Home Useful Tips We travel wisely. Do I need a visa to travel to India? Key travel destinations

We travel wisely. Do I need a visa to travel to India? Key travel destinations

Many European tourists think India is much safer than Russia. I agree with you that Goa is the most popular tourist destination in India and at the same time the safest. the main problem that you may encounter in India is not the level of crime or the human factor, but complete unsanitary conditions, the scorching sun and terrible quality drinking water... The sun in India is much harsher than in Russia, so protect your body as much as possible from sunlight and use good sunscreen. Drink only bottled water, or your vacation will end as quickly as it began. Among the dangerous infections that you can easily catch in India, it is worth highlighting cholera, malaria and hepatitis. Malaria is the result of a mosquito bite. The hotels use special means, which scare away insects, and in other places you need to be very careful. Indian roads are practically no different from ours, so do not be surprised at the holes, but in some places and complete off-road. If you are traveling with a rented car, then keep in mind that all roads in India are toll and this does not depend on the quality.

Most of the Indians are vegetarians, and this can be a serious problem for a Russian. But yesterday's food and they are not accepted, they cook everything fresh every day. The danger to tourists is not the quality of food, but the fact that a huge amount of spices are put into food, including hot pepper, and this is a great burden and danger for our organisms. In any institution, ask that you do not put a lot of peppers and spices in your food. To neutralize the spiciness, lime juice is often served with the dish. Everywhere you can find not only mountains of rubbish, but also free walking pets. Treat such a picture calmly, but with caution.

Medicine in India is paid and at a more or less acceptable level is located only in the capital and big cities... The rest of the medical facilities are more like field hospitals. Small private clinics are being set up for wealthy residents. If something happens to you, then even insurance will not help you get high-quality, qualified assistance.

India's police are corrupt. It is better to carry with you not the original passport, but its photocopy. This is considered normal in India. The original passport can be withdrawn from you, and returned only for a fee, without explaining the reason.

If you are interested in crime, then it is in India, as well as in any other country. Cases of theft and robbery are not uncommon here. Pickpockets can be found in crowded places. In order not to become a victim of a crime, do not carry a lot of money with you, do not wear jewelry, do not leave your things unattended anywhere. Violence and all sorts of harassment of women is not as common as it is reported. Girls shouldn't walk and travel alone - it's true. Clothes should be modest, no mini and provocative outfits.

And also: find yourself a normal local guide who will organize you a wonderful trip around the country. Professional guides are people who know where to go, what to see, and which places to bypass on the tenth road.

WHY NOT NECESSARY TO FILL IN INDIA ekspatru wrote in March 23rd, 2015

  1. India is not the country that everyone represents from Hollywood films and not those snow-white beaches that travel agents willingly draw in their booklets. Therefore, if you have never been here, then you will immediately be disappointed.

  2. Where there are beautiful landscapes, there is no beautiful work, where there is good job- there are no landscapes at all. Harsh Indian industrial awaits you!

  3. And if you think that you can be a yoga teacher or become enlightened in some heavenly place forgotten by God, then leave these delusional thoughts in the past. There are enough of those turned around, all the places are already taken and they often do not live the way you imagine. And there are a lot of stories about how our citizens came to cleanse their souls and minds, and then were left without money, housing, hungry and with an expired visa.

  4. Also, GOA is not India, and India is not GOA. GOA is a tourist place with a relaxed atmosphere, highs, a gray beach, rum and other gifts for the non-spoiled traveler. Due to the increase in the $ exchange rate, the outflow of tourists was global, there were the same number of people who wanted to make illegal money on visitors, which is why there were a lot of hungry people this season. And from April to November it rains there, almost every day, everything is closed, charters do not fly.

  5. Life in India is no longer worth a penny. Whatever you think that you can be chic here, no, some products and things will be more expensive than Russian ones. Bread 60 rubles, eggs from 48 rubles to 110 rubles for 6 pieces, crab sticks 150 rubles, fresh fish 500 rubles a piece, shrimps from 300 rubles kg, Lintd chocolate 350-550 rubles per bar, good packaged juice 150 rubles, 250 rubles a pack of Barilla pasta, Heinz mayonnaise 450 rubles can, etc. I think you get the idea.

  6. With good shopping here in general big problems... The assortment is the same everywhere, the maximum is that you can find something else in 4 Internet stores and then. Want a new TV or microwave? Be ready to shell out twice as much as in Moscow. Do you like new items of technology and electronics? Wait a month, another, a third, a year .... not all at once and faroooo not everything is there. Thinking to buy on the black market? It was not so, there is only what is officially supplied to India, no exceptions. Is it in the catalog? No? Bye. Therefore, bring everything from home, it is better to pay for the overweight than to find something that cannot be found.

  7. I don't know if you will ever be able to get used to the traffic situation at all, but I assure you that at first you will be driving in a taxi with your eyes closed. Even after this long time being here, every time I emotionally swear with them, signal and have a great desire to just blow off their mindless heads. Who does not believe, there are enough videos on YouTube showing the real situation.

  8. You will have to overcome the good desire to teach Indians the rules of etiquette, but what is really there, ordinary politeness. No, they will climb out of line, pretending that they do not notice you, step on your feet and accompany you with their empty eyes.

  9. If you can’t watch half of the people in the cafes around you eat with their hands appetizingly with half their brushes in their mouths, then you’ll have to cook at home. Is always.

  10. Oh yes. Another reason may be that the local cuisine is specific and 90% of expats living here do not visit any establishments, but eat only what they are used to in their homeland.

  11. Forget fancy clothes. It's +40 on the street, and you have to wear something decently, and what else would cover what you need. Do not forget that the level of rape is very high here and even local girls prefer not to walk one by one.

  12. If you think that you know English, then in India you will realize that you do not know it at all. For the first month I did not understand anything of what they were saying. Quickly, indistinctly, as if typing some kind of crap in your mouth. Calling an Indian on the phone can only be done through a speakerphone, having gained patience and with the hope that he will speak at least something articulate.

  13. Want some silence? Do not forget about their number - it is never quiet here! Is that from 3-4 nights and that's enough. My windows overlook the street, where after 30 meters there is a road and 23 hours a day in the room the noise of cars and constantly honking all and sundry.

  14. It's the same on the streets: noise and chaos. It is sometimes impossible to walk on foot, and I never do it. Dirt, stench, crowds of Indians, motorcyclists, rickshaws, cyclists, cows, dogs - it's impossible to mix.

  15. And yes, in the car, the air intake from the outside is closed forever.

  16. 90% of expats who, before India, were in at least some normal countries, consider life here a sheer moral hell. Listen to this.

  17. If you still want to go to India, but have not been here yet, then go for a reconnaissance. Otherwise, you can get into an awkward situation upon arrival with things and a sold apartment in Russia.

This post is written only for those who legally and seriously want the court to move to permanent residence. All those who dream of marrying an Indian after watching Bollywood films, or new friend invites to visit his homeland, those who are enlightened and dream of becoming even better - this post does not apply. These people, no offense, are another category with a biased view of reality. Here it may be better for some, until they really open their eyes and see where they are. Well, quarrel.

ps foreshadowing the questions of those who climbed into my LJ, blog, others social network and I saw beautiful photos from India - this is only because I am always trying to find at least something beautiful here, I can’t take shit and I try in every possible way to put rose-colored glasses on my camera. The real India is shown and told in this post.

pps If you do a good job, then this weekend you can afford this kind of rest. Nirvana, in comparison with the surrounding reality. Whatever you think out, the cost of rest per day is from $ 100 for breakfast.

Many people dream of going to India on their own, but not everyone knows how to make it happen. But you are lucky, you yourself will be able to visit this multifaceted country, see how Indians live, enjoy the beautiful landscapes, understand the national flavor a little, but you can relax here just fine.

Independent travel to India can be quite inexpensive compared to the offers of travel agencies, and this type of vacation will bring you many times more positive emotions and interesting acquaintances. In addition, “package tours” do not offer anything new, all their ideas have been crumbled to holes: lie on the beach, visit one or two attractions, go to the most expensive market. Rest "being your own boss" gives you much more freedom of action, this is a real adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime.

The territory of India is huge, each part of it differs in climatic conditions, infrastructure development, population density. An important fact is that in some states of the country access to foreigners is limited; in order to get there, you need to obtain additional permits. But even without these places there is where to go and what to see. For example, the most popular state with travelers and tourists, the best way suitable for rest of the "European" type, there is great amount entertainment, hotels, beaches; in Goa have long been accustomed to foreigners (after all, it is also former colony Portugal) and their demeanor and customs, here no one will pay special attention To short shorts and bikinis, unlike residents of other states, clothing that covers most of the body is held in high esteem. But in order to see the "real" India, with all its wealth and beauty, you just need to go to other states of the country. And now to the specifics of how to organize your own trip.


It is faster and more comfortable to get to India by plane. Of course, you can go by car or go by train, but this is for real daredevils who have a lot of free time and iron nerves. For those who have a short vacation, this is not at all suitable. Therefore, it is better to fly rather than go.

There are a lot of flights to India. Most of them depart from Moscow and St. Petersburg (for Russia), Kiev and Lvov (for Ukraine), Minsk (for Belarus), but there are flights to India from some large provincial cities, there are just not so many of them. Tickets to India start at € 300 (connecting flights, round trip), but as a rule, cheap flights involve a longer flight. If you want to get to your destination quickly, then fly on a direct flight, ticket prices start from 330 €.

It is most profitable to buy tickets to India on the website. This is a search engine that finds and compares tickets from different airlines and offers to buy the most profitable ones. Thanks to him, you will save a huge amount of time, and money too. It will take just a few minutes to acquire the coveted ticket.

Calendar low prices for air tickets

Check flight prices:


Hotels in India usually do not differ in luxury, although there are exceptions. To find a hotel that suits you, you need to search for it on. Thanks to the advanced search with many criteria, you will quickly and easily find the option you need. Each hotel has a description, a list of what is in the room, and most importantly, there are truthful reviews written by tourists and travelers who have already lived in this place. This service saved a lot of money and nerves, because all of the accommodations I booked through Roomguru were quality and lived up to the description.

If you have questions regarding the booking process itself, then read on, thanks to which you can book your own accommodation in any country in the world, including India.

There is still an opportunity to rent an apartment or a house, but this is not for everybody's business. There are both pros and cons to this way of living in foreign country and the cons for most travelers will outweigh the pros. But if you are still not afraid of the difficulties that often arise if you rent a house from a private owner in another country, then you can read it, which says what renting a house abroad is.

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The documents

To travel to India, you will need a visa and a passport, it is desirable (but not necessary) to apply for it, it can save you several tens of thousands of dollars in case of health problems. If you go to India without insurance, and something happens on the spot, you will have to pay exorbitant prices for the treatment, so it’s better to buy insurance yourself, besides, it’s quite inexpensive.

You can apply for a visa both at the Indian Visa Application Center (there are such in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok), and via the Internet. Usually, the processing time for an application is 4 days. You will have to pay $ 60 for a visa.

Here is a list of documents required to obtain a visa:

  • Passport valid for more than 6 months at the time of applying for a visa
  • A completed application form
  • Confirmation of hotel reservation
  • Copy of round-trip air tickets
  • Copy of internal passport

You can find up-to-date information on the website of the Embassy of India.


There are a lot of attractions in India. Let's not forget that this is a huge country with a rich history. In order to draw up a route for visiting attractions, you must first decide in which part of India you are going to rest. You will always find where to go and what to see. I will list only the most popular places among travelers:

  • Taj Mahal
  • Bollywood
  • Fort Aguada
  • Mahabodhi temple
  • Stupa in Sanchi
  • Delhi National Museum
  • Humpy
  • Qutub Minar
  • Dudhsagar

Get to attractions in different parts countries conveniently by car. A trip from one part of India to another will take several days, but there will be a huge amount of impressions. You can rent a car at.

If the travel budget allows, then you can use the services of domestic air carriers. The cheapest option would be to fly somewhere on a low-cost airline, of which there are quite a few in India.

Travel cost

An independent vacation in India can cost both € 700 and € 70,000. It all depends on you, as you wish, it will be so. This is what makes traveling "his own master" so good, you decide what is better to spend your money on, where to fly and what to do. Let me give you an example of spending on an average vacation for two people (10 days, departure from Moscow, Goa resort):

  • Round-trip flights = 900 €
  • Accommodation at the hotel 3 * = 500 €
  • Food = 200 €
  • Transport = 50 €
  • Attractions = 50 €
  • Purchases = 250 €
  • Visa = 60 €
  • Insurance = 20 €

Total price: 1980 €. You can relax in India and much cheaper. And someone prefers not to deny himself anything and spends many times more. If you want to visit India for little money, then read the guide, which says how to travel around the world cheaply, these tips and tricks also apply to India. A budget vacation is a reality.

How to save money on travel

How to have an inexpensive vacation on your own in India and not lose money in comfort - that's what this section is about. Knowing some of the features of a savage budget vacation, you can significantly reduce your costs.

You have learned how to relax in India on your own. Put this knowledge into practice, book a hotel and purchase tickets right now. Best wishes to you!

India is one of the most underrated regions for emigration. A huge country of contrasts with a billion people can show migrants both the magnificent beaches of Goa and cultural monuments, as well as the slums nearby. major cities... At the same time, even a few tourist trips can not always help to form the correct impression - too much is hidden "behind the screen", far from the standard routes.

The country is located in the SEA region ( Southeast Asia), almost entirely located on the Indian subcontinent and washed by the Indian Ocean.

Huge territory of 3.28 million square kilometers(the seventh largest country in the world) is located in the tropical zone, which divides the year into three seasons:

  1. Cool and dry with a northeasterly wind (November to February);
  2. Dry transition period lasting three months from March;
  3. The hot and humid season runs from June to October.

V summer period the country is turning into an "oven", so it is not recommended to visit it in the third season. Most favorable time for the first visit, mid-April and New Years.

Goa, India

The level of industry and infrastructure varies greatly from region to region. It is important to realize right away - in Goa, Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai it will be very difficult to find a job, while industrial areas will not be able to boast beautiful views and cleanliness. Migration to Goa will be a good option in case of remote work, business or other source of income not related to the place of residence.

India is an agricultural country, the sector employs more than half of the population, which provides about 20% of GDP. Food problems in the country have lasted throughout its history, so today, food self-sufficiency is still a key goal of every government in India.

The main crops are wheat, rice, corn. For sale abroad are grown:

  • Coffee;
  • Sugarcane;
  • Tobacco;
  • Cotton;
  • Rape.

A significant income is brought by spices - a third of all world production is located in Hindustan. Animal husbandry is poorly developed due to cultural characteristics: the cow is sacred for the Hindus, while the pig is considered an unclean animal for most of the country's population. Cattle are used, as they have been for millennia, for the transport of goods.

Living standards range from dire poverty to cardboard houses to magnificent palaces, while both worlds can be separated from each other by a wooden fence. The average price for essential products is even higher than in Russia, which is why there are many beggars living in the country.

The labor market is very overloaded, especially for migrants - due to government regulations, only locals are hired for low-paid jobs, and the number of vacancies for foreigners at labor exchanges is close to zero. For qualified foreign employees by invitation, things are a little easier, although here, too, the quota is 1% of the number of Indian employees.

Immigration to India

Active migration is slowed down by the Hindu government - if it is incredibly easy to obtain a visa for long-term residence in the country, then the next step of obtaining citizenship will be much more difficult. Such a policy towards migrants is associated with overpopulation of the country - official statistics claims that there are 1.2 billion people in India as of 2019.

Indians have no problem with cheap labor force or mid-level specialists, they need investments and high-class professionals. Bureaucracy only creates additional complications.

Many people who have moved for the first time live on the so-called "religious" visa. Indian law is much more tolerant of those who come to the country to study religious practices or profess one of the many faiths.

To see the sights of one of ancient countries peace, it is enough to obtain a temporary two-month visa, which is activated upon entry into the country.

Those who want to leave for the winter in Goa and other warm places can apply for a tourist visa for six months.

In general, migrants should understand that they are going to an overpopulated country with rather low average earnings per person. Expatriates to India are only accepted with open arms if they have unique skills or a good bank account.

How to move to India for permanent residence from Russia

So, after several visits to India, an enthusiastic tourist realizes that this is his country, and he is ready to meet old age in it. Where to begin?

You should start with obtaining a residence permit. Indian residence permit is of two types:

  1. Temporary;
  2. Constant.

A residence permit is a transitional option between a tourist visa and citizenship. Temporary is valid for up to a year, permanent - indefinite with confirmation every five years.

To obtain a residence permit, you will need the following set of documents:

  • International passport (+ copy of each page);
  • Four color photos of a standard sample;
  • Certificate of absence of an outstanding criminal record in the previous country;
  • Valid Visa to India;
  • A rental agreement or a document confirming the ownership of a living space;
  • Account statement with at least $ 2,500. The bank must be a resident of India. In the case of family emigration, each member must have an additional amount of $ 1200;
  • Description of the purposes and intentions of living in India.

You can get a residence permit and citizenship in a simplified way by fulfilling one or more of the requirements:

  1. Own business providing local people with jobs... The possibility of organizing such a business will be carefully considered by Indian officials; a business plan will need to be coordinated with the representative office of the Indian Ministry of Economy. When successful implementation The residence permit plan will be extended to an indefinite one or converted to citizenship with minimal red tape.
  2. Investments. As in almost any country, large investments can become a stepping stone to obtaining a residence permit and citizenship. In India, you will need to invest an amount of one and a half million dollars for a period of at least five years.
  3. Marriage to a citizen of the country. A relatively quick and easy way, if you do not take into account the cultural characteristics of the Indians. Men reproductive age there are fewer women than women in the country, and problems of compatibility with caste and social status make marriage a non-trivial task. You will have to live in marriage for at least three years: in the first year, a foreigner will receive the status of a temporary resident, two more years before obtaining citizenship will have to be content with a residence permit. The Indian authorities have a very bad attitude towards fictitious marriages, so it is not worth resorting to this method.
  4. Official work. For specialists high level most of the questions are taken over by the host. In this case, the migrant must have a contract with the working conditions and the duration of the agreement. The disadvantage of this option is the inability to change jobs without losing a visa until the migrant receives a full-fledged residence permit.
  5. Foreign training. If the desire to stay in India appeared from a young age, it is enough in a simple way to obtain citizenship will be training in one of the accredited universities. The student automatically receives a residence permit based on a certificate from the university about passing exams and the absence of absenteeism. If a specialist stays in India after training and gets a job, all the time spent at the university is counted in the period of permanent residence.
  6. Moving to the family. It is possible to emigrate to close relatives - for example, parents who left earlier. In this case, the relatives must have a confirmed citizenship for a period of more than five years, they must give guarantees for material and moral support for the repatriates.

In other cases, full citizenship can be counted on only after ten years of residence. Dual citizenship is impossible according to Indian laws, so the Russian will have to be abandoned.

To obtain Indian citizenship you should:

  • Be "clean" before law enforcement;
  • Have a steady source of income;
  • Use official languages countries - English and Hindi;
  • Know the culture and customs of India.

The decision itself will take a very long time - the Indian bureaucracy and corruption at the lower levels reaches unimaginable proportions. You should be patient and persistently deal with the issue, not letting it drift.

Life of Russians in India after the move

Let's start with the good news - there is a relatively large Russian diaspora in India. The country is home to both the “first wave” of descendants of migrants in 1917, who fled the chaos of the civil wave, and modern migrants who moved to India because of the relative cheapness of life and globalization.

In India, I was amazed by the attitude towards family, friends, neighbors. In addition to huge family trees up to four cousins, Hindus usually have a lot of friends and acquaintances. And if something happens, the whole street will come to the rescue. An incredible feeling.

Ivan, four years in Indian residence permit.

Modern "new Hindus" most often live in the status of delayed tourists or with a residence permit, not intending to acquire full-fledged citizenship. The country is most popular with people with remote work or regular income - prices outside the tourist areas are strikingly low, and most of the population survives on between 50 cents and two dollars a day.

Things are cheap. Too cheap, I mean. At first it was even a shame to give for manual labor the person opposite is such a penny.

Svetlana, tourist, third visit to the country.

The middle class is quite saturated - about 200 million people, but compared to the rest of the population, this is practically a drop in the bucket. It is worth living either in large resort towns or on the coast: although prices are higher there, it will be much easier to meet a compatriot and find a relatively high-paying job.

After moving, the first couple of months I was just in shock. There are no normal shops, no roads, and only a couple of good buildings for the whole "city"! Over time, you get used to it, but beginners should know - outside of big cities and resorts, everything looks different than on travel brochures.

Alena is a citizen of India.

A significant part of the Russians who decided to move to the country either studied at a local university or married a local resident. Exists international programs training based on the ITEC cooperation program. Russians can often be found on the staff of transcontinental companies and large corporations.

I heard a lot from friends about poverty, poverty, garbage ... well, and many more terrible words. I don’t know, maybe in the suburbs it’s true. But I myself have not seen anything like it, although I have been living in Delhi for the fifth year. There are cultural differences, laziness, unbearable summer heat and a lot of other things, but the country as a whole is great. Not once in three years did I regret accepting an invitation to work.

Sergey, database architect.


Having overcome a number of bureaucratic, cultural and social barriers, many migrants look around and instead of the golden beaches of Goa see poverty and devastation. central regions country. India cannot be called an ideal or even a good country to live in - the gaps in society are too great, the caste past puts pressure on the Hindus too much today.

Before choosing India as a place for permanent residence, you should weigh all the possible pros and cons. At the same time, it is imperative to have a stable third-party income or unique skills - without this it will be incredibly difficult to survive in a country that is already overcrowded.

You have long dreamed of going to India, a land of dreams, fairy tales and legends. You are not scared scary stories others that it is dirty, there are many poor and one can get very sick. Then this enchanting country is waiting for you! Of course, it requires special attention and preparation; it has its own laws, culture and traditions, which must be observed. This land can be endowed with a variety of epithets, but no matter what dreams and desires lead you there, a few tips will never hurt.

1. Choose the best time to travel to India

India is beautiful at any time of the year. It is generally accepted that the most the right time for rest, this is the period from October to March. However, if you choose high-altitude regions of the country, then the summer months are also great.

2. Advance purchase of tickets

If you have not yet had time to purchase the cherished pieces of paper, then this can be done without leaving your own sofa. Today, many sites specialize in finding the most advantageous offers all airlines at once. In addition, you can independently determine convenient departure dates and find tickets with a large discount. Moreover, air carriers regularly arrange various promotions and discounts. It is also worth taking care of housing in advance. in advance, and your vacation will not be overshadowed by anything.

3. Vaccinations against diseases

Do not panic, you can do just fine without vaccinations, observing simple rules hygiene. Remember to wash your hands, fruits and vegetables. You should not immediately eat what you bought from street vendors if the product has not been cooked. Also, do not drink tap water or other sources, it is better to buy it in bottles. To get used to the local food a little, you can first dine in restaurants of European cuisine.

4. Travel India on your own

Once you get the hang of it, you can safely leave the crowds of tourists and go on a solo voyage. India is a country that abhors templates and cliches. She is ready to open to everyone something of her own, personal, unknown to anyone.

5. The aroma of India is unique!

No matter how you prepare yourself for smells, at first they will follow you everywhere. The smell of garbage dumps is closely intertwined with the aromas of spices and incense, forcing you to constantly wrinkle your nose. No need to worry, very soon you will learn not to notice the stench and can only feel the fragrance of flowers and aromatic resins.

6. Incredible number of people

India is home to a billion people, with constant pandemonium dazzling and dizzy. In such an environment, you get tired very quickly, so change your place of stay more often, go to countryside, in the mountains or forest.

7. Communication and language

Don't worry about not knowing Hindi, here English everyone knows. If you have difficulties with this language, then sign language will help you. Most importantly, smile and be polite and the Indians will always help.

8. Photo for memory

There is a belief among Indians that a photo with a European brings good luck. Feel free to take pictures with local residents when they ask you to.

9. Indian bazaars

Do you want to feel all the flavor of this country and its inhabitants? Then the famous Indian bazaars are what you need. Delhi's Chandni Chowk market is ideal, but small bazaars are also not inferior in their colorfulness and originality. Here you have to bargain, as a rule, prices are already overstated by almost 10 times! Try not to leave all your money there on the first day, believe me, this is quite possible.

10. Be careful with beggars and beggars

Often, they come together, as soon as you donate to one, a whole pack of beggars will immediately surround you.

11. Don't forget, there are a lot of monkeys in India.

There are a lot of them here, even temples are being built for them, but you should not relax if you do not want to lose your things. There are Indians who specially train monkeys to steal expensive equipment from tourists. Always be on your guard!

12. Capture beauty

India is permeated through and through with mystery, beauty and amazing things. At every step, you can safely press the button of the camera, you will not go wrong with the frame. The main thing is to be patient for the subsequent analysis of your photos.

13. Forget the travel guide

No standard route can replace yours. own desires and observations.

14. Don't try to see all of India in one day.

In an effort to gallop all over India in a few days, see and taste everything, you would rather take a bite of everything, but never get the taste. The country is incredible and you won't be able to go around it even in a couple of months. Explore all the most interesting places, make your route, or better, forget all the schemes and just trust your feelings and desires.

Do not trust anyone's stories, advice and feelings. Let India show itself from all sides and then you can draw your own conclusions!

And may your trip to India be wonderful with!

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