Home Fertilizers How to find a lost thing in the house. Effective conspiracy: find the lost thing quickly

How to find a lost thing in the house. Effective conspiracy: find the lost thing quickly

It would seem how one can lose anything in own home? But many people face such a problem in their lives. The main thing is that this always happens at the wrong time. Just now the keys were in hand, but they are no longer there. You can, of course, wait until the loss is miraculously found by itself. But often people begin to conduct a complete "audit" of the entire premises. The search can take a long time if you do not know how to find lost thing.

Activation of intuition and subconsciousness

Most often, upon discovering the loss of some thing, a person begins to blame himself for absent-mindedness and carelessness. Sometimes this is true, but in most cases people simply do not see where it lies. They look not with their eyes, but with their brains, which receives visual signals and decodes them. But for some reason, access to information remains closed. The most common cause is feeling unwell feeling anxious or tense.

To understand how to find the thing that you lost at home, you need to stop searching for a while and relax. You can just sleep, have tea, or go out and take a walk on fresh air. During such a rest, internal energy human, intuition and subconsciousness are activated, and when he comes home, he immediately remembers where he put the unfortunate loss.

Retrieving your last actions will help speed up the search process. For example, scissors disappeared and the person remembers that last time held them in his hands while in the bedroom. If they are not on the windowsill, then he mechanically left them in another place. V this moment he sits and drinks coffee in the kitchen at the table. Apparently, having heard the sound of a boiling kettle, he hurried to the kitchen and left the scissors in the bedroom.

Numerology search method

You can activate your subconscious using numerology. This ancient science is based on magical properties numbers. A person subconsciously always knows where and what he put. But most people only use 10% of their brain, and information about the lost item is in the remaining 90%... This part of the brain will help to use numerology.

Logically speaking, then inanimate objects there is very little chance of getting lost on your own. There are only three reasons why this happened:

  • the person himself shifted the thing to another place and forgot about it;
  • the object fell and therefore disappeared from the field of view;
  • the thing was taken or shifted by someone else.

People do not remember this or do not know, but their subconscious mind fixes everything completely. With the help of numerology, it is possible to obtain this information from the subconscious.

The principle of operation is simple. You need to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down nine numbers. There is no need to think about it, since there are absolutely no logical rules in numerology. What numbers come to mind, they need to be written down. Next, you need to calculate the sum of these numbers and add 3. The resulting number will be the code of the reason for the loss and its real location. All that remains is to read its interpretation on the Internet and successfully find the lost thing.

Homemade pendulum

Often times, people don't even realize how strong they are. bioenergy field... You can try to find the thing that has long been "hidden" in the house with the help of the power of your aura and a homemade pendulum. This method is most suitable for the owners of large houses and personal plots.

It is not difficult to make a pendulum: you need to tie a piece of strong thread or twine 50 cm long to the ring. Before starting the main search, you should conduct a small test. You need to ask the pendulum a question, the answer to which will be unambiguous, and see if he answered it correctly. If everything fits together, you can start looking for the loss.

First you need to get up and remember what the desired item looks like, why it is needed and wish it a quick return. Then walk slowly from room to room and monitor the reaction of the pendulum. In the place where it strongly begins to sway from side to side and you should look for the loss.

Search manual

For those who often lose different subjects at home, experts recommend using a kind of search methodology. All losses are conventionally divided into several categories:

  • contact, that is, those things that are constantly used in everyday life;
  • items that are used from time to time;
  • items rarely needed for use.

Based on such qualifications, it will be easier for a person to find out how to find a thing that he forgot where he put it. After all, no one will look for a player in the mezzanine, and boots in a kitchen cabinet.

The hardest part to deal with is when the loss is in the first category. Often these are house or car keys, mobile phone, flash drive, headphones. Girls very often forget where they put their favorite ring or earrings. But children often lose diaries and textbooks, but this, of course, is due to a poor grade or unwillingness to do homework. All search methods are useless here, you just need calmly talk to the child and find out the reason why he hid them.

Psychologists say that the first step is to calm down and inspect the usual place for loss. The phone can lie under a blanket or pillow, and a knife in the fork compartment. Just because of nervous excitement, he became "invisible." To calm down, it helps a lot to count out loud from one to a hundred.

House owner brownie

Sometimes the thing is really lost, but it is known for sure that it is in the apartment. This is no longer a joke of the brain, and therefore, in order to find out how to find a missing thing in an apartment, need to use alternative way search... For example, older people often lose their glasses, and in order to remember faster, they say out loud: "Damn, damn, have fun and give it back." And surprisingly enough, the glasses are immediately found.

Since ancient times, people have believed that the true owner of the home is the brownie. He is respected, they try to appease him in every possible way, but if something disappears, they blame him too. The brownie is a big joker and likes to hide money, documents or other necessary things. He especially walks around in new houses and apartments. Until people have completely settled in their new home, the spirit of the house arranges things as it sees fit. Therefore, he should be asked for help in the search.

To find the object hidden by this joker, you need to tie a handkerchief to the chair leg and say: “Brownie, home! Don't joke with me anymore. Give back what you have hidden. " Some people claim that after these words, a thing appears out of nowhere.

And if you bribe the "owner" of the house with cookies and milk, then you can hope that his jokes will stop forever. Although there is no exact guarantee of this.

Rituals with things

An effective ritual for finding a lost item can be performed with various subjects household items. People use these things all the time and do not even realize that they can be used when all the options for how to find lost at home thing. To carry out the ritual will come in handy:

  • handkerchiefs;
  • woolen threads;
  • matches;
  • cups or glasses;
  • consecrated herbs.

The simplest ritual is performed with a handkerchief. In it, you need to whisper the name of the loss three times, and then tie a knot at one of the ends. As soon as the thing is found, the knot should be untied, and the handkerchief should be hidden in a secluded place until the next time.

Cup plot

You can plot a lost thing using a cup or glass. This ceremony is carried out if they believe that the brownie is to blame for the loss. By the way, one must always remember that the spirit of the house cannot be addressed by name. He is the Master and does not like the familiar treatment very much. The order of the ritual is as follows:

  • go to the kitchen;
  • take a cup;
  • sit at the table, and turn the cup upside down and put on the table;
  • read the conspiracy three times.

And the conspiracy is: “Dear Boss. I have lost (name of the loss), help me find it. If you took it and played enough, then give it back. I will thank you. "

After the conspiracy, you need to pretend that the loss is no longer needed and leave the kitchen. It is necessary to do some business, showing with all its appearance that the search is over. If after a while the missing object appears in its usual place, therefore, the brownie heard the request.

Water and matches

One of strong conspiracies a ritual performed with matches and water is considered. As you know, all small evil spirits are very afraid of fire and water. Using this fear, you can quickly solve the problem of how to quickly find a lost thing at home. For the ceremony you need:

  • a bowl;
  • consecrated in the church or spring water;
  • Matchbox.

The ritual is carried out in seclusion in the kitchen. In a bowl of water, you need to throw alternately lighted matches, three times pronouncing the words of the conspiracy: “The demon makes noise, brings darkness, he scares people. He loves jokes and pranks, things you will not find right away. You, objects, are, stand and roll over. Give me back the loss, evil spirits. May it be so". After completing the ritual, they leave the kitchen for a few minutes, and upon their return, the loss is found in the most conspicuous place.

Woolen thread

In many folk tales the heroes find their way home thanks to a ball of thread. With their help, you can find an item lost in the apartment. The order of the ritual is as follows:

Take a ball of thread and stand on the threshold of the room where the missing thing is supposed to lie.

Hold the ball in your left hand, and wind the end of the thread around forefinger right. Restoring the image of the loss in memory, you need to throw a ball, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. It is necessary to do such manipulations until the ball stops. In this place the "loss" also lies.

Spell words:

“Tell the ball where to find the missing thing. Where is my (name of the item) hidden, why is it not in my hands? Roll, unravel, show me the path. The thing is mine, and all the merits are yours. May it be so".

Purple candle

Conduct magic ritual it is possible without any spells. Folk "psychics" endow magic power an ordinary candle purple... If it is in the house, then there will be no problems with the search. Action plan:

  • Before going to bed, light a candle and place it in the center of the room.
  • Looking at the fire, mentally restore the appearance of the missing object.
  • Contact the candle with a request to help find what you are looking for.
  • Finish the ritual with a few minutes of meditation.

At the end of the ceremony, the memory helpfully tells where to carry out further search. And the exact direction will be indicated by the wax flowing from the cinder - the side on which it ran is the clue. This method is only half magical. Meditation and Concentration Play in It important role... Well, the candle works like a lever to awaken the subconscious.

The most powerful ritual

Until now, scientists have not come to an unambiguous conclusion why people have dreams. Some believe that it is the brain that continues to "digest" the information received earlier, while for others dreams - this is a way of communication of the subconscious with a person... If you believe in the latter, then you can find a loss by seeing its location in a dream.

Before going to bed, you need to "order" yourself a dream about the loss. To do this, you need to think about it, draw it on paper and prayerfully ask for help from the Almighty. You can address him with the following words: “God almighty, help! Indicate the rapids where (name of the object) legs have taken! Amen!".

It is believed that after such a ritual in a dream, a person will have a sign... Sometimes it accurate information about where the item you are looking for is located. But it also happens that in the morning only individual images from it will remain in the memory. Light dreams mean that the thing will soon be found, and dark and terrible ones suggest it is better to forget about the loss.

From the description of ways to find a lost thing, we can conclude: all rituals, ceremonies and other attributes are worthless without a person. It has the strength and ability to always do what you want, you just need to try hard.

Each of us loses something in our own home, even if it is perfectly clean. A few minutes ago, we saw a thing, and suddenly, it disappeared somewhere. Or we put something mechanically, and then we can't find it. There is no need to get upset, fall into anger. Better to relax and start looking.

How to organize a search for a missing item

More often, such items are found quickly and always end up in the most inappropriate places: a roll toilet paper lies in kitchen table, bread - in the refrigerator and so on. But even if they are not there, it is necessary to apply the methods of finding missing things that have been proven by many people. Knowing how to find the missing thing in the house, you will spend much less time searching for it.

Enhanced search

You have lost the thing you need and now you are looking for it in every corner of the house. It can be especially difficult to find a lost little thing, searching for it leads to a big mess in the house. More often men use this method, even if they find the right thing, they lose something else, scattering everything around.

Waiting when there is a "loss"

If the thing is not really needed, you can wait until it is in sight. Often the wait is long, but the result is there, the thing is. Sometimes even faster than an enhanced search.

Choosing search tactics

If you cannot find any thing, choose the appropriate search tactics for yourself:

  • Remember where you could have put the item you were looking for, for this you need to imagine the path along which you passed before losing it. It is better to walk the path again, but do not walk in circles, being in a tense state. A lost thing cannot be found like that.
  • Check the contents of your bags and pockets. Take all the contents out of them slowly. Do not panic. Search everywhere. Don't dismiss any absurd ideas.
  • If you do not live alone, ask the people living nearby if they have seen the thing you are looking for. Their hint may be helpful.
  • If the missing thing is not urgently needed, forget about it, and soon it will surely catch your eye.
  • A very effective tactic for finding a missing item is a general cleaning. Performing it, you can find many items that you considered missing without a trace.

There are also folk ways to help find a missing thing in the house.

Popular folk ways

There are many folk ways helping to quickly find the lost thing.

  • In the old days, it was believed that things in the house were hidden by a brownie. Say during the search: "Grandpa brownie, played mine (you have to pronounce the name of the thing), and give it back." Clap your hands, and soon you will see your "lost". Psychologists say that this is due to concentration. And old people are sure that a brownie lives in the house, and he jokes with you like that. Some people turn to the devil: "Damn, the devil played with my keys, now give it back, otherwise I'll pull your wife by the tail." Works almost flawlessly.
  • Another popular way to find missing items. Try tying a handkerchief to a chair leg, and soon you should see you disappear. Psychologists have an explanation for this. They believe that by focusing just one second on another problem, the solution to the first one will immediately pop up in your head.
  • Try to use your intuition and imagination. Imagine that you have a ball of thread in your hand, the end of which is tied to a missing item. Mentally wind the thread around a ball and imagine that soon it will appear in your hands.
  • Some women turn to the "lost" and persuade her to show up.
  • If you are a believer, you can turn to special prayer to your heavenly patron.

If simple folk methods do not work, you need to turn to more complex - magic.

Magical methods of finding missing things

  • Seeing a pet spider, ask him to find the lost thing. During the request for the spider, you must blow quietly. Never offend spiders, because they keep a home
  • If you really need a thing, but long time is not found, you can tell fortunes on cards, beans, runes or other objects, they will give a hint where to find it.
  • Use the ancient recipe of magicians. This requires a small copper dish and bunches of dried herbs: motherwort, lavender, wormwood. Put them in a basin, drop a drop of alcohol and light them. Walk with a basin throughout the house, fumigating the room with smoke, at this time the missing thing must be mentally held in your hands.
  • Take any object as a pendulum, mentally ask him a question about the missing thing and walk with him around the house. Where the pendulum flutters, there you have to look for the missing thing.

If, after applying all the methods, the thing is not found, it is better to look for it outside the home. What methods of finding a missing item do you think you can trust? Do you know any effective ways? Write to us about them.

I just held a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, turned around, got distracted - there was no thing. Not in hand, not within sight. Has this ever happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle "If you put it further away, you will take it closer." I personally once "put it away" - more, in general, never saw a valuable ring. Let's see what can be done in such a situation:

1. The most common way. Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg. It is considered to be quite successful. You can also say something like "Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!"
2. A tried and tested omen - just turn the glass over, and the thing will be found.
3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (it's better to be alone, otherwise your family will decide it's time to call an ambulance), and clap your hands at the same time. I don't know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.
4. It happens that quick rituals and omens do not work, then we will begin to use more complex ones, we pass to "heavy artillery". If you don't have a dog in your house, at sunset, open the window on Thursday and, turning your face to the west, read the plot, while rhythmically clapping your hands “Devils brothers, come here, look for help. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of that, in the name of this and the other. Take your brains, get the thieves' thoughts. Take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".
5. Before going to bed, take a thread as long as you are, fold it in three, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, upon waking up, begin to untie the knots, then you will remember.
6. You can put the dried grass of motherwort, lavender and wormwood in a copper cup (if suddenly one happens to be in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the whole apartment with smoke, and the loss will be found.
7. Place a purple candle in the center to represent the missing item. In the side where the molten wax will flow down, and you need to look.
8. Imagine a missing item surrounded by a shiny, silver thread, one end of which is in your hands. Pull on her mentally, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will attract to ourselves, and the loss will be revealed.
9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although there is no reason to be afraid of them - domestic ones), find a spider, lightly blow on him and ask him to find the lost. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the keeper of the hearth.
10. Make the simplest pendulum and go around the whole apartment with it. Where the pendulum starts to rotate, take a closer look.

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven method remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, to wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from screws in the closet to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally found almost everything that I have lost over the past two years. This is probably the most efficient way of all, there is no need to call the brownie for help.

Comments (1)

I tie the headscarf over the table leg and say: "Damn, damn, play and give it back" - 3 times and the thing is located quickly. Oddly enough, in the place where the search was already carried out. I untie the scarf. If you don't find it, you won't find never (from my own experience). This method is used with success and my friends.

If something is missing, you can do this: Take a knife with your left hand, circle with this knife the place where the missing thing lay, and say forty times: A knife is in the heart of a thief, the loss is in place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. The loss is then quickly found.

And in our house they do another ritual to find the lost. They say, Grandfather, the housekeeper, play and give it back (this, that and that), and I'll give you a candy or a liver), put what you promised and the thing is quickly found). ..and the present lays there for a couple of three days, then the children find it and, as a rule, after asking us if it can be done, they eat it. This method was still suggested by my grandmother, in distant childhood

To find such a lost password "Find", I first turn to the subconscious and say that I want to find the lost thing, and then I repeat the password and imagine the thing. You can "Find" repeat with the password "Together". This password "Get" can still be used when a girl wants a man to give gifts or not be stingy, say: "I want to find the key that opens this person's wallet (we call the name and present it), and then repeat" Get. " - something useful.

"Devil devil played and give it back! And clap your hands three times." It always helps me. I even find a thing with a suspicion of being stolen.

I just held a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, turned around, got distracted - there was no thing. Not in hand, not within sight. Has this ever happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle "If you put it further away, you will take it closer." I personally once "put it away" - more, in general, never saw a valuable ring. Let's see what can be done in such a situation:

The ways

1. The most common way. Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg. It is considered to be quite successful. You can also say something like "Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!"

2. A tried and tested omen - just turn the glass over, and the thing will be found.

3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (it is better to be alone, otherwise the family will decide that it is time to call an ambulance), and at the same time clap your hands. I don't know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.

4. It happens that quick rituals and omens do not work, then we will begin to apply more complex ones, we turn to “heavy artillery”. If you don't have it in your house, at sunset, open the window and, turning your face to the west, read the plot, while rhythmically clapping your hands “Devils, brothers, come here, look for help. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of that, in the name of this and the other. Take your brains, get the thieves' thoughts. Take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".

5. Before going to bed, take a thread as long as you are, fold it in three, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, upon waking up, begin to untie the knots, then you will remember.

6. You can put the dried herb of motherwort, lavender and wormwood in a copper cup (if suddenly one happens to be in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the whole apartment with smoke, and the loss will be found.

7. Set the purple in the center, present the missing item. In the side where the molten wax will flow down, and you need to look.

8. Imagine a missing item surrounded by a shiny, silver thread, one end of which you have. Pull on her mentally, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will attract to ourselves, and the loss will be discovered.

9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although there is nothing to be afraid of at home), find a spider, lightly blow on him and ask him to find the lost. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the keeper of the hearth.

10. Make the simplest pendulum and go around the whole apartment with it. Where the pendulum starts to rotate, take a closer look.

If all else fails

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven method remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, to wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from screws in the closet to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally found almost everything that I have lost over the past two years. This is probably the most effective way of all, you don't even need to call the brownie for help.

A well-known proverb says: "What has fallen from the cart is lost." And if nothing fell? You just held a pen, phone, flash drive, watch in your hands. A couple of minutes passed - and the thing disappeared without a trace! How? Why? Who took your household item with them and disappeared in an unknown direction? Brownie? Little drum? You turn the whole house over, look under the sofas and armchairs, but you still don’t find the treasured thing. Do not despair! We will help you find a watch or brooch that disappeared without a trace.

10 ways to find what has fallen and is missing!
  1. Detective story. You don't remember where you put your loved ones wrist watch... Try to turn off emotions and completely trust your own logic. What did you do at the moment when you could not find a household item in its usual place. Maybe someone rang the doorbell and you were distracted by a conversation with a guest of your house? Check out the most unexpected places where the lost thing could be. Don't be surprised if you find a roll of toilet paper in the refrigerator and your phone in a laundry drawer. The most important thing in such a case is to completely restore the course of events. This will make it easier for you to understand where the "lost" may be.
  2. Subject arrangement. For example, you lost your scissors. Usually you keep this item you need for sewing along with threads, needles, pins. Remember the last time you used a pair of scissors? Maybe you helped the child make an applique for kindergarten? If so, you should check your little one's desk. There were no scissors there either? Continue to reconstruct the course of events. Maybe after you finished the applique, your husband took the household item. Ask your spouse where he could have put the scissors? It is likely that you will find the "lost" on the kitchen windowsill, in the bathroom, on the bedside table.
  3. Attention! Search! Finding a lost wallet or phone in an apartment is quite easy. The situation is much more complicated if we have lost a small object: an earring, a ring, a coin. In this case, you will have to act decisively. First, make sure that there are no strangers in the room where you allegedly lost the item. Ask the children to walk the dog or visit their grandparents during this time. Secondly, enlist the help of your husband, and carefully examine the floor centimeter by centimeter. Look under all the tables, beds, sofas, etc. You need to act quickly, because the cat can drag away the earring in order to play with it. Also, a child can find a minor loss, and then the consequences will be the most deplorable.
  4. Change of places of terms. Remember if you have come up with a new storage location for the "loss". Very often we shift a thing and forget about it, and then in vain we look for, for example, a hairdryer or a telephone on our usual shelf in the closet.
  5. Brownie. Many skeptical people will only grin after reading this paragraph of the article, but a brownie could have taken your loss. Try leaving a gingerbread or lollipop on a table or windowsill for the invisible host of your home. All offerings for the spirit should be placed in the eastern corner of the room.
Do not despair! With a little effort, your favorite watch will once again show off on your wrist, and your wallet will be safely stored in your bag!

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