy received many offers from Korea to participate in professional fights without rules, where he could get good popularity and earnings. But Ivan Emelianenko saw himself only in sambo, so FMS Korea received rejections.

Security business

Ivan found himself in another area. He took up private security and set up his own agency. This business brings a man not only a lot of income, but also real pleasure.

It turned out that the younger Emelianenko did not want to use the big names of his brothers to build a career, and he found his own direction without resorting to the help of Fedor and Alexander.

In general, they have a very close-knit family. V last years Emelianenko brothers were united by a common grief, they lost their father. Now all three successful sons take care of their mother, whom they love immensely.

Despite all the disastrous situations in which the family once was, the children were able to achieve heights in this life, not to take the path of criminals in order to get money. The mother and father of these guys deserve a low bow and gratitude from all of Russia for raising such sons, no matter what.

The brothers want to say: full speed ahead! Don't stop there!

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko - famous athlete, which, in addition to fights without rules, also became famous for his successes in judo and sambo. He comes from the usual a large family... He began to study martial arts late, but this did not become an obstacle to success. He provided all novice athletes with very accurate tactics of fighting.

Of this famous person respected by many rivals, because he does not humiliate them, but, on the contrary, accepts them as equals. He does not boast of his fame and often does charity work. Also, this man is very religious and, among other things, does not drink alcohol.

Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Emelianenko

When Fedor became famous in the field of MMA, fans of fighting without rules began to show interest in the athlete, and, therefore, wanted to know what his height, weight, age was. How old Fedor Emelianenko is is not a secret. His date of birth is publicly available.

Now the famous wrestler is 41 years old. He is a bright and principled person who knows how to respect his opponents and adequately meets any difficulties on his way.

With an increase of 183 centimeters, Fedor Emelianenko weighs as much as 104 kilograms. But it is not excess weight but, on the contrary, a real mountain of muscles. And this ratio of weight and height is just ideal for participants in fights without rules.

Biography and personal life of Fedor Emelianenko

The biography and personal life of Fedor Emelianenko are public information.

Study oriental martial arts the future champion started at the age of ten. He did great in school, but really did his best only in training. After graduating from a sports university, Fedor went to the army. Returning from which, he went in for sports professionally, because he already had the title of master of sports in martial arts.

But in the turbulent nineties it was difficult to make money on sports, so Emelianenko switched to fights without rules, where he began to play as part of the Japanese Rings team. Of the twelve fights, he lost only one.

In 2001, he received the champion title and moved to the Pride club.

Fedor does not consider his personal life stormy. The man himself calls himself monogamous. All his life he loved only one woman and realized this only after the divorce. But in the end they are back together.

Family and children of Fedor Emelianenko

The family and children of Fedor Emelianenko, according to him, are of great importance in the life of an athlete. His two main tenets are family and religion.

In the life of Fedor, there were two women who gave him four beautiful girls. Of course, due to the busy schedule and frequent training, the man does not spend much time with his children, but he undoubtedly loves them very much.

The athlete spoke quite little about his three girls, and therefore not much information is known about them. As for the last daughter, absolutely nothing is known about her - no name, no birthday.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Maria

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko, Maria, is the firstborn and, undoubtedly, the desired and expected child, whom the athlete's first wife gave birth to, back in 1999.

As soon as Mashenka went to school, her parents divorced, which was a huge shock for the girl. But Fedor and his wife made a very correct decision, showing the baby that they saved friendly relations between themselves. And the mother did not try to limit the communication between father and daughter.

Now Maria is 17 years old, she is finishing school. She is by nature very active, sociable and creative person who does not suffer from lack of attention and is always surrounded by friends.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Vasilisa

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko, Vasilisa, is eight years younger than her half-sister, since another woman named Marina gave birth to the girl to Fedor. Vasilisa was illegitimate child... But nevertheless, it is worth considering the fact that Fedor, without any evasions, immediately recognized the girl as his own daughter.

Rumor has it that he left his first wife precisely because of Marina's pregnancy. The girl is growing up very talented, active and athletic. She goes to regular school and is a good student. Another baby just loves her daddy. He often watches his fights and how he signs autographs for fans.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Elizabeth

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Elizabeth - was born in 2011 in the second marriage of an athlete. The girl grows up as a very active and bright personality. He loves sports and does not mind sometimes fighting with his father, albeit in a comic battle.

Previously, the girl went to the studio child development and attended an elite kindergarten... Now little Liza went to first grade. The baby loves to spend time with her father and does not pay attention to the disagreements between him and her mother. Among other things, Lizochka is very fond of her half-sister and she likes to play with her and spend time. In spite of everything, the girls grow up friendly.

The ex-wife of Fedor Emelianenko - Marina Emelianenko

The ex-wife of Fedor Emelianenko - Marina Emelianenko - entered the life of a wrestler when he was married. Marina was an old friend of Fedor and it was because of her that the man's first family fell apart.

After all, there is no other way to explain the fact that after a divorce from his wife Oksana, he almost immediately got along with Marina, who very soon gave birth ex-friend girl. Marina is a non-public person, so she never appears at social events.

Marina took care of the house and the children, creating all the conditions for her husband to have a good rest after training and fights. The wedding took place after the birth of the second baby, but the marriage had to be dissolved several years later.

Fedor Emelianenko's wife - Oksana Emelianenko

Fedor Emelianenko's wife, Oksana Emelianenko, has known her husband since high school. They met in one of the pioneer camps. Fedor was then at a sports training camp, and Oksana was a pioneer leader.

The romance was fast enough. Oksana was waiting for her lover with army service, and later went with him to all competitions and helped to heal wounds. The couple got married in 1999, but their marriage broke up seven years later, because Fedor cheated on his wife.

It was a shock for everyone that, after several years of living with his second wife and the birth of two more daughters, Fyodor eventually returned to Oksana.

The last battles of Fedor Emelianenko watch online

You can watch the last fights of Fedor Emelianenko online either on thematic sites on the Internet, or on open video hosting services like Youtube. Videos, where Fedor Emelianenko fights against such strongmen as Andrei Orlovsky, Jaydeep Singh, Dan Henderson, Matt Mitrion and Tim Sylvia, are especially popular among MMA fans.

In addition, you can find all these videos in highest quality... Most sites support the ability to download videos of fights to a computer or memory card, so that later, for convenience, view them on a phone or tablet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Emelianenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Emelianenko have existed for a long time in in full... All of these resources comprehensively consider not only sports career men, but also his personal life, and all famous biography... Everything related to his childhood, parents and so on. Fans in particular will love a large number of information about training or lost fights, as well as those where Emelianenko won. Affected, in particular, all of Fedor's activities, which do not relate to sports. Namely - cinematography, politics and advertising.

On Instagram, the athlete shares personal photos with subscribers. Article found alabanza.ru

Fedor Emelianenko (Emelianenko Fedor Vladimirovich, "The Last Emperor", " The last Emperor») - an outstanding Russian mixed martial arts fighter; multiple world champion in MMA according to the versions "PRIDE" and "RINGS"; Honored Master of Sports, seven-time champion of Russia and four-time world champion in combat sambo; international master of sports in judo.

Fedor Emelianenko was born on September 28, 1976 in Ukraine, in the city of Rubezhnoe, in the family of a welder, Vladimir Alexandrovich, and a vocational school teacher, Olga Fedorovna. Fedor became the second child in the family after his older sister Marina (born 1974), and then two more sons were born to the Emelianenko couple - Alexander (born 1981) and Ivan (born 1988). In 1978, the family moved to the Belgorod region, to the city of Stary Oskol, which became a home for Fedor, which he would not leave, even becoming a famous athlete.

At the age of ten, Fedor begins to practice sambo and judo under the guidance of coach Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov. A year later, Emelianenko is enrolled in a sports class formed by coach Vladimir Voronov. After leaving school, Fedor entered a vocational school, which he graduated in 1994 with honors, specializing in electrician. In 1995 he was drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces, where he served first in the fire brigade, and then in the tank division. In the army, Emelianenko did not stop playing sports, however, due to the specifics of military service, he was mainly engaged in general physical training. After completing his service in 1997, Fedor won the title of master of sports in sambo, and two months later he won an international tournament and became a master of sports in judo.

In 2000, Fedor began boxing under the leadership of Alexander Michkov. In the same year he became a member of the Russian Top Team, which he left in 2003 and transferred to Vadim Finkelstein's Red Devil Fighting Team. Fedor began his professional career as an MMA fighter in the Japanese organization "RINGS". Under her auspices, from 2000 to 2002, Emelianenko fought 11 fights, becoming a two-time RINGS heavyweight champion. In 2002, Fedor left RINGS and moved to the Pride Fighting Championships, where a year later, in 2003, having defeated Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, he became the PRIDE FC heavyweight champion. During next year Emelianenko meets Nogueira twice more - one fight is declared invalid due to the cut received by Fedor, and the last masts put everything in their places and Emelianenko adds the Pride Heavyweight Grand Prix 2004 champion belt to the PRIDE heavyweight title.

After the bankruptcy of Pride Fighting Championships and the transfer of the organization's assets to Zuffa, the parent company of the UFC, Fedor, despite lengthy negotiations with the overseas promotion, refuses to continue his career in the Octagon. Instead, Emelianenko signs a contract with a young Russian organization"M-1 Global", and over the next three years, won four early victories, running under the banner of promotions such as Yarennoka, Affliction and Strikeforce. Defeating Hong Man Choi, Tim Sylvia, Andrei Arlovski and Brett Rogers, Fedor unexpectedly suffers his first undisputed career defeat in the Strikeforce / M-1 Global: Fedor vs. Werdum tournament in June 2010, losing to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu master Fabrisio Werdum, "triangle" in the first round. Seven months later, Fedor Emelianenko returns to the cage in the first round of the Strikeforce Heavyweight Grand Prix, and suffers another sensational defeat in a duel against another Brazilian, Antonio "Bigfoot" Silva. In July 2011, Fedor made another attempt to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of his fans, and faced the veteran of PRIDE and Strikeforce, Dan Henderson, to whom he lost by knockout in the first round and ended his performances under the banner of an overseas promotion.

After that, Fedor Emelianenko closes three defeats with a streak of three victories, recording fights with Jeff Monson, Satoshi Ishii and Pedro Hizzo, and announces the end of his fighting career.

In 2012, Fedor Emelianenko was elected President of the MMA Union of Russia.

Childhood and family of Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor was the second child of four and was born into a working class family in the city of Rubezhnoe in Ukraine. He has two younger brothers and an older sister. My father worked as a gas electric welder, and my mother taught at a local vocational school.

He was only two years old when the family left Ukraine for Russia and settled in the city of Stary Oskol. There they were forced to live as a large family in one room in a communal apartment for a long time.

Fedor Emelianenko. The best fights.

In the section where the guys were engaged in martial arts, Fedya signed up at the age of ten. He began training with Vasily Gavrilov in the judo and sambo sections. Often he came to training with his younger brother Sasha, whom he had to look after. Later, Alexander also became a famous professional athlete.

After a year of successful studies, the boy was offered to go to a special sports class, which was completed by Vladimir Voronov. The novice athlete did not stop training even after school, when he entered the city vocational school. He graduated from college with only A's, having received the specialty "electrician". From that time on, he decided to play sports on professional level... In 1995 he was drafted into the army. Being purposeful person, he continued his continuous training there, increasing muscle mass during the service by more than twenty kilograms.

The beginning of the career of a boxer Fedor Emelianenko

After serving, Emelianenko participated in sambo and judo competitions. At the same time, he managed to show excellent technique and excellent results.

In the nineties it was impossible to earn money by sports, and there could be no question of becoming a bandit. During this period, the athlete moved to MMA, choosing the Japanese organization "Rings". He went through twelve battles, losing only once and then, due to a double cut, received as a result of a forbidden elbow blow from an opponent. He received this cut in the final fight, thus dropping out of the fight. However, in 2001 Fedor nevertheless became the Rings champion.

Takeoff of a career, the best fights of Fedor Emelianenko

After the results shown in Rings, they noticed Emelianenko, he received an invitation from Pride. There they were shown top scores... The athlete himself believes that he had his best fights at Pride. First there was a fight with Sami Schilt, an athlete from Holland, which ended with Fedor's victory. He then defeated an American named Heath Herring. The third rival was a very strong athlete, an experienced fighter and a favorite. It turned out to be Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. The Russian athlete won over him as well. It is known that for six years, Antonio could not defeat any athlete.

The best knockouts of Fedor Emelianenko

2004 was very successful for Emelianenko, which consisted of a series of incessant victories. First, he won a victory, having met with Mark Coleman, then there was a victory over Kevin Randleman, the final was the second victory over Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. So Fedor reaffirmed his Pride championship title. Initially, the judges had to interrupt the fight with Antonio, as both fighters had a cut due to a head collision. The battle continued on the last day of December.

This was followed by a number of not the most illustrative fights, but the athlete proved himself to be a purposeful fighter, defeating Mark Hunt, who was one of the contenders for the Pride championship title. Fedor, almost at the very beginning of the fight, received a broken toe, but managed not only to end the fight, but to emerge victorious from it. This was at the end of 2006. Since Pride soon went bankrupt, the athlete remained its permanent champion forever.

Fedor Emelianenko at M-1 Global

Despite the fact that many experts and fans expected that after the bankruptcy of Pride, the athlete would start performing in the American octagonal ring, which is also called the “cage”, he chose M-1 Global. It is known that Fedor is a co-owner of M-1 Global.

Emelianenko's fights became much less, but attention at home to him increased significantly. The fight with the giant athlete Hong Man Choi, representing Korea, ended with the brightest victory in his career.

One of the undefeated UFC fighters made a defiant statement on television, in which he said that Emelianenko was afraid to fight with experienced athletes. So the fight between Fedor and Tim Sylvia took place. After the victory, the Russian became the WAMMA champion. Already in 2009, he had to defend this title in a fight with an athlete from Belarus. It was Andrei Orlovsky. The Belarusian possessed excellent technique, and at first it seemed that Fedor was greatly depressed by this fact. Despite this, Emelianenko won, sending Andrey to the deepest knockout.

Signing a contract with Strikeforce has become a welcome and long-awaited one for fans. According to the contract, Fedor had to conduct three "cell" battles. The first fight was with Brett Rogers. The Russian won the victory easily. Unfortunately, the second and then the third battles ended in defeat for him. His rivals were Fabrizio Werdum and Bigfoot (his real name is Antonio Silva).

The decision to end his career in boxing, Fedor Emelianenko today

After these fights, Emelianenko spoke about the fact that, probably, he should stop his sports career. However, later his fans were able to see and rejoice at more than one of his victories.

In November 2011, Fedor defeated an athlete equal in strength and technique. His rival was Jeff Monson. Vladimir Putin, who had come to cheer for the Russian, personally congratulated him on his victory.

Fedor Emelianenko VS Jeff Monson

In the summer of 2012, Emelianenko met with Pedro Rizzo. He managed to win already in the second minute of the first round, knocking out his opponent. After this fight, he announced his retirement.

Personal life of Fedor Emelianenko

With Oksana, who later became Fedor's wife, the young man met at a sports training camp, as a schoolboy. The girl was waiting for him from the army. The wedding took place in 1999. They had a daughter, Masha. Fedor divorced in 2006.

At the end of 2007, the athlete and his longtime girlfriend Marina had a daughter. The girl was named Vasilisa. In the fall of 2009, Emelianenko married a second time, and a year later Marina gave birth to a second girl, Elizabeth. Marina did not like to attract the attention of the press. She took care of children and home. The athlete always rested at home between fights.

In mid-2013, the athlete divorced his second wife. He again returned to Oksana, with whom they were married in the church in February 2014.

Fedor Emelianenko - Frank Mir (2018)

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