Home Fruit trees Performing qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints. Morning exercises for older women and men, a set of exercises for joints and spine

Performing qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints. Morning exercises for older women and men, a set of exercises for joints and spine

Qigong gymnastics for joints and spine is a popular healing technique from Eastern healers. In the East ethnoscience was always on high level. Healers' recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries and are highly valued by descendants.

Principles of gymnastics

Qigong is an effective ancient technique against arthrosis. It was invented in China more than 7 thousand years ago to restore human health and prolong life. Healing gymnastics has gained great popularity around the world due to the simplicity of the exercises that even older people can perform.

Qigong gymnastics is similar to physical therapy, but its complex includes exercises aimed not only at physical tension, but also at relaxation and concentration. internal energy. The methodology covers 4 areas:

  • medicinal;
  • meditative;
  • preventive;
  • combat.

A set of exercises can be performed both to prevent diseases and during illness to maintain the functioning of the spine and joints. Besides, physiotherapy is aimed at normalizing blood pressure and blood circulation, cleansing blood vessels, increasing immunity, removing nervous tension, fatigue, headache.

Smooth, unhurried movements and uniform breathing relax the muscles, increase their elasticity, and increase tone. The set of exercises does not require physical overexertion from a person. Gymnastics is performed at a comfortable pace with the range of movements that a person is capable of, which leads to a state of complete peace of mind and harmony of body and spirit.

Exercise is suitable for treating many diseases. But what is the effectiveness of qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints? The spine is the core of everything musculoskeletal system. Without proper joint function, a person would not be able to move at all. They are closely connected with the spine by the work of muscles. Muscle spasms and hypertonicity are important components of any processes occurring in the joints and spine.

At muscle spasm the normal functioning of many areas is disrupted human body. Therefore, it is so important to relax the muscles, which is what qigong exercises are aimed at.

Set of exercises

For pain in the spine and joints, there are practically no contraindications for practicing Chinese gymnastics. Qigong will not bring results in cases of severe exhaustion, serious injury, or inflammation of the joints of the legs or arms. But the exercises are effective for osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, problems with posture, protrusion, minor spinal injuries, and muscle weakness.

In addition, qigong will help improve the health of older people, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, move little, or engage in heavy physical labor.

Qigong includes 18 therapeutic and health-improving exercises aimed at improving the health of various internal organs. However, for the treatment of the spine and joints, it will be optimal the following types exercises that are performed in a standing position:

  1. Tilt your head so that your chin touches the jugular cavity. Place your arms down, put your feet together and do not bend your knees. Lean forward smoothly and slowly as low as you can. Unbend smoothly too; jerking and sudden movements can injure your back.
  2. Spread your arms out to the sides. Slowly turn your shoulder girdle to the right and then to the left.
  3. Place your feet together and raise your arms above your head. The hands can be clasped and turned palms up. Smoothly tilt your torso forward at a right angle. Stay in the bent position for a few seconds.
  4. Extend your arms forward perpendicular to your body. Slowly lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips. If flexibility allows, then when bending over, you can rest your palms on the floor. You can't bend your legs. You should return to the starting position smoothly and slowly.
  5. Stand straight, bring your legs together. Bend one leg at the knee and pull it up, trying to bring your knee to chest level or touch your chin. Then smoothly straighten your leg. When performing this exercise, you can support your leg with your hands.
  6. Spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your legs one at a time, trying to reach your palm with your toes. Try not to bend your knees.
  7. Place your hands behind your head, bend your elbows and clasp your fingers. Rise up on your toes and try to slowly pull your entire body up until you feel a stretching sensation in your spine.
  8. Place your hands behind your head again and interlock your fingers. Slowly tilt your torso to the right and left, rocking slightly. Legs should remain straight. Stay in the tilted position for 2-3 seconds.

Execution conditions

To achieve positive results in short time, should be adhered to certain rules when practicing qigong gymnastics:

  1. Exercises are performed regularly at least 3-4 times a week. Then in a month painful sensations will decrease in the area of ​​the spine, elbows and knee joints.
  2. The set of exercises is performed in full; selective training cannot be done.
  3. You need to start with simple exercises, and end with the most difficult ones. It is better not to change their sequence throughout the entire training complex.
  4. When compiling a set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the presence various diseases. If you cannot choose exercises on your own, you can consult a specialist.

Physical training must be combined with breathing exercises, otherwise the result will be incomplete.

Proper breathing during exercise ensures a constant supply of oxygen to the internal organs. Whereas without breathing technique a person uses only 1/3 of the volume of his lungs, and qigong turns into ordinary aerobics, after which one feels tired instead of relaxed.

For pain in the joints and spine, slow breathing is suitable, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with equal intensity. You need to breathe with your stomach, not your chest. The body is in upright position, as you inhale, the stomach moves forward, and as you exhale, it deflates. Air enters the lungs through the nose.

Exercises for joints differ from joint exercises in the same way as morning exercises differ from a set of exercises. physical therapy. But by and large, any doctor or exercise therapy instructor will advise starting any exercise physical exercise, including the morning gymnastics complex, specifically with warming up (charging) the joints.

It is quite natural that exercise for sore joints is different from warming up for healthy ones. Below are 2 sets of joint exercises.

  • The first one, Wushu whirlwind warm-up, is taken from the practices martial arts. By the way, this charge, but for some reason in reverse order, adopted by “Doctor” Norbekov.
  • The second - joint warm-up Qigong - is not yet very popular, but some of the movements can be found in some health complexes of Dr. Bubnovsky.

Whirlwind exercise-warm-up for joints

Almost all training sessions of professional athletes begin with these exercises, performed in a standing position, as well as physical education classes in kindergartens and educational institutions. We tell you in what sequence and how many times these exercises should be performed so that they become not only “sports warm-up”, but also therapeutic and prophylactic.

Table 1 - Warm-up for the joints of the legs and spine:

Image Description Dosage

Standing on one leg, to maintain balance, spread your arms slightly to the sides, pull the instep of your foot and toes toward you, and then perform the movement away from you, remembering to bend your toes forcefully.

Do not raise your free (working) leg too high, 30-40 cm is enough.

16 counts on each leg:

8 times on yourself + 8 times on yourself

Rotational movements in ankle joints also performed standing on one leg. While performing the exercise, gradually increase the range of motion in the joint. Do not forget to pull your toes as far as possible towards you (when vertical position feet up), and bend them when the foot goes down. 16 times from each leg: 8 times outward + 8 times inward

Initial position- a little bent legs stand apart, rest your hands on your knees, looking down, tilt your head and round your back.
  • Bringing your knees together slightly, stand on the inner surface of the sole.
  • Spreading your knees to the sides, roll onto the outer surfaces of your soles.

During this exercise, do not be too zealous with movements in your knees that are not yet warmed up.

8 times

Exercises for the knee joints begin with asymmetrical simultaneous movements performed from the previous starting position.

First you need to perform circular movements outward and then inward. This order is important for the vortex warm-up of the joints.

8 times out + 8 times in

This is followed by exercises for the knee joint, performed as follows.

In the starting position, you need to connect your legs slightly bent at the knees together. Place your palms on your hips or knees. Look straight ahead, arching your back at the waist.

First, move both knees clockwise and then counterclockwise.

8 times

Exercises for the hip joint are very simple. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands on your waist.

Perform circular movements with your pelvis clockwise and then in the other direction.

During a circular movement, the shoulder girdle should deviate from the vertical axis in the opposite direction from the pelvis by the same distance.

16 times

On a note. Charging for video joints is not very convenient. It’s easier to remember these exercises and perform them to the music. However, when choosing musical accompaniment, you should remember that all movements will be performed smoothly, at an average or slow pace.

Table 2 – Exercises for the shoulder girdle and neck:

Image Description Dosage

Charging for shoulder joint It begins with warming up the wrist, because at the same time, the shoulders are also included in the work, albeit static.

Spread your arms to the sides, clench your hands into fists. Perform simultaneous circular movements with your fists “backward” and then “forward”.

During these movements, try to keep your hands as motionless as possible.

16 times in each direction

Before performing this exercise, shake your hands several times, giving your muscles a rest after warming up your wrists.

Then take the position as in the photo. Very carefully make circular movements at your elbows, moving your forearms (one at a time) back and then forward.

Attention! If you have problems with shoulder joints, then it is better to skip this exercise.

8 times

Exercises for the shoulder joints end with a “classic of the genre” - simultaneous circular movements “backward” and then “forward”. During movement, the arms hang along the body, but to increase the range of movement in the shoulders, they can bend slightly at the elbows. 8 times

This exercise is the final exercise in the vortex warm-up of the joints. You need to rotate your head very slowly, without closing your eyes. The price of ignoring these conditions is dizziness, which may result in fainting.

To strengthen the vestibular apparatus, do all rotations not every other time, but first in one direction and then in the other direction.

4 times

You can finish the whirlwind warm-up, if possible, with “Taoist walking on your knees” (see photo below), which gives an optimal and simultaneous load on all joints.

Joint Qigong exercise

The complex presented above is good for people who monitor their health or have orthopedic pathologies in the initial stages. For patients with stage II-III joint diseases, we recommend performing simple but very effective Qigong exercises for joints.

We do not publish videos in this article, but we provide an explanation for each picture.

Important. Please note that during all exercises, the initial position of the legs is the same - the outer surfaces of the feet lie on the floor, and thumbs connected.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Bring your fingertips together, placing your wrist joints on your hips. Taking a deep breath, raise your shoulders up, trying to touch them to your ears. As you exhale, return to the starting position (IP). Dosage or number of repetitions (KP) – 6-12 times.
  2. Put right palm on the left knee, and left palm to the middle of the back of the head. As you inhale, rotate your torso left side and hold for 2-3 seconds, while holding your breath. Exhaling, return to IP. KP – 6-8 times in each direction, alternating one at a time.
  3. Leaving right hand on your left knee, place your left behind your back and clench your palm into a fist. With the back of your hand, move it up and down the spine several times, and then left and right – at the level of the shoulder blades. Don't forget to do the exercise with your other hand.
  4. In this exercise, the free hand performs massaging circular strokes on the tailbone. KP - 4-6 times in each direction with one hand and then with the other.
  5. Connect your fingertips, press your thumbs to your navel, and spread your elbows straight to the sides. Inhale, inflating your belly, leaving chest motionless. As you exhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible. KP - 3-6 times.
  6. Make fists, hiding your thumbs, and place them on the stomach area. As you inhale, bring your shoulder blades together and tilt your head back, and as you exhale, return to IP, tilting your chin to your chest. KP - 6-8 times.
  7. Place your palms on your stomach and inhale. As you exhale, twist your torso to the left, while touching your chin to your right shoulder. While inhaling, return to IP and repeat the twist in the other direction. KP - 4-6 times in each direction.
  8. Cross your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. While inhaling and exhaling rhythmically, perform circular massaging movements with your palms (8.1). Then massage your elbows (8.2), knees (8.3) and, bending down, your ankles (8.4). KP - 3-6 times clockwise, and the same amount counterclockwise.

Finish the Qigong exercise for joints with several breathing exercises at your discretion. This could be simple deep breaths with arms raised up, several diaphragmatic breathing movements, or a couple of full yoga breathing cycles.

Warning. For people suffering from lumbar hernias, exercise 8.4 is contraindicated. It should be replaced with exercises 1 and 2 from the vortex warm-up of the joints, which in in this case should be performed while sitting.

And in conclusion, we would like to add that joint exercises can be a self-sufficient warm-up for the joints after waking up. However, its implementation does not exempt you from performing a preventive or therapeutic complex of joint gymnastics. It is advisable to do them before or after lunch, with a gap of 1.5-2 hours between main meals, starting with the presented warm-up exercises.

A set of exercises that help develop all muscles and joints human body– this is joint gymnastics. Classes are tailored for people of any age, so children, adults and the older generation can train. Doing the exercises does not require much time, but gives high effect. With the help of gymnastics for joints and muscles, the body is prepared for more intense physical activity.

What is joint gymnastics

These are exercises for joints aimed at strengthening them. There are many proprietary techniques that have proven themselves to be effective ways prevention of arthrosis, arthritis, and other joint pathologies. If joint disease is already present, then gymnastics, if used regularly, will, if it does not help get rid of the disease forever, will alleviate the patient’s condition.

Joint movements are performed without weights and in comfortable mode for every person. As a rule, these are soft, leisurely, pulling movements, twisting, and rotation. All of these exercises can be used daily as core exercise or as a warm-up before any other workout. Regular exercise for your joints will keep them healthy and mobile for a long time.

Benefits of joint exercises

The complex, which consists of simple exercises, is able to provide the necessary physical activity for the body. Therapeutic exercises for joints have many other benefits:

  • the production and composition of synovial fluid is normalized, due to which pain disappears and the range of movements increases;
  • muscles and ligaments warm up well, as a result of which the body becomes mobile;
  • joint training perfectly prepares the body for high-speed efforts, increasing endurance, and lifting weights;
  • classes serve the ideal remedy for the prevention of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • with regular exercise, there is no deposition of salts in the joints;
  • blood circulation improves, joints are supplied with necessary nutrients;
  • the person receives a charge of energy and vigor;
  • Gymnastics helps improve mood, because moderate physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins (hormones of happiness).

Although gymnastics for sore joints is easy, beginners should still start with the simplest, but useful exercises. You should start exercising one hour before bedtime and two hours after eating. It is important to monitor your posture and breathing rate while performing gymnastics. The back should always be kept straight so that it, together with the back of the head, neck, and head, creates a straight line. You need to breathe calmly through your nose. When breathing becomes more rapid, you need to stop, calm down, and relax. After it returns to normal, gymnastics for joint development can be continued.

Those people who suffer from hypertension, hypotension, or joint disease should begin gymnastics carefully, performing movements at a slow pace. Regularity, persistence, and perseverance will help determine results. Average duration classes – 20 minutes a day. Loads must be age appropriate. For children, exercises are more intense than for adults, but shorter in duration. It is recommended to perform exercises starting at the top and ending at the bottom. Much attention should be paid to special movements for the spine and knees.

Joint gymnastics by Norbekov

The essence of Academician Norbekov’s method of healing the body is healing not only the body, but also the soul. A person’s positive attitude, self-confidence, proper load on cartilage, bone tissue, ligaments, and muscles are an excellent combination of factors for the successful treatment of joint pathologies. Gymnastics for joints and spine using the Norbekov method is available to people of different ages. Combining special exercises with auto-training gives excellent results for patients with various musculoskeletal pathologies.

The main difference between Norbekov’s technique and others is that the patient does not passively wait for the treatment to work, but actively participates in his own healing. Revolutionary gymnastics and laziness are incompatible. Norbekov’s method of healing will be beneficial if a person feels joy from movement, maintains good mood, enjoy even the smallest successes. These joint exercises have their own contraindications:

  • recent heart attack, stroke or surgery;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe chronic diseases.

Joint gymnastics by Bubnovsky

The therapeutic and gymnastic complex compiled by Professor Bubnovsky is called kinesitherapy. This is absolutely A New Look to combat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Rehabilitologist Bubnovsky revised and changed the principles traditional medicine, as a result of which he completely abandoned treatment with corsets and pharmacological agents. In his opinion, therapy should be carried out using the body’s own tissues. The gymnastic exercises developed by Bubnovsky strengthen not only the joints, but the entire body as a whole.

All movements involve structures and tissues that become mobile, restoring natural anatomical and functional characteristics. Your own muscle corset is recreated, protecting sore joints and bones from overload. While performing gymnastic movements, blood circulation improves, intra-articular fluid circulates better, salt deposition stops, degenerative changes. The patient's vitality increases and his psycho-emotional state improves.


Joint gymnastics with Olga Yanchuk

Well gymnastic exercises for joints, developed by Olga Yanchuk, is distinguished by a successful synthesis of yoga, stretching, Pilates, and light exercises. However, there are no intricate yoga poses or sudden movements in it. A unique exercise therapy is available for adults and children of any age without restrictions with different backgrounds. The patient must learn to feel every area of ​​his body and maintain balance. The main emphasis is on improving the health of the body.

Olga Yanchuk's exercises consist of blocks, each of which takes from 15 to 25 minutes. At first, the exercises are aimed at warming up the muscles, then gradually all of them are worked out. muscle groups, starting from the neck, ending lower limbs. A lot of time is spent stretching muscles. Smooth, calm movements allow patients with mild to moderate diseases of the spine and joint pathologies to exercise.

Chinese joint gymnastics

And today, ancient eastern practices have not lost their value. An effective technique, which helps restore the human musculoskeletal system, is considered qigong gymnastics for joints. IN Chinese philosophy the concept of "Qi" is Vital energy, the proper circulation of which determines physical and spiritual health. A specific feature of Chinese gymnastics is that the patient does not need to physical activity.

This is a system with the help of which one learns how to create efforts aimed at certain areas of the body and control the process of muscle relaxation. If qigong is done regularly, then:

  • overall health improves;
  • pinched nerves are removed from the roots;
  • stress on musculoskeletal system distributed evenly;
  • is being formed correct posture;
  • pain in joints and muscles subsides;
  • joint mobility improves.

Joint gymnastics Dikul

Rehabilitation gymnastics by Professor V. Dikul is used to treat diseases and recover from injuries of the human musculoskeletal system. It is aimed at daily working out the affected joints, maintaining working muscle tone and healthy joint tissues. Treatment takes place on special simulators. An individual course is selected for each patient, based on general condition health and diagnosis.

The joint exercisers developed by Dikul can also be used at home. All medical complex exercise is divided into two parts. In the morning, restorative exercises are done for the back and leg muscles, and in daytime- For upper limbs and belly. It is important that classes are carried out regularly and that the muscles have a constant load. In the first 60 days, Dikul gymnastics is performed without weights. Then use weight and counterweight.


Amosov gymnastics

Cardiac surgeon Nikolai Amosov is an innovator and author of an exercise system called “1000 movements.” The purpose of the technique is to combat physical inactivity and spinal problems that occur in adults and children. young age. The system includes only 10 exercises, which are recommended to be performed 100 times. If you multiply 10 by 100, you get 1000 movements. You can start small - with 10 repetitions, but add 10 every day. Dr. Amosov recommends combining the complex with daily jogging: either 2 km in 12 minutes, or jogging with acceleration at the final 100 m.

Joint gymnastics Demenshina

Alexey Demenshin, a teacher at the Norbekov Center, has psychological education. He not only successfully conducts lectures, but also developed his own method for restoring joint function. The exercises are simple to perform and can be easily done at home on your own. Regular Demenshin classes help achieve flexibility in the upper and lower spine, normalize thyroid function, and get rid of overweight. In the presence of pathologies musculoskeletal system training is performed exclusively with a specialist.

Joint gymnastics for children

The program developed for young patients is distinguished by the fact that it gives the child the necessary daily exercise for the whole body, strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen, and prevents fat deposition. Therapeutic gymnastics includes exercises that are done in the initial position lying, standing, sitting, affecting all muscle groups. Gymnastics not only strengthens the child’s spine and skeletal system, it gives a psychological effect, charges with vigor, eliminates the blues, and increases activity.


If you think that by regularly doing fitness, you can neglect exercise, then this is an erroneous judgment. High-quality morning exercises within an hour after waking up activates all important organ systems, tones the body and improves immunity. We offer you 11 different videos for morning exercises at home with Olga Sagay.

What are the benefits of regular morning exercises?

But before we get to video review of morning exercises, you need to figure out what the benefits of charging are and why it’s so important to exercise light gymnastics after waking up?

Benefits of morning exercises:

  • Charging helps the body transition from sleep mode to wakefulness mode and activates all physiological processes in the body.
  • Morning exercise helps oxygen saturation all tissues of the body and, very importantly, the brain. This increases concentration and speeds up thought processes.
  • Morning work-out will improve your mood and reduce the likelihood of irritability during the day.
  • Regular home exercise improves performance vestibular apparatus, which means it promotes the development of coordination and a sense of balance.
  • Morning exercises perfectly invigorate, improve performance and provide vitality for the whole day.
  • Exercise increases blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system and brain.
  • Regular exercise helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance to negative influence environment.

As you can see, exercise not only improves your health, but also helps you spend your day as efficiently as possible. You can do morning exercises using videos, especially since now there are a large variety of them offered from various trainers. We invite you to pay attention to exercises at home from Olga Sagay.

Video with home exercises from Olga Sagay

Olga Sagay is the author of the Flexible Body series of programs. However, her videos are aimed not only at developing flexibility and stretching, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole. On her video channel you can find complexes for opening the hip joints, correcting posture, and improving the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. Olga has also created a number of videos for home exercises that can be performed after waking up.

Programs last 7-15 minutes, but you can combine multiple classes or do multiple repetitions of one video if you're looking for a longer timed home workout.

1. Morning exercises for easy awakening (15 minutes)

A gentle practice for awakening will help you feel a surge of strength and energy for the whole day. This video for home exercises is especially useful for improving posture, strengthening the spine and opening the thoracic region.

2. Morning complex “Cheerfulness and Slimness” (9 minutes)

This complex will not only invigorate your body, but also help you gain slim figure. A dynamic video with morning exercises consists of the most popular asanas for toning muscles and strengthening the spine.

3. Effective home exercises - leg warm-up (11 minutes)

If you are looking for a video of morning exercises with an emphasis on bottom part body, then try this complex. The suggested exercises will help you warm up your leg muscles and increase mobility. hip joints. This program can also be performed as a warm-up before the splits.

4. Complex “Awakening” (8 minutes)

A short wake-up routine will improve your back flexibility and correct your posture. Is waiting for you a large number of bending forward and backward, which helps to stretch the spine and restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

5. Morning energy-charging complex (12 minutes)

This video for morning exercises is primarily aimed at warming up and improving the functioning of internal organs. You will find a large number of body rotations, as well as exercises for the flexibility of muscles, ligaments and tendons.

6. Morning exercises “Plasticity, mobility and balance” (9 minutes)

This video for morning exercises at home is aimed at developing mobility of all major joints. The set of exercises is also perfect as joint gymnastics.

7. Morning strengthening complex (10 minutes)

The program is suitable for advanced students. Olga Sagay included strengthening exercises for toning the muscles of the arms, back, hips and buttocks in the video on home exercises. Vertical fold, garland pose, static plank pose with raising arms and legs await you.

8 . Home exercises and stretching for every day (7 minutes)

A short video of morning exercises begins with effective exercises for stretching and flexibility of the spine. Then you will find several exercises for balance and flexibility of the joints of the lower body.

9. Morning complex “Energy and flexibility” (16 minutes)

The video will help you get a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day, as well as increase joint mobility. The first half of the class takes place in a cross-legged sitting position, then you will move to a downward-facing dog position.

10. Complex “Soft Awakening” for beginners (14 minutes)

And this is a video of exercises at home for beginners, which will help improve joint mobility and flexibility of the spine. The suggested exercises will also improve the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles of your body.

11. Exercise for the spine. How to get rid of back pain (10 minutes)

This option for charging at home will help you strengthen your spine, restore the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, and develop flexibility in your back. This video is especially recommended for those who are worried about back pain.

Try all the suggestions morning exercise video or choose the most interesting for you based on the description. Olga Sagai is a true professional in the field of joint gymnastics, developing flexibility and stretching, and relieving back pain. Start exercising regularly in the morning for at least 10-15 minutes, and your body will thank you.

One of the most effective workouts for the joints and spine is the therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky. Soft gentle movements and proper breathing not only restore mobility, but also mobilize hidden forces body, strengthen muscles and cure diseases of internal organs.

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky – professor and doctor medical sciences, who developed a unique rehabilitation gymnastics that saves thousands of patients without surgical intervention. He proved that most health problems are caused by physical inactivity, and that simple workouts, which can be performed even at home, can lead to impressive results.

Based on his knowledge and conducting research together with patients, Sergey Bubnovsky described several techniques aimed at strengthening and developing various parts bodies. For almost every disease there is a separate program aimed at both pain relief and general health.

Indications for training

Most often, gymnastics according to Professor Bubnovsky’s system is prescribed for scoliosis, arthrosis, painful intervertebral hernias, and similar diseases of the spine. Moreover, even during crisis peaks and severe pain, it is not canceled, and it even effectively relieves discomfort.

An adaptive complex of movements is indicated during the rehabilitation period after injuries and operations. Parterre gymnastics is performed on the floor: sitting, lying, on your side, and this allows you to minimize the pressure load on the joints. As a rule, it is done without exercise equipment, so you can practice at home.

For problems with specific joints, it is advisable to start with a general warm-up and then move on to a separate program.

Advantages of the technique

Many years of research in the field of rehabilitation and treatment have shown that when performing daily exercises according to Bubnovsky, there is often no need to take medications for chronic diseases.

For example, joint gymnastics can make you forget about bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, various types depression and many other diseases not directly related to the joints or spine.

Main rules

Health lessons include not only a set of movements, but also some others important points, which enhance the effect and allow the body to gently mobilize all the necessary resources for recovery:

  • Correct breathing- one of the most important factors. It is imperative to learn how to control it when performing movements so that the body receives required quantity oxygen, and at the same time respiratory and vascular system also trained.
  • Slow load buildup. It is always recommended to start with adaptation gymnastics for beginners, and only later, when the body gets used to it, move on to the main movements. At the beginning, the number of movements is minimal, then they constantly need to be increased, bringing them to 10-20 repetitions.
  • You need to have fun doing it. Sergey Bubnovsky considers the patient’s positive attitude to be one of the most important factors in recovery. Turn on pleasant music, do gymnastics with cheerfulness, and think that improvement will soon come.

Attention! During morning exercises for beginners, muscle cramps may appear in the first weeks. This means that previously unused muscles and ligaments are put to work. This is not a reason to panic or stop exercising. Massage the muscle until the cramp goes away, and continue to exercise further, only more smoothly and carefully. After a while the problem will disappear.

First level

If you have never been treated using this method before, have not played sports, permanent basis, or the body is weakened, start with adaptive gymnastics: it will prepare the body for further stress and gently return the muscles and joints to shape. Six exercises are enough, but you need to perform them smoothly, controlling your breathing.

Where to begin:

  1. Lower your buttocks onto your heels. Inhaling deeply, raise your arms and make a circle with them. Exhale. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Adjusting your breathing. We place our palms on the area abdominals. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, pronounce the sound “Pfft!” through closed lips.
  3. Lying on your back, head resting on your hands, bend your knees and move them closer to your buttocks. Imagine doing abs, but only in the basic version, just raising your head and shoulder blades a little. On the way up, exhale, on the way back, inhale.
  4. Stay in the same position with your legs slightly wider. Now lift your buttocks and thighs while bringing your knees towards each other. Inhale - lying straight, exhale - while raising your hips.
  5. The starting position does not change, but the hands lie straight up behind the head. Raise all limbs at the same time, trying to touch your elbows and knees as you exhale.
  6. Lie on your right side with emphasis on your forearm and pull your hips towards your stomach. After completing the required number of repetitions, switch sides.

All exercises of morning adapted gymnastics should be performed 20 times; if it is still difficult for you, do less, increasing the number of repetitions over time. Take your time, breathe correctly, do not try to do something in a jerk. After charging, you should definitely visit, or dive into a cool pool. Cryotherapy (cold) tones blood vessels and reduces pain, if any.

You can watch a training video from YouTube, in which Sergey Bubnovsky shows how to do morning exercises:

We stretch joints throughout the body

If the situation is serious and surgical intervention is required, it is recommended to consult with specialists regarding the selection specific exercises. If you are simply worried about tightness, have periodic pain, or have lost flexibility, you can choose necessary movements(the whole complex includes more than 60 exercises), and do Bubnovsky’s express gymnastics at home in the morning, or supplement it with training in free time

  • For the neck. Articular gymnastics movements are performed while sitting, with a straight back. The complex includes tilting the head to the sides, with fixation for 30 seconds, bending forward, as well as bending back, in this case, in a tilted position, you need to rotate your head from side to side. Place your right hand on left shoulder, and turn your head to the right to stretch the muscles. Fixation in each direction for 30 seconds. This is an excellent exercise for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Next, raise your hands in a lock above your head and turn it from right to left, holding it for a few seconds. We finish the cervical gymnastics by placing our palms on our knees and moving our arms behind our backs, while simultaneously lifting our chin. All movements should be done 5 times in each direction.
  • For the shoulder joint. Reason aching pain There are various changes, problems with ligaments and muscles, sprains. In this case, it is better to consult with doctors and choose exercise therapy, but you can also exercise at home, performing various exercises with dumbbells, from 1 to 8 kg. Warm-up is required, at least in the form of stretching. And then, sitting with a straight back, lift the dumbbells: with your arms bent to your shoulders, straight from your hips, to the sides, behind your head. Change the amplitude, but all movements should be smooth. At first, it is permissible to exercise even without dumbbells. If the pain intensifies, this is normal; the joints will get used to it in 5-7 days. We bring all movements up to 20 times.
  • For knee joints. The movement is primitive, but has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. You don't even have to get out of bed when you're asleep. Lie on your back, legs straight, hands at your hips, palms down. We bend one leg closer to the buttock and slide it down, straightening it. Then the other leg. A total of 25-30 times. Gymnastics is indicated for the kneecaps after surgery and injuries, for arthrosis, osteoarthritis, and inflammation.
  • For herniated spine. Most often a hernia occurs lumbar region, and it is for its treatment that there is effective exercises, quickly giving results. Get on all fours. Now, as you inhale, bend your lower back down, and as you exhale, pull it up. Stretch: Sit on left leg, and pull the right one back, then alternate. Then we do a half-bridge, raising our hips and buttocks as we exhale.
  • For legs and feet, for hands. The joints here work very similarly, which means that the same type of exercises are applicable to all limbs. We stretch away from ourselves and towards ourselves, rotate our limbs, turning our joints, clockwise and counterclockwise. Squeeze your fingers as much as possible and spread them out as far as possible to improve blood circulation.

Women's complex

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is especially useful for the fair sex, as it allows you to maintain flexibility, beauty and health longer. Here are three important exercises for women that should be performed right in the morning, without getting out of bed.

  • Making a half bridge. While lying in bed, remove the pillow, bend your legs towards you, and raise your pelvic area as high as possible, squeezing your buttocks. The exercise prevents and corrects hemorrhoidal congestion and varicose veins, and is beneficial for the internal female organs.
  • Let's suck in the stomach. In the same position, face up with knees bent, place your palm on the abdominal area. As you inhale, stick your stomach out, and as you exhale, pull it in. At least 25 times.
  • "Kitty". Turn over, get on all fours, and while moving, bend all parts of your back, as a cat does, back and forth, stretching the vertebrae. It is very helpful for young mothers with lumbar osteochondrosis.

How quickly will the result be?

There are many reviews about Bubnovsky’s gymnastics online, and people write about different dates, depending on the complexity of its initial state. As a rule, they leave in the first month painful sensations, or they become much lighter.

Confident positive dynamics occur after several months of regular training, then you can simply consolidate the result from time to time.

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