Home Useful Tips Endless qualitative or relative adjective. Classes of adjectives

Endless qualitative or relative adjective. Classes of adjectives

The adjective is the finest and most expressive part of speech. It describes the signs of any objects, phenomena or actions. All of them are divided into groups depending on their meaning. Qualitative are such adjectives that describe those features that objects can possess to one degree or another. Possessives fix the belonging of an object or person. And, in turn, relative adjectives mean constant signs of things.

It is about this type of this part of speech that this article will narrate.

Relative adjectives: what is it?

The science of the Russian language defines this category. Relative adjectives are a category of the specified part of speech that shows the signs of an object through its relation to something. Moreover, they cannot manifest themselves in a greater or lesser degree, it is impossible to apply comparison forms to them. In addition, relative adjectives inherently cannot have synonyms or antonyms. Another of their features is that they cannot be combined with the adverb "very", and also do not have short form... In phrases, such adjectives are easily replaced by the corresponding nouns. An example can be given: a city dweller is a city dweller. Sometimes, relative adjectives can turn into qualitative ones.

This happens if these words are used in figurative meaning(golden character, velvet paws).

Described features

Relative adjectives are based on a specific object in relation to which the property is manifested. For example, wood is wooden, tin is pewter, summer is summer. The signs described by such adjectives can refer to the material from which this or that item is made (chintz dress), to certain persons ( parent-teacher meeting), to the place (suburban house), to the time ( winter night). Also, such parts of speech can be abstract (romantic walk). Action relationships can also express relative adjectives. Examples of this: ironing board, reading room... Finally, relative adjectives can also be derived from numerals (double jump).

Distinctive features

Due to their specificity, relative adjectives are always formed from other parts of speech. Therefore, their distinctive features are often special suffixes. Let's consider the most common ones. The first suffix is ​​-sk-. An example of its use is an adjective such as April, formed from a corresponding noun. The next types of "relative" suffixes are such parts of the word as -ov-, -ev-. It was with their help that such adjectives as aspen and role were formed. And, finally, other suffixes used in such cases are -an- and -yan-. They are contained, for example, in words such as linen, sandy.

in their semantic structure, they combine possessive and proper relative meanings. They are formed from the names of people and animals using the suffix (-y, -ya, -ye; -yi): the enemy is the enemy, the hunter is the hunter, the old woman is the old woman, the fisherman is the fisherman, the man is human, the widow is the widow, the falcon is falcon, deer - deer, cow - cow, dog - dog, calves - veal.
These adjectives do not express the individual characteristics of persons and animals, but their characteristic properties (generic characteristics): hare tracks, bear Paw, boar's face, cow's udder. However, they can denote the properties of a particular person or animal: the fox hid in the tea. Soon, in the bushes, we noticed a fox muzzle, looking at us with curiosity. Along with this, the relative meaning "cooked, made from something" easily develops in them: bear coat, fox collar, fish fat etc. Many possessive adjectives they also have qualitative meanings: crayfish eyes, disservice, wolf's law, ravenous appetite, maiden memory, etc.
Another large group possessive-relative adjectives make up formations with the suffix -in (s). The production base for them is only the names of animals. In addition to the possessive meaning, these adjectives also have relative and qualitative meanings: duck soup, chicken bouillon, donkey stubbornness, cocky fervor, aquiline nose, swan song, etc.

More on the topic § 85. Possessive-relative adjectives:

  1. 6.15. Categories of adjectives by meaning and grammatical properties (qualitative, relative, possessive)
  2. 15. History of nominal forms of qualitative and relative adjectives in the Old Russian language. Possessive adjectives and their history
  3. 6.18. Possessive adjectives and features of their formation
  4. The theory of relativity has confirmed the conclusions of philosophy regarding the presence of a deep connection between space and time

An adjective is a significant part of speech, which, unlike, does not mean a process, does not name an object (like a noun). The adjective enters into certain syntactic and morphological connections with the noun, defining their qualitative features.

In contact with

What are adjectives for?

No adjectives speech activity, literary creation impossible to imagine. Describing an object or phenomenon, adjective gives him full description, reveals quality, highlights distinctive features.

It's hard to describe what a day could be without using adjectives.

When describing a day, adjectives give it a certain emotionally colored characteristic. The day can be warm, cold, boring, interesting, ordinary, difficult, lucky, sad, funny, special, etc.

Take the word morning. Consider what morning is like when you describe it with adjectives. It can be gloomy, sunny, summer or winter, autumn, spring, rainy and cloudy, frosty, cold or warm.

Depending on the adjective, noun-thing can be personified, look bright, lively, animated.

Attention! Translated from Latin, the term adiectivum means "adjacent", "adjacent". The meaning fully characterizes this.

The adjective is closely related with a pronoun or noun. Here it is appropriate to recall the explanation of Mitrofanushka from the famous comedy of Fonvizin. The "undersized" argued that the door is adjective because it is applied "to its place." Despite the grammatical nonsense regarding "fit", there is a certain logic in Mitrofanushka's reasoning.

Classes of adjectives

What is an adjective in, you can define its lexical and grammatical features.

How do you define a quality adjective?

Qualitative denote quality, properties, signs. They answer the question what? which? which? and point to:

  • Color - blue, purple;
  • Shape - oval, square;
  • Options - low, wide;
  • Temperature - hot, warm;
  • Weight - heavy, light;
  • Size - tiny, huge;
  • Sound - shrill, weak;
  • Space - left, far;
  • Physical and intellectual properties - smart, healthy;
  • Character traits - arrogant, kind;
  • The general characteristic is negative, reliable.

Important! Qualitative adjectives are words that characterize objective signs, inherent in this or that object, living being, phenomenon.

Relative answers the same questions as quality. Indicates:

  • Material - iron, wood;
  • Purpose, properties - foldable, mobile;
  • Status - military, civil;
  • Time - morning, evening;
  • The unit of measurement is one-story, two-meter;

Possessive indicate the belonging of an object to another person (animal), answer whose question? whose? whose?:

  • Grandma's table;
  • Fathers jacket;
  • Squirrel hollow;
  • Cat bowl.

Sentences with adjectives will help to consider the role of this part of speech in the descriptive characteristic of quality. Let's study examples of combinations with the word "estate":

  • Big homestead is a quality adjective denoting a certain size. Answers the question which?
  • Landowners manor - possessive adjective indicates belonging. Answers the question whose?
  • Wooden manor is a relative adjective denotes material and answers the question which?

Important! The meanings of all kinds of adjectives are expressed in morphological categories of gender (masculine / feminine / neuter), cases, and number (singular / plural)


Borrowed nouns of foreign origin, passing into the Russian language, they agree with adjectives in case, gender, number, while not changing the form. For example: In the bedroom there were new beautiful blinds.

The concept of what happens jury, give adjectives: the jury can be city, local, school, strict, incorruptible, etc.

Attention! Sentences with adjectives combined with loan words show changes.

Foreign words remain static:

  • I ended up in clean coupe.
  • There was a cup on the table hot coffee.
  • There were new breeches.

Variety of quality

The real polyphony of signs can be expressed by evaluative adjectives.

Let's take the word "forest". What is it like if you use adjectives to characterize it?

The forest can be green, deaf, young, old, mysterious, dense, dense, fabulous, mysterious, distant, etc.

Evaluative adjectives are able to interpret a feature by generalizing it. Examples of evaluative interpretations:

  • Rationality (harmful, useful);
  • Quality (good, bad);
  • Emotionality (satisfaction, pleasure);
  • Communication (agreement, disagreement, approval, etc.).

Important! Evaluative adjectives are quality adjectives, which carry a special, generalized semantics of quality.

  • Useful class, "Live" food (rationality);
  • Fiery speech, fabulous landscape (emotionality);
  • Filthy sidewalk, spoiled product (quality);
  • Friendly a meeting, closed person (communication).

Evaluative adjectives play big role in the language. Depending on the meanings, they are used in colloquial everyday speech, business, literary, media.

Qualitative or Relative?

Having found out what adjectives are, you can consider their differences.

How to determine which adjective is qualitative, and which is relative or possessive? What is an adjective will help determine the meaning of the word and its grammatical properties.

Consider what a morning is like by describing it with adjectives.

  1. The morning seemed cold. (qualities)
  2. Morning autumn brought coolness. (rel.)
  3. Petino the morning started unsuccessfully.

In the first example, it is a quality attribute (temperature). Qualitative adjectives able to give comparative characteristics: yesterday morning colder; with amoe cold morning this week. They give shades of quality: reduce properties or enhance. For example: the water seemed coldish... In addition, adverbs are formed from them: cold, Beautiful etc.

In the second case - adjective relative... It carries constant feature... It differs from the qualitative one in that it does not provide a comparison. This is not to say that tomorrow morning will be more autumnal. In addition, these adjectives can be replaced with phrases: autumn leaves- autumn leaves, autumn signs - autumn signs.

In the third example possessive adjective Petino means belonging. Answers whose question?

Qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives

Russian 6 Categories of adjectives Qualitative adjectives


The specificity of the nature of adjectives is especially clearly manifested in the Russian language, revealing the richest variety of its semantic properties.

In a sentence, an adjective is most often a definition, but it can also be a predicate. Has the same case as the noun to which it refers.

Categories of adjectives[ | ]

Discharge is the only constant morphological feature this part of speech. There are three discharge adjectives: qualitative, relative and possessive.

Qualitative adjectives[ | ]

Designate a feature that can be more or less.

As a rule, they have the following signs:

  • combined with the adverbs "very" (and its synonyms) and "too" ( very big, too beautiful, extremely smart).
  • from quality adjectives it is possible to form
    • complex adjective by repetition ( tasty, tasty, big-big).
    • cognate adjective with a prefix not- (not stupid, ugly).
  • have the antonym ( stupid - smart), and sometimes the hyperonym ( big - huge)

Some qualitative adjectives do not meet all of the above criteria.

Most quality adjectives, and only they, have two forms: full ( clever, tasty) and short ( smart, tasty). The full form varies in number, gender and case. The short form is only by gender and number. In a sentence, the short form is used as a predicate, and the full form is usually used as a definition. Some quality adjectives do not have a short form ( friendly, good-natured). Others, on the contrary, do not have full form (glad, much, must, must)

Possessive adjectives[ | ]

Designate the belonging of an object to a living creature or person ( paternal, sisters, fox). They answer the question "Whose?", "Whose?". Possessive adjectives can pass into the category of relative or qualitative: hare (possessive) hair, hare (quality) soul, hare (relative) trace.

General information [ | ]

The boundaries of the lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives are flexible. Thus, possessive and relative adjectives can acquire a qualitative meaning: dog tail(possessive), dog pack(relative), dog life(quality).

Declination of adjectives[ | ]

Adjectives are declined in cases and change in numbers, in singular also vary by gender. The exception is short adjectives and adjectives in comparative: they don't bow down. In addition, there are a number of non-declining adjectives: Komi people, khaki, gross weight.

The gender, case and number of the inflected adjective depend on the corresponding characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Non-declining adjectives are usually found after the noun, their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: blazers beige.

  • solid: red th, red Wow, red oh
  • soft: syn ui, syn his, syn him
  • mixed: big Oh, great Wow, great them.

Formation of adjectives[ | ]

Adjectives are most often formed in the suffix way: swamp - swamp. Adjectives can also be formed in a small, prefixed, and suffixed way: underwater... Adjectives are also formed in a complex-suffix way: flaxseed... Adjectives can also be formed by adding two bases: pale pink, three-year.

The adjective is an independent part of speech, which denotes a feature of the object that is being discussed in the sentence. The adjective answers the questions Whose? or Which? For example: red (rose), huge (territory), iron (shovel), mother's (car).

The adjective is associated with a noun, and is consistent with it, that is, it changes in cases, gender and numbers. Examples: Interesting story (masculine), interesting book (feminine). Interesting stories ( plural), interesting story(singular).

Qualitative and relative adjectives

There are two types of adjectives: qualitative and relative adjectives. Qualitative adjectives always indicate the qualitative characteristics of the object, as well as the attribute that the object may have to a greater or lesser extent. Examples of good adjectives: tasty, strong, beautiful, small, tall. From such adjectives, we can create a degree of comparison: more delicious, very beautiful, very small.

Relative adjectives indicate the relationship of one thing to another. Relative adjectives very often indicate the material from which the item is made. For example: iron bed, china tableware.

Relative adjectives indicate the state of an object at a particular point in time. For example: winter day, evening sun, morning work-out... In this case, adjectives are formed on the basis of the noun: morning - morning, winter - winter.

The category of relative adjectives also includes possessive adjectives. Such adjectives indicate the belonging of one object to another person (or object). For example: sister's brooch, father's car, bear den.

Full and short adjectives

Qualitative adjectives are divided into the following subtypes: full and short adjectives. Examples of full adjectives: handsome, kind, young. From such adjectives, we can create short adjectives, shortening the word, which does not change its essence. Examples: handsome, kind, young.

Full adjectives in a sentence, as a rule, act as a definition. For example: Beautiful house stood at the edge of a thicket. Brief quality adjectives in a sentence are usually predicates. For example: The breeze is fragrant and fresh.
Relative adjectives are never short.

It should be remembered that short adjectives that are masculine and whose stem ends in hissing letter, are spelled the same way as nouns male- without adding soft sign in the end. For example: skinny, good, fresh, hot.

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